bool SCH_EDIT_FRAME::doAutoSave()
    wxFileName tmpFileName = g_RootSheet->GetFileName();
    wxFileName fn = tmpFileName;
    wxFileName  tmp;
    SCH_SCREENS screens;
    bool autoSaveOk = true;

    tmp.AssignDir( fn.GetPath() );

    if( !IsWritable( tmp ) )
        return false;

    for( SCH_SCREEN* screen = screens.GetFirst(); screen != NULL; screen = screens.GetNext() )
        // Only create auto save files for the schematics that have been modified.
        if( !screen->IsSave() )

        tmpFileName = fn = screen->GetFileName();

        // Auto save file name is the normal file name prefixed with $.
        fn.SetName( wxT( "$" ) + fn.GetName() );

        screen->SetFileName( fn.GetFullPath() );

        if( SaveEEFile( screen, false, NO_BACKUP_FILE ) )
            autoSaveOk = false;

        screen->SetFileName( tmpFileName.GetFullPath() );

    if( autoSaveOk )
        m_autoSaveState = false;

    return autoSaveOk;
bool DIALOG_SYMBOL_REMAP::backupProject( REPORTER& aReporter )
    static wxString backupFolder = "rescue-backup";

    wxString tmp;
    wxString errorMsg;
    wxFileName srcFileName;
    wxFileName destFileName;
    wxFileName backupPath;
    SCH_SCREENS schematic;

    // Copy backup files to different folder so as not to pollute the project folder.
    destFileName.SetPath( Prj().GetProjectPath() );
    destFileName.AppendDir( backupFolder );
    backupPath = destFileName;

    if( !destFileName.DirExists() )
        if( !destFileName.Mkdir() )
            errorMsg.Printf( _( "Cannot create project remap back up folder \"%s\"." ),
                             destFileName.GetPath() );

            wxMessageDialog dlg( this, errorMsg, _( "Backup Error" ),
                                 wxYES_NO | wxCENTRE | wxRESIZE_BORDER | wxICON_QUESTION );
            dlg.SetYesNoLabels( wxMessageDialog::ButtonLabel( _( "Continue with Rescue" ) ),
                                wxMessageDialog::ButtonLabel( _( "Abort Rescue" ) ) );

            if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_NO )
                return false;

    // Time stamp to append to file name in case multiple remappings are performed.
    wxString timeStamp = wxDateTime::Now().Format( "-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S" );

    // Back up symbol library table.
    srcFileName.SetPath( Prj().GetProjectPath() );
    srcFileName.SetName( SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE::GetSymbolLibTableFileName() );
    destFileName = srcFileName;
    destFileName.AppendDir( backupFolder );
    destFileName.SetName( destFileName.GetName() + timeStamp );

    tmp.Printf( _( "Backing up file \"%s\" to file \"%s\"." ),
                srcFileName.GetFullPath(), destFileName.GetFullPath() );
    aReporter.Report( tmp, REPORTER::RPT_INFO );

    if( wxFileName::Exists( srcFileName.GetFullPath() )
      && !wxCopyFile( srcFileName.GetFullPath(), destFileName.GetFullPath() ) )
        tmp.Printf( _( "Failed to back up file \"%s\".\n" ), srcFileName.GetFullPath() );
        errorMsg += tmp;

    // Back up the schematic files.
    for( SCH_SCREEN* screen = schematic.GetFirst(); screen; screen = schematic.GetNext() )
        destFileName = screen->GetFileName();
        destFileName.SetName( destFileName.GetName() + timeStamp );

        // Check for nest hierarchical schematic paths.
        if( destFileName.GetPath() != backupPath.GetPath() )
            destFileName.SetPath( backupPath.GetPath() );

            wxArrayString srcDirs = wxFileName( screen->GetFileName() ).GetDirs();
            wxArrayString destDirs = wxFileName( Prj().GetProjectPath() ).GetDirs();

            for( size_t i = destDirs.GetCount(); i < srcDirs.GetCount(); i++ )
                destFileName.AppendDir( srcDirs[i] );
            destFileName.AppendDir( backupFolder );

        tmp.Printf( _( "Backing up file \"%s\" to file \"%s\"." ),
                    screen->GetFileName(), destFileName.GetFullPath() );
        aReporter.Report( tmp, REPORTER::RPT_INFO );

        if( !destFileName.DirExists() && !destFileName.Mkdir( wxS_DIR_DEFAULT, wxPATH_MKDIR_FULL ) )
            tmp.Printf( _( "Failed to create backup folder \"%s\"\n" ), destFileName.GetPath() );
            errorMsg += tmp;

        if( wxFileName::Exists( screen->GetFileName() )
          && !wxCopyFile( screen->GetFileName(), destFileName.GetFullPath() ) )
            tmp.Printf( _( "Failed to back up file \"%s\".\n" ), screen->GetFileName() );
            errorMsg += tmp;

