Beispiel #1
LRESULT CFoldView::DoneFolding(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
	CDialog* finished;
	//CMainFrame* frame = (CMainFrame*) Parent;

	if (m_save) delete foldobject.savefile;

	if (!subfold) {
		//offer to display the predicted structures if this is not subfolding
		finished = new CDialog(IDD_FINISHED,this);

		if(finished->DoModal()==IDOK) ((CRNAstructureApp*) GetFoldDocument()->pMainFrame)->Draw(m_ctname.GetBuffer(10));

		delete finished;


	progress->SendMessage (WM_CLOSE);
	return 0;

void CUITestDialog::OnBnClickedButtonHtmlDialogTest()
	// TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码
 //   CWindowFactory::Instance()->ShowWindow( WndWebpage, this->GetWindowId() );
	CDialog *pDlg = CWindowFactory::Instance()->NewDlg( WndWebpage );
void CUITestDialog::OnBnClickedButtonControlTest()
	// TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码
// 	CControlTestDialog dlg;
// 	dlg.DoModal();
	CDialog *pDlg = CWindowFactory::Instance()->NewDlg( WndUnittestCtrl );
void CUITestDialog::OnBnClickedButtonLoginDialogTest()
	// TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码
//     CWindowFactory::Instance()->ShowWindow( WndLogin, this->GetWindowId() );
//     return ;

	CDialog *pDlg = CWindowFactory::Instance()->NewDlg( WndLogin );

void CUITestDialog::OnBnClickedButtonPlayerDlgNoPtz()
	// TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码
//	CPlayerDialog dlg;
	CMCUSession::Instance()->CurVideoSession()->PtzControl( FALSE );
//	dlg.DoModal();

//    CWindowFactory::Instance()->ShowWindow( WndPlayer, this->GetWindowId() );
	CDialog *pDlg = CWindowFactory::Instance()->NewDlg( WndPlayer );
void CUITestDialog::OnBnClickedButtonPlayerDlgTest()
	// TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码
//	CPlayerDialog dlg;
	CMCUSession::Instance()->CurVideoSession()->PtzControl( TRUE );
//	dlg.DoModal();

//    CWindowFactory::Instance()->ShowWindow( WndPlayer, WndUnittestUI );
	CDialog *pDlg = CWindowFactory::Instance()->NewDlg( WndPlayer );

//This function is called by the backend thread
LRESULT CMEADialog::DoneFolding(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
	CDialog* finished;

	//offer to display the predicted structures if this is not subfolding
	finished = new CDialog(IDD_FINISHED,this);

	if(finished->DoModal()==IDOK) ((CRNAstructureApp*) GetFoldDocument()->pMainFrame)->Draw(m_CT.GetBuffer(10));

	delete finished;

	progress->SendMessage (WM_CLOSE);
	return 0;

LRESULT CBiFoldView::DoneFolding(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
	CDialog* finished;

	finished = new CDialog(IDD_FINISHED,this);

	if(finished->DoModal()==IDOK) ((CRNAstructureApp*) GetBiFoldDocument()->pMainFrame)->Draw(m_ctname.GetBuffer(10));

	delete finished;


	progress->SendMessage (WM_CLOSE);
	return 0;	

CCPApplet::OnRun(CWnd* pParentWnd)
	LRESULT		lResult = 1;
	CWnd	*	pWnd;


	pWnd = (CWnd*) m_uiClass->CreateObject(); 

	if ( pWnd )
		lResult = ERROR_SUCCESS;

		if ( pWnd->IsKindOf( RUNTIME_CLASS( CPropertySheet ) ) )
			CPropertySheet * pSheet = (CPropertySheet*) pWnd;

			pSheet->Construct(m_name, pParentWnd, m_pageNumber);

			check( pWnd->IsKindOf( RUNTIME_CLASS( CDialog ) ) );

			CDialog * pDialog = (CDialog*) pWnd;


		delete pWnd;

	return lResult;
Beispiel #10
void CGenPropertyPage::OnAddItem(CDialog & dlg) 

