Beispiel #1
bool frame::is_interpreted_frame_valid(JavaThread* thread) const {
// QQQ
#ifdef CC_INTERP
  assert(is_interpreted_frame(), "Not an interpreted frame");
  // These are reasonable sanity checks
  if (fp() == 0 || (intptr_t(fp()) & (wordSize-1)) != 0) {
    return false;
  if (sp() == 0 || (intptr_t(sp()) & (wordSize-1)) != 0) {
    return false;
  if (fp() + interpreter_frame_initial_sp_offset < sp()) {
    return false;
  // These are hacks to keep us out of trouble.
  // The problem with these is that they mask other problems
  if (fp() <= sp()) {        // this attempts to deal with unsigned comparison above
    return false;

  // do some validation of frame elements

  // first the method

  Method* m = *interpreter_frame_method_addr();

  // validate the method we'd find in this potential sender
  if (!m->is_valid_method()) return false;

  // stack frames shouldn't be much larger than max_stack elements

  if (fp() - sp() > 1024 + m->max_stack()*Interpreter::stackElementSize) {
    return false;

  // validate bci/bcx

  intptr_t  bcx    = interpreter_frame_bcx();
  if (m->validate_bci_from_bcx(bcx) < 0) {
    return false;

  // validate ConstantPoolCache*
  ConstantPoolCache* cp = *interpreter_frame_cache_addr();
  if (cp == NULL || !cp->is_metaspace_object()) return false;

  // validate locals

  address locals =  (address) *interpreter_frame_locals_addr();

  if (locals > thread->stack_base() || locals < (address) fp()) return false;

  // We'd have to be pretty unlucky to be mislead at this point

#endif // CC_INTERP
  return true;
Beispiel #2
static bool is_decipherable_interpreted_frame(JavaThread* thread,
                                              frame* fr,
                                              Method** method_p,
                                              int* bci_p) {
  assert(fr->is_interpreted_frame(), "just checking");

  // top frame is an interpreted frame
  // check if it is walkable (i.e. valid Method* and valid bci)

  // Because we may be racing a gc thread the method and/or bci
  // of a valid interpreter frame may look bad causing us to
  // fail the is_interpreted_frame_valid test. If the thread
  // is in any of the following states we are assured that the
  // frame is in fact valid and we must have hit the race.

  JavaThreadState state = thread->thread_state();
  bool known_valid = (state == _thread_in_native ||
                      state == _thread_in_vm ||
                      state == _thread_blocked );

  if (known_valid || fr->is_interpreted_frame_valid(thread)) {

    // The frame code should completely validate the frame so that
    // references to Method* and bci are completely safe to access
    // If they aren't the frame code should be fixed not this
    // code. However since gc isn't locked out the values could be
    // stale. This is a race we can never completely win since we can't
    // lock out gc so do one last check after retrieving their values
    // from the frame for additional safety

    Method* method = fr->interpreter_frame_method();

    // We've at least found a method.
    // NOTE: there is something to be said for the approach that
    // if we don't find a valid bci then the method is not likely
    // a valid method. Then again we may have caught an interpreter
    // frame in the middle of construction and the bci field is
    // not yet valid.

    *method_p = method;
    if (!method->is_valid_method()) return false;

    intptr_t bcx = fr->interpreter_frame_bcx();

    int      bci = method->validate_bci_from_bcx(bcx);

    // note: bci is set to -1 if not a valid bci
    *bci_p = bci;
    return true;

  return false;
Beispiel #3
static void forte_fill_call_trace_given_top(JavaThread* thd,
                                            ASGCT_CallTrace* trace,
                                            int depth,
                                            frame top_frame) {
  NoHandleMark nhm;

  frame initial_Java_frame;
  Method* method;
  int bci;
  int count;

  count = 0;
  assert(trace->frames != NULL, "trace->frames must be non-NULL");

  bool fully_decipherable = find_initial_Java_frame(thd, &top_frame, &initial_Java_frame, &method, &bci);

  // The frame might not be walkable but still recovered a method
  // (e.g. an nmethod with no scope info for the pc)

  if (method == NULL) return;

  if (!method->is_valid_method()) {
    trace->num_frames = ticks_GC_active; // -2

  // We got a Java frame however it isn't fully decipherable
  // so it won't necessarily be safe to use it for the
  // initial frame in the vframe stream.

  if (!fully_decipherable) {
    // Take whatever method the top-frame decoder managed to scrape up.
    // We look further at the top frame only if non-safepoint
    // debugging information is available.
    trace->num_frames = count;
    trace->frames[0].method_id = method->find_jmethod_id_or_null();
    if (!method->is_native()) {
      trace->frames[0].lineno = bci;
    } else {
      trace->frames[0].lineno = -3;

    if (!initial_Java_frame.safe_for_sender(thd)) return;

    RegisterMap map(thd, false);
    initial_Java_frame = initial_Java_frame.sender(&map);

  vframeStreamForte st(thd, initial_Java_frame, false);

  for (; !st.at_end() && count < depth; st.forte_next(), count++) {
    bci = st.bci();
    method = st.method();

    if (!method->is_valid_method()) {
      // we throw away everything we've gathered in this sample since
      // none of it is safe
      trace->num_frames = ticks_GC_active; // -2

    trace->frames[count].method_id = method->find_jmethod_id_or_null();
    if (!method->is_native()) {
      trace->frames[count].lineno = bci;
    } else {
      trace->frames[count].lineno = -3;
  trace->num_frames = count;