Ejemplo n.º 1
/*! First all intersections are calculated. Then duplicates are removed.
    If only points on the line are required, all points that are outside
    the lnX[A,B] are removed. If bParallel is true, parallel segmets are
    checked for overlap and overlap points are included in the solution.
    \retval VecVertex container of intersection points. 
QVector<Point2D> Polygon2D::GetIntersection(
   const Line2D& lnX, //!< line that intersects the polygon
   bool bOnLineOnly,  //!< if true, only points between A and B inclusive are counted.
   bool bParallel     //!< check parallel lines for overlap
) const
   // results are stored here
   QVector<Point2D> vecInt;

   // for each segment
   for(unsigned int i=0; i<GetCount(); i++) {
      Line2D ln = GetLine(i);
      Point2D ptInt;
      // Check overlaps, if they are wanted
      if(bParallel && ln.IsParallel(lnX)) {
         Line2D lnO = ln.GetOverlap(lnX);
         if(lnO.IsValid()) {

      // check intersections
      if(ln.GetIntersection(lnX, ptInt) & Line2D::intFirst){

   // Sort the points in the vector. Same point may appear several
   // times.
   Point2DSortLineLess pred(lnX);
   // remove duplicates, if any
   QVector<Point2D>::iterator f = std::unique(vecInt.begin(),vecInt.end());

   // remove all points that are not inside the line
   if(bOnLineOnly) {
      QVector<Point2D>::iterator i=vecInt.begin();
      while(i!=vecInt.end()) {
         if(!(lnX.GetPosition(*i) & Line2D::posInsideEnd))
            i = vecInt.erase(i);

   return vecInt;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static inline void findNextWords ( QVector<uint64_t> & src, const QVector<uint64_t> & needle )
	for ( int s1 = 0; s1 < src.size(); s1++ )
		bool found = false;
		uint64_t target_offset = src[s1] + 1;
		DEBUG_SEARCH (("Offset loop: offset at %u is %u, target %u", (unsigned int) s1,
					   (unsigned int) src[s1], (unsigned int) target_offset));
		// Search in the offsets list in attempt to find next word
		for ( int s2 = 0; s2 < needle.size(); s2++ )
			if ( needle[s2] == target_offset )
				found = true;

		if ( !found )
			// Remove this offset, we don't need it anymore
			DEBUG_SEARCH (("Offset loop failed: offset %u not found", (unsigned int) target_offset));
			src.erase ( src.begin() + s1 );
			DEBUG_SEARCH (("Offset loop succeed: offset %u found", (unsigned int) target_offset));
Ejemplo n.º 3
QVector< Dwarf_Half > DwarfDie::attributes() const
    Dwarf_Attribute* attrList;
    Dwarf_Signed attrCount;
    auto res = dwarf_attrlist(m_die, &attrList, &attrCount, nullptr);
    if (res != DW_DLV_OK)
        return {};

    QVector<Dwarf_Half> attrs;
    for (int i = 0; i < attrCount; ++i) {
        Dwarf_Half attrType;
        res = dwarf_whatattr(attrList[i], &attrType, nullptr);
        if (res != DW_DLV_OK)

    dwarf_dealloc(dwarfHandle(), attrList, DW_DLA_LIST);

    if (const auto die = inheritedFrom()) {
        auto inheritedAttrs = die->attributes();
        // remove attributes that must not be inherited
            std::remove_if(inheritedAttrs.begin(), inheritedAttrs.end(), [](Dwarf_Half at) {
                return at == DW_AT_declaration || at == DW_AT_sibling;
            }), inheritedAttrs.end());

        attrs += inheritedAttrs;
        std::sort(attrs.begin(), attrs.end());
        attrs.erase(std::unique(attrs.begin(), attrs.end()), attrs.end());

    return attrs;
Ejemplo n.º 4
QVector<QString> *lc::ReceiptsHandler::GetParticipantsDataFromPaymentFile() {
    // Create the vector to store the single lines of the file
    QVector<QString> *participantsData = new QVector<QString>;

    // Open the payment file for reading and create a QTextStream
    paymentFile.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text );
    QTextStream in( &paymentFile );
    in.setCodec( "ISO 8859-1" );

    // Read the file line by line and store them in the vector
    while ( true ) {
        QString line = in.readLine();
        if ( line.isNull() ) {
        participantsData->append( line );

