Beispiel #1
// printTypesForNode --prints all the types for the given NodeValue, without a newline
// (meant to be called as a helper)
static void printTypesForNode(llvm::raw_ostream &O, NodeValue &NV) {
  DSNode *N = NV.getNode();

  if (N->isNodeCompletelyFolded()) {
    O << "Folded";
  // Go through all the types, and just dump them.
  // FIXME: Lifted from Printer.cpp, probably should be shared
  bool firstType = true;
  if (N->type_begin() != N->type_end())
    for (DSNode::TyMapTy::const_iterator ii = N->type_begin(),
        ee = N->type_end(); ii != ee; ++ii) {
      if (!firstType) O << "::";
      firstType = false;
      O << ii->first << ":";
      if (ii->second) {
        bool first = true;
        for (svset<Type*>::const_iterator ni = ii->second->begin(),
            ne = ii->second->end(); ni != ne; ++ni) {
          if (!first) O << "|";
          Type * t = *ni;
          t->print (O);
          first = false;
        O << "VOID";
    O << "VOID";

  if (N->isArrayNode())
    O << "Array";
Beispiel #2
// Method: getUnsafeAllocsFromABC()
// Description:
//  Find all memory objects that are both allocated on the stack and are not
//  proven to be indexed in a type-safe manner according to the static array
//  bounds checking pass.
// Notes:
//  This method saves its results be remembering the set of DSNodes which are
//  both on the stack and potentially indexed in a type-unsafe manner.
//  This method only considers unsafe GEP instructions; it does not consider
//  unsafe call instructions or other instructions deemed unsafe by the array
//  bounds checking pass.
ConvertUnsafeAllocas::getUnsafeAllocsFromABC(Module & M) {
  UnsafeAllocaNodeListBuilder Builder(budsPass, unsafeAllocaNodes);
#if 0
  // Haohui: Disable it right now since nobody using the code

  std::map<BasicBlock *,std::set<Instruction*>*> UnsafeGEPMap= abcPass->UnsafeGetElemPtrs;
  std::map<BasicBlock *,std::set<Instruction*>*>::const_iterator bCurrent = UnsafeGEPMap.begin(), bEnd = UnsafeGEPMap.end();
  for (; bCurrent != bEnd; ++bCurrent) {
    std::set<Instruction *> * UnsafeGetElemPtrs = bCurrent->second;
    std::set<Instruction *>::const_iterator iCurrent = UnsafeGetElemPtrs->begin(), iEnd = UnsafeGetElemPtrs->end();
    for (; iCurrent != iEnd; ++iCurrent) {
      if (GetElementPtrInst *GEP = dyn_cast<GetElementPtrInst>(*iCurrent)) {
        Value *pointerOperand = GEP->getPointerOperand();
        DSGraph * TDG = budsPass->getDSGraph(*(GEP->getParent()->getParent()));
        DSNode *DSN = TDG->getNodeForValue(pointerOperand).getNode();
        //FIXME DO we really need this ?      markReachableAllocas(DSN);
        if (DSN && DSN->isAllocaNode() && !DSN->isNodeCompletelyFolded()) {
      } else {
        //call instruction add the corresponding    *iCurrent->dump();
        //FIXME     abort();
Beispiel #3
 void visitGetElementPtrInst(GetElementPtrInst &GEP) {
   Value *pointerOperand = GEP.getPointerOperand();
   DSGraph * TDG = budsPass->getDSGraph(*(GEP.getParent()->getParent()));
   DSNode *DSN = TDG->getNodeForValue(pointerOperand).getNode();
   //FIXME DO we really need this ?      markReachableAllocas(DSN);
   if (DSN && DSN->isAllocaNode() && !DSN->isNodeCompletelyFolded()) {
Beispiel #4
bool DSGraphStats::isNodeForValueUntyped(Value *V, unsigned Offset, const Function *F) {
  DSNodeHandle NH = getNodeHandleForValue(V);
    return true;
  else {
    DSNode *N = NH.getNode();
    if (N->isNodeCompletelyFolded()){
      return true;
    if ( N->isExternalNode()){
      return true;
    if ( N->isIncompleteNode()){
      return true;
    if (N->isUnknownNode()){
      return true;
    if (N->isIntToPtrNode()){
      return true;
    // it is a complete node, now check how many types are present
    int count = 0;
    unsigned offset = NH.getOffset() + Offset;
    if (N->type_begin() != N->type_end())
      for (DSNode::TyMapTy::const_iterator ii = N->type_begin(),
           ee = N->type_end(); ii != ee; ++ii) {
        if(ii->first != offset)
        count += ii->second->size();

