Beispiel #1

Bhv_Hunt::execute( PlayerAgent * agent )
    std::list<Vector2D> forces;

    //Get force from prey
    Vector2D preyForce = agent->world().ball().rpos(); //Vector to prey
    int preyCo = 1; // for future usee
    forces.push_front(preyForce * preyCo/preyForce.r2()); //1/r^2 relationship

    //    Get forces from team mates
    // PlayerCont * team = agent->world().teammates();
    // for ( PlayerCont::const_iterator tm = team.begin(); tm != team.end(); ++tm ){

    // }

    //Sum up all forces to create resultant vector
    Vector2D * resultant = new Vector2D();
    for ( std::list<Vector2D>::iterator it = forces.begin(); it != forces.end(); ++it ){
        *resultant = *resultant + *it;

   if ( Body_GoToPoint (*resultant, 5, resultant->r()).execute( agent ) ){
       agent->setNeckAction( new Neck_TurnToBall());
       return true;


   return false;
Beispiel #2

Segment2D::nearestPoint( const Vector2D & p ) const
    const Vector2D vec = terminal() - origin();

    const double len_square = vec.r2();

    if ( len_square == 0.0 )
        return origin();

    double inner_product = vec.innerProduct( (p - origin()) );

    // A: p1 - p0
    // B: p - p0
    // check if 0 <= |B|cos(theta) <= |A|
    //       -> 0 <= |A||B|cos(theta) <= |A|^2
    //       -> 0 <= A.B <= |A|^2  // A.B = |A||B|cos(theta)
    if ( inner_product <= 0.0 )
        return origin();
    else if ( inner_product >= len_square )
        return terminal();

    return origin() + vec * inner_product / len_square;

    const ServerParam & SP = ServerParam::i();
    const double pitch_x_max = ( SP.keepawayMode()
                                 ? SP.keepawayLength() * 0.5
                                 : SP.pitchHalfLength() + 5.0 );
    const double pitch_y_max = ( SP.keepawayMode()
                                 ? SP.keepawayWidth() * 0.5
                                 : SP.pitchHalfWidth() + 5.0 );
    const double bdecay = SP.ballDecay();

    Vector2D bpos = M_world.ball().pos();
    Vector2D bvel = M_world.ball().vel();

    M_ball_pos_cache.push_back( bpos );

    if ( M_world.self().isKickable() )

    for ( std::size_t i = 1; i <= MAX_CYCLE; ++i )
        bpos += bvel;
        bvel *= bdecay;

        M_ball_pos_cache.push_back( bpos );

        if ( i >= 5
             && bvel.r2() < 0.01*0.01 )
            // ball stopped

        if ( bpos.absX() > pitch_x_max
             || bpos.absY() > pitch_y_max )
            // out of pitch

    if ( M_ball_pos_cache.size() == 1 )
        M_ball_pos_cache.push_back( bpos );

PlayerObject::updateBySee( const SideID side,
                           const Localization::PlayerT & p )
    M_side = side;
    M_ghost_count = 0;

    // unum is updated only when unum is seen.
    if ( p.unum_ != Unum_Unknown )
        M_unum = p.unum_;
        M_unum_count = 0;
        if ( ! p.goalie_ )
            // when unum is seen, goalie info is also seen
            M_goalie = false;

    if ( p.goalie_ )
        M_goalie = true;

    const Vector2D last_seen_move = p.pos_ - M_seen_pos;
    const int last_seen_pos_count = M_seen_pos_count;

    if ( p.hasVel() )
        M_vel = p.vel_;
        M_vel_count = 0;
        M_seen_vel = p.vel_;
        M_seen_vel_count = 0;

        dlog.addText( Logger::WORLD,
                      __FILE__" (updateBySee) unum=%d. pos=(%.2f, %.2f) vel=(%.2f, %.2f)",
                      p.unum_, M_pos.x, M_pos.y, M_vel.x, M_vel.y );
    else if ( 0 < M_pos_count
              && M_pos_count <= 2
              && p.rpos_.r() < 40.0 )
        const double speed_max = ( M_player_type
                                   ? M_player_type->playerSpeedMax()
                                   : ServerParam::i().defaultPlayerSpeedMax() );
        const double decay = ( M_player_type
                               ? M_player_type->playerDecay()
                               : ServerParam::i().defaultPlayerDecay() );

