Parameter Get3DCoatParam( const CString& in_strName )
	CustomProperty pset = Get3DCoatProp();
	if (!pset.IsValid()) return CRef();
	Parameter param = pset.GetParameters().GetItem(in_strName);
	return param;
/** Event handler for when the options dialog is interacted with */
CStatus OgreMeshExportOptions_PPGEvent( const CRef& io_Ctx )
	// This callback is called when events happen in the user interface
	// This is where you implement the "logic" code.

	Application app ;
	static bool hasSkel = false;

	PPGEventContext ctx( io_Ctx ) ;

	PPGEventContext::PPGEvent eventID = ctx.GetEventID() ;

	CustomProperty prop = ctx.GetSource() ;	
	Parameter objectNameParam = prop.GetParameters().GetItem( L"objectName" ) ;
    // On open dialog
    if ( eventID == PPGEventContext::siOnInit )
		CString theObjectName;
        // Pre-populate object with currently selected item(s)
		Selection sel(app.GetSelection());
		if (sel.GetCount() > 0)
			CString val;
			for (int i = 0; i < sel.GetCount(); ++i)
				CString thisName = SIObject(sel[i]).GetName();
				val += thisName;
				theObjectName += thisName;
				if (i < sel.GetCount() - 1)
					val += L", ";
					theObjectName += L"_";
			prop.PutParameterValue(L"objectName", val);
			// no selection, assume entire scene
			prop.PutParameterValue(L"objectName", CString(L"[Entire Scene]"));
        // Make the selection read-only
		objectNameParam.PutCapabilityFlag( siReadOnly, true );

		// Default mesh name
		if (prop.GetParameterValue(L"targetMeshFileName") == L"")
			// default name
			prop.PutParameterValue(L"targetMeshFileName", theObjectName + L".mesh");

		// Default material name
		if (prop.GetParameterValue(L"targetMaterialFileName") == L"")
			// default name
			prop.PutParameterValue(L"targetMaterialFileName", theObjectName + L".material");

		// default the frame rate to that selected in animation panel
		prop.PutParameterValue(L"fps", CTime().GetFrameRate());

		// enable / disable the skeleton export based on envelopes
		if (!hasSkeleton(sel, true))
			prop.PutParameterValue(L"exportSkeleton", false);
			Parameter param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem(L"exportSkeleton");
			param.PutCapabilityFlag(siReadOnly, true);
			param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem(L"targetSkeletonFileName");
			param.PutCapabilityFlag(siReadOnly, true);
			hasSkel = false;
			prop.PutParameterValue(L"exportSkeleton", true);
			Parameter param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem(L"exportSkeleton");
			param.PutCapabilityFlag(siReadOnly, false);
			param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem(L"targetSkeletonFileName");
			param.PutCapabilityFlag(siReadOnly, false);

			if (prop.GetParameterValue(L"targetSkeletonFileName") == L"")
				// default name
				prop.PutParameterValue(L"targetSkeletonFileName", theObjectName + L".skeleton");
			hasSkel = true;
		// value of param is a griddata object
		// initialise it with all detected animations if it's empty
		Parameter param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem(L"animationList");
		GridData gd(param.GetValue());
		if (gd.GetRowCount() == 0 || gd.GetCell(0,0) == L"No data has been set")
    // On clicking a button
	else if ( eventID == PPGEventContext::siButtonClicked )
		CValue buttonPressed = ctx.GetAttribute( L"Button" );	
        // Clicked the refresh animation button
		if ( buttonPressed.GetAsText() == L"refreshAnimation" )
			LONG btn;
			CStatus ret = app.GetUIToolkit().MsgBox(
				L"Are you sure you want to lose the current contents "
				L"of the animations list and to refresh it from mixers?",
			if (btn == 6)
				Parameter param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem(L"animationList");
				GridData gd(param.GetValue());
		else if( buttonPressed.GetAsText() == L"addAnimation" )
			Parameter param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem(L"animationList");
			GridData gd(param.GetValue());

			gd.PutRowCount(gd.GetRowCount() + 1);
			// default export to true and sample rate
			gd.PutCell(ANIMATION_LIST_EXPORT_COL, gd.GetRowCount()-1, true);
			gd.PutCell(ANIMATION_LIST_IKFREQ_COL, gd.GetRowCount()-1, (LONG)5);
		else if( buttonPressed.GetAsText() == L"removeAnimation" )
			Parameter param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem(L"animationList");
			GridData gd(param.GetValue());
			GridWidget gw = gd.GetGridWidget();

			// cell-level selection, so have to search for selection in every cell
			long selRow = -1;
			for (long row = 0; row < gd.GetRowCount() && selRow == -1; ++row)
				for (long col = 0; col < gd.GetColumnCount() && selRow == -1; ++col)
					if (gw.IsCellSelected(col, row))
						selRow = row;

			if (selRow != -1)
				LONG btn;
				CStatus ret = app.GetUIToolkit().MsgBox(
					L"Are you sure you want to remove this animation entry?",
				if (btn == 6)
					// Move all the contents up one
					for (long row = selRow; row < gd.GetRowCount(); ++row)
						for (long col = 0; col < gd.GetColumnCount(); ++col)
							gd.PutCell(col, row, gd.GetCell(col, row+1));
					// remove last row
					gd.PutRowCount(gd.GetRowCount() - 1);


    // Changed a parameter
	else if ( eventID == PPGEventContext::siParameterChange )
		Parameter changed = ctx.GetSource() ;	
		CustomProperty prop = changed.GetParent() ;	
		CString   paramName = changed.GetScriptName() ; 

        // Check paramName against parameter names, perform custom onChanged event
		if (paramName == L"targetMeshFileName")
			// Default skeleton & material name 
			Ogre::String meshName = XSItoOgre(XSI::CString(changed.GetValue()));
			if (hasSkel)
				Ogre::String skelName = meshName;
				if (Ogre::StringUtil::endsWith(skelName, ".mesh"))
					skelName = skelName.substr(0, skelName.size() - 5) + ".skeleton";
				CString xsiSkelName = OgretoXSI(skelName);
				prop.PutParameterValue(L"targetSkeletonFileName", xsiSkelName);
			// default material script name 
			Ogre::String matName = meshName;
			if (Ogre::StringUtil::endsWith(matName, ".mesh"))
				matName = matName.substr(0, matName.size() - 5) + ".material";
			CString xsiMatName = OgretoXSI(matName);
			prop.PutParameterValue(L"targetMaterialFileName", xsiMatName);


	return CStatus::OK;	