    // Remove the first line, since it is not needed
    participantsData->erase( participantsData->begin() );

    // Close the file afterwards

    return participantsData;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void SelekcjaTurniejowa::selekcja(Populacja *populacja)
    std::cout<<"============SELEKCJA TURNIEJOWA=============="<<std::endl;

    QVector<Osobnik*> tmp;

    for(int i=0; i<populacja->proporcja;++i)
        for(int j=0; j<5; ++j)
            int x=qrand()%populacja->populacja.size();



    std::cout<<"============STOP SELEKCJA TURNIEJOWA=============="<<std::endl;
Ejemplo n.º 6
// Returns true if this node is to be deleted.
static bool nodePruneAction_impl(
        Process::MessageNode& node,
        const Id<Process::ProcessModel>& proc,
        QVector<Process::ProcessStateData>& vec,
        const QVector<Process::ProcessStateData>& other_vec)
    int vec_size = vec.size();
    if(vec_size > 1)
        // We just remove the element
        // corresponding to this process.
        auto it = find_if(vec,
                      [&] (const auto& data) {
            return data.process == proc;

        if(it != vec.end())
    else if(vec_size == 1)
        // We may be able to remove the whole node
        if(vec.front().process == proc)

        // If false, nothing is removed.
        return vec.isEmpty()
            && other_vec.isEmpty()
            && !node.values.userValue;

    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void AbstractResourcesBackend::Filters::filterJustInCase(QVector<AbstractResource *>& input) const
    for(auto it = input.begin(); it != input.end();) {
        if (shouldFilter(*it))
            it = input.erase(it);
Ejemplo n.º 8
Handle(Standard_Type) Subassembly::lookupType ( QVector<uint>& id_path ) const
  if ( subassembly_->id() == id_path[0] ) {
    id_path.erase( id_path.begin() );
    return subassembly_->lookupType( id_path );

  return Handle(Standard_Type)();
Ejemplo n.º 9
static bool removeFromFileContainer(QVector<FileContainer> &fileContainers, const Document &document)
    auto position = std::remove(fileContainers.begin(), fileContainers.end(), document);

    bool entryIsRemoved = position != fileContainers.end();

    fileContainers.erase(position, fileContainers.end());

    return entryIsRemoved;
Ejemplo n.º 10
TopoDS_Shape Subassembly::lookupShape ( QVector<uint>& id_path ) const
  TopoDS_Shape shape;

  if ( subassembly_->id() == id_path[0] ) {
    id_path.erase( id_path.begin() );
    shape = subassembly_->lookupShape( id_path );
    shape.Location( location_ * shape.Location() );

  return shape;
Ejemplo n.º 11
TopoDS_Shape Assembly::lookupShape ( QVector<uint>& id_path ) const
  QMap<uint,Figure*>::const_iterator figure = figures_.find( id_path[0] );

  if ( figure != figures_.end() ) {
    id_path.erase( id_path.begin() );
    if ( !id_path.empty() )
      return figure.value()->lookupShape( id_path );

  return TopoDS_Shape();	// Really an error...
Ejemplo n.º 12
QString Subassembly::idPath ( QVector<uint> id_path ) const
  if ( subassembly_->id() != id_path[0] )
    return QString::null;	// Really an error...

  id_path.erase( id_path.begin() );

  if ( id_path.empty() )
    return subassembly_->name() + '.' + subassembly_->type();

  return subassembly_->name() + '.' + subassembly_->type() + '/' +
    subassembly_->idPath( id_path );
Ejemplo n.º 13
QVector<selectableObject *> RubberBand::selectedObjects() const
	QVector<selectableObject *> so = selectableObjects();
	for( QVector<selectableObject *>::iterator it = so.begin();
							it != so.end(); )
		if( ( *it )->isSelected() == false )
			it = so.erase( it );
	return( so );
Ejemplo n.º 14
QString Assembly::idPath ( QVector<uint> id_path ) const
  // The argument path must not have zero length, i.e., it must
  // refer to a figure (the Model has already taken care of
  // including *this* page in the path string).
  QMap<uint,Figure*>::const_iterator f = figures_.find( id_path[0] );

  if ( f == figures_.end() )
    return QString::null;	// Really an error...

