void gpuPSApp::computeAttractorPosition()
    // The attractor is positioned at the intersection of a ray
    // from the mouse to a plane perpendicular to the camera.
    float t = 0;
    Vec3f right, up;
    mMayaCam.getCamera().getBillboardVectors(&right, &up);
    CameraPersp cam = mMayaCam.getCamera();
    float u = mMousePos.x / (float) getWindowWidth();
    float v = mMousePos.y / (float) getWindowHeight();
    Ray ray = cam.generateRay(u , 1.0f - v, cam.getAspectRatio() );
    if (ray.calcPlaneIntersection(Vec3f(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f), right.cross(up), &t)) {
void RodSoundApp::mouseDrag(MouseEvent event)
  if (!running) return;
  Vec2i mouse = event.getPos();
  Vec2i windowSize = getWindowSize();
  Ray r = cam.generateRay((real)mouse.x/windowSize.x,
                          1.0 - (real)mouse.y/windowSize.y,
  float t;
  if(!r.calcPlaneIntersection(targetPos, targetPos-eyePos, &t)) {
    std::cerr << "Mouse ray did not intersect plane!\n";
  mousePosition = r.calcPosition(t);