Beispiel #1
 * Acquire device for reading.
 *  The drive should have previously been reserved by calling
 *  reserve_device_for_read(). We read the Volume label from the block and
 *  leave the block pointers just after the label.
 *  Returns: NULL if failed for any reason
 *           dcr  if successful
bool acquire_device_for_read(DCR *dcr)
   DEVICE *dev;
   JCR *jcr = dcr->jcr;
   bool ok = false;
   bool tape_previously_mounted;
   VOL_LIST *vol;
   bool try_autochanger = true;
   int i;
   int vol_label_status;
   int retry = 0;

   dev = dcr->dev;
   Dmsg2(rdbglvl, "dcr=%p dev=%p\n", dcr, dcr->dev);
   Dmsg2(rdbglvl, "MediaType dcr=%s dev=%s\n", dcr->media_type, dev->device->media_type);

   if (dev->num_writers > 0) {
      Jmsg2(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Acquire read: num_writers=%d not zero. Job %d canceled.\n"),
         dev->num_writers, jcr->JobId);
      goto get_out;

   /* Find next Volume, if any */
   vol = jcr->VolList;
   if (!vol) {
      char ed1[50];
      Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("No volumes specified for reading. Job %s canceled.\n"),
         edit_int64(jcr->JobId, ed1));
      goto get_out;
   for (i=1; i<jcr->CurReadVolume; i++) {
      vol = vol->next;
   if (!vol) {
      Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Logic error: no next volume to read. Numvol=%d Curvol=%d\n"),
         jcr->NumReadVolumes, jcr->CurReadVolume);
      goto get_out;                   /* should not happen */
   set_dcr_from_vol(dcr, vol);

   Dmsg2(rdbglvl, "Want Vol=%s Slot=%d\n", vol->VolumeName, vol->Slot);

    * If the MediaType requested for this volume is not the
    *  same as the current drive, we attempt to find the same
    *  device that was used to write the orginal volume.  If
    *  found, we switch to using that device.
    *  N.B. A lot of routines rely on the dcr pointer not changing
    *    read_records.c even has multiple dcrs cached, so we take care
    *    here to release all important parts of the dcr and re-acquire
    *    them such as the block pointer (size may change), but we do
    *    not release the dcr.
   Dmsg2(rdbglvl, "MediaType dcr=%s dev=%s\n", dcr->media_type, dev->device->media_type);
   if (dcr->media_type[0] && !bstrcmp(dcr->media_type, dev->device->media_type)) {
      RCTX rctx;
      DIRSTORE *store;
      int status;

      Jmsg3(jcr, M_INFO, 0, _("Changing read device. Want Media Type=\"%s\" have=\"%s\"\n"
                              "  device=%s\n"),
            dcr->media_type, dev->device->media_type, dev->print_name());
      Dmsg3(rdbglvl, "Changing read device. Want Media Type=\"%s\" have=\"%s\"\n"
                     "  device=%s\n",
            dcr->media_type, dev->device->media_type, dev->print_name());


      memset(&rctx, 0, sizeof(RCTX));
      rctx.jcr = jcr;
      jcr->read_dcr = dcr;
      jcr->reserve_msgs = New(alist(10, not_owned_by_alist));
      rctx.any_drive = true;
      rctx.device_name = vol->device;
      store = new DIRSTORE;
      memset(store, 0, sizeof(DIRSTORE));
      store->name[0] = 0; /* No dir name */
      bstrncpy(store->media_type, vol->MediaType, sizeof(store->media_type));
      bstrncpy(store->pool_name, dcr->pool_name, sizeof(store->pool_name));
      bstrncpy(store->pool_type, dcr->pool_type, sizeof(store->pool_type));
      store->append = false; = store;
      clean_device(dcr);                     /* clean up the dcr */

