Beispiel #1
 * Wait for SysOp to mount a tape on a specific device
int wait_for_sysop(DCR *dcr)
   struct timeval tv;
   struct timezone tz;
   struct timespec timeout;
   time_t last_heartbeat = 0;
   time_t first_start = time(NULL);
   int status = 0;
   int add_wait;
   bool unmounted;
   DEVICE *dev = dcr->dev;
   JCR *jcr = dcr->jcr;

   Dmsg1(dbglvl, "Enter blocked=%s\n", dev->print_blocked());

    * Since we want to mount a tape, make sure current one is
    *  not marked as using this drive.

   unmounted = dev->is_device_unmounted();
   dev->poll = false;
    * Wait requested time (dev->rem_wait_sec).  However, we also wake up every
    *    HB_TIME seconds and send a heartbeat to the FD and the Director
    *    to keep stateful firewalls from closing them down while waiting
    *    for the operator.
   add_wait = dev->rem_wait_sec;
   if (me->heartbeat_interval && add_wait > me->heartbeat_interval) {
      add_wait = me->heartbeat_interval;
   /* If the user did not unmount the tape and we are polling, ensure
    *  that we poll at the correct interval.
   if (!unmounted && dev->vol_poll_interval && add_wait > dev->vol_poll_interval) {
      add_wait = dev->vol_poll_interval;

   if (!unmounted) {
      Dmsg1(dbglvl, "blocked=%s\n", dev->print_blocked());
      dev->dev_prev_blocked = dev->blocked();
      dev->set_blocked(BST_WAITING_FOR_SYSOP); /* indicate waiting for mount */

   for ( ; !job_canceled(jcr); ) {
      time_t now, start, total_waited;

      gettimeofday(&tv, &tz);
      timeout.tv_nsec = tv.tv_usec * 1000;
      timeout.tv_sec = tv.tv_sec + add_wait;

      Dmsg4(dbglvl, "I'm going to sleep on device %s. HB=%d rem_wait=%d add_wait=%d\n",
         dev->print_name(), (int)me->heartbeat_interval, dev->rem_wait_sec, add_wait);
      start = time(NULL);

      /* Wait required time */
      status = pthread_cond_timedwait(&dev->wait_next_vol, &dev->m_mutex, &timeout);

      Dmsg2(dbglvl, "Wokeup from sleep on device status=%d blocked=%s\n", status,
      now = time(NULL);
      total_waited = now - first_start;
      dev->rem_wait_sec -= (now - start);

      /* Note, this always triggers the first time. We want that. */
      if (me->heartbeat_interval) {
         if (now - last_heartbeat >= me->heartbeat_interval) {
            /* send heartbeats */
            if (jcr->file_bsock) {
               Dmsg0(dbglvl, "Send heartbeat to FD.\n");
            if (jcr->dir_bsock) {
            last_heartbeat = now;

      if (status == EINVAL) {
         berrno be;
         Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("pthread timedwait error. ERR=%s\n"), be.bstrerror(status));
         status = W_ERROR;             /* error */

       * Continue waiting if operator is labeling volumes
      if (dev->blocked() == BST_WRITING_LABEL) {

      if (dev->rem_wait_sec <= 0) {  /* on exceeding wait time return */
         Dmsg0(dbglvl, "Exceed wait time.\n");
         status = W_TIMEOUT;

       * Check if user unmounted the device while we were waiting
      unmounted = dev->is_device_unmounted();

      if (!unmounted && dev->vol_poll_interval &&
          (total_waited >= dev->vol_poll_interval)) {
         Dmsg1(dbglvl, "poll return in wait blocked=%s\n", dev->print_blocked());
         dev->poll = true;            /* returning a poll event */
         status = W_POLL;
       * Check if user mounted the device while we were waiting
      if (dev->blocked() == BST_MOUNT) {   /* mount request ? */
         Dmsg0(dbglvl, "Mounted return.\n");
         status = W_MOUNT;

       * If we did not timeout, then some event happened, so
       *   return to check if state changed.
      if (status != ETIMEDOUT) {
         berrno be;
         Dmsg2(dbglvl, "Wake return. status=%d. ERR=%s\n", status, be.bstrerror(status));
         status = W_WAKE;          /* someone woke us */

       * At this point, we know we woke up because of a timeout,
       *   that was due to a heartbeat, because any other reason would
       *   have caused us to return, so update the wait counters and continue.
      add_wait = dev->rem_wait_sec;
      if (me->heartbeat_interval && add_wait > me->heartbeat_interval) {
         add_wait = me->heartbeat_interval;
      /* If the user did not unmount the tape and we are polling, ensure
       *  that we poll at the correct interval.
      if (!unmounted && dev->vol_poll_interval &&
           add_wait > dev->vol_poll_interval - total_waited) {
         add_wait = dev->vol_poll_interval - total_waited;
      if (add_wait < 0) {
         add_wait = 0;

   if (!unmounted) {
      dev->set_blocked(dev->dev_prev_blocked);    /* restore entry state */
      Dmsg1(dbglvl, "set %s\n", dev->print_blocked());
   Dmsg1(dbglvl, "Exit blocked=%s\n", dev->print_blocked());
   return status;
Beispiel #2
 * This job is done, so release the device. From a Unix standpoint,
 *  the device remains open.
 * Note, if we were spooling, we may enter with the device blocked.
 *   We unblock at the end, only if it was us who blocked the
 *   device.
bool release_device(DCR *dcr)
   utime_t now;
   JCR *jcr = dcr->jcr;
   DEVICE *dev = dcr->dev;
   bool ok = true;
   char tbuf[100];
   int was_blocked = BST_NOT_BLOCKED;

