XSIPLUGINCALLBACK XSI::CStatus VMFImportProperty_Define( const CRef & in_Ctx )
	Application app ;
	CustomProperty prop = Context(in_Ctx).GetSource() ;
	Parameter param ;

	// Default capabilities for most of these parameters
	int caps = siPersistable  ;
	CValue dft ;	// Used for arguments we don't want to set

	prop.AddParameter(	L"Filename",CValue::siString, caps, 
						L"Filename", L"", 
						dft, param ) ;
	prop.AddParameter(	L"TexturePath",CValue::siString, caps, 
						L"Texture path", L"", 
						dft, param ) ;	

	dft = true;

	prop.AddParameter(	L"UseMaterials",CValue::siBool, caps, 
						L"Import Materials", L"", 
						dft, param ) ;	

	return CStatus::OK;	
Parameter Get3DCoatParam( const CString& in_strName )
	CustomProperty pset = Get3DCoatProp();
	if (!pset.IsValid()) return CRef();
	Parameter param = pset.GetParameters().GetItem(in_strName);
	return param;
CustomProperty Get3DCoatProp()
	//Application app;
	Model root = app.GetActiveSceneRoot();
	CustomProperty prop = root.GetProperties().GetItem(L"AppLink_3DCoat");
	if (!prop.IsValid())
		prop = root.AddProperty( L"AppLink_3DCoat" );
	return prop;
// Callback for the siOnActivateEvent event.
SICALLBACK siOnActivateEvent_OnEvent( CRef& in_ctxt )
	Context ctxt( in_ctxt );
	//Application().LogMessage(L"siOnActivateEvent_OnEvent called",siVerboseMsg);
	//Application().LogMessage(L"State: " + CString(ctxt.GetAttribute(L"State")),siVerboseMsg);

	bool bState = ctxt.GetAttribute(L"State");
		CustomProperty prop = app.GetActiveSceneRoot().GetProperties().GetItem(L"AppLink_3DCoat");
		if (prop.IsValid())
				CString s_CoatLocation = prop.GetParameter(L"coatLocation").GetValue();
				CString exportPath = CUtils::BuildPath(s_CoatLocation, L"export.txt");
				CString objPath;

				std::ifstream fileref(exportPath.GetAsciiString());
				bool bfile = false;
					std::string row;
					std::getline(fileref, row);
					objPath = row.c_str();
					bfile = true;

					UIToolkit uitool = Application().GetUIToolkit();
					LONG out;
					uitool.MsgBox(L"Import file?", siMsgOkCancel|siMsgInformation|MB_APPLMODAL, L"", (LONG) out);
					if(out == siMsgOk)
						app.LogMessage(L"Start Import!");
						CValueArray args(2);
						args[0] = objPath;
						args[1] = prop.GetParameterValue( L"bReplace" );
						CValue noret;
						app.ExecuteCommand( L"Coat3DImport", args, noret ) ;

// 	Return value is ignored as this event can not be aborted.
	return CStatus::OK;
void FindFolder3DCoatV(CustomProperty& prop, TCHAR* path)
	CString exePath = CUtils::BuildPath(path, L"3D-Coat-V3");
	if(FileOrDirectoryExists(exePath.GetAsciiString(), true))
		prop.GetParameter(L"exeLocation").PutValue(exePath + CUtils::Slash());
		exePath = CUtils::BuildPath(path, L"3D-Coat-V4");
		if(FileOrDirectoryExists(exePath.GetAsciiString(), true))
			prop.GetParameter(L"exeLocation").PutValue(exePath + CUtils::Slash());
// Property Define ============================================
XSIPLUGINCALLBACK CStatus sn_squashstretch_prop_Define( CRef& in_ctxt )
   Context ctxt( in_ctxt );
   CustomProperty oCustomProperty;
   Parameter oParam;
   oCustomProperty = ctxt.GetSource();

