Beispiel #1
int CVMergeLines::Process(CVPipeline * pipe)
	for (int i = 0; i < pipe->lines.Size(); ++i)
		Line & line1 = pipe->lines[i];
		// Make sure it's normalized.
		Vector3f dir = line1.direction.NormalizedCopy();
		for (int j = 0; j < pipe->lines.Size(); ++j)
			if (i == j)

			Line & line2 = pipe->lines[j];	
			// Check that the directions align.
			Vector3f dir2 = line2.direction.NormalizedCopy();

			if (AbsoluteValue(dir.DotProduct(dir2)) < 0.95f)
			// Check overlap distance. If not overlapping at all, skip 'em.
	//		if (line1.stop.x < line2.start.x ||
		//		line1.start.x > line2.stop.x)
		//		continue;

			// Check the distance between the lines.
			float distance = (line1.start - line2.start).Length();
			if (distance < maxDistance->GetFloat())
				// Merge 'em
	returnType = CVReturnType::LINES;
	return returnType;
Beispiel #2
/// Returns false if the colliding entities are no longer in contact after resolution.
bool FirstPersonCR::ResolveCollision(Collision & c)
	Entity * dynamic;
	Entity * other;
	if (>physics->type == PhysicsType::DYNAMIC)
		dynamic =;
		other = c.two;
		dynamic = c.two;
		other =;
	if (>physics->noCollisionResolutions || c.two->physics->noCollisionResolutions)
		return false;

	// Retardation?
//	if (dynamic->physics->lastCollisionMs + dynamic->physics->minCollisionIntervalMs > physicsNowMs)
	//	return false;

	dynamic->physics->lastCollisionMs = physicsNowMs;

	Entity * dynamic2 = (other->physics->type == PhysicsType::DYNAMIC) ? other : NULL;
	Entity * staticEntity;
	Entity * kinematicEntity;
	if (dynamic ==
		other = c.two;
		other =;
	if (!dynamic2)
		staticEntity = other->physics->type == PhysicsType::STATIC? other : NULL;
		kinematicEntity = other->physics->type == PhysicsType::KINEMATIC? other : NULL;
//	std::cout<<"\nCollision: "<<>name<<" "<<c.two->name;
	// Collision..!
	// Static-Dynamic collision.
	if (!dynamic2)
		PhysicsProperty * pp = dynamic->physics;
		// Skip? No.
//		if (kinematicEntity)
//			return true;

		/// Flip normal if dynamic is two.
		if (dynamic == c.two)
			c.collisionNormal *= -1;

		if (c.collisionNormal.y > 0.8f)
			pp->lastGroundCollisionMs = physicsNowMs;

		// Default plane? reflect velocity upward?
		// Reflect based on the normal.
		float velDotNormal = pp->velocity.DotProduct(c.collisionNormal);
		/// This will be used to reflect it.
		Vector3f velInNormalDir = c.collisionNormal * velDotNormal;
		Vector3f velInTangent = pp->velocity - velInNormalDir;
		Vector3f newVel = velInTangent * (1 - pp->friction) + velInNormalDir * (-pp->restitution);

		/// Apply resitution and stuffs.
		dynamic->physics->velocity = newVel;
		assert(dynamic->parent == 0); 
		/// Adjusting local position may not help if child entity.
		// Old code
		Vector3f moveVec = AbsoluteValue(c.distanceIntoEachOther) * c.collisionNormal;
//		if (moveVec.x || moveVec.z)
//			std::cout<<"\nMoveVec: "<<moveVec;
		dynamic->localPosition += moveVec;
		/// For double-surface collision resolution (not bouncing through walls..)

		/// For the previously backwards-collisions.
//		if (c.distanceIntoEachOther < 0)
	//		dynamic->localPosition += c.distanceIntoEachOther * c.collisionNormal;
//		else // Old code
	//		dynamic->localPosition += AbsoluteValue(c.distanceIntoEachOther) * c.collisionNormal;

		/// If below threshold, sleep it.
		if (dynamic->physics->velocity.Length() < inRestThreshold && c.collisionNormal.y > 0.8f)
			// Sleep eeet.
			dynamic->physics->state |= CollisionState::IN_REST;
			// Nullify velocity.
			dynamic->physics->velocity = Vector3f();
		if (debug == 7)
			std::cout<<"\nCollision resolution: "<<(>name+" "+c.two->name+" ")<<c.collisionNormal<<" onePos"<<>worldPosition<<" twoPos"<<c.two->worldPosition;
	// Dynamic-dynamic collision.
//		std::cout<<"\nProblem?"	;
		/// Push both apart?
		PhysicsProperty * pp = dynamic->physics, * pp2 = dynamic2->physics;

