// respond to partner's negative double
BOOL CNegativeDoublesConvention::RespondToConvention(const CPlayer& player, 
													 const CConventionSet& conventions, 
													 CHandHoldings& hand, 
													 CCardLocation& cardLocation, 
													 CGuessedHandHoldings** ppGuessedHands,
													 CBidEngine& bidState,  
													 CPlayerStatusDialog& status)
	// first see if another convention is active
	if ((bidState.GetActiveConvention() != NULL) &&
					(bidState.GetActiveConvention() != this))
		return FALSE;

	// Bidding in response to partner's negative bid? check requirements
	// the identifying marks of a negative double are:
	// 1: this must be round #1 or 2
	// 2: we must have opened bidding, and 
	// 3: LHO must have bid over our initial bid, up to 2S

	int nBid;
	int nPartnersBid = bidState.nPartnersBid;
	int nMajorSuits[2] = { 1, 1 };
	if (bidState.nPreviousSuit == HEARTS)
		nMajorSuits[0] = 0;
	else if (bidState.nPreviousSuit == SPADES)
		nMajorSuits[1] = 0;
	if (bidState.nLHOSuit == HEARTS)
		nMajorSuits[0] = 0;
	else if (bidState.nLHOSuit == SPADES)
		nMajorSuits[1] = 0;

	// apply tests #1, 2, and 3
	if ( (nPartnersBid == BID_DOUBLE) &&
		 ((bidState.nRound == 0) || (bidState.nRound == 1)) && 
		 (bidState.m_bOpenedBiddingForTeam) && 
		 (bidState.nLHOBid > BID_PASS) && (bidState.nLHOBid <= BID_2S)
		 // NCR-195 bid must be suit
		 && ISSUIT(BID_SUIT(bidState.nLHOBid))
		status << "NEGDR2! Partner has bid a negative double, indicating 4+ cards in the unbid majors " &
				  ((nMajorSuits[0] && nMajorSuits[1])? "(Hearts and Spades)" :
					nMajorSuits[0]? "(Hearts)" : "(Spades)") & ".\n";
		return FALSE;

	// estimate partner's strength
	if (bidState.nLHOBidLevel == 1)
		// 6-9 pts for a neg dbl the 1-level  (NCR TryConvention uses 19 max???)
		bidState.m_fPartnersMin = OPEN_PTS(6);
		bidState.m_fPartnersMax = Min(OPEN_PTS(19),40 - bidState.fCardPts); // NCR changed 9 to 19
		bidState.m_fMinTPPoints = bidState.fPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMin;
		bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints = bidState.fPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMax;
		bidState.m_fMinTPCPoints = bidState.fCardPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMin;
		bidState.m_fMaxTPCPoints = bidState.fCardPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMax;
		status << "2NEGDR8! Partner's negative double indicates " &  
				  bidState.m_fPartnersMin & "-" & bidState.m_fPartnersMax &
				  " points, for a total in the partnership of " &
				  bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints & 
				  " points.\n";
		// 11-18 pts for a neg double at the 2 level
		bidState.m_fPartnersMin = OPEN_PTS(11);
		bidState.m_fPartnersMax = Min(OPEN_PTS(18),40 - bidState.fCardPts);
		bidState.m_fMinTPPoints = bidState.fPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMin;
		bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints = bidState.fPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMax;
		bidState.m_fMinTPCPoints = bidState.fCardPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMin;
		bidState.m_fMaxTPCPoints = bidState.fCardPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMax;
		status << "2NEGDRT8! Partner's negative double indicates 11+ pts, for a total in the partnership of " &
				  bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints & 
				  " points.\n";

	// and respond to the bid
	int nSuit;
	double fCardPts = bidState.fCardPts;
	double fPts = bidState.fPts;
	int nLHOBid = bidState.nLHOBid;
	int nRHOBid = bidState.nRHOBid;

	// with support for one or the other major, raise
	// but discount the majors already bid by us or LHO
	int numHearts = hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(HEARTS);
	int numSpades = hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(SPADES);