   oCustomProperty.AddParameter(L"blend",CValue::siDouble,siPersistable | siAnimatable,L"",L"",1,0,1,0,1,oParam);
   oCustomProperty.AddParameter(L"sq_min",CValue::siDouble,siPersistable | siAnimatable,L"",L"",0,-100000,100000,0,1,oParam);
   oCustomProperty.AddParameter(L"sq_max",CValue::siDouble,siPersistable | siAnimatable,L"",L"",5,-100000,100000,0,1,oParam);
   oCustomProperty.AddParameter(L"sq_y",CValue::siDouble,siPersistable | siAnimatable,L"",L"",1,-100000,100000,0,1,oParam);
   oCustomProperty.AddParameter(L"sq_z",CValue::siDouble,siPersistable | siAnimatable,L"",L"",1,-100000,100000,0,1,oParam);
   oCustomProperty.AddParameter(L"st_min",CValue::siDouble,siPersistable | siAnimatable,L"",L"",5,-100000,100000,0,1,oParam);
   oCustomProperty.AddParameter(L"st_max",CValue::siDouble,siPersistable | siAnimatable,L"",L"",10,-100000,100000,0,1,oParam);
   oCustomProperty.AddParameter(L"st_y",CValue::siDouble,siPersistable | siAnimatable,L"",L"",.5,-100000,100000,1,5,oParam);
   oCustomProperty.AddParameter(L"st_z",CValue::siDouble,siPersistable | siAnimatable,L"",L"",.5,-100000,100000,1,5,oParam);

   oCustomProperty.AddParameter(L"sq_y_profile",CValue::siDouble,siPersistable | siAnimatable,L"",L"",1,-100000,100000,1,5,oParam);
   oCustomProperty.AddParameter(L"sq_z_profile",CValue::siDouble,siPersistable | siAnimatable,L"",L"",1,-100000,100000,1,5,oParam);
   oCustomProperty.AddParameter(L"st_y_profile",CValue::siDouble,siPersistable | siAnimatable,L"",L"",1,-100000,100000,1,5,oParam);
   oCustomProperty.AddParameter(L"st_z_profile",CValue::siDouble,siPersistable | siAnimatable,L"",L"",1,-100000,100000,1,5,oParam);

   return CStatus::OK;
SICALLBACK AppLink_3DCoat_Define( CRef& in_ctxt )
	Context ctxt( in_ctxt );
	CustomProperty pset;
	Parameter param;
	pset = ctxt.GetSource();

	CValue dft ;

	pset.AddParameter(L"Logo", CValue::siString, NULL, L"", L"", dft, param);
	pset.AddParameter(L"tempLocation", CValue::siString, siPersistable, L"Temp Path", L"", dft, param);
	pset.AddParameter(L"coatLocation", CValue::siString, siPersistable, L"Exchange Path", L"", dft, param);
	pset.AddParameter(L"exeLocation", CValue::siString, siPersistable, L"3D-Coat.exe", L"", dft, param);
	pset.AddParameter(L"typePaint", CValue::siUInt1, NULL, L"Painting type", L"", (LONG)0, (LONG)0, (LONG)9,  dft, dft, param);
	pset.AddParameter(L"bExpNorm", CValue::siBool, NULL, L"Normals", L"", true, param);
	pset.AddParameter(L"bExpMat", CValue::siBool, NULL, L"Material", L"", true, param);
	pset.AddParameter(L"bExpUV", CValue::siBool, NULL, L"Current UV Set", L"", true, param);
	pset.AddParameter(L"bExpSkipImp", CValue::siBool, NULL, L"Skip Import Dialog", L"", false, param);
	pset.AddParameter(L"bExpSkipExp", CValue::siBool, NULL, L"Skip Export Dialog", L"", false, param);
	//pset.AddParameter(L"bCopyTexE", CValue::siBool, NULL, L"Copy textures", L"", false, param);
	pset.AddParameter(L"bStart", CValue::siBool, NULL, L"Start 3D-Coat", L"", true, param);

