Beispiel #1
/*! First all intersections are calculated. Then duplicates are removed.
    If only points on the line are required, all points that are outside
    the lnX[A,B] are removed. If bParallel is true, parallel segmets are
    checked for overlap and overlap points are included in the solution.
    \retval VecVertex container of intersection points. 
QVector<Point2D> Polygon2D::GetIntersection(
   const Line2D& lnX, //!< line that intersects the polygon
   bool bOnLineOnly,  //!< if true, only points between A and B inclusive are counted.
   bool bParallel     //!< check parallel lines for overlap
) const
   // results are stored here
   QVector<Point2D> vecInt;

   // for each segment
   for(unsigned int i=0; i<GetCount(); i++) {
      Line2D ln = GetLine(i);
      Point2D ptInt;
      // Check overlaps, if they are wanted
      if(bParallel && ln.IsParallel(lnX)) {
         Line2D lnO = ln.GetOverlap(lnX);
         if(lnO.IsValid()) {

      // check intersections
      if(ln.GetIntersection(lnX, ptInt) & Line2D::intFirst){

   // Sort the points in the vector. Same point may appear several
   // times.
   Point2DSortLineLess pred(lnX);
   // remove duplicates, if any
   QVector<Point2D>::iterator f = std::unique(vecInt.begin(),vecInt.end());

   // remove all points that are not inside the line
   if(bOnLineOnly) {
      QVector<Point2D>::iterator i=vecInt.begin();
      while(i!=vecInt.end()) {
         if(!(lnX.GetPosition(*i) & Line2D::posInsideEnd))
            i = vecInt.erase(i);

   return vecInt;
Beispiel #2
static inline void findNextWords ( QVector<uint64_t> & src, const QVector<uint64_t> & needle )
	for ( int s1 = 0; s1 < src.size(); s1++ )
		bool found = false;
		uint64_t target_offset = src[s1] + 1;
		DEBUG_SEARCH (("Offset loop: offset at %u is %u, target %u", (unsigned int) s1,
					   (unsigned int) src[s1], (unsigned int) target_offset));
		// Search in the offsets list in attempt to find next word
		for ( int s2 = 0; s2 < needle.size(); s2++ )
			if ( needle[s2] == target_offset )
				found = true;

		if ( !found )
			// Remove this offset, we don't need it anymore
			DEBUG_SEARCH (("Offset loop failed: offset %u not found", (unsigned int) target_offset));
			src.erase ( src.begin() + s1 );
			DEBUG_SEARCH (("Offset loop succeed: offset %u found", (unsigned int) target_offset));
Beispiel #3
QVector< Dwarf_Half > DwarfDie::attributes() const
    Dwarf_Attribute* attrList;
    Dwarf_Signed attrCount;
    auto res = dwarf_attrlist(m_die, &attrList, &attrCount, nullptr);
    if (res != DW_DLV_OK)
        return {};

    QVector<Dwarf_Half> attrs;
    for (int i = 0; i < attrCount; ++i) {
        Dwarf_Half attrType;
        res = dwarf_whatattr(attrList[i], &attrType, nullptr);
        if (res != DW_DLV_OK)

    dwarf_dealloc(dwarfHandle(), attrList, DW_DLA_LIST);

    if (const auto die = inheritedFrom()) {
        auto inheritedAttrs = die->attributes();
        // remove attributes that must not be inherited
            std::remove_if(inheritedAttrs.begin(), inheritedAttrs.end(), [](Dwarf_Half at) {
                return at == DW_AT_declaration || at == DW_AT_sibling;
            }), inheritedAttrs.end());

        attrs += inheritedAttrs;
        std::sort(attrs.begin(), attrs.end());
        attrs.erase(std::unique(attrs.begin(), attrs.end()), attrs.end());

    return attrs;
QVector<QString> *lc::ReceiptsHandler::GetParticipantsDataFromPaymentFile() {
    // Create the vector to store the single lines of the file
    QVector<QString> *participantsData = new QVector<QString>;

    // Open the payment file for reading and create a QTextStream QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text );
    QTextStream in( &paymentFile );
    in.setCodec( "ISO 8859-1" );

    // Read the file line by line and store them in the vector
    while ( true ) {
        QString line = in.readLine();
        if ( line.isNull() ) {
        participantsData->append( line );