    // Back up the project file.
    destFileName = Prj().GetProjectFullName();
    destFileName.SetName( destFileName.GetName() + timeStamp );
    destFileName.AppendDir( backupFolder );

    tmp.Printf( _( "Backing up file \"%s\" to file \"%s\"." ),
                   Prj().GetProjectFullName(), destFileName.GetFullPath() );
    aReporter.Report( tmp, REPORTER::RPT_INFO );

    if( wxFileName::Exists( Prj().GetProjectFullName() )
      && !wxCopyFile( Prj().GetProjectFullName(), destFileName.GetFullPath() ) )
        tmp.Printf( _( "Failed to back up file \"%s\".\n" ), Prj().GetProjectFullName() );
        errorMsg += tmp;

    // Back up the cache library.
    srcFileName.SetPath( Prj().GetProjectPath() );
    srcFileName.SetName( Prj().GetProjectName() + "-cache" );
    srcFileName.SetExt( SchematicLibraryFileExtension );

    destFileName = srcFileName;
    destFileName.SetName( destFileName.GetName() + timeStamp );
    destFileName.AppendDir( backupFolder );

    tmp.Printf( _( "Backing up file \"%s\" to file \"%s\"." ),
                srcFileName.GetFullPath(), destFileName.GetFullPath() );
    aReporter.Report( tmp, REPORTER::RPT_INFO );

    if( srcFileName.Exists()
      && !wxCopyFile( srcFileName.GetFullPath(), destFileName.GetFullPath() ) )
        tmp.Printf( _( "Failed to back up file \"%s\".\n" ), srcFileName.GetFullPath() );
        errorMsg += tmp;

    // Back up the rescue symbol library if it exists.
    srcFileName.SetName( Prj().GetProjectName() + "-rescue" );
    destFileName.SetName( srcFileName.GetName() + timeStamp );

    tmp.Printf( _( "Backing up file \"%s\" to file \"%s\"." ),
                srcFileName.GetFullPath(), destFileName.GetFullPath() );
    aReporter.Report( tmp, REPORTER::RPT_INFO );

    if( srcFileName.Exists()
      && !wxCopyFile( srcFileName.GetFullPath(), destFileName.GetFullPath() ) )
        tmp.Printf( _( "Failed to back up file \"%s\".\n" ), srcFileName.GetFullPath() );
        errorMsg += tmp;

    // Back up the rescue symbol library document file if it exists.
    srcFileName.SetExt( "dcm" );
    destFileName.SetExt( srcFileName.GetExt() );

    tmp.Printf( _( "Backing up file \"%s\" to file \"%s\"." ),
                srcFileName.GetFullPath(), destFileName.GetFullPath() );
    aReporter.Report( tmp, REPORTER::RPT_INFO );

    if( srcFileName.Exists()
      && !wxCopyFile( srcFileName.GetFullPath(), destFileName.GetFullPath() ) )
        tmp.Printf( _( "Failed to back up file \"%s\".\n" ), srcFileName.GetFullPath() );
        errorMsg += tmp;

    if( !errorMsg.IsEmpty() )
        wxMessageDialog dlg( this, _( "Some of the project files could not be backed up." ),
                             _( "Backup Error" ),
                             wxYES_NO | wxCENTRE | wxRESIZE_BORDER | wxICON_QUESTION );
        dlg.SetExtendedMessage( errorMsg );
        dlg.SetYesNoLabels( wxMessageDialog::ButtonLabel( _( "Continue with Rescue" ) ),
                            wxMessageDialog::ButtonLabel( _( "Abort Rescue" ) ) );

        if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_NO )
            return false;

    return true;
    SCH_SCREEN* screen;
    XNODE*     xdesign = node( wxT( "design" ) );
    XNODE*     xtitleBlock;
    XNODE*     xsheet;
    XNODE*     xcomment;
    wxString   sheetTxt;
    wxFileName sourceFileName;

