/// Event handler for the WM_HELP message.
THelpFileManager::EvHelp(const HELPINFO& hi)
  THelpContext context;
  bool success = false;
  uint hlpCmd = HELP_CONTEXTPOPUP;

  if (hi.iContextType == HELPINFO_MENUITEM){
    success = GetHelpContextFromMenu(context, hi.iCtrlId);
    hlpCmd = HELP_CONTEXT;
  else if (hi.iContextType == HELPINFO_WINDOW)
    success = GetHelpContextFromControl(context, hi.iCtrlId, (HWND)hi.hItemHandle);

  LastHit = hi.MousePos;
  if (::GetKeyState(VK_F1) < 0 && ::GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0)
    TWindow* wnd = context.GetWindow();
    TWindow* child = wnd->ChildWithId(hi.iCtrlId);
    LastHit = TPoint(wnd->GetWindowAttr().X + child->GetWindowAttr().X, wnd->GetWindowAttr().Y + child->GetWindowAttr().Y);
  else if(::GetKeyState(VK_F1) < 0)
    LastHit = TPoint(-1, -1);

  if (success)
    ActivateHelp(context.GetWindow(), context.GetHelpFileContextId(), hlpCmd);
Beispiel #2
/// Insert a decoration window at the left of the client area, possibly to the
/// left of another given decoration or the client
TDecoratedFrame::InsertAtLeft(TWindow& decoration, TWindow* insertLeftOf)
  TLayoutMetrics  metrics;
  TWindow*        insertRightOf;

  // Get the layout metrics for "insertLeftOf"(the window the decoration is
  // going to be inserted to the left of)
  GetChildLayoutMetrics(*insertLeftOf, metrics);

  insertRightOf = metrics.X.RelWin;

  // If "insertLeftOf" has a border then set its left edge to be the same as
  // the decoration's right edge; otherwise place its left edge one pixel to
  // the right of the decoration's right edge
                insertLeftOf->GetWindowAttr().Style & WS_BORDER ? lmSameAs : lmRightOf,
                &decoration, lmRight);
  SetChildLayoutMetrics(*insertLeftOf, metrics);

  // Now set the layout metrics for the decoration so it's left edge is the
  // same as the right edge of "insertRightOf"
  bool overlap = (decoration.GetWindowAttr().Style & WS_BORDER);

  metrics.X.Set(lmLeft, overlap ? lmSameAs : lmRightOf, insertRightOf,
                insertRightOf ? lmRight : lmLeft);


  // If the client window & decoration both have or don't have borders then
  // place the decoration so its "y" and "bottom" are the same as the client
  // windows; otherwise place its "y" above/below the client window's "y" and
  // its "bottom" below/above the client window's "bottom" based on who's has
  // borders & who doesn't
  // This way if there are top or bottom decorations they will be tiled
  // over/under the left/right decorations
  if (ToBool(ClientWnd->GetWindowAttr().Style & WS_BORDER) == overlap) {
    metrics.Y.SameAs(ClientWnd, lmTop);
    metrics.Height.SameAs(ClientWnd, lmBottom);
  else if (overlap) {
    metrics.Y.Set(lmTop, lmAbove, ClientWnd, lmTop);
    metrics.Height.Set(lmBottom, lmBelow, ClientWnd, lmBottom);
  else {
    metrics.Y.Set(lmTop, lmBelow, ClientWnd, lmTop);
    metrics.Height.Set(lmBottom, lmAbove, ClientWnd, lmBottom);
  SetChildLayoutMetrics(decoration, metrics);
Beispiel #3
/// Insert a decoration window at the bottom of the client area, possibly below
/// another given decoration or the client
TDecoratedFrame::InsertAtBottom(TWindow& decoration, TWindow* insertBelow)
  TLayoutMetrics  metrics;
  TWindow*        insertAbove;