  id_path.erase( id_path.begin() );

  if ( id_path.empty() )
    return f.value()->name() + '.' +  f.value()->type();

  return f.value()->name() + '.' +  f.value()->type() + '/' +
    f.value()->idPath( id_path );
Ejemplo n.º 15
QVector<UpdateInfo> UpdatesInfo::updatesInfo( int type,  int compatLevel ) const
    QVector<UpdateInfo> list;
    if ( compatLevel == -1 ) {
        if ( type == AllUpdate ) {
            return d->updateInfoList;
        std::remove_copy_if( d->updateInfoList.begin(), d->updateInfoList.end(), std::back_inserter( list ), std::not1( TypeIs( type ) ) );
                else {
        // first remove all wrong types
        std::remove_copy_if( d->updateInfoList.begin(), d->updateInfoList.end(), std::back_inserter( list ), std::not1( TypeIs( type ) ) );

        // the remove all wrong compat levels
            std::remove_if( list.begin(), list.end(), CompatLevelIsNot( compatLevel ) ), 
            list.end() );
    return list;
Ejemplo n.º 16
//# if constant-expression newline group[opt]
bool Preprocessor::parseIfLikeDirective(IfLikeDirective *node)
    //cout << "parse if-like directive" << endl;
    TokenSection tokenSection = readLine();
    QVector<int> cleanedSection = cleanTokenRange(tokenSection);
    if(cleanedSection.count() < 3)
        return false;

    cleanedSection.erase(cleanedSection.begin(), cleanedSection.begin() + 2); //remove # and if
    cleanedSection.pop_back(); //remove endl;

    const TokenList sectionList(m_tokenContainer, cleanedSection);
    ExpressionBuilder expressionBuilder(sectionList, m_tokenTypeList, m_memoryPool);
    Expression *expr = expressionBuilder.parse();

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 17
void principal::on_pushButton_2_clicked()
    QMessageBox::StandardButton mensaje;
    mensaje = QMessageBox::question(this, "Control de eliminacion", "Seguro de Eliminar",
    if (mensaje == QMessageBox::Yes) {
       QMessageBox::about(this,"Control de Eliminacion","Fue eliminado");
       QFile  archivo1("/home/jossy/proyecto/llenados.txt");
       archivo1.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate);
       QFile  archivo("/home/jossy/proyecto/base09.txt");
       archivo.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate); //
       QTextStream escribir(&archivo);
       QTextStream escribir1(&archivo1);
       for(int i=0; i<lista.size();i++){
          QString txt= lista[i]->getplaca()+","+lista[i]->getmarca()+","+QString::number(lista[i]->getcilindraje());
             escribir << txt <<endl;
             QString subtxt =lista[i]->getplaca();
             for(int r=0; r<lista[i]->getLista().size();r++){
                 subtxt +=lista[i]->getLista()[r].toString();

        escribir1 << subtxt <<endl;


       for(int i=0; i<lista.size();i++){
    } else {
      QMessageBox::about(this,"Control de Eliminacion","Proceso Cancelado");

Ejemplo n.º 18
QList< QUrl > Index::query(const QStringList &terms, const QStringList &termSeq, const QStringList &seqWords, EBook *chmFile )
	QList<Term> termList;

	QStringList::ConstIterator it = terms.begin();
	for ( it = terms.begin(); it != terms.end(); ++it )
		Entry *e = 0;
		if ( dict[ *it ] )
			e = dict[ *it ];
			termList.append( Term( *it, e->documents.count(), e->documents ) );
			return QList< QUrl >();
	if ( !termList.count() )
		return QList< QUrl >();
	qSort( termList );

	QVector<Document> minDocs = termList.takeFirst().documents;
	for(QList<Term>::Iterator it = termList.begin(); it != termList.end(); ++it) {
		Term *t = &(*it);
		QVector<Document> docs = t->documents;
		for(QVector<Document>::Iterator minDoc_it = minDocs.begin(); minDoc_it != minDocs.end(); ) {
			bool found = false;
			for (QVector<Document>::ConstIterator doc_it = docs.constBegin(); doc_it != docs.constEnd(); ++doc_it ) {
				if ( (*minDoc_it).docNumber == (*doc_it).docNumber ) {
					(*minDoc_it).frequency += (*doc_it).frequency;
					found = true;
			if ( !found )
				minDoc_it = minDocs.erase( minDoc_it );

