const char *GStringList::RemoveFirst(__int64 *pnLen/* = 0*/) { m_strSerializeDest = ""; if (pnLen) { *pnLen = 0; } GString *pG = (GString *)GList::First(); if (pG) { GList::RemoveFirst(); m_strSerializeDest = (const char *)*pG; if (pnLen) { *pnLen = pG->Length(); } delete pG; } return m_strSerializeDest; }
void GProfile::GetLine(GString &strLine, const char *szBuffer, __int64 *nIdx, __int64 dwSize) { strLine.Empty(); while (*nIdx < dwSize) { if (szBuffer[*nIdx] == '\n') break; strLine += szBuffer[*nIdx]; (*nIdx)++; } (*nIdx)++; }
/** @brief vs外部工具中命令:$(ProjectDir) *.h luaRegister.cpp **/ int _tmain ( int argc, _TCHAR* argv[] ) { //TLuaRegister luaregister; //luaregister.init ( "..\\FiGameDemo\\", "*.h", "..\\FiGameDemo\\luaRegister.cpp" ); if ( argc < 4 ) { std::cout << "\nArgs is invalid!" ; std::cout << "Right args:path ext outfile"; return 1; } GString out; out.Format ( _T ( "Args:\nPath:%s,Ext:%s,OutFile:%s" ), argv[1], argv[2], argv[3] ); std::cout << ( out ); GString outfile = argv[1]; outfile += argv[3]; TLuaRegister luaregister; luaregister.init ( argv[1], argv[2], outfile ); return 0; }
// 初始化表情数据 bool TextureFontInfo::Init(IGraphic* pGraphic, uint32 idx, GString texname, CFRect pos, GWString des) { ITexture* pTexture = NULL; SafeRelease(EmtImg.pTexture); if ( texname.c_str() && texname[0] ) { HRESULT hr = pGraphic->CreateTexture( PATH_ALIAS_GUITEX.c_str(), texname.c_str(), &pTexture ); // szTextName if(FAILED(hr)) OutputDebugString(texname.c_str()); if ( !pTexture ) return false; } EmtImg.pTexture = pTexture; EmtImg.texRt = pos; EmtIdx = idx; EmtTexName = texname; EmtDes = des; return true; }
void ReadMetadata (GString line, OsuLoadInfo* Info) { auto Command = line.substr(0, line.find_first_of(":")); // Lines are Information:Content auto Content = line.substr(line.find_first_of(":") + 1, line.length() - line.find_first_of(":")); #ifdef VERBOSE_DEBUG printf("Command found: %s | Contents: %s\n", Command.c_str(), Content.c_str()); #endif Utility::Trim(Content); if (Command == "Title") { Info->OsuSong->SongName = Content; }else if (Command == "Artist") { Info->OsuSong->SongAuthor = Content; }else if (Command == "Version") { Info->Diff->Name = Content; }else if (Command == "TitleUnicode") { if (Content.length() > 1) Info->OsuSong->SongName = Content; }else if (Command == "ArtistUnicode") { if (Content.length() > 1) Info->OsuSong->SongAuthor = Content; } else if (Command == "Creator") { Info->Diff->Author = Content; } }
void GProfile::ThrowLastError(const char *pzFile) { DWORD dwExp = GetLastError(); #ifdef __WINPHONE char pzMsgBuf[256]; FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, 0, dwExp, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), // Default language pzMsgBuf, 0, NULL ); GString strTemp = pzMsgBuf; #else LPVOID lpMsgBuf; FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, dwExp, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), // Default language (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL ); GString strTemp = (char *)lpMsgBuf; LocalFree( lpMsgBuf ); #endif strTemp.TrimRightWS(); GString strFile; strFile.Format("%s - %s", (const char *)strTemp,pzFile); GException exp(dwExp,(const char *)strFile); throw exp; }