    // the root sheet is a special sheet, call it source
    xdesign->AddChild( node( wxT( "source" ), g_RootSheet->GetScreen()->GetFileName() ) );

    xdesign->AddChild( node( wxT( "date" ), DateAndTime() ) );

    // which Eeschema tool
    xdesign->AddChild( node( wxT( "tool" ), wxT( "Eeschema " ) + GetBuildVersion() ) );

        Export the sheets information
    SCH_SHEET_LIST sheetList( g_RootSheet );

    for( unsigned i = 0;  i < sheetList.size();  i++ )
        screen = sheetList[i].LastScreen();

        xdesign->AddChild( xsheet = node( wxT( "sheet" ) ) );

        // get the string representation of the sheet index number.
        // Note that sheet->GetIndex() is zero index base and we need to increment the
        // number by one to make it human readable
        sheetTxt.Printf( wxT( "%u" ), i + 1 );
        xsheet->AddAttribute( wxT( "number" ), sheetTxt );
        xsheet->AddAttribute( wxT( "name" ), sheetList[i].PathHumanReadable() );
        xsheet->AddAttribute( wxT( "tstamps" ), sheetList[i].Path() );

        TITLE_BLOCK tb = screen->GetTitleBlock();

        xsheet->AddChild( xtitleBlock = node( wxT( "title_block" ) ) );

        xtitleBlock->AddChild( node( wxT( "title" ), tb.GetTitle() ) );
        xtitleBlock->AddChild( node( wxT( "company" ), tb.GetCompany() ) );
        xtitleBlock->AddChild( node( wxT( "rev" ), tb.GetRevision() ) );
        xtitleBlock->AddChild( node( wxT( "date" ), tb.GetDate() ) );

        // We are going to remove the fileName directories.
        sourceFileName = wxFileName( screen->GetFileName() );
        xtitleBlock->AddChild( node( wxT( "source" ), sourceFileName.GetFullName() ) );

        xtitleBlock->AddChild( xcomment = node( wxT( "comment" ) ) );
        xcomment->AddAttribute( wxT("number"), wxT("1") );
        xcomment->AddAttribute( wxT( "value" ), tb.GetComment1() );

        xtitleBlock->AddChild( xcomment = node( wxT( "comment" ) ) );
        xcomment->AddAttribute( wxT("number"), wxT("2") );
        xcomment->AddAttribute( wxT( "value" ), tb.GetComment2() );

        xtitleBlock->AddChild( xcomment = node( wxT( "comment" ) ) );
        xcomment->AddAttribute( wxT("number"), wxT("3") );
        xcomment->AddAttribute( wxT( "value" ), tb.GetComment3() );

        xtitleBlock->AddChild( xcomment = node( wxT( "comment" ) ) );
        xcomment->AddAttribute( wxT("number"), wxT("4") );
        xcomment->AddAttribute( wxT( "value" ), tb.GetComment4() );

    return xdesign;
Beispiel #4
void DIALOG_PLOT_SCHEMATIC::createSVGFile( bool aPrintAll, bool aPrintFrameRef )
    wxString    msg;

    if( aPrintAll )
        SCH_SHEET_PATH* sheetpath;
        SCH_SHEET_PATH  oldsheetpath    = m_parent->GetCurrentSheet();
        SCH_SHEET_LIST  SheetList( NULL );
        sheetpath = SheetList.GetFirst();
        SCH_SHEET_PATH  list;
        WX_TEXT_CTRL_REPORTER reporter(m_MessagesBox);

        for( ; ; )
            if( sheetpath == NULL )