	//pset.AddParameter(L"bCopyTexI", CValue::siBool, NULL, L"Copy textures", L"", false, param);
	pset.AddParameter(L"bReplace", CValue::siBool, NULL, L"Replace Objects", L"", true, param);
	pset.AddParameter(L"bEvent", CValue::siBool, NULL, L"Prompt", L"", false, param);
	pset.AddParameter(L"bImpNorm", CValue::siBool, NULL, L"Normals", L"", true, param);
	pset.AddParameter(L"bImpMat", CValue::siBool, NULL, L"Material", L"", true, param);
	//pset.AddParameter(L"bImpNewMat", CValue::siBool, NULL, L"New material", L"", false, param);
	pset.AddParameter(L"swMap", CValue::siUInt1, NULL, L"Map type", L"", (LONG)0, (LONG)0, (LONG)1,  dft, dft, param);
	pset.AddParameter(L"bImpUV", CValue::siBool, NULL, L"UV Set", L"", true, param);

	return CStatus::OK;
SICALLBACK AppLink_3DCoat_PPGEvent( const CRef& in_ctxt )
	//Application app;
	PPGEventContext ctxt( in_ctxt ) ;
	CustomProperty prop = ctxt.GetSource();
	PPGEventContext::PPGEvent eventID = ctxt.GetEventID() ;

	//CString s_ExeLocation = prop.GetParameter(L"coatExe").GetValue();

	if ( eventID == PPGEventContext::siOnInit )
		CString s_ExportLocation = prop.GetParameter(L"tempLocation").GetValue();
		CString s_CoatLocation = prop.GetParameter(L"coatLocation").GetValue();

		Plugin pl(app.GetPlugins().GetItem(L"AppLink_3DCoat_Plugin"));
		pluginPath = CUtils::BuildPath(app.GetInstallationPath(pl.GetOrigin()), L"AppLink_3DCoat", L"Application", L"Plugins");

		if(prop.GetParameter(L"tempLocation").GetValue() == L"")
			Project prj = app.GetActiveProject();
			Scene scn = prj.GetActiveScene();
			CString tempPath = CUtils::BuildPath(app.GetInstallationPath(siProjectPath), L"3DCoat", scn.GetName(), scn.GetName() + L".obj");
			prop.GetParameter(L"tempLocation").PutCapabilityFlag(siReadOnly, true);

		if(prop.GetParameter(L"coatLocation").GetValue() == L"")
				CString exchPath = CUtils::BuildPath(Path, L"3D-CoatV3", L"Exchange");

		//prop.GetParameter(L"bImpNorm").PutCapabilityFlag(siNotInspectable, true);
		//prop.GetParameter(L"bImpNewMat").PutCapabilityFlag(siReadOnly, true);


	else if ( eventID == PPGEventContext::siButtonClicked )
		CValue buttonPressed = ctxt.GetAttribute( L"Button" );
		CString tempLocation = prop.GetParameter(L"tempLocation").GetValue();
		CString coatLocation = prop.GetParameter(L"coatLocation").GetValue();
		if( buttonPressed.GetAsText() == L"Coat3DExport" )
			CustomProperty in_pset = ctxt.GetSource();

			if(CUtils::EnsureFolderExists(tempLocation, true))
				CValueArray args(6);
				args[0] = tempLocation;
				args[1] = coatLocation;
				args[2] = in_pset.GetParameterValue( L"typePaint" );
				//args[3] = in_pset.GetParameterValue( L"bCopyTexE" );
				args[3] = in_pset.GetParameterValue( L"bExpMat" );
				args[4] = in_pset.GetParameterValue( L"bExpUV" );
				args[5] = in_pset.GetParameterValue( L"bExpNorm" );
				CValue retVal;

				app.ExecuteCommand( L"Coat3DExport", args, retVal );
				CString exeLocation = prop.GetParameter(L"exeLocation").GetValue();
				bool bStart = prop.GetParameter(L"bStart").GetValue();

				if(exeLocation != L"" && bStart)
						if((int)::ShellExecute(NULL, TEXT("open"), exeLocation.GetAsciiString(), NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL) <= 32)
							app.LogMessage(L"3D-Coat.exe not found!", siWarningMsg);
						app.LogMessage(L"3D-Coat.exe is run!", siWarningMsg);

				app.LogMessage(L"Note temp path exists!", siErrorMsg);
		else if( buttonPressed.GetAsText() == L"Coat3DImport" )
			CustomProperty in_pset = ctxt.GetSource();