    * Capture job statistics now that we are done using this device.
   now = (utime_t)time(NULL);
   update_job_statistics(jcr, now);

   if (!dev->is_blocked()) {
      block_device(dev, BST_RELEASING);
   } else {
      was_blocked = dev->blocked();
   Dmsg2(100, "release_device device %s is %s\n", dev->print_name(), dev->is_tape() ? "tape" : "disk");

    * If device is reserved, job never started, so release the reserve here

   if (dev->can_read()) {
      VOLUME_CAT_INFO *vol = &dev->VolCatInfo;
      dev->clear_read();              /* clear read bit */
      Dmsg2(150, "dir_update_vol_info. label=%d Vol=%s\n",
         dev->is_labeled(), vol->VolCatName);
      if (dev->is_labeled() && vol->VolCatName[0] != 0) {
         dcr->dir_update_volume_info(false, false); /* send Volume info to Director */
         remove_read_volume(jcr, dcr->VolumeName);
   } else if (dev->num_writers > 0) {
       * Note if WEOT is set, we are at the end of the tape and may not be positioned correctly,
       * so the job_media_record and update_vol_info have already been done,
       * which means we skip them here.
      Dmsg1(100, "There are %d writers in release_device\n", dev->num_writers);
      if (dev->is_labeled()) {
         Dmsg2(200, "dir_create_jobmedia. Release vol=%s dev=%s\n",
               dev->getVolCatName(), dev->print_name());
         if (!dev->at_weot() && !dcr->dir_create_jobmedia_record(false)) {
            Jmsg2(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Could not create JobMedia record for Volume=\"%s\" Job=%s\n"),
               dcr->getVolCatName(), jcr->Job);

          * If no more writers, and no errors, and wrote something, write an EOF
         if (!dev->num_writers && dev->can_write() && dev->block_num > 0) {
            write_ansi_ibm_labels(dcr, ANSI_EOF_LABEL, dev->VolHdr.VolumeName);
         if (!dev->at_weot()) {
            dev->VolCatInfo.VolCatFiles = dev->file;   /* set number of files */

             * Note! do volume update before close, which zaps VolCatInfo
            dcr->dir_update_volume_info(false, false); /* send Volume info to Director */
            Dmsg2(200, "dir_update_vol_info. Release vol=%s dev=%s\n",
                  dev->getVolCatName(), dev->print_name());
         if (dev->num_writers == 0) {         /* if not being used */
            volume_unused(dcr);               /*  we obviously are not using the volume */

   } else {
       * If we reach here, it is most likely because the job has failed,
       * since the device is not in read mode and there are no writers.
       * It was probably reserved.

   Dmsg3(100, "%d writers, %d reserve, dev=%s\n", dev->num_writers, dev->num_reserved(), dev->print_name());

    * If no writers, close if file or !CAP_ALWAYS_OPEN
   if (dev->num_writers == 0 && (!dev->is_tape() || !dev->has_cap(CAP_ALWAYSOPEN))) {


    * Fire off Alert command and include any output
   if (!job_canceled(jcr)) {
      if (!dcr->device->drive_tapealert_enabled && dcr->device->alert_command) {
         int status = 1;
         POOLMEM *alert, *line;
         BPIPE *bpipe;

         alert = get_pool_memory(PM_FNAME);
         line = get_pool_memory(PM_FNAME);

         alert = edit_device_codes(dcr, alert, dcr->device->alert_command, "");

          * Wait maximum 5 minutes
         bpipe = open_bpipe(alert, 60 * 5, "r");
         if (bpipe) {
            while (bfgets(line, bpipe->rfd)) {
               Jmsg(jcr, M_ALERT, 0, _("Alert: %s"), line);
            status = close_bpipe(bpipe);
         } else {
            status = errno;
         if (status != 0) {
            berrno be;
            Jmsg(jcr, M_ALERT, 0, _("3997 Bad alert command: %s: ERR=%s.\n"), alert, be.bstrerror(status));

         Dmsg1(400, "alert status=%d\n", status);
      } else {
          * If all reservations are cleared for this device raise an event that SD plugins can register to.
         if (dev->num_reserved() == 0) {
            generate_plugin_event(jcr, bsdEventDeviceReleased, dcr);

   Dmsg2(100, "JobId=%u broadcast wait_device_release at %s\n",
         (uint32_t)jcr->JobId, bstrftimes(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), (utime_t)time(NULL)));

    * If we are the thread that blocked the device, then unblock it
   if (pthread_equal(dev->no_wait_id, pthread_self())) {
   } else {
       * Otherwise, reset the prior block status and unlock

   if (dcr->keep_dcr) {
   } else {

   Dmsg2(100, "Device %s released by JobId=%u\n", dev->print_name(), (uint32_t)jcr->JobId);

   return ok;