	// gotta beat RHO's bid if possible
	int nTopBid = nLHOBid;
	if ((nRHOBid > BID_PASS) && (nRHOBid != BID_REDOUBLE))
		nTopBid = nRHOBid;
	// see if the majors are available
	if ( (nMajorSuits[0] && nMajorSuits[1]) &&
		 ((numHearts >= 3) || (numSpades >= 3)) )
		// both majors are available, so pick the better one
		int nSuit = bidState.PickSuperiorSuit(HEARTS,SPADES);
		nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(nSuit, nTopBid);
		// see if the bid is affordable
		if (bidState.IsBidSafe(nBid))
			status << "NEGDTR20! With " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & " pts in the partnership and " &
				      " both majors available in response to the negative double, go with the " &
					  hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(nSuit) & "-card " & STSS(nSuit) & " suit and bid " & 
					  BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
			status << "NEGDTR21! We have both majors avaialblem but with " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & 
					  " pts in the partnership, we do not have enough points to bid either suit and have to pass.\n";
		bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
		return TRUE;
	else if ( ((nMajorSuits[0]) && (numHearts >= 3)) ||
			  ((nMajorSuits[1]) && (numSpades >= 3)) )
		// bid the suit
		if ((nMajorSuits[0]) && (numHearts >= 3))
			nSuit = HEARTS;
			nSuit = SPADES;
		nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(nSuit, nTopBid);
		// see if the bid is affordable
		double fAdj = bidState.fAdjPts; // NCR-717 theApp.GetBiddingAgressiveness()*1.5; // NCR change test amt?
		if (bidState.IsBidSafe(nBid, fAdj)) // NCR adjust???
			status << "NEGDTR30! With " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & " pts in the partnership and " &
				      hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(nSuit) & " cards available in " &
					  STS(nSuit) &", bid " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
			status << "NEGDTR31! We have " & hand.GetNumCardsInSuit(nSuit) & " cards in the " & 
					  STSS(nSuit) & " suit, but with only " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & 
					  " pts in the partnership, we can't go any higher.\n";
		bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
		return TRUE;

	// we have no majors available, so bid NT if possible
	if (bidState.BidNoTrumpAsAppropriate(FALSE))
		bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
		return TRUE;

	// else bid something, anything
	nSuit = bidState.GetRebidSuit(bidState.nPreviousSuit);
	if(nSuit == NONE) { //NCR test for no rebidable suit return
		nBid = BID_1NT;  // NCR Hardcoded ??? vs get cheapest
		nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(nSuit, nTopBid);
	// NCR-415 Test if safe bid
	if (!bidState.IsBidSafe(nBid, bidState.fDistPts)  // NCR-592 set adj to dist pts
		&& (bidState.nRHOBid > BID_PASS) ) // NCR-637 Only if RHO bid
		nBid = BID_PASS;
		status << "NEGDTR36! With a total of " & bidState.m_fMinTPPoints & "-" & bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints
				  & " pts in the partnership, we cannot safely bid further, so pass.\n";
	}  // end NCR-415
		if (!ISMAJOR(nSuit))
			status << "NEGDTR40! Unfortunately we don't have a major to respond with, so bid " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
			status << "NEGDTR41! Our best response is " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
	bidState.SetConventionStatus(this, CONV_FINISHED);
	return TRUE;
// Rebidding as opener after a strong 2-level opening
BOOL CStrongTwoBidsConvention::HandleConventionResponse(const CPlayer& player, 
												        const CConventionSet& conventions, 
												        CHandHoldings& hand, 
												        CCardLocation& cardLocation, 
													    CGuessedHandHoldings** ppGuessedHands,
												        CBidEngine& bidState,  
												        CPlayerStatusDialog& status)
	if (bidState.GetConventionStatus(this) != CONV_INVOKED)
		return FALSE;

	// estimate partner's strength
	int nBid;
	double fPts = bidState.fPts;
	double fAdjPts = bidState.fAdjPts;
	double fCardPts = bidState.fCardPts;
	int nPrefSuit = bidState.nPrefSuit;
	int nPrefSuitStrength = bidState.nPrefSuitStrength;
	int nPreviousSuit = bidState.nPreviousSuit;
	int nPartnersBid = bidState.nPartnersBid;
	int nPartnersBidLevel = bidState.nPartnersBidLevel;
	int nPartnersSuit = bidState.nPartnersSuit;
	int nPartnersSuitSupport = bidState.nPartnersSuitSupport;
	int numSupportCards = bidState.numSupportCards;
	BOOL bBalanced = bidState.bBalanced;

	// did we get a negative response from partner?
	if (nPartnersBid == BID_2NT) 
		status << "2S2Rb0! After our strong " & bidState.szPVB & 
			" opening bid, partner's 2NT bid is a negative response, denying slam values (less than 1 Quick Trick).\n";

		// estimate points -- 0 to 6 for now
		bidState.m_fPartnersMin = 0;
		bidState.m_fPartnersMax = 6;
		bidState.m_fMinTPPoints = fAdjPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMin;
		bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints = fAdjPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMax;
		bidState.m_fMinTPCPoints = fCardPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMin;
		bidState.m_fMaxTPCPoints = fCardPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMax;

