tmp<GeometricField<Type, tetPolyPatchField, tetPointMesh> > tetPointFieldReconstructor::reconstructTetPointField ( const IOobject& fieldIoObject ) { // Read the field for all the processors PtrList<GeometricField<Type, tetPolyPatchField, tetPointMesh> > procFields ( procMeshes_.size() ); forAll (procMeshes_, procI) { procFields.set ( procI, new GeometricField<Type, tetPolyPatchField, tetPointMesh> ( IOobject (, procMeshes_[procI]().time().timeName(), procMeshes_[procI](), IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ), procMeshes_[procI] ) ); }
void CSearchResultDlg::displayPage(int page, BOOL showStatus) { if (page < 0 || page >= pageCount) return; if (showStatus) { CString str; str.Format(IDS_SEARCH_PAGE_NO, page + 1); SetDlgItemText(IDC_STATUS, str); } PtrList *l = pages[page]; PtrList::iterator it; for (it = l->begin(); it != l->end(); ++it) { SEARCH_RESULT *p = (SEARCH_RESULT *) *it; int image = p->face; if (!p->online) image += NR_FACES; CString str; str.Format("%lu", p->uin); int i = m_ctlResult.InsertItem(m_ctlResult.GetItemCount(), str, image); m_ctlResult.SetItemData(i, (DWORD) p); m_ctlResult.SetItemText(i, 1, p->nick.c_str()); m_ctlResult.SetItemText(i, 2, p->province.c_str()); } }
Foam::tmp<Foam::GeometricField<Type, Foam::fvPatchField, Foam::volMesh> > Foam::fvFieldReconstructor::reconstructFvVolumeField ( const IOobject& fieldIoObject ) { // Read the field for all the processors PtrList<GeometricField<Type, fvPatchField, volMesh> > procFields ( procMeshes_.size() ); forAll (procMeshes_, procI) { procFields.set ( procI, new GeometricField<Type, fvPatchField, volMesh> ( IOobject (, procMeshes_[procI].time().timeName(), procMeshes_[procI], IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ), procMeshes_[procI] ) ); }
Foam::tmp<Foam::GeometricField<Type, Foam::pointPatchField, Foam::pointMesh>> Foam::pointFieldReconstructor::reconstructField(const IOobject& fieldIoObject) { // Read the field for all the processors PtrList<GeometricField<Type, pointPatchField, pointMesh>> procFields ( procMeshes_.size() ); forAll(procMeshes_, proci) { procFields.set ( proci, new GeometricField<Type, pointPatchField, pointMesh> ( IOobject (, procMeshes_[proci]().time().timeName(), procMeshes_[proci](), IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ), procMeshes_[proci] ) ); }
Foam::tmp<Foam::DimensionedField<Type, Foam::volMesh>> Foam::fvFieldReconstructor::reconstructFvVolumeInternalField ( const IOobject& fieldIoObject ) const { // Read the field for all the processors PtrList<DimensionedField<Type, volMesh>> procFields ( procMeshes_.size() ); forAll(procMeshes_, proci) { procFields.set ( proci, new DimensionedField<Type, volMesh> ( IOobject (, procMeshes_[proci].time().timeName(), procMeshes_[proci], IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ), procMeshes_[proci] ) ); }
// remove vp from the list void Remove(T *ip) { PtrList *p = Find(ip); if (p) { p->Remove(); } }
void Add(T *ip) { PtrList *pl = this; while (pl && pl->m_pNext) { pl = pl->Next(); } pl->m_pNext = new PtrList(ip); }
//########################################### CPAGE_FUNC(Bool32) CPAGE_DeleteAll() { CPAGE_CONVERTOR ConvertorPages = {0,DefConvertPage}; // Piter PROLOG; Bool32 rc = TRUE; Page.Clear(); NameData.Clear(); SetConvertorPages(ConvertorPages); // Piter hCurPage = NULL; EPILOG; return rc; }
//########################################### CPAGE_FUNC(Handle) CPAGE_GetInternalType(const char * name) { PROLOG; Handle rc = 0; NAMEDATA nd(name); SetReturnCode_cpage(IDS_ERR_NO); rc = NameData.FindFirst(nd); if(!rc) rc = NameData.AddTail(nd); EPILOG; return rc; }