  // load dialog with default values
  InitDialog (&dlg);

  // display dialog, exit if cancelled
  if (dlg.DoModal () != IDOK)

  // create the object's lookup name (label converted to lower case, or generated)
 CObject * pItem;
 CString strObjectName;

  strObjectName = GetObjectName (&dlg);
  if (strObjectName.IsEmpty ())
    strObjectName.Format ("*%s%s",       // e.g. *trigger100
                            (LPCTSTR) m_strObjectType,
                            (LPCTSTR) App.GetUniqueString ());

  // if already there (presumably not possible with un-named objects),
  // then abort the add
  if (m_ObjectMap->Lookup (strObjectName, pItem))
    CString strMsg;

    strMsg = TFormat ("The %s named \"%s\" is already in the %s list",
                  (LPCTSTR) m_strObjectType,
                  (LPCTSTR) GetObjectName (&dlg),
                  (LPCTSTR) m_strObjectType);
    ::UMessageBox (strMsg);

  // add new object to map
  m_ObjectMap->SetAt (strObjectName, pItem = MakeNewObject ());

  // unload from dialog into object's properties
  UnloadDialog (&dlg, pItem);

  // They can no longer cancel the property sheet, the document has changed
  CancelToClose ();
  if (!CheckIfTemporary (pItem))
    m_doc->SetModifiedFlag (TRUE);

  // create a CString for lookup purposes
  CString * pstrObjectName = new CString (strObjectName);

  // add this item to the list view
  add_item (pItem, pstrObjectName, 0, TRUE);

  SetInternalName (pItem, strObjectName);  // set name so we can delete one-shot items

  // resort the list
  t_gen_sort_param sort_param (m_ObjectMap, m_last_col, m_reverse, m_CompareObjects);
  m_ctlList->SortItems (CompareFunc, (LPARAM) &sort_param); 

  // redraw the list
  if (GetFilterFlag ())
    LoadList ();       // full reload because it may have changed filter requirements

// get dispatch id from the script and put it into the item

  if (m_doc->m_ScriptEngine)
    CString strMessage;
    SetDispatchID (pItem, m_doc->GetProcedureDispid (GetScriptName (pItem),
                                                     GetLabel (pItem),
    if (!strMessage.IsEmpty ())
      ::UMessageBox (strMessage, MB_ICONINFORMATION);
}    // end of CGenPropertyPage::OnAddItem
Beispiel #11
void CGenPropertyPage::OnChangeItem(CDialog & dlg) 
CString strMsg;

// iterate through list in case we implement multiple selection one day
for (int nItem = -1;
      (nItem = m_ctlList->GetNextItem(nItem, LVNI_SELECTED)) != -1;)

  // get the lower-case name of this item's object
  CString * pstrObjectName = (CString *) m_ctlList->GetItemData (nItem);

  ASSERT (pstrObjectName != NULL);

  CObject * pItem;

  // check object is still there (it might have gone while we looked at the list box)
  if (!m_ObjectMap->Lookup (*pstrObjectName, pItem))
    m_ctlList->DeleteItem (nItem);    // it's gone, so delete it from the list view
    m_ctlList->RedrawItems (0, m_ctlList->GetItemCount () - 1);    // redraw the list

    // in the case of one-shot timers, unnamed items might be removed from the list
    if (pstrObjectName->Left (1) == "*")
      strMsg = TFormat ("The %s you selected is no longer in the %s list",
                    (LPCTSTR) m_strObjectType,
                    (LPCTSTR) m_strObjectType);
      strMsg = TFormat ("The %s named \"%s\" is no longer in the %s list",
                    (LPCTSTR) m_strObjectType,
                    (LPCTSTR) *pstrObjectName,
                    (LPCTSTR) m_strObjectType);

    ::UMessageBox (strMsg);

    delete pstrObjectName;                 // and get rid of its name string

  ASSERT( pItem->IsKindOf( RUNTIME_CLASS( CObject ) ) );

  // load dialog with values from the found item
  LoadDialog (&dlg, pItem);