		/// Flip normal if dynamic is two.
		// See if general velocities align with one or the other? or...
//		if (dynamic == c.two)

		;// c.collisionNormal *= -1;

//		std::cout<<"\nNormal: "<<c.collisionNormal;

		// Default plane? reflect velocity upward?		
		/// This will be used to reflect it.
		Vector3f velInNormalDir = c.collisionNormal * pp->velocity.DotProduct(c.collisionNormal);
		Vector3f velInNormalDir2 = c.collisionNormal * pp2->velocity.DotProduct(c.collisionNormal);
		Vector3f velInTangent = pp->velocity - velInNormalDir,
			velInTangent2 = pp2->velocity - velInNormalDir2;
		Vector3f velInTangentTot = velInTangent + velInTangent2,
			velInNormalDirTot = velInNormalDir + velInNormalDir2;		
		/// Use lower value restitution of the two?
		float restitution = 0.5f; // MinimumFloat(pp->restitution, pp2->restitution);
		Vector3f normalDirPart = velInNormalDirTot * restitution * 0.5f;
		Vector3f to2 = (dynamic2->worldPosition - dynamic->worldPosition).NormalizedCopy();
		float partTo2 = normalDirPart.DotProduct(to2);
	//	std::cout<<" normalDirPart: "<<normalDirPart;

		float normalDirPartVal = normalDirPart.Length();

		Vector3f fromCollisionToDyn1 = (dynamic->worldPosition - c.collissionPoint).NormalizedCopy();
		Vector3f fromCollisionToDyn2 = (dynamic2->worldPosition - c.collissionPoint).NormalizedCopy();

		pp->velocity = velInTangent * (1 - pp->friction) + fromCollisionToDyn1 * normalDirPartVal;
		pp2->velocity = velInTangent2 * (1 - pp->friction) + fromCollisionToDyn2 * normalDirPartVal;
		/// Apply resitution and stuffs.
		assert(dynamic->parent == 0);
		/// Adjusting local position may not help if child entity.
		// Old code
		float distanceIntoAbsH = AbsoluteValue(c.distanceIntoEachOther * 0.5f);

		dynamic->localPosition += distanceIntoAbsH * fromCollisionToDyn1;
		dynamic2->localPosition += distanceIntoAbsH * fromCollisionToDyn2;

		/// For double-surface collision resolution (not bouncing through walls..)
		/// If below threshold, sleep it.
		if (dynamic->physics->velocity.Length() < inRestThreshold && c.collisionNormal.y > 0.8f)
		if (pp2->velocity.Length() < inRestThreshold && c.collisionNormal.y > 0.8f)
		if (debug == 7)
			std::cout<<"\nCollision resolution: "<<(>name+" "+c.two->name+" ")<<c.collisionNormal<<" onePos"<<>worldPosition<<" twoPos"<<c.two->worldPosition;

	// Check collision normal.

	return true;
Beispiel #3
/// For NormalMapping~
void Mesh::CalculateUVTangents()
	bool defaultCalcUVTangents = false;
	if (!defaultCalcUVTangents)
	// Not working anyway.. fit it.
	if (this->uvs.Size() == 0)
		std::cout<<"\nNo UVs found. Skipping.";
	for (int i = 0; i < faces.Size(); ++i)
		MeshFace * f = &faces[i];
		if (f->numVertices < 3)

		// Reference:

		/// 3 Points on the faces
		Vector3f v1, v2, v3;
		v1 = vertices[f->vertices[0]];
		v2 = vertices[f->vertices[1]];
		v3 = vertices[f->vertices[2]];

		Vector2f uv1, uv2, uv3;
		uv1 = uvs[f->uvs[0]];
		uv2 = uvs[f->uvs[1]];
		uv3 = uvs[f->uvs[2]];

		/// Diff-vectors.
		Vector3f v1ToV2 = v2 - v1,
			v1ToV3 = v3 - v1;
		Vector2f uv1ToUV2 = uv2 - uv1,
			uv1ToUV3 = uv3 - uv1;