    // Remove the first line, since it is not needed
    participantsData->erase( participantsData->begin() );

    // Close the file afterwards

    return participantsData;
Beispiel #5
void SelekcjaTurniejowa::selekcja(Populacja *populacja)
    std::cout<<"============SELEKCJA TURNIEJOWA=============="<<std::endl;

    QVector<Osobnik*> tmp;

    for(int i=0; i<populacja->proporcja;++i)
        for(int j=0; j<5; ++j)
            int x=qrand()%populacja->populacja.size();



    std::cout<<"============STOP SELEKCJA TURNIEJOWA=============="<<std::endl;
// Returns true if this node is to be deleted.
static bool nodePruneAction_impl(
        Process::MessageNode& node,
        const Id<Process::ProcessModel>& proc,
        QVector<Process::ProcessStateData>& vec,
        const QVector<Process::ProcessStateData>& other_vec)
    int vec_size = vec.size();
    if(vec_size > 1)
        // We just remove the element
        // corresponding to this process.
        auto it = find_if(vec,
                      [&] (const auto& data) {
            return data.process == proc;

        if(it != vec.end())
    else if(vec_size == 1)
        // We may be able to remove the whole node
        if(vec.front().process == proc)

        // If false, nothing is removed.
        return vec.isEmpty()
            && other_vec.isEmpty()
            && !node.values.userValue;

    return false;
void AbstractResourcesBackend::Filters::filterJustInCase(QVector<AbstractResource *>& input) const
    for(auto it = input.begin(); it != input.end();) {
        if (shouldFilter(*it))
            it = input.erase(it);
Beispiel #8
Handle(Standard_Type) Subassembly::lookupType ( QVector<uint>& id_path ) const
  if ( subassembly_->id() == id_path[0] ) {
    id_path.erase( id_path.begin() );
    return subassembly_->lookupType( id_path );

  return Handle(Standard_Type)();
static bool removeFromFileContainer(QVector<FileContainer> &fileContainers, const Document &document)
    auto position = std::remove(fileContainers.begin(), fileContainers.end(), document);

    bool entryIsRemoved = position != fileContainers.end();

    fileContainers.erase(position, fileContainers.end());

    return entryIsRemoved;
Beispiel #10
TopoDS_Shape Subassembly::lookupShape ( QVector<uint>& id_path ) const
  TopoDS_Shape shape;

  if ( subassembly_->id() == id_path[0] ) {
    id_path.erase( id_path.begin() );
    shape = subassembly_->lookupShape( id_path );
    shape.Location( location_ * shape.Location() );

  return shape;
Beispiel #11
TopoDS_Shape Assembly::lookupShape ( QVector<uint>& id_path ) const
  QMap<uint,Figure*>::const_iterator figure = figures_.find( id_path[0] );

  if ( figure != figures_.end() ) {
    id_path.erase( id_path.begin() );
    if ( !id_path.empty() )
      return figure.value()->lookupShape( id_path );

  return TopoDS_Shape();	// Really an error...
Beispiel #12
QString Subassembly::idPath ( QVector<uint> id_path ) const
  if ( subassembly_->id() != id_path[0] )
    return QString::null;	// Really an error...

  id_path.erase( id_path.begin() );

  if ( id_path.empty() )
    return subassembly_->name() + '.' + subassembly_->type();

  return subassembly_->name() + '.' + subassembly_->type() + '/' +
    subassembly_->idPath( id_path );
Beispiel #13
QVector<selectableObject *> RubberBand::selectedObjects() const
	QVector<selectableObject *> so = selectableObjects();
	for( QVector<selectableObject *>::iterator it = so.begin();
							it != so.end(); )
		if( ( *it )->isSelected() == false )
			it = so.erase( it );
	return( so );
Beispiel #14
QString Assembly::idPath ( QVector<uint> id_path ) const
  // The argument path must not have zero length, i.e., it must
  // refer to a figure (the Model has already taken care of
  // including *this* page in the path string).
  QMap<uint,Figure*>::const_iterator f = figures_.find( id_path[0] );

  if ( f == figures_.end() )
    return QString::null;	// Really an error...