void GException::AddErrorDetail(const char* szSystem, int error, ...) { int nSubSystem = 0; int nError = error; try { GProfile &ErrorProfile = GetErrorProfile(); nSubSystem = atoi(ErrorProfile.GetString(szSystem, "SubSystem")); GString strKey; strKey.Format("%ld", (int)error); strKey = ErrorProfile.GetString(szSystem, (const char *)strKey); GString strTemp; va_list argList; va_start(argList, error); strTemp.FormatV((const char *)strKey, argList); va_end(argList); GString strAddedToUserStack; strAddedToUserStack.Format("[Error %ld:%ld] %s\n", (int)nSubSystem, (int)nError, (const char *)strTemp); _ErrorDetail.AddLast(strAddedToUserStack); } catch (GException &e) { _subSystem = e._subSystem; _error = e._error; _strExceptionReason = e._strExceptionReason; return; } }
void SwitchBoard::ViewCurrentState() { gthread_mutex_lock(&m_cs); InfoLog(14, "Waiting for:"); GBTreeIterator it(&m_hshState,2); while (it()) { SwitchEntry *pSE = (SwitchEntry *)it++; if (pSE) { GString str; str.Format("%s -- %s",(const char *)pSE->strKey, pSE->pzCreateTime); InfoLog(15, str); } else { // InfoLog(16,"Error - A (null) Switch Entry exists"); // this never happens } } InfoLog(17,"Waiting to Service:"); GBTreeIterator it2(&m_hshPending,2); while (it2()) { SwitchEntry *pSE = (SwitchEntry *)it2++; if (pSE) { GString str; str.Format("%s -- %s",(const char *)pSE->strKey, pSE->pzCreateTime); InfoLog(18,str); } else { // InfoLog(19,"Error - A (null) Switch Entry exists"); // this never happens } } gthread_mutex_unlock(&m_cs); }
void InitApp() { #ifdef _DEBUG SysUtils::RedirectIOToConsole(); #endif GError err; // create a new kernel gKernel = new GKernel(); // build path for data GString dataPath = SysUtils::AmanithPath(); if (dataPath.length() > 0) dataPath += "data/"; // load glyphs and triangulate them err = LoadAndTesselateGlyphs(dataPath + "cards.ttf", (GReal)1e-7); if (err != G_NO_ERROR) { perror("Fail to load cards.ttf"); abort(); } // load cards and animations err = LoadCardsAndAnimations(dataPath + "cards.xml"); if (err != G_NO_ERROR) { perror("Fail to load cards.xml"); abort(); } // load and initialize background LoadBackGraoundAndLogo(dataPath + "stars.png"); // initialize random generator GMath::SeedRandom(); // begin with 7 cards gMaxCards = 7; gLogicTick = 0.13; gBackGroundTime = 0; gBackGroundTimeStep = 0.0003; gAnimCards.resize(gMaxCards); }
extern "C" JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_com_Server_app_Server_serverInteract (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jint nOperation, jstring jsArg1, jstring jsArg2) { int nRet = 0; env->GetJavaVM(&g_javaVM); jclass cls = env->GetObjectClass(obj); g_activityClass = (jclass) env->NewGlobalRef(cls); g_activityObj = env->NewGlobalRef(obj); const char *str1 = env->GetStringUTFChars(jsArg1,0); const char *str2 = env->GetStringUTFChars(jsArg2,0); GString strResultForJava; if (nOperation == 1) // in your java app you will set 1 to dispatch here { GStringList list("&&",str1); // example arg1 is a list of strings GStringIterator it(&list); const char *p1 = it++; const char *p2 = it++; const char *p3 = it++; const char *p4 = it++; const char *p5 = it++; strResultForJava.Format(pzBoundStartupConfig,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5); } if (nOperation == 2) // do your own thing { strResultForJava = "nOperation 2 was called with ["; strResultForJava << str1 << "] and [" << str2 << "]"; } env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jsArg1, str1); env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jsArg2, str2); return env->NewStringUTF(strResultForJava.Buf()); }