  // Get the layout metrics for "insertBelow"(the window the decoration is
  // going to be inserted below)
  GetChildLayoutMetrics(*insertBelow, metrics);

  if (insertBelow == ClientWnd) {
    insertAbove = metrics.Height.RelWin;

    // If the client window has a border then set the client window's bottom
    // to be the same as the top edge of the decoration; otherwise set the
    // client window's bottom edge to be above the decoration's top edge
                       ClientWnd->GetWindowAttr().Style & WS_BORDER ? lmSameAs : lmAbove,
                       &decoration, lmTop);
  else {
    insertAbove = metrics.Y.RelWin;

    // Set the bottom edge of "insertBelow" to be the same as the top edge of
    // the decoration
    metrics.Y.Set(lmBottom, lmSameAs, &decoration, lmTop);
  SetChildLayoutMetrics(*insertBelow, metrics);

  // Now set the layout metrics for the decoration so its bottom edge is the
  // same as the top edge of "insertAbove"
  bool overlap = (decoration.GetWindowAttr().Style & WS_BORDER);

  metrics.Y.Set(lmBottom, overlap ? lmSameAs : lmAbove, insertAbove,
                insertAbove ? lmTop : lmBottom);

  metrics.X.Set(lmLeft, overlap ? lmSameAs : lmRightOf, lmParent, lmLeft);
  metrics.Width.Set(lmRight, overlap ? lmSameAs : lmLeftOf, lmParent, lmRight);

  SetChildLayoutMetrics(decoration, metrics);
Beispiel #4
/// Insert a decoration window into position at one of the four edges.
/// After you specify where the decoration should be placed, Insert adds it just
/// above, below, left, or right of the client window. This process is especially
/// important when there are multiple decorations. Insert looks at the decoration's
/// Attr.Style member and checks the WS_VISIBLE flag to tell whether the decoration
/// should initially be visible or hidden.
/// To position the decoration, Insert uses TLocation enum, which describes Top,
/// Left, Bottom, and Right positions where the decoration can be placed.
TDecoratedFrame::Insert(TWindow& decoration, TLocation location)
  // Store away location for remove/re-insetion
  SetLocation(decoration, location);

  // Make sure the decoration has clipsiblings style, since our rearranging
  // causes corners to overlap sometimes.
  ModifyStyle(0, WS_CLIPSIBLINGS);//|WS_CLIPCHILDREN);///????

  // Parent to decframe and remove layoutmetrics in case it's a re-insert

  // If the window should be visible, proceed with insertion.
  // NOTE: Should we check the 'wfInsertAtEdge' flag here? It mostly
  //       important when hiding/showing decorations [i.e. In EvCommand
  //       handler]. However, it would be nice to check for it and use
  //       something other than ClientWnd if necessary.
  if (decoration.GetWindowAttr().Style & WS_VISIBLE) {
    switch (location) {
      case None:
      case Top:
        InsertAtTop(decoration, ClientWnd);
      case Bottom:
        InsertAtBottom(decoration, ClientWnd);
      case Left:
        InsertAtLeft(decoration, ClientWnd);
      case Right:
        InsertAtRight(decoration, ClientWnd);
      default: //JJH added empty default statement
Beispiel #5
/// Insert a decoration window at the top of the client area, possibly above
/// another given decoration or the client
TDecoratedFrame::InsertAtTop(TWindow& decoration, TWindow* insertAbove)
  TLayoutMetrics   metrics;
  TWindow*         insertBelow;

  // Get the layout metrics for "insertAbove" (the window the decoration is
  // going to be inserted above)
  GetChildLayoutMetrics(*insertAbove, metrics);

  insertBelow = metrics.Y.RelWin;

  // If "insertAbove" has a border then set its top edge to be the same as
  // the decoration's bottom edge; otherwise place its top edge below the
  // decoration's bottom edge
                insertAbove->GetWindowAttr().Style & WS_BORDER ? lmSameAs : lmBelow,
                &decoration, lmBottom);
  SetChildLayoutMetrics(*insertAbove, metrics);

