void SpaceObject::matchVelocity(std::string objectName) {
  Object *o = ObjectMgr::get().find(objectName);

  if (o && objectName != id) {
    Vector deltaV = o->getVelocity() - velocity;
    if (deltaV.magnitude() > 0.1f) {
      Vector thrustDir = deltaV.normalize();
      Vector axis = (look % thrustDir).normalize();
      if (axis.magnitude() < 0.01f)
        axis = up;
      float ang = look.angle(thrustDir);
      if (ang < 0.01f || fabs(ang - 180.0f) < 0.1f)
        axis = up;

      if (ang > 0.0001f) {
        if (ang > topTurnSpeed * GlobalTime::get().frameSec)
          ang = topTurnSpeed * GlobalTime::get().frameSec;

        rotateAxis(axis, ang);

Beispiel #2
void Ant::step(){
    std::cout << "Ant #" << agentID << " making internal step.\n";
	Vector force = getSteeringForce();
	// f / m = a
	Vector newAcceleration = (force / _mass);
	// get velocity
	Vector newVelocity = _velocity;
    std::cout << "velocity: "; newVelocity.print(); std::cout << "\n";
    std::cout << "acceleration: "; newAcceleration.print(); std::cout << "\n";
	// change the velocity by the acceleration * delta of time
    int elapsedTime = stepClock.restart().asSeconds();
    std::cout << "elapsed: " << elapsedTime << "\n";
	newVelocity = newVelocity + (newAcceleration * elapsedTime);
    std::cout << "velocity: "; newVelocity.print(); std::cout << "\n";
	// set velocity and speed
	if(_speed > _maxSpeed)
        newVelocity = newVelocity / newVelocity.magnitude();
		newVelocity = newVelocity * _maxSpeed;

	setPosition (position + (newVelocity * elapsedTime));
    sprite.setPosition(position.x, position.y);
    //std::cout << "Step finished!\n";
Beispiel #3
Vector Vector::normalize() {
	Vector normal = *this;
	float mag = (normal.magnitude()==0)?1:normal.magnitude();


	return normal;
Beispiel #4
void move() {
	for(unsigned int i=0; i<birds2.size(); i++) {
		Vector desired = Vector();

		Vector cohesion = birds2[i].cohesion(birds1);
		Vector chill = birds2[i].chill(birds1, predators1);

		if(desired.magnitude() == 0) {
			Vector wander = birds1[i].wander();


		// Euler forward integration
		Vector velocity = birds1[i].getVel();

		velocity = birds2[i].matchTurn(birds1[i].getVel(), velocity);

		Vector position = birds1[i].getPos();

	for(unsigned int j=0; j<predators2.size(); j++) {
		Vector desired = Vector();
		Vector hunt = predators2[j].hunt(birds1);

		if(desired.magnitude() == 0) {
			Vector wander = predators2[j].wander();

		// Euler forward integration
		Vector velocity = predators1[j].getVel();

		velocity = predators2[j].matchTurn(predators1[j].getVel(), velocity);

		Vector position = predators1[j].getPos();
Beispiel #5
RotateAndScaleCoefs Procrustes2D::align(const Vector &from, const Vector &to)
    double referenceScale = 1.0/to.magnitude();
    Vector reference = to.mul(referenceScale);

    double vectorScale = 1.0/from.magnitude();
    Vector vector = from.mul(vectorScale);

    double s = vectorScale/referenceScale;
    double theta = getOptimalRotation(vector, reference);
    RotateAndScaleCoefs c(s, theta);

    return c;
void SpaceObject::pointTowards(std::string objectName) {
  Object *o = ObjectMgr::get().find(objectName);

  if (o && objectName != id) {
    Vector delta = o->getPos() - pos;
    delta = delta.normalize();
    Vector axis = (delta % look).normalize();
    if (axis.magnitude() < 0.01f)
      axis = up;

    float ang = look.angle(delta);

    if (ang < 0.01f || fabs(ang - 180.0f) < 0.1f)
      axis = up;

    if (ang > 0.0001f
        || (look.normalize() - delta.normalize()).magnitude() > 1.0f) {

      if (ang > topTurnSpeed * GlobalTime::get().frameSec)
        ang = topTurnSpeed * GlobalTime::get().frameSec;

      rotateAxis(axis, ang);
Vector ClosestPointCylinder ( Vector const & V, Cylinder const & C )
	Vector delta = V - C.getBase();

	delta.y = 0.0f;

	real dist = delta.magnitude();

