void CSMPackageInstallDlg::OnOK()
    // TODO: Add extra validation here

    int ProgressInit = 0;

    m_comboDir.EnableWindow( FALSE );
    m_buttonEdit.EnableWindow( FALSE );

    RString sInstallDir;
        CString s;
        m_comboDir.GetWindowText( s );
        sInstallDir = s;

    // selected install dir becomes the new default
    int iSelectedInstallDirIndex = m_comboDir.GetCurSel();
    if( iSelectedInstallDirIndex == -1 )
        Dialog::OK( NO_INSTALLATIONS.GetValue() );

    SMPackageUtil::SetDefaultInstallDir( iSelectedInstallDirIndex );

    // mount the zip
    RageFileOsAbsolute file;
    if( !file.Open(m_sPackagePath) )
        Dialog::OK( ssprintf(COULD_NOT_OPEN_FILE.GetValue(),m_sPackagePath.c_str()) );
        exit(1);	// better way to abort?

    RageFileDriverZip zip;
    if( !zip.Load(&file) )
        Dialog::OK( ssprintf(IS_NOT_A_VALID_ZIP.GetValue(),m_sPackagePath.c_str()) );
        exit(1);	// better way to abort?

    RageFileDriverDirect dir( sInstallDir );
    // handle error?

    // Show comment (if any)
        RString sComment = zip.GetGlobalComment();
        bool DontShowComment;
        if( sComment != "" && (!SMPackageUtil::GetPref("DontShowComment", DontShowComment) || !DontShowComment) )
            ShowComment commentDlg;
            commentDlg.m_sComment = sComment;
            int nResponse = commentDlg.DoModal();
            if( nResponse != IDOK )
                return;	// cancelled
            if( commentDlg.m_bDontShow )
                SMPackageUtil::SetPref( "DontShowComment", true );

    /* Check for installed packages that should be deleted before installing. */
    if( !CheckPackages(zip) )
        return;	// cancelled

    // Unzip the SMzip package into the installation folder
    vector<RString> vs;
    GetSmzipFilesToExtract( zip, vs );
    for( unsigned i=0; i<vs.size(); i++ )
        // Throw some text up so the user has something to look at during the long pause.
        CEdit* pEdit1 = (CEdit*)GetDlgItem(IDC_STATIC_MESSAGE1);
        pEdit1->SetWindowText( ssprintf(INSTALLING_PLEASE_WAIT.GetValue(), m_sPackagePath.c_str()) );
        CEdit* pEdit2 = (CEdit*)GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_MESSAGE2);
        pEdit2->SetWindowText( "" );
        GetDlgItem(IDC_STATIC_MESSAGE2)->ShowWindow( SW_HIDE );
        CProgressCtrl* pProgress1 = (CProgressCtrl*)GetDlgItem(IDC_PROGRESS1);
        //Show the hided progress bar
        //Initialize the progress bar and update the window 1 time (it's enough)
            pProgress1->SetRange( 0, (short)vs.size() );
            SendMessage( WM_PAINT );
            UpdateWindow();		// Force the silly thing to hadle WM_PAINT now!
            ProgressInit = 1;

        Dialog::Result result;
            // Extract the files
            const RString sFile = vs[i];
            LOG->Trace( "Extracting: "+sFile );

            RString sError;
                int iErr;
                RageFileBasic *pFileFrom = zip.Open( sFile, RageFile::READ, iErr );
                if( pFileFrom == NULL )
                    sError = ssprintf( ERROR_OPENING_SOURCE_FILE.GetValue(), sFile.c_str(), ssprintf("%d",iErr).c_str() );
                    goto show_error;

                int iError;
                RageFileBasic *pFileTo = dir.Open( sFile, RageFile::WRITE, iError );
                if( pFileTo == NULL )
                    sError = ssprintf( ERROR_OPENING_DESTINATION_FILE.GetValue(), sFile.c_str(), pFileTo->GetError().c_str() );
                    goto show_error;

                RString sErr;
                if( !FileCopy(*pFileFrom, *pFileTo, sErr) )
                    sError = ssprintf( ERROR_COPYING_FILE.GetValue(), sFile.c_str(), sErr.c_str() );
                    goto show_error;

                SAFE_DELETE( pFileFrom );
                SAFE_DELETE( pFileTo );


            Dialog::Result result = Dialog::AbortRetryIgnore(sError);
            switch( result )
            case Dialog::abort:
                exit(1);	// better way to exit?
            case Dialog::retry:
            case Dialog::ignore:
                // do nothing
        } while( result == Dialog::retry );

        pProgress1->StepIt(); //increase the progress bar of 1 step


    // close the dialog
Beispiel #2
void ScreenArcadePatch::PatchMain()