  id_path.erase( id_path.begin() );

  if ( id_path.empty() )
    return f.value()->name() + '.' +  f.value()->type();

  return f.value()->name() + '.' +  f.value()->type() + '/' +
    f.value()->idPath( id_path );
Beispiel #15
QVector<UpdateInfo> UpdatesInfo::updatesInfo( int type,  int compatLevel ) const
    QVector<UpdateInfo> list;
    if ( compatLevel == -1 ) {
        if ( type == AllUpdate ) {
            return d->updateInfoList;
        std::remove_copy_if( d->updateInfoList.begin(), d->updateInfoList.end(), std::back_inserter( list ), std::not1( TypeIs( type ) ) );
                else {
        // first remove all wrong types
        std::remove_copy_if( d->updateInfoList.begin(), d->updateInfoList.end(), std::back_inserter( list ), std::not1( TypeIs( type ) ) );

        // the remove all wrong compat levels
            std::remove_if( list.begin(), list.end(), CompatLevelIsNot( compatLevel ) ), 
            list.end() );
    return list;
Beispiel #16
//# if constant-expression newline group[opt]
bool Preprocessor::parseIfLikeDirective(IfLikeDirective *node)
    //cout << "parse if-like directive" << endl;
    TokenSection tokenSection = readLine();
    QVector<int> cleanedSection = cleanTokenRange(tokenSection);
    if(cleanedSection.count() < 3)
        return false;

    cleanedSection.erase(cleanedSection.begin(), cleanedSection.begin() + 2); //remove # and if
    cleanedSection.pop_back(); //remove endl;

    const TokenList sectionList(m_tokenContainer, cleanedSection);
    ExpressionBuilder expressionBuilder(sectionList, m_tokenTypeList, m_memoryPool);
    Expression *expr = expressionBuilder.parse();

    return true;
Beispiel #17
void principal::on_pushButton_2_clicked()
    QMessageBox::StandardButton mensaje;
    mensaje = QMessageBox::question(this, "Control de eliminacion", "Seguro de Eliminar",
    if (mensaje == QMessageBox::Yes) {
       QMessageBox::about(this,"Control de Eliminacion","Fue eliminado");
       QFile  archivo1("/home/jossy/proyecto/llenados.txt"); | QIODevice::Truncate);
       QFile  archivo("/home/jossy/proyecto/base09.txt"); | QIODevice::Truncate); //
       QTextStream escribir(&archivo);
       QTextStream escribir1(&archivo1);
       for(int i=0; i<lista.size();i++){
          QString txt= lista[i]->getplaca()+","+lista[i]->getmarca()+","+QString::number(lista[i]->getcilindraje());
             escribir << txt <<endl;
             QString subtxt =lista[i]->getplaca();
             for(int r=0; r<lista[i]->getLista().size();r++){
                 subtxt +=lista[i]->getLista()[r].toString();

        escribir1 << subtxt <<endl;


       for(int i=0; i<lista.size();i++){
    } else {
      QMessageBox::about(this,"Control de Eliminacion","Proceso Cancelado");

QList< QUrl > Index::query(const QStringList &terms, const QStringList &termSeq, const QStringList &seqWords, EBook *chmFile )
	QList<Term> termList;

	QStringList::ConstIterator it = terms.begin();
	for ( it = terms.begin(); it != terms.end(); ++it )
		Entry *e = 0;
		if ( dict[ *it ] )
			e = dict[ *it ];
			termList.append( Term( *it, e->documents.count(), e->documents ) );
			return QList< QUrl >();
	if ( !termList.count() )
		return QList< QUrl >();
	qSort( termList );

	QVector<Document> minDocs = termList.takeFirst().documents;
	for(QList<Term>::Iterator it = termList.begin(); it != termList.end(); ++it) {
		Term *t = &(*it);
		QVector<Document> docs = t->documents;
		for(QVector<Document>::Iterator minDoc_it = minDocs.begin(); minDoc_it != minDocs.end(); ) {
			bool found = false;
			for (QVector<Document>::ConstIterator doc_it = docs.constBegin(); doc_it != docs.constEnd(); ++doc_it ) {
				if ( (*minDoc_it).docNumber == (*doc_it).docNumber ) {
					(*minDoc_it).frequency += (*doc_it).frequency;
					found = true;
			if ( !found )
				minDoc_it = minDocs.erase( minDoc_it );

	QList< QUrl > results;
	qSort( minDocs );
	if ( termSeq.isEmpty() ) {
		for(QVector<Document>::Iterator it = minDocs.begin(); it != minDocs.end(); ++it)
			results <<*it).docNumber);
		return results;