	QList< QUrl > results;
	qSort( minDocs );
	if ( termSeq.isEmpty() ) {
		for(QVector<Document>::Iterator it = minDocs.begin(); it != minDocs.end(); ++it)
			results << docList.at((int)(*it).docNumber);
		return results;

	QUrl fileName;
	for(QVector<Document>::Iterator it = minDocs.begin(); it != minDocs.end(); ++it) {
		fileName =  docList[ (int)(*it).docNumber ];
		if ( searchForPhrases( termSeq, seqWords, fileName, chmFile ) )
			results << fileName;
	return results;
Ejemplo n.º 19
QVector<QVector<double>> inverse(QVector<QVector<double>> a)
    int m = a.size();
    int n = a.front().size();
        qDebug() << "n!=m";
        return a;

    //Единичная матрица
    QVector<double> e(n,0);
    QVector<QVector<double>> one(n,e);
    for(int i =0; i<n;i++)
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)

    int nn=n+n;
    //Прямой ход
    for(int k = 0; k < m; k++)
        double akk = a[k][k];
            qDebug() << "front element equal 0";
        for(int i = 0; i<nn; i++)
        for(int i = k+1; i<m; i++)
            double front_el = a[i][k];
            for(int j = k; j<nn; j++)

    for(int k = m-1; k>=0; k--)
        for(int i = k-1; i>=0; i--)
            double front_el = a[i][k];
            for(int j = k; j<nn;j++)
    QVector<QVector<double>> L;
    for(int i = 0; i<m;i++)
        QVector<double> tmp;
        tmp = a[i];
    return a;
void QDeclarativeChangeSet::applyRemovals(QVector<Remove> &removals, QVector<Insert> &insertions)
    int removeCount = 0;
    int insertCount = 0;
    QVector<Insert>::iterator insert = m_inserts.begin();
    QVector<Change>::iterator change = m_changes.begin();
    QVector<Remove>::iterator rit = removals.begin();
    for (; rit != removals.end(); ++rit) {
        int index = rit->index + removeCount;
        int count = rit->count;

        QVector<Insert>::iterator iit = insertions.begin();
        for (; rit->moveId != -1 && iit != insertions.end() && iit->moveId != rit->moveId; ++iit) {}
        for (; change != m_changes.end() && change->end() < rit->index; ++change) {}
        for (; change != m_changes.end() && change->index > rit->end(); ++change) {
            change->count -= qMin(change->end(), rit->end()) - qMax(change->index, rit->index);
            if (change->count == 0) {
                change = m_changes.erase(change);
            } else if (rit->index < change->index) {
                change->index = rit->index;
        for (; insert != m_inserts.end() && insert->end() <= index; ++insert) {
            insertCount += insert->count;
            insert->index -= removeCount;
        for (; insert != m_inserts.end() && insert->index < index + count; ++insert) {
            const int offset = insert->index - index;
            const int difference = qMin(insert->end(), index + count) - qMax(insert->index, index);
            const int moveId = rit->moveId != -1 ? m_moveCounter++ : -1;
            if (insert->moveId != -1) {
                QVector<Remove>::iterator remove = m_removes.begin();
                for (; remove != m_removes.end() && remove->moveId != insert->moveId; ++remove) {}
                Q_ASSERT(remove != m_removes.end());
                const int offset = index - insert->index;
                if (rit->moveId != -1 && offset < 0) {
                    const int moveId = m_moveCounter++;
                    iit = insertions.insert(iit, Insert(iit->index, -offset, moveId));
                    iit->index += -offset;
                    iit->count -= -offset;
                    rit = removals.insert(rit, Remove(rit->index, -offset, moveId));
                    rit->count -= -offset;

                if (offset > 0) {
                    const int moveId = m_moveCounter++;
                    insert = m_inserts.insert(insert, Insert(insert->index, offset, moveId));
                    insert->index += offset;
                    insert->count -= offset;
                    remove = m_removes.insert(remove, Remove(remove->index, offset, moveId));
                    remove->count -= offset;
                    rit->index -= offset;
                    index += offset;
                    count -= offset;

                if (remove->count == difference) {
                    remove->moveId = moveId;
                } else {
                    remove = m_removes.insert(remove, Remove(remove->index, difference, moveId));
                    remove->count -= difference;
            } else if (rit->moveId != -1 && offset > 0) {
                const int moveId = m_moveCounter++;
                iit = insertions.insert(iit, Insert(iit->index, offset, moveId));
                iit->index += offset;
                iit->count -= offset;
                rit = removals.insert(rit, Remove(rit->index, offset, moveId));
                rit->count -= offset;
                index += offset;
                count -= offset;

