Beispiel #1
TEST(RecordIOTest, Simple) {
  TemporaryFile file;
    RecordIOWriter writer(File(file.fd()));
    writer.write(iobufs({"hello ", "world"}));
    RecordIOReader reader(File(file.fd()));
    auto it = reader.begin();
    ASSERT_FALSE(it == reader.end());
    EXPECT_EQ("hello world", sp((it++)->first));
    ASSERT_FALSE(it == reader.end());
    EXPECT_EQ("goodbye", sp((it++)->first));
    EXPECT_TRUE(it == reader.end());
    RecordIOWriter writer(File(file.fd()));
    RecordIOReader reader(File(file.fd()));
    auto it = reader.begin();
    ASSERT_FALSE(it == reader.end());
    EXPECT_EQ("hello world", sp((it++)->first));
    ASSERT_FALSE(it == reader.end());
    EXPECT_EQ("goodbye", sp((it++)->first));
    ASSERT_FALSE(it == reader.end());
    EXPECT_EQ("meow", sp((it++)->first));
    ASSERT_FALSE(it == reader.end());
    EXPECT_EQ("woof", sp((it++)->first));
    EXPECT_TRUE(it == reader.end());
Beispiel #2
TEST(RecordIOTest, SmallRecords) {
  constexpr size_t kSize = 10;
  char tmp[kSize];
  memset(tmp, 'x', kSize);
  TemporaryFile file;
    RecordIOWriter writer(File(file.fd()));
    for (size_t i = 0; i < kSize; ++i) {  // record of size 0 should be ignored
      writer.write(IOBuf::wrapBuffer(tmp, i));
    RecordIOReader reader(File(file.fd()));
    auto it = reader.begin();
    for (size_t i = 1; i < kSize; ++i) {
      ASSERT_FALSE(it == reader.end());
      EXPECT_EQ(StringPiece(tmp, i), sp((it++)->first));
    EXPECT_TRUE(it == reader.end());
Beispiel #3
TEST(RecordIOTest, MultipleFileIds) {
  TemporaryFile file;
    RecordIOWriter writer(File(file.fd()), 1);
    RecordIOWriter writer(File(file.fd()), 2);
    RecordIOWriter writer(File(file.fd()), 1);
    RecordIOReader reader(File(file.fd()), 0);  // return all
    auto it = reader.begin();
    ASSERT_FALSE(it == reader.end());
    EXPECT_EQ("hello", sp((it++)->first));
    ASSERT_FALSE(it == reader.end());
    EXPECT_EQ("world", sp((it++)->first));
    ASSERT_FALSE(it == reader.end());
    EXPECT_EQ("goodbye", sp((it++)->first));
    EXPECT_TRUE(it == reader.end());
    RecordIOReader reader(File(file.fd()), 1);
    auto it = reader.begin();
    ASSERT_FALSE(it == reader.end());
    EXPECT_EQ("hello", sp((it++)->first));
    ASSERT_FALSE(it == reader.end());
    EXPECT_EQ("goodbye", sp((it++)->first));
    EXPECT_TRUE(it == reader.end());
    RecordIOReader reader(File(file.fd()), 2);
    auto it = reader.begin();
    ASSERT_FALSE(it == reader.end());
    EXPECT_EQ("world", sp((it++)->first));
    EXPECT_TRUE(it == reader.end());
    RecordIOReader reader(File(file.fd()), 3);
    auto it = reader.begin();
    EXPECT_TRUE(it == reader.end());
Beispiel #4
TEST(LineReader, Simple) {
  TemporaryFile file;
  int fd = file.fd();
           "Hello world\n"
           "This is a long line. It is longer than the other lines.\n"
           "Incomplete last line");