  // put up the dialog, give up if they cancel
  if (dlg.DoModal () != IDOK)

  // lookup this object, to make sure it still exists
  if (!m_ObjectMap->Lookup (*pstrObjectName, pItem))
    m_ctlList->DeleteItem (nItem);    // it's gone, so delete it from the list view
    m_ctlList->RedrawItems (0, m_ctlList->GetItemCount () - 1);    // redraw the list
    // in the case of one-shot timers, unnamed items might be removed from the list
    if (pstrObjectName->Left (1) == "*")
      strMsg = TFormat ("The %s you selected is no longer in the %s list",
                    (LPCTSTR) m_strObjectType,
                    (LPCTSTR) m_strObjectType);
      strMsg = TFormat ("The %s named \"%s\" is no longer in the %s list",
                    (LPCTSTR) m_strObjectType,
                    (LPCTSTR) *pstrObjectName,
                    (LPCTSTR) m_strObjectType);

    delete pstrObjectName;                 // and get rid of its name string
    ::UMessageBox (strMsg);

  ASSERT( pItem->IsKindOf( RUNTIME_CLASS( CObject ) ) );

  if (CheckIfIncluded (pItem))
    strMsg = TFormat ("The %s named \"%s\" has been included from an include file. You cannot modify it here.",
                  (LPCTSTR) m_strObjectType,
                  (LPCTSTR) *pstrObjectName);
    ::UMessageBox (strMsg);
    return; // can't modify included items

  // check object still has the same modification number
  // (it might have been modified while we looked at the list box)
  if (GetModificationNumber (pItem) != m_nUpdateNumber)
    strMsg = TFormat ("The %s named \"%s\" has already been modified by a script subroutine",
                  (LPCTSTR) m_strObjectType,
                  (LPCTSTR) *pstrObjectName);
    ::UMessageBox (strMsg);

  // check for name change 
  CString strObjectName = GetObjectName (&dlg);
  if (strObjectName.IsEmpty ())
    strObjectName.Format ("*%s%s", 
                          (LPCTSTR) m_strObjectType,
                          (LPCTSTR) App.GetUniqueString ());
    strObjectName.MakeLower ();
  if (strObjectName != *pstrObjectName)     // has name changed?
    // here if label has changed
    CObject * new_pItem;
    if (m_ObjectMap->Lookup (strObjectName, new_pItem))
      strMsg = TFormat ("The %s named \"%s\" already exists in the %s list",
                    (LPCTSTR) m_strObjectType,
                    (LPCTSTR) strObjectName,
                    (LPCTSTR) m_strObjectType);
      ::UMessageBox (strMsg);

    // remove old entry and re-add under new name
    m_ObjectMap->RemoveKey (*pstrObjectName);     // remove old entry
    m_ObjectMap->SetAt (strObjectName, pItem);   // insert under new name

    // delete old name in the list
    delete pstrObjectName;

    // create a new CString for lookup purposes
    pstrObjectName = new CString (strObjectName);

    // record item's new name as the list object data
    m_ctlList->SetItemData(nItem, (DWORD) pstrObjectName);
    }   // end of label changing

  // see if the user changed anything, anyway
  if (CheckIfChanged (&dlg, pItem))

    // unload from dialog into object's properties
    UnloadDialog (&dlg, pItem);

    // They can no longer cancel the property sheet, the document has changed
    CancelToClose ();
    if (!CheckIfTemporary (pItem))
      m_doc->SetModifiedFlag (TRUE);

    // re-setup list with amended details
    int nNewItem = add_item (pItem, pstrObjectName, nItem, FALSE);

    m_ctlList->RedrawItems (nNewItem, nNewItem);

    }   // end of item changing

// Get dispatch id from the script and put it into the item.
// We do this even if nothing has changed, so that we can force re-evaluation
// of the dispatch ID, by just getting the item and pressing OK.

