bool Solver_LP_abstract::readLpFromFile(const std::string& filename, VectorX &c, VectorX &lb, VectorX &ub, MatrixXX &A, VectorX &Alb, VectorX &Aub) { std::ifstream in(filename.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); typename MatrixXX::Index n=0, m=0;*) (&n),sizeof(typename MatrixXX::Index));*) (&m),sizeof(typename MatrixXX::Index)); c.resize(n); lb.resize(n); ub.resize(n); A.resize(m,n); Alb.resize(m); Aub.resize(m); (char *) , n*sizeof(typename MatrixXX::Scalar) ); (char *) , n*sizeof(typename MatrixXX::Scalar) ); (char *) , n*sizeof(typename MatrixXX::Scalar) ); (char *) , m*n*sizeof(typename MatrixXX::Scalar) ); (char *) , m*sizeof(typename MatrixXX::Scalar) ); (char *) , m*sizeof(typename MatrixXX::Scalar) ); in.close(); return true; }
void TrajectoryClassifier::derive_rotation_by_svd(VecX& rot,const MatrixX3 &X, MatrixX3& Y,MatrixXXi& vtx_map) { MatrixXX temp = Y; int verN = temp.rows(); for (int i = 0; i < verN; i++) { Y.row(i) = temp.row(vtx_map(0,i)); } Matrix33 sigma = (X.rowwise() - X.colwise().mean()).transpose() * (Y.rowwise() - Y.colwise().mean()); Matrix33 rot_mat; Eigen::JacobiSVD<Matrix33> svd(sigma, Eigen::ComputeFullU | Eigen::ComputeFullV); if(svd.matrixU().determinant()*svd.matrixV().determinant() < 0.0) { Vec3 S = Vec3::Ones(); S(2) = -1.0; rot_mat = svd.matrixV()*S.asDiagonal()*svd.matrixU().transpose(); } else { rot_mat = svd.matrixV()*svd.matrixU().transpose(); } rot.block<3,1>(0,0) << rot_mat.row(0).transpose(); rot.block<3,1>(3,0) << rot_mat.row(1).transpose(); rot.block<3,1>(6,0) << rot_mat.row(2).transpose(); }
void cxy_icp_kinematic_chain<_Scalar>::getJacobian(MatrixXX& jacobian) { long rows = cxy_config::n_num_*getModelPointSize(); long cols = cxy_config::joint_DoFs; if (rows != jacobian.rows() || cols != jacobian.cols()) { jacobian.resize(rows, cols); } jacobian.setZero(); int row = 0; for (int ii = 0; ii < points_.size(); ++ii) { row = ii*config_->n_num_; //jacobian.row(1); points_[ii]->computePointJacobian(jacobian.block(row, 0, cxy_config::n_num_, jacobian.cols())); } fout_res_<<"x = "<<std::endl; fout_res_<<Rad2Deg(x_)<<std::endl; fout_res_<<"jac = "<<std::endl; fout_res_<<jacobian<<std::endl; }
Eigen::Matrix<Float, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> Prima(Eigen::SparseMatrix<Float> const& C, // derivative conductance terms Eigen::SparseMatrix<Float> const& G, // conductance Eigen::SparseMatrix<Float> const& B, // input Eigen::SparseMatrix<Float> const& L, // output std::size_t q) { // desired state variables // assert preconditions assert(C.rows() == C.cols()); // input matrices are square assert(G.rows() == G.cols()); assert(C.rows() == G.rows()); // input matrices are of the same size assert(B.rows() == G.rows()); assert(L.rows() == G.rows()); std::size_t N = B.cols(); std::size_t state_count = static_cast<std::size_t>(C.rows()); assert(N < state_count); // must have more state variables than ports assert(q < state_count); // desired state count must be less than current number // unchecked precondition: the state variables associated with the ports must be the last N using namespace Eigen; using namespace std; // Step 1 of PRIMA creates the B and L matrices, and is performed by the caller. // Step 2: Solve GR = B for R SparseLU<SparseMatrix<Float>, COLAMDOrdering<int> > G_LU(G); assert( == Success); SparseMatrix<Float> R = G_LU.solve(B); // Step 3: Set X[0] to the orthonormal basis of R as determined by QR factorization typedef Matrix<Float, Dynamic, Dynamic> MatrixXX; // The various X matrices are stored in a std::vector. Eigen requires us to use a special // allocator to retain alignment: typedef aligned_allocator<MatrixXX> AllocatorXX; typedef vector<MatrixXX, AllocatorXX> MatrixXXList; SparseQR<SparseMatrix<Float>, COLAMDOrdering<int> > R_QR(R); assert( == Success); // QR stores the Q "matrix" as a series of Householder reflection operations // that it will perform for you with the * operator. If you store it in a matrix // it obligingly produces an NxN matrix but if you want the "thin" result only, // creating a thin identity matrix and then applying the reflections saves both // memory and time: MatrixXXList X(1, R_QR.matrixQ() * MatrixXX::Identity(B.rows(), R_QR.rank())); // Step 4: Set n = floor(q/N)+1 if q/N is not an integer, and q/N otherwise size_t n = (q % N) ? (q/N + 1) : (q/N); // Step 5: Block Arnoldi (see Boley for detailed explanation) // In some texts this is called "band Arnoldi". // Boley and PRIMA paper use X with both subscripts and superscripts // to indicate the outer (subscript) and inner (superscript) loops // I have used X[] for the outer, Xk for the inner // X[k][j] value is just the value for the current inner loop, updated from the previous // so a single Xkj will suffice for (size_t k = 1; k < n; ++k) { // because X[] will vary in number of columns, so will Xk[] MatrixXX Xkj; // X[k][j] - vector in PRIMA paper but values not reused // Prima paper says: // set V = C * X[k-1] // solve G*X[k][0] = V for X[k][0] Xkj = G_LU.solve(C*X[k-1]); // Boley: "expand Krylov space" for (size_t j = 1; j <= k; ++j) // "Modified Gram-Schmidt" { auto H = X[k-j].transpose() * Xkj; // H[k-j][k-1] per Boley // X[k][j] = X[k][j-1] - X[k-j]*H Xkj = Xkj - X[k-j] * H; // update X[k][j] from X[k][j-1] } // set X[k] to the orthonormal basis of X[k][k] via QR factorization // per Boley the "R" produced is H[k][k-1] if (Xkj.cols() == 1) { // a single column is automatically orthogonalized; just normalize X.push_back(Xkj.normalized()); } else { auto xkkQR = Xkj.fullPivHouseholderQr(); X.push_back(xkkQR.matrixQ() * MatrixXX::Identity(Xkj.rows(), xkkQR.rank())); } } // Step 6: Set Xfinal to the concatenation of X[0] to X[n-1], // truncated to q columns size_t cols = accumulate(X.begin(), X.end(), 0, [](size_t sum, MatrixXX const& m) { return sum + m.cols(); }); cols = std::min(q, cols); // truncate to q MatrixXX Xfinal(state_count, cols); size_t col = 0; for (size_t k = 0; (k <= n) && (col < cols); ++k) { // copy columns from X[k] to Xfinal for (int j = 0; (j < X[k].cols()) && (col < cols); ++j) { Xfinal.col(col++) = X[k].col(j); } } return Xfinal; }