void GenerateServerMethods::generateHeaderVariables(std::ostream & h_file)
  h_file << "  private:\n\n";
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < theClass.numMethods(); ++i)
    Method method = theClass.getMethod(i);

    const bool reftype = method.getType().isReference();
    if (reftype)
      h_file << "    mutable " << method.getType().getName() << " ulxr_refFor_" << method.getOverloadName() << ";\n";

  h_file << "    " << theClass.getName() << " &server;\n"
         << "    ulxr::MethodAdder &method_adder;\n";
void GenerateServerMethods::generate_CPP_USER(const std::string &destdir, const std::string &name)
  const std::string h_name = theClass.getBaseName() + "_ulxr_server.h";
  std::string cpp_name = destdir + theClass.getBaseName() + "_ulxr_server_user.cpp";

  struct stat statbuf;
  if (stat(cpp_name.c_str(), &statbuf) >= 0)
    std::cout << "User file already exists: " << cpp_name << std::endl;
    cpp_name += ".new";
    std::cout << "New template will be created: " << cpp_name << std::endl;

  std::ofstream cpp_file(cpp_name.c_str());
  std::cout << "User file will be created: " << cpp_name << std::endl;

  generateUserSourceHead(cpp_file, h_name);

  cpp_file << "#include <ulxmlrpcpp/ulxr_response.h>\n";
  cpp_file << "#include <ulxmlrpcpp/ulxr_method_adder.h>\n";
  cpp_file << "#include <ulxmlrpcpp/ulxr_signature.h>\n\n";

  cpp_file << "#include \"" << theClass.getSource() << "\"\n";
  cpp_file << "#include \"" << name + "_ulxr_names.h" << "\"\n\n";

  cpp_file <<
    "\nvoid " << name << "Server::setupServerMethods()\n"

  for (unsigned i = 0; i < theClass.numMethods(); ++i)
    if (i != 0)
      cpp_file << "\n";

    Method method = theClass.getMethod(i);

    cpp_file << "  // mapped to: " << method.getCppString(0, false, "");

    if (method.getName() != method.getOverloadName())
       cpp_file << "   (there are overloaded methods)";

    cpp_file <<
      "  method_adder.addMethod(ulxr::make_method(*this, &" << method.getOverloadName(true, "Server") << "),\n"
      "                         " << method.getType().getRpcName() << "::getValueName(),\n"
      "                         ULXR_CALLTO_" << method.getOverloadName(true, "", "_") << ",\n"
      "                         ulxr::Signature()";

    for (unsigned p = 0; p < method.numArgs(); ++p)
      cpp_file << "\n                           << " << method.getArg(p).getType().getRpcName() << "::getValueName()";

    cpp_file <<
      "                         ulxr_i18n(ULXR_PCHAR(\"Some descriptive comment about '" << method.getCppString(0, true, "") << "'.\"))); // TODO adjust comment\n";

  cpp_file <<
void GenerateServerMethods::generateSourceMethods(std::ostream & cpp_file)
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < theClass.numMethods(); ++i)
    Method method = theClass.getMethod(i);

    cpp_file << "// mapped to: " << method.getCppString(0, false, "");

    if (method.getName() != method.getOverloadName())
       cpp_file << "   (there are overloaded methods)";

    cpp_file << "\nulxr::MethodResponse\n  "
             << method.getOverloadName(true, "Server") << " (const ulxr::MethodCall &calldata)\n"
             << "{\n"
             << "  try\n"
             << "  {\n";

    for (unsigned iarg = 0; iarg < method.numArgs(); ++iarg)
      std::string adap = method.getArg(iarg).getType().getTypeAdapter();
      std::string adap2;
      if (adap.length() != 0)
        adap += "(";
        adap2 = ")";

      cpp_file << "    " << method.getArg(iarg).getType().getName() << " p" << iarg << " = "
               << "(" << method.getArg(iarg).getType().getName() << ") "
               << adap + method.getArg(iarg).getType().getRpcName() << "(calldata.getParam(" << iarg << "))." << method.getArg(iarg).getType().getRpcAccessor()
               << "()" << adap2 << ";\n";

    bool have_retval = false;
    if (method.getType().getName() != "void" || method.getType().getLeft() != "" || method.getType().getRight() != "")
      have_retval = true;

    if (have_retval)
      cpp_file << "    " << method.getType().getProxyType() << " retval = "
               << method.getType().getTypeDereference();
      cpp_file << "    ";

    cpp_file << "server." << method.getName() << "(";

    for (unsigned iarg = 0; iarg < method.numArgs(); ++iarg)
      if (iarg != 0)
        cpp_file << ", ";

//      cpp_file << "(" << method.getArg(iarg).getType().getCppString() << ")";

        cpp_file << "&";

      cpp_file  << "p" << iarg;

    cpp_file << ");\n";

    std::string adap = method.getType().getInversTypeAdapter();
    std::string adap2;
    if (adap.length() != 0)
      adap += "(";
      adap2 = ")";

    if (have_retval)
      cpp_file << "    return ulxr::MethodResponse ("<< method.getType().getRpcName() << " (" <<  adap << "retval" << adap2 << "));\n";
      cpp_file << "    return ulxr::MethodResponse (ulxr::Void());\n";

    cpp_file << "  }\n"
             << "  catch(std::exception &ex)\n"
             << "  {\n"
             << "    ulxr::CppString s = ULXR_PCHAR(\"C++ exception caught when invoking '" << method.getCppString(0, false, "") << "'\\n  \");\n"
             << "    s += ULXR_GET_STRING(ex.what());\n"
             << "    return ulxr::MethodResponse(ulxr::ApplicationError, s);\n"
             << "  }\n"
             << "  catch(...)\n"
             << "  {\n"
             << "    ulxr::CppString s = ULXR_PCHAR(\"Unknown exception caught when invoking '" << method.getCppString(0, false, "") << "'\");\n"
             << "    return ulxr::MethodResponse(ulxr::ApplicationError, s);\n"
             << "  }\n";

    cpp_file << "}\n\n\n";

  // ------------------------------------

  cpp_file <<
    "\nvoid " << theClass.getBaseName() << "Server::removeServerMethods()\n"

  for (unsigned i = 0; i < theClass.numMethods(); ++i)
    Method method = theClass.getMethod(i);

    cpp_file <<
      "  method_adder.removeMethod(ULXR_CALLTO_" << method.getOverloadName(true, "", "_") << ");";

    cpp_file << "  // mapped to: " << method.getCppString(0, false, "");

    if (method.getName() != method.getOverloadName())
       cpp_file << "   (there are overloaded methods)";

    cpp_file << "\n";

  cpp_file << "\n}\n\n\n";