			CString exportPath = CUtils::BuildPath(coatLocation, L"export.txt");
			CString objPath;

			std::ifstream mfrExportTxt;
			mfrExportTxt.open (exportPath.GetAsciiString());//c:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\3D-CoatV3\Exchange\export.txt
			//app.LogMessage(L"Export.txt is it! :" + strOut);
				std::string row;
				std::getline(mfrExportTxt, row);
				objPath = row.c_str();
				//app.LogMessage(L"first row: " + CString(row.c_str()));
				UIToolkit uitool = app.GetUIToolkit();
				LONG out;
				uitool.MsgBox(L"import file not found!", siMsgOkOnly|siMsgExclamation, L"", (LONG) out);
				if(out == siMsgOk)
					return CStatus::False;

			if(objPath != L"")
				CValueArray args(2);
				args[0] = objPath;
				args[1] = in_pset.GetParameterValue( L"bReplace" );

				CValue noret;
				app.ExecuteCommand( L"Coat3DImport", args, noret );
	else if ( eventID == PPGEventContext::siParameterChange )
		Parameter changed = ctxt.GetSource();
		CustomProperty prop = changed.GetParent();		
		CString   paramName = changed.GetScriptName();

		if ( paramName == L"bImpMat" )
			CValue bFlag = prop.GetParameter(L"bImpMat").GetValue();
			//prop.GetParameter(L"swMap").PutCapabilityFlag(siNotInspectable, !bFlag);
			prop.GetParameter(L"swMap").PutCapabilityFlag(siReadOnly, !bFlag);

	return CStatus::OK ;
/** Event handler for when the options dialog is interacted with */
CStatus OgreMeshExportOptions_PPGEvent( const CRef& io_Ctx )
	// This callback is called when events happen in the user interface
	// This is where you implement the "logic" code.

	Application app ;
	static bool hasSkel = false;

	PPGEventContext ctx( io_Ctx ) ;

	PPGEventContext::PPGEvent eventID = ctx.GetEventID() ;

	CustomProperty prop = ctx.GetSource() ;	
	Parameter objectNameParam = prop.GetParameters().GetItem( L"objectName" ) ;
    // On open dialog
    if ( eventID == PPGEventContext::siOnInit )
		CString theObjectName;
        // Pre-populate object with currently selected item(s)
		Selection sel(app.GetSelection());
		if (sel.GetCount() > 0)
			CString val;
			for (int i = 0; i < sel.GetCount(); ++i)
				CString thisName = SIObject(sel[i]).GetName();
				val += thisName;
				theObjectName += thisName;
				if (i < sel.GetCount() - 1)
					val += L", ";
					theObjectName += L"_";
			prop.PutParameterValue(L"objectName", val);
			// no selection, assume entire scene
			prop.PutParameterValue(L"objectName", CString(L"[Entire Scene]"));
        // Make the selection read-only
		objectNameParam.PutCapabilityFlag( siReadOnly, true );

		// Default mesh name
		if (prop.GetParameterValue(L"targetMeshFileName") == L"")
			// default name
			prop.PutParameterValue(L"targetMeshFileName", theObjectName + L".mesh");

		// Default material name
		if (prop.GetParameterValue(L"targetMaterialFileName") == L"")
			// default name
			prop.PutParameterValue(L"targetMaterialFileName", theObjectName + L".material");

		// default the frame rate to that selected in animation panel
		prop.PutParameterValue(L"fps", CTime().GetFrameRate());