static void setGlobalParameter(const char* type, const char* arg1, const char* arg2 = NULL) { GString line; line.append(type); line.append(" "); line.append(arg1); if (arg2 != NULL) { line.append(" "); line.append(arg2); } GString name("BepdfApplication"); globalParams->parseLine(line.getCString(), &name, 0); }
bool ReadGeneral (GString line, OsuLoadInfo* Info) { GString Command = line.substr(0, line.find_first_of(" ")); // Lines are Information:<space>Content GString Content = line.substr(line.find_first_of(":") + 1); Content = Content.substr(Content.find_first_not_of(" ")); if (Command == "AudioFilename:") { if (Content == "virtual") { Info->Diff->IsVirtual = true; return true; } else { #ifdef VERBOSE_DEBUG printf("Audio filename found: %s\n", Content.c_str()); #endif Utility::Trim(Content); Info->OsuSong->SongFilename = Content; Info->OsuSong->SongPreviewSource = Content; } }else if (Command == "Mode:") { Info->ReadAModeTag = true; if (Content != "3") // It's not a osu!mania chart, so we can't use it. return false; }else if (Command == "SampleSet:") { Utility::ToLower(Content); Utility::Trim(Content); Info->DefaultSampleset = Content; } else if (Command == "PreviewTime:") { if (Content != "-1") { if (Info->OsuSong->PreviewTime == 0) Info->OsuSong->PreviewTime = latof(Content) / 1000; } } else if (Command == "SpecialStyle:") { if (Content == "1") Info->Diff->Data->Turntable = true; } return true; }
int InitGL(GLvoid) { gKernel = new GKernel(); gImage = (GPixelMap *)gKernel->CreateNew(G_PIXELMAP_CLASSID); // build path for data (textures) gDataPath = SysUtils::AmanithPath(); if (gDataPath.length() > 0) gDataPath += "data/"; gRotAngle = 0; gRotationVel = (GReal)0.05; gStrokeOpacity = 1; gFillOpacity = 1; gZoomFactor = 2; gAnim = G_FALSE; gTranslation.Set(256, 256); gStrokeCompOp = G_SRC_OVER_OP; gFillCompOp = G_SRC_OVER_OP; gDrawBoard->SetRenderingQuality(G_HIGH_RENDERING_QUALITY); GString s; GError err; GDynArray<GKeyValue> colKeys; // color gradient colKeys.clear(); colKeys.push_back(GKeyValue((GReal)0.00, GVector4((GReal)0.95, (GReal)0.92, (GReal)0.0, (GReal)1.0))); colKeys.push_back(GKeyValue((GReal)1.00, GVector4((GReal)0.1, (GReal)0.3, (GReal)0.8, (GReal)0.7))); gLinGrad = gDrawBoard->CreateLinearGradient(GPoint2(-60, -44), GPoint2(60, 44), colKeys, G_HERMITE_COLOR_INTERPOLATION, G_PAD_COLOR_RAMP_SPREAD); // background s = gDataPath + "compground.png"; err = gImage->Load(StrUtils::ToAscii(s), "expandpalette=true"); if (err == G_NO_ERROR) { gBackGround = gDrawBoard->CreatePattern(gImage, G_LOW_IMAGE_QUALITY, G_REPEAT_TILE); gBackGround->SetLogicalWindow(GPoint2(0, 0), GPoint2(512, 512)); } else gBackGround = NULL; gDrawBoard->SetStrokeWidth(10); gDrawBoard->SetStrokeGradient(gLinGrad); gDrawBoard->SetFillGradient(gLinGrad); gDrawBoard->SetFillPattern(gBackGround); DrawTitle(); return TRUE; }
GString RemoveComments(const GString Str) { GString Result; int k = 0; int AwatingEOL = 0; ptrdiff_t len = Str.length() - 1; for (ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (AwatingEOL) { if (Str[i] != '\n') continue; else { AwatingEOL = 0; continue; } } else { if (Str[i] == '/' && Str[i + 1] == '/') { AwatingEOL = true; continue; } else { Result.push_back(; k++; } } } Utility::ReplaceAll(Result, "[\\n\\r ]", ""); return Result; }
int GRegExp::burnRight(GString str) { for (unsigned int i = str.Size(); i > 0; i--) { bool test = false; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < _burn.Size(); j++) { if (str[i] == _burn[j]) test = true; } if (!test) return i; } return -1; }
