Beispiel #1
/* SImage::getRGBAData
 * Loads the image as RGBA data into <mc>. Returns false if image is
 * invalid, true otherwise
bool SImage::getRGBAData(MemChunk& mc, Palette8bit* pal)
	// Check the image is valid
	if (!isValid())
		return false;

	// Init rgba data
	mc.reSize(width * height * 4, false);

	// If data is already in RGBA format just return a copy
	if (type == RGBA)
		mc.importMem(data, width * height * 4);
		return true;

	// Convert paletted
	else if (type == PALMASK)
		// Get palette to use
		if (has_palette || !pal)
			pal = &palette;

		uint8_t rgba[4];
		for (int a = 0; a < width * height; a++)
			// Get colour
			rgba_t col = pal->colour(data[a]);

			// Set alpha
			if (mask)
				col.a = mask[a];
				col.a = 255;

			col.write(rgba);	// Write colour to array
			mc.write(rgba, 4);	// Write array to MemChunk

		return true;

	// Convert if alpha map
	else if (type == ALPHAMAP)
		uint8_t rgba[4];
		rgba_t col;
		for (int a = 0; a < width * height; a++)
			// Get pixel as colour (greyscale)
			col.set(data[a], data[a], data[a], data[a]);

			col.write(rgba);	// Write colour to array
			mc.write(rgba, 4);	// Write array to MemChunk

	return false;	// Invalid image type
Beispiel #2
/* MemChunk::exportMemChunk
 * Writes the MemChunk data to another MemChunk, starting from
 * [start] to [start+size]. If [size] is 0, writes from [start] to
 * the end of the data
bool MemChunk::exportMemChunk(MemChunk& mc, uint32_t start, uint32_t size)
	// Check data exists
	if (!hasData())
		return false;

	// Check parameters
	if (start >= this->size || start + size > this->size)
		return false;

	// Check size
	if (size == 0)
		size = this->size - start;

	// Write data to MemChunk
	mc.reSize(size, false);
	return mc.importMem(data+start, size);
Beispiel #3
/* AudioEntryPanel::open
 * Opens the current entry and performs the appropriate conversions
bool AudioEntryPanel::open()
	// Check if already opened
	if (opened)
		return true;

	// Stop if sound currently playing

	subsong = 0;
	num_tracks = 1;

	// Get entry data
	MemChunk& mcdata = entry->getMCData();

	// Setup temp filename
	wxFileName path(appPath(entry->getName(), DIR_TEMP));
	// Add extension if missing
	if (path.GetExt().IsEmpty())

	// Convert if necessary, then write to file
	MemChunk convdata;
	if (entry->getType()->getFormat() == "snd_doom" ||			// Doom Sound -> WAV
	        entry->getType()->getFormat() == "snd_doom_mac")
		Conversions::doomSndToWav(mcdata, convdata);
	else if (entry->getType()->getFormat() == "snd_speaker")	// Doom PC Speaker Sound -> WAV
		Conversions::spkSndToWav(mcdata, convdata);
	else if (entry->getType()->getFormat() == "snd_audiot")		// AudioT PC Speaker Sound -> WAV
		Conversions::spkSndToWav(mcdata, convdata, true);
	else if (entry->getType()->getFormat() == "snd_wolf")		// Wolfenstein 3D Sound -> WAV
		Conversions::wolfSndToWav(mcdata, convdata);
	else if (entry->getType()->getFormat() == "snd_voc")		// Creative Voice File -> WAV
		Conversions::vocToWav(mcdata, convdata);
	else if (entry->getType()->getFormat() == "snd_jaguar")		// Jaguar Doom Sound -> WAV
		Conversions::jagSndToWav(mcdata, convdata);
	else if (entry->getType()->getFormat() == "snd_bloodsfx")	// Blood Sound -> WAV
		Conversions::bloodToWav(entry, convdata);
	else if (entry->getType()->getFormat() == "midi_mus")  			// MUS -> MIDI
		Conversions::musToMidi(mcdata, convdata);
	else if (entry->getType()->getFormat() == "midi_xmi" ||  		// HMI/HMP/XMI -> MIDI
			 entry->getType()->getFormat() == "midi_hmi" || entry->getType()->getFormat() == "midi_hmp")
		Conversions::zmusToMidi(mcdata, convdata, 0, &num_tracks);
	else if (entry->getType()->getFormat() == "midi_gmid")  		// GMID -> MIDI
		Conversions::gmidToMidi(mcdata, convdata);
		convdata.importMem(mcdata.getData(), mcdata.getSize());