		// enable / disable the skeleton export based on envelopes
		if (!hasSkeleton(sel, true))
			prop.PutParameterValue(L"exportSkeleton", false);
			Parameter param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem(L"exportSkeleton");
			param.PutCapabilityFlag(siReadOnly, true);
			param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem(L"targetSkeletonFileName");
			param.PutCapabilityFlag(siReadOnly, true);
			hasSkel = false;
			prop.PutParameterValue(L"exportSkeleton", true);
			Parameter param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem(L"exportSkeleton");
			param.PutCapabilityFlag(siReadOnly, false);
			param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem(L"targetSkeletonFileName");
			param.PutCapabilityFlag(siReadOnly, false);

			if (prop.GetParameterValue(L"targetSkeletonFileName") == L"")
				// default name
				prop.PutParameterValue(L"targetSkeletonFileName", theObjectName + L".skeleton");
			hasSkel = true;
		// value of param is a griddata object
		// initialise it with all detected animations if it's empty
		Parameter param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem(L"animationList");
		GridData gd(param.GetValue());
		if (gd.GetRowCount() == 0 || gd.GetCell(0,0) == L"No data has been set")
    // On clicking a button
	else if ( eventID == PPGEventContext::siButtonClicked )
		CValue buttonPressed = ctx.GetAttribute( L"Button" );	
        // Clicked the refresh animation button
		if ( buttonPressed.GetAsText() == L"refreshAnimation" )
			LONG btn;
			CStatus ret = app.GetUIToolkit().MsgBox(
				L"Are you sure you want to lose the current contents "
				L"of the animations list and to refresh it from mixers?",
			if (btn == 6)
				Parameter param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem(L"animationList");
				GridData gd(param.GetValue());
		else if( buttonPressed.GetAsText() == L"addAnimation" )
			Parameter param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem(L"animationList");
			GridData gd(param.GetValue());

			gd.PutRowCount(gd.GetRowCount() + 1);
			// default export to true and sample rate
			gd.PutCell(ANIMATION_LIST_EXPORT_COL, gd.GetRowCount()-1, true);
			gd.PutCell(ANIMATION_LIST_IKFREQ_COL, gd.GetRowCount()-1, (LONG)5);
		else if( buttonPressed.GetAsText() == L"removeAnimation" )
			Parameter param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem(L"animationList");
			GridData gd(param.GetValue());
			GridWidget gw = gd.GetGridWidget();

			// cell-level selection, so have to search for selection in every cell
			long selRow = -1;
			for (long row = 0; row < gd.GetRowCount() && selRow == -1; ++row)
				for (long col = 0; col < gd.GetColumnCount() && selRow == -1; ++col)
					if (gw.IsCellSelected(col, row))
						selRow = row;

			if (selRow != -1)
				LONG btn;
				CStatus ret = app.GetUIToolkit().MsgBox(
					L"Are you sure you want to remove this animation entry?",
				if (btn == 6)
					// Move all the contents up one
					for (long row = selRow; row < gd.GetRowCount(); ++row)
						for (long col = 0; col < gd.GetColumnCount(); ++col)
							gd.PutCell(col, row, gd.GetCell(col, row+1));
					// remove last row
					gd.PutRowCount(gd.GetRowCount() - 1);


    // Changed a parameter
	else if ( eventID == PPGEventContext::siParameterChange )
		Parameter changed = ctx.GetSource() ;	
		CustomProperty prop = changed.GetParent() ;	
		CString   paramName = changed.GetScriptName() ; 

        // Check paramName against parameter names, perform custom onChanged event
		if (paramName == L"targetMeshFileName")
			// Default skeleton & material name 
			Ogre::String meshName = XSItoOgre(XSI::CString(changed.GetValue()));
			if (hasSkel)
				Ogre::String skelName = meshName;
				if (Ogre::StringUtil::endsWith(skelName, ".mesh"))
					skelName = skelName.substr(0, skelName.size() - 5) + ".skeleton";
				CString xsiSkelName = OgretoXSI(skelName);
				prop.PutParameterValue(L"targetSkeletonFileName", xsiSkelName);
			// default material script name 
			Ogre::String matName = meshName;
			if (Ogre::StringUtil::endsWith(matName, ".mesh"))
				matName = matName.substr(0, matName.size() - 5) + ".material";
			CString xsiMatName = OgretoXSI(matName);
			prop.PutParameterValue(L"targetMaterialFileName", xsiMatName);


	return CStatus::OK;	

/** Defines the persistable parameters on the options dialog */
CStatus OgreMeshExportOptions_Define( const CRef & in_Ctx )
	// Here is where we add all the parameters to the 
	// Custom Property.  This will be called each time 
	// an new instance of the Custom Property is called.
	// It is not called when an persisted Custom Property is loaded.