	Vector point = V;

	// clamp the x-z coords of the point so they're inside the tube

	IGNORE_RETURN( delta.normalize() );
	delta *= std::min( C.getRadius(), dist );
	point = C.getBase() + delta;

	// and clamp the y coord so it's inside also

	real min = C.getBase().y;
	real max = min + C.getHeight();

	point.y = clamp( min, V.y, max );

	return point;
Beispiel #8
float PressureKernel::operator() (const Vector& v) const {
  float r = v.magnitude();
  if (r >= h) {
    return 0.0f;
  return (15.0f / (M_PI * pow(h, 6.0f))) * pow(h - r, 3.0f);
Beispiel #9
Vector Bird::matchTurn(Vector init_speed, Vector desired_speed) {
    float velocity_angle = init_speed.angle(desired_speed);

    if(velocity_angle>this->max_turn) {
        float t = this->max_turn / velocity_angle;

        Vector allowed_velocity = init_speed;

        Vector desired_velocity = desired_speed;


        float mag1 = desired_speed.magnitude();
        float mag2 = allowed_velocity.magnitude();
        if(mag2>0) {
            float scale_factor = mag1 / mag2;


        return allowed_velocity;

    return desired_speed;
Beispiel #10
float ViscosityKernel::laplacian(const Vector& v) const {
  float r = v.magnitude();
  if (r >= h) {
    return 0.0f;
  return (45.0f / (M_PI * pow(h, 6.0f))) * (h - r);
// Behavior avoidBehavior(target, dist)
// Last modified: 07Nov2009
// Directs the robot to avoid the parameterized target,
// maintaining the parameterized distance,
// returning the appropriate robot behavior.
// Returns:     the appropriate robot behavior
// Parameters:
//      target  in/out  the target to avoid
//      dist    in      the distance to maintain from the target
Behavior Robot::avoidBehavior(const Vector &target, const GLfloat dist)
    GLfloat r                     = target.magnitude();
    if (r < dist) return sumBehaviors(orientToBehavior(target, 180.0f),
                                      moveForwardBehavior(dist - r));
    return moveStopBehavior();
}   // avoidBehavior(const Vector &, const GLfloat)
Beispiel #12
bool Object::detectCollision(Object *other) {
  if (other->getSource() != id) {
    long curFrame = GlobalTime::get().getFrames();
    std::string otherID = other->getSource();
    if (otherID == collisionID || lastCollision != curFrame) {
      Vector v = other->pos - pos;
      if (v.magnitude()
          < (((size * scale) / 2) + ((other->size * other->scale) / 2))) {
        /*C3ds *mod = (C3ds*)ModelMgr::get().find(model);
         C3ds *mod2 = (C3ds*)ModelMgr::get().find(other->model);
         if(mod && mod2)
         return mod->intersect(mod2,scale,other->scale, (FVector){v.x,v.y,v.z},q,other->q);
         return true;
        return true;
      //if(sqrt((pos.x-other->pos.x)*(pos.x-other->pos.x)+(pos.y-other->pos.y)(pos.y-other->pos.y))<((size/2)+(other->size/2))) return true;
      collisionID = otherID;
      lastCollision = curFrame;
  return false;
Beispiel #13
  \fn calculate the projected vector of this onto vec
  \param vec the vector to be projected onto
  \li the project vector of this onto vec
Vector projectedVector(const Vector& vec1, const Vector& vec2){
  real dotProd = CapEngine::dotProduct(vec1, vec2);
  real magVec = vec2.magnitude();
  Vector v(vec2);
  v.scale( dotProd / (magVec * magVec) );
	return v;
//180* BUG
void SpaceObject::track(std::string objectName) {
  Object *o = ObjectMgr::get().find(objectName);

  if (o && objectName != id) {
    //Vector from your position to object being tracked
    Vector delta = o->getPos() - pos;
    float seconds = ((-1 * (velocity - o->getVelocity()).magnitude()
        + sqrt(
            (velocity - o->getVelocity()).magnitude()
                * (velocity - o->getVelocity()).magnitude()
                + 2 * topAccel * delta.magnitude())) / (topAccel));
    float seconds2 = ((-1 * (velocity - o->getVelocity()).magnitude()
        - sqrt(
            (velocity - o->getVelocity()).magnitude()
                * (velocity - o->getVelocity()).magnitude()
                + 2 * topAccel * delta.magnitude())) / (topAccel));

    if (seconds2 > seconds)
      seconds = seconds2;

    //float seconds = sqrt((delta.magnitude()*2.0f)/topAccel);
    //Distance 1s from now
    Vector shootFor = delta + (o->getVelocity() - velocity) * seconds;
    shootFor = shootFor.normalize();
    Vector axis = (look % shootFor).normalize();
    if (axis.magnitude() < 0.01f)
      axis = up;

    float ang = look.angle(shootFor);

    if (ang < 0.01f || fabs(ang - 180.0f) < 0.1f)
      axis = up;

    if (ang > 0.0001f) {
      if (ang > topTurnSpeed * GlobalTime::get().frameSec)
        ang = topTurnSpeed * GlobalTime::get().frameSec;

      rotateAxis(axis, ang);


    //if(detectCollision(o)) done=true;

Beispiel #15
float Vector::angle(Vector vec) {
	float angle;
	float mag1 = this->magnitude();
	float mag2 = vec.magnitude();
	float dot_product = this->dotproduct(vec);

	return angle = acosf(ceilf(dot_product/(mag1*mag2))) * 180 / PI;
Beispiel #16
float ViscosityKernel::operator() (const Vector& v) const {
  float r = v.magnitude();
  if (r >= h) {
    return 0.0f;
  float rh = r / h;
  return (15.0f / (2.0f * M_PI * pow(h, 3.0f))) * (-0.5f*pow(rh, 3.0f) + pow(rh, 2.0f) + pow(2.0f*rh, -1.0f) - 1.0f);
Beispiel #17
Vector PressureKernel::gradient(const Vector& v) const {
  float r = v.magnitude();
  if (r >= h) {
    return 0.0f;
  float t = (-45.0f / (M_PI * pow(h, 6.0f))) * pow(h - r, 2.0f);
  return (v.normalize() * t);
// Behavior followBehavior(target, dist)
// Last modified: 07Nov2009
// Directs the robot to follow the parameterized target
// maintaining the parameterized distance,
// returning the appropriate robot behavior.
// Returns:     the appropriate robot behavior
// Parameters:
//      target  in/out  the target to follow
//      dist    in      the distance to maintain from the target
Behavior Robot::followBehavior(const Vector &target, const GLfloat dist)
    GLfloat  r   = target.magnitude();
    if (r <= threshold()) return moveStopBehavior();
    Behavior beh = orientToBehavior(target, 0.0f);
    if ((beh.isDone()) && (r > dist)) return moveForwardBehavior(r - dist);
    return beh;
}   // followBehavior(const Vector &, const GLfloat)
bool CollisionCallbackManager::intersectAndReflectWithTerrain(Object * const object, Result & result)
	CollisionProperty const * collision = object->getCollisionProperty();

	Capsule queryCapsule_w(collision->getQueryCapsule_w());

	float const radius = queryCapsule_w.getRadius();

	Vector const deltaTraveled_w(queryCapsule_w.getDelta());
	Vector direction_w(deltaTraveled_w);
	if (direction_w.normalize())
		Vector const begin_w(queryCapsule_w.getPointA());
		Vector const end_w(queryCapsule_w.getPointB() + direction_w * radius);

		DEBUG_REPORT_LOG(ms_debugReport, ("terrain begin     = %f %f %f\n", begin_w.x, begin_w.y, begin_w.z));
		DEBUG_REPORT_LOG(ms_debugReport, ("terrain end       = %f %f %f\n", end_w.x, end_w.y, end_w.z));
		DEBUG_REPORT_LOG(ms_debugReport, ("terrain direction = %f %f %f\n", direction_w.x, direction_w.y, direction_w.z));
		DEBUG_REPORT_LOG(ms_debugReport, ("terrain length    = %f\n", deltaTraveled_w.magnitude()));

		TerrainObject const * const terrainObject = TerrainObject::getConstInstance();
		if (terrainObject != 0)
			CollisionInfo info;
			if (terrainObject->collide (begin_w, end_w, info))
				#ifdef _DEBUG
				// calculate the parametric time for logging
				float const actualDistance = begin_w.magnitudeBetween(info.getPoint());
				float const attemptedDistance = begin_w.magnitudeBetween(end_w);
				float const parametricTime = (attemptedDistance != 0.0f) ? (actualDistance / attemptedDistance) : 0.0f;

				Vector const & pointOfCollision_w = info.getPoint();

				#ifdef _DEBUG
				DEBUG_REPORT_LOG(ms_debugReport, ("\t\tterrain HIT!\n"));
				DEBUG_REPORT_LOG(ms_debugReport, ("\t\tterrain time  = %f\n", parametricTime));
				DEBUG_REPORT_LOG(ms_debugReport, ("\t\tterrain point = %f %f %f\n", pointOfCollision_w.x, pointOfCollision_w.y, pointOfCollision_w.z));

				result.m_pointOfCollision_p = pointOfCollision_w;
				result.m_normalOfSurface_p = info.getNormal();
				result.m_deltaToMoveBack_p = pointOfCollision_w - end_w;
				result.m_newReflection_p = result.m_normalOfSurface_p.reflectIncoming(direction_w);

				#ifdef _DEBUG
				DEBUG_REPORT_LOG(ms_debugReport, ("\t\tterrain = %f %f %f\n", result.m_deltaToMoveBack_p.x, result.m_deltaToMoveBack_p.y, result.m_deltaToMoveBack_p.z));

				return true;

	return false;
Beispiel #20
float PressureKernel::laplacian(const Vector& v) const {
  float r = v.magnitude();
  if (r <= 0.0f || r >= h) {
    return 0.0f;
  float t = (-45.0f / (M_PI * pow(h, 6.0f)));
  float hr = h - r;
  return (t * hr * (3.0f / r - hr * r + 2.0f));
// Behavior orientForOrbitBehavior(target, dist)
// Last modified: 07Nov2009
// Orients the robot with respect to the parameterized target
// such that if the robot were moving forward, it would move
// in a circular path maintaining the parameterized distance
// around the target, returning the appropriate robot behavior.
// Returns:     the appropriate robot behavior
// Parameters:
//      target  in/out  the target to orient to for orbit
//      dist    in      the distance to maintain from the target
Behavior Robot::orientForOrbitBehavior(const Vector &target,
                                       const GLfloat dist)
    GLfloat  r = target.magnitude(),       dir = 0.0f;
    if      (r > dist + collisionRadius()) dir = 0.0f;
    else if (r < dist - collisionRadius()) dir = 180.0f;
    else dir = 180.0f - r * 90.0f / collisionRadius();
    return orientToBehavior(target, dir);
}   // orientForOrbitBehavior(const Vector &, const GLfloat)
void Character::updatePosition ( )
	if ( velocity_.magnitude() > maxSpeed_ ) {
		velocity_ *= maxSpeed_;
	position_ += velocity_ / SCREEN_FRAMERATE;
Beispiel #23
void Object::angularMove() {
  Vector dt1 = omega * (GlobalTime::get().frameSec);
  Vector dt2 = (omega + dt1 * .5) * (GlobalTime::get().frameSec);
  Vector dt3 = (omega + dt2 * .5) * (GlobalTime::get().frameSec);
  Vector dt4 = (omega + dt3) * (GlobalTime::get().frameSec);
  Vector incr = (dt1 / 6 + dt2 / 3 + dt3 / 3 + dt4 / 6);
  rotateAxis(incr.normalize(), RAD2DEG(incr.magnitude()));
  alpha *= 0;
Beispiel #24
void Ball :: collide()
    float x,y;
    float ballx = ballpos.xcomp;
    float bally = ballpos.ycomp;

    if(bally <= 0)
        ballspeed.ycomp = -ballspeed.ycomp;
    if(bally >= HEIGHT)
        ballspeed.ycomp = -ballspeed.ycomp;
    if(ballx <= 0 || ballx >= WIDTH)
        ballspeed.xcomp = -ballspeed.xcomp;

        y = floorval[(int)x];
        if(ballx == x && bally == y)
        Vector p;
        p = ballpos - p;
        if(/*(x-ballx)*(x-ballx)+(y-bally)*(y-bally)*/ p.magnitude() <= BALLRADIUS/*BALLRADIUS*/)
            //p = ballpos - p;
            /*#ifdef DEBUG
            char log[512];
            sprintf(log, "%f: %f %f %f %f \n",currentTime/1000.0, ballpos.xcomp, ballpos.ycomp, ballspeed.xcomp, ballspeed.ycomp);
            write(fd, log, strlen(log));
            #endif // DEBUG*/

            ballspeed = (p/p.magnitude()) * ballspeed.magnitude();
Beispiel #25
Vector ViscosityKernel::gradient(const Vector& v) const {
  float r = v.magnitude();
  if (r <= 0.0f || r >= h) {
    return 0.0f;
  float h2 = h * h;
  float a1 = -3.0f * r / (h2 * h2);
  float a2 = 1.0f / (h2 * h);
  float a3 = -0.5f / (r * r * r);
  float t = (15.0f / (2.0f * M_PI * h2)) * (a1 + a2 + a3);
  return v * t;
Range ProjectAxis ( Line3d const & L, OrientedCylinder const & C )
	Vector const & N = L.getNormal();

	Vector cross = C.getAxis().cross(N);

	float sine = cross.magnitude() / N.magnitude();

	real d = sine * C.getRadius();

	Range c = ProjectAxis( L, C.getAxisSegment() );
	return Range( c.getMin() - d, c.getMax() + d );
unsigned int ShipClientUpdateTracker::getShipUpdatePriorityValue(Client const &client, ShipObject const &ship) // static
	CreatureObject const * const characterObject = safe_cast<CreatureObject const *>(client.getCharacterObject());
	if (characterObject && characterObject->getLookAtTarget() != ship.getNetworkId())
		Object const * const clientTopmost = NON_NULL(ContainerInterface::getTopmostContainer(*characterObject));
		Vector const shipOffset = ship.getPosition_p()-clientTopmost->getPosition_p();
		float const distance = shipOffset.magnitude();
		float const angle = acosf(clientTopmost->getObjectFrameK_p().dot(shipOffset/distance));
		float const anglePriorityAdjust = 1.f+((clamp(PI_OVER_4, angle, PI)-PI_OVER_4)/(PI-PI_OVER_4))*4.f; // 1 when roughly in view frustum, up to 5 directly behind
		return static_cast<unsigned int>(clamp(100.f, distance, 8192.f)*anglePriorityAdjust);
	return 100;
Range ProjectAxis ( Line3d const & L, OrientedCircle const & S )
	Vector const & N = L.getNormal();

	Vector cross = S.getAxis().cross(N);

	float sine = cross.magnitude() / N.magnitude();

	real d = sine * S.getRadius();

	real c = ProjectAxis( L, S.getCenter() );

	return Range( c - d, c + d );
ContainmentResult  TestPointCylinder    ( Vector const & V,
                                          Cylinder const & C )
	Vector delta = V - C.getBase();
	delta.y = 0;

	real dist = delta.magnitude();
	real radius = C.getRadius();

	ContainmentResult rTest = Containment1d::TestFloatLess(dist,radius);
	ContainmentResult vTest = Containment1d::TestFloatRange(V.y, C.getRangeY());

	// ----------

	return Containment::ComposeAxisTests(rTest,vTest);
// GLfloat rangeSensor(p)
// Last modified: 08Nov2009
// Returns with the distance from this robot
// to the position being auctioned.
// Returns:    the distance from this robot to the position being auctioned
// Parameters:
//      p      in/out   the packet (auction) to be processed
GLfloat Robot::rangeSensor(Packet &p)

    // unpack the auction from the packet
    Push_Auction_Announcement *aa = (Push_Auction_Announcement *)p.msg;

    // unpack the formation definition from the state within the auction
    Formation f = aa->s_i.formation;

    // get the range from the auctioneer to this robot
    GLfloat range = env->distanceToRobot(env->getCell(p.fromID), this);

    // if the auctioneer is beyond sensor range, do not bid
    if (range > SENSOR_RANGE) return -1.0f;

    // get the relative bearing from the auctioneer to this robot
    GLfloat bearing = bearingSensor(p.fromID);

    // get the angle between the auctioneer and the position being auctioned
    GLfloat ang = atan2(f.getFunction()(f.getRadius()), f.getRadius()) -

    // get the vector between the auctioneer and this robot
    Vector d = (*(Vector *)this) - (*(Vector *)env->getCell(p.fromID));

    // get the vector between the auctioneer and the position being auctioned
    Vector e;
    e.y = f.getFunction()(f.getRadius());
    e.x = sqrt((f.getRadius() * f.getRadius()) - (e.y * e.y));

    // get the vector between the position being auctioned and this robot
    Vector a;
    if (aa->right)    // if the position is to the right of the auctioneer
        a = d - e;
        a = d + e;

    // range is the magnitude of the vector between
    // the position being auctioned and this robot
    range = a.magnitude();

    //cout << "robot " << getID() << " bidding " << range << endl;

    return range;
}   // rangeSensor(Packet &)