void CSearchResultDlg::deleteResults() { for (int i = 0; i < pageCount; i++) { PtrList *l = pages[i]; PtrList::iterator it; for (it = l->begin(); it != l->end(); ++it) delete (SEARCH_RESULT *) *it; l->clear(); } curPage = -1; pageCount = 0; startUIN = 0; }
Tile CMapTile::GetTile(CVector Pos, CMap* pMap) { PtrList<CEntity*> EntityList = pMap->GetTileEntityList(Pos); if(!EntityList.empty()) { if(ContainsPlayer(EntityList)) return pMap->GetPlayer()->GetTile(pMap); else if(ContainsMobs(EntityList)) { PtrList<CEntity*> MobList = FilterMobEntities(EntityList); return MobList[0]->GetTile(pMap); } else return EntityList[0]->GetTile(pMap); } else return FloorTile; }
void CGroupSearchResultPage::onGroupListReply(PtrList &l) { CGroupSearchWizard *wiz = (CGroupSearchWizard *) GetParent(); int type = wiz->typePage.getGroupType(); PtrList::iterator it; for (it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) { GROUP_INFO *p = (GROUP_INFO *) *it; p->type = type; addResult(p); } GetDlgItem(IDC_REFRESH)->EnableWindow(); }
//########################################### CPAGE_FUNC(Handle) CPAGE_RestorePage(Bool32 remove,char * lpName) { PROLOG; Handle rc = NULL; Bool decompress=FALSE; SetReturnCode_cpage(IDS_ERR_NO); Handle file = myOpenRestore((char *)lpName); if(file) { int i; int count; uint32_t vers = 0; if(myRead(file,&vers,sizeof(vers))==sizeof(vers)) { if (vers==VERSION_FILE_COMPRESSED) decompress=TRUE; else if(vers!=VERSION_FILE) { SetReturnCode_cpage(IDS_ERR_OLDFILEVERSION); myClose(file); return FALSE; } { if(remove) { Page.Clear(); NameData.Clear(); } if(myRead(file,&count,sizeof(count))==sizeof(count)) for(i=0;i<count ;i++) { BACKUPPAGE page; if(decompress ? page.RestoreCompress(file) : page.Restore(file)) rc = Page.AddTail(page); else break; } } } myClose(file); } EPILOG; return rc; }
bool CMapTile::IsPassable(CVector Pos, CMap* pMap, CEntity* pTrespasser) { if(!Flags.Is_Set(MTF_PASSABLE)) return false; else { PtrList<CEntity*> EntityList = pMap->GetTileEntityList(Pos); for(Uint16 i=0;i<EntityList.size();i++) { if(EntityList[i] == pTrespasser) continue; if(EntityList[i]->EntityFlags.Is_Set(EF_MOB)) return false; } } return true; }
void LAgreementDlg::redraw() { XClearWindow(xvars->dpy[dpyNum],window); // Loop over all lines on current page. Page* page = (Page*)pages.get(currentPage); const PtrList& lines = page->get_lines(); for (int n = 0; n < lines.length(); n++) { int length; const char* text = ((Line*)lines.get(n))->get_text(length); if (length > 0) { XDrawString(xvars->dpy[dpyNum],window,xvars->gc[dpyNum], TEXT_PADDING, TEXT_PADDING + xvars->font[dpyNum]->max_bounds.ascent + fontSize.height * n, text,length); } } // Draw separators. XDrawLine(xvars->dpy[dpyNum],window,xvars->gc[dpyNum], 0,separatorY_1,windowSize.width - 1,separatorY_1); XDrawLine(xvars->dpy[dpyNum],window,xvars->gc[dpyNum], 0,separatorY_2,windowSize.width - 1,separatorY_2); // Buttons will redraw themselves. }
void CMapTile::OnExamine(CVector Pos, CMap* pMap, CEntity* pActor) { PtrList<CEntity*> EntityList = pMap->GetTileEntityList(Pos); if(!EntityList.empty()) { ExamineEntitieList(EntityList); return; } if(this == EmptyTile) { gMessages.AddMessage("Du schaust in die Weiten des Weltraums WTF!"); return; } if(!Flags.Is_Set(MTF_PASSABLE)) gMessages.AddMessage("Du schaust auf ein Stueck feste Wand"); else gMessages.AddMessage("Du kannst dich hier hinbewegen"); }
void Foam::lagrangianFieldDecomposer::readFields ( const label cloudI, const IOobjectList& lagrangianObjects, PtrList<PtrList<IOField<Type> > >& lagrangianFields ) { // Search list of objects for lagrangian fields IOobjectList lagrangianTypeObjects ( lagrangianObjects.lookupClass(IOField<Type>::typeName) ); lagrangianFields.set ( cloudI, new PtrList<IOField<Type> > ( lagrangianTypeObjects.size() ) ); label lagrangianFieldi = 0; forAllIter(IOobjectList, lagrangianTypeObjects, iter) { lagrangianFields[cloudI].set ( lagrangianFieldi++, new IOField<Type>(*iter()) ); }
