Beispiel #1
/* Archive::open
 * Reads an archive from disk
 * Returns true if successful, false otherwise
bool Archive::open(string filename)
	// Read the file into a MemChunk
	MemChunk mc;
	if (!mc.importFile(filename))
		Global::error = "Unable to open file. Make sure it isn't in use by another program.";
		return false;

	// Update filename before opening
	string backupname = this->filename;
	this->filename = filename;

	// Load from MemChunk
	sf::Clock timer;
	if (open(mc))
		LOG_MESSAGE(2, "Archive::open took %dms", timer.getElapsedTime().asMilliseconds());
		this->on_disk = true;
		return true;
		this->filename = backupname;
		return false;
	void updateEntry()
		// Read file
		MemChunk data;

		// Read image
		SImage image;, 0, "png");

		// Convert image to entry gfx format
		SIFormat* format = SIFormat::getFormat(gfx_format);
		if (format)
			MemChunk conv_data;
			if (format->saveImage(image, conv_data, &palette))
				// Update entry data
				EntryOperations::setGfxOffsets(entry, offsets.x, offsets.y);
				LOG_MESSAGE(1, "Unable to convert external png to %s", format->getName());
/* PaletteManager::loadCustomPalettes
 * Loads any files in the '<userdir>/palettes' directory as palettes,
 * with names from the files (minus the file extension)
bool PaletteManager::loadCustomPalettes()
	// If the directory doesn't exist create it
	if (!wxDirExists(appPath("palettes", DIR_USER)))
		wxMkdir(appPath("palettes", DIR_USER));

	// Open the custom palettes directory
	wxDir res_dir;
	res_dir.Open(appPath("palettes", DIR_USER));

	// Go through each file in the directory
	string filename = wxEmptyString;
	bool files = res_dir.GetFirst(&filename, wxEmptyString, wxDIR_FILES);
	while (files)
		// Load palette data
		Palette8bit* pal = new Palette8bit();
		MemChunk mc;
		mc.importFile(res_dir.GetName() + "/" + filename);

		// Add the palette
		wxFileName fn(filename);
		addPalette(pal, fn.GetName());

		// Next file
		files = res_dir.GetNext(&filename);

	return true;
Beispiel #4
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Reads an archive from disk
// Returns true if successful, false otherwise
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Archive::open(string_view filename)
	// Read the file into a MemChunk
	MemChunk mc;
	if (!mc.importFile(filename))
		Global::error = "Unable to open file. Make sure it isn't in use by another program.";
		return false;

	// Update filename before opening
	auto backupname = filename_;
	filename_       = filename;

	// Load from MemChunk
	sf::Clock timer;
	if (open(mc))
		Log::info(2, "Archive::open took {}ms", timer.getElapsedTime().asMilliseconds());
		on_disk_ = true;
		return true;
		filename_ = backupname;
		return false;
/* ColourConfiguration::init
 * Initialises the colour configuration
bool ColourConfiguration::init()
	// Load default configuration

	// Check for saved colour configuration
	if (wxFileExists(appPath("colours.cfg", DIR_USER)))
		MemChunk ccfg;
		ccfg.importFile(appPath("colours.cfg", DIR_USER));

	return true;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Initialises the colour configuration
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool ColourConfiguration::init()
	// Load default configuration

	// Check for saved colour configuration
	if (wxFileExists(App::path("colours.cfg", App::Dir::User)))
		MemChunk ccfg;
		ccfg.importFile(App::path("colours.cfg", App::Dir::User));

	return true;
Beispiel #7
/* ZipArchive::write
 * Writes the zip archive to a MemChunk
 * Returns true if successful, false otherwise
bool ZipArchive::write(MemChunk& mc, bool update)
	bool success = false;

	// Write to a temporary file
	string tempfile = appPath("", DIR_TEMP);
	if (write(tempfile, true))
		// Load file into MemChunk
		success = mc.importFile(tempfile);

	// Clean up

	return success;
Beispiel #8
/* Executables::init
 * Reads all executable definitions from the program resource
 * and user dir
void Executables::init()
	// Load from pk3
	Archive* res_archive = theArchiveManager->programResourceArchive();
	ArchiveEntry* entry = res_archive->entryAtPath("config/executables.cfg");
	if (!entry)

	// Parse base executables config
	Parser p;
	p.parseText(entry->getMCData(), "slade.pk3 - executables.cfg");
	parse(&p, false);

	// Parse user executables config
	Parser p2;
	MemChunk mc;
	if (mc.importFile(App::path("executables.cfg", App::Dir::User)))
		p2.parseText(mc, "user execuatbles.cfg");
		parse(&p2, true);
Beispiel #9
/* EntryType::loadEntryTypes
 * Loads all built-in and custom user entry types
bool EntryType::loadEntryTypes()
	EntryDataFormat* fmt_any = EntryDataFormat::anyFormat();

	// Setup unknown type
	etype_unknown.format = fmt_any;
	etype_unknown.icon = "e_unknown";
	etype_unknown.detectable = false;
	etype_unknown.reliability = 0;

	// Setup folder type
	etype_folder.format = fmt_any;
	etype_folder.icon = "e_folder"; = "Folder";
	etype_folder.detectable = false;