        /* NOTE: we used to look for OpenITG prefixed updates also, but the
         * original ITG binary does not, so if we want people to be able to
         * upgrade directly from ITG to OITG, we have to continue to use the
         * "ITG 2 " prefix.  Sad times. */

	/* set up patterns to match */
	CStringArray vsPatterns;
	vsPatterns.push_back( "ITG 2 *.itg" );

	/* check to see if either player has patches */
	PlayerNumber pn = PLAYER_INVALID;

	/* HasPatch() will early abort for us, due to the size() check,
	 * if P1 and P2 both have patches. We just want the first one. */
	FOREACH_PlayerNumber( p )
		if( this->HasPatch(p, vsPatterns) )
			pn = p;

	/* no matches on either card. */
	if( pn == PLAYER_INVALID )
		m_State = PATCH_NONE;

	/* set the help text to the patch name, blank the patch text */
	m_textHelp->SetText( m_vsPatches[0] );
	PATCH_TEXT( "" );

	/* set up the key paths we want to verify against */
	CStringArray vsRSAPaths;
	vsRSAPaths.push_back( "Data/Patch-OpenITG.rsa" );
	vsRSAPaths.push_back( "Data/Patch.rsa" );

	/* create the path for the patch file */
	CString sPatchFile = m_sProfileDir + m_vsPatches[0];

	// copy the patch file into memory
	// TODO: see if we can FILEMAN->GetFileDriver( "/@mem/" ).
	m_MemDriver = new RageFileDriverMem;

	int iError = 0;
	m_PatchFile = m_MemDriver->Open( ITG_TEMP_FILE, RageFile::WRITE, iError );
	if( iError != 0 )
		STATE_TEXT( ssprintf("Failed to open temporary file:\n%s", strerror(iError)) );
		m_State = PATCH_ERROR;

	/* give up to an hour for the data to copy */
	MEMCARDMAN->MountCard( pn, 3600 );

	RageFile patch;
	if( !patch.Open(sPatchFile) )
		STATE_TEXT( ssprintf("Failed to open patch file (%s):\n%s",
			sPatchFile.c_str(), patch.GetError().c_str()) );

		m_State = PATCH_ERROR;

	if( m_State == PATCH_ERROR )

	CString sError;
	if( FileCopy( patch, *m_PatchFile, sError, &UpdateProgress) )
		STATE_TEXT( "Patch copied! Checking..." );
		PATCH_TEXT( "" );
		STATE_TEXT( ssprintf("Patch copying failed:\n" "%s", sError.c_str()) );
		m_State = PATCH_ERROR;

	MEMCARDMAN->UnmountCard( pn );

	if( m_State == PATCH_ERROR )

	/* re-open the patch file read-open. this should not fail. */
	m_PatchFile = m_MemDriver->Open( ITG_TEMP_FILE, RageFile::READ, iError );

	if( !this->VerifyPatch(m_PatchFile, vsRSAPaths) )
		PATCH_TEXT( "" );
		m_State = PATCH_ERROR;

	/* reset the error checker */
	iError = 0;

	/* check the XML data */
	CString sGame, sSuccessMessage;
	int iPatchRevision;

	/* open our new copy and read from it */
	RageFileDriverZip *fZip = new RageFileDriverZip( m_PatchFile );

	// we'll catch this in a bit, after we've freed our memory
	if( !this->GetXMLData(fZip, sGame, sSuccessMessage, iPatchRevision) )
		m_State = PATCH_ERROR;


	// if the XML get earlier failed, return now.
	if( m_State == PATCH_ERROR )

	// accept patches for oITG or ITG2
	if( sGame != "OpenITG" && sGame != "In The Groove 2" )
		sError = ssprintf( "revision is for another game\n" "(\"%s\")", sGame.c_str() );
		STATE_TEXT( ssprintf("Cannot proceed: %s", sError.c_str()) );
		m_State = PATCH_ERROR;

	int iCurrentRevision = DiagnosticsUtil::GetRevision();

	// HACK: allow any patch at all if it's revision 1.
	if( iCurrentRevision != 1 && iCurrentRevision == iPatchRevision )
		sError = ssprintf( "patch revision (%d) matches the machine revision.", iPatchRevision );
		STATE_TEXT( ssprintf("Cannot proceed: %s", sError.c_str()) );
		m_State = PATCH_ERROR;