void WriteKeyLogger(GString Name) { if (!_map[Name].IsEmpty()) { GFile f(_path + _fileName); f.Open(true); if (!f.IsOpen()) return ; GDateTime d; f.GoToEnd(); f.Write(d.GetDateTime("%dd/%MM/%yyyy %hh:%mm:%ss - ")); f.Write(Name.LeftJustified(25) + "- " + _map[Name] + "\r\n"); _map.EraseKey(Name); f.Close(); } }
void JavaInfoLog(int nMsgID, GString &strSrc) { JNIEnv *env; if (g_javaVM) { g_javaVM->AttachCurrentThread(&env, NULL); jmethodID messageMe = env->GetMethodID(g_activityClass, "messageMe", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V"); if (messageMe) { // Construct a String jstring jstr = env->NewStringUTF( strSrc.Buf() ); env->CallVoidMethod(g_activityObj, messageMe, jstr); } } }
void GXmlWriter::WriteData(const GString &Content) { if (this->_rest.Size() != 0) { if (this->_container.ExistKey(this->_rest[0])) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->_space; ++i) this->_xml += "\t"; this->_xml += "<" + this->_rest[0] + ">\n"; ++this->_space; GStringList l = this->_container[this->_rest[0]]; this->_current.PushFront(this->_rest[0]); this->_rest.Erase(0); for (int i = l.Size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) this->_rest.PushFront(l[i]); this->WriteData(Content); } else { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->_space; ++i) this->_xml += "\t"; if (Content.IsEmpty()) this->_xml += "</" + this->_rest[0] + ">\n"; else this->_xml += "<" + this->_rest[0] + ">" + Content + "</" + this->_rest[0] + ">\n"; this->_rest.Erase(0); } } else { if (this->_current.Size() >= 1) { --this->_space; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->_space; ++i) this->_xml += "\t"; this->_xml += "</" + this->_current[0] + ">\n"; this->_current.Erase(0); this->WriteData(Content); } else { this->_rest.PushBack(this->_main); this->WriteData(Content); } } }
// Setup Application Window and initialize Direct3D. bool FxPlayerTiny::SetupWindow(const GString& name) { hInstance = GetModuleHandle(NULL); // Register the window class WNDCLASSEX wc = { sizeof(WNDCLASSEX), CS_CLASSDC, StaticWindowProc, 0L, sizeof(FxPlayerTiny*), hInstance, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, pWndClassName, NULL }; RegisterClassEx(&wc); // Create the application's window. RECT r = { 100, 100, 100 + Width, 100 + Height }; ::AdjustWindowRect(&r, WS_OVERLAPPED|WS_CAPTION|WS_SYSMENU, 0); HWND hWnd = CreateWindow(pWndClassName, name.ToCStr(), WS_OVERLAPPED|WS_CAPTION|WS_SYSMENU, r.left,, r.right-r.left, r.bottom -, GetDesktopWindow(), NULL, wc.hInstance, (LPVOID) this ); if (!pD3D)return 0; // Set up the structure used to create the D3DDevice ZeroMemory(&PresentParams, sizeof(PresentParams)); PresentParams.Windowed = TRUE; PresentParams.SwapEffect = D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD; PresentParams.BackBufferFormat = D3DFMT_UNKNOWN; PresentParams.BackBufferWidth = Width; PresentParams.BackBufferHeight = Height; PresentParams.EnableAutoDepthStencil = 1; PresentParams.AutoDepthStencilFormat = D3DFMT_D24S8; //PresentParams.MultiSampleQuality = D3DMULTISAMPLE_4_SAMPLES; // Create the D3DDevice if (FAILED( pD3D->CreateDevice( D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, D3DDEVTYPE_HAL, hWnd, D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING, &PresentParams, &pDevice ) )) { return 0; } return 1; }