            if (rit->moveId != -1 && difference > 0) {
                iit = insertions.insert(iit, Insert(iit->index, difference, moveId));
                iit->index += difference;
                iit->count -= difference;

            insert->count -= difference;
            rit->count -= difference;
            if (insert->count == 0) {
                insert = m_inserts.erase(insert);
            } else if (index <= insert->index) {
                insert->index = rit->index;
            } else {
                rit->index -= insert->count;
            index += difference;
            count -= difference;
            removeCount += difference;
        rit->index -= insertCount;
        removeCount += rit->count;

        if (rit->count == 0) {
            if (rit->moveId != -1 && iit->count == 0)
            rit = removals.erase(rit);
        } else if (rit->moveId != -1) {
            const int moveId = m_moveCounter++;
            rit->moveId = moveId;
            iit->moveId = moveId;
    for (; change != m_changes.end(); ++change)
        change->index -= removeCount;
    for (; insert != m_inserts.end(); ++insert)
        insert->index -= removeCount;

    removeCount = 0;
    QVector<Remove>::iterator remove = m_removes.begin();
    for (rit = removals.begin(); rit != removals.end(); ++rit) {
        QVector<Insert>::iterator iit = insertions.begin();
        int index = rit->index + removeCount;
        for (; rit->moveId != -1 && iit != insertions.end() && iit->moveId != rit->moveId; ++iit) {}
        for (; remove != m_removes.end() && index > remove->index; ++remove)
            remove->index -= removeCount;
        while (remove != m_removes.end() && index + rit->count > remove->index) {
            int count = 0;
            const int offset = remove->index - index - removeCount;
            QVector<Remove>::iterator rend = remove;
            for (; rend != m_removes.end()
                    && rit->moveId == -1
                    && rend->moveId == -1
                    && rit->index + rit->count > rend->index; ++rend) {
                count += rend->count;
            if (remove != rend) {
                const int difference = rend == m_removes.end() || rit->index + rit->count < rend->index - removeCount
                        ? rit->count
                        : offset;
                count += difference;

                index += difference;
                rit->count -= difference;
                removeCount += difference;

                remove->index = rit->index;
                remove->count = count;
                remove = m_removes.erase(++remove, rend);
            } else if (rit->moveId != -1) {
                if (offset > 0) {
                    const int moveId = m_moveCounter++;
                    iit = insertions.insert(iit, Insert(iit->index, offset, moveId));
                    iit->index += offset;
                    iit->count -= offset;
                    remove = m_removes.insert(remove, Remove(rit->index, offset, moveId));
                    rit->count -= offset;
                remove->index = rit->index;
                index += offset;
                removeCount += offset;

            } else {
                if (offset > 0) {
                    remove = m_removes.insert(remove, Remove(rit->index, offset));
                    rit->count -= offset;
                remove->index = rit->index;
                index += offset;
                removeCount += offset;

            index += count;
            rit->count -= count;

        if (rit->count > 0) {
            remove = m_removes.insert(remove, *rit);
        removeCount += rit->count;
    for (; remove != m_removes.end(); ++remove)
        remove->index -= removeCount;
Ejemplo n.º 21
	Initialized the ProxyBase Object. This needs to be run before any other functions are called.

	See the class description for an example of how to use this function

	@param funclist A list of strings to be used when searching for functions calls
	@param callbacklist A list of strings to used when searching for callbacks
	@param eventlist A list of strings to used when searching for events
void ProxyBase::init(QStringList functionlist, QStringList callbacklist, QStringList eventlist)
	QMutexLocker locker(&qxt_d().mutex);
	//Initialize method counters
	int numfunctions = 1000;

	//clear old lists in case init() is run twice

	//Get the meta object so we can see signals and slots
	const QMetaObject *meta = metaObject();
	//Get the number of methods
	int methods = meta->methodCount();

	//loop through all the methods
	for (int i = 0; i < methods; i++)
		QMetaMethod method = meta->method(i);
		QString type = method.typeName();
		Signature sig(method.signature());

