Beispiel #1
void KompareShell::slotFileCompareFiles()
	KompareURLDialog dialog( this );

	dialog.setWindowTitle( i18n( "Compare Files or Folders" ) );
	dialog.setFirstGroupBoxTitle( i18n( "Source" ) );
	dialog.setSecondGroupBoxTitle( i18n( "Destination" ) );

	QPushButton *okButton = dialog.button( QDialogButtonBox::Ok );
	okButton->setText( i18n( "Compare" ) );
	okButton->setToolTip( i18n( "Compare these files or folders" ) );
	okButton->setWhatsThis( i18n( "If you have entered 2 filenames or 2 folders in the fields in this dialog then this button will be enabled and pressing it will start a comparison of the entered files or folders. " ) );

	dialog.setGroup( "Recent Compare Files" );

	dialog.setFirstURLRequesterMode( KFile::File|KFile::Directory|KFile::ExistingOnly );
	dialog.setSecondURLRequesterMode( KFile::File|KFile::Directory|KFile::ExistingOnly );

	if ( dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
		m_sourceURL = dialog.getFirstURL();
		m_destinationURL = dialog.getSecondURL();
		KompareShell* shell = new KompareShell();
		qCDebug(KOMPARESHELL) << "The encoding is: " << dialog.encoding() ;
		shell->viewPart()->setEncoding( dialog.encoding() );
		shell->compare( m_sourceURL, m_destinationURL );
Beispiel #2
void KompareShell::slotFileBlendURLAndDiff()
	KompareURLDialog dialog( this );

	dialog.setWindowTitle( i18n( "Blend File/Folder with diff Output" ) );
	dialog.setFirstGroupBoxTitle( i18n( "File/Folder" ) );
	dialog.setSecondGroupBoxTitle( i18n( "Diff Output" ) );

	QPushButton *okButton = dialog.button( QDialogButtonBox::Ok );
	okButton->setText( i18n( "Blend" ) );
	okButton->setToolTip( i18n( "Blend this file or folder with the diff output"  ) );
	okButton->setWhatsThis( i18n( "If you have entered a file or folder name and a file that contains diff output in the fields in this dialog then this button will be enabled and pressing it will open kompare's main view where the output of the entered file or files from the folder are mixed with the diff output so you can then apply the difference(s) to a file or to the files. " ) );

	dialog.setGroup( "Recent Blend Files" );

	dialog.setFirstURLRequesterMode( KFile::File|KFile::Directory|KFile::ExistingOnly );
	// diff output can not be a directory
	dialog.setSecondURLRequesterMode( KFile::File|KFile::ExistingOnly );
	if ( dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
		m_sourceURL = dialog.getFirstURL();
		m_destinationURL = dialog.getSecondURL();
		// Leak???
		KompareShell* shell = new KompareShell();
		shell->viewPart()->setEncoding( dialog.encoding() );
		shell->blend( m_sourceURL, m_destinationURL );
Beispiel #3
void KompareShell::slotFileOpen()
	// FIXME: use different filedialog which gets encoding
	QUrl url = QFileDialog::getOpenFileUrl( this, QString(), QUrl(), QMimeDatabase().mimeTypeForName("text/x-patch").filterString() );
	if( !url.isEmpty() ) {
		KompareShell* shell = new KompareShell();
		shell->openDiff( url );
Beispiel #4
 * Setting up the KAboutData structure.
 * Parsing and handling of the given command line arguments.
 * @param argc   the number of arguments
 * @param argv   the array of arguments
 * @return exit status
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	KAboutData aboutData( "kompare", 0, ki18n("Kompare"), version, ki18n(description),
	                      ki18n("(c) 2001-2004 John Firebaugh, (c) 2001-2005,2009 Otto Bruggeman, (c) 2004-2005 Jeff Snyder, (c) 2007-2012 Kevin Kofler") );
	aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n("John Firebaugh"), ki18n("Author"), "*****@*****.**" );
	aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n("Otto Bruggeman"), ki18n("Author"), "*****@*****.**" );
	aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n("Jeff Snyder"), ki18n("Developer"), "*****@*****.**" );
	aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Kevin Kofler"), ki18n("Maintainer"), "*****@*****.**" );
	aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Chris Luetchford"), ki18n("Kompare icon artist"), "*****@*****.**" );
	aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Malte Starostik"), ki18n("A lot of good advice"), "*****@*****.**" );
	aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Bernd Gehrmann"), ki18n("Cervisia diff viewer"), "*****@*****.**" );

	KCmdLineArgs::init(argc, argv, &aboutData);