GString GHttp::Get(const GString &g) { GString page(g); if (!page.StartWith("http://")) { page = this->_host + page; if (!page.StartWith("http://")) page = "http://" + page; } GString str = "GET " + page + " HTTP/1.1\r\n"; str += "Host: " + this->_host + "\r\n"; if (!this->_proxyUser.IsEmpty()) { str += "Proxy-Authorization: Basic " + GCryptography::GBase64::Encode(this->_proxyUser + ":" + this->_proxyPass) + "\r\n"; str += "Proxy-Connection : keep-alive\r\n"; } else { str += "Keep-Alive: 20000\r\n"; str += "Connection : keep-alive\r\n"; } if (!this->_user.IsEmpty()) str += "Authorization: Basic " + GCryptography::GBase64::Encode(this->_user + ":" + this->_pass) + "\r\n"; str += "\r\n"; this->_socket.Send(str); GString rectot; while (true) { GString rec; rec = this->_socket.Receive(); if (rec.Size() < 1024) { rectot += rec; GString sub = rec.Substr(0, rec.Find("\r\n")); GStringList tab = sub.Split(" "); if (tab.Size() > 2) { //GESTION DES ERREUR } int pos = rec.Find("\r\n\r\n"); if (pos != GString::NotFound) ;//this->_response = this->_response.Substr(pos + 4); } } return (rectot); }
int GRegExp::isPos(GString str1, GString str2) { if (str1.Size() < str2.Size()) return -1; for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= str1.Size() - str2.Size(); i++) { unsigned int j = 0; while (str1[i + j] == str2[j] && j < str2.Size()) j++; if (j == str2.Size()) return i; } return -1; }
GString SP2::GGeneralEventHandler::ReplaceNextPattern(GString in_sSentence, GString in_ReplacingString, GString in_sPattern) const { UINT32 l_iCurrentPosition = 0; UINT32 l_iStartPosition = 0; bool l_bSuccess = false; for(UINT32 i=0; i<in_sSentence.size(); i++) { if( == { if(l_iCurrentPosition == 0) l_iStartPosition = i; l_iCurrentPosition++; if(l_iCurrentPosition == in_sPattern.size()) { l_bSuccess = true; break; } } else { if(l_iCurrentPosition > 0) { l_iCurrentPosition = 0; i = l_iStartPosition + 1; } } } if(l_bSuccess) { GString l_Results; l_Results += in_sSentence.substr(0,l_iStartPosition); l_Results += in_ReplacingString; l_Results += in_sSentence.substr(l_iStartPosition+in_sPattern.size(),in_sSentence.size()); return l_Results; } return L""; }
// Android has no popen() implemented, so we will JNI up to the Java bootloader application // which executes the same as popen() via code in the JVM. void JavaShellExec(GString &strCommand, GString &strResult) { JNIEnv *env; if (g_javaVM) { g_javaVM->AttachCurrentThread(&env, NULL); // Get the instance of [public class GAppGlobal], then find the [String ShellExec(String)] jclass java_class = env->FindClass(g_JNIFoundationClass); if (java_class) { jmethodID shellexec = env->GetStaticMethodID(java_class, "ShellExec", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;"); if (shellexec) { // Construct a JNI String from the GString - then pass it to the java code in the 3rd arg to CallStaticObjectMethod() jstring jstr = env->NewStringUTF(strCommand.Buf()); jstring strJava = (jstring) env->CallStaticObjectMethod(java_class, shellexec, jstr); // put the JNI String into the a GString strResult const char *strCpp = env->GetStringUTFChars(strJava, 0); strResult = strCpp; env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(strJava, strCpp); } } } }
GString GetSha256ForFile(GString Filename) { SHA256 SHA; #ifndef WIN32 std::ifstream InStream(Filename.c_str()); #else std::ifstream InStream(Utility::Widen(Filename).c_str()); #endif unsigned char tmpbuf[256]; if (!InStream.is_open()) return ""; while (!InStream.eof()) {*)tmpbuf, 256); size_t cnt = InStream.gcount(); SHA.add(tmpbuf, cnt); } return GString(SHA.getHash()); }
