Beispiel #1
* Builds a Jacobian Matrix J[]
Matd Solver::computeJ(Markers handles, int cID){
	Matd J;
	J.SetSize(mModel->GetDofCount(), 4);

	//Get the current Node
	Marker *h = handles[cID];
	Vec4d tempPos(h->mOffset, 1.0);
	TransformNode *node = mModel->mLimbs[h->mNodeIndex];

	// Utility identity matrix
	Mat4d identity;

	// Recursively create Jacobian
	computeJ(J, node, tempPos, identity);

	return J;
Beispiel #2
* Jacobian recursive worker method
void Solver::computeJ(Matd &J, TransformNode *node, Vec4d &pos, Mat4d &trans) {

	// Get initial transform data
	std::vector<Transform *> transforms = node->mTransforms;

	Mat4d leftMat;
	leftMat.MakeDiag(1.0);	// identity
	for (int i = 0; i < transforms.size(); i++)
		Transform *tr = transforms[i];
		// Only need to calculate if DOF
		if (tr->IsDof())
			for (int j = 0; j < tr->GetDofCount(); j++)
				// Get DOF
				Dof *dof = tr->GetDof(j);
				int dofId = dof->mId;

				// Add to our map
				leftMap[dofId] = leftMat;
		// Now update leftMat
		leftMat = leftMat * tr->GetTransform();

	Mat4d rightMat;
	rightMat.MakeDiag(1.0);	// identity
	for (int i = transforms.size()-1; i >= 0; i--)
		Transform *tr = transforms[i];
		// Only need to calculate if DOF
		if (tr->IsDof())
			for (int j = tr->GetDofCount()- 1; j >= 0 ; j--)
				// Get DOF
				Dof *dof = tr->GetDof(j);
				int dofId = dof->mId;

				// Add to our map
				rightMap[dofId] = rightMat;
		// Now update leftMat
		rightMat = tr->GetTransform() * rightMat;

	Mat4d pTrans = node->mParentTransform;

	// New identity matrix for later use
	Mat4d newTransform;

	for (int i = 0; i < transforms.size(); i++)
		// Check if DOF, if so compute derivative
		Transform *tr = transforms[i];
		if (tr->IsDof())
			for (int j = 0; j < tr->GetDofCount(); j++)
				Mat4d deriv = tr->GetDeriv(j);

				// Get row
				Dof * dof = tr->GetDof(j);
				int dofId = dof->mId;

				Mat4d leftMat = leftMap[dofId];
				Mat4d rightMat = rightMap[dofId];
				Vec4d value = pTrans * leftMat * deriv * rightMat * trans * pos;

				J[dofId] = value;

		newTransform = newTransform * tr->GetTransform();
	// Calculate J[] values for parent if necessary
	TransformNode *parent = node->mParentNode;
	// If the parent is non-null and not the current node
	if (parent != NULL && parent != node)
		newTransform = newTransform * trans;
		computeJ(J, parent, pos, newTransform);