TEST(String, readFile) {
  const TemporaryFile afileTemp, emptyFileTemp;
  auto afile = afileTemp.path().string();
  auto emptyFile = emptyFileTemp.path().string();

  EXPECT_TRUE(writeFile(string(), emptyFile.c_str()));
  EXPECT_TRUE(writeFile(StringPiece("bar"), afile.c_str()));

    string contents;
    EXPECT_TRUE(readFile(emptyFile.c_str(), contents));
    EXPECT_EQ(contents, "");
    EXPECT_TRUE(readFile(afile.c_str(), contents, 0));
    EXPECT_EQ("", contents);
    EXPECT_TRUE(readFile(afile.c_str(), contents, 2));
    EXPECT_EQ("ba", contents);
    EXPECT_TRUE(readFile(afile.c_str(), contents));
    EXPECT_EQ("bar", contents);
    vector<unsigned char> contents;
    EXPECT_TRUE(readFile(emptyFile.c_str(), contents));
    EXPECT_EQ(vector<unsigned char>(), contents);
    EXPECT_TRUE(readFile(afile.c_str(), contents, 0));
    EXPECT_EQ(vector<unsigned char>(), contents);
    EXPECT_TRUE(readFile(afile.c_str(), contents, 2));
    EXPECT_EQ(vector<unsigned char>({'b', 'a'}), contents);
    EXPECT_TRUE(readFile(afile.c_str(), contents));
    EXPECT_EQ(vector<unsigned char>({'b', 'a', 'r'}), contents);
Beispiel #2
TEST(TemporaryFile, Simple) {
  int fd = -1;
  char c = 'x';
    TemporaryFile f;
    fd = f.fd();
    EXPECT_LE(0, fd);
    ssize_t r = write(fd, &c, 1);
    EXPECT_EQ(1, r);

  // The file must have been closed.  This assumes that no other thread
  // has opened another file in the meanwhile, which is a sane assumption
  // to make in this test.
  ssize_t r = write(fd, &c, 1);
  int savedErrno = errno;
  EXPECT_EQ(-1, r);
  EXPECT_EQ(EBADF, savedErrno);
void URIStreamOpenerTest::testStreamOpenerPath()
	TemporaryFile tempFile;
	std::string path = tempFile.path();
	std::ofstream ostr(path.c_str());
	assert (ostr.good());
	ostr << "Hello, world!" << std::endl;
	URIStreamOpener opener;
	std::istream* istr = opener.open(path);
	assert (istr != 0);
	assert (istr->good());
	delete istr;
void URIStreamOpenerTest::testStreamOpenerRelative()
	TemporaryFile tempFile;
	std::string path = tempFile.path();
	std::ofstream ostr(path.c_str());
	assert (ostr.good());
	ostr << "Hello, world!" << std::endl;
	URI uri(Path(path).toString(Path::PATH_UNIX));
	std::string uriString = uri.toString();
	URIStreamOpener opener;
	std::istream* istr = opener.open(uri);
	assert (istr != 0);
	assert (istr->good());
	delete istr;
void URIStreamOpenerTest::testStreamOpenerPathResolve()
	TemporaryFile tempFile;
	std::string path = tempFile.path();
	std::ofstream ostr(path.c_str());
	assert (ostr.good());
	ostr << "Hello, world!" << std::endl;
	Path p(path);
	Path parent(p.parent());
	std::string base = parent.toString();
	URIStreamOpener opener;
	std::istream* istr = opener.open(base, p.getFileName());
	assert (istr != 0);
	assert (istr->good());
	delete istr;
void URIStreamOpenerTest::testStreamOpenerURIResolve()
	TemporaryFile tempFile;
	std::string path = tempFile.path();
	std::ofstream ostr(path.c_str());
	assert (ostr.good());
	ostr << "Hello, world!" << std::endl;
	Path p(path);
	Path parent(p.parent());
	URI uri;
	std::string uriString = uri.toString();
	URIStreamOpener opener;
	std::istream* istr = opener.open(uriString, p.getFileName());
	assert (istr != 0);
	assert (istr->good());
	delete istr;
Beispiel #7
TEST(File, Locks) {
  typedef std::unique_lock<File> Lock;
  typedef boost::shared_lock<File> SharedLock;

  // Find out where we are.
  static constexpr size_t pathLength = 2048;
  char buf[pathLength + 1];
  int r = readlink("/proc/self/exe", buf, pathLength);
  buf[r] = '\0';

  fs::path helper(buf);
  helper /= "file_test_lock_helper";

  TemporaryFile tempFile;
  File f(tempFile.fd());

  enum LockMode { EXCLUSIVE, SHARED };
  auto testLock = [&] (LockMode mode, bool expectedSuccess) {
    auto ret =
                  mode == SHARED ? "-s" : "-x",
    if (ret.exited()) {
      EXPECT_EQ(expectedSuccess ? 0 : 42, ret.exitStatus());

  // Make sure nothing breaks and things compile.
    Lock lock(f);

    SharedLock lock(f);

    Lock lock(f, std::defer_lock);

    SharedLock lock(f, boost::defer_lock);

  // X blocks X
    Lock lock(f);
    testLock(EXCLUSIVE, false);

  // X blocks S
    Lock lock(f);
    testLock(SHARED, false);

  // S blocks X
    SharedLock lock(f);
    testLock(EXCLUSIVE, false);

  // S does not block S
    SharedLock lock(f);
    testLock(SHARED, true);
Beispiel #8
    int main(const std::vector<std::string>& args) override
        if (args.size() != 2)
            logger().fatal("Usage: lokitclient /path/to/lo/installation/program /path/to/document");
            return Application::EXIT_USAGE;