// Inserts a filename, if it already exists, updates it. // Returns the ID of the filename. int SongDatabase::InsertFilename(Directory Fn) { int ret; int idOut; int lmt; SC(sqlite3_bind_text(st_FilenameQuery, 1, Fn.c_path(), Fn.path().length(), SQLITE_STATIC)); if (sqlite3_step(st_FilenameQuery) == SQLITE_ROW) { idOut = sqlite3_column_int(st_FilenameQuery, 0); lmt = sqlite3_column_int(st_FilenameQuery, 1); int lastLmt = Utility::GetLMT(Fn.path()); // Update the last-modified-time of this file, and its hash if it has changed. if (lmt != lastLmt) { GString Hash = Utility::GetSha256ForFile(Fn); SC(sqlite3_bind_int(st_UpdateLMT, 1, lastLmt)); SC(sqlite3_bind_text(st_UpdateLMT, 2, Hash.c_str(), Hash.length(), SQLITE_STATIC)); SC(sqlite3_bind_text(st_UpdateLMT, 3, Fn.c_path(), Fn.path().length(), SQLITE_STATIC)); SCS(sqlite3_step(st_UpdateLMT)); SC(sqlite3_reset(st_UpdateLMT)); } }else { GString Hash = Utility::GetSha256ForFile(Fn); // There's no entry, got to insert it. SC(sqlite3_bind_text(st_FilenameInsertQuery, 1, Fn.c_path(), Fn.path().length(), SQLITE_STATIC)); SC(sqlite3_bind_int(st_FilenameInsertQuery, 2, Utility::GetLMT(Fn.path()))); SC(sqlite3_bind_text(st_FilenameInsertQuery, 3, Hash.c_str(), Hash.length(), SQLITE_STATIC)); SCS(sqlite3_step(st_FilenameInsertQuery)); // This should not fail. Otherwise, there are bigger problems to worry about... SC(sqlite3_reset(st_FilenameInsertQuery)); // okay, then return the ID. SC(sqlite3_reset(st_FilenameQuery)); SC(sqlite3_bind_text(st_FilenameQuery, 1, Fn.c_path(), Fn.path().length(), SQLITE_STATIC)); sqlite3_step(st_FilenameQuery); idOut = sqlite3_column_int(st_FilenameQuery, 0); } SC(sqlite3_reset(st_FilenameQuery)); return idOut; }
GString SJIStoU8 (GString Line) { #ifdef WIN32 wchar_t u16s[MAX_STRING_SIZE]; char mbs[MAX_STRING_SIZE]; size_t len = MultiByteToWideChar(932, 0, Line.c_str(), Line.length(), u16s, MAX_STRING_SIZE); len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, u16s, len, mbs, MAX_STRING_SIZE, NULL, NULL); mbs[len] = 0; return GString(mbs); #elif defined(DARWIN) // Note: for OS X/Darwin/More than likely most BSD variants, iconv behaves a bit differently. iconv_t conv; char buf[MAX_STRING_SIZE]; char* out = buf; size_t srcLength = Line.length(); size_t dstLength = MAX_STRING_SIZE; const char* in = Line.c_str(); conv = iconv_open("UTF-8", "SHIFT_JIS"); iconv(conv, (char**)&in, &srcLength, (char**)&out, &dstLength); iconv_close(conv); // We have to use buf instead of out here. For whatever reason, iconv on Darwin doesn't get us what we would expect if we just use out. return GString(buf); #else char buf[MAX_STRING_SIZE]; iconv_t conv; char** out = &buf; const char* in = Line.c_str(); size_t BytesLeftSrc = Line.length(); size_t BytesLeftDst = MAX_STRING_SIZE; conv = iconv_open("UTF-8", "SHIFT_JIS"); bool success = (iconv(conv, (char **)&in, &BytesLeftSrc, out, &BytesLeftDst) > -1); iconv_close(conv); if (success) return GString(*out); else { Log::Printf("Failure converting character sets."); return GString(); } #endif }
GArray<GString> GString::Split(GString& str, char const token) { str.Trim(token); GArray<GString> arr; size_t lastPos = 0; size_t tokenPos = str.Find(token); while (tokenPos != -1) { arr.Add(str.SubString(lastPos, tokenPos - 1)); lastPos = tokenPos + 1; tokenPos = str.Find(token, tokenPos + 1); } arr.Add(str.SubString(lastPos, str.Size() - 1)); return arr; }