	QUrl fileName;
	for(QVector<Document>::Iterator it = minDocs.begin(); it != minDocs.end(); ++it) {
		fileName =  docList[ (int)(*it).docNumber ];
		if ( searchForPhrases( termSeq, seqWords, fileName, chmFile ) )
			results << fileName;
	return results;
Beispiel #19
QVector<QVector<double>> inverse(QVector<QVector<double>> a)
    int m = a.size();
    int n = a.front().size();
        qDebug() << "n!=m";
        return a;

    //Единичная матрица
    QVector<double> e(n,0);
    QVector<QVector<double>> one(n,e);
    for(int i =0; i<n;i++)
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)

    int nn=n+n;
    //Прямой ход
    for(int k = 0; k < m; k++)
        double akk = a[k][k];
            qDebug() << "front element equal 0";
        for(int i = 0; i<nn; i++)
        for(int i = k+1; i<m; i++)
            double front_el = a[i][k];
            for(int j = k; j<nn; j++)

    for(int k = m-1; k>=0; k--)
        for(int i = k-1; i>=0; i--)
            double front_el = a[i][k];
            for(int j = k; j<nn;j++)
    QVector<QVector<double>> L;
    for(int i = 0; i<m;i++)
        QVector<double> tmp;
        tmp = a[i];
    return a;
void QDeclarativeChangeSet::applyRemovals(QVector<Remove> &removals, QVector<Insert> &insertions)
    int removeCount = 0;
    int insertCount = 0;
    QVector<Insert>::iterator insert = m_inserts.begin();
    QVector<Change>::iterator change = m_changes.begin();
    QVector<Remove>::iterator rit = removals.begin();
    for (; rit != removals.end(); ++rit) {
        int index = rit->index + removeCount;
        int count = rit->count;

        QVector<Insert>::iterator iit = insertions.begin();
        for (; rit->moveId != -1 && iit != insertions.end() && iit->moveId != rit->moveId; ++iit) {}
        for (; change != m_changes.end() && change->end() < rit->index; ++change) {}
        for (; change != m_changes.end() && change->index > rit->end(); ++change) {
            change->count -= qMin(change->end(), rit->end()) - qMax(change->index, rit->index);
            if (change->count == 0) {
                change = m_changes.erase(change);
            } else if (rit->index < change->index) {
                change->index = rit->index;
        for (; insert != m_inserts.end() && insert->end() <= index; ++insert) {
            insertCount += insert->count;
            insert->index -= removeCount;
        for (; insert != m_inserts.end() && insert->index < index + count; ++insert) {
            const int offset = insert->index - index;
            const int difference = qMin(insert->end(), index + count) - qMax(insert->index, index);
            const int moveId = rit->moveId != -1 ? m_moveCounter++ : -1;
            if (insert->moveId != -1) {
                QVector<Remove>::iterator remove = m_removes.begin();
                for (; remove != m_removes.end() && remove->moveId != insert->moveId; ++remove) {}
                Q_ASSERT(remove != m_removes.end());
                const int offset = index - insert->index;
                if (rit->moveId != -1 && offset < 0) {
                    const int moveId = m_moveCounter++;
                    iit = insertions.insert(iit, Insert(iit->index, -offset, moveId));
                    iit->index += -offset;
                    iit->count -= -offset;
                    rit = removals.insert(rit, Remove(rit->index, -offset, moveId));
                    rit->count -= -offset;

                if (offset > 0) {
                    const int moveId = m_moveCounter++;
                    insert = m_inserts.insert(insert, Insert(insert->index, offset, moveId));
                    insert->index += offset;
                    insert->count -= offset;
                    remove = m_removes.insert(remove, Remove(remove->index, offset, moveId));
                    remove->count -= offset;
                    rit->index -= offset;
                    index += offset;
                    count -= offset;

                if (remove->count == difference) {
                    remove->moveId = moveId;
                } else {
                    remove = m_removes.insert(remove, Remove(remove->index, difference, moveId));
                    remove->count -= difference;
            } else if (rit->moveId != -1 && offset > 0) {
                const int moveId = m_moveCounter++;
                iit = insertions.insert(iit, Insert(iit->index, offset, moveId));
                iit->index += offset;
                iit->count -= offset;
                rit = removals.insert(rit, Remove(rit->index, offset, moveId));
                rit->count -= offset;
                index += offset;
                count -= offset;