       * Search for a new device
      status = search_res_for_device(rctx);
      release_reserve_messages(jcr);         /* release queued messages */

      if (status == 1) { /* found new device to use */
          * Switching devices, so acquire lock on new device,
          *   then release the old one.
         dcr->dev->Lock_read_acquire();      /* lock new one */
         dev->Unlock_read_acquire();         /* release old one */
         dev = dcr->dev;                     /* get new device pointer */

         dcr->VolumeName[0] = 0;
         Jmsg(jcr, M_INFO, 0, _("Media Type change.  New read device %s chosen.\n"),
         Dmsg1(50, "Media Type change.  New read device %s chosen.\n", dev->print_name());
         bstrncpy(dcr->VolumeName, vol->VolumeName, sizeof(dcr->VolumeName));
         bstrncpy(dcr->media_type, vol->MediaType, sizeof(dcr->media_type));
         dcr->VolCatInfo.Slot = vol->Slot;
         dcr->VolCatInfo.InChanger = vol->Slot > 0;
         bstrncpy(dcr->pool_name, store->pool_name, sizeof(dcr->pool_name));
         bstrncpy(dcr->pool_type, store->pool_type, sizeof(dcr->pool_type));
      } else {
         /* error */
         Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("No suitable device found to read Volume \"%s\"\n"),
         Dmsg1(rdbglvl, "No suitable device found to read Volume \"%s\"\n", vol->VolumeName);
         goto get_out;
   Dmsg2(rdbglvl, "MediaType dcr=%s dev=%s\n", dcr->media_type, dev->device->media_type);


   if (dev->vol && dev->vol->is_swapping()) {
      Dmsg3(rdbglvl, "swapping: slot=%d Vol=%s dev=%s\n", dev->vol->get_slot(),
         dev->vol->vol_name, dev->print_name());


   tape_previously_mounted = dev->can_read() || dev->can_append() ||
// tape_initially_mounted = tape_previously_mounted;

   /* Volume info is always needed because of VolParts */
   Dmsg1(rdbglvl, "dir_get_volume_info vol=%s\n", dcr->VolumeName);
   if (!dcr->dir_get_volume_info(GET_VOL_INFO_FOR_READ)) {
      Dmsg2(rdbglvl, "dir_get_vol_info failed for vol=%s: %s\n",
            dcr->VolumeName, jcr->errmsg);
      Jmsg1(jcr, M_WARNING, 0, "Read acquire: %s", jcr->errmsg);
   dev->set_load();                /* set to load volume */

   for ( ;; ) {
      /* If not polling limit retries */
      if (!dev->poll && retry++ > 10) {
      dev->clear_labeled();              /* force reread of label */
      if (job_canceled(jcr)) {
         char ed1[50];
         Mmsg1(dev->errmsg, _("Job %s canceled.\n"), edit_int64(jcr->JobId, ed1));
         Jmsg(jcr, M_INFO, 0, dev->errmsg);
         goto get_out;                /* error return */

      dcr->do_load(false /*!is_writing*/);
      set_dcr_from_vol(dcr, vol);          /* refresh dcr with desired volume info */

       * This code ensures that the device is ready for
       * reading. If it is a file, it opens it.
       * If it is a tape, it checks the volume name
      Dmsg1(rdbglvl, "stored: open vol=%s\n", dcr->VolumeName);
      if (!dev->open(dcr, OPEN_READ_ONLY)) {
         if (!dev->poll) {
            Jmsg3(jcr, M_WARNING, 0, _("Read open device %s Volume \"%s\" failed: ERR=%s\n"),
                  dev->print_name(), dcr->VolumeName, dev->bstrerror());
         goto default_path;
      Dmsg1(rdbglvl, "opened dev %s OK\n", dev->print_name());