		Vector2f deltaUV1 = uv1ToUV2,
			deltaUV2 = uv1ToUV3;
		Vector3f deltaPos1 = v1ToV2;
		Vector3f deltaPos2 = v1ToV3;
	  // Edges of the triangle : postion delta
 		float r = 1.0f / (deltaUV1.x * deltaUV2.y - deltaUV1.y * deltaUV2.x);
		Vector3f tangent = (deltaPos1 * deltaUV2.y   - deltaPos2 * deltaUV1.y)*r;
		Vector3f biTangent = (deltaPos2 * deltaUV1.x   - deltaPos1 * deltaUV2.x)*r;

		/// Check handed-ness.
		Vector3f crossProduct =  normals[f->normals[0]].CrossProduct(tangent);
		float dotProduct = crossProduct.DotProduct(biTangent);
//		std::cout<<"\nHandednesS: "<<dotProduct > 0;
		if (dotProduct < 0)
			tangent *= -1;

		/// Add the tanget and bitangnet
		f->uvTangent = tangent;
		f->uvBiTangent = biTangent;

		/// Help		
Beispiel #4
void PhysicsManager::ApproximateIntegrate(Entity * entity, float timeSinceLastUpdate)
	PhysicsProperty * physics = entity->physics;
   	// Calculate velocity using the moment?
	float currentVelocity = physics->velocity.Length();
    float velocitySquared = currentVelocity * currentVelocity;
    if (currentVelocity > 0.0001f)
		entity->localPosition += physics->velocity * timeSinceLastUpdate;
        physics->state |= CollisionState::COLLIDING;
        physics->state &= ~CollisionState::IN_REST;

		/// Only apply this if we're exceeding stuffs
            Drag depends on the properties of the fluid and on the size, shape,
            and speed of the object. One way to express this is by means of the drag equation:
                Fd = 0.5 * p * v^2 * Cd * A
                FD is the drag force,
                p is the density of the fluid,[12]
                v is the speed of the object relative to the fluid,
                A is the cross-sectional area, and
                Cd is the drag coefficient – a dimensionless number.

            The drag coefficient depends on the shape of the object and on the Reynolds number:
#define AIR_DENSITY	1.225 // kg/m^3
#define PT_VELOCITY dynamicEntity->physics->velocity
#define MASS 500
        if (currentVelocity > 10.f)
            float dragCoefficient = 0.001f;
            float crossSectionalArea = physics->physicalRadius;
            float dragForce = 0.5f * airDensity * velocitySquared * dragCoefficient * crossSectionalArea;
            float dragEnergy = dragForce * timeSinceLastUpdate;
            float velocityDecrease = sqrt(dragEnergy / MASS * 2);

            // And decrement the velocity.
			float preVel = physics->velocity.Length();
			Vector3f decrease = - physics->velocity.NormalizedCopy() * velocityDecrease;
            physics->velocity += decrease;
			float postVel = physics->velocity.Length();
		    // This looks like it should always be true,
            // but it's false if x is a NaN.
            if (!(physics->velocity[0] == physics->velocity[0])){
      //          std::cout<<"\nwosh-";
#ifdef _DEBUG
    // Make object bounce up again if at -100.0f made for testing physics only
/*		if (dynamicEntity[i]->position[1] < -100.0f && dynamicEntity[i]->physics->velocity[1] < 0){
        dynamicEntity[i]->position[1] = -100.0f;
        dynamicEntity[i]->physics->velocity[1] = dynamicEntity[i]->physics->velocity[1] * -0.4;

    // Add gravitation and acceleration to velocities
    if (!(physics->state & CollisionState::IN_REST))
//                dynamicEntity->physics->velocity += this->gravitation * timeSinceLastUpdate;
		physics->linearMomentum += this->gravitation * physics->mass * timeSinceLastUpdate * physics->gravityMultiplier;
//                std::cout<<"Applying gravitation to velocity.";

    // Always apply acceleration unless otherwise noted.
    if (physics->acceleration.MaxPart() > ZERO)
		Vector3f velIncrease = entity->rotationMatrix.Product(physics->acceleration);
		velIncrease *= timeSinceLastUpdate;
        Vector3f momentumIncrease = velIncrease * physics->mass;
		physics->linearMomentum += momentumIncrease;
//                std::cout<<"Accelerating  velocityIncrease: "<<velocityIncrease<<" newVel: "<<dynamicEntity->physics->velocity;
        physics->state |= CollisionState::COLLIDING;
        physics->state &= ~CollisionState::IN_REST;
	/// Apply angular velocities
	float angularVelocitySquared = physics->angularVelocity.LengthSquared();
	float angularVelocity = sqrt(angularVelocitySquared);
	if (angularVelocitySquared > 0.000001f)
        Vector3f lookAtPreRotate = entity->rotationMatrix * Vector4d(0,0,-1,1);

		if (physics->useQuaternions)
			///Calculate with quaternions.
			PhysicsProperty * physics = entity->physics;
			Quaternion & orientation = physics->orientation;
			if (physics->angularVelocity.MaxPart() > 0){