		// This checks to see if it's a cloned signal, and continues if it is...
		// Undocumented private API ftl!!!
		if (method.attributes() && 2)

		switch (method.methodType())
			case QMetaMethod::Signal:
				if (functionlist.contains(type))
					//If a function begins with QObject*, char*, then its an asyn function
					if (sig.numArgs() >= 2 && sig.arg(0) == "QObject*" && (sig.arg(1) == "const char*" || sig.arg(1) == "char*"))
						qxt_d().asyncfunctions << numfunctions; //add this function id to the list of async functions

						QVector<QString> args = sig.args(); //get the list of arguments
						//remove the first two arguments
						sig.setArgs(args); //update the argument list with the new list
					//connect the signal to a local event
					meta->connect(this, i, this, numfunctions, Qt::DirectConnection);
					qxt_d().functions[numfunctions] = sig;
					qxt_d().functiontypes[numfunctions] = method.typeName();
				else if (eventlist.contains(type))
					qxt_d().signalHash[i] = sig;
				//if its not one of the two, we don't care about it

			case QMetaMethod::Slot:
				if (callbacklist.contains(type))
					qxt_d().callbacks[i] = sig;

				//We don't really care about other types of methods
Ejemplo n.º 22
void OsmAnd::Utilities::scanlineFillPolygon(const unsigned int verticesCount, const PointF* vertices, std::function<void(const PointI&)> fillPoint)
    // Find min-max of Y
    float yMinF, yMaxF;
    yMinF = yMaxF = vertices[0].y;
    for(auto idx = 1u; idx < verticesCount; idx++)
        const auto& y = vertices[idx].y;
        if (y > yMaxF)
            yMaxF = y;
        if (y < yMinF)
            yMinF = y;
    const auto rowMin = qFloor(yMinF);
    const auto rowMax = qFloor(yMaxF);

    // Build set of edges
    struct Edge
        const PointF* v0;
        int startRow;
        const PointF* v1;
        int endRow;
        float xOrigin;
        float slope;
        int nextRow;
    QVector<Edge*> edges;
    auto edgeIdx = 0u;
    for(auto idx = 0u, prevIdx = verticesCount - 1; idx < verticesCount; prevIdx = idx++)
        auto v0 = &vertices[prevIdx];
        auto v1 = &vertices[idx];

        if (v0->y == v1->y)
            // Horizontal edge
            auto edge = new Edge();
            edge->v0 = v0;
            edge->v1 = v1;
            edge->startRow = qFloor(edge->v0->y);
            edge->endRow = qFloor(edge->v1->y);
            edge->xOrigin = edge->v0->x;
            edge->slope = 0;
            edge->nextRow = qFloor(edge->v0->y) + 1;
            //LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Debug, "Edge %p y(%d %d)(%f %f), next row = %d", edge, edge->startRow, edge->endRow, edge->v0->y, edge->v1->y, edge->nextRow);


        const PointF* pLower = nullptr;
        const PointF* pUpper = nullptr;
        if (v0->y < v1->y)
            // Up-going edge
            pLower = v0;
            pUpper = v1;
        else if (v0->y > v1->y)
            // Down-going edge
            pLower = v1;
            pUpper = v0;

        // Fill edge 
        auto edge = new Edge();
        edge->v0 = pLower;
        edge->v1 = pUpper;
        edge->startRow = qFloor(edge->v0->y);
        edge->endRow = qFloor(edge->v1->y);
        edge->slope = (edge->v1->x - edge->v0->x) / (edge->v1->y - edge->v0->y);
        edge->xOrigin = edge->v0->x - edge->slope * (edge->v0->y - qFloor(edge->v0->y));
        edge->nextRow = qFloor(edge->v1->y) + 1;
        for(auto vertexIdx = 0u; vertexIdx < verticesCount; vertexIdx++)
            const auto& v = vertices[vertexIdx];

            if (v.y > edge->v0->y && qFloor(v.y) < edge->nextRow)
                edge->nextRow = qFloor(v.y);
        //LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Debug, "Edge %p y(%d %d)(%f %f), next row = %d", edge, edge->startRow, edge->endRow, edge->v0->y, edge->v1->y, edge->nextRow);

    // Sort edges by ascending Y
    qSort(edges.begin(), edges.end(), [](Edge* l, Edge* r) -> bool
        return l->v0->y > r->v0->y;