    if (count ==0)
    else if(count == 1)
    else if(count == 2)
    else if(count == 3)
  return false;
Beispiel #5
template<class dsa> bool
TypeSafety<dsa>::isFieldDisjoint (const GlobalValue * V, unsigned offset) {
  // Get the DSNode for the specified value.
  DSNodeHandle DH = getDSNodeHandle (V);
  DSNode *node = DH.getNode();
  //unsigned offset = DH.getOffset();
  DEBUG(errs() << " check fields overlap at: " << offset << "\n");

  // If there is no DSNode, claim that it is not type safe.
  if (DH.isNull()) {
    return false;
  // If the DSNode is completely folded, then we know for sure that it is not
  // type-safe.
  if (node->isNodeCompletelyFolded())
    return false;

  // If the memory object represented by this DSNode can be manipulated by
  // external code or DSA has otherwise not finished analyzing all operations
  // on it, declare it type-unsafe.
  if (node->isExternalNode() || node->isIncompleteNode())
    return false;

  // If the pointer to the memory object came from some source not understood
  // by DSA or somehow came from/escapes to the realm of integers, declare it
  // type-unsafe.
  if (node->isUnknownNode() || node->isIntToPtrNode() || node->isPtrToIntNode()) {
    return false;

  return !((NodeInfo[node])[offset]); 
Beispiel #6
// Function: MergeConstantInitIntoNode()
// Description:
//  Merge the specified constant into the specified DSNode.
GraphBuilder::MergeConstantInitIntoNode(DSNodeHandle &NH,
                                        Type* Ty,
                                        Constant *C) {
  // Ensure a type-record exists...
  DSNode *NHN = NH.getNode();
  //NHN->mergeTypeInfo(Ty, NH.getOffset());

  // If we've found something of pointer type, create or find its DSNode and
  // make a link from the specified DSNode to the new DSNode describing the
  // pointer we've just found.
  if (isa<PointerType>(Ty)) {
    NHN->mergeTypeInfo(Ty, NH.getOffset());

  // If the type of the object (array element, structure field, etc.) is an
  // integer or floating point type, then just ignore it.  It has no DSNode.
  if (Ty->isIntOrIntVectorTy() || Ty->isFPOrFPVectorTy()) return;

  // Handle aggregate constants.
  if (ConstantArray *CA = dyn_cast<ConstantArray>(C)) {
    // For an array, we don't worry about different elements pointing to
    // different objects; we essentially pretend that all array elements alias.
    Type * ElementType = cast<ArrayType>(Ty)->getElementType();
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = CA->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i) {
      Constant * ConstElement = cast<Constant>(CA->getOperand(i));
      MergeConstantInitIntoNode(NH, ElementType, ConstElement);
  } else if (ConstantStruct *CS = dyn_cast<ConstantStruct>(C)) {
    // For a structure, we need to merge each element of the constant structure
    // into the specified DSNode.  However, we must also handle structures that
    // end with a zero-length array ([0 x sbyte]); this is a common C idiom
    // that continues to plague the world.
    //NHN->mergeTypeInfo(Ty, NH.getOffset());

    const StructLayout *SL = TD.getStructLayout(cast<StructType>(Ty));

    for (unsigned i = 0, e = CS->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i) {
      DSNode *NHN = NH.getNode();
      if (SL->getElementOffset(i) < SL->getSizeInBytes()) {
        // Get the type and constant value of this particular element of the
        // constant structure.
        Type * ElementType = cast<StructType>(Ty)->getElementType(i);
        Constant * ConstElement = cast<Constant>(CS->getOperand(i));

