void DistroMesas::importXML(const QString val) { QFile file ( g_confpr->value( CONF_DIR_USER ) + "distromesas_" + mainCompany()->dbName() + ".cfn" ); if (file.exists()) { if ( !file.open ( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) { return; } // end if QString result (file.readAll()); file.close(); QDomDocument doc ( "mydocument" ); if ( !doc.setContent ( result ) ) { return; } // end if QDomElement docElem = doc.documentElement(); QDomElement principal = docElem.firstChildElement ( "BACKGROUND" ); m_background = principal.text(); principal = docElem.firstChildElement ( "ESCALA" ); g_escala = principal.text().toInt(); QDomNodeList nodos = docElem.elementsByTagName ( "MESA" ); int i = 0; while (i < nodos.count() ) { QDomNode ventana = nodos.item ( i++ ); QDomElement e1 = ventana.toElement(); /// try to convert the node to an element. if ( !e1.isNull() ) { /// the node was really an element. QString nodoText = e1.text(); /// Pasamos el XML a texto para poder procesarlo como tal. QString result; QTextStream stream ( &result ); ventana.save(stream,5); Mesa *mesa = new Mesa((BtCompany *) mainCompany(), mui_widget); mesa->importXML(result); if (! m_listapantallas.contains(mesa->m_pantalla)) { if (m_pantallaactual == "") { m_pantallaactual = mesa->m_pantalla; } // end if m_listapantallas.append(mesa->m_pantalla); QToolButton *but = new QToolButton(this); but->setObjectName("p_"+mesa->m_pantalla); but->setText(mesa->m_pantalla); but->setMinimumHeight(42); but->setMinimumWidth(42); but->setCheckable(TRUE); mui_espaciopantallas->addWidget(but); connect(but, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(cambiarPantalla())); } // end if if (mesa->m_pantalla == m_pantallaactual) mesa->show(); } // end if } // end while } // end if }
bool MachConf::read() { QString errorStr; int errorLine; int errorColumn; QFile *device = new QFile(_fileName); if (!device->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) return false; if (!domDocument.setContent(device, true, &errorStr, &errorLine, &errorColumn)) { return false; } QDomElement root = domDocument.documentElement(); //Console *console = //cout << //std::basic_ostream<<root.tagName()<<endl; Console * console = SkyMain::getUartConsole(); DevTreeView *treeView = SkyMain::getDevTreeView(); //QDomElement child = root.firstChildElement("arch"); if(root.tagName() != "machine"){ return false; } else{ QDomAttr attr = root.attributeNode(QString("name")); treeView->insertMachine(attr.value()); } QDomElement board = root.firstChildElement("board"); //console->insertPlainText(attr.value()); console->insertPlainText("\n"); //console->insertPlainText(child); //console->insertPlainText(QString("ljklkjkejlwer")); /* if (root.tagName() != "xbel") { QMessageBox::information(window(), tr("DOM Bookmarks"), tr("The file is not an XBEL file.")); return false; } else if (root.hasAttribute("version") && root.attribute("version") != "1.0") { QMessageBox::information(window(), tr("DOM Bookmarks"), tr("The file is not an XBEL version 1.0 " "file.")); return false; } clear(); disconnect(this, SIGNAL(itemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *, int)), this, SLOT(updateDomElement(QTreeWidgetItem *, int))); QDomElement child = root.firstChildElement("folder"); while (!child.isNull()) { parseFolderElement(child); child = child.nextSiblingElement("folder"); } connect(this, SIGNAL(itemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *, int)), this, SLOT(updateDomElement(QTreeWidgetItem *, int))); */ return true; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void MagicRules::initialize(const QString& p_jsonFile) { // Read the JSON file QString val; QFile file; file.setFileName(p_jsonFile); file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text); val = file.readAll(); file.close(); // Read document QJsonParseError error; QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(val.toUtf8(), &error); if (error.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) { qCritical() << QString("Error while reading file: %1\nError: %2").arg(p_jsonFile, error.errorString()); return; } // Parse each magic type and add to the rules QJsonArray magicTypesArray = doc.object().value("magic_types").toArray(); QJsonObject currentType; MagicTypeDefinition* typeDef = 0; MagicTypePriorityDefinition* prioDef = 0; QJsonArray tempArray; QJsonObject tempObject; QJsonObject tempObject2; for (int i = 0; i < magicTypesArray.size(); ++i) { currentType = magicTypesArray.at(i).toObject(); // Add type definition typeDef = new MagicTypeDefinition(); // Translations tempObject = currentType["translations"].toObject(); for (int j = 0; j < tempObject.keys().size(); ++j) { typeDef->translations[tempObject.keys().at(j)] = tempObject[tempObject.keys().at(j)].toString(); } // Types tempArray = currentType["types"].toArray(); for (int j = 0; j < tempArray.size(); ++j) { typeDef->types.push_back(tempArray.at(j).toString()); } // Priorities tempObject = currentType["priorities"].toObject(); for (int j = 0; j < tempObject.keys().size(); ++j) { tempObject2 = tempObject[tempObject.keys().at(j)].toObject(); prioDef = new MagicTypePriorityDefinition(); // Starting magic if (tempObject2.contains("starting_magic")) { prioDef->startingMagic = tempObject2.value("starting_magic").toString().toInt(); } // Free spells if (tempObject2.contains("free_spells")) { prioDef->freeSpells = tempObject2.value("free_spells").toString().toInt(); } // Free skills if (tempObject2.contains("free_skills")) { prioDef->freeSkills.first = tempObject2.value("free_skills").toArray().at(0).toString().toInt(); prioDef->freeSkills.second = tempObject2.value("free_skills").toArray().at(1).toString().toInt(); } // Forced skill group if (tempObject2.contains("free_skill_groups")) { prioDef->freeSkillGroup.first = tempObject2.value("free_skill_groups").toArray().at(0).toString().toInt(); prioDef->freeSkillGroup.second = tempObject2.value("free_skill_groups").toArray().at(1).toString().toInt(); } // Store priority typeDef->priorities[tempObject.keys().at(j).toInt()] = prioDef; } // Make sure the definition doesn't already exist if (_typeDefinitions.contains(currentType["unique_id"].toString())) { qCritical() << "Magic type \"" << currentType["unique_id"].toString() << "\" already exists. Parsing aborted."; return; } _typeDefinitions[currentType["unique_id"].toString()] = typeDef; }// END magic types // Parse spell category strings QJsonArray categoryArray = doc.object().value("spell_categories").toArray(); QJsonObject currentCat; SpellDefinition* spellCat = NULL; MagicAbilityDefinition* category = NULL; MagicAbilityDefinition* abilityDef = NULL; QString tempString; QString uniqueId = ""; for (int i = 0; i < categoryArray.size(); ++i) { currentCat = categoryArray.at(i).toObject(); uniqueId = currentCat["unique_id"].toString(); // Make sure the definition doesn't already exist if (_spellCategoryDefinitions.contains(uniqueId)) { qCritical() << "Spell category \"" << uniqueId << "\" already exists. Parsing aborted."; return; } // Get correct category category = _rootItem->children[MAGICABILITYTYPE_SPELL]; // Add spell definition abilityDef = new MagicAbilityDefinition(category); abilityDef->id = uniqueId; abilityDef->abilityType = MAGICABILITYTYPE_SPELL; spellCat = new SpellDefinition(); abilityDef->spell = spellCat; abilityDef->spell->isSpellCategory = true; category->children.push_back(abilityDef); // Translations tempObject = currentCat["translations"].toObject(); for (int j = 0; j < tempObject.keys().size(); ++j) { abilityDef->translations[tempObject.keys().at(j)] = tempObject[tempObject.keys().at(j)].toString(); } _definitions[uniqueId] = abilityDef; _spellCategoryDefinitions[uniqueId] = spellCat; } // Parse each spell and add to the rules QJsonArray spellsArray = doc.object().value("spells").toArray(); QJsonObject currentSpell; SpellDefinition* spellDef = 0; for (int i = 0; i < spellsArray.size(); ++i) { currentSpell = spellsArray.at(i).toObject(); uniqueId = currentSpell["unique_id"].toString(); // Make sure the definition doesn't already exist if (_spellDefinitions.contains(uniqueId)) { qCritical() << "Spell \"" << uniqueId << "\" already exists. Parsing aborted."; return; } // Add spell definition abilityDef = new MagicAbilityDefinition(); abilityDef->id = uniqueId; abilityDef->abilityType = MAGICABILITYTYPE_SPELL; spellDef = new SpellDefinition(); abilityDef->spell = spellDef; // Translations tempObject = currentSpell["translations"].toObject(); for (int j = 0; j < tempObject.keys().size(); ++j) { abilityDef->translations[tempObject.keys().at(j)] = tempObject[tempObject.keys().at(j)].toString(); } // Category spellDef->category = currentSpell["category"].toString(); if (!_spellCategoryDefinitions.contains(spellDef->category)) { qCritical() << "Spell \"" << currentSpell["unique_id"].toString() << "\" of non existing category \"" << spellDef->category << "\". Parsing aborted."; return; } // Get correct spell category and add to it category = _definitions[spellDef->category]; abilityDef->parent = category; category->children.push_back(abilityDef); // Type tempString = currentSpell["type"].toString(); if (tempString == "P") { spellDef->type = SPELLTYPE_PHYSICAL; } else if (tempString == "M") { spellDef->type = SPELLTYPE_MAGICAL; } // Range tempString = currentSpell["range"].toString(); if (tempString == "T") { spellDef->range = SPELLRANGE_TOUCH; } else if (tempString == "LOS") { spellDef->range = SPELLRANGE_LOS; } else if (tempString == "LOS(A)") { spellDef->range = SPELLRANGE_LOS_AREA; } // Damage (optional) if (currentSpell.contains("damage")) { tempString = currentSpell["damage"].toString(); if (tempString == "P") { spellDef->damageType = SPELLDAMAGE_PHYSICAL; } else if (tempString == "M") { spellDef->damageType = SPELLDAMAGE_MENTAL; } } // Duration tempString = currentSpell["duration"].toString(); if (tempString == "I") { spellDef->duration = SPELLDURATION_INSTANT; } else if (tempString == "S") { spellDef->duration = SPELLDURATION_SUSTAINED; } else if (tempString == "P") { spellDef->duration = SPELLDURATION_PERMANENT; } // Drain spellDef->drain = currentSpell["drain"].toString(); // Descriptors (optional) if (currentSpell.contains("descriptors")) { QVariantList list = currentSpell["descriptors"].toArray().toVariantList(); QListIterator<QVariant> i(list); while (i.hasNext()) { spellDef->descriptors << i.next().toString(); } } // Does this spell require a custom choice? if (currentSpell.contains("requires_custom")) { abilityDef->requiresCustom = currentSpell["requires_custom"].toString() == "true"; if (currentSpell.contains("custom_choices")) { QJsonObject obj = currentSpell["custom_choices"].toObject(); abilityDef->customChoices = new CustomChoice(&obj); } } // Is this spell affected by the essence value? if (currentSpell.contains("essence_effect")) { spellDef->essenceEffect = currentSpell["essence_effect"].toString() == "true"; } _definitions[uniqueId] = abilityDef; _spellDefinitions[uniqueId] = spellDef; }// END spells // Parse each adept power and add to the rules QJsonArray powersArray = doc.object().value("adept_powers").toArray(); QJsonObject currentPower; AdeptPowerDefinition* powerDef = 0; for (int i = 0; i < powersArray.size(); ++i) { currentPower = powersArray.at(i).toObject(); uniqueId = currentPower["unique_id"].toString(); // Make sure the definition doesn't already exist if (_adeptPowerDefinitions.contains(uniqueId)) { qCritical() << "Adept Power \"" << uniqueId << "\" already exists. Parsing aborted."; return; } // Add type definition abilityDef = new MagicAbilityDefinition(); abilityDef->id = uniqueId; abilityDef->abilityType = MAGICABILITYTYPE_ADEPT_POWER; powerDef = new AdeptPowerDefinition(); abilityDef->adeptPower = powerDef; // Get correct spell category and add to it category = _rootItem->children[MAGICABILITYTYPE_ADEPT_POWER]; abilityDef->parent = category; category->children.push_back(abilityDef); // Translations tempObject = currentPower["translations"].toObject(); for (int j = 0; j < tempObject.keys().size(); ++j) { abilityDef->translations[tempObject.keys().at(j)] = tempObject[tempObject.keys().at(j)].toString(); } // Cost if (currentPower.contains("cost_per_level")) { powerDef->costType = COSTTYPE_PER_LEVEL; powerDef->costArray.push_back(currentPower["cost_per_level"].toString().toDouble()); } else if (currentPower.contains("cost")) { QJsonValue::Type type = currentPower["cost"].type(); // Normal cost or array if (type != QJsonValue::Array) { powerDef->costType = COSTTYPE_NORMAL; powerDef->costArray.push_back(currentPower["cost"].toString().toDouble()); } else { powerDef->costType = COSTTYPE_ARRAY; tempArray = currentPower["cost"].toArray(); // Add each array entry for (int j = 0; j < tempArray.size(); ++j) { powerDef->costArray.push_back(tempArray[j].toString().toDouble()); } } } // Activation (optional) if (currentPower.contains("activation")) { tempString = currentPower["activation"].toString(); if (tempString == "interrupt") { powerDef->activationType = ACTIVATIONTYPE_INTERRUPT; } else if (tempString == "free") { powerDef->activationType = ACTIVATIONTYPE_FREE; } else if (tempString == "simple") { powerDef->activationType = ACTIVATIONTYPE_SIMPLE; } } // Does this power require a custom choice? if (currentPower.contains("requires_custom")) { abilityDef->requiresCustom = currentPower["requires_custom"].toString() == "true"; if (currentPower.contains("custom_choices")) { QJsonObject obj = currentPower["custom_choices"].toObject(); abilityDef->customChoices = new CustomChoice(&obj); } } // Does this power have effects? if (currentPower.contains("effects")) { tempArray = currentPower["effects"].toArray(); for (int j = 0; j < tempArray.size(); ++j) { QJsonValueRef obj = tempArray[j]; EffectSource source; source.magicAbility = abilityDef; abilityDef->effects.push_back(new Effect(&obj, source)); } } _definitions[uniqueId] = abilityDef; _adeptPowerDefinitions[uniqueId] = powerDef; } // END adept powers // Parse each complex form and add to the rules QJsonArray formsArray = doc.object().value("complex_forms").toArray(); QJsonObject currentForm; ComplexFormDefinition* formDef = 0; for (int i = 0; i < formsArray.size(); ++i) { currentForm = formsArray.at(i).toObject(); uniqueId = currentForm["unique_id"].toString(); // Make sure the definition doesn't already exist if (_complexFormDefinitions.contains(uniqueId)) { qCritical() << "Complex Form \"" << uniqueId << "\" already exists. Parsing aborted."; return; } // Add form definition abilityDef = new MagicAbilityDefinition(); abilityDef->id = uniqueId; abilityDef->abilityType = MAGICABILITYTYPE_COMPLEX_FORM; formDef = new ComplexFormDefinition(); abilityDef->complexForm = formDef; // Get correct spell category and add to it category = _rootItem->children[MAGICABILITYTYPE_COMPLEX_FORM]; abilityDef->parent = category; category->children.push_back(abilityDef); // Translations tempObject = currentForm["translations"].toObject(); for (int j = 0; j < tempObject.keys().size(); ++j) { abilityDef->translations[tempObject.keys().at(j)] = tempObject[tempObject.keys().at(j)].toString(); } // Target tempString = currentForm["target"].toString(); if (tempString == "persona") { formDef->targetType = TARGETTYPE_PERSONA; } else if (tempString == "device") { formDef->targetType = TARGETTYPE_DEVICE; } else if (tempString == "file") { formDef->targetType = TARGETTYPE_FILE; } else if (tempString == "sprite") { formDef->targetType = TARGETTYPE_SPRITE; } // Duration tempString = currentForm["duration"].toString(); if (tempString == "I") { formDef->duration = SPELLDURATION_INSTANT; } else if (tempString == "S") { formDef->duration = SPELLDURATION_SUSTAINED; } else if (tempString == "P") { formDef->duration = SPELLDURATION_PERMANENT; } // Fading Value formDef->fadingValue = currentForm["fading_value"].toString(); // Does this form require a custom choice? if (currentForm.contains("requires_custom")) { abilityDef->requiresCustom = currentForm["requires_custom"].toString() == "true"; if (currentForm.contains("custom_choices")) { QJsonObject obj = currentForm["custom_choices"].toObject(); abilityDef->customChoices = new CustomChoice(&obj); } } _definitions[uniqueId] = abilityDef; _complexFormDefinitions[uniqueId] = formDef; } // END complex forms }
void jsBridge::dragResource(QString hash) { Resource *res = Resource::fromHash(hash); if (res == NULL) return; QString mime = res->mimeType(); QString fileName = res->getFileName(); QByteArray data = res->getData(); QPixmap pix; if (res->isImage()) { pix.loadFromData(data); } else if (res->isPDF()) { pix.load(":/img/application-pdf.png"); } else { pix.load(":/img/application-octet-stream.png"); } delete res; if (fileName.isEmpty()) fileName = hash; if (mime == "application/pdf") { if (!fileName.endsWith(".pdf", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) fileName += ".pdf"; } else if (mime == "image/jpeg") { if (!fileName.endsWith(".jpg", Qt::CaseInsensitive) && !fileName.endsWith(".jpeg", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) fileName += ".jpg"; } else if (mime == "image/png") { if (!fileName.endsWith(".png", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) fileName += ".png"; } else if (mime == "image/gif") { if (!fileName.endsWith(".gif", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) fileName += ".gif"; } QString tmpl = QDir::tempPath() + QDir::separator() + fileName; QFile* f = new QFile(tmpl); if (!f->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) return; f->write(data); f->close(); files.enqueue(f); QTimer::singleShot(60000, this, SLOT(removeTmpFile())); QDrag *drag = new QDrag(new QWidget()); QMimeData *mimeData = new QMimeData; QFileInfo fileInfo(tmpl); QUrl url = QUrl::fromLocalFile(fileInfo.absoluteFilePath()); mimeData->setUrls(QList<QUrl>() << url); drag->setMimeData(mimeData); if (!pix.isNull()) drag->setPixmap(pix.scaled(128,128, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation)); drag->exec(Qt::CopyAction | Qt::MoveAction); }
QString htmlizedTextPart(const QModelIndex &partIndex, const QFontInfo &font, const QColor &backgroundColor, const QColor &textColor, const QColor &linkColor, const QColor &visitedLinkColor) { static const QString defaultStyle = QString::fromUtf8( "pre{word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap;}" // The following line, sadly, produces a warning "QFont::setPixelSize: Pixel size <= 0 (0)". // However, if it is not in place or if the font size is set higher, even to 0.1px, WebKit reserves space for the // quotation characters and therefore a weird white area appears. Even width: 0px doesn't help, so it looks like // we will have to live with this warning for the time being. ".quotemarks{color:transparent;font-size:0px;}" // Cannot really use the :dir(rtl) selector for putting the quote indicator to the "correct" side. // It's CSS4 and it isn't supported yet. "blockquote{font-size:90%; margin: 4pt 0 4pt 0; padding: 0 0 0 1em; border-left: 2px solid %1; unicode-bidi: -webkit-plaintext}" // Stop the font size from getting smaller after reaching two levels of quotes // (ie. starting on the third level, don't make the size any smaller than what it already is) "blockquote blockquote blockquote {font-size: 100%}" ".signature{opacity: 0.6;}" // Dynamic quote collapsing via pure CSS, yay "input {display: none}" "input ~ span.full {display: block}" "input ~ span.short {display: none}" "input:checked ~ span.full {display: none}" "input:checked ~ span.short {display: block}" "label {border: 1px solid %2; border-radius: 5px; padding: 0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap}" // BLACK UP-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE (U+25B4) // BLACK DOWN-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE (U+25BE) "span.full > blockquote > label:before {content: \"\u25b4\"}" "span.short > blockquote > label:after {content: \" \u25be\"}" "span.shortquote > blockquote > label {display: none}" ); QString fontSpecification(QStringLiteral("pre{")); if (font.italic()) fontSpecification += QLatin1String("font-style: italic; "); if (font.bold()) fontSpecification += QLatin1String("font-weight: bold; "); fontSpecification += QStringLiteral("font-size: %1px; font-family: \"%2\", monospace }").arg( QString::number(font.pixelSize()), font.family()); QString textColors = QString::fromUtf8("body { background-color: %1; color: %2 }" "a:link { color: %3 } a:visited { color: %4 } a:hover { color: %3 }").arg( backgroundColor.name(), textColor.name(), linkColor.name(), visitedLinkColor.name()); // looks like there's no special color for hovered links in Qt // build stylesheet and html header QColor tintForQuoteIndicator = backgroundColor; tintForQuoteIndicator.setAlpha(0x66); static QString stylesheet = defaultStyle.arg(linkColor.name(), tintColor(textColor, tintForQuoteIndicator).name()); static QFile file(Common::writablePath(Common::LOCATION_DATA) + QLatin1String("message.css")); static QDateTime lastVersion; QDateTime lastTouched(file.exists() ? QFileInfo(file).lastModified() : QDateTime()); if (lastVersion < lastTouched) { stylesheet = defaultStyle; if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { const QString userSheet = QString::fromLocal8Bit(file.readAll().data()); lastVersion = lastTouched; stylesheet += QLatin1Char('\n') + userSheet; file.close(); } } // The dir="auto" is required for WebKit to treat all paragraphs as entities with possibly different text direction. // The individual paragraphs unfortunately share the same text alignment, though, as per // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=71194 (fixed in Blink already). QString htmlHeader(QLatin1String("<html><head><style type=\"text/css\"><!--") + textColors + fontSpecification + stylesheet + QLatin1String("--></style></head><body><pre dir=\"auto\">")); static QString htmlFooter(QStringLiteral("\n</pre></body></html>")); // We cannot rely on the QWebFrame's toPlainText because of https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=321160 QString markup = plainTextToHtml(partIndex.data(Imap::Mailbox::RolePartUnicodeText).toString(), flowedFormatForPart(partIndex)); return htmlHeader + markup + htmlFooter; }
QFile* Snapshot::savedFileForSnapshot(bool isTemporary) { auto glCanvas = DependencyManager::get<GLCanvas>(); QImage shot = glCanvas->grabFrameBuffer(); Avatar* avatar = Application::getInstance()->getAvatar(); glm::vec3 location = avatar->getPosition(); glm::quat orientation = avatar->getHead()->getOrientation(); // add metadata shot.setText(LOCATION_X, QString::number(location.x)); shot.setText(LOCATION_Y, QString::number(location.y)); shot.setText(LOCATION_Z, QString::number(location.z)); shot.setText(ORIENTATION_X, QString::number(orientation.x)); shot.setText(ORIENTATION_Y, QString::number(orientation.y)); shot.setText(ORIENTATION_Z, QString::number(orientation.z)); shot.setText(ORIENTATION_W, QString::number(orientation.w)); shot.setText(DOMAIN_KEY, DependencyManager::get<NodeList>()->getDomainHandler().getHostname()); QString formattedLocation = QString("%1_%2_%3").arg(location.x).arg(location.y).arg(location.z); // replace decimal . with '-' formattedLocation.replace('.', '-'); QString username = AccountManager::getInstance().getAccountInfo().getUsername(); // normalize username, replace all non alphanumeric with '-' username.replace(QRegExp("[^A-Za-z0-9_]"), "-"); QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); QString filename = FILENAME_PATH_FORMAT.arg(username, now.toString(DATETIME_FORMAT), formattedLocation); const int IMAGE_QUALITY = 100; if (!isTemporary) { QString snapshotFullPath = Menu::getInstance()->getSnapshotsLocation(); if (!snapshotFullPath.endsWith(QDir::separator())) { snapshotFullPath.append(QDir::separator()); } snapshotFullPath.append(filename); QFile* imageFile = new QFile(snapshotFullPath); imageFile->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); shot.save(imageFile, 0, IMAGE_QUALITY); imageFile->close(); return imageFile; } else { QTemporaryFile* imageTempFile = new QTemporaryFile(QDir::tempPath() + "/XXXXXX-" + filename); if (!imageTempFile->open()) { qDebug() << "Unable to open QTemporaryFile for temp snapshot. Will not save."; return NULL; } shot.save(imageTempFile, 0, IMAGE_QUALITY); imageTempFile->close(); return imageTempFile; } }