  if (m_doc->m_ScriptEngine)
    CString strMessage;
    SetDispatchID (pItem, m_doc->GetProcedureDispid (GetScriptName (pItem),
                                                     GetLabel (pItem),
    if (!strMessage.IsEmpty ())
      ::UMessageBox (strMessage, MB_ICONINFORMATION);

  }   // end of dealing with each selected item

  // redraw the list
  if (GetFilterFlag ())
    LoadList ();       // full reload because it may have changed filter requirements

  // resort the list
  t_gen_sort_param sort_param (m_ObjectMap, m_last_col, m_reverse, m_CompareObjects);
  m_ctlList->SortItems (CompareFunc, (LPARAM) &sort_param); 

}   // end of CGenPropertyPage::OnChangeItem
Beispiel #12
void CUITestDialog::OnBnClickedButtonConfigDialogTest()
 //   CWindowFactory::Instance()->ShowWindow( WndConfig, this->GetWindowId() );
	CDialog *pDlg = CWindowFactory::Instance()->NewDlg( WndConfig );
Beispiel #13
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,
	HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
	LPSTR     lpCmdLine,
	int       nCmdShow)
	Waifu2x::init_liblary(__argc, __argv);

	// 管理者権限で起動してもファイルのドロップを受け付けるようにする
	ChangeWindowMessageFilter(WM_DROPFILES, MSGFLT_ADD);
	ChangeWindowMessageFilter(WM_COPYDATA, MSGFLT_ADD);
	ChangeWindowMessageFilter(0x0049, MSGFLT_ADD);

	// Caffeのエラーでないログを保存しないようにする
	google::SetLogDestination(google::INFO, "");
	google::SetLogDestination(google::WARNING, "");

	// Caffeのエラーログを「error_log_〜」に出力
	google::SetLogDestination(google::ERROR, "error_log_");
	google::SetLogDestination(google::FATAL, "error_log_");

	// CDialogクラスでダイアログを作成する
	CDialog cDialog;
	CDialog cDialog2;
	// IDC_EDITのサブクラス
	CControl cControlInput(IDC_EDIT_INPUT);
	CControl cControlOutput(IDC_EDIT_OUTPUT);
	CControl cControlScaleRatio(IDC_EDIT_SCALE_RATIO);
	CControl cControlScaleWidth(IDC_EDIT_SCALE_WIDTH);
	CControl cControlScaleHeight(IDC_EDIT_SCALE_HEIGHT);
	CControl cControlScaleWidthHeight(IDC_EDIT_SCALE_WIDTH_HEIGHT);

	// 登録する関数がまとめられたクラス
	// グローバル関数を使えばクラスにまとめる必要はないがこの方法が役立つこともあるはず
	DialogEvent cDialogEvent;

	// クラスの関数を登録する場合

	// IDC_EDITにWM_DROPFILESが送られてきたときに実行する関数の登録
	cControlInput.SetEventCallBack(SetClassCustomFunc(DialogEvent::DropInput, &cDialogEvent), NULL, WM_DROPFILES);
	cControlOutput.SetEventCallBack(SetClassCustomFunc(DialogEvent::DropOutput, &cDialogEvent), NULL, WM_DROPFILES);

	cControlScaleRatio.SetEventCallBack(SetClassCustomFunc(DialogEvent::TextInput, &cDialogEvent), NULL, WM_CHAR);
	cControlScaleWidth.SetEventCallBack(SetClassCustomFunc(DialogEvent::TextInput, &cDialogEvent), NULL, WM_CHAR);
	cControlScaleHeight.SetEventCallBack(SetClassCustomFunc(DialogEvent::TextInput, &cDialogEvent), NULL, WM_CHAR);
	cControlScaleWidthHeight.SetEventCallBack(SetClassCustomFunc(DialogEvent::TextInput, &cDialogEvent), NULL, WM_CHAR);

