void WMOModelInstance::init(char *fname, GameFile &f)
  filename = QString::fromLatin1(fname);
  filename = filename.toLower();
  filename.replace(".mdx", ".m2");
  filename.replace(".mdl", ".m2");

  model = 0;

  float ff[3];
  f.read(ff, 12); // Position (X,Z,-Y)
  pos = fixCoordSystem(Vec3D(ff[0], ff[1], ff[2]));
  f.read(&w, 4); // W component of the orientation quaternion
  f.read(ff, 12); // X, Y, Z components of the orientaton quaternion
  dir = fixCoordSystem(Vec3D(ff[0], ff[1], ff[2]));
  f.read(&sc, 4); // Scale factor
  f.read(&d1, 4); // (B,G,R,A) Lightning-color. 
  lcol = Vec3D(((d1 & 0xff0000) >> 16) / 255.0f, ((d1 & 0x00ff00) >> 8) / 255.0f, (d1 & 0x0000ff) / 255.0f);