Sequence::Sequence( //CAMERASET QString INPUT_PATH_CAMERA_SET_IN, //MODEL QString INPUT_BasePath_OutPut_IN, QString INPUT_dynamicStringPart_IN, QString INPUT_EXTENSSS_Mesh_IN, QString INPUT_EXTENSSS_Skeleton_IN, QString INPUT_EXTENSSS_Skin_IN, QString INPUT_PATH_MODELS_INFO_IN, //ANIMATION QString PATH_OutputBase_IN, QString PATH_FolderName_INPUT_IN, QString INPUT_EXTENSSS_Motion_IN, QString PATH_INDEX_BOUNDS_IN, //SEQUENCE QString PATH_INDEX_BOUNDS_INNN, QString RadioSequenceID_String_IN, bool printEnabled ) { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// cameraSet = CameraSet( INPUT_PATH_CAMERA_SET_IN ); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Animation animSource = Animation( //MODEL INPUT_BasePath_OutPut_IN, INPUT_dynamicStringPart_IN, INPUT_EXTENSSS_Mesh_IN, INPUT_EXTENSSS_Skeleton_IN, INPUT_EXTENSSS_Skin_IN, INPUT_PATH_MODELS_INFO_IN, //ANIMATION PATH_OutputBase_IN, PATH_FolderName_INPUT_IN, INPUT_EXTENSSS_Motion_IN, PATH_INDEX_BOUNDS_IN, "Source_Animation", printEnabled ); Animation animTarget = Animation( //MODEL INPUT_BasePath_OutPut_IN, INPUT_dynamicStringPart_IN, INPUT_EXTENSSS_Mesh_IN, INPUT_EXTENSSS_Skeleton_IN, INPUT_EXTENSSS_Skin_IN, INPUT_PATH_MODELS_INFO_IN, //ANIMATION PATH_OutputBase_IN, PATH_FolderName_INPUT_IN, INPUT_EXTENSSS_Motion_IN, PATH_INDEX_BOUNDS_IN, "Target_Animation", printEnabled ); posedAnimations.append( animSource ); posedAnimations.append( animTarget ); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// currentFrameNumber_Source = 0; currentFrameNumber_Target = 0; sequenceID_String = RadioSequenceID_String_IN; sequenceID = sequenceID_String.toInt() - 1; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QFile myFile ( PATH_INDEX_BOUNDS_INNN ); myFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); if( !myFile.isOpen() ) { qDebug() << "\n\n\n Sequence::Sequence - ERROR, unable to open **" << PATH_INDEX_BOUNDS_INNN << "** for IndexCheat Input \n\n\n"; return; } QTextStream myStream(&myFile); QString dummyDescr; myStream >> dummyDescr; myStream >> totalAllignedFrames; posedAnimations[0].totalAllignedFrames = totalAllignedFrames; myStream >> dummyDescr; myStream >> motionOffset; posedAnimations[0].motionOffset = motionOffset; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// if (printEnabled) printAnimationINFO(); ///////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// }
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); ArrayInit(); QFile file;//загрузка jquery и добавление ноу конфликт file.setFileName(":/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"); file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); jQuery = file.readAll(); jQuery.append("\nvar qt = { 'jQuery': jQuery.noConflict(true) };"); file.close(); ServIP=""; QFile htmlF;//подгрузка html htmlF.setFileName(":/page.html"); htmlF.open(QFile::ReadOnly); Html = htmlF.readAll(); htmlF.close(); QFile styleF;//подгрузка стилей styleF.setFileName("://style.qss"); styleF.open(QFile::ReadOnly); QString qssStr = styleF.readAll(); qApp->setStyleSheet(qssStr); styleF.close(); QWebSettings::globalSettings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::PluginsEnabled, true); QWebSettings::globalSettings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::AutoLoadImages, true); QWebSettings::globalSettings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::JavascriptEnabled, true); connect(ui->webView,SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)),this,SLOT(UIloadFinished(bool))); ui->webView->load(QUrl("http://free-filmy.ru/")); connect(this,SIGNAL (phase2(QString)),this ,SLOT(Phase2Do(QString))); wb1=new QWebView(); connect(wb1,SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)),this,SLOT(loadFinished(bool))); connect(wb1,SIGNAL(loadProgress(int)),this, SLOT(changeProgress(int))); wb2=new QWebView(); connect(wb2,SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)),this,SLOT(loadFinished2(bool))); dial=new QDialog; wb3=new QWebView(); pb=new QPushButton(); pb->setText("OK"); VBox=new QVBoxLayout; VBox->addWidget(wb3); VBox->addWidget(pb); HBox=new QHBoxLayout; HBox->addLayout(VBox); dial->setLayout(HBox); dial2=new QDialog; wb4=new QWebView(); VBox2=new QVBoxLayout; VBox2->addWidget(wb4); HBox2=new QHBoxLayout; HBox2->addLayout(VBox2); dial2->setLayout(HBox2); connect(pb,SIGNAL(clicked(bool)),this,SLOT(pb_click(bool))); connect(wb3->page()->mainFrame(),SIGNAL(titleChanged(QString)),this,SLOT(img_put(QString))); done2=true; }
// --------------------------------------------------- // Converts a spice netlist into Qucs format and outputs it. void SimMessage::nextSPICE() { QString Line; for(;;) { // search for next SPICE component Line = *(Collect.begin()); Collect.remove(Collect.begin()); if(Line == "*") { // worked on all components ? startSimulator(); // <<<<<================== go on === return; } // FIXME #warning SPICE section below not being covered? qDebug() << "goin thru SPICE branch on simmmessage.cpp"; if(Line.left(5) == "SPICE") { if(Line.at(5) != 'o') insertSim = true; else insertSim = false; break; } Collect.append(Line); } QString FileName = Line.section('"', 1,1); Line = Line.section('"', 2); // port nodes if(Line.isEmpty()) makeSubcircuit = false; else makeSubcircuit = true; QString prog; QStringList com; prog = QucsSettings.BinDir + "qucsconv"; if(makeSubcircuit) com << "-g" << "_ref"; com << "-if" << "spice" << "-of" << "qucs"; QFile SpiceFile; if(FileName.find(QDir::separator()) < 0) // add path ? SpiceFile.setName(QucsSettings.QucsWorkDir.path() + QDir::separator() + FileName); else SpiceFile.setName(FileName); if(!SpiceFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { ErrText->insert(tr("ERROR: Cannot open SPICE file \"%1\".").arg(FileName)); FinishSimulation(-1); return; } if(makeSubcircuit) { Stream << "\n.Def:" << properName(FileName) << " "; Line.replace(',', ' '); Stream << Line; if(!Line.isEmpty()) Stream << " _ref"; } Stream << "\n"; ProgressText = ""; qDebug() << "start QucsConv" << prog << com.join(" "); SimProcess.start(prog, com); if(!SimProcess.Running) { ErrText->insert(tr("ERROR: Cannot start QucsConv!")); FinishSimulation(-1); return; } QByteArray SpiceContent = SpiceFile.readAll(); SpiceFile.close(); QString command(SpiceContent); //to convert byte array to string SimProcess.setStandardInputFile(command); //? FIXME works? qDebug() << command; connect(&SimProcess, SIGNAL(wroteToStdin()), SLOT(slotCloseStdin())); }
void VeloHeroUploader::requestUpload() { assert(sessionId.length() > 0 ); parent->progressLabel->setText(tr("preparing VeloHero data ...")); QHttpMultiPart *body = new QHttpMultiPart( QHttpMultiPart::FormDataType ); QHttpPart textPart; textPart.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentDispositionHeader, QVariant("form-data; name=\"upload_submit\"")); textPart.setBody("hrm"); body->append( textPart ); QString fname = context->athlete->home->temp().absoluteFilePath(".velohero-upload.pwx" ); QFile *uploadFile = new QFile( fname ); uploadFile->setParent(body); PwxFileReader reader; reader.writeRideFile(context, ride->ride(), *uploadFile ); parent->progressBar->setValue(parent->progressBar->value()+20/parent->shareSiteCount); int limit = 16777216; // 16MB if( uploadFile->size() >= limit ){ parent->errorLabel->setText(tr("temporary file too large for upload: %1 > %1 bytes") .arg(uploadFile->size()) .arg(limit) ); eventLoop.quit(); return; } QHttpPart filePart; filePart.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, QVariant("application/occtet-stream")); filePart.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentDispositionHeader, QVariant("form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"gc-upload-velohero.pwx\"")); uploadFile->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); filePart.setBodyDevice(uploadFile); body->append( filePart ); parent->progressLabel->setText(tr("sending to VeloHero...")); currentRequest = reqUpload; #if QT_VERSION > 0x050000 QUrlQuery urlquery( VELOHERO_URL + "/upload/file" ); #else QUrl urlquery( VELOHERO_URL + "/upload/file" ); #endif urlquery.addQueryItem( "view", "xml" ); urlquery.addQueryItem( "sso", sessionId ); #if QT_VERSION > 0x050000 QUrl url; url.setQuery(urlquery); QNetworkRequest request = QNetworkRequest(url); #else QNetworkRequest request = QNetworkRequest(urlquery); #endif request.setRawHeader( "Accept-Encoding", "identity" ); request.setRawHeader( "Accept", "application/xml" ); request.setRawHeader( "Accept-Charset", "utf-8" ); QNetworkReply *reply = networkMgr.post( request, body ); body->setParent( reply ); }
bool SGFParser::parseASCII(const QString &fileName, ASCII_Import *charset, bool isFilename) { QTextStream *txt = NULL; bool result = false; asciiOffsetX = asciiOffsetY = 0; #if 0 qDebug("BLACK STONE CHAR %c\n" "WHITE STONE CHAR %c\n" "STAR POINT CHAR %c\n" "EMPTY POINT CHAR %c\n" "HOR BORDER CHAR %c\n" "VER BORDER CHAR %c\n", charset->blackStone, charset->whiteStone, charset->starPoint, charset->emptyPoint, charset->hBorder, charset->vBorder); #endif if (isFilename) // Load from file { QFile file; if (fileName.isNull() || fileName.isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::warning(0, PACKAGE, Board::tr("No filename given!")); delete txt; return false; } file.setName(fileName); if (!file.exists()) { QMessageBox::warning(0, PACKAGE, Board::tr("Could not find file:") + " " + fileName); delete txt; return false; } if (!file.open(IO_ReadOnly)) { QMessageBox::warning(0, PACKAGE, Board::tr("Could not open file:") + " " + fileName); delete txt; return false; } txt = new QTextStream(&file); if (!initStream(txt)) { QMessageBox::critical(0, PACKAGE, Board::tr("Invalid text encoding given. Please check preferences!")); delete txt; return false; } result = parseASCIIStream(txt, charset); file.close(); } else // a string was passed instead of a filename, copy from clipboard { if (fileName.isNull() || fileName.isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::warning(0, PACKAGE, Board::tr("Importing ASCII failed. Clipboard empty?")); delete txt; return false; } QString buf(fileName); txt = new QTextStream(buf, IO_ReadOnly); if (!initStream(txt)) { QMessageBox::critical(0, PACKAGE, Board::tr("Invalid text encoding given. Please check preferences!")); delete txt; return false; } result = parseASCIIStream(txt, charset); } delete txt; return result; }
void atlasMap::sHandleAtlas() { _map->clear(); if (_atlas->text().isEmpty()) return; if (DEBUG) qDebug("atlasMap::sHandleAtlas() entered with %s and %s", qPrintable(_atlas->text()), qPrintable(_defaultDir)); if (! _defaultDir.isEmpty() && _atlas->text().startsWith(_defaultDir)) _atlas->setText(_atlas->text().remove(0, _defaultDir.length() + 1)); QFile atlasfile; if (QFile::exists(_atlas->text())) atlasfile.setFileName(_atlas->text()); else if (QFile::exists(_defaultDir + QDir::separator() + _atlas->text())) atlasfile.setFileName(_defaultDir + QDir::separator() + _atlas->text()); else { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Could not find Atlas"), tr("<p>Could not find the Atlas file to open to look " "for CSV import Maps.")); return; } if (! atlasfile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Could not open Atlas"), tr("<p>Could not open the Atlas file %1 (error %2).") .arg(atlasfile.fileName(), atlasfile.errorString())); return; } QXmlQuery mapq; mapq.setMessageHandler(_msghandler); if (! mapq.setFocus(&atlasfile)) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("No Focus"), tr("<p>Could not set focus on the Atlas %1") .arg(atlasfile.fileName())); return; } // string() at the end tells the query to generate a sequence of values mapq.setQuery("/CSVAtlas/CSVMap/Name/text()/string()"); if (! mapq.isValid()) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Invalid Query"), tr("<p>The query is not valid for some reason")); return; } QStringList maplist; if (! mapq.evaluateTo(&maplist)) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("No Maps"), tr("<p>Could not find any Maps in the Atlas %1") .arg(atlasfile.fileName())); return; } else for (int i = 0; i < maplist.size(); i++) _map->append(i, maplist.at(i)); }