      /* Read Volume Label */
      Dmsg0(rdbglvl, "calling read-vol-label\n");
      vol_label_status = read_dev_volume_label(dcr);
      switch (vol_label_status) {
      case VOL_OK:
         Dmsg0(rdbglvl, "Got correct volume.\n");
         ok = true;
         dev->VolCatInfo = dcr->VolCatInfo;     /* structure assignment */
         break;                    /* got it */
      case VOL_IO_ERROR:
         Dmsg0(rdbglvl, "IO Error\n");
          * Send error message generated by read_dev_volume_label()
          *  only we really had a tape mounted. This supresses superfluous
          *  error messages when nothing is mounted.
         if (tape_previously_mounted) {
            Jmsg(jcr, M_WARNING, 0, "Read acquire: %s", jcr->errmsg);
         goto default_path;
      case VOL_NAME_ERROR:
         Dmsg3(rdbglvl, "Vol name=%s want=%s drv=%s.\n", dev->VolHdr.VolumeName,
               dcr->VolumeName, dev->print_name());
         if (dev->is_volume_to_unload()) {
            goto default_path;
         dev->set_unload();              /* force unload of unwanted tape */
         if (!unload_autochanger(dcr, -1)) {
            /* at least free the device so we can re-open with correct volume */
         /* Fall through */
         Jmsg1(jcr, M_WARNING, 0, "Read acquire: %s", jcr->errmsg);
         Dmsg0(rdbglvl, "default path\n");
         tape_previously_mounted = true;

          * If the device requires mount, close it, so the device can be ejected.
         if (dev->requires_mount()) {

         /* Call autochanger only once unless ask_sysop called */
         if (try_autochanger) {
            int status;
            Dmsg2(rdbglvl, "calling autoload Vol=%s Slot=%d\n",
                  dcr->VolumeName, dcr->VolCatInfo.Slot);
            status = autoload_device(dcr, 0, NULL);
            if (status > 0) {
               try_autochanger = false;
               continue;              /* try reading volume mounted */

         /* Mount a specific volume and no other */
         Dmsg0(rdbglvl, "calling dir_ask_sysop\n");
         if (!dcr->dir_ask_sysop_to_mount_volume(ST_READREADY)) {
            goto get_out;             /* error return */

         /* Volume info is always needed because of VolParts */
         Dmsg1(150, "dir_get_volume_info vol=%s\n", dcr->VolumeName);
         if (!dcr->dir_get_volume_info(GET_VOL_INFO_FOR_READ)) {
            Dmsg2(150, "dir_get_vol_info failed for vol=%s: %s\n",
                  dcr->VolumeName, jcr->errmsg);
            Jmsg1(jcr, M_WARNING, 0, "Read acquire: %s", jcr->errmsg);
         dev->set_load();                /* set to load volume */

         try_autochanger = true;      /* permit trying the autochanger again */

         continue;                    /* try reading again */
      } /* end switch */
   } /* end for loop */

   if (!ok) {
      Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Too many errors trying to mount device %s for reading.\n"),
      goto get_out;

   Jmsg(jcr, M_INFO, 0, _("Ready to read from volume \"%s\" on device %s.\n"),
      dcr->VolumeName, dev->print_name());

    * Normally we are blocked, but in at least one error case above
    *   we are not blocked because we unsuccessfully tried changing
    *   devices.
   if (dev->is_blocked()) {
   } else {
      dev->Unlock();               /* dunblock() unlock the device too */
   Dmsg2(rdbglvl, "dcr=%p dev=%p\n", dcr, dcr->dev);
   Dmsg2(rdbglvl, "MediaType dcr=%s dev=%s\n", dcr->media_type, dev->device->media_type);


   return ok;
Beispiel #2
 * This job is done, so release the device. From a Unix standpoint,
 *  the device remains open.
 * Note, if we were spooling, we may enter with the device blocked.
 *   We unblock at the end, only if it was us who blocked the
 *   device.
bool release_device(DCR *dcr)
   utime_t now;
   JCR *jcr = dcr->jcr;
   DEVICE *dev = dcr->dev;
   bool ok = true;
   char tbuf[100];
   int was_blocked = BST_NOT_BLOCKED;

    * Capture job statistics now that we are done using this device.
   now = (utime_t)time(NULL);
   update_job_statistics(jcr, now);

   if (!dev->is_blocked()) {
      block_device(dev, BST_RELEASING);
   } else {
      was_blocked = dev->blocked();
   Dmsg2(100, "release_device device %s is %s\n", dev->print_name(), dev->is_tape() ? "tape" : "disk");