	// MIDI format
	if (entry->getType()->getFormat().StartsWith("midi_"))
		audio_type = AUTYPE_MIDI;
		openMidi(convdata, path.GetFullPath());

	// MOD format
	else if (entry->getType()->getFormat().StartsWith("mod_"))

	// Other format
		openAudio(convdata, path.GetFullPath());

	// Keep filename so we can delete it later
	prevfile = path.GetFullPath();

	txt_track->SetLabel(S_FMT("%d/%d", subsong+1, num_tracks));

	// Disable prev/next track buttons if only one track is available
	if (num_tracks < 2)

	opened = true;
	return true;
Beispiel #4
/* TextEditor::getRawText
 * Writes the raw ASCII text to [mc]
void TextEditor::getRawText(MemChunk& mc)
	string text = GetText();
	bool result = mc.importMem((const uint8_t*)text.ToUTF8().data(), text.ToUTF8().length());
Beispiel #5
/* RffArchive::open
 * Reads grp format data from a MemChunk
 * Returns true if successful, false otherwise
bool RffArchive::open(MemChunk& mc)
	// Check data was given
	if (!mc.hasData())
		return false;

	// Read grp header
	uint8_t magic[4];
	uint32_t version, dir_offset, num_lumps;, SEEK_SET);, 4);			// Should be "RFF\x18", 4);		// 0x01 0x03 \x00 \x00, 4);	// Offset to directory, 4);		// No. of lumps in rff

	// Byteswap values for big endian if needed
	dir_offset = wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(dir_offset);
	num_lumps = wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(num_lumps);
	version = wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(version);

	// Check the header
	if (magic[0] != 'R' || magic[1] != 'F' || magic[2] != 'F' || magic[3] != 0x1A || version != 0x301)
		wxLogMessage("RffArchive::openFile: File %s has invalid header", filename);
		Global::error = "Invalid rff header";
		return false;

	// Stop announcements (don't want to be announcing modification due to entries being added etc)

	// Read the directory
	RFFLump* lumps = new RFFLump[num_lumps];, SEEK_SET);
	theSplashWindow->setProgressMessage("Reading rff archive data"); (lumps, num_lumps * sizeof(RFFLump));
	BloodCrypt (lumps, dir_offset, num_lumps * sizeof(RFFLump));
	for (uint32_t d = 0; d < num_lumps; d++)
		// Update splash window progress
		theSplashWindow->setProgress(((float)d / (float)num_lumps));

		// Read lump info
		char name[13] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
		uint32_t offset = wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(lumps[d].FilePos);
		uint32_t size = wxINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(lumps[d].Size);

		// Reconstruct name
		int i, j = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
			if (lumps[d].Name[i] == 0) break;
			name[i] = lumps[d].Name[i];
		for (name[i++] = '.'; j < 3; ++j)
			name[i+j] = lumps[d].Extension[j];

		// If the lump data goes past the end of the file,
		// the rfffile is invalid
		if (offset + size > mc.getSize())
			wxLogMessage("RffArchive::open: rff archive is invalid or corrupt");
			Global::error = "Archive is invalid and/or corrupt";
			return false;

		// Create & setup lump
		ArchiveEntry* nlump = new ArchiveEntry(wxString::FromAscii(name), size);
		nlump->exProp("Offset") = (int)offset;

		// Is the entry encrypted?
		if (lumps[d].Flags & 0x10)

		// Add to entry list
	delete[] lumps;

	// Detect all entry types
	MemChunk edata;
	theSplashWindow->setProgressMessage("Detecting entry types");
	for (size_t a = 0; a < numEntries(); a++)
		// Update splash window progress
		theSplashWindow->setProgress((((float)a / (float)num_lumps)));

		// Get entry
		ArchiveEntry* entry = getEntry(a);

		// Read entry data if it isn't zero-sized
		if (entry->getSize() > 0)
			// Read the entry data
			mc.exportMemChunk(edata, getEntryOffset(entry), entry->getSize());