        // Get the offset (in bytes) into the memory object that we're
        // analyzing.
        unsigned offset = NH.getOffset()+(unsigned)SL->getElementOffset(i);
        NHN->mergeTypeInfo(ElementType, offset);
        // Create a new DSNodeHandle.  This DSNodeHandle will point to the same
        // DSNode as the one we're constructing for our caller; however, it
        // will point into a different offset into that DSNode.
        DSNodeHandle NewNH (NHN, offset);
        assert ((NHN->isNodeCompletelyFolded() || (NewNH.getOffset() == offset))
                && "Need to resize DSNode!");

        // Recursively merge in this element of the constant struture into the
        // DSNode.
        MergeConstantInitIntoNode(NewNH, ElementType, ConstElement);
      } else if (SL->getElementOffset(i) == SL->getSizeInBytes()) {
        // If this is one of those cute structures that ends with a zero-length
        // array, just fold the DSNode now and get it over with.
        DEBUG(errs() << "Zero size element at end of struct\n" );
      } else {
        assert(0 && "type was smaller than offsets of struct layout indicate");
  } else if (isa<ConstantAggregateZero>(C) || isa<UndefValue>(C)) {
    // Undefined values and NULL pointers have no DSNodes, so they do nothing.
  } else {
    assert(0 && "Unknown constant type!");
Beispiel #7
/// verify - This is the function which checks to make sure that all of the
/// invariants established on the command line are true.
void DSGC::verify(const DSGraph* G) {
  // Loop over all of the nodes, checking to see if any are collapsed...
  if (AbortIfAnyCollapsed) {
    for (DSGraph::node_const_iterator I = G->node_begin(), E = G->node_end();
         I != E; ++I)
      if (I->isNodeCompletelyFolded()) {
        cerr << "Node is collapsed: ";
        I->print(cerr, G);

  if (!AbortIfCollapsed.empty() || !CheckFlags.empty() ||
      !AbortIfMerged.empty()) {
    // Convert from a list to a set, because we don't have cl::set's yet.  FIXME
    std::set<std::string> AbortIfCollapsedS(AbortIfCollapsed.begin(),
    std::set<std::string> AbortIfMergedS(AbortIfMerged.begin(),
    std::map<std::string, unsigned> CheckFlagsM;

    for (cl::list<std::string>::iterator I = CheckFlags.begin(),
           E = CheckFlags.end(); I != E; ++I) {
      std::string::size_type ColonPos = I->rfind(':');
      if (ColonPos == std::string::npos) {
        cerr << "Error: '" << *I
             << "' is an invalid value for the --dsgc-check-flags option!\n";

      unsigned Flags = 0;
      for (unsigned C = ColonPos+1; C != I->size(); ++C)
        switch ((*I)[C]) {
        case 'S': Flags |= DSFlags::AllocaNode;      break;
        case 'H': Flags |= DSFlags::HeapNode;        break;
        case 'G': Flags |= DSFlags::GlobalNode;      break;
        case 'U': Flags |= DSFlags::UnknownNode;     break;
        case 'I': Flags |= DSFlags::IncompleteNode;  break;
        case 'M': Flags |= DSFlags::ModifiedNode;    break;
        case 'R': Flags |= DSFlags::ReadNode;        break;
        case 'A': Flags |= DSFlags::ArrayNode;       break;
        default: cerr << "Invalid DSNode flag!\n"; abort();
      CheckFlagsM[std::string(I->begin(), I->begin()+ColonPos)] = Flags;