		// after a negative response, bid 3NT if balanced
		// with 26+ HCPs
		if ((bBalanced) && (bidState.m_fMinTPCPoints >= PTS_NT_GAME)) 
			nBid = BID_3NT;
			status << "S2RB1! With a balanced distribution and " &
					  fCardPts & " HCPs in hand, rebid " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
		// else show a second preferred suit if available
		if (bidState.numPreferredSuits > 0) 
			int nSuit = bidState.GetRebidSuit(nPreviousSuit);
			nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(nSuit);
			status << "S2RB4! With a good second suit in " &
					  STS(nSuit) & ", show it in a rebid of " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
		// otherwise rebid our original suit (if not 2C)
		if (bidState.nPreviousBid == BID_2C) 
			nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(nPrefSuit);
			status << "S2RB6! With no other good suits, go ahead and bid our " &
					  bidState.szPrefS & " suit at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
			nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(nPreviousSuit);
			status << "B3E32! With no other good suits, go ahead and rebid our " &
					  bidState.szPVSS & " suit at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
		return TRUE;
	// otherwise, got a positive response, and partner has shown 
	// his long suit -- so either raise partner's suit, bid NT, or
	// rebid our own suit
	status << "2S2Rb20! After our strong " & bidState.szPVB &
			  " opening bid, partner's " & bidState.szPB & 
			  " bid was a positive response, indicating 1+ Quick Tricks.\n";

	// estimate points -- 3+ pts for now
	bidState.m_fPartnersMin = 3;
	bidState.m_fPartnersMax = MIN(22, 40 - fCardPts);
	bidState.m_fMinTPPoints = fAdjPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMin;
	bidState.m_fMaxTPPoints = fAdjPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMax;
	bidState.m_fMinTPCPoints = fCardPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMin;
	bidState.m_fMaxTPCPoints = fCardPts + bidState.m_fPartnersMax;

	// bid No Trump if balanced
	if (bBalanced) 
		nBid = BID_3NT;
		status << "With a balanced hand, bid game at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
	// see if there's a suit agreement from a strong 2 bid
	if ((nPreviousSuit == nPartnersSuit) && (bidState.nLastBid != BID_2C)) 
		// try for a slam; use Blackwood
		status << "S2RB24! Partner's encouraging raise to " & bidState.szPB & 
				  " indicates 1+ Quick Tricks and slam possibilities.\n";
		return TRUE;
	// raise partner's suit if possible
	if (nPartnersSuitSupport >= SS_GOOD_SUPPORT) 
		// double raise partner if major, or go directly to Blackwood
		// if minor (double raise from 3C or 3D would exceed 4NT
		if (ISMAJOR(nPartnersSuit))
			bidState.m_nAgreedSuit = nPartnersSuit;
			nBid = MAKEBID(nPartnersSuit,nPartnersBidLevel+2);
			status << "S2RB28! With " & bidState.SLTS(nPartnersSuit) & 
					  " support for partner's " & bidState.szPS & 
					  " (holding " & bidState.szHP & 
					  "), go ahead and jump raise to " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
			status << "S2RB32! We have " & bidState.SLTS(nPartnersSuit) & 
					  " support for partner's " & bidState.szPS & 
					  " (holding " & bidState.szHP & 
			return TRUE;

	// else show a second preferred suit if available
	if (bidState.numPreferredSuits > 1) 
		int nSuit = bidState.GetRebidSuit(nPreviousSuit);
		nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(nSuit);
		status << "S2RB36! But we don't like partner's " & bidState.szPSS & 
				  " suit (holding " & bidState.szHP & 
				  "), and we hold a good second suit in " & STS(nSuit) & 
				  ", so show it in a rebid of " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
	// otherwise rebid our original suit (if not 2C)
	if (bidState.nPreviousBid == BID_2C) 
		nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(nPrefSuit);
		status << "S2RB44! But we don't like partner's " &
				  bidState.szPSS & " suit (holding " & bidState.szHP & 
				  "), so bid our own " & bidState.szPrefS & 
				  " suit at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
		nBid = bidState.GetCheapestShiftBid(nPreviousSuit);
		status << "S2RB50! But we don't like partner's " &
				  bidState.szPSS & " suit (holding " & bidState.szHP & 
				  "), so rebid our own " & bidState.szPVSS & 
				  " suit at " & BTS(nBid) & ".\n";
	return TRUE;