            if (rit->moveId != -1 && difference > 0) {
                iit = insertions.insert(iit, Insert(iit->index, difference, moveId));
                iit->index += difference;
                iit->count -= difference;

            insert->count -= difference;
            rit->count -= difference;
            if (insert->count == 0) {
                insert = m_inserts.erase(insert);
            } else if (index <= insert->index) {
                insert->index = rit->index;
            } else {
                rit->index -= insert->count;
            index += difference;
            count -= difference;
            removeCount += difference;
        rit->index -= insertCount;
        removeCount += rit->count;

        if (rit->count == 0) {
            if (rit->moveId != -1 && iit->count == 0)
            rit = removals.erase(rit);
        } else if (rit->moveId != -1) {
            const int moveId = m_moveCounter++;
            rit->moveId = moveId;
            iit->moveId = moveId;
    for (; change != m_changes.end(); ++change)
        change->index -= removeCount;
    for (; insert != m_inserts.end(); ++insert)
        insert->index -= removeCount;

    removeCount = 0;
    QVector<Remove>::iterator remove = m_removes.begin();
    for (rit = removals.begin(); rit != removals.end(); ++rit) {
        QVector<Insert>::iterator iit = insertions.begin();
        int index = rit->index + removeCount;
        for (; rit->moveId != -1 && iit != insertions.end() && iit->moveId != rit->moveId; ++iit) {}
        for (; remove != m_removes.end() && index > remove->index; ++remove)
            remove->index -= removeCount;
        while (remove != m_removes.end() && index + rit->count > remove->index) {
            int count = 0;
            const int offset = remove->index - index - removeCount;
            QVector<Remove>::iterator rend = remove;
            for (; rend != m_removes.end()
                    && rit->moveId == -1
                    && rend->moveId == -1
                    && rit->index + rit->count > rend->index; ++rend) {
                count += rend->count;
            if (remove != rend) {
                const int difference = rend == m_removes.end() || rit->index + rit->count < rend->index - removeCount
                        ? rit->count
                        : offset;
                count += difference;

                index += difference;
                rit->count -= difference;
                removeCount += difference;

                remove->index = rit->index;
                remove->count = count;
                remove = m_removes.erase(++remove, rend);
            } else if (rit->moveId != -1) {
                if (offset > 0) {
                    const int moveId = m_moveCounter++;
                    iit = insertions.insert(iit, Insert(iit->index, offset, moveId));
                    iit->index += offset;
                    iit->count -= offset;
                    remove = m_removes.insert(remove, Remove(rit->index, offset, moveId));
                    rit->count -= offset;
                remove->index = rit->index;
                index += offset;
                removeCount += offset;

            } else {
                if (offset > 0) {
                    remove = m_removes.insert(remove, Remove(rit->index, offset));
                    rit->count -= offset;
                remove->index = rit->index;
                index += offset;
                removeCount += offset;

            index += count;
            rit->count -= count;

        if (rit->count > 0) {
            remove = m_removes.insert(remove, *rit);
        removeCount += rit->count;
    for (; remove != m_removes.end(); ++remove)
        remove->index -= removeCount;
Beispiel #21
	Initialized the ProxyBase Object. This needs to be run before any other functions are called.

	See the class description for an example of how to use this function

	@param funclist A list of strings to be used when searching for functions calls
	@param callbacklist A list of strings to used when searching for callbacks
	@param eventlist A list of strings to used when searching for events
void ProxyBase::init(QStringList functionlist, QStringList callbacklist, QStringList eventlist)
	QMutexLocker locker(&qxt_d().mutex);
	//Initialize method counters
	int numfunctions = 1000;

	//clear old lists in case init() is run twice

	//Get the meta object so we can see signals and slots
	const QMetaObject *meta = metaObject();
	//Get the number of methods
	int methods = meta->methodCount();

	//loop through all the methods
	for (int i = 0; i < methods; i++)
		QMetaMethod method = meta->method(i);
		QString type = method.typeName();
		Signature sig(method.signature());