        LibreOfficeKit *loKit;
        LibreOfficeKitDocument *loKitDocument;

        loKit = lok_init(args[0].c_str());
        if (!loKit)
            logger().fatal("LibreOfficeKit initialisation failed");
            return Application::EXIT_UNAVAILABLE;

        loKitDocument = loKit->pClass->documentLoad(loKit, args[1].c_str());
        if (!loKitDocument)
            logger().fatal("Document loading failed: " + std::string(loKit->pClass->getError(loKit)));
            return Application::EXIT_UNAVAILABLE;

        loKitDocument->pClass->registerCallback(loKitDocument, myCallback, nullptr);

        loKitDocument->pClass->initializeForRendering(loKitDocument, nullptr);

        if (isatty(0))
            std::cout << "Enter LOKit \"commands\", one per line. 'help' for help. EOF to finish." << std::endl;

        while (!std::cin.eof())
            std::string line;
            std::getline(std::cin, line);

            StringTokenizer tokens(line, " ", StringTokenizer::TOK_IGNORE_EMPTY | StringTokenizer::TOK_TRIM);

            if (tokens.count() == 0)

            if (tokens[0] == "?" || tokens[0] == "help")
                std::cout <<
                    "Commands mimic LOOL protocol but we talk directly to LOKit:" << std::endl <<
                    "    status" << std::endl <<
                    "        calls LibreOfficeKitDocument::getDocumentType, getParts, getPartName, getDocumentSize" << std::endl <<
                    "    tile part pixelwidth pixelheight docposx docposy doctilewidth doctileheight" << std::endl <<
                    "        calls LibreOfficeKitDocument::paintTile" << std::endl;
            else if (tokens[0] == "status")
                if (tokens.count() != 1)
                    std::cout << "? syntax" << std::endl;
                std::cout << LOKitHelper::documentStatus(loKitDocument) << std::endl;
                for (int i = 0; i < loKitDocument->pClass->getParts(loKitDocument); i++)
                    std::cout << "  " << i << ": '" << loKitDocument->pClass->getPartName(loKitDocument, i) << "'" << std::endl;
            else if (tokens[0] == "tile")
                if (tokens.count() != 8)
                    std::cout << "? syntax" << std::endl;

                int partNumber(std::stoi(tokens[1]));
                int canvasWidth(std::stoi(tokens[2]));
                int canvasHeight(std::stoi(tokens[3]));
                int tilePosX(std::stoi(tokens[4]));
                int tilePosY(std::stoi(tokens[5]));
                int tileWidth(std::stoi(tokens[6]));
                int tileHeight(std::stoi(tokens[7]));

                std::vector<unsigned char> pixmap(canvasWidth*canvasHeight*4);
                loKitDocument->pClass->setPart(loKitDocument, partNumber);
                loKitDocument->pClass->paintTile(loKitDocument, pixmap.data(), canvasWidth, canvasHeight, tilePosX, tilePosY, tileWidth, tileHeight);

                if (!Util::windowingAvailable())

                std::vector<char> png;
                const auto mode = static_cast<LibreOfficeKitTileMode>(loKitDocument->pClass->getTileMode(loKitDocument));

                Png::encodeBufferToPNG(pixmap.data(), canvasWidth, canvasHeight, png, mode);

                TemporaryFile pngFile;
                std::ofstream pngStream(pngFile.path(), std::ios::binary);
                pngStream.write(png.data(), png.size());

                if (std::system((std::string("display ") + pngFile.path()).c_str()) == -1)
                    // Not worth it to display a warning, this is just a throwaway test program, and
                    // the developer running it surely notices if nothing shows up...
                std::cout << "? unrecognized" << std::endl;

        // Safest to just bluntly exit
Beispiel #9
TEST(File, Locks) {
  typedef std::unique_lock<File> Lock;
  typedef boost::shared_lock<File> SharedLock;

  // Find out where we are.
  static constexpr size_t pathLength = 2048;
  char buf[pathLength + 1];
  int r = readlink("/proc/self/exe", buf, pathLength);
  CHECK(r != -1);
  buf[r] = '\0';

  fs::path me(buf);
  auto helper_basename = "file_test_lock_helper";
  fs::path helper;
  if (fs::exists(me.parent_path() / helper_basename)) {
    helper = me.parent_path() / helper_basename;
  } else {
    throw std::runtime_error(
        folly::to<std::string>("cannot find helper ", helper_basename));

  TemporaryFile tempFile;
  File f(tempFile.fd());

  enum LockMode { EXCLUSIVE, SHARED };
  auto testLock = [&](LockMode mode, bool expectedSuccess) {
    auto ret = Subprocess({helper.native(),
                           mode == SHARED ? "-s" : "-x",
    if (ret.exited()) {
      EXPECT_EQ(expectedSuccess ? 0 : 42, ret.exitStatus());

  // Make sure nothing breaks and things compile.
  { Lock lock(f); }

  { SharedLock lock(f); }

    Lock lock(f, std::defer_lock);

    SharedLock lock(f, boost::defer_lock);

  // X blocks X
    Lock lock(f);
    testLock(EXCLUSIVE, false);

  // X blocks S
    Lock lock(f);
    testLock(SHARED, false);

  // S blocks X
    SharedLock lock(f);
    testLock(EXCLUSIVE, false);

  // S does not block S
    SharedLock lock(f);
    testLock(SHARED, true);