forAll (procMeshes_, procI) { const GeometricField<Type, tetPolyPatchField, tetPointMesh>& procField = procFields[procI]; // Get processor-to-global addressing for use in rmap labelList procToGlobalAddr = procAddressing(procI); // Set the cell values in the reconstructed field internalField.rmap ( procField.internalField(), procToGlobalAddr ); // Set the boundary patch values in the reconstructed field forAll(boundaryProcAddressing_[procI], patchI) { // Get patch index of the original patch const label curBPatch = boundaryProcAddressing_[procI][patchI]; // check if the boundary patch is not a processor patch if (curBPatch >= 0) { if (!patchFields(curBPatch)) { patchFields.set ( curBPatch, tetPolyPatchField<Type>::New ( procField.boundaryField()[patchI], mesh_.boundary()[curBPatch], DimensionedField<Type, tetPointMesh>::null(), tetPolyPatchFieldReconstructor ( mesh_.boundary()[curBPatch].size(), procField.boundaryField()[patchI].size() ) ) ); } // If the field stores values, do the rmap if (patchFields[curBPatch].storesFieldData()) { patchFields[curBPatch].rmap ( procField.boundaryField()[patchI], procPatchAddressing ( procToGlobalAddr, procI, patchI ) ); } } } }
// In processor patches, there's a mix of internal faces (some // of them turned) and possible cyclics. Slow loop forAll (cp, faceI) { // Subtract one to take into account offsets for // face direction. label curF = cp[faceI] - 1; // Is the face on the boundary? if (curF >= mesh_.nInternalFaces()) { label curBPatch = mesh_.boundaryMesh().whichPatch(curF); if (!patchFields(curBPatch)) { patchFields.set ( curBPatch, fvPatchField<Type>::New ( mesh_.boundary()[curBPatch].type(), mesh_.boundary()[curBPatch], DimensionedField<Type, volMesh>::null() ) ); } // add the face label curPatchFace = mesh_.boundaryMesh() [curBPatch].whichFace(curF); patchFields[curBPatch][curPatchFace] = curProcPatch[faceI]; } }
void subsetSurfaceFields ( const fvMeshSubset& subsetter, const wordList& fieldNames, PtrList<GeometricField<Type, fvsPatchField, surfaceMesh> >& subFields ) { const fvMesh& baseMesh = subsetter.baseMesh(); forAll(fieldNames, i) { const word& fieldName = fieldNames[i]; Info<< "Subsetting field " << fieldName << endl; GeometricField<Type, fvsPatchField, surfaceMesh> fld ( IOobject ( fieldName, baseMesh.time().timeName(), baseMesh, IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ), baseMesh ); subFields.set(i, subsetter.interpolate(fld)); } }
bool addFieldsToList ( const fvMesh& mesh, PtrList<GeometricField<Type, fvPatchField, volMesh> >& list, const wordList& fieldNames ) { typedef GeometricField<Type, fvPatchField, volMesh> fieldType; label index = 0; forAll(fieldNames, i) { IOobject obj ( fieldNames[i], mesh.time().timeName(), mesh, IOobject::MUST_READ ); if (obj.headerOk() && obj.headerClassName() == fieldType::typeName) { list.set(index++, new fieldType(obj, mesh)); } else { Info<< "Could not find " << fieldNames[i] << endl; return false; } }
//########################################### CPAGE_FUNC(Handle) CPAGE_GetHandlePage(uint32_t page) { PROLOG; Handle rc = Page.GetHandle(page); EPILOG; return rc; }
void readFields ( PtrList<List<Type> >& values, const List<word>& fieldNames, const IOobjectList& cloudObjs ) { IOobjectList objects(cloudObjs.lookupClass(IOField<Type>::typeName)); forAll(fieldNames, j) { const IOobject* obj = objects.lookup(fieldNames[j]); if (obj != NULL) { Info<< " reading field " << fieldNames[j] << endl; IOField<Type> newField(*obj); values.set(j, new List<Type>(newField.xfer())); } else { FatalErrorIn ( "template<class Type>" "void readFields" "(" "PtrList<List<Type> >&, " "const List<word>&, " "const IOobjectList&" ")" ) << "Unable to read field " << fieldNames[j] << abort(FatalError); } } }
