void CEntitiesDialog::OnDblclkPropertieslist() 
	// Double-click on the item...Edit it.
	mCurrentKey = m_PropertiesList.GetCurSel ();

	if (mCurrentKey != LB_ERR)
		CEntity *Ent = &((*mEntityArray)[mCurrentEntity]);
		CString EntityTypeName = Ent->GetClassname ();
		CString KeyName;
		CString TheValue;

		m_PropertiesList.GetText (mCurrentKey, KeyName);
		Ent->GetKeyValue (KeyName, TheValue);

		TopType eType;
		if (EntityTable_GetEntityPropertyType (Level_GetEntityDefs (pDoc->pLevel), EntityTypeName, KeyName, &eType))
			CDialog *pEditDialog = NULL;

			// Create the dialog that's appropriate for this type....
			switch (eType)
				case T_INT :
					pEditDialog = new CIntKeyEditDlg (this, KeyName, &TheValue);
				case T_FLOAT :
					pEditDialog = new CFloatKeyEditDlg (this, KeyName, &TheValue);
				case T_COLOR :
					pEditDialog = new CColorKeyEditDlg (this, KeyName, &TheValue);
				case T_POINT :
					pEditDialog = new CPointKeyEditDlg (this, KeyName, &TheValue);
				case T_STRING :
					pEditDialog = new CKeyEditDlg (this, KeyName, &TheValue);
				case T_MODEL :
					pEditDialog = new CModelKeyEditDlg (this, Level_GetModelInfo (pDoc->pLevel)->Models, KeyName, &TheValue);
				case T_STRUCT :
					pEditDialog = new CStructKeyEditDlg (this, *Ent, KeyName, mEntityArray, &TheValue, Level_GetEntityDefs (pDoc->pLevel));
				case T_BOOLEAN :
					pEditDialog = new CBoolKeyEditDlg (this, KeyName, &TheValue);
				case T_PTR :
				default :
					// bad or unknown type
					assert (0);

			if (pEditDialog != NULL)
				int ModalResult = pEditDialog->DoModal ();

				delete pEditDialog;

				if (ModalResult == IDOK)
					if (MultiEntityFlag)
						// multiple entities--change this property on all of them
						int i;

						for (i = 0; i < mEntityArray->GetSize (); ++i)
							CEntity *pEnt;

							pEnt = &(*mEntityArray)[i];
							if (pEnt->IsSelected ())
								pEnt->SetKeyValue (KeyName, TheValue);
						// update
						Ent->SetKeyValue (KeyName, TheValue);
// This function fills in the key value pairs for the current dialog.
void CEntitiesDialog::FillInKeyValuePairs(int Selection)
	// now get the actual entity number from that
	int Entity ;

//ASSERT( m_EntityCombo.GetItemData( m_EntityCombo.GetCurSel( ) ) == (DWORD)Entity ) ;
	Entity = m_EntityCombo.GetItemData( m_EntityCombo.GetCurSel( ) ) ;

	// now go through that entity and add key/value pairs
	// to the dialog

	// what do we have here?
	if( Entity == LB_ERR ) 
		mCurrentKey = LB_ERR;

	CEntity *Ent = &((*mEntityArray)[Entity]);
	EntityPropertiesList const *pProps;

	// Get sorted list of published key/value pairs
	CString EntityClassname = Ent->GetClassname ();
	pProps = EntityTable_GetEntityPropertiesFromName (Level_GetEntityDefs (pDoc->pLevel), EntityClassname, ET_PUBLISHED);
	if (pProps != NULL)
		// Add key/value pairs to the listbox
		for (int iProp = 0; iProp < pProps->NumProps; iProp++)
			EntityProperty const *p;

			p = &(pProps->Props[iProp]);
			if (p->KeyNum == -1)
				// a key number of -1 indicates the end of valid keys...

			// if this key doesn't exist for this entity, then add it
			// and its default value...
			CString TheVal;
			if (!Ent->GetKeyValue (p->pKey, TheVal))
				Ent->SetKeyValue (p->pKey, p->pValue);

			if (p->published)
				// add it to the listbox
				m_PropertiesList.AddString (p->pKey);
		EntityTable_ReleaseEntityProperties (pProps);
		  We know nothing about this entity's type.
		  We have the key/value pairs, but we don't know what's supposed
		  to be published.  So we'll display "unknown type".
		m_PropertiesList.AddString ("Unknown Entity Type");
		Selection = LB_ERR;

	// set the current
	m_PropertiesList.SetCurSel (Selection);