int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	glutInit(&argc, argv);
	glutInitDisplayMode (GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGBA | GLUT_DEPTH); //double buffering, RGB mode, need depth buffer
	glutInitWindowSize(WIDTH,HEIGHT); //width, height of the window
	glutInitWindowPosition(0, 0);	// location on the screen the window appears
	window = glutCreateWindow("Project GUI");	// creates the window
	init(); //things to do once, mostly in beginning	
	glutDisplayFunc(handleDisplay);		// tells glut which function to call to render a screen.
	glutMotionFunc(handleMotion);		// handle when motion (this generally means when mouse is moved with a button pressed)
 	GLUI_Master.set_glutReshapeFunc( handleReshape );

  	//Setting opengl lights

  	GLfloat light0_ambient[] =  {0.1f, 0.1f, 0.3f, 1.0f};
  	GLfloat light0_diffuse[] =  {.6f, .6f, 1.0f, 1.0f};
  	GLfloat light0_position[] = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f};

  	glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_AMBIENT, light0_ambient);
  	glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, light0_diffuse);
  	glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, light0_position);
	glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);		// enabling depth
	GLUI *glui = GLUI_Master.create_glui_subwindow(window,
  	new GLUI_StaticText( glui, "Project GLUI" );
  	new GLUI_Separator(glui);
	glui->set_main_gfx_window( window );
	GLUI_Panel *obj_panel = glui->add_panel ("Display option panel");
	listbox = new GLUI_Listbox(obj_panel, "Mesh display option", &display_type, 1, controlBlock);
  	listbox->add_item(FLAT_SHADED, "Flat Shaded");
	listbox->add_item(SMOOTH_SHADED, "Smooth Shaded");
	listbox->add_item(WIREFRAME, "Wireframe");
  	listbox->add_item(EDGES_SHADED, "Shaded with mesh edges");

	//scale code
	GLUI_Spinner *scale_spinner = new GLUI_Spinner( obj_panel, "Scale:", &scale);
  	scale_spinner->set_float_limits( .2f, 5.0 );
  	scale_spinner->set_alignment( GLUI_ALIGN_RIGHT );
	//rotation code
	GLUI_Panel * rotation_panel = glui->add_panel_to_panel(obj_panel, "", GLUI_PANEL_NONE);
	GLUI_Rotation *sph_rot =
		glui->add_rotation_to_panel(rotation_panel,"Rotate", sphere_rotate,
		ROTATION_ID, controlBlock); 

	//translation code
	GLUI_Panel * translate_panel = glui->add_panel_to_panel(obj_panel, "",

	GLUI_Translation * move_z =
		glui->add_translation_to_panel(translate_panel,"Object Z",
		GLUI_TRANSLATION_Z, &obj_pos[2]); 
	move_z->scale_factor = 0.1f;

	glui->add_column_to_panel(translate_panel, true);
	GLUI_Translation * move_around =
		glui->add_translation_to_panel(translate_panel,"Object XY",
	move_around->scale_factor = 0.1f;

	GLUI_Panel * decimate_panel = glui->add_panel("Decimate Panel");

	glui->add_edittext_to_panel(decimate_panel, "No. of collapse iteration: ", GLUI_EDITTEXT_INT, &collapseCount);

	glui->add_edittext_to_panel(decimate_panel, "Random count (k): ", GLUI_EDITTEXT_INT, &KValue);

	glui->add_button_to_panel(decimate_panel, "Decimate", DECIMATE_ID, controlBlock);

	glui->add_button_to_panel(decimate_panel, "Shape Preserve", SHAPE_PRESERVE_DECIMATE_ID, controlBlock);


	GLUI_Panel * shape_panel = glui->add_panel("Shape based Panel");
	glui->add_button_to_panel(shape_panel, "Go", SURE_SHAPE_PRESERVE_DECIMATE_ID, controlBlock);


	GLUI_Panel * mapping_panel = glui->add_panel("Mapping Panel");

	glui->add_button_to_panel(mapping_panel, "Open map file", MAPPING_OPEN_ID, controlBlock);
	//other details
	glui->add_button("Open", OPEN_ID, controlBlock);
	glui->add_button("Save", SAVE_ID, controlBlock);
	glui->add_button("Reset", RESET_ID, controlBlock);
  	glui->add_button("Quit", QUIT_ID, (GLUI_Update_CB)exit);

	/* register idle callback with GLUI, NOT with GLUT */
  	GLUI_Master.set_glutIdleFunc( handleIdle );	// handle when no events are occuring 

	glutMainLoop();				// once this is called, glut takes over --
						// returns only when the window is closed	