	//              std::cout<<"\nQuaternion, pre: "<<physics->orientation;

	//            std::cout<<"\nTime since last update: "<<timeSinceLastUpdate;
				physics->orientation.ApplyAngularVelocity(physics->angularVelocity, timeSinceLastUpdate);
	  //          std::cout<<" post: "<<physics->orientation;
	   //         std::cout<<"\nAngular Velocity: "<<physics->angularVelocity;
		// Euclidean.
		else {
			/// Default gimbal-locking rotations
			entity->Rotate(physics->angularVelocity * timeSinceLastUpdate);
		// Recalculate the matrix?

		/// Adjust velocity in the movement direction depending on our new rotation!
		Vector3f lookAtPostRotate = entity->rotationMatrix * Vector4d(0,0,-1,1);
		float velDotLookatPreRotate = lookAtPreRotate.DotProduct(physics->velocity);
		float velPreRotate = physics->velocity.Length();
		Vector3f oldVelocity = physics->velocity;
		Vector3f velocityMinusLocalZVelocity = oldVelocity - lookAtPreRotate * velDotLookatPreRotate;
		/// Change it.
		physics->velocity = velocityMinusLocalZVelocity +
			velDotLookatPreRotate * lookAtPostRotate * physics->velocityRetainedWhileRotating +
			velDotLookatPreRotate * lookAtPreRotate * (1.0f - physics->velocityRetainedWhileRotating);
		/// And apply some damping or it will increase.
		float dampingDueToRotation = pow(0.99754f, angularVelocity);
		// Close, 0.99854f
		physics->velocity *= dampingDueToRotation;
		physics->velocity *= pow(linearDamping, timeSinceLastUpdate);
	//	if (dampingDueToRotation < 0.9985f)
		//	std::cout<<"\nDamping due to rotation: "<<dampingDueToRotation;

		float velPostRotate = physics->velocity.Length();
	//	assert(velPostRotate <= velPreRotate);

		//              std::cout<<"\nUpdating velocity using rotations..? "<<oldVelocity<<" newVel: "<<dynamicEntity->physics->velocity;
        // Decrease the velocity as if we've got some air in the way too?
        physics->angularVelocity *= pow(angularDamping, timeSinceLastUpdate);
        physics->state |= CollisionState::COLLIDING;
        physics->state &= ~CollisionState::IN_REST;
	// Apply angular acceleration
    if (physics->angularAcceleration.MaxPart() > ZERO){
        // Screw the quaternions and stuff for now... do it all in local space
        Vector3f angularVelocityIncrease = physics->angularAcceleration * timeSinceLastUpdate;
        physics->angularVelocity += angularVelocityIncrease;
        physics->state |= CollisionState::COLLIDING;
        physics->state &= ~CollisionState::IN_REST;

	// Apply linear damping
	physics->linearMomentum *= pow(physics->linearDamping, timeSinceLastUpdate);

	// Update velocity.
	if (physics->inverseMass == 0)
		physics->inverseMass = 1 / physics->mass;
	physics->velocity = physics->linearMomentum * physics->inverseMass;
	entity->localPosition += physics->velocity * timeSinceLastUpdate;

	// Move position

    // Reposition them in the entityCollisionOctree as needed...!
    // This could maybe be done less times per loop, but that would apply to the whole loop below if so...!

Beispiel #5
/** All entities sent here should be fully dynamic! 
	Kinematic ones may or may not work (consider adding own integration function).
void SRIntegrator::IntegrateDynamicEntities(List<Entity*> & dynamicEntities, float timeInSeconds)
	FirstPersonIntegrator::IntegrateDynamicEntities(dynamicEntities, timeInSeconds);
	for (int i = 0; i < dynamicEntities.Size(); ++i)
		// check for magnetics.
		Entity * entity = dynamicEntities[i];
		if (entity->physics->state & CollisionState::IN_REST)
		MagneticProperty * magProp = entity->GetProperty<MagneticProperty>();
		if (magProp)
			// Rotate a bit.
			// Raycast to floor on location, at forward + 1 and side + 1, then rotate so that the ship is flat to the level.
			Vector3f upVec = entity->rotationMatrix.GetColumn(1),
				forwardVec = -entity->rotationMatrix.GetColumn(2),
				rightVec = entity->rotationMatrix.GetColumn(0);
			/// New rolling, check nearest points of track.
			TrackPoint * tp = track->NearestPoint(entity->worldPosition);
			if (!tp || tp->next == 0)
			TrackPoint * next = tp->next->next;
			if (!next)
			/// Desired forward, and up-right vectors of the track.
			Vector3f desForward = (next->pos - tp->pos).NormalizedCopy(),
				desUp = tp->up,
				desRight = tp->right;