        M_vel = last_seen_move / static_cast< double >( last_seen_pos_count );
        double tmp = M_vel.r();
        if ( tmp > speed_max )
            M_vel *= speed_max / tmp;
        M_vel *= decay;
        M_vel_count = last_seen_pos_count;

        M_seen_vel = M_vel;
        M_seen_vel_count = 0;
        dlog.addText( Logger::WORLD,
                      __FILE__" (updateBySee) unum=%d. update vel by pos diff."
                      "prev_pos=(%.2f, %.2f) old_pos=(%.2f, %.2f) -> vel=(%.3f, %.3f)",
                      M_pos.x, M_pos.y, p.pos_.x, p.pos_.y, M_vel.x, M_vel.y );
        M_vel.assign( 0.0, 0.0 );
        M_vel_count = 1000;

    M_pos = p.pos_;
    M_rpos = p.rpos_;
    M_seen_pos = p.pos_;

    M_pos_count = 0;
    M_rpos_count = 0;
    M_seen_pos_count = 0;

    if ( p.hasAngle() )
        M_body = p.body_;
        M_face = p.face_;
        M_body_count = M_face_count = 0;
    else if ( last_seen_pos_count <= 2
              && last_seen_move.r2() > std::pow( 0.2, 2 ) ) // Magic Number
        M_body =;
        M_body_count = std::max( 0, last_seen_pos_count - 1 );
        M_face = 0.0;
        M_face_count = 1000;
    else if ( velValid()
              && vel().r2() > std::pow( 0.2, 2 ) ) // Magic Number
        M_body = vel().th();
        M_body_count = velCount();
        M_face = 0.0;
        M_face_count = 1000;

    if ( p.isPointing()
         && M_pointto_count >= ServerParam::i().pointToBan() )
        M_pointto_angle = p.arm_;
        M_pointto_count = 0;

    M_kicked = p.kicked();

    if ( p.isTackling() )
        if ( M_tackle_count > ServerParam::i().tackleCycles() ) // no tackling recently
            M_tackle_count = 0;
        M_tackle_count = 1000;
Beispiel #5


    const size_t point_size = M_input_points.size();

    if ( point_size < 3 )

    for ( size_t i = 0; i < point_size - 1; ++i )
        const Vector2D & p = M_input_points[i];

        for ( size_t j = i + 1; j < point_size; ++j )
            const Vector2D & q = M_input_points[j];
            const Vector2D rel = q - p;

            bool valid = true;
            double last_value = 0.0;

            for ( size_t k = 0; k < point_size; ++k )
                if ( k == i || k == j ) continue;

                const Vector2D & r = M_input_points[k];
                double outer_prod = rel.outerProduct( r - p );

                if ( std::fabs( outer_prod ) < 1.0e-6 )
                    // point is on the line
                    if ( ( r - p ).r2() < rel.r2() )
                        // point is on the segment
                        valid = false;

                if ( ( outer_prod > 0.0 && last_value < 0.0 )
                     || ( outer_prod < 0.0 && last_value > 0.0 ) )
                    // point exists in the opposite side
                    valid = false;

                last_value = outer_prod;

            if ( valid )
                M_vertices.push_back( p );
                M_vertices.push_back( q );

                if ( last_value < 0.0 )
                    M_edges.push_back( Segment2D( p, q ) );
                    M_edges.push_back( Segment2D( q, p ) );

    // sort vertices by counter clockwise order

    if ( ! M_vertices.empty() )
        std::sort( M_vertices.begin() + 1,
                   AngleSortPredicate( M_vertices.front() ) );
        M_vertices.erase( std::unique( M_vertices.begin(), M_vertices.end(), Vector2D::Equal() ),
                          M_vertices.end() );