	// Setup marker type
	etype_marker.format = fmt_any;
	etype_marker.icon = "e_marker"; = "Marker";
	etype_marker.detectable = false;
	etype_marker.category = "";		// No category, markers only appear when 'All' categories shown

	// Setup map marker type
	etype_map.format = fmt_any;
	etype_map.icon = "e_map"; = "Map Marker";
	etype_map.category = "Maps";	// Should appear with maps
	etype_map.detectable = false;
	etype_map.colour = rgba_t(0, 255, 0);

	// -------- READ BUILT-IN TYPES ---------

	// Get builtin entry types from resource archive
	Archive* res_archive = theArchiveManager->programResourceArchive();

	// Check resource archive exists
	if (!res_archive)
		wxLogMessage("Error: No resource archive open!");
		return false;

	// Get entry types directory
	ArchiveTreeNode* et_dir = res_archive->getDir("config/entry_types/");

	// Check it exists
	if (!et_dir)
		wxLogMessage("Error: config/entry_types does not exist in slade.pk3");
		return false;

	// Read in each file in the directory
	bool etypes_read = false;
	for (unsigned a = 0; a < et_dir->numEntries(); a++)
		if (readEntryTypeDefinition(et_dir->getEntry(a)->getMCData()))
			etypes_read = true;

	// Warn if no types were read (this shouldn't happen unless the resource archive is corrupted)
	if (!etypes_read)
		wxLogMessage("Warning: No built-in entry types could be loaded from slade.pk3");

	// -------- READ CUSTOM TYPES ---------

	// If the directory doesn't exist create it
	if (!wxDirExists(appPath("entry_types", DIR_USER)))
		wxMkdir(appPath("entry_types", DIR_USER));

	// Open the custom palettes directory
	wxDir res_dir;
	res_dir.Open(appPath("entry_types", DIR_USER));

	// Go through each file in the directory
	string filename = wxEmptyString;
	bool files = res_dir.GetFirst(&filename, wxEmptyString, wxDIR_FILES);
	while (files)
		// Load file data
		MemChunk mc;
		mc.importFile(res_dir.GetName() + "/" + filename);

		// Parse file

		// Next file
		files = res_dir.GetNext(&filename);

	return true;
Beispiel #10
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Game related initialisation (read basic definitions, etc.)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Game::init()
	// Init static ThingTypes

	// Init static ActionSpecials

	// Add game configurations from user dir
	wxArrayString allfiles;
	wxDir::GetAllFiles(App::path("games", App::Dir::User), &allfiles);
	for (unsigned a = 0; a < allfiles.size(); a++)
		// Read config info
		MemChunk mc;

		// Add to list if valid
		GameDef gdef;
		if (gdef.parse(mc))
			gdef.filename        = wxFileName(allfiles[a]).GetName();
			gdef.user            = true;
			game_defs[] = gdef;

	// Add port configurations from user dir
	wxDir::GetAllFiles(App::path("ports", App::Dir::User), &allfiles);
	for (unsigned a = 0; a < allfiles.size(); a++)
		// Read config info
		MemChunk mc;

		// Add to list if valid
		PortDef pdef;
		if (pdef.parse(mc))
			pdef.filename        = wxFileName(allfiles[a]).GetName();
			pdef.user            = true;
			port_defs[] = pdef;

	// Add game configurations from program resource
	auto dir = App::archiveManager().programResourceArchive()->getDir("config/games");
	if (dir)
		for (auto& entry : dir->entries())
			// Read config info
			GameDef conf;
			if (!conf.parse(entry.get()->getMCData()))
				continue; // Ignore if invalid

			// Add to list if it doesn't already exist
			if (game_defs.find( == game_defs.end())
				conf.filename        = entry.get()->getName(true);
				conf.user            = false;
				game_defs[] = conf;

	// Add port configurations from program resource
	dir = App::archiveManager().programResourceArchive()->getDir("config/ports");
	if (dir)
		for (auto& entry : dir->entries())
			// Read config info
			PortDef conf;
			if (!conf.parse(entry.get()->getMCData()))
				continue; // Ignore if invalid

			// Add to list if it doesn't already exist
			if (port_defs.find( == port_defs.end())
				conf.filename        = entry.get()->getName(true);
				conf.user            = false;
				port_defs[] = conf;

	// Load last configuration if any
	if (game_configuration != "")
		config_current.openConfig(game_configuration, port_configuration);

	// Load custom special presets
	if (!loadCustomSpecialPresets())
		Log::warning("An error occurred loading user special_presets.cfg");

	// Load zdoom.pk3 stuff
	if (wxFileExists(zdoom_pk3_path))
		std::thread thread([=]() {
			ZipArchive zdoom_pk3;
			if (!

			// ZScript
			auto zscript_entry = zdoom_pk3.entryAtPath("zscript.txt");

			if (!zscript_entry)
				// Bail out if no entry is found.
				Log::warning(1, "Could not find \'zscript.txt\' in " + zdoom_pk3_path);

				auto lang = TextLanguage::fromId("zscript");
				if (lang)

				// MapInfo
				auto mapinfo_entry = zdoom_pk3.entryAtPath("zmapinfo.txt");

	// Init game listener
	listener = std::make_unique<GameListener>();