		// This checks to see if it's a cloned signal, and continues if it is...
		// Undocumented private API ftl!!!
		if (method.attributes() && 2)

		switch (method.methodType())
			case QMetaMethod::Signal:
				if (functionlist.contains(type))
					//If a function begins with QObject*, char*, then its an asyn function
					if (sig.numArgs() >= 2 && sig.arg(0) == "QObject*" && (sig.arg(1) == "const char*" || sig.arg(1) == "char*"))
						qxt_d().asyncfunctions << numfunctions; //add this function id to the list of async functions

						QVector<QString> args = sig.args(); //get the list of arguments
						//remove the first two arguments
						sig.setArgs(args); //update the argument list with the new list
					//connect the signal to a local event
					meta->connect(this, i, this, numfunctions, Qt::DirectConnection);
					qxt_d().functions[numfunctions] = sig;
					qxt_d().functiontypes[numfunctions] = method.typeName();
				else if (eventlist.contains(type))
					qxt_d().signalHash[i] = sig;
				//if its not one of the two, we don't care about it

			case QMetaMethod::Slot:
				if (callbacklist.contains(type))
					qxt_d().callbacks[i] = sig;

				//We don't really care about other types of methods
Beispiel #22
void OsmAnd::Utilities::scanlineFillPolygon(const unsigned int verticesCount, const PointF* vertices, std::function<void(const PointI&)> fillPoint)
    // Find min-max of Y
    float yMinF, yMaxF;
    yMinF = yMaxF = vertices[0].y;
    for(auto idx = 1u; idx < verticesCount; idx++)
        const auto& y = vertices[idx].y;
        if (y > yMaxF)
            yMaxF = y;
        if (y < yMinF)
            yMinF = y;
    const auto rowMin = qFloor(yMinF);
    const auto rowMax = qFloor(yMaxF);

    // Build set of edges
    struct Edge
        const PointF* v0;
        int startRow;
        const PointF* v1;
        int endRow;
        float xOrigin;
        float slope;
        int nextRow;
    QVector<Edge*> edges;
    auto edgeIdx = 0u;
    for(auto idx = 0u, prevIdx = verticesCount - 1; idx < verticesCount; prevIdx = idx++)
        auto v0 = &vertices[prevIdx];
        auto v1 = &vertices[idx];

        if (v0->y == v1->y)
            // Horizontal edge
            auto edge = new Edge();
            edge->v0 = v0;
            edge->v1 = v1;
            edge->startRow = qFloor(edge->v0->y);
            edge->endRow = qFloor(edge->v1->y);
            edge->xOrigin = edge->v0->x;
            edge->slope = 0;
            edge->nextRow = qFloor(edge->v0->y) + 1;
            //LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Debug, "Edge %p y(%d %d)(%f %f), next row = %d", edge, edge->startRow, edge->endRow, edge->v0->y, edge->v1->y, edge->nextRow);


        const PointF* pLower = nullptr;
        const PointF* pUpper = nullptr;
        if (v0->y < v1->y)
            // Up-going edge
            pLower = v0;
            pUpper = v1;
        else if (v0->y > v1->y)
            // Down-going edge
            pLower = v1;
            pUpper = v0;

        // Fill edge 
        auto edge = new Edge();
        edge->v0 = pLower;
        edge->v1 = pUpper;
        edge->startRow = qFloor(edge->v0->y);
        edge->endRow = qFloor(edge->v1->y);
        edge->slope = (edge->v1->x - edge->v0->x) / (edge->v1->y - edge->v0->y);
        edge->xOrigin = edge->v0->x - edge->slope * (edge->v0->y - qFloor(edge->v0->y));
        edge->nextRow = qFloor(edge->v1->y) + 1;
        for(auto vertexIdx = 0u; vertexIdx < verticesCount; vertexIdx++)
            const auto& v = vertices[vertexIdx];

            if (v.y > edge->v0->y && qFloor(v.y) < edge->nextRow)
                edge->nextRow = qFloor(v.y);
        //LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Debug, "Edge %p y(%d %d)(%f %f), next row = %d", edge, edge->startRow, edge->endRow, edge->v0->y, edge->v1->y, edge->nextRow);

    // Sort edges by ascending Y
    qSort(edges.begin(), edges.end(), [](Edge* l, Edge* r) -> bool
        return l->v0->y > r->v0->y;

