BOARD_ITEM* PCB_BASE_FRAME::PcbGeneralLocateAndDisplay( int aHotKeyCode )
    BOARD_ITEM* item;

    GENERAL_COLLECTORS_GUIDE guide = GetCollectorsGuide();

    // Assign to scanList the proper item types desired based on tool type
    // or hotkey that is in play.

    const KICAD_T* scanList = NULL;

    if( aHotKeyCode )
        // @todo: add switch here and add calls to PcbGeneralLocateAndDisplay( int aHotKeyCode )
        // when searching is needed from a hotkey handler
    else if( GetToolId() == ID_NO_TOOL_SELECTED )
        if( m_mainToolBar->GetToolToggled( ID_TOOLBARH_PCB_MODE_MODULE ) )
            scanList = GENERAL_COLLECTOR::ModuleItems;
            scanList = (DisplayOpt.DisplayZonesMode == 0) ?
                       GENERAL_COLLECTOR::AllBoardItems :
        switch( GetToolId() )
            scanList = GENERAL_COLLECTOR::PadsOrModules;

        case ID_TRACK_BUTT:
            scanList = GENERAL_COLLECTOR::Tracks;

        case ID_PCB_MODULE_BUTT:
            scanList = GENERAL_COLLECTOR::ModuleItems;

        case ID_PCB_ZONES_BUTT:
            scanList = GENERAL_COLLECTOR::Zones;

            scanList = DisplayOpt.DisplayZonesMode == 0 ?
                       GENERAL_COLLECTOR::AllBoardItems :

    m_Collector->Collect( m_Pcb, scanList, RefPos( true ), guide );

#if 0
    // debugging: print out the collected items, showing their priority order too.
    for( int i = 0; i<m_Collector->GetCount();  ++i )
        (*m_Collector)[i]->Show( 0, std::cout );

    /* Remove redundancies: sometime, legacy zones are found twice,
     * because zones can be filled by overlapping segments (this is a fill option)
     * Trigger the selection of the current edge for new-style zones
    time_t timestampzone = 0;

    for( int ii = 0;  ii < m_Collector->GetCount(); ii++ )
        item = (*m_Collector)[ii];

        switch( item->Type() )
        case PCB_ZONE_T:
            // Found a TYPE ZONE
            if( item->GetTimeStamp() == timestampzone )    // Remove it, redundant, zone already found
                m_Collector->Remove( ii );
                timestampzone = item->GetTimeStamp();

        case PCB_ZONE_AREA_T:
                /* We need to do the selection now because the menu text
                 * depends on it */
                ZONE_CONTAINER *zone = static_cast<ZONE_CONTAINER*>( item );
                zone->SetSelectedCorner( RefPos( true ) );


    if( m_Collector->GetCount() <= 1 )
        item = (*m_Collector)[0];
        SetCurItem( item );

    // If the count is 2, and first item is a pad or module text, and the 2nd item is its
    // parent module:
    else if( m_Collector->GetCount() == 2
             && ( (*m_Collector)[0]->Type() == PCB_PAD_T || (*m_Collector)[0]->Type() ==
                 PCB_MODULE_TEXT_T )
             && (*m_Collector)[1]->Type() == PCB_MODULE_T && (*m_Collector)[0]->GetParent()==
             (*m_Collector)[1] )
        item = (*m_Collector)[0];
        SetCurItem( item );
    // if all are modules, find the smallest one among the primary choices
    else if( ( item = AllAreModulesAndReturnSmallestIfSo( m_Collector ) ) != NULL )
        SetCurItem( item );

    else    // we can't figure out which item user wants, do popup menu so user can choose
        wxMenu itemMenu;

        // Give a title to the selection menu. This is also a cancel menu item
        wxMenuItem * item_title = new wxMenuItem( &itemMenu, -1, _( "Selection Clarification" ) );

#ifdef __WINDOWS__
        wxFont bold_font( *wxNORMAL_FONT );
        bold_font.SetWeight( wxFONTWEIGHT_BOLD );
        bold_font.SetStyle( wxFONTSTYLE_ITALIC );
        item_title->SetFont( bold_font );

        itemMenu.Append( item_title );

        int limit = std::min( MAX_ITEMS_IN_PICKER, m_Collector->GetCount() );

        for( int i = 0;  i<limit;  ++i )
            wxString    text;
            item = (*m_Collector)[i];

            text = item->GetSelectMenuText();

            BITMAP_DEF xpm = item->GetMenuImage();

            AddMenuItem( &itemMenu, ID_POPUP_PCB_ITEM_SELECTION_START + i, text, KiBitmap( xpm ) );

        /* @todo: rather than assignment to true, these should be increment and decrement
         * operators throughout _everywhere_.
         *  That way we can handle nesting.
         *  But I tried that and found there cases where the assignment to true (converted to
         * a m_IgnoreMouseEvents++ )
         *  was not balanced with the -- (now m_IgnoreMouseEvents=false), so I had to revert.
         *  Somebody should track down these and make them balanced.
         *  m_canvas->SetIgnoreMouseEvents( true );

        // this menu's handler is void PCB_BASE_FRAME::ProcessItemSelection()
        // and it calls SetCurItem() which in turn calls DisplayInfo() on the item.
        m_canvas->SetAbortRequest( true );   // changed in false if an item is selected
        PopupMenu( &itemMenu );


        // The function ProcessItemSelection() has set the current item, return it.
        if( m_canvas->GetAbortRequest() )     // Nothing selected
            item = NULL;
            item = GetCurItem();

    return item;