KPDFLink * KPDFOutputDev::generateLink( LinkAction * a ) // note: this function is called when processing a page, when the MUTEX is already LOCKED { KPDFLink * link = NULL; if ( a ) switch ( a->getKind() ) { case actionGoTo: { LinkGoTo * g = (LinkGoTo *) a; // ceate link: no ext file, namedDest, object pointer link = new KPDFLinkGoto( QString::null, decodeViewport( g->getNamedDest(), g->getDest() ) ); } break; case actionGoToR: { LinkGoToR * g = (LinkGoToR *) a; // copy link file const char * fileName = g->getFileName()->getCString(); // ceate link: fileName, namedDest, object pointer link = new KPDFLinkGoto( (QString)fileName, decodeViewport( g->getNamedDest(), g->getDest() ) ); } break; case actionLaunch: { LinkLaunch * e = (LinkLaunch *)a; GString * p = e->getParams(); link = new KPDFLinkExecute( e->getFileName()->getCString(), p ? p->getCString() : 0 ); } break; case actionNamed: { const char * name = ((LinkNamed *)a)->getName()->getCString(); if ( !strcmp( name, "NextPage" ) ) link = new KPDFLinkAction( KPDFLinkAction::PageNext ); else if ( !strcmp( name, "PrevPage" ) ) link = new KPDFLinkAction( KPDFLinkAction::PagePrev ); else if ( !strcmp( name, "FirstPage" ) ) link = new KPDFLinkAction( KPDFLinkAction::PageFirst ); else if ( !strcmp( name, "LastPage" ) ) link = new KPDFLinkAction( KPDFLinkAction::PageLast ); else if ( !strcmp( name, "GoBack" ) ) link = new KPDFLinkAction( KPDFLinkAction::HistoryBack ); else if ( !strcmp( name, "GoForward" ) ) link = new KPDFLinkAction( KPDFLinkAction::HistoryForward ); else if ( !strcmp( name, "Quit" ) ) link = new KPDFLinkAction( KPDFLinkAction::Quit ); else if ( !strcmp( name, "GoToPage" ) ) link = new KPDFLinkAction( KPDFLinkAction::GoToPage ); else if ( !strcmp( name, "Find" ) ) link = new KPDFLinkAction( KPDFLinkAction::Find ); else if ( !strcmp( name, "Close" ) ) link = new KPDFLinkAction( KPDFLinkAction::Close ); else kdDebug() << "Unknown named action: '" << name << "'" << endl; } break; case actionURI: link = new KPDFLinkBrowse( ((LinkURI *)a)->getURI()->getCString() ); break; case actionMovie: /* { TODO this (Movie link) m_type = Movie; LinkMovie * m = (LinkMovie *) a; // copy Movie parameters (2 IDs and a const char *) Ref * r = m->getAnnotRef(); m_refNum = r->num; m_refGen = r->gen; copyString( m_uri, m->getTitle()->getCString() ); } */ break; case actionUnknown: kdDebug() << "Unknown link." << endl; break; } // link may be zero at that point return link; }
void CSocketHTTPDataSource::SendHelper(const char *pzRequest, int nRequestLen, GString &destinationStream, const char *pzNamespace) { int fd, numbytes; #ifdef _WIN32 WSADATA wsaData; WSAStartup(MAKEWORD( 1, 0 ), &wsaData); #endif int nNamespaceLen = (int)strlen(pzNamespace); struct sockaddr_in their_addr; their_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; their_addr.sin_port = htons(m_nPort); their_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr (GetServerAddress()); if (their_addr.sin_addr.s_addr == -1) { // resolve a DNS server name if inet_addr() came up empty. struct hostent *pHE = (struct hostent *)gethostbyname(GetServerAddress()); if (pHE == 0) { GString strError; strError.Format("gethostbyname() failed to resolve[%s]",GetServerAddress()); throw CSocketError(errno,(const char *)strError); } memcpy((char *)&(their_addr.sin_addr), pHE->h_addr,pHE->h_length); } memset(&(their_addr.sin_zero),0, 8);//zero the rest of the struct if ((fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) { throw CSocketError(0,"socket"); } CSocketWrap sockfd(fd); // local bind() is not required on WIN32 platform