QPair<QString, QString> GetOSNameSplit () { #if defined(Q_OS_MAC) QSysInfo::MacVersion v = QSysInfo::MacintoshVersion; if (v == QSysInfo::MV_10_3) return SplitInfo_t ("Mac OS X", "10.3"); else if (v == QSysInfo::MV_10_4) return SplitInfo_t ("Mac OS X", "10.4"); else if (v == QSysInfo::MV_10_5) return SplitInfo_t ("Mac OS X", "10.5"); else if (v == QSysInfo::MV_10_6) return SplitInfo_t ("Mac OS X", "10.6"); else if (v == QSysInfo::MV_10_7) return SplitInfo_t ("Mac OS X", "10.7"); else return SplitInfo_t ("Mac OS X", "Unknown version"); #elif defined(Q_OS_WIN32) QSysInfo::WinVersion v = QSysInfo::WindowsVersion; if (v == QSysInfo::WV_95) return SplitInfo_t ("Windows", "95"); else if (v == QSysInfo::WV_98) return SplitInfo_t ("Windows", "98"); else if (v == QSysInfo::WV_Me) return SplitInfo_t ("Windows", "Me"); else if (v == QSysInfo::WV_DOS_based) return SplitInfo_t ("Windows", "9x/Me"); else if (v == QSysInfo::WV_NT) return SplitInfo_t ("Windows", "NT 4.x"); else if (v == QSysInfo::WV_2000) return SplitInfo_t ("Windows", "2000"); else if (v == QSysInfo::WV_XP) return SplitInfo_t ("Windows", "XP"); else if (v == QSysInfo::WV_2003) return SplitInfo_t ("Windows", "2003"); else if (v == QSysInfo::WV_VISTA) return SplitInfo_t ("Windows", "Vista"); else if (v == QSysInfo::WV_WINDOWS7) return SplitInfo_t ("Windows", "7"); else if (v == 0x00a0) return SplitInfo_t ("Windows", "8"); else if (v == QSysInfo::WV_NT_based) return SplitInfo_t ("Windows", "NT-based"); #else QString osName; QProcess proc; proc.start (QString ("/bin/sh"), QStringList ("-c") << "lsb_release -ds", QIODevice::ReadOnly); if (proc.waitForStarted ()) { QTextStream stream (&proc); QString ret; while (proc.waitForReadyRead ()) ret += stream.readAll (); proc.close (); if (!ret.isEmpty ()) osName = ret.remove ('"').trimmed (); } if (osName.isEmpty ()) { struct OsInfo_t { QString path; QString name; } OsInfo [] = { { "/etc/mandrake-release", "Mandrake Linux" }, { "/etc/debian_version", "Debian GNU/Linux" }, { "/etc/gentoo-release", "Gentoo Linux" }, { "/etc/exherbo-release", "Exherbo" }, { "/etc/arch-release", "Arch Linux" }, { "/etc/slackware-version", "Slackware Linux" }, { "/etc/pld-release", "" }, { "/etc/lfs-release", "LFS" }, { "/etc/SuSE-release", "SuSE linux" }, { "/etc/conectiva-release", "Connectiva" }, { "/etc/.installed", "" }, { "/etc/redhat-release", "" }, { "", "" } }; OsInfo_t *osptr = OsInfo; while (!osptr->path.isEmpty ()) { QFileInfo fi (osptr->path); if (fi.exists ()) { QFile f (osptr->path); f.open (QIODevice::ReadOnly); QString data = QString (f.read (1024)).trimmed (); if (osptr->name.isEmpty ()) osName = data; else osName = QString ("%1 (%2)") .arg (osptr->name) .arg (data); break; } ++osptr; } } utsname u; uname (&u); return qMakePair (osName.isEmpty () ? QString (u.sysname) : osName, QString ("%1 %2 %3").arg (u.machine, u.release, u.version)); #endif return qMakePair (QString ("Unknown OS"), QString ("Unknown version")); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { enum ExitCode { Success, ParseFailure, ArgumentError, WriteError, FileFailure }; QCoreApplication app(argc, argv); QTextStream errorStream(stderr); if (argc != 2) { errorStream << PrettyPrint::tr( "Usage: prettyprint <path to XML file>\n"); return ArgumentError; } QString inputFilePath(QCoreApplication::arguments().at(1)); QFile inputFile(inputFilePath); if (!QFile::exists(inputFilePath)) { errorStream << PrettyPrint::tr( "File %1 does not exist.\n").arg(inputFilePath); return FileFailure; } else if (!inputFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { errorStream << PrettyPrint::tr( "Failed to open file %1.\n").arg(inputFilePath); return FileFailure; } QFile outputFile; if (!outputFile.open(stdout, QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QTextStream(stderr) << PrettyPrint::tr("Failed to open stdout."); return WriteError; } QXmlStreamReader reader(&inputFile); int indentation = 0; QHash<int,QPair<int, int> > indentationStack; while (!reader.atEnd()) { reader.readNext(); if (reader.isStartElement()) { indentationStack[indentation] = QPair<int,int>( reader.lineNumber(), reader.columnNumber()); indentation += 1; } else if (reader.isEndElement()) { indentationStack.remove(indentation); indentation -= 1; } if (reader.error()) { errorStream << PrettyPrint::tr( "Error: %1 in file %2 at line %3, column %4.\n").arg( reader.errorString(), inputFilePath, QString::number(reader.lineNumber()), QString::number(reader.columnNumber())); if (indentationStack.contains(indentation-1)) { int line = indentationStack[indentation-1].first; int column = indentationStack[indentation-1].second; errorStream << PrettyPrint::tr( "Opened at line %1, column %2.\n").arg( QString::number(line), QString::number(column)); } return ParseFailure; } else if (reader.isStartElement() && !reader.name().isEmpty()) { outputFile.write(QByteArray().fill(' ', indentation)); outputFile.write(reader.name().toString().toLocal8Bit()); outputFile.write(QString(" line %1, column %2\n").arg( reader.lineNumber()).arg(reader.columnNumber()).toLocal8Bit()); } } return Success; }
void ShortLocater::Initializations(){ IPsoc->resetRelays(); IPsoc->srcImpedanceSelection(SRC_IMP_0E); // IPsoc->shLocatorDetection(); m_nADCtimer = new QTimer(this); IBackPlane->writeBackPlaneRegister(0x0FFF,0x001E);//clear all interrupts IBackPlane->writeBackPlaneRegister(0x0000,0x0020);//disable all interrupts IBackPlane->writeBackPlaneRegister(0x0000,0x0024);//disable global interrupt IBackPlane->writeBackPlaneRegister(0x0100,0x0020);//enabling psoc INT0embedded key interrupt) IPTKeyEvent->InvokeGPIOEvent(this,"/dev/input/event2","pt_kpp",&m_nPTKeyCode); IGPIOEvent->InvokeGPIOEvent(this,"/dev/input/event7","gpioevent",&m_nGPIOCode); IBackPlane->writeBackPlaneRegister(0x0001,0x0024); // IBackPlane->writeBackPlaneRegister(); ohms=QChar(0x2126); micro=QChar(0x00B5); //~~~~~~~~~~~~~Reading Short Values from File~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ QStringList stringList; bool ok=true; QFile textFile; textFile.setFileName("shortValuesI.txt"); if (textFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QTextStream textStream(&textFile); while (!textStream.atEnd()) { stringList.append(textStream.readLine()); } r200EShortValue=stringList.value(0).toDouble(&ok); qDebug()<<"200E Short Value:"<<r200EShortValue; r2EShortValue=stringList.value(1).toDouble(&ok); qDebug()<<"2E Short Value:"<<r2EShortValue; r200mEShortValue=stringList.value(2).toDouble(&ok); qDebug()<<"200mE Short Value:"<<r200mEShortValue; }else{ r200EShortValue=r200mEShortValue=r2EShortValue=0.0; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //~~~~~~~~Check for debug panel~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ QStringList debugPanel; QFile textFile2("debugPanel.txt"); if (textFile2.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QTextStream textStream(&textFile2); while (!textStream.atEnd()) { debugPanel.append(textStream.readLine()); if(debugPanel.value(0)=="1") ToolBox(true); else ToolBox(false); } }else{ ToolBox(false); } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IDMMLib->ApplyDACOffset(false); dis->setValue("OL"); IBackPlane->writeBackPlaneRegister(0x0,0x16); // Beep(false); AutoFlag=false; on_Auto_clicked(); OffsetFlag=false; BuzzerFlag=false; msgBoxLive=false; ui.progressBar_2->setValue(0); for(int i=0;i<100;i++) avgRetval[i]=0.0; retval=retval2=retval3=0.0; nullify=0.0; nullit=0.0; avg=0; noOFsamples=1; rangePrevValue=33; ui.uE->setText(micro+ohms); on_r200But_clicked(); ui.holdCap->setVisible(false); runFlag=true; startStop(); ui.openShortEnable->setChecked(true); m_nAvgCount=0; movingAverage=5; ui.splashWidget->setVisible(false); usleep(1000); }
/*! * \brief SimMessage::startSimulator simulates the document in view. */ void SimMessage::startSimulator() { // Using the Doc pointer here is risky as the user may have closed // the schematic, but converting the SPICE netlists is (hopefully) // faster than the user (I have no other idea). QString SimTime; QString Program; QStringList Arguments; QString SimPath = QDir::convertSeparators (QucsSettings.QucsHomeDir.absPath()); #ifdef __MINGW32__ QString QucsDigiLib = "qucsdigilib.bat"; QString QucsDigi = "qucsdigi.bat"; QString QucsVeri = "qucsveri.bat"; #else QString QucsDigiLib = "qucsdigilib"; QString QucsDigi = "qucsdigi"; QString QucsVeri = "qucsveri"; #endif SimOpt = NULL; bool isVerilog = false; // Simulate text window. if(DocWidget->inherits("QTextEdit")) { TextDoc * Doc = (TextDoc*)DocWidget; // Take VHDL file in memory as it could contain unsaved changes. Stream << Doc->toPlainText(); NetlistFile.close(); ProgText->insert(tr("done.")+"\n"); // of "creating netlist... // Simulation. if (Doc->simulation) { SimTime = Doc->SimTime; QString libs = Doc->Libraries.lower(); /// \todo \bug error: unrecognized command line option '-Wl' #ifdef __MINGW32__ if(libs.isEmpty()) { libs = ""; } else { libs.replace(" ",",-l"); libs = "-Wl,-l" + libs; } #else if(libs.isEmpty()) { libs = "-c"; } else { libs.replace(" ",",-l"); libs = "-c,-l" + libs; } #endif Program = pathName(QucsSettings.BinDir + QucsDigi); Arguments << QucsSettings.QucsHomeDir.filePath("netlist.txt") << DataSet << SimTime << pathName(SimPath) << pathName(QucsSettings.BinDir) << libs; } // Module. else { QString text = Doc->toPlainText(); VHDL_File_Info VInfo (text); QString entity = VInfo.EntityName.lower(); QString lib = Doc->Library.lower(); if (lib.isEmpty()) lib = "work"; QString dir = QDir::convertSeparators (QucsSettings.QucsHomeDir.path()); QDir vhdlDir(dir); if(!vhdlDir.exists("vhdl")) if(!vhdlDir.mkdir("vhdl")) { ErrText->insert(tr("ERROR: Cannot create VHDL directory \"%1\"!") .arg(vhdlDir.path()+"/vhdl")); return; } vhdlDir.setPath(vhdlDir.path()+"/vhdl"); if(!vhdlDir.exists(lib)) if(!vhdlDir.mkdir(lib)) { ErrText->insert(tr("ERROR: Cannot create VHDL directory \"%1\"!") .arg(vhdlDir.path()+"/"+lib)); return; } vhdlDir.setPath(vhdlDir.path()+"/"+lib); QFile destFile; destFile.setName(vhdlDir.filePath(entity+".vhdl")); if(!destFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { ErrText->insert(tr("ERROR: Cannot create \"%1\"!") .arg(destFile.name())); return; } destFile.writeBlock(text.ascii(), text.length()); destFile.close(); Program = pathName(QucsSettings.BinDir + QucsDigiLib); Arguments << QucsSettings.QucsHomeDir.filePath("netlist.txt") << pathName(SimPath) << entity << lib; } } // Simulate schematic window. else { // output NodeSets, SPICE simulations etc. for(QStringList::Iterator it = Collect.begin(); it != Collect.end(); ++it) { // don't put library includes into netlist... if ((*it).right(4) != ".lst" && (*it).right(5) != ".vhdl" && (*it).right(4) != ".vhd" && (*it).right(2) != ".v") { Stream << *it << '\n'; } } Stream << '\n'; isVerilog = ((Schematic*)DocWidget)->isVerilog; SimTime = ((Schematic*)DocWidget)->createNetlist(Stream, SimPorts); if(SimTime.length()>0&&SimTime.at(0) == '\xA7') { NetlistFile.close(); ErrText->insert(SimTime.mid(1)); FinishSimulation(-1); return; } if (isVerilog) { Stream << "\n" << " initial begin\n" << " $dumpfile(\"digi.vcd\");\n" << " $dumpvars();\n" << " #" << SimTime << " $finish;\n" << " end\n\n" << "endmodule // TestBench\n"; } NetlistFile.close(); ProgText->insert(tr("done.")