	// コントロールのサブクラスを登録

	// 各コントロールのイベントで実行する関数の登録
	cDialog.SetCommandCallBack(SetClassFunc(DialogEvent::Exec, &cDialogEvent), NULL, IDC_BUTTON_EXEC);
	cDialog.SetCommandCallBack(SetClassFunc(DialogEvent::Cancel, &cDialogEvent), NULL, IDC_BUTTON_CANCEL);
	cDialog.SetCommandCallBack(SetClassFunc(DialogEvent::InputRef, &cDialogEvent), NULL, IDC_BUTTON_INPUT_REF);
	cDialog.SetCommandCallBack(SetClassFunc(DialogEvent::OutputRef, &cDialogEvent), NULL, IDC_BUTTON_OUTPUT_REF);
	cDialog.SetCommandCallBack(SetClassFunc(DialogEvent::ClearOutputDir, &cDialogEvent), NULL, IDC_BUTTON_CLEAR_OUTPUT_DIR);
	cDialog.SetCommandCallBack(SetClassFunc(DialogEvent::AppSetting, &cDialogEvent), NULL, IDC_BUTTON_APP_SETTING);

	cDialog.SetCommandCallBack(SetClassFunc(DialogEvent::OnModeChange, &cDialogEvent), NULL, IDC_RADIO_MODE_NOISE);
	cDialog.SetCommandCallBack(SetClassFunc(DialogEvent::OnModeChange, &cDialogEvent), NULL, IDC_RADIO_MODE_SCALE);
	cDialog.SetCommandCallBack(SetClassFunc(DialogEvent::OnModeChange, &cDialogEvent), NULL, IDC_RADIO_MODE_NOISE_SCALE);
	cDialog.SetCommandCallBack(SetClassFunc(DialogEvent::OnModeChange, &cDialogEvent), NULL, IDC_RADIO_AUTO_SCALE);
	cDialog.SetCommandCallBack(SetClassFunc(DialogEvent::OnModeChange, &cDialogEvent), NULL, IDC_RADIO_SCALE_WIDTH_HEIGHT);

	cDialog.SetCommandCallBack(SetClassFunc(DialogEvent::UpdateAddString, &cDialogEvent), NULL, IDC_RADIONOISE_LEVEL0);
	cDialog.SetCommandCallBack(SetClassFunc(DialogEvent::UpdateAddString, &cDialogEvent), NULL, IDC_RADIONOISE_LEVEL1);
	cDialog.SetCommandCallBack(SetClassFunc(DialogEvent::UpdateAddString, &cDialogEvent), NULL, IDC_RADIONOISE_LEVEL2);
	cDialog.SetCommandCallBack(SetClassFunc(DialogEvent::UpdateAddString, &cDialogEvent), NULL, IDC_RADIONOISE_LEVEL3);
	cDialog.SetCommandCallBack(SetClassFunc(DialogEvent::UpdateAddString, &cDialogEvent), NULL, IDC_CHECK_TTA);
	cDialog.SetCommandCallBack(SetClassFunc(DialogEvent::UpdateAddString, &cDialogEvent), NULL, IDC_COMBO_OUTPUT_DEPTH);

	cDialog.SetCommandCallBack(SetClassFunc(DialogEvent::ScaleRadio, &cDialogEvent), NULL, IDC_RADIO_SCALE_RATIO);
	cDialog.SetCommandCallBack(SetClassFunc(DialogEvent::ScaleRadio, &cDialogEvent), NULL, IDC_RADIO_SCALE_WIDTH);
	cDialog.SetCommandCallBack(SetClassFunc(DialogEvent::ScaleRadio, &cDialogEvent), NULL, IDC_RADIO_SCALE_HEIGHT);

	cDialog.SetCommandCallBack(SetClassFunc(DialogEvent::CheckCUDNN, &cDialogEvent), NULL, IDC_BUTTON_CHECK_CUDNN);

	cDialog.SetCommandCallBack(SetClassFunc(DialogEvent::LangChange, &cDialogEvent), NULL, IDC_COMBO_LANG);
	cDialog.SetCommandCallBack(SetClassFunc(DialogEvent::OutExtChange, &cDialogEvent), NULL, IDC_COMBO_OUT_EXT);

	cDialog.SetCommandCallBack(SetClassFunc(DialogEvent::OnModelChange, &cDialogEvent), NULL, IDC_COMBO_MODEL);

