int CVMergeLines::Process(CVPipeline * pipe) { for (int i = 0; i < pipe->lines.Size(); ++i) { Line & line1 = pipe->lines[i]; // Make sure it's normalized. Vector3f dir = line1.direction.NormalizedCopy(); for (int j = 0; j < pipe->lines.Size(); ++j) { if (i == j) continue; Line & line2 = pipe->lines[j]; // Check that the directions align. Vector3f dir2 = line2.direction.NormalizedCopy(); if (AbsoluteValue(dir.DotProduct(dir2)) < 0.95f) continue; // Check overlap distance. If not overlapping at all, skip 'em. // if (line1.stop.x < line2.start.x || // line1.start.x > line2.stop.x) // continue; // Check the distance between the lines. float distance = (line1.start - line2.start).Length(); if (distance < maxDistance->GetFloat()) { // Merge 'em line1.Merge(line2); pipe->lines.RemoveIndex(j); --j; } } } returnType = CVReturnType::LINES; return returnType; }
/// Returns false if the colliding entities are no longer in contact after resolution. bool FirstPersonCR::ResolveCollision(Collision & c) { Entity * dynamic; Entity * other; if (>physics->type == PhysicsType::DYNAMIC) { dynamic =; other = c.two; } else { dynamic = c.two; other =; } if (>physics->noCollisionResolutions || c.two->physics->noCollisionResolutions) return false; // Retardation? // if (dynamic->physics->lastCollisionMs + dynamic->physics->minCollisionIntervalMs > physicsNowMs) // return false; dynamic->physics->lastCollisionMs = physicsNowMs; Entity * dynamic2 = (other->physics->type == PhysicsType::DYNAMIC) ? other : NULL; Entity * staticEntity; Entity * kinematicEntity; if (dynamic == other = c.two; else other =; if (!dynamic2) { staticEntity = other->physics->type == PhysicsType::STATIC? other : NULL; kinematicEntity = other->physics->type == PhysicsType::KINEMATIC? other : NULL; } // std::cout<<"\nCollision: "<<>name<<" "<<c.two->name; // Collision..! // Static-Dynamic collision. if (!dynamic2) { PhysicsProperty * pp = dynamic->physics; // Skip? No. // if (kinematicEntity) // return true; /// Flip normal if dynamic is two. if (dynamic == c.two) c.collisionNormal *= -1; if (c.collisionNormal.y > 0.8f) pp->lastGroundCollisionMs = physicsNowMs; // Default plane? reflect velocity upward? // Reflect based on the normal. float velDotNormal = pp->velocity.DotProduct(c.collisionNormal); /// This will be used to reflect it. Vector3f velInNormalDir = c.collisionNormal * velDotNormal; Vector3f velInTangent = pp->velocity - velInNormalDir; Vector3f newVel = velInTangent * (1 - pp->friction) + velInNormalDir * (-pp->restitution); /// Apply resitution and stuffs. dynamic->physics->velocity = newVel; assert(dynamic->parent == 0); /// Adjusting local position may not help if child entity. // Old code Vector3f moveVec = AbsoluteValue(c.distanceIntoEachOther) * c.collisionNormal; // if (moveVec.x || moveVec.z) // std::cout<<"\nMoveVec: "<<moveVec; dynamic->localPosition += moveVec; /// For double-surface collision resolution (not bouncing through walls..) /// For the previously backwards-collisions. // if (c.distanceIntoEachOther < 0) // dynamic->localPosition += c.distanceIntoEachOther * c.collisionNormal; // else // Old code // dynamic->localPosition += AbsoluteValue(c.distanceIntoEachOther) * c.collisionNormal; /// If below threshold, sleep it. if (dynamic->physics->velocity.Length() < inRestThreshold && c.collisionNormal.y > 0.8f) { // Sleep eeet. dynamic->physics->state |= CollisionState::IN_REST; // Nullify velocity. dynamic->physics->velocity = Vector3f(); } if (debug == 7) { std::cout<<"\nCollision resolution: "<<(>name+" "+c.two->name+" ")<<c.collisionNormal<<" onePos"<<>worldPosition<<" twoPos"<<c.two->worldPosition; } } // Dynamic-dynamic collision. else { // std::cout<<"\nProblem?" ; /// Push both apart? PhysicsProperty * pp = dynamic->physics, * pp2 = dynamic2->physics; /// Flip normal if dynamic is two. // See if general velocities align with one or the other? or... // if (dynamic == c.two) ;// c.collisionNormal *= -1; // std::cout<<"\nNormal: "<