Beispiel #1
void KompareShell::slotFileCompareFiles()
	KompareURLDialog dialog( this );

	dialog.setWindowTitle( i18n( "Compare Files or Folders" ) );
	dialog.setFirstGroupBoxTitle( i18n( "Source" ) );
	dialog.setSecondGroupBoxTitle( i18n( "Destination" ) );

	QPushButton *okButton = dialog.button( QDialogButtonBox::Ok );
	okButton->setText( i18n( "Compare" ) );
	okButton->setToolTip( i18n( "Compare these files or folders" ) );
	okButton->setWhatsThis( i18n( "If you have entered 2 filenames or 2 folders in the fields in this dialog then this button will be enabled and pressing it will start a comparison of the entered files or folders. " ) );

	dialog.setGroup( "Recent Compare Files" );

	dialog.setFirstURLRequesterMode( KFile::File|KFile::Directory|KFile::ExistingOnly );
	dialog.setSecondURLRequesterMode( KFile::File|KFile::Directory|KFile::ExistingOnly );

	if ( dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
		m_sourceURL = dialog.getFirstURL();
		m_destinationURL = dialog.getSecondURL();
		KompareShell* shell = new KompareShell();
		qCDebug(KOMPARESHELL) << "The encoding is: " << dialog.encoding() ;
		shell->viewPart()->setEncoding( dialog.encoding() );
		shell->compare( m_sourceURL, m_destinationURL );
Beispiel #2
 * Setting up the KAboutData structure.
 * Parsing and handling of the given command line arguments.
 * @param argc   the number of arguments
 * @param argv   the array of arguments
 * @return exit status
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	KAboutData aboutData( "kompare", 0, ki18n("Kompare"), version, ki18n(description),
	                      ki18n("(c) 2001-2004 John Firebaugh, (c) 2001-2005,2009 Otto Bruggeman, (c) 2004-2005 Jeff Snyder, (c) 2007-2012 Kevin Kofler") );
	aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n("John Firebaugh"), ki18n("Author"), "*****@*****.**" );
	aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n("Otto Bruggeman"), ki18n("Author"), "*****@*****.**" );
	aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n("Jeff Snyder"), ki18n("Developer"), "*****@*****.**" );
	aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Kevin Kofler"), ki18n("Maintainer"), "*****@*****.**" );
	aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Chris Luetchford"), ki18n("Kompare icon artist"), "*****@*****.**" );
	aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Malte Starostik"), ki18n("A lot of good advice"), "*****@*****.**" );
	aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Bernd Gehrmann"), ki18n("Cervisia diff viewer"), "*****@*****.**" );

	KCmdLineArgs::init(argc, argv, &aboutData);

	KCmdLineOptions options;
	options.add("c", ki18n( "This will compare URL1 with URL2" ));
	options.add("o", ki18n( "This will open URL1 and expect it to be diff output. URL1 can also be a '-' and then it will read from standard input. Can be used for instance for cvs diff | kompare -o -. Kompare will do a check to see if it can find the original file(s) and then blend the original file(s) into the diffoutput and show that in the viewer. -n disables the check." ));
	options.add("b", ki18n( "This will blend URL2 into URL1, URL2 is expected to be diff output and URL1 the file or folder that the diffoutput needs to be blended into. " ));
	options.add("n", ki18n( "Disables the check for automatically finding the original file(s) when using '-' as URL with the -o option." ));
	options.add("e <encoding>", ki18n( "Use this to specify the encoding when calling it from the command line. It will default to the local encoding if not specified." ));
	options.add("+[URL1 [URL2]]");
	KCmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions( options );
	KApplication kompare;
	bool difault = false;

	KompareShell* ks;

	// see if we are starting with session management
	if (kompare.isSessionRestored())
		KCmdLineArgs *args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs();

		ks = new KompareShell();
		ks->setObjectName( "FirstKompareShell" );

		kDebug( 8100 ) << "Arg Count = " << args->count() << endl;
		for ( int i=0; i < args->count(); i++ )
			kDebug( 8100 ) << "Argument " << (i+1) << ": " << args->arg( i ) << endl;

		if ( args->isSet( "e" ) )
			// Encoding given...
			// FIXME: Need to implement this...

		if ( args->isSet( "o" ) )
			kDebug( 8100 ) << "Option -o is set" << endl;
			if ( args->count() != 1 )
				difault = true;
				kDebug( 8100 ) << "OpenDiff..." << endl;
				if ( args->arg(0) == QLatin1String("-") )
					ks->openDiff( args->url( 0 ) );
				difault = false;
		else if ( args->isSet( "c" ) )
			kDebug( 8100 ) << "Option -c is set" << endl;
			if ( args->count() != 2 )
				KCmdLineArgs::usage( "kompare" );
				difault = true;
				KUrl url0 = args->url( 0 );
				kDebug( 8100 ) << "URL0 = " << url0.url() << endl;
				KUrl url1 = args->url( 1 );
				kDebug( 8100 ) << "URL1 = " << url1.url() << endl;
				ks->compare( url0, url1 );
				difault = false;
		else if ( args->isSet( "b" ) )
			kDebug( 8100 ) << "Option -b is set" << endl;
			if ( args->count() != 2 )
				KCmdLineArgs::usage( "kompare" );
				difault = true;
				kDebug( 8100 ) << "blend..." << endl;
				KUrl url0 = args->url( 0 );
				kDebug( 8100 ) << "URL0 = " << url0.url() << endl;
				KUrl url1 = args->url( 1 );
				kDebug( 8100 ) << "URL1 = " << url1.url() << endl;
				ks->blend( url0, url1 );
				difault = false;
		else if ( args->count() == 1 )

			kDebug( 8100 ) << "Single file. so openDiff/openStdin is only possible..." << endl;
			if ( args->arg(0) == QLatin1String("-") )
				ks->openDiff( args->url( 0 ) );

			difault = false;
		else if ( args->count() == 2 )
			// In this case we are assuming you want to compare files/dirs
			// and not blending because that is almost impossible to detect
			kDebug( 8100 ) << "Dunno, we'll have to figure it out later, trying compare for now..." << endl;
			KUrl url0 = args->url( 0 );
			kDebug( 8100 ) << "URL0 = " << url0.url() << endl;
			KUrl url1 = args->url( 1 );
			kDebug( 8100 ) << "URL1 = " << url1.url() << endl;
			ks->compare( url0, url1 );
			difault = false;
		else if ( args->count() == 0 ) // no options and no args
			difault = true;

		if ( difault )
			KompareURLDialog dialog( 0 );

			dialog.setCaption( i18n("Compare Files or Folders") );
			dialog.setFirstGroupBoxTitle( i18n( "Source" ) );
			dialog.setSecondGroupBoxTitle( i18n( "Destination" ) );

			KGuiItem compareGuiItem( i18n( "Compare" ), QString(), i18n( "Compare these files or folder" ), i18n( "If you have entered 2 filenames or 2 folders in the fields in this dialog then this button will be enabled and pressing it will start a comparison of the entered files or folders. " ) );
			dialog.setButtonGuiItem( KDialog::Ok, compareGuiItem );

			dialog.setGroup( "Recent Compare Files" );

			dialog.setFirstURLRequesterMode( KFile::File|KFile::Directory|KFile::ExistingOnly );
			dialog.setSecondURLRequesterMode( KFile::File|KFile::Directory|KFile::ExistingOnly );

			if( dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
				ks->viewPart()->setEncoding( dialog.encoding() );
				ks->compare( dialog.getFirstURL(), dialog.getSecondURL() );
				return -1;


	return kompare.exec();