			// If the entry is encrypted, decrypt it
			if (entry->isEncrypted())
				uint8_t* cdata = new uint8_t[entry->getSize()];
				memcpy(cdata, edata.getData(), entry->getSize());
				int cryptlen = entry->getSize() < 256 ? entry->getSize() : 256;
				BloodCrypt(cdata, 0, cryptlen);
				edata.importMem(cdata, entry->getSize());
				delete[] cdata;

			// Import data

		// Detect entry type

		// Unload entry data if needed
		if (!archive_load_data)

		// Set entry to unchanged

	// Detect maps (will detect map entry types)
	//theSplashWindow->setProgressMessage("Detecting maps");

	// Setup variables


	return true;
Beispiel #6
GLTexture* MapTextureManager::getSprite(string name, string translation, string palette)
	// Don't bother looking for nameless sprites
	if (name.IsEmpty())
		return NULL;

	// Get sprite matching name
	string hashname = name.Upper();
	if (!translation.IsEmpty())
		hashname += translation.Lower();
	if (!palette.IsEmpty())
		hashname += palette.Upper();
	map_tex_t& mtex = sprites[hashname];

	// Get desired filter type
	int filter = 1;
	if (map_tex_filter == 0)
		filter = GLTexture::NEAREST_LINEAR_MIN;
	else if (map_tex_filter == 1)
		filter = GLTexture::LINEAR;
	else if (map_tex_filter == 2)
		filter = GLTexture::LINEAR;
	else if (map_tex_filter == 3)
		filter = GLTexture::NEAREST_MIPMAP;

	// If the texture is loaded
	if (mtex.texture)
		// If the texture filter matches the desired one, return it
		if (mtex.texture->getFilter() == filter)
			return mtex.texture;
			// Otherwise, reload the texture
			delete mtex.texture;
			mtex.texture = NULL;

	// Sprite not found, look for it
	bool found = false;
	bool mirror = false;
	SImage image;
	Palette8bit* pal = getResourcePalette();
	ArchiveEntry* entry = theResourceManager->getPatchEntry(name, "sprites", archive);
	if (!entry) entry = theResourceManager->getPatchEntry(name, "", archive);
	if (!entry && name.length() == 8)
		string newname = name;
		newname[4] = name[6]; newname[5] = name[7]; newname[6] = name[4]; newname[7] = name[5];
		entry = theResourceManager->getPatchEntry(newname, "sprites", archive);
		if (entry) mirror = true;
	if (entry)
		found = true;
		Misc::loadImageFromEntry(&image, entry);
	else  	// Try composite textures then
		CTexture* ctex = theResourceManager->getTexture(name, archive);
		if (ctex && ctex->toImage(image, archive, pal))
			found = true;

	// We have a valid image either from an entry or a composite texture.
	if (found)
		// Apply translation
		if (!translation.IsEmpty()) image.applyTranslation(translation, pal);
		// Apply palette override
		if (!palette.IsEmpty())
			ArchiveEntry* newpal = theResourceManager->getPaletteEntry(palette, archive);
			if (newpal && newpal->getSize() == 768)
				// Why is this needed?
				// Copying data in pal->loadMem shouldn't
				// change it in the original entry...
				// We shouldn't need to copy the data in a temporary place first.
				pal = image.getPalette();
				MemChunk mc;
				mc.importMem(newpal->getData(), newpal->getSize());
		// Apply mirroring
		if (mirror) image.mirror(false);
		// Turn into GL texture
		mtex.texture = new GLTexture(false);
		mtex.texture->loadImage(&image, pal);
		return mtex.texture;
	else if (name.EndsWith("?"))
		GLTexture* sprite = getSprite(name + '0', translation, palette);
		if (!sprite)
			sprite = getSprite(name + '1', translation, palette);
		if (sprite)
			return sprite;
		if (!sprite && name.length() == 5)
			for (char chr = 'A'; chr <= ']'; ++chr)
				sprite = getSprite(name + '0' + chr + '0', translation, palette);
				if (sprite) return sprite;
				sprite = getSprite(name + '1' + chr + '1', translation, palette);
				if (sprite) return sprite;

	return NULL;