Beispiel #1
	virtual void  onContactNotify(NxContactPair& pair, NxU32 events)
		NxU32 carIndex = 0;
		if (isCar(pair.actors[0]))
			carIndex = 0;
		else if (isCar(pair.actors[1]))
			carIndex = 1;
		//ignore the 'both are cars' case for now.

		// Iterate through contact points
		NxContactStreamIterator i(;
		//user can call getNumPairs() here
		while (i.goNextPair())
			//user can also call getShape() and getNumPatches() here
			NxShape * s = i.getShape(carIndex);
			while (i.goNextPatch())
				//user can also call getPatchNormal() and getNumPoints() here
				const NxVec3& contactNormal = i.getPatchNormal();
				while (i.goNextPoint())
					//user can also call getPoint() and getSeparation() here
					const NxVec3& contactPoint = i.getPoint();

					NxVec3 contactNormalForce = pair.sumNormalForce;
					NxVec3 contactFrictionForce = pair.sumFrictionForce;

					//add forces:

					//assuming front wheel drive we need to apply a force at the wheels.
					if (s->is(NX_SHAPE_CAPSULE))		//assuming only the wheels of the car are capsules, otherwise we need more checks.
														//this branch can't be pulled out of loops because we have to do a full iteration through the stream
						CarWheelContact cwc; = pair.actors[carIndex];
						cwc.wheel = s;
						cwc.contactPoint = contactPoint;
						cwc.contactNormalForce = contactNormalForce;
						cwc.contactFrictionForce = contactFrictionForce;
						//#error too bad this is illegal (reentry) and also technically busted because the accumulators get zeroed after this returns.
void NxVehicle::handleContactPair(NxContactPair& pair, NxU32 carIndex)
	NxContactStreamIterator i(;
		NxShape * s = i.getShape(carIndex);
			const NxVec3& contactNormal = i.getPatchNormal();
				//user can also call getPoint() and getSeparation() here
				const NxVec3& contactPoint = i.getPoint();

				//add forces:

				//assuming front wheel drive we need to apply a force at the wheels.
				if (s->is(NX_SHAPE_CAPSULE) && s->userData != NULL) {
					//assuming only the wheels of the car are capsules, otherwise we need more checks.
					//this branch can't be pulled out of loops because we have to do a full iteration through the stream
					NxQuat local2global = s->getActor().getGlobalOrientationQuat();
					NxWheel* w = (NxWheel*)s->userData;
					if (!w->getWheelFlag(NX_WF_USE_WHEELSHAPE))
						NxWheel1 * wheel = static_cast<NxWheel1*>(w);
						wheel->contactInfo.otherActor = pair.actors[1-carIndex];
						wheel->contactInfo.contactPosition = contactPoint;
						wheel->contactInfo.contactPositionLocal = contactPoint;
						wheel->contactInfo.contactPositionLocal -= _bodyActor->getGlobalPosition();
						wheel->contactInfo.contactNormal = contactNormal;
						if (wheel->contactInfo.otherActor->isDynamic()) 
							NxVec3 globalV = s->getActor().getLocalPointVelocity(wheel->getWheelPos());
							globalV -= wheel->contactInfo.otherActor->getLinearVelocity();
							wheel->contactInfo.relativeVelocity = globalV.x;
							//printf("%2.3f (%2.3f %2.3f %2.3f)\n", wheel->contactInfo.relativeVelocity,
							//	globalV.x, globalV.y, globalV.z);
							NxVec3 vel = s->getActor().getLocalPointVelocity(wheel->getWheelPos());
							wheel->contactInfo.relativeVelocity = vel.x;
							wheel->contactInfo.relativeVelocitySide = vel.z;
						//printf(" Wheel %x is touching\n", wheel);