    * If device is reserved, job never started, so release the reserve here

   if (dev->can_read()) {
      VOLUME_CAT_INFO *vol = &dev->VolCatInfo;
      dev->clear_read();              /* clear read bit */
      Dmsg2(150, "dir_update_vol_info. label=%d Vol=%s\n",
         dev->is_labeled(), vol->VolCatName);
      if (dev->is_labeled() && vol->VolCatName[0] != 0) {
         dcr->dir_update_volume_info(false, false); /* send Volume info to Director */
         remove_read_volume(jcr, dcr->VolumeName);
   } else if (dev->num_writers > 0) {
       * Note if WEOT is set, we are at the end of the tape and may not be positioned correctly,
       * so the job_media_record and update_vol_info have already been done,
       * which means we skip them here.
      Dmsg1(100, "There are %d writers in release_device\n", dev->num_writers);
      if (dev->is_labeled()) {
         Dmsg2(200, "dir_create_jobmedia. Release vol=%s dev=%s\n",
               dev->getVolCatName(), dev->print_name());
         if (!dev->at_weot() && !dcr->dir_create_jobmedia_record(false)) {
            Jmsg2(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Could not create JobMedia record for Volume=\"%s\" Job=%s\n"),
               dcr->getVolCatName(), jcr->Job);

          * If no more writers, and no errors, and wrote something, write an EOF
         if (!dev->num_writers && dev->can_write() && dev->block_num > 0) {
            write_ansi_ibm_labels(dcr, ANSI_EOF_LABEL, dev->VolHdr.VolumeName);
         if (!dev->at_weot()) {
            dev->VolCatInfo.VolCatFiles = dev->file;   /* set number of files */

             * Note! do volume update before close, which zaps VolCatInfo
            dcr->dir_update_volume_info(false, false); /* send Volume info to Director */
            Dmsg2(200, "dir_update_vol_info. Release vol=%s dev=%s\n",
                  dev->getVolCatName(), dev->print_name());
         if (dev->num_writers == 0) {         /* if not being used */
            volume_unused(dcr);               /*  we obviously are not using the volume */

   } else {
       * If we reach here, it is most likely because the job has failed,
       * since the device is not in read mode and there are no writers.
       * It was probably reserved.

   Dmsg3(100, "%d writers, %d reserve, dev=%s\n", dev->num_writers, dev->num_reserved(), dev->print_name());

    * If no writers, close if file or !CAP_ALWAYS_OPEN
   if (dev->num_writers == 0 && (!dev->is_tape() || !dev->has_cap(CAP_ALWAYSOPEN))) {


    * Fire off Alert command and include any output
   if (!job_canceled(jcr)) {
      if (!dcr->device->drive_tapealert_enabled && dcr->device->alert_command) {
         int status = 1;
         POOLMEM *alert, *line;
         BPIPE *bpipe;

         alert = get_pool_memory(PM_FNAME);
         line = get_pool_memory(PM_FNAME);

         alert = edit_device_codes(dcr, alert, dcr->device->alert_command, "");

          * Wait maximum 5 minutes
         bpipe = open_bpipe(alert, 60 * 5, "r");
         if (bpipe) {
            while (bfgets(line, bpipe->rfd)) {
               Jmsg(jcr, M_ALERT, 0, _("Alert: %s"), line);
            status = close_bpipe(bpipe);
         } else {
            status = errno;
         if (status != 0) {
            berrno be;
            Jmsg(jcr, M_ALERT, 0, _("3997 Bad alert command: %s: ERR=%s.\n"), alert, be.bstrerror(status));

         Dmsg1(400, "alert status=%d\n", status);
      } else {
          * If all reservations are cleared for this device raise an event that SD plugins can register to.
         if (dev->num_reserved() == 0) {
            generate_plugin_event(jcr, bsdEventDeviceReleased, dcr);

   Dmsg2(100, "JobId=%u broadcast wait_device_release at %s\n",
         (uint32_t)jcr->JobId, bstrftimes(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), (utime_t)time(NULL)));

    * If we are the thread that blocked the device, then unblock it
   if (pthread_equal(dev->no_wait_id, pthread_self())) {
   } else {
       * Otherwise, reset the prior block status and unlock

   if (dcr->keep_dcr) {
   } else {

   Dmsg2(100, "Device %s released by JobId=%u\n", dev->print_name(), (uint32_t)jcr->JobId);

   return ok;