+"\n"); // of "creating netlist... if(SimPorts < 0) { // append command arguments // append netlist with same arguments if (! Module::vaComponents.isEmpty()) { /*! Only pass modules to Qucsator that are indeed used on * the schematic,it might be the case that the user loaded the icons, * but did not compiled the module. Qucsator will not find the library. * * Check if used symbols have corresponing lib before running * Qucsator? Need to search on the netlis.txt? Is there other data * structure containig the netlist? * */ QStringList usedComponents; if (!NetlistFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), tr("Cannot read netlist!")); else { QString net = QString(NetlistFile.readAll()); QMapIterator<QString, QString> i(Module::vaComponents); while (i.hasNext()) { i.next(); if (net.contains(i.key())) usedComponents << i.key(); } NetlistFile.close(); } if (! usedComponents.isEmpty()) { // \todo remvoe the command line arguments? use only netlist annotation? //Arguments << "-p" << QucsSettings.QucsWorkDir.absolutePath() // << "-m" << usedComponents; //qDebug() << "Command :" << Program << Arguments.join(" "); /// Anotate netlist with Verilog-A dynamic path and module names /// if (!NetlistFile.open(QFile::Append | QFile::Text)) QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), tr("Cannot read netlist!")); else { QTextStream out(&NetlistFile); out << "\n"; out << "# --path=" << QucsSettings.QucsWorkDir.absolutePath() << "\n"; out << "# --module=" << usedComponents.join(" ") << "\n"; NetlistFile.close(); } } } // vaComponents not empty if((SimOpt = findOptimization((Schematic*)DocWidget))) { ((Optimize_Sim*)SimOpt)->createASCOnetlist(); Program = QucsSettings.AscoBinDir.canonicalPath(); Program = QDir::toNativeSeparators(Program+"/"+"asco"+QString(executableSuffix)); Arguments << "-qucs" << QucsSettings.QucsHomeDir.filePath("asco_netlist.txt") << "-o" << "asco_out"; } else { Program = QucsSettings.BinDir + "qucsator" + executableSuffix; Arguments << "-b" << "-g" << "-i" << QucsSettings.QucsHomeDir.filePath("netlist.txt") << "-o" << DataSet; } } else { if (isVerilog) { Program = QDir::toNativeSeparators(QucsSettings.BinDir + QucsVeri); Arguments << QDir::toNativeSeparators(QucsSettings.QucsHomeDir.filePath("netlist.txt")) << DataSet << SimTime << QDir::toNativeSeparators(SimPath) << QDir::toNativeSeparators(QucsSettings.BinDir) << "-c"; } else { /// \todo \bug error: unrecognized command line option '-Wl' #ifdef __MINGW32__ Program = QDir::toNativeSeparators(pathName(QucsSettings.BinDir + QucsDigi)); Arguments << QDir::toNativeSeparators(QucsSettings.QucsHomeDir.filePath("netlist.txt")) << DataSet << SimTime << QDir::toNativeSeparators(SimPath) << QDir::toNativeSeparators(QucsSettings.BinDir) << "-Wall" << "-c"; #else Program = QDir::toNativeSeparators(pathName(QucsSettings.BinDir + QucsDigi)); Arguments << QucsSettings.QucsHomeDir.filePath("netlist.txt") << DataSet << SimTime << pathName(SimPath) << pathName(QucsSettings.BinDir) << "-Wall" << "-c"; #endif } } } disconnect(&SimProcess, 0, 0, 0); connect(&SimProcess, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardError()), SLOT(slotDisplayErr())); connect(&SimProcess, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()), SLOT(slotDisplayMsg())); connect(&SimProcess, SIGNAL(finished(int)), SLOT(slotSimEnded(int))); #ifdef SPEEDUP_PROGRESSBAR waitForUpdate = false; #endif wasLF = false; ProgressText = ""; #ifdef __MINGW32__ QString sep(";"); // path separator #else QString sep(":"); #endif // append process PATH QProcessEnvironment env = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment(); // insert Qucs bin dir, so ASCO can find qucsator env.insert("PATH", env.value("PATH") + sep + QucsSettings.BinDir ); SimProcess.setProcessEnvironment(env); QFile file(Program); if ( !file.exists() ){ ErrText->insert(tr("ERROR: Program not found: %1").arg(Program)); FinishSimulation(-1); return; } else file.close(); qDebug() << "Command :" << Program << Arguments.join(" "); SimProcess.start(Program, Arguments); // launch the program if(!SimProcess.Running) { ErrText->insert(tr("ERROR: Cannot start simulator!")); FinishSimulation(-1); return; } }
void QJDMainWindow::creatNewLine(QString lineName) { QString lowerCaseLineName; lowerCaseLineName=lineName.toLower(); lowerCaseLineName.simplified(); lowerCaseLineName.remove(" "); qDebug()<<"creatNewLine::"<<lineName<<lowerCaseLineName; // 所有大写阿,带空格的之类的统一小写,并且去空格 //1. 创建文件夹,需要获取当前area文件夹名称,通过当前的名称获取 QDir newDir; newDir.setPath(areaWidget->getAbsolutePath()); if(newDir.exists(lowerCaseLineName)) { QMessageBox::warning(this,"Warning!","Do not creat the same LINE again!"); return; } if(!newDir.mkdir(lowerCaseLineName)) qDebug()<<"Creat New Line Dir failed"; //2. 创建.Line Desc QFile newDesc; newDesc.setFileName(newDir.path()+"/"+lowerCaseLineName+"/DescName"); if(!newDesc.open(QFile::WriteOnly)) { qDebug()<<"creat new desc open failed"; } QTextStream ts(&newDesc); ts<<lineName<<"\n"; newDesc.close(); // 3. 创建Data文件夹 QDir dataDir; QString dataDirPath=areaWidget->getAbsolutePath()+"/"+lowerCaseLineName; dataDir.setPath(dataDirPath); if(dataDir.exists("Data")) { QMessageBox::warning(this,"Warning!","Can not creat the Data Dir for this LINE!"); return; } if(!dataDir.mkdir("Data")) qDebug()<<"Creat Line Data Dir failed"; QFile dataDesc; dataDesc.setFileName(dataDir.path()+"/Data/DescName"); if(!dataDesc.open(QFile::WriteOnly)) { qDebug()<<"creat data dir desc open failed"; } QTextStream datats(&dataDesc); datats<<"Data\n"; dataDesc.close(); // 4. 创建各个类型文件的文件夹 QStringList fileTypeList=settings.value("FileType").toStringList(); for(int i=0; i<fileTypeList.size(); i++) { QDir typeDir; QString typeDirPath=dataDirPath+"/Data"; typeDir.setPath(typeDirPath); if(typeDir.exists(fileTypeList.at(i))) { QMessageBox::warning(this,"Warning!","Can not creat the Same Type Dir for this LINE Data!"); return; } if(!typeDir.mkdir(fileTypeList.at(i))) qDebug()<<"Creat Line Data Dir failed"; } setHomeDir(getHomeDir()); areaWidget->expandToDepth(1); }
void startCrashHandler(int signal) { QFile output; QString lin, cmd; /** At the moment the backtrace function does not exists on MingW (Windows) this way the code that generates the stacktrace is available only on Linux/Unix systems */ #ifndef Q_OS_WIN void *stack[20]; size_t stack_size, i; char **symbols=nullptr; stack_size = backtrace(stack, 20); symbols = backtrace_symbols(stack, stack_size); #endif #ifdef Q_OS_MAC cmd=QApplication::applicationDirPath() + GlobalAttributes::DIR_SEPARATOR + GlobalAttributes::CRASH_HANDLER_PATH + " -style " + GlobalAttributes::DEFAULT_QT_STYLE; #else cmd=GlobalAttributes::CRASH_HANDLER_PATH + " -style " + GlobalAttributes::DEFAULT_QT_STYLE; #endif //Creates the stacktrace file output.setFileName(GlobalAttributes::TEMPORARY_DIR + GlobalAttributes::DIR_SEPARATOR + GlobalAttributes::STACKTRACE_FILE); output.open(QFile::WriteOnly); if(output.isOpen()) { lin=QString("** pgModeler crashed after receive signal: %1 **\n\nDate/Time: %2 \nVersion: %3 \nBuild: %4 \n") .arg(signal) .arg(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")) .arg(GlobalAttributes::PGMODELER_VERSION) .arg(GlobalAttributes::PGMODELER_BUILD_NUMBER); lin+=QString("Compilation Qt version: %1\nRunning Qt version: %2\n\n") .arg(QT_VERSION_STR) .arg(qVersion()); output.write(lin.toStdString().c_str(), lin.size()); #ifndef Q_OS_WIN for(i=0; i < stack_size; i++) { lin=QString(symbols[i]) + QString("\n"); output.write(lin.toStdString().c_str(), lin.size()); } free(symbols); #else lin=QString("** Stack trace unavailable on Windows system **"); output.write(lin.toStdString().c_str(), lin.size()); #endif output.close(); } /* Changing the working dir to the main executable in order to call the crash handler if the PGMODELER_CHANDLER_PATH isn't set */ QDir dir; dir.cd(QApplication::applicationDirPath()); exit(1 + system(cmd.toStdString().c_str())); }
/**OK * Estrae il file fileName, contenuto nell'oggetto zip, con il nome fileDest. * Se la funzione fallisce restituisce false e cancella il file che si e tentato di estrarre. * * La funzione fallisce se: * * zip==NULL; * * l'oggetto zip e stato aperto in una modalita non compatibile con l'estrazione di file; * * non e possibile aprire il file all'interno dell'oggetto zip; * * non e possibile creare il file estratto; * * si e rilevato un errore nella copia dei dati (1); * * non e stato possibile chiudere il file all'interno dell'oggetto zip (1); * * (1): prima di uscire dalla funzione cancella il file estratto. */ bool JlCompress::extractFile(QuaZip* zip, QString fileName, QString fileDest) { // zip: oggetto dove aggiungere il file // filename: nome del file reale // fileincompress: nome del file all'interno del file compresso // Controllo l'apertura dello zip if (!zip) return false; if (zip->getMode()!=QuaZip::mdUnzip) return false; // Apro il file compresso if (!fileName.isEmpty()) zip->setCurrentFile(fileName); QuaZipFile inFile(zip); if(!inFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly) || inFile.getZipError()!=UNZ_OK) return false; // Controllo esistenza cartella file risultato QDir curDir; if (fileDest.endsWith('/')) { if (!curDir.mkpath(fileDest)) { return false; } } else { if (!curDir.mkpath(QFileInfo(fileDest).absolutePath())) { return false; } } QuaZipFileInfo64 info; if (!zip->getCurrentFileInfo(&info)) return false; QFile::Permissions srcPerm = info.getPermissions(); if (fileDest.endsWith('/') && QFileInfo(fileDest).isDir()) { if (srcPerm != 0) { QFile(fileDest).setPermissions(srcPerm); } return true; } // Apro il file risultato QFile outFile; outFile.setFileName(fileDest); if(!outFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) return false; // Copio i dati if (!copyData(inFile, outFile) || inFile.getZipError()!=UNZ_OK) { outFile.close(); removeFile(QStringList(fileDest)); return false; } outFile.close(); // Chiudo i file inFile.close(); if (inFile.getZipError()!=UNZ_OK) { removeFile(QStringList(fileDest)); return false; } if (srcPerm != 0) { outFile.setPermissions(srcPerm); } return true; }
static QString acquire_base_path (void) { QString proc_path = "/proc/"; QString maps_file = "/maps"; QString pid_as_string = QString::number (getpid ()); QString the_maps = proc_path % pid_as_string % maps_file; QFile file (the_maps); if (!file.open (QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { qDebug () << "FATAL: Don't know how to open: " << the_maps; exit (1); } QString base_path; QTextStream in (&file); QRegExp splitter ("^[^\\s]+\\s+[^\\s]+\\s+[^\\s]+\\s+[^\\s]+\\s+[^\\s]+\\s+"); QString line; do { line = in.readLine (); if (line.isNull ()) { qDebug () << "FATAL: Can't determine base path"; exit (1); } // Find if line contains our library name (librfgis_android_wrap.so) QString end = line.split (splitter).last (); QStringList path_elements = end.split ("/"); if (path_elements.last () == "librfgis.so") { qDebug() << "Found ourselves: " << end; int max_elements = path_elements.size () - 2; for (int i = 0; i < max_elements; i++) { if (i + 1 == max_elements) { base_path = base_path % path_elements [i]; } else { base_path = base_path % path_elements [i] % "/"; } } break; } } while (!line.isNull ()); return base_path; }