            SCH_SCREEN*  screen;

            if( list.BuildSheetPathInfoFromSheetPathValue( sheetpath->Path() ) )
                m_parent->SetCurrentSheet( list );
                screen = m_parent->GetCurrentSheet().LastScreen();
            else // Should not happen

            sheetpath = SheetList.GetNext();

                wxString fname = m_parent->GetUniqueFilenameForCurrentSheet();
                wxString ext = SVG_PLOTTER::GetDefaultFileExtension();
                wxFileName plotFileName = createPlotFileName( m_outputDirectoryName,
                                          fname, ext, &reporter );

                bool success = plotOneSheetSVG( m_parent, plotFileName.GetFullPath(), screen,
                                                getModeColor() ? false : true,
                                                aPrintFrameRef );

                if( !success )
                    msg.Printf( _( "Error creating file '%s'\n" ),
                                GetChars( plotFileName.GetFullPath() ) );
                    msg.Printf( _( "File '%s' OK\n" ),
                                GetChars( plotFileName.GetFullPath() ) );

                m_MessagesBox->AppendText( msg );
            catch( const IO_ERROR& e )
                // Cannot plot SVG file
                msg.Printf( wxT( "SVG Plotter Exception : '%s'" ), GetChars( e.errorText ) );
                m_MessagesBox->AppendText( msg );

                m_parent->SetCurrentSheet( oldsheetpath );

        m_parent->SetCurrentSheet( oldsheetpath );
    else    // Print current sheet
        SCH_SCREEN* screen = (SCH_SCREEN*) m_parent->GetScreen();

            wxString fname = screen->GetFileName();
            wxString ext = SVG_PLOTTER::GetDefaultFileExtension();
            wxFileName fn = createPlotFileName( m_outputDirectoryName, fname, ext );

            bool success = plotOneSheetSVG( m_parent, fn.GetFullPath(), screen,
                                            getModeColor() ? false : true,
                                            aPrintFrameRef );
            if( success )
                msg.Printf( _( "Plot: <%s> OK\n" ),
                            GetChars( fn.GetFullPath() ) );
            else    // Error
                msg.Printf( _( "Unable to create <%s>\n" ),
                            GetChars( fn.GetFullPath() ) );
            m_MessagesBox->AppendText( msg );
        catch( const IO_ERROR& e )
            // Cannot plot SVG file
            msg.Printf( wxT( "SVG Plotter Exception : <%s>"), GetChars( e.errorText ) );
            m_MessagesBox->AppendText( msg );
void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::OnCloseWindow( wxCloseEvent& aEvent )
    LIB_EDIT_FRAME * libeditFrame = LIB_EDIT_FRAME::GetActiveLibraryEditor();;
    if( libeditFrame && !libeditFrame->Close() )   // Can close component editor?

    LIB_VIEW_FRAME* viewlibFrame = LIB_VIEW_FRAME::GetActiveLibraryViewer( this );
    if( viewlibFrame && !viewlibFrame->Close() )   // Can close component viewer?

    SCH_SHEET_LIST SheetList;

    if( SheetList.IsModified() )
        wxString msg;
        msg.Printf( _("Save the changes in\n<%s>\nbefore closing?"),
                    GetChars( g_RootSheet->GetScreen()->GetFileName() ) );

        int ii = DisplayExitDialog( this, msg );

        switch( ii )
        case wxID_CANCEL:

        case wxID_NO:

        case wxID_YES:
            wxCommandEvent tmp( ID_SAVE_PROJECT );
            OnSaveProject( tmp );

    // Close the find dialog and perserve it's setting if it is displayed.
    if( m_dlgFindReplace )
        m_findDialogPosition = m_dlgFindReplace->GetPosition();
        m_findDialogSize = m_dlgFindReplace->GetSize();
        m_findStringHistoryList = m_dlgFindReplace->GetFindEntries();
        m_replaceStringHistoryList = m_dlgFindReplace->GetReplaceEntries();
        m_dlgFindReplace = NULL;

    SCH_SCREENS screens;
    wxFileName fn;

    for( SCH_SCREEN* screen = screens.GetFirst(); screen != NULL; screen = screens.GetNext() )
        fn = screen->GetFileName();

        // Auto save file name is the normal file name prepended with $.
        fn.SetName( wxT( "$" ) + fn.GetName() );

        if( fn.FileExists() && fn.IsFileWritable() )
            wxRemoveFile( fn.GetFullPath() );


    if( !g_RootSheet->GetScreen()->GetFileName().IsEmpty()
       && (g_RootSheet->GetScreen()->GetDrawItems() != NULL) )
        UpdateFileHistory( g_RootSheet->GetScreen()->GetFileName() );


    // all sub sheets are deleted, only the main sheet is usable