    CHECK_ERR(lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET));
    char buf[10];
    LineReader lr(fd, buf, sizeof(buf));
    expect(lr, "Meow\n");
    expect(lr, "Hello worl");
    expect(lr, "d\n");
    expect(lr, "This is a ");
    expect(lr, "long line.");
    expect(lr, " It is lon");
    expect(lr, "ger than t");
    expect(lr, "he other l");
    expect(lr, "ines.\n");
    expect(lr, "\n");
    expect(lr, "Incomplete");
    expect(lr, " last line");
    expect(lr, "");

    CHECK_ERR(lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET));
    char buf[80];
    LineReader lr(fd, buf, sizeof(buf));
    expect(lr, "Meow\n");
    expect(lr, "Hello world\n");
    expect(lr, "This is a long line. It is longer than the other lines.\n");
    expect(lr, "\n");
    expect(lr, "Incomplete last line");
    expect(lr, "");
Beispiel #5
TEST(TemporaryFile, Simple) {
  int fd = -1;
  char c = 'x';
    TemporaryFile f;
    fd = f.fd();
    EXPECT_LE(0, fd);
    ssize_t r = write(fd, &c, 1);
    EXPECT_EQ(1, r);

  // The file must have been closed.  This assumes that no other thread
  // has opened another file in the meanwhile, which is a sane assumption
  // to make in this test.
  ssize_t r = write(fd, &c, 1);
  int savedErrno = errno;
  EXPECT_EQ(-1, r);
  EXPECT_EQ(EBADF, savedErrno);
Beispiel #6
TEST(RecordIOTest, ExtraMagic) {
  TemporaryFile file;
    RecordIOWriter writer(File(file.fd()));
  uint8_t buf[recordio_helpers::headerSize() + 5];
  EXPECT_EQ(0, lseek(file.fd(), 0, SEEK_SET));
  EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(buf), read(file.fd(), buf, sizeof(buf)));
  // Append an extra magic
  const uint32_t magic = recordio_helpers::detail::Header::kMagic;
  EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(magic), write(file.fd(), &magic, sizeof(magic)));
  // and an extra record
  EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(buf), write(file.fd(), buf, sizeof(buf)));
    RecordIOReader reader(File(file.fd()));
    auto it = reader.begin();
    ASSERT_FALSE(it == reader.end());
    EXPECT_EQ("hello", sp((it++)->first));
    ASSERT_FALSE(it == reader.end());
    EXPECT_EQ("hello", sp((it++)->first));
    EXPECT_TRUE(it == reader.end());
Beispiel #7
TEST(File, Locks) {
  typedef std::unique_lock<File> Lock;
  typedef boost::shared_lock<File> SharedLock;

  // Find out where we are.
  static constexpr size_t pathLength = 2048;
  char buf[pathLength + 1];
  int r = readlink("/proc/self/exe", buf, pathLength);
  buf[r] = '\0';

  fs::path helper(buf);
  helper /= "file_test_lock_helper";

  TemporaryFile tempFile;
  File f(tempFile.fd());

  enum LockMode { EXCLUSIVE, SHARED };
  auto testLock = [&] (LockMode mode, bool expectedSuccess) {
    auto ret =
                  mode == SHARED ? "-s" : "-x",
    if (ret.exited()) {
      EXPECT_EQ(expectedSuccess ? 0 : 42, ret.exitStatus());

  // Make sure nothing breaks and things compile.
    Lock lock(f);

    SharedLock lock(f);

    Lock lock(f, std::defer_lock);

    SharedLock lock(f, boost::defer_lock);

  // X blocks X
    Lock lock(f);
    testLock(EXCLUSIVE, false);

  // X blocks S
    Lock lock(f);
    testLock(SHARED, false);

  // S blocks X
    SharedLock lock(f);
    testLock(EXCLUSIVE, false);