  // Now set the layout metrics for the decoration so its top edge is the same
  // as or below the bottom edge of "insertBelow" (they overlap if WS_BORDER)
  // !CQ want to use lmBelow if no border!?
  bool overlap = (decoration.GetWindowAttr().Style & WS_BORDER);

  metrics.Y.Set(lmTop, overlap ? lmSameAs : lmBelow,
                insertBelow, insertBelow ? lmBottom : lmTop);

  metrics.X.Set(lmLeft, overlap ? lmSameAs : lmRightOf, lmParent, lmLeft);
  metrics.Width.Set(lmRight, overlap ? lmSameAs : lmLeftOf, lmParent, lmRight);

  SetChildLayoutMetrics(decoration, metrics);
/// Causes the window to resize and position its children according to the specified
/// metrics. You can call Layout to implement changes that occur in the layout
/// metrics.
  if (ChildMetrics) {
    TChildMetrics*  childMetrics;


    // Initialize the parent's variables
    Variables[2].Value = ClientSize.cx - 1;
    Variables[3].Value = ClientSize.cy - 1;
    TRACEX(OwlLayout, 0, _T("Layout() ClientSize: ") << ClientSize);

    if (hasBorder(this)) {
      int  cxBorder = TUIMetric::CxBorder;
      int  cyBorder = TUIMetric::CyBorder;

      Variables[0].Value = -cxBorder;
      Variables[1].Value = -cyBorder;
      Variables[2].Value += cxBorder;
      Variables[3].Value += cyBorder;
    else {
      Variables[0].Value = 0;
      Variables[1].Value = 0;
    TRACEX(OwlLayout, 1, _T("Layout() Variables: 0=>") << Variables[0] << _T(", 1=>" << Variables[1]<< ", 2=>" << Variables[2]<< ", 3=>") << Variables[3]);

    // Rebuild layout plan if necessary
    if (PlanIsDirty) {
      PlanIsDirty = false;

      for (childMetrics = ChildMetrics; childMetrics;
           childMetrics = childMetrics->Next)

    // Use the plan to calculate actual child window position values

    // Find out how many windows we're dealing with
    int numWindows = 0;
    for (childMetrics = ChildMetrics; childMetrics; childMetrics = childMetrics->Next) {
      TWindow*    win = childMetrics->Child;
      if (win->GetHandle())

    // Helper object to use 'DefWindowPos' API
    TDeferWinPos dwp(numWindows);

    // Do actual resizing
    for (childMetrics = ChildMetrics; childMetrics; childMetrics = childMetrics->Next) {
      TWindow*    win = childMetrics->Child;
      TVariable*  variables = childMetrics->Variables;
      TRACEX(OwlLayout, 0, _T("Layout() variables: ") << variables[0] << _T(',') << 
             variables[1] << _T(',') << variables[2] << _T(',') << variables[3]);

      if (win->GetHandle()) {

          variables[2].Value - variables[0].Value + 1,
          variables[3].Value - variables[1].Value + 1,
        dwp.DeferWindowPos(*win, 0, 
                           variables[2].Value - variables[0].Value + 1,
                           variables[3].Value - variables[1].Value + 1,
                           SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOZORDER);
      else {
        win->GetWindowAttr().X = variables[0].Value;
        win->GetWindowAttr().Y = variables[1].Value;
        win->GetWindowAttr().W = variables[2].Value - variables[0].Value + 1;
        win->GetWindowAttr().H = variables[3].Value - variables[1].Value + 1;
Beispiel #7
inline void SetLocation(TWindow& w, TDecoratedFrame::TLocation loc) {
  w.GetWindowAttr().Style = (w.GetWindowAttr().Style & ~locMask) | (uint32(loc) << locShift);
Beispiel #8
inline TDecoratedFrame::TLocation GetLocation(TWindow& w) {
  return TDecoratedFrame::TLocation(uint16((w.GetWindowAttr().Style & locMask) >> locShift));