    // Now we loop over all of the scalars, checking to see if any are collapsed
    // that are not supposed to be, or if any are merged together.
    const DSGraph::ScalarMapTy &SM = G->getScalarMap();
    std::map<DSNode*, std::string> AbortIfMergedNodes;

    for (DSGraph::ScalarMapTy::const_iterator I = SM.begin(), E = SM.end();
         I != E; ++I)
      if (I->first->hasName() && I->second.getNode()) {
        const std::string &Name = I->first->getName();
        DSNode *N = I->second.getNode();

        // Verify it is not collapsed if it is not supposed to be...
        if (N->isNodeCompletelyFolded() && AbortIfCollapsedS.count(Name)) {
          cerr << "Node for value '%" << Name << "' is collapsed: ";
          N->print(cerr, G);

        if (CheckFlagsM.count(Name) && CheckFlagsM[Name] != N->getNodeFlags()) {
          cerr << "Node flags are not as expected for node: " << Name 
               << " (" << CheckFlagsM[Name] << ":" <<N->getNodeFlags()
               << ")\n";
          N->print(cerr, G);

        // Verify that it is not merged if it is not supposed to be...
        if (AbortIfMergedS.count(Name)) {
          if (AbortIfMergedNodes.count(N)) {
            cerr << "Nodes for values '%" << Name << "' and '%"
                 << AbortIfMergedNodes[N] << "' is merged: ";
            N->print(cerr, G);
          AbortIfMergedNodes[N] = Name;
Beispiel #8
// Method: TransformCSSAllocasToMallocs()
// Description:
//  This method is given the set of DSNodes from the stack safety pass that
//  have been marked for promotion.  It then finds all alloca instructions
//  that have not been marked type-unknown and promotes them to heap
//  allocations.
ConvertUnsafeAllocas::TransformCSSAllocasToMallocs (Module & M,
                                                    std::set<DSNode *> & cssAllocaNodes) {
  for (Module::iterator FI = M.begin(); FI != M.end(); ++FI) {
    // Skip functions that have no DSGraph.  These are probably functions with
    // no function body and are, hence, cannot be analyzed.
    if (!(budsPass->hasDSGraph (*FI))) continue;

    // Get the DSGraph for the current function.
    DSGraph *DSG = budsPass->getDSGraph(*FI);

    // Search for alloca instructions that need promotion and add them to the
    // worklist.
    std::vector<AllocaInst *> Worklist;
    for (Function::iterator BB = FI->begin(); BB != FI->end(); ++BB) {
      for (BasicBlock::iterator ii = BB->begin(); ii != BB->end(); ++ii) {
        Instruction * I = ii;

        if (AllocaInst * AI = dyn_cast<AllocaInst>(I)) {
          // Get the DSNode for the allocation.
          DSNode *DSN = DSG->getNodeForValue(AI).getNode();
          assert (DSN && "No DSNode for alloca!\n");

          // If the alloca is type-known, we do not need to promote it, so
          // don't bother with it.
          if (DSN->isNodeCompletelyFolded()) continue;

          // Determine if the DSNode for the alloca is one of those marked as
          // unsafe by the stack safety analysis pass.  If not, then we do not
          // need to promote it.
          if (cssAllocaNodes.find(DSN) == cssAllocaNodes.end()) continue;

          // If the DSNode for this alloca is already listed in the
          // unsafeAllocaNode vector, remove it since we are processing it here
          std::list<DSNode *>::iterator NodeI = find (unsafeAllocaNodes.begin(),
          if (NodeI != unsafeAllocaNodes.end()) {

          // This alloca needs to be changed to a malloc.  Add it to the
          // worklist.
          Worklist.push_back (AI);

    // Update the statistics.
    if (Worklist.size())
      ConvAllocas += Worklist.size();

    // Convert everything in the worklist into a malloc instruction.
    while (Worklist.size()) {
      // Grab an alloca from the worklist.
      AllocaInst * AI = Worklist.back();

      // Get the DSNode for this alloca.
      DSNode *DSN = DSG->getNodeForValue(AI).getNode();
      assert (DSN && "No DSNode for alloca!\n");

      // Promote the alloca and remove it from the program.
      promoteAlloca (AI, DSN);