	KCmdLineOptions options;
	options.add("c", ki18n( "This will compare URL1 with URL2" ));
	options.add("o", ki18n( "This will open URL1 and expect it to be diff output. URL1 can also be a '-' and then it will read from standard input. Can be used for instance for cvs diff | kompare -o -. Kompare will do a check to see if it can find the original file(s) and then blend the original file(s) into the diffoutput and show that in the viewer. -n disables the check." ));
	options.add("b", ki18n( "This will blend URL2 into URL1, URL2 is expected to be diff output and URL1 the file or folder that the diffoutput needs to be blended into. " ));
	options.add("n", ki18n( "Disables the check for automatically finding the original file(s) when using '-' as URL with the -o option." ));
	options.add("e <encoding>", ki18n( "Use this to specify the encoding when calling it from the command line. It will default to the local encoding if not specified." ));
	options.add("+[URL1 [URL2]]");
	KCmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions( options );
	KApplication kompare;
	bool difault = false;

	KompareShell* ks;

	// see if we are starting with session management
	if (kompare.isSessionRestored())
		KCmdLineArgs *args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs();

		ks = new KompareShell();
		ks->setObjectName( "FirstKompareShell" );

		kDebug( 8100 ) << "Arg Count = " << args->count() << endl;
		for ( int i=0; i < args->count(); i++ )
			kDebug( 8100 ) << "Argument " << (i+1) << ": " << args->arg( i ) << endl;

		if ( args->isSet( "e" ) )
			// Encoding given...
			// FIXME: Need to implement this...

		if ( args->isSet( "o" ) )
			kDebug( 8100 ) << "Option -o is set" << endl;
			if ( args->count() != 1 )
				difault = true;
				kDebug( 8100 ) << "OpenDiff..." << endl;
				if ( args->arg(0) == QLatin1String("-") )
					ks->openDiff( args->url( 0 ) );
				difault = false;
		else if ( args->isSet( "c" ) )
			kDebug( 8100 ) << "Option -c is set" << endl;
			if ( args->count() != 2 )
				KCmdLineArgs::usage( "kompare" );
				difault = true;
				KUrl url0 = args->url( 0 );
				kDebug( 8100 ) << "URL0 = " << url0.url() << endl;
				KUrl url1 = args->url( 1 );
				kDebug( 8100 ) << "URL1 = " << url1.url() << endl;
				ks->compare( url0, url1 );
				difault = false;
		else if ( args->isSet( "b" ) )
			kDebug( 8100 ) << "Option -b is set" << endl;
			if ( args->count() != 2 )
				KCmdLineArgs::usage( "kompare" );
				difault = true;
				kDebug( 8100 ) << "blend..." << endl;
				KUrl url0 = args->url( 0 );
				kDebug( 8100 ) << "URL0 = " << url0.url() << endl;
				KUrl url1 = args->url( 1 );
				kDebug( 8100 ) << "URL1 = " << url1.url() << endl;
				ks->blend( url0, url1 );
				difault = false;
		else if ( args->count() == 1 )

			kDebug( 8100 ) << "Single file. so openDiff/openStdin is only possible..." << endl;
			if ( args->arg(0) == QLatin1String("-") )
				ks->openDiff( args->url( 0 ) );

			difault = false;
		else if ( args->count() == 2 )
			// In this case we are assuming you want to compare files/dirs
			// and not blending because that is almost impossible to detect
			kDebug( 8100 ) << "Dunno, we'll have to figure it out later, trying compare for now..." << endl;
			KUrl url0 = args->url( 0 );
			kDebug( 8100 ) << "URL0 = " << url0.url() << endl;
			KUrl url1 = args->url( 1 );
			kDebug( 8100 ) << "URL1 = " << url1.url() << endl;
			ks->compare( url0, url1 );
			difault = false;
		else if ( args->count() == 0 ) // no options and no args
			difault = true;

		if ( difault )
			KompareURLDialog dialog( 0 );

			dialog.setCaption( i18n("Compare Files or Folders") );
			dialog.setFirstGroupBoxTitle( i18n( "Source" ) );
			dialog.setSecondGroupBoxTitle( i18n( "Destination" ) );

			KGuiItem compareGuiItem( i18n( "Compare" ), QString(), i18n( "Compare these files or folder" ), i18n( "If you have entered 2 filenames or 2 folders in the fields in this dialog then this button will be enabled and pressing it will start a comparison of the entered files or folders. " ) );
			dialog.setButtonGuiItem( KDialog::Ok, compareGuiItem );

			dialog.setGroup( "Recent Compare Files" );

			dialog.setFirstURLRequesterMode( KFile::File|KFile::Directory|KFile::ExistingOnly );
			dialog.setSecondURLRequesterMode( KFile::File|KFile::Directory|KFile::ExistingOnly );

			if( dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
				ks->viewPart()->setEncoding( dialog.encoding() );
				ks->compare( dialog.getFirstURL(), dialog.getSecondURL() );
				return -1;


	return kompare.exec();