bool LzNTunnelsSynthesis::loadBaseClearanceTemplateData(OutputClearanceImageType type) { hasinitBaseClearanceData = false; baseClearandeData.initMaps(); QFile file; QString in; QString typefilename = ""; switch (type) { case OutputClearanceImageType::OutType_B_NeiRan: typefilename = "BaseClearance_B_NeiRan.sec"; break; case OutputClearanceImageType::OutType_B_DianLi: typefilename = "BaseClearance_B_DianLi.sec"; break; case OutputClearanceImageType::OutType_D_NeiRan: typefilename = "BaseClearance_D_NeiRan.sec"; break; case OutputClearanceImageType::OutType_D_DianLi: typefilename = "BaseClearance_D_DianLi.sec"; break; default: typefilename = "BaseClearance_B_DianLi.sec"; break; } QString filename = QString::fromLocal8Bit(templatepath.c_str()) + "/" + typefilename; qDebug() << "filename " << filename; file.setFileName(filename); // Currently here for debugging purposes qDebug() << "Reading file: " << filename.toLocal8Bit().data() << endl; if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { QTextStream inStream(&file); // readfile in = inStream.readLine(); int height; int left; int right; while(!(in.isNull())) { height = in.section("\t",0,0).toInt(); left = in.section("\t",1,1).toInt(); // Reads in fifth column: signal-to-noise ratio right = in.section("\t",2,2).toInt(); baseClearandeData.updateToMapVals(height, (float)left, (float)right); in = inStream.readLine(); } file.close(); qDebug() << "read_end" << endl; hasinitBaseClearanceData = true; return true; } // Do some proper debugging here at some point... else { std::cout << "Problem reading file: " << filename.toLocal8Bit().data() << std::endl; hasinitBaseClearanceData = false; return false; } }
QString MyString::dataToPullbackDotString(Data *data) { QString buffer; //exp buffer += MyString::stateVectorToPullbackString(data->affordanceStates); buffer += MyString::arrowVectorToPullbackString(data->affordanceEdges); buffer += MyString::stateVectorToPullbackString(data->actionStates); buffer += MyString::arrowVectorToPullbackString(data->actionEdges); buffer += MyString::stateVectorToPullbackString(data->abstractStates); buffer += MyString::arrowVectorToPullbackString(data->abstractEdges); buffer += MyString::stateMappingsToPullbackString(data->mapAffordanceToAbstractNodes); //separate collection for states needed? buffer += "\n"; buffer += MyString::edgeMappingsToPullbackString(data->mapAffordanceToAbstractEdges); buffer += "\n"; buffer += MyString::stateMappingsToPullbackString(data->mapActionToAbstractNodes); buffer += "\n"; buffer += MyString::edgeMappingsToPullbackString(data->mapActionToAbstractEdges); buffer += "\n"; //fetch dot file from Haskell routine QString tempPath = QDir::tempPath(); QString serializePath, dotPath; for (int i = 0; ; i++) { serializePath = tempPath; serializePath += "/uic"; serializePath += QString::number(i); serializePath += + ".txt"; if (!QFile::exists(serializePath)) break; } for (int j = 0; ; j++) { dotPath = tempPath; dotPath += "/uic"; dotPath += QString::number(j); dotPath += ".dot"; if (!QFile::exists(dotPath)) break; } QFile serializeFile(serializePath); serializeFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text); QTextStream out(&serializeFile); out << buffer; serializeFile.close(); //qDebug() << "Wrote string:\n" << buffer << "to file: " << serializePath; #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX QProcess::execute("cd /tmp"); #endif QString haskellCmd; haskellCmd += QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(); haskellCmd += "/bin/pullbacks_first "; haskellCmd += serializePath; haskellCmd += " "; haskellCmd += dotPath; qDebug() << haskellCmd; int ret = QProcess::execute(haskellCmd); if (ret) { qDebug() << "Haskell command returned error value"; qDebug() << "Wrote string:\n" << buffer << "to file: " << serializePath; return ""; } //read dot file QString dot; QFile file; file.setFileName(dotPath); file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); dot = file.readAll(); file.close(); return dot; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QMap<QString,ParamPair> paramList; QString username = ""; QString filename; QString printerName; bool haveUsername = FALSE; bool haveDatabaseURL = FALSE; bool loggedIn = FALSE; bool print = FALSE; bool printPreview = FALSE; bool close = FALSE; int numCopies = 1; // BVI::Sednacom // new options bool pdfOutput = FALSE; QString pdfFileName; // BVI::Sednacom QString databaseURL = ""; QString loadFromDB = ""; QApplication app(argc, argv); app.addLibraryPath("."); OpenRPT::languages.addTranslationToDefault(":/common.qm"); OpenRPT::languages.addTranslationToDefault(":/wrtembed.qm"); OpenRPT::languages.addTranslationToDefault(":/renderer.qm"); OpenRPT::languages.addTranslationToDefault(":/renderapp.qm"); OpenRPT::languages.installSelected(); if (app.argc() > 1) { haveUsername = FALSE; bool havePasswd = FALSE; QString passwd = ""; QStringList arguments; QString firstArgument = QString( app.argv()[ 1 ] ); if( firstArgument.startsWith("-fromStdin=", Qt::CaseInsensitive) ){ QFile file; file.open(stdin, QIODevice::ReadOnly); QTextStream in(&file); in.setCodec( firstArgument.right( firstArgument.length() - 11 ).toAscii() ); QString arg; while( arg.compare("-launch") !=0 ){ arg = in.readLine(); arguments << arg; } file.close(); } else{ for (int intCounter = 1; intCounter < app.argc(); intCounter++){ arguments << QString (app.argv()[intCounter]); } } for ( QStringList::Iterator it = arguments.begin(); it != arguments.end(); ++it ) { QString argument( *it ); if (argument.startsWith("-databaseURL=", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { haveDatabaseURL = TRUE; databaseURL = argument.right(argument.length() - 13); } else if (argument.startsWith("-username="******"-passwd=", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { havePasswd = TRUE; passwd = argument.right(argument.length() - 8); } else if (argument.toLower() == "-noauth") { haveUsername = TRUE; havePasswd = TRUE; } else if (argument.startsWith("-numCopies=", Qt::CaseInsensitive)){ numCopies = argument.right( argument.length() - 11).toInt(); } else if (argument.toLower() == "-print") print = true; else if (argument.toLower() == "-printpreview") printPreview = true; else if (argument.toLower() == "-close") close = true; else if (argument.startsWith("-printerName=", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) printerName = argument.right(argument.length() - 13); else if (argument.startsWith("-param=", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { QString str = argument.right(argument.length() - 7); bool active = true; QString name; QString type; QString value; QVariant var; int sep = str.indexOf('='); if(sep == -1) name = str; else { name = str.left(sep); value = str.right(str.length() - (sep + 1)); } str = name; sep = str.indexOf(':'); if(sep != -1) { name = str.left(sep); type = str.right(str.length() - (sep + 1)); } if(name.startsWith("-")) { name = name.right(name.length() - 1); active = false; } else if(name.startsWith("+")) name = name.right(name.length() - 1); if(!value.isEmpty()) var = XVariant::decode(type, value); paramList[name] = ParamPair(active, var); } // BVI::Sednacom // manage new arguments for CLI else if (argument.startsWith("-pdf", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { pdfOutput = true ; } else if (argument.startsWith("-outpdf=", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { pdfFileName = argument.right(argument.length() - 8 ) ; } // BVI::Sednacom else if (argument.startsWith("-loadfromdb=", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) loadFromDB = argument.right(argument.length() - 12); else if (argument.toLower() == "-e") XSqlQuery::setNameErrorValue("Missing"); else if(!argument.startsWith("-")) filename = argument; } if ( (haveDatabaseURL) && (haveUsername) && (havePasswd) ) { QSqlDatabase db; QString protocol; QString hostName; QString dbName; QString port; db = databaseFromURL( databaseURL ); if (!db.isValid()) { QMessageBox::critical(0, QObject::tr("Can not load database driver"), QObject::tr("Unable to load the database driver. Please contact your systems administrator.")); QApplication::exit(-1); } db.setUserName(username); db.setPassword(passwd); if (!db.open()) { QMessageBox::critical(0, QObject::tr("Unable to connect to database"), QObject::tr("Unable to connect to the database with the given information.")); QApplication::exit(-1); } else loggedIn = TRUE; } } if(!loggedIn) { ParameterList params; params.append("name", RenderWindow::name()); params.append("copyright", OpenRPT::copyright); params.append("version", OpenRPT::version); params.append("build", OpenRPT::build); if (haveUsername) params.append("username", username); if (haveDatabaseURL) params.append("databaseURL", databaseURL); login newdlg(0, "", TRUE); newdlg.set(params, 0); if (newdlg.exec() == QDialog::Rejected) return -1; } // The following is code that works specifically with the xTuple ERP database // This should be expanded to be usefull when not connecting to an xTuple ERP // database as well. Command line option maybe? XSqlQuery langq("SELECT * " "FROM usr, locale LEFT OUTER JOIN" " lang ON (locale_lang_id=lang_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN" " country ON (locale_country_id=country_id) " "WHERE ( (usr_username=CURRENT_USER)" " AND (usr_locale_id=locale_id) );" ); if (langq.first()) { QStringList paths; paths << "dict"; paths << ""; paths << "../dict"; paths << app.applicationDirPath() + "/dict"; paths << app.applicationDirPath(); paths << app.applicationDirPath() + "/../dict"; #if defined Q_WS_MACX paths << app.applicationDirPath() + "/../../../dict"; paths << app.applicationDirPath() + "/../../.."; #endif QStringList files; if (!langq.value("locale_lang_file").toString().isEmpty()) files << langq.value("locale_lang_file").toString(); QString langext; if (!langq.value("lang_abbr2").toString().isEmpty() && !langq.value("country_abbr").toString().isEmpty()) { langext = langq.value("lang_abbr2").toString() + "_" + langq.value("country_abbr").toString().toLower(); } else if (!langq.value("lang_abbr2").toString().isEmpty()) { langext = langq.value("lang_abbr2").toString(); } if(!langext.isEmpty()) { files << "reports." + langext; XSqlQuery pkglist("SELECT pkghead_name FROM pkghead WHERE packageIsEnabled(pkghead_name);"); while(pkglist.next()) { files << pkglist.value("pkghead_name").toString() + "." + langext; } } if (files.size() > 0) { QTranslator *translator = new QTranslator(&app); for (QStringList::Iterator fit = files.begin(); fit != files.end(); ++fit) { for(QStringList::Iterator pit = paths.begin(); pit != paths.end(); ++pit) { qDebug("looking for %s in %s", (*fit).toAscii().data(), (*pit).toAscii().data()); if (translator->load(*fit, *pit)) { app.installTranslator(translator); qDebug("installed %s/%s", (*pit).toAscii().data(), (*fit).toAscii().data()); translator = new QTranslator(&app); break; } } } } } // END language loading code RenderWindow mainwin; mainwin._printerName = printerName; if(!filename.isEmpty()) mainwin.fileOpen(filename); if(!loadFromDB.isEmpty()) mainwin.fileLoad(loadFromDB); QMap<QString,ParamPair>::Iterator it; for ( it = paramList.begin(); it != paramList.end(); ++it ) { mainwin.updateParam(it.key(), it.value().second, it.value().first); } // BVI::Sednacom // do not display window for PDF output if (!pdfOutput) mainwin.show(); // BVI::Sednacom if(print) mainwin.filePrint( numCopies ); if(printPreview) mainwin.filePreview( numCopies ); // BVI::Sednacom // generate the PDF if (pdfOutput) mainwin.filePrintToPDF(pdfFileName); // BVI::Sednacom if(close) { mainwin.fileExit(); return 0; } return app.exec(); }