    Application app ;
	CustomProperty prop = Context(in_Ctx).GetSource();
	Parameter param ;

	// Default capabilities for most of these parameters
	int caps = siPersistable  ;
	CValue nullValue;	// Used for arguments we don't want to set

		L"version",CValue::siString, caps, 
		L"Version", L"", 
		nullValue, param) ;	
        L"objectName",CValue::siString, caps, 
        L"Object Name", L"", 
        nullValue, param) ;	
		L"objects",CValue::siRefArray, caps, 
		L"Collection of selected objects", L"", 
		nullValue, param) ;	
        L"targetMeshFileName",CValue::siString, caps, 
		L"Mesh Filename", L"", 
		nullValue, param) ;	
		L"mergeSubmeshes",CValue::siBool, caps, 
		L"Merge objects with same material?", 
		L"If false, a separate named SubMesh will be created for every PolygonMesh "
		L"preserving your model divisions. If true, the exporter will merge all "
		L"PolygonMesh objects with the same material, which is more efficient, but "
		L"does not preserve your modelling divisions.",
		CValue(true), param) ;	
		L"exportChildren",CValue::siBool, caps, 
		L"Export Children", 
		L"If true, children of all selected objects will be exported.",
		CValue(true), param) ;	
        L"calculateEdgeLists",CValue::siBool, caps, 
        L"Calculate Edge Lists (stencil shadows)", L"", 
        CValue(true), param) ;	
        L"calculateTangents",CValue::siBool, caps, 
        L"Calculate Tangents (normal mapping)", L"", 
        CValue(false), param) ;	
		L"tangentSemantic",CValue::siString, caps, 
		L"Tangent Semantic", L"", 
		L"t", param) ;	
		L"tangentsSplitMirrored",CValue::siBool, caps, 
		L"Split tangents at UV mirror", L"", 
		CValue(false), param) ;	
		L"tangentsSplitRotated",CValue::siBool, caps, 
		L"Split tangents at UV rotation", L"", 
		CValue(false), param) ;	
		L"tangentsUseParity",CValue::siBool, caps, 
		L"4D Tangents", L"", 
		CValue(false), param) ;	
		L"numLodLevels",CValue::siInt2, caps, 
		L"Levels of Detail", L"", 
		(LONG)0, param) ;	
		L"lodDistanceIncrement",CValue::siFloat, caps, 
		L"Distance Increment", L"", 
		(LONG)2000, //default
		(LONG)1, // hard min
		(LONG)1000000, // hard max
		(LONG)50, // suggested min
		(LONG)10000, // suggested max
		param) ;	
		L"lodQuota",CValue::siString, caps, 
		L"Reduction Style", L"", 
		L"p", param) ;	
		L"lodReduction",CValue::siFloat, caps, 
		L"Reduction Value", L"", 
		CValue(50.0f), param) ;	
        L"exportSkeleton",CValue::siBool, caps, 
        L"Export Skeleton", L"", 
        CValue(true), param) ;	
		L"exportVertexAnimation",CValue::siBool, caps, 
		L"Export Vertex Animation", L"", 
		CValue(true), param) ;	
        L"targetSkeletonFileName",CValue::siString, caps, 
        L"Skeleton Filename", L"", 
        nullValue, param) ;	
        L"fps",CValue::siInt2, caps, 
        L"Frames per second", L"", 
        (LONG)24, param) ;	
		L"exportMaterials", CValue::siBool, caps, 
		L"Export Materials", L"", 
		CValue(true), param);
		L"copyTextures", CValue::siBool, caps, 
		L"Copy Textures To Folder", L"", 
		CValue(true), param);
        L"targetMaterialFileName",CValue::siString, caps, 
        L"Material Filename", L"", 
        nullValue, param) ;	
		L"materialPrefix",CValue::siString, caps, 
		L"Material Prefix", L"", 
		nullValue, param) ;	

	return CStatus::OK;	