void ParaxialTexCoordSystem::doTransform(const Plane3& oldBoundary, const Mat4x4& transformation, BrushFaceAttributes& attribs, bool lockTexture, const Vec3& oldInvariant) {
            const Vec3 offset     = transformation * Vec3::Null;
            const Vec3& oldNormal = oldBoundary.normal;
                  Vec3 newNormal  = transformation * oldNormal - offset;
            assert(Math::eq(newNormal.length(), 1.0));
            // fix some rounding errors - if the old and new texture axes are almost the same, use the old axis
            if (newNormal.equals(oldNormal, 0.01))
                newNormal = oldNormal;
            if (!lockTexture || attribs.xScale() == 0.0f || attribs.yScale() == 0.0f) {
                setRotation(newNormal, attribs.rotation(), attribs.rotation());
            // calculate the current texture coordinates of the origin
            const Vec2f oldInvariantTexCoords = computeTexCoords(oldInvariant, attribs.scale()) + attribs.offset();

            // project the texture axes onto the boundary plane along the texture Z axis
            const Vec3 boundaryOffset     = oldBoundary.project(Vec3::Null, getZAxis());
            const Vec3 oldXAxisOnBoundary = oldBoundary.project(m_xAxis * attribs.xScale(), getZAxis()) - boundaryOffset;
            const Vec3 oldYAxisOnBoundary = oldBoundary.project(m_yAxis * attribs.yScale(), getZAxis()) - boundaryOffset;

            // transform the projected texture axes and compensate the translational component
            const Vec3 transformedXAxis = transformation * oldXAxisOnBoundary - offset;
            const Vec3 transformedYAxis = transformation * oldYAxisOnBoundary - offset;
            const Vec2f textureSize = attribs.textureSize();
            const bool preferX = textureSize.x() >= textureSize.y();

            const FloatType dotX = transformedXAxis.normalized().dot(oldXAxisOnBoundary.normalized());
            const FloatType dotY = transformedYAxis.normalized().dot(oldYAxisOnBoundary.normalized());
            const bool preferX = Math::abs(dotX) < Math::abs(dotY);
            // obtain the new texture plane norm and the new base texture axes
            Vec3 newBaseXAxis, newBaseYAxis, newProjectionAxis;
            const size_t newIndex = planeNormalIndex(newNormal);
            axes(newIndex, newBaseXAxis, newBaseYAxis, newProjectionAxis);

            const Plane3 newTexturePlane(0.0, newProjectionAxis);
            // project the transformed texture axes onto the new texture projection plane
            const Vec3 projectedTransformedXAxis = newTexturePlane.project(transformedXAxis);
            const Vec3 projectedTransformedYAxis = newTexturePlane.project(transformedYAxis);
            assert(!projectedTransformedXAxis.nan() &&

            const Vec3 normalizedXAxis = projectedTransformedXAxis.normalized();
            const Vec3 normalizedYAxis = projectedTransformedYAxis.normalized();
            // determine the rotation angle from the dot product of the new base axes and the transformed, projected and normalized texture axes
            float cosX = static_cast<float>(newBaseXAxis.dot(normalizedXAxis.normalized()));
            float cosY = static_cast<float>(newBaseYAxis.dot(normalizedYAxis.normalized()));

            float radX = std::acos(cosX);
            if (crossed(newBaseXAxis, normalizedXAxis).dot(newProjectionAxis) < 0.0)
                radX *= -1.0f;
            float radY = std::acos(cosY);
            if (crossed(newBaseYAxis, normalizedYAxis).dot(newProjectionAxis) < 0.0)
                radY *= -1.0f;
            // TODO: be smarter about choosing between the X and Y axis rotations - sometimes either
            // one can be better
            float rad = preferX ? radX : radY;
            // for some reason, when the texture plane normal is the Y axis, we must rotation clockwise
            if (newIndex == 4)
                rad *= -1.0f;
            const float newRotation = Math::correct(Math::normalizeDegrees(Math::degrees(rad)), 4);
            doSetRotation(newNormal, newRotation, newRotation);
            // finally compute the scaling factors
            Vec2f newScale = Vec2f(projectedTransformedXAxis.length(),

            // the sign of the scaling factors depends on the angle between the new texture axis and the projected transformed axis
            if (m_xAxis.dot(normalizedXAxis) < 0.0)
                newScale[0] *= -1.0f;
            if (m_yAxis.dot(normalizedYAxis) < 0.0)
                newScale[1] *= -1.0f;
            // compute the parameters of the transformed texture coordinate system
            const Vec3 newInvariant = transformation * oldInvariant;

            // determine the new texture coordinates of the transformed center of the face, sans offsets
            const Vec2f newInvariantTexCoords = computeTexCoords(newInvariant, newScale);
            // since the center should be invariant, the offsets are determined by the difference of the current and
            // the original texture coordiknates of the center
            const Vec2f newOffset = attribs.modOffset(oldInvariantTexCoords - newInvariantTexCoords).corrected(4);