	/* wipe any unsucessful or unused patch data */
	DeleteRecursive( TEMP_PATCH_DIR );
	DeleteRecursive( FINAL_PATCH_DIR );


	/* re-open the ZIP file now */
	fZip = new RageFileDriverZip;
	if( !fZip->Load(m_PatchFile) )
		PATCH_TEXT( "Failed to re-open ZIP file!" );
		m_State = PATCH_ERROR;

	CStringArray vsDirs, vsFiles;
	vsDirs.push_back( "/" );

	/* find all the files we're going to write with a recursive check */
	while( vsDirs.size() )
		CString sDir = vsDirs.back();

		fZip->GetDirListing( sDir + "/*", vsFiles, false, true );
		fZip->GetDirListing( sDir + "/*", vsDirs, true, true );

	PATCH_TEXT( "Extracting files..." );

	/* write them now */
	for( unsigned i = 0; i < vsFiles.size(); i++ )
		const CString &sPath = vsFiles[i];
		CString sCleanPath = sPath;
		TrimLeft( sCleanPath, "/" );

		if( fZip->GetFileType(sPath) != RageFileManager::TYPE_FILE )

		LOG->Trace( "ScreenArcadePatch: copying file \"%s\"", sCleanPath.c_str() );
		PATCH_TEXT( ssprintf("Extracting files...\n" "%s", sCleanPath.c_str()) );

		RageFileBasic *fCopyFrom = fZip->Open( sPath, RageFile::READ, iError );

		RageFile fCopyTo;
		fCopyTo.Open( TEMP_PATCH_DIR + sCleanPath, RageFile::WRITE );

		if( !FileCopy(*fCopyFrom, fCopyTo) )
			PATCH_TEXT( ssprintf("Could not copy \"%s\":\n" "%s", sCleanPath.c_str(),sError.c_str()) );

			m_State = PATCH_ERROR;
			SAFE_DELETE( fCopyFrom );
			SAFE_DELETE( fZip );

		SAFE_DELETE( fCopyFrom );

/* set CHMOD info */
#ifdef LINUX
		/* get the actual path to the files */
		CString sRealPath = ResolveTempFilePath( sCleanPath );

		const RageFileDriverZip::FileInfo *fi = fZip->GetFileInfo( sPath );
		int ret = chmod( sRealPath.c_str(), fi->m_iFilePermissions );

		LOG->Trace( "chmod( %s, %#o ) returned %i", sRealPath.c_str(), fi->m_iFilePermissions, ret );
#endif // LINUX


	/* clear the previous copying text */
	STATE_TEXT( "Finalizing patch data..." );
	PATCH_TEXT( "" );

#ifdef LINUX
	sync(); sleep(5);

	/* we've successfully copied everything. now, move the directory and we're done. */
		STATE_TEXT( sSuccessMessage );
		STATE_TEXT( "Failed to finalize patch data!\nCheck your system permissions" );
		m_State = PATCH_ERROR;
static bool CheckPackages( RageFileDriverZip &fileDriver )
    int iErr;
    RageFileBasic *pFile = fileDriver.Open( "smzip.ctl", RageFile::READ, iErr );
    if( pFile == NULL )
        return true;

    IniFile ini;
    ini.ReadFile( *pFile );

    int version = 0;
    ini.GetValue( "SMZIP", "Version", version );
    if( version != 1 )
        return true;

    int cnt = 0;
    ini.GetValue( "Packages", "NumPackages", cnt );

    vector<RString> vsDirectories;
    for( int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i )
        RString path;
        if( !ini.GetValue( "Packages", ssprintf("%i", i), path) )

        /* Does this directory exist? */
        if( !FILEMAN->IsADirectory(path) )

        if( !SMPackageUtil::IsValidPackageDirectory(path) )


    if( vsDirectories.empty() )
        return true;

        UninstallOld UninstallOldDlg;
        UninstallOldDlg.m_sPackages = join("\r\n", vsDirectories);
        int nResponse = UninstallOldDlg.DoModal();
        if( nResponse == IDCANCEL )
            return false;	// cancelled
        if( nResponse == IDIGNORE )
            return true;

    char cwd_[MAX_PATH];
    _getcwd(cwd_, MAX_PATH);
    RString cwd(cwd_);
    if( cwd[cwd.size()-1] != '\\' )
        cwd += "\\";

    for( int i = 0; i < (int)vsDirectories.size(); ++i )
        RString sDir = vsDirectories[i];
        sDir += "/";
        if( !DeleteRecursive(sDir) )	// error deleting
            return false;

    return true;