    // Loop in [yMin .. yMax]
    QVector<Edge*> aet;
    for(auto rowIdx = rowMin; rowIdx <= rowMax;)
        //LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Debug, "------------------ %d -----------------", rowIdx);

        // Find active edges
        int nextRow = rowMax;
        for(const auto& edge : constOf(edges))
            const auto isHorizontal = (edge->startRow == edge->endRow);
            if (nextRow > edge->nextRow && edge->nextRow > rowIdx && !isHorizontal)
                nextRow = edge->nextRow;

            if (edge->startRow != rowIdx)

            if (isHorizontal)
                // Fill horizontal edge
                const auto xMin = qFloor(qMin(edge->v0->x, edge->v1->x));
                const auto xMax = qFloor(qMax(edge->v0->x, edge->v1->x));
                /*for(auto x = xMin; x <= xMax; x++)
                    fillPoint(PointI(x, rowIdx));*/

            //LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Debug, "line %d. Adding edge %p y(%f %f)", rowIdx, edge, edge->v0->y, edge->v1->y);

        // If there are no active edges, we've finished filling
        if (aet.isEmpty())
        assert(aet.size() % 2 == 0);

        // Sort aet by X
        qSort(aet.begin(), aet.end(), [](Edge* l, Edge* r) -> bool
            return l->v0->x > r->v0->x;

        // Find next row
        for(; rowIdx < nextRow; rowIdx++)
            const unsigned int pairsCount = aet.size() / 2;

            auto itEdgeL = aet.cbegin();
            auto itEdgeR = itEdgeL + 1;

            for(auto pairIdx = 0u; pairIdx < pairsCount; pairIdx++, itEdgeL = ++itEdgeR, ++itEdgeR)
                auto lEdge = *itEdgeL;
                auto rEdge = *itEdgeR;

                // Fill from l to r
                auto lXf = lEdge->xOrigin + (rowIdx - lEdge->startRow + 0.5f) * lEdge->slope;
                auto rXf = rEdge->xOrigin + (rowIdx - rEdge->startRow + 0.5f) * rEdge->slope;
                auto xMinF = qMin(lXf, rXf);
                auto xMaxF = qMax(lXf, rXf);
                auto xMin = qFloor(xMinF);
                auto xMax = qFloor(xMaxF);

                LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Debug, "line %d from %d(%f) to %d(%f)", rowIdx, xMin, xMinF, xMax, xMaxF);
                /*for(auto x = xMin; x <= xMax; x++)
                    fillPoint(PointI(x, rowIdx));*/

        // Deactivate those edges that have end at yNext
        for(auto itEdge = aet.begin(); itEdge != aet.end();)
            auto edge = *itEdge;

            if (edge->endRow <= nextRow)
                // When we're done processing the edge, fill it Y-by-X
                auto startCol = qFloor(edge->v0->x);
                auto endCol = qFloor(edge->v1->x);
                auto revSlope = 1.0f / edge->slope;
                auto yOrigin = edge->v0->y - revSlope * (edge->v0->x - qFloor(edge->v0->x));
                auto xMax = qMax(startCol, endCol);
                auto xMin = qMin(startCol, endCol);
                for(auto colIdx = xMin; colIdx <= xMax; colIdx++)
                    auto yf = yOrigin + (colIdx - startCol + 0.5f) * revSlope;
                    auto y = qFloor(yf);

                    LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Debug, "col %d(s%d) added Y = %d (%f)", colIdx, colIdx - startCol, y, yf);
                    fillPoint(PointI(colIdx, y));

                auto yMax = qMax(edge->startRow, edge->endRow);
                auto yMin = qMin(edge->startRow, edge->endRow);
                for(auto rowIdx_ = yMin; rowIdx_ <= yMax; rowIdx_++)
                    auto xf = edge->xOrigin + (rowIdx_ - edge->startRow + 0.5f) * edge->slope;
                    auto x = qFloor(xf);

                    LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Debug, "row %d(s%d) added Y = %d (%f)", rowIdx_, rowIdx_ - edge->startRow, x, xf);
                    fillPoint(PointI(x, rowIdx_));

                //LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Debug, "line %d. Removing edge %p y(%f %f)", rowIdx, edge, edge->v0->y, edge->v1->y);
                itEdge = aet.erase(itEdge);

    // Cleanup
    for(const auto& edge : constOf(edges))
        delete edge;