  // S does not block S
    SharedLock lock(f);
    testLock(SHARED, true);
Beispiel #8
TEST(RecordIOTest, Randomized) {
  SCOPED_TRACE(to<std::string>("Random seed is ", FLAGS_random_seed));
  std::mt19937 rnd(FLAGS_random_seed);

  size_t recordCount =
    std::uniform_int_distribution<uint32_t>(30, 300)(rnd);

  std::uniform_int_distribution<uint32_t> recordSizeDist(1, 3 << 16);
  std::uniform_int_distribution<uint32_t> charDist(0, 255);
  std::uniform_int_distribution<uint32_t> junkDist(0, 1 << 20);
  // corrupt 1/5 of all records
  std::uniform_int_distribution<uint32_t> corruptDist(0, 4);

  std::vector<std::pair<fbstring, off_t>> records;
  std::vector<off_t> corruptPositions;
  TemporaryFile file;

  fbstring record;
  // Recreate the writer multiple times so we test that we create a
  // continuous stream
  for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
    RecordIOWriter writer(File(file.fd()));
    for (size_t j = 0; j < recordCount; ++j) {
      off_t beginPos = writer.filePos();
      size_t recordSize = recordSizeDist(rnd);
      for (size_t k = 0; k < recordSize; ++k) {

      bool corrupt = (corruptDist(rnd) == 0);
      if (corrupt) {
        // Corrupt one random byte in the record (including header)
        std::uniform_int_distribution<uint32_t> corruptByteDist(
            0, recordSize + recordio_helpers::headerSize() - 1);
        off_t corruptRel = corruptByteDist(rnd);
        VLOG(1) << "n=" << records.size() << " bpos=" << beginPos
                << " rsize=" << record.size()
                << " corrupt rel=" << corruptRel
                << " abs=" << beginPos + corruptRel;
        corruptPositions.push_back(beginPos + corruptRel);
      } else {
        VLOG(2) << "n=" << records.size() << " bpos=" << beginPos
                << " rsize=" << record.size()
                << " good";
        records.emplace_back(std::move(record), beginPos);
    VLOG(1) << "n=" << records.size() << " close abs=" << writer.filePos();

  for (auto& pos : corruptPositions) {
    corrupt(file.fd(), pos);

    size_t i = 0;
    RecordIOReader reader(File(file.fd()));
    for (auto& r : reader) {
      ASSERT_LT(i, records.size());
      EXPECT_EQ(records[i].first, sp(r.first));
      EXPECT_EQ(records[i].second, r.second);
    EXPECT_EQ(records.size(), i);
Beispiel #9
TEST(File, Locks) {
  typedef std::unique_lock<File> Lock;
  typedef boost::shared_lock<File> SharedLock;

  // Find out where we are.
  static constexpr size_t pathLength = 2048;
  char buf[pathLength + 1];
  int r = readlink("/proc/self/exe", buf, pathLength);
  CHECK(r != -1);
  buf[r] = '\0';

  fs::path me(buf);
  auto helper_basename = "file_test_lock_helper";
  fs::path helper;
  if (fs::exists(me.parent_path() / helper_basename)) {
    helper = me.parent_path() / helper_basename;
  } else {
    throw std::runtime_error(
        folly::to<std::string>("cannot find helper ", helper_basename));

  TemporaryFile tempFile;
  File f(tempFile.fd());

  enum LockMode { EXCLUSIVE, SHARED };
  auto testLock = [&](LockMode mode, bool expectedSuccess) {
    auto ret = Subprocess({helper.native(),
                           mode == SHARED ? "-s" : "-x",
    if (ret.exited()) {
      EXPECT_EQ(expectedSuccess ? 0 : 42, ret.exitStatus());

  // Make sure nothing breaks and things compile.
  { Lock lock(f); }

  { SharedLock lock(f); }

    Lock lock(f, std::defer_lock);

    SharedLock lock(f, boost::defer_lock);

  // X blocks X
    Lock lock(f);
    testLock(EXCLUSIVE, false);

  // X blocks S
    Lock lock(f);
    testLock(SHARED, false);

  // S blocks X
    SharedLock lock(f);
    testLock(EXCLUSIVE, false);

  // S does not block S
    SharedLock lock(f);
    testLock(SHARED, true);