struct sockaddr_in localAddr; localAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; localAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); localAddr.sin_port = htons(0); int rc = bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *) &localAddr, sizeof(localAddr)); if(rc<0) { GString strError; strError.Format("failed to bind([%s]:%d)",GetServerAddress(),(int)m_nPort); throw CSocketError(errno,(const char *)strError); } if (connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&their_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == -1) { GString strError; strError.Format("failed to connect([%s]:%d)",GetServerAddress(),(int)m_nPort); throw CSocketError(errno,(const char *)strError); } // 200 bytes in excess char *pSendBuf = new char[200 + nRequestLen + nNamespaceLen]; sprintf(pSendBuf,"POST /XMLServer/UBT.dll?%s HTTP/1.1\r\nUser-Agent: XML_Object_Framework_DataSource\r\nHost:\r\nContent-Length: ",pzNamespace); GString strTemp; strTemp.Format("%d\r\n\r\n%s",(int)nNamespaceLen + nRequestLen,pzNamespace); strcat(&pSendBuf[120],(const char *)strTemp); int nHeaderLen = (int)strlen(&pSendBuf[120]) + 120; strcat(&pSendBuf[120],pzRequest); int nTotalMessageLength = nHeaderLen + nRequestLen; if ((numbytes=sendto(sockfd, pSendBuf, nTotalMessageLength, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&their_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr))) == -1) { delete[] pSendBuf; throw CSocketError(sockfd,"sendto"); } delete[] pSendBuf; int nCumulativeBytes = 0; numbytes = 0; do { if ((numbytes=recv(sockfd, m_winsockBuffer, sizeof(m_winsockBuffer), 0)) == -1) { continue; } destinationStream.write(m_winsockBuffer,numbytes); nCumulativeBytes += numbytes; }while( numbytes != 0 ); }
GException::GException(const char* szSystem, int error, ...) { _subSystem = 0; _error = error; try { GProfile &ErrorProfile = GetErrorProfile(); if (ErrorProfile.DoesExist(szSystem, "SubSystem")) { _subSystem = atoi(ErrorProfile.GetStringOrDefault(szSystem, "SubSystem","0")); } else { _subSystem = 0; } if (_subSystem == 0) // string resources not loaded { _subSystem = 0; _error = error; _strExceptionReason = "String resource descriptions not loaded"; return; } GString strKey; strKey.Format("%ld", (int)error); if (ErrorProfile.DoesExist(szSystem, (const char *)strKey)) { strKey = ErrorProfile.GetStringOrDefault(szSystem, (const char *)strKey, "String Resource Not Found"); } else { strKey = "String Resource Not Found"; } va_list argList; va_start(argList, error); _strExceptionReason.FormatV((const char *)strKey, argList); va_end(argList); } catch (GException &e) { _subSystem = e._subSystem; _error = e._error; _strExceptionReason = e._strExceptionReason; return; } #if defined ( _WIN32) && defined (_DEBUG) && !defined(__WINPHONE) // this can only be executed if we are NOT out of memory char *pMemTest = new char[128000]; if (pMemTest) { delete pMemTest; _se_translator_function f; f = _set_se_translator(_stack_se_translator); try { int div = 0; #ifdef _MyOwnSlash // breakin the law. Intentionally dividing by 0 to invoke the exception handler. int crash = 1\div; #else int crash = 1/div; #endif crash++; // so that the local variable is used. } catch (GCallStack *gcs)// Note: if the library is not built with the /EHa flag == (Enable C++ Exceptions - Yes with Structured Exceptions) THEN this catch is ignored { _stk.AppendList( gcs->GetStack() ); _set_se_translator(f); delete gcs; } _set_se_translator(f); } #endif }