// Read the number of layers from dictionary. Per patch 0 or the number // of layers. Foam::labelList Foam::layerParameters::readNumLayers ( const PtrList<dictionary>& surfaceDicts, const refinementSurfaces& refineSurfaces, const labelList& globalToPatch, const polyBoundaryMesh& boundaryMesh ) { // Per surface the number of layers labelList globalSurfLayers(surfaceDicts.size()); // Per surface, per region the number of layers List<Map<label> > regionSurfLayers(surfaceDicts.size()); const labelList& surfaceIndices = refineSurfaces.surfaces(); forAll(surfaceDicts, surfI) { const dictionary& dict = surfaceDicts[surfI]; globalSurfLayers[surfI] = readLabel(dict.lookup("surfaceLayers")); if (dict.found("regions")) { // Per-region layer information PtrList<dictionary> regionDicts(dict.lookup("regions")); const wordList& regionNames = refineSurfaces.geometry()[surfaceIndices[surfI]].regions(); forAll(regionDicts, dictI) { const dictionary& regionDict = regionDicts[dictI]; const word regionName(regionDict.lookup("name")); label regionI = findIndex(regionNames, regionName); label nLayers = readLabel(regionDict.lookup("surfaceLayers")); Info<< " region " << regionName << ':'<< nl << " surface layers:" << nLayers << nl; regionSurfLayers[surfI].insert(regionI, nLayers); } } }
//########################################### CPAGE_FUNC(uint32_t) CPAGE_GetCountPage() { PROLOG; SetReturnCode_cpage(IDS_ERR_NO); uint32_t rc = Page.GetCount(); EPILOG; return rc; }
void XETP::send_objects(OutStreamP out,const PtrList &physicals, Turn turn,const PtrList &tickTypes) { assert(physicals.length() == tickTypes.length()); u_int totalLen = 0; int n; for (n = 0; n < physicals.length(); n++) { totalLen += XETP::add_header(compute_object_length((PhysicalP)physicals.get(n))); } // length passed into UDP prepare_packet is bigger than the lengths // passed into each XETP packet. if (out->get_protocol() == GenericStream::UDP) { ((UDPOutStreamP)out)->prepare_packet(totalLen); } // Send each object in turn. for (n = 0; n < physicals.length(); n++) { PhysicalP p = (PhysicalP)physicals.get(n); // computing object_length twice, but who cares. _send_object(out,p,turn,(TickType)(size_t)tickTypes.get(n), compute_object_length(p)); } if (out->get_protocol() == GenericStream::UDP) { ((UDPOutStreamP)out)->done_packet(); } }
//########################################### CPAGE_FUNC(void) CPAGE_DeletePage(Handle page) { PROLOG; SetReturnCode_cpage(IDS_ERR_NO); Page.Del(page); if(hCurPage == page) hCurPage = NULL; EPILOG; }
//########################################### CPAGE_FUNC(uint32_t) CPAGE_GetNumberPage( Handle hPage ) { PROLOG; uint32_t rc = (uint32_t)-1; if(hPage) rc = (uint32_t)Page.GetPos(hPage); EPILOG; return rc; }
void readFields ( const vtkMesh& vMesh, const typename GeoField::Mesh& mesh, const IOobjectList& objects, const HashSet<word>& selectedFields, PtrList<GeoField>& fields ) { // Search list of objects for volScalarFields IOobjectList fieldObjects(objects.lookupClass(GeoField::typeName)); // Construct the vol scalar fields label nFields = fields.size(); fields.setSize(nFields + fieldObjects.size()); for ( IOobjectList::iterator iter = fieldObjects.begin(); iter != fieldObjects.end(); ++iter ) { if (selectedFields.empty() || selectedFields.found(iter()->name())) { fields.set ( nFields, vMesh.interpolate ( GeoField ( *iter(), mesh ) ) ); nFields++; } } fields.setSize(nFields); }
//########################################### CPAGE_FUNC(char *) CPAGE_GetNameInternalType(Handle type) { char * rc = NULL; PROLOG; SetReturnCode_cpage(IDS_ERR_NO); if(type != NULL) rc = NameData.GetItem(type); EPILOG; return rc; }