bool RC2UI::makeDialog() { line = in->readLine(); do { QFile fileOut; QString buffer; int count; QCString className; uint x, y, w, h; uint endDesc; bool space = FALSE; for ( endDesc = 0; endDesc < line.length() ; endDesc++ ) { char c = (QChar)line.at(endDesc); if ( space && (c >= '0') && (c <= '9') ) break; space = c==' '; } QString desc = line.left(endDesc-1); line = line.right( line.length() - endDesc ); className = parseNext( desc, ' ' ); count = sscanf( line, "%u, %u, %u, %u", &x, &y, &w, &h ); if ( !count && count == EOF ) return FALSE; char property[256]; QStringList styles; QStringList extendedStyles; QString caption = ""; QString baseClass = ""; QString widgetType; QString widgetName; QString arguments; int pointsize = 10; QString fontname; do { line = ""; do { if ( in->eof() ) return TRUE; line += in->readLine(); } while ( line[(int)line.length()-1] == '|' || line[(int)line.length()-1] == ',' ); count = sscanf( line, "%s", property ); line = line.right( line.length() - line.find(" ") -1 ); if ( QString(property) == "STYLE" ) { styles = splitStyles(line); if ( styles.contains( "WS_CAPTION" ) ) baseClass = "QDialog"; else baseClass = "QWidget"; } else if ( QString(property) == "CAPTION" ) { caption = stripQM( line ); } else if ( QString(property) == "FONT" ) { QString pt = line.left( line.find(",") ); pointsize = pt.toInt(); fontname = stripQM(line.right( line.length() - line.find(",") - 2 )); } } while ( line != "BEGIN" ); if ( writeToFile ) { QString outputFile = QString(className) + ".ui"; fileOut.setName( outputFile ); if (!fileOut.open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) qFatal( "rc2ui: Could not open output file '%s'", outputFile.latin1() ); out = new QTextStream( &fileOut ); targetFiles.append( outputFile ); } else { out = new QTextStream( &buffer, IO_WriteOnly ); } *out << "<!DOCTYPE UI><UI>" << endl; writeClass( className ); wi(); *out << "<widget>"<< endl; indent(); writeClass( baseClass ); writeCString( "name", className ); writeRect( "geometry", x, y, w, h ); writeString( "caption", caption ); writeFont( fontname, pointsize ); do { if ( in->eof() ) return TRUE; line = in->readLine().stripWhiteSpace(); if ( line == "END" ) continue; widgetType = parseNext(line, ' '); arguments = line.stripWhiteSpace(); while ( arguments[(int)arguments.length()-1] == ',' || arguments[(int)arguments.length()-1] == '|' ) arguments += " "+in->readLine().stripWhiteSpace(); wi(); *out << "<widget>" << endl; indent(); WidgetType ID = IDUnknown; QString controlType; QString widgetID; QString widgetText; bool hasText = FALSE; bool isControl = FALSE; bool isFrame = FALSE; if ( widgetType == "PUSHBUTTON" ) { ID = IDPushButton; hasText = TRUE; } else if ( widgetType == "DEFPUSHBUTTON" ) { ID = IDPushButton; hasText = TRUE; } else if ( widgetType == "LTEXT" ) { ID = IDLabel; hasText = TRUE; } else if ( widgetType == "CTEXT" ) { ID = IDLabel; hasText = TRUE; } else if ( widgetType == "RTEXT" ) { ID = IDLabel; hasText = TRUE; } else if ( widgetType == "EDITTEXT" ) { ID = IDLineEdit; } else if ( widgetType == "GROUPBOX" ) { ID = IDGroupBox; hasText = TRUE; } else if ( widgetType == "COMBOBOX" ) { ID = IDComboBox; } else if ( widgetType == "LISTBOX" ) { ID = IDListBox; } else if ( widgetType == "SCROLLBAR" ) { ID = IDScrollBar; } else if ( widgetType == "CHECKBOX" ) { ID = IDCheckBox; hasText = TRUE; } else if ( widgetType == "RADIOBUTTON" ) { ID = IDRadioButton; hasText = TRUE; } else if ( widgetType == "CONTROL" ) { isControl = TRUE; widgetText = stripQM(parseNext( arguments )); widgetID = parseNext( arguments ); controlType = stripQM(parseNext( arguments )); styles = splitStyles(parseNext( arguments )); if ( controlType == "Static" ) { ID = IDLabel; } else if ( controlType == "Button" ) { if ( styles.contains("BS_AUTOCHECKBOX") || styles.contains("BS_3STATE") ) ID = IDCheckBox; else if ( styles.contains("BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON") ) ID = IDRadioButton; } else if ( controlType == "msctls_updown32" ) { ID = IDSpinBox; } else if ( controlType == "msctls_progress32" ) { ID = IDProgressBar; } else if ( controlType == "msctls_trackbar32" ) { ID = IDSlider; } else if ( controlType == "SysListView32" ) { ID = IDIconView; } else if ( controlType == "SysTreeView32" ) { ID = IDListView; } else if ( controlType == "SysTabControl32" ) { ID = IDTabWidget; } else if ( controlType == "SysAnimate32" ) { ID = IDLabel; } else if ( controlType == "RICHEDIT" ) { ID = IDMultiLineEdit; } else if ( controlType == "ComboBoxEx32" ) { ID = IDComboBox; } else if ( controlType == "" ) { ID = IDCustom; } else { ID = IDUnknown; } } else ID = IDUnknown; if ( hasText ) widgetText = stripQM(parseNext( arguments )); if ( isControl ) { x = parseNext( arguments ).toInt(); y = parseNext( arguments ).toInt(); w = parseNext( arguments ).toInt(); h = parseNext( arguments ).toInt(); } else { widgetID = parseNext( arguments ); x = parseNext( arguments ).toInt(); y = parseNext( arguments ).toInt(); w = parseNext( arguments ).toInt(); h = parseNext( arguments ).toInt(); styles.clear(); } do { extendedStyles = splitStyles(parseNext( arguments )); for ( uint i = 0; i < extendedStyles.count(); i++ ) styles << (*extendedStyles.at(i)); } while ( arguments.find(',') > -1 ); switch ( ID ) { case IDWidget: break; case IDPushButton: { writeClass("QPushButton"); writeCString( "name", useName("PushButton_"+widgetID) ); writeRect( "geometry", x, y, w, h ); writeString( "text", widgetText ); if ( widgetType == "DEFPUSHBUTTON" ) writeBool( "default", TRUE ); } break; case IDLabel: { isFrame = TRUE, writeClass("QLabel"); writeCString( "name", useName("Label_"+widgetID) ); writeRect( "geometry", x,y,w,h ); writeString( "text", widgetText ); QString align; if ( !styles.contains("SS_CENTERIMAGE") ) align += "|AlignTop"; else align += "|AlignVCenter"; if ( widgetType == "LTEXT" ) { align += "|AlignLeft"; } else if ( widgetType == "CTEXT") { align += "|AlignHCenter"; } else if ( widgetType == "RTEXT") { align += "|AlignRight"; } writeSet("alignment", align ); } break; case IDCheckBox: { writeClass("QCheckBox"); writeCString("name", useName("CheckBox_"+widgetID) ); writeRect("geometry", x,y,w,h); writeString("text", widgetText ); if ( styles.contains( "BS_3STATE" ) ) writeBool( "tristate", TRUE ); } break; case IDRadioButton: { writeClass("QRadioButton"); writeCString("name", useName("RadioButton_"+widgetID) ); writeRect("geometry", x,y,w,h); writeString("text", widgetText ); } break; case IDGroupBox: { isFrame = TRUE; writeClass("QGroupBox"); writeCString( "name", useName("GroupBox_"+widgetID) ); writeRect( "geometry", x,y,w,h ); writeString( "title", widgetText ); if ( !styles.contains( "WS_BORDER" ) ) styles.append( "WS_BORDER" ); } break; case IDLineEdit: { if ( !styles.contains("ES_MULTILINE") ) { writeClass("QLineEdit"); writeCString( "name", useName("LineEdit_"+widgetID) ); } else { writeClass("QMultiLineEdit"); writeCString( "name", useName("MultiLineEdit_"+widgetID) ); } writeRect( "geometry", x,y,w,h ); QString align = "AlignTop"; if ( styles.contains("ES_CENTER") ) align+="|AlignHCenter"; else if ( styles.contains("ES_RIGHT") ) align+="|AlignRight"; else align+="|AlignLeft"; writeSet("alignment", align); } break; case IDMultiLineEdit: { writeClass("QMultiLineEdit"); writeCString("name", useName("MultiLineEdit_"+widgetID) ); writeRect("geometry", x,y,w,h ); } break; case IDIconView: { isFrame = TRUE; writeClass("QIconView"); writeCString("name", useName("IconView_"+widgetID) ); writeRect("geometry", x,y,w,h ); if ( !styles.contains( "LVS_SINGLESEL" ) ) writeEnum( "selectionMode", "Extended" ); if ( styles.contains( "LVS_NOLABELWRAP" ) ) writeBool("wordWrapIconText", FALSE ); } break; case IDListView: { isFrame = TRUE; writeClass("QListView"); writeCString("name", useName("ListView_"+widgetID) ); writeRect("geometry", x,y,w,h ); if ( styles.contains( "TVS_LINESATROOT" ) ) writeBool( "rootIsDecorated", TRUE ); if ( styles.contains( "TVS_FULLROWSELECT" ) ) writeBool( "allColumnsShowFocus", TRUE ); } break; case IDProgressBar: { isFrame = TRUE; writeClass("QProgressBar"); writeCString("name", useName("ProgressBar_"+widgetID) ); writeRect("geometry", x,y,w,h ); if ( styles.contains("TBS_VERT") ) writeEnum("orientation", "Vertical"); else writeEnum("orientation", "Horizontal"); } break; case IDTabWidget: { writeClass("QTabWidget"); writeCString("name", useName("TabWidget_"+widgetID) ); writeRect("geometry", x,y,w,h ); wi(); *out << "<widget>" << endl; indent(); writeClass("QWidget"); wi(); *out << "<attribute>" << endl; indent(); wi(); *out << "<name>title</name>" << endl; wi(); *out << "<string>Tab1</string>" << endl; undent(); wi(); *out << "</attribute>" << endl; undent(); wi(); *out << "</widget>" << endl; } break; case IDSpinBox: { isFrame = TRUE; writeClass("QSpinBox"); writeCString("name", useName("SpinBox_"+widgetID) ); writeRect("geometry", x,y,w,h); } break; case IDSlider: { writeClass("QSlider"); writeCString("name", useName("Slider_"+widgetID) ); writeRect("geometry", x,y,w,h ); if ( styles.contains("TBS_VERT") ) writeEnum("orientation", "Vertical"); else writeEnum("orientation", "Horizontal"); if ( !styles.contains("TBS_NOTICKS") ) writeEnum("tickmarks", "Left" ); } break; case IDComboBox: { writeClass("QComboBox"); writeCString("name", useName("ComboBox_"+widgetID) ); if ( isControl ) writeRect( "geometry", x,y,w,14 ); else writeRect( "geometry", x,y,w,h ); } break; case IDListBox: { isFrame = TRUE; writeClass("QListBox"); writeCString("name", useName("ListBox_"+widgetID) ); writeRect( "geometry", x,y,w,h ); if ( styles.contains("WS_HSCROLL") ) writeEnum("hScrollBarMode", "Auto"); else writeEnum("hScrollBarMode", "AlwaysOff"); if ( styles.contains("WS_VSCROLL") ) writeEnum("vScrollBarMode", "Auto"); else writeEnum("vScrollBarMode", "AlwaysOff"); if ( styles.contains("LBS_EXTENDEDSEL") ) writeEnum("selectionMode", "Extended"); else if ( styles.contains("LBS_MULTIPLESEL") ) writeEnum("selectionMode", "Multi"); else if ( styles.contains("LBS_NOSEL") ) writeEnum("selectionMode", "NoSelection"); else writeEnum("selectionMode", "Single"); if ( !styles.contains( "NO WS_BORDER" ) ) styles.append( "WS_BORDER" ); } break; case IDScrollBar: { writeClass("QScrollBar"); writeCString("name", useName("ScrollBar_"+widgetID) ); writeRect("geometry", x,y,w,h ); if ( styles.contains("SBS_VERT") ) writeEnum("orientation", "Vertical"); else writeEnum("orientation", "Horizontal"); } break; case IDCustom: { writeClass("QLabel"); writeCString("name", useName("Custom_"+widgetID) ); writeRect("geometry", x,y,w,h ); writeString("text", "Create a custom widget and place it here." ); } default: { writeClass("QLabel"); writeCString("name", useName("Unknown_"+widgetID) ); writeRect("geometry", x,y,w,h ); writeString("text", QString("No support for %1.").arg(controlType) ); } break; } writeStyles( styles, isFrame ); styles.clear(); undent(); wi(); *out << "</widget>" << endl; } while ( line != "END" ); undent(); wi(); *out << "</widget>" << endl; *out << "</UI>" << endl; do { line = in->readLine(); } while ( line.isEmpty() ); if ( !writeToFile ) target.append( buffer.copy() ); if (out) { delete out; out = 0; } fileOut.close(); } while ( line != blockStart1 ); return TRUE; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool SpiceDialog::loadSpiceNetList(const QString& s) { Comp->withSim = false; if(s.isEmpty()) return false; QFileInfo FileInfo(QucsWorkDir, s); NodesList->clear(); PortsList->clear(); textStatus = 0; Line = Error = ""; QString preprocessor = PrepCombo->currentText(); if (preprocessor != "none") { bool piping = true; QString script; #ifdef __MINGW32__ QString interpreter = "tinyperl.exe"; #else QString interpreter = "perl"; #endif if (preprocessor == "ps2sp") { script = "ps2sp"; } else if (preprocessor == "spicepp") { script = "spicepp.pl"; } else if (preprocessor == "spiceprm") { script = "spiceprm"; piping = false; } script = QucsSettings.BinDir + script; SpicePrep = new Q3Process(this); SpicePrep->addArgument(interpreter); SpicePrep->addArgument(script); SpicePrep->addArgument(FileInfo.filePath()); QFile PrepFile; QFileInfo PrepInfo(QucsWorkDir, s + ".pre"); QString PrepName = PrepInfo.filePath(); if (!piping) { SpicePrep->addArgument(PrepName); connect(SpicePrep, SIGNAL(readyReadStdout()), SLOT(slotSkipOut())); connect(SpicePrep, SIGNAL(readyReadStderr()), SLOT(slotGetPrepErr())); } else { connect(SpicePrep, SIGNAL(readyReadStdout()), SLOT(slotGetPrepOut())); connect(SpicePrep, SIGNAL(readyReadStderr()), SLOT(slotGetPrepErr())); } QMessageBox *MBox = new QMessageBox(tr("Info"), tr("Preprocessing SPICE file \"%1\".").arg(FileInfo.filePath()), QMessageBox::NoIcon, QMessageBox::Abort, QMessageBox::NoButton, QMessageBox::NoButton, this, 0, true, Qt::WStyle_DialogBorder | Qt::WDestructiveClose); connect(SpicePrep, SIGNAL(processExited()), MBox, SLOT(close())); if (piping) { PrepFile.setName(PrepName); if(!PrepFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), tr("Cannot save preprocessed SPICE file \"%1\"."). arg(PrepName)); return false; } prestream = new Q3TextStream(&PrepFile); } if(!SpicePrep->start()) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), tr("Cannot execute \"%1\".").arg(interpreter + " " + script)); if (piping) { PrepFile.close(); delete prestream; } return false; } SpicePrep->closeStdin(); MBox->exec(); delete SpicePrep; if (piping) { PrepFile.close(); delete prestream; } if(!Error.isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("SPICE Preprocessor Error"), Error); return false; } FileInfo = QFileInfo(QucsWorkDir, s + ".pre"); } // first call Qucsconv ............ QucsConv = new Q3Process(this); QucsConv->addArgument(QucsSettings.BinDir + "qucsconv"); QucsConv->addArgument("-if"); QucsConv->addArgument("spice"); QucsConv->addArgument("-of"); QucsConv->addArgument("qucs"); QucsConv->addArgument("-i"); QucsConv->addArgument(FileInfo.filePath()); connect(QucsConv, SIGNAL(readyReadStdout()), SLOT(slotGetNetlist())); connect(QucsConv, SIGNAL(readyReadStderr()), SLOT(slotGetError())); QMessageBox *MBox = new QMessageBox(tr("Info"), tr("Converting SPICE file \"%1\".").arg(FileInfo.filePath()), QMessageBox::NoIcon, QMessageBox::Abort, QMessageBox::NoButton, QMessageBox::NoButton, this, 0, true, Qt::WStyle_DialogBorder | Qt::WDestructiveClose); connect(QucsConv, SIGNAL(processExited()), MBox, SLOT(close())); if(!QucsConv->start()) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), tr("Cannot execute \"%1\".").arg(QucsSettings.BinDir + "qucsconv")); return false; } QucsConv->closeStdin(); MBox->exec(); delete QucsConv; if(!Error.isEmpty()) QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("QucsConv Error"), Error); Property *pp = Comp->Props.at(1); if(!pp->Value.isEmpty()) { PortsList->clear(); PortsList->insertStringList(QStringList::split(',', pp->Value)); } QString tmp; Q3ListBoxItem *pi; for(unsigned int i=0; i<PortsList->count(); i++) { tmp = PortsList->text(i).remove(0, 4); PortsList->changeItem(tmp, i); pi = NodesList->findItem(tmp, Qt::CaseSensitive | QKeySequence::ExactMatch); if(pi) delete pi; else PortsList->removeItem(i--); } return true; }
bool RC2UI::makeStringTable() { if ( !writeToFile ) return TRUE; QFile fileOut; line = in->readLine(); do { char stringtable[256]; char discard[12]; sscanf( line, "%s %s", stringtable, discard ); if ( QString(stringtable) != "STRINGTABLE" ) return TRUE; do { line = in->readLine(); } while ( line != "BEGIN" ); QString outputFile = QString(stringtable).lower() + ".h"; if (outputFile ) { fileOut.setName( outputFile ); if (!fileOut.open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) qFatal( "rc2ui: Could not open output file '%s'", outputFile.latin1() ); out = new QTextStream( &fileOut ); } *out << "#ifndef STRINGTABLE_H" << endl; *out << "#define STRINGTABLE_H" << endl; *out << endl; *out << "#include <qstring.h>" << endl; *out << "#include <qobject.h>" << endl; *out << endl; QString ID; QString value; do { line = in->readLine().stripWhiteSpace(); if ( line == "END" ) continue; ID = parseNext(line, ' '); value = parseNext(line).stripWhiteSpace(); *out << "static const QString " << ID << "= QT_TR_NOOP(" << value << ");" << endl; } while ( line != "END" ); *out << endl; *out << "#endif // STRINGTABLE_H" << endl; do { line = in->readLine(); } while ( line.isEmpty() ); if ( out ) { delete out; out = 0; } } while ( line != blockStart1 ); return TRUE; }
void WBWebPage::handleUnsupportedContent(QNetworkReply *reply) { if(reply->url().scheme() == "mailto") { bool result = QDesktopServices::openUrl(reply->url()); if (result) return; } QString contentType = reply->header(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader).toString(); bool isPDF = (contentType == "application/pdf"); // Delete this big "if (isPDF)" block to get the pdf directly inside the browser if (isPDF) { QMessageBox messageBox(mainWindow()); messageBox.setText(tr("Download PDF Document: would you prefer to download the PDF file or add it to the current OpenBoard document?")); messageBox.addButton(tr("Download"), QMessageBox::AcceptRole); QAbstractButton *addButton = messageBox.addButton(tr("Add to Current Document"), QMessageBox::AcceptRole); messageBox.exec(); if (messageBox.clickedButton() == addButton) { UBApplication::applicationController->showBoard(); UBApplication::boardController->downloadURL(reply->request().url()); return; } else { isPDF = false; } } if (!isPDF && reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError) { if(contentType == "application/widget") WBBrowserWindow::downloadManager()->handleUnsupportedContent(reply,false, UBSettings::settings()->userGipLibraryDirectory()); else WBBrowserWindow::downloadManager()->handleUnsupportedContent(reply); return; } QFile file; file.setFileName(isPDF ? QLatin1String(":/webbrowser/object-wrapper.html") : QLatin1String(":/webbrowser/notfound.html")); bool isOpened = file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); Q_ASSERT(isOpened); QString html; if (isPDF) { html = QString(QLatin1String(file.readAll())) .arg(tr("PDF")) .arg("application/x-ub-pdf") .arg(reply->url().toString()); } else { QString title = tr("Error loading page: %1").arg(reply->url().toString()); html = QString(QLatin1String(file.readAll())) .arg(title) .arg(reply->errorString()) .arg(reply->url().toString()); } QList<QWebFrame*> frames; frames.append(mainFrame()); while (!frames.isEmpty()) { QWebFrame *frame = frames.takeFirst(); if (frame->url() == reply->url()) { frame->setHtml(html, reply->url()); return; } QList<QWebFrame *> children = frame->childFrames(); foreach(QWebFrame *frame, children) frames.append(frame); } if (mLoadingUrl == reply->url()) { mainFrame()->setHtml(html, reply->url()); } }
void ShortLocater::on_Internal_clicked() { /* IPsoc->resetRelays(); usleep(500); IPsoc->writeSerial(0x42); IPsoc->writeSerial(0x9); usleep(500); IPsoc->writeSerial(0x42); IPsoc->writeSerial(0x15); usleep(500); IPsoc->writeSerial(0x42); IPsoc->writeSerial(0x13); */ IPsoc->switchFly(); ui.Internal->setVisible(false); ui.External->setVisible(true); ui.ah1_inner->setVisible(false); ui.ah1_outer->setStyleSheet("border:1px solid gray;border-radius:20px;image: url(:/fp_images/bnc.png);"); ui.ah1_outer->setGeometry(22,26,41,41); ui.ah2_inner->setVisible(false); ui.ah2_outer->setStyleSheet("border:1px solid gray;border-radius:20px;image: url(:/fp_images/bnc.png);"); ui.ah2_outer->setGeometry(96,26,41,41); ui.ah3_inner->setVisible(false); ui.ah3_outer->setStyleSheet("border:1px solid gray;border-radius:20px;image: url(:/fp_images/bnc.png);"); ui.ah3_outer->setGeometry(167,26,41,41); ui.ah0_inner->setVisible(false); ui.ah0_outer->setStyleSheet("border:1px solid gray;border-radius:20px;image: url(:/fp_images/bnc.png);"); ui.ah0_outer->setGeometry(237,26,41,41); ui.fp_VI1_ICM_SL->setGeometry(24,20,41,41); ui.fp_VI1_ICM_SL->setStyleSheet("border:1px solid gray;border-radius:20px;image: url(:/new/prefix1/Button-Blank-Gray-icon.png);"); ui.fp_VI2_EXT->setGeometry(110,20,41,41); ui.fp_VI2_EXT->setStyleSheet("border:1px solid gray;border-radius:20px;image: url(:/new/prefix1/Button-Blank-Gray-icon.png);"); QStringList stringList; bool ok=true; QFile textFile; if(ui.External->isVisible()) textFile.setFileName("shortValuesE.txt"); if(ui.Internal->isVisible()) textFile.setFileName("shortValuesI.txt"); if (textFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QTextStream textStream(&textFile); while (!textStream.atEnd()) { stringList.append(textStream.readLine()); } r200EShortValue=stringList.value(0).toDouble(&ok); qDebug()<<"200E Short Value:"<<r200EShortValue; r2EShortValue=stringList.value(1).toDouble(&ok); qDebug()<<"2E Short Value:"<<r2EShortValue; r200mEShortValue=stringList.value(2).toDouble(&ok); qDebug()<<"200mE Short Value:"<<r200mEShortValue; }else{ r200EShortValue=r200mEShortValue=r2EShortValue=0.0; } }
void Player::playIndex(int index, int listIndex) { qDebug() << "PlayIndex,index: " << index << "listIndex: " << listIndex; if(listIndex > -1) { if(currentListIndex != listIndex || !listSync) { setList(parser->sources[listIndex]); currentListIndex = listIndex; } } if(index > playList.size() - 1) index = 0; prevIndex = curIndex; curIndex = index; mediaObject->stop(); setState(Player::STOPED); buffer->close(); buffer->setData(""); buffer = new QBuffer(mediaObject); QFile file; QDir::setCurrent(savePath); QString fileName = playList[curIndex]["artist"]+" - "+playList[curIndex]["title"]+"__"+playList[curIndex]["opt4"]+".mp3"; fileName.replace(QRegExp("[?*/\"<>]"), "_"); file.setFileName(fileName); if(file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { emit bufferProgress(1, 1); //buffer->setData(file.readAll()); //buffer->open(QBuffer::ReadWrite); if(obCreated) { nReply->reset(); if(nReply->isRunning()) nReply->abort(); } mediaObject->stop(); mediaObject->setCurrentSource(Phonon::MediaSource(fileName)); mediaObject->play(); setState(Player::PLAY); ob2Created = true; } else { if(bufferOff) { emit bufferProgress(-1, -1); mediaObject->stop(); mediaObject->setCurrentSource(Phonon::MediaSource(playList[curIndex]["link"])); mediaObject->play(); setState(Player::PLAY); } else { blockNum = 0; QNetworkRequest req; req.setUrl(QUrl(playList[curIndex]["link"])); if(obCreated) { if(nReply->isRunning()) nReply->abort(); } canPlay = false; nReply = nManager.get(req); connect(nReply, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readData())); connect(nReply, SIGNAL(downloadProgress(qint64,qint64)), this, SLOT(dProgress(qint64,qint64))); connect(nReply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(rFinished())); connect(nReply, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)), this, SLOT(nError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError))); obCreated = true; } } file.close(); emit curSong(playList[curIndex], curIndex, autoNext); autoNext = false; QRegExp rx("(.*):(.*)"); // Сиськиии!) rx.indexIn(playList[curIndex]["duration"]); QString c1 = rx.capturedTexts()[1]; QString c2 = rx.capturedTexts()[2]; int dur1 = c1.toInt(); int dur2 = c2.toInt(); duration = dur1 * 60; duration += dur2; }
int LoadController::exec() { clean(); QFile zeus (filename()); if(!zeus.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { return -1; } QDomDocument hera; if(!hera.setContent(&zeus)) { return -2; } QDomElement athena = hera.documentElement(); QDomNodeList hermes = athena.elementsByTagName("user"); for(int appolon = 0; appolon < hermes.size(); appolon++) { QDomElement gaia = hermes.at(appolon).toElement(); UserSPointer ares = UserController::user(cypher(gaia.elementsByTagName("username").at(0).toElement().text(), 57)); if(ares) ares->setType((User::UserType)cypher(gaia.elementsByTagName("type").at(0).toElement().text(), 95).toInt()); } hermes = athena.elementsByTagName("category"); for(int apollon = 0; apollon < hermes.size(); apollon++) { if(hermes.at(apollon).parentNode().toElement().tagName() != "subCategory") { CategorySPointer ares(new Category); QDomElement aphrodite = hermes.at(apollon).toElement(); ares->load(aphrodite); if(!categories().contains(ares->name())) addCategory(ares); } } hermes = athena.elementsByTagName("entry"); for(int apollon = 0; apollon < hermes.size(); apollon++) { if(hermes.at(apollon).parentNode().toElement().tagName() != "subMedia") { MediaSPointer ares(new Media); QDomElement aphrodite = hermes.at(apollon).toElement(); ares->load(aphrodite, AbstractController::categories()); if(!medias().contains(qMakePair(ares->category()->name(),ares->name()))) { ares->category()->addAssociations(ares); addMedia(ares); } } } zeus.close(); return 0; }