			float desForwardDotCurrForward = desForward.NormalizedCopy().DotProduct(forwardVec);
			Vector3f desForwardInCurrDir = desForwardDotCurrForward * desForward; // Less than 1			
			float forwardDotDesUp = forwardVec.DotProduct(desUp);

			// Pitch down or up?
			Vector3f forwardProjected = desForwardDotCurrForward * desForward;
			Vector3f diffForwardCurrForward = forwardVec - desForward;
			/// Pitch needed?
			float pitchNeeded = diffForwardCurrForward.DotProduct(upVec);
//			if (AbsoluteValue(pitchNeeded) > 0.1f)
	//			std::cout<<"\nPitch needed: "<<pitchNeeded;
			if (desForwardDotCurrForward > 0)
				pitchNeeded *= -1;
			// Rotate slightly around side-vector.
			entity->physics->angularVelocity  -= rightVec * pitchNeeded * timeInSeconds * 0.2f;
			/// Barrel-roll.
			Vector3f diffUpCurrUp = upVec - desUp;
			float barrelNeeded = diffUpCurrUp.DotProduct(rightVec);
	//		if (AbsoluteValue(barrelNeeded) > 0.1f)
	//			std::cout<<"\nBarrel needed: "<<barrelNeeded;
			entity->physics->angularVelocity += forwardVec * barrelNeeded * timeInSeconds * 0.1f;

			/// Add some velocity towards the next and previous node, acting as magnetism down towards the field?
			entity->physics->velocity -= desUp * timeInSeconds * 5.f + (entity->worldPosition - tp->pos).NormalizedCopy() * 5.f * timeInSeconds;

			/// Old rolling
			Ray ray(entity->worldPosition, -upVec); // 0 - side, 1 - up, 2 - forward
			ray.collisionFilter = CC_TRACK;
			List<Intersection> iSecs = Physics.Raycast(ray);
			float distBelow = iSecs.Size()? iSecs[0].distance : 0.f;
			// Ray again.
			ray.start += forwardVec;
			iSecs = PhysicsMan.Raycast(ray);
			float distInFront = iSecs.Size()? iSecs[0].distance : 0.f;
			ray.start = entity->worldPosition + rightVec;
			iSecs = PhysicsMan.Raycast(ray);
			float distSide = iSecs.Size()? iSecs[0].distance : 0.f;

			float distPitch = distInFront - distBelow;
			float distRoll = distSide - distBelow;

			// Rotate accordingly for pitch.
			if (distInFront && distBelow && AbsoluteValue(distPitch) < 2.f && distBelow < 5.f)
				// Rotate slightly around side-vector.
				entity->physics->angularVelocity  += rightVec * distPitch * timeInSeconds * 0.2f;
			// Rotate accordingly for roll.
			if (distSide && distBelow && AbsoluteValue(distRoll) < 2.f  && distBelow < 5.f)
				// Rotate slightly around side-vector.
				entity->physics->angularVelocity  -= forwardVec * distRoll * timeInSeconds * 0.1f;

			/// If not above anything, rotate to level-plane.
			if (distBelow == 0)
				magProp->timeOutsideTrack += timeInSeconds;
				if (magProp->timeOutsideTrack > 2.f)
					/// If nothing detected, rotate so that the ship will be level again, by rolling?
					if (forwardVec.y > 0.2f)
						entity->physics->angularVelocity += forwardVec.y * rightVec * timeInSeconds * 0.1f;
					/// Right-vec not aligned with XZ plane? Roll until it is.
					if (AbsoluteValue(rightVec.y) > 0.2f)
						entity->physics->angularVelocity += rightVec.y * forwardVec * timeInSeconds * 0.1f;	
					if (upVec.y < 0.8f)
						// Barrel-roll up.
						entity->physics->angularVelocity += (-1.f + upVec.y) * forwardVec * timeInSeconds * 0.1f;	
				magProp->timeOutsideTrack = 0;

			// Same for roll.

			// If not close to a surface... rotate to.. stuff?
//			entity->physics->angularVelocity.x = 0.00f;