	// ダイアログのイベントで実行する関数の登録
	cDialog.SetEventCallBack(SetClassFunc(DialogEvent::Create, &cDialogEvent), NULL, WM_INITDIALOG);
	cDialog.SetEventCallBack(SetClassFunc(DialogEvent::OnDialogEnd, &cDialogEvent), NULL, WM_CLOSE);
	cDialog.SetEventCallBack(SetClassFunc(DialogEvent::OnFaildCreateDir, &cDialogEvent), NULL, WM_FAILD_CREATE_DIR);
	cDialog.SetEventCallBack(SetClassFunc(DialogEvent::OnWaifu2xError, &cDialogEvent), NULL, WM_ON_WAIFU2X_ERROR);
	cDialog.SetEventCallBack(SetClassFunc(DialogEvent::OnWaifu2xNoOverwrite, &cDialogEvent), NULL, WM_ON_WAIFU2X_NO_OVERWRITE);
	cDialog.SetEventCallBack(SetClassFunc(DialogEvent::WaitThreadExit, &cDialogEvent), NULL, WM_END_THREAD);
	cDialog.SetEventCallBack(SetClassFunc(DialogEvent::Timer, &cDialogEvent), NULL, WM_TIMER);

	// ダイアログを表示
	cDialog.DoModal(hInstance, IDD_DIALOG);


	return 0;
void CEntitiesDialog::OnDblclkPropertieslist() 
	// Double-click on the item...Edit it.
	mCurrentKey = m_PropertiesList.GetCurSel ();

	if (mCurrentKey != LB_ERR)
		CEntity *Ent = &((*mEntityArray)[mCurrentEntity]);
		CString EntityTypeName = Ent->GetClassname ();
		CString KeyName;
		CString TheValue;

		m_PropertiesList.GetText (mCurrentKey, KeyName);
		Ent->GetKeyValue (KeyName, TheValue);

		TopType eType;
		if (EntityTable_GetEntityPropertyType (Level_GetEntityDefs (pDoc->pLevel), EntityTypeName, KeyName, &eType))
			CDialog *pEditDialog = NULL;

			// Create the dialog that's appropriate for this type....
			switch (eType)
				case T_INT :
					pEditDialog = new CIntKeyEditDlg (this, KeyName, &TheValue);
				case T_FLOAT :
					pEditDialog = new CFloatKeyEditDlg (this, KeyName, &TheValue);
				case T_COLOR :
					pEditDialog = new CColorKeyEditDlg (this, KeyName, &TheValue);
				case T_POINT :
					pEditDialog = new CPointKeyEditDlg (this, KeyName, &TheValue);
				case T_STRING :
					pEditDialog = new CKeyEditDlg (this, KeyName, &TheValue);
				case T_MODEL :
					pEditDialog = new CModelKeyEditDlg (this, Level_GetModelInfo (pDoc->pLevel)->Models, KeyName, &TheValue);
				case T_STRUCT :
					pEditDialog = new CStructKeyEditDlg (this, *Ent, KeyName, mEntityArray, &TheValue, Level_GetEntityDefs (pDoc->pLevel));
				case T_BOOLEAN :
					pEditDialog = new CBoolKeyEditDlg (this, KeyName, &TheValue);
				case T_PTR :
				default :
					// bad or unknown type
					assert (0);

			if (pEditDialog != NULL)
				int ModalResult = pEditDialog->DoModal ();

				delete pEditDialog;

				if (ModalResult == IDOK)
					if (MultiEntityFlag)
						// multiple entities--change this property on all of them
						int i;

						for (i = 0; i < mEntityArray->GetSize (); ++i)
							CEntity *pEnt;

							pEnt = &(*mEntityArray)[i];
							if (pEnt->IsSelected ())
								pEnt->SetKeyValue (KeyName, TheValue);
						// update
						Ent->SetKeyValue (KeyName, TheValue);