Beispiel #1
void Octree::Update(const FrameInfo& frame)
    // Let drawables update themselves before reinsertion. This can be used for animation
    if (!drawableUpdates_.Empty())

        // Perform updates in worker threads. Notify the scene that a threaded update is going on and components
        // (for example physics objects) should not perform non-threadsafe work when marked dirty
        Scene* scene = GetScene();
        WorkQueue* queue = GetSubsystem<WorkQueue>();

        int numWorkItems = queue->GetNumThreads() + 1; // Worker threads + main thread
        int drawablesPerItem = Max((int)(drawableUpdates_.Size() / numWorkItems), 1);

        PODVector<Drawable*>::Iterator start = drawableUpdates_.Begin();
        // Create a work item for each thread
        for (int i = 0; i < numWorkItems; ++i)
            SharedPtr<WorkItem> item = queue->GetFreeItem();
            item->priority_ = M_MAX_UNSIGNED;
            item->workFunction_ = UpdateDrawablesWork;
            item->aux_ = const_cast<FrameInfo*>(&frame);

            PODVector<Drawable*>::Iterator end = drawableUpdates_.End();
            if (i < numWorkItems - 1 && end - start > drawablesPerItem)
                end = start + drawablesPerItem;

            item->start_ = &(*start);
            item->end_ = &(*end);

            start = end;


    // Notify drawable update being finished. Custom animation (eg. IK) can be done at this point
    Scene* scene = GetScene();
    if (scene)
        using namespace SceneDrawableUpdateFinished;

        VariantMap& eventData = GetEventDataMap();
        eventData[P_SCENE] = scene;
        eventData[P_TIMESTEP] = frame.timeStep_;
        scene->SendEvent(E_SCENEDRAWABLEUPDATEFINISHED, eventData);

    // Reinsert drawables that have been moved or resized, or that have been newly added to the octree and do not sit inside
    // the proper octant yet
    if (!drawableUpdates_.Empty())

        for (PODVector<Drawable*>::Iterator i = drawableUpdates_.Begin(); i != drawableUpdates_.End(); ++i)
            Drawable* drawable = *i;
            drawable->updateQueued_ = false;
            Octant* octant = drawable->GetOctant();
            const BoundingBox& box = drawable->GetWorldBoundingBox();

            // Skip if no octant or does not belong to this octree anymore
            if (!octant || octant->GetRoot() != this)
            // Skip if still fits the current octant
            if (drawable->IsOccludee() && octant->GetCullingBox().IsInside(box) == INSIDE && octant->CheckDrawableFit(box))


#ifdef _DEBUG
            // Verify that the drawable will be culled correctly
            octant = drawable->GetOctant();
            if (octant != this && octant->GetCullingBox().IsInside(box) != INSIDE)
                LOGERROR("Drawable is not fully inside its octant's culling bounds: drawable box " + box.ToString() +
                         " octant box " + octant->GetCullingBox().ToString());
