Beispiel #1
// Add wrapper class to runtime environment
void BookWrap::Init(Handle<Object> exports) {
    Isolate* isolate = exports->GetIsolate();
    Local<FunctionTemplate> tpl = FunctionTemplate::New(isolate, BookWrap::New);
    tpl->SetClassName(String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "Book"));

    NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD(tpl, "add",      Add);
    NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD(tpl, "length",   Length);
    NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD(tpl, "lookup",   Lookup);
    NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD(tpl, "each",     Each);
    NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD(tpl, "apply",    Apply);

    tpl->InstanceTemplate()->SetIndexedPropertyHandler(Getter, Setter, 0, Deleter, Enumerator);

    Constructor.Reset(isolate, tpl->GetFunction());
    exports->Set(String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "Book"), tpl->GetFunction());
	void CallJavascriptFunction(Handle<Context> context, Handle<Value> This, UFunction* SignatureFunction, Handle<Function> func, void* Parms)

		auto isolate = context->GetIsolate();

		HandleScope handle_scope(isolate);

		auto Buffer = reinterpret_cast<uint8*>(Parms);		

		enum { MaxArgs = 32 };

		Handle<Value> argv[MaxArgs];
		int argc = 0;

		TFieldIterator<UProperty> Iter(SignatureFunction);
		for (; Iter && argc < MaxArgs && (Iter->PropertyFlags & (CPF_Parm | CPF_ReturnParm)) == CPF_Parm; ++Iter)
			UProperty* Param = *Iter;
			argv[argc++] = ReadProperty(isolate, Param, Buffer, FNoPropertyOwner());

		UProperty* ReturnParam = nullptr;
		for (; Iter; ++Iter)
			UProperty* Param = *Iter;
			if (Param->GetPropertyFlags() & CPF_ReturnParm)
				ReturnParam = Param;

		TryCatch try_catch;		

		auto value = func->Call(This, argc, argv);

		if (try_catch.HasCaught())

		bool bHasAnyOutParams = false;
		if (SignatureFunction && SignatureFunction->HasAnyFunctionFlags(FUNC_HasOutParms))
			// Iterate over input parameters
			for (TFieldIterator<UProperty> It(SignatureFunction); It && (It->PropertyFlags & (CPF_Parm | CPF_ReturnParm)) == CPF_Parm; ++It)
				// This is 'out ref'!
				if ((It->PropertyFlags & (CPF_ConstParm | CPF_OutParm)) == CPF_OutParm)
					bHasAnyOutParams = true;

		if (bHasAnyOutParams)
			FIsolateHelper I(isolate);
			if (value.IsEmpty() || !value->IsObject())

			auto Object = value->ToObject();

			// Iterate over parameters again
			for (TFieldIterator<UProperty> It(SignatureFunction); It; ++It)
				UProperty* Param = *It;

				auto PropertyFlags = Param->GetPropertyFlags();					

				// pass return parameter as '$'
				if (PropertyFlags & CPF_ReturnParm)
					auto sub_value = Object->Get(I.Keyword("$"));

					WriteProperty(isolate, ReturnParam, Buffer, sub_value);						
				// rejects 'const T&' and pass 'T&' as its name
				else if ((PropertyFlags & (CPF_ConstParm | CPF_OutParm)) == CPF_OutParm)
					auto sub_value = Object->Get(I.Keyword(Param->GetName()));

					if (!sub_value.IsEmpty())
						// value can be null if isolate is in trouble
						WriteProperty(isolate, Param, Buffer, sub_value);
			if (ReturnParam)
				WriteProperty(isolate, ReturnParam, Buffer, value);