    // Loop in [yMin .. yMax]
    QVector<Edge*> aet;
    for(auto rowIdx = rowMin; rowIdx <= rowMax;)
        //LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Debug, "------------------ %d -----------------", rowIdx);

        // Find active edges
        int nextRow = rowMax;
        for(const auto& edge : constOf(edges))
            const auto isHorizontal = (edge->startRow == edge->endRow);
            if (nextRow > edge->nextRow && edge->nextRow > rowIdx && !isHorizontal)
                nextRow = edge->nextRow;

            if (edge->startRow != rowIdx)

            if (isHorizontal)
                // Fill horizontal edge
                const auto xMin = qFloor(qMin(edge->v0->x, edge->v1->x));
                const auto xMax = qFloor(qMax(edge->v0->x, edge->v1->x));
                /*for(auto x = xMin; x <= xMax; x++)
                    fillPoint(PointI(x, rowIdx));*/

            //LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Debug, "line %d. Adding edge %p y(%f %f)", rowIdx, edge, edge->v0->y, edge->v1->y);

        // If there are no active edges, we've finished filling
        if (aet.isEmpty())
        assert(aet.size() % 2 == 0);

        // Sort aet by X
        qSort(aet.begin(), aet.end(), [](Edge* l, Edge* r) -> bool
            return l->v0->x > r->v0->x;

        // Find next row
        for(; rowIdx < nextRow; rowIdx++)
            const unsigned int pairsCount = aet.size() / 2;

            auto itEdgeL = aet.cbegin();
            auto itEdgeR = itEdgeL + 1;

            for(auto pairIdx = 0u; pairIdx < pairsCount; pairIdx++, itEdgeL = ++itEdgeR, ++itEdgeR)
                auto lEdge = *itEdgeL;
                auto rEdge = *itEdgeR;

                // Fill from l to r
                auto lXf = lEdge->xOrigin + (rowIdx - lEdge->startRow + 0.5f) * lEdge->slope;
                auto rXf = rEdge->xOrigin + (rowIdx - rEdge->startRow + 0.5f) * rEdge->slope;
                auto xMinF = qMin(lXf, rXf);
                auto xMaxF = qMax(lXf, rXf);
                auto xMin = qFloor(xMinF);
                auto xMax = qFloor(xMaxF);

                LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Debug, "line %d from %d(%f) to %d(%f)", rowIdx, xMin, xMinF, xMax, xMaxF);
                /*for(auto x = xMin; x <= xMax; x++)
                    fillPoint(PointI(x, rowIdx));*/

        // Deactivate those edges that have end at yNext
        for(auto itEdge = aet.begin(); itEdge != aet.end();)
            auto edge = *itEdge;

            if (edge->endRow <= nextRow)
                // When we're done processing the edge, fill it Y-by-X
                auto startCol = qFloor(edge->v0->x);
                auto endCol = qFloor(edge->v1->x);
                auto revSlope = 1.0f / edge->slope;
                auto yOrigin = edge->v0->y - revSlope * (edge->v0->x - qFloor(edge->v0->x));
                auto xMax = qMax(startCol, endCol);
                auto xMin = qMin(startCol, endCol);
                for(auto colIdx = xMin; colIdx <= xMax; colIdx++)
                    auto yf = yOrigin + (colIdx - startCol + 0.5f) * revSlope;
                    auto y = qFloor(yf);

                    LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Debug, "col %d(s%d) added Y = %d (%f)", colIdx, colIdx - startCol, y, yf);
                    fillPoint(PointI(colIdx, y));

                auto yMax = qMax(edge->startRow, edge->endRow);
                auto yMin = qMin(edge->startRow, edge->endRow);
                for(auto rowIdx_ = yMin; rowIdx_ <= yMax; rowIdx_++)
                    auto xf = edge->xOrigin + (rowIdx_ - edge->startRow + 0.5f) * edge->slope;
                    auto x = qFloor(xf);

                    LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Debug, "row %d(s%d) added Y = %d (%f)", rowIdx_, rowIdx_ - edge->startRow, x, xf);
                    fillPoint(PointI(x, rowIdx_));

                //LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Debug, "line %d. Removing edge %p y(%f %f)", rowIdx, edge, edge->v0->y, edge->v1->y);
                itEdge = aet.erase(itEdge);

    // Cleanup
    for(const auto& edge : constOf(edges))
        delete edge;