Beispiel #1
bool Line::isInBetween( Vector2D pos, Vector2D point1, Vector2D point2){
  pos          = getPointOnLineClosestTo( pos ); // get closest point
  float dDist = point1.distanceTo( point2 ); // get distance between 2 pos
  // if the distance from both points to the projection is smaller than this
  // dist, the pos lies in between.
  return pos.distanceTo( point1 ) <= dDist &&
         pos.distanceTo( point2 ) <= dDist;
double SurfaceToImplicit2::signedDistanceLocal(
    const Vector2D& otherPoint) const {
    Vector2D x = _surface->closestPoint(otherPoint);
    Vector2D n = _surface->closestNormal(otherPoint);
    n = (isNormalFlipped) ? -n : n;
    if ( - x) < 0.0) {
        return -x.distanceTo(otherPoint);
    } else {
        return x.distanceTo(otherPoint);
Beispiel #3
bool Cone::isInside( Vector2D pos ) const {
  float dist = pos.distanceTo( peak );
  float angle = (pos - peak).getDirection();
  return ( ( minDistance <= dist && dist <= maxDistance &&
	     isAngInInterval( angle, fstAngle, sndAngle ) ) ||
	   ( dist == 0 && minDistance == 0) );
Beispiel #4
void Animal::handleStimulus(Environment *environment, double dt) {
    voiceInterval -= dt;
    if (this == environment->getPlayer()) {
        Vector2D movement = environment->getMovement();
        movement = movement.mult(dt);
        if (movement.distanceTo(Vector2D()) > 1.0e-5) {
        for (int i = 0; i < sensors.size(); i++) {
            sensors[i]->handleStimulus(this, environment, dt);
    } else {
        RandomNumberGenerator *rng = RandomNumberGenerator::getInstance();
        if (curAIStateDuration > 0.0) {
            curAIStateDuration -= dt;
        } else {
            curAIStateDuration = ((double) rng->getInt(500, 3000)) / 1000.0;
            curAIDirection = Vector2D(rng->getInt(-1, 1), rng->getInt(-1, 1));
            curAIDirection = curAIDirection.mult(speed);
        Vector2D movement = curAIDirection;
        movement = movement.mult(dt);
Vector2D SphSystemData2::gradientAt(
    size_t i,
    const ConstArrayAccessor1<double>& values) const {
    Vector2D sum;
    auto p = positions();
    auto d = densities();
    const auto& neighbors = neighborLists()[i];
    Vector2D origin = p[i];
    SphSpikyKernel2 kernel(_kernelRadius);
    const double m = mass();

    for (size_t j : neighbors) {
        Vector2D neighborPosition = p[j];
        double dist = origin.distanceTo(neighborPosition);
        if (dist > 0.0) {
            Vector2D dir = (neighborPosition - origin) / dist;
                += d[i] * m
                * (values[i] / square(d[i]) + values[j] / square(d[j]))
                * kernel.gradient(dist, dir);

    return sum;
double SphSystemData2::sumOfKernelNearby(const Vector2D& origin) const {
    double sum = 0.0;
    SphStdKernel2 kernel(_kernelRadius);
        [&] (size_t, const Vector2D& neighborPosition) {
            double dist = origin.distanceTo(neighborPosition);
            sum += kernel(dist);
    return sum;
Vector2D SphSystemData2::interpolate(
    const Vector2D& origin,
    const ConstArrayAccessor1<Vector2D>& values) const {
    Vector2D sum;
    auto d = densities();
    SphStdKernel2 kernel(_kernelRadius);
    const double m = mass();

        [&] (size_t i, const Vector2D& neighborPosition) {
            double dist = origin.distanceTo(neighborPosition);
            double weight = m / d[i] * kernel(dist);
            sum += weight * values[i];

    return sum;
Vector2D SphSystemData2::laplacianAt(
    size_t i,
    const ConstArrayAccessor1<Vector2D>& values) const {
    Vector2D sum;
    auto p = positions();
    auto d = densities();
    const auto& neighbors = neighborLists()[i];
    Vector2D origin = p[i];
    SphSpikyKernel2 kernel(_kernelRadius);
    const double m = mass();

    for (size_t j : neighbors) {
        Vector2D neighborPosition = p[j];
        double dist = origin.distanceTo(neighborPosition);
        sum +=
            m * (values[j] - values[i]) / d[j] * kernel.secondDerivative(dist);

    return sum;
void MultiDirectionalEar::renderFeedback(Object *object, Environment *environment) {
    if (object == environment->getPlayer()) {
        Vector2D windowPos = environment->getWindowPos(object->getPosition());        
        for (int i = 0; i < nearestObjects.size(); i++) {
            Object *nearestObject = nearestObjects[i];
            if (nearestObject->getVoice() && nearestObject->getVoiceInterval() <= 0.0) {
                Vector2D objectWindowPos = environment->getWindowPos(nearestObject->getPosition());
                Vector2D relativePos = objectWindowPos.add(windowPos.mult(-1.0));
                relativePos = relativePos.normalize();
                double pan = relativePos.getX();
                double nearestObjectDistance = windowPos.distanceTo(objectWindowPos);
                double gain = 1.0 - (nearestObjectDistance / 1000.0);
                if (gain < 0.0) {
                    gain = 0.0;
                al_play_sample(nearestObject->getVoice(), gain, pan, 1.0, ALLEGRO_PLAYMODE_ONCE, NULL);
Beispiel #10
double Surface2::closestDistanceLocal(const Vector2D& otherPointLocal) const {
    return otherPointLocal.distanceTo(closestPointLocal(otherPointLocal));
Beispiel #11
float Line::distanceToPoint( Vector2D pos ){
  return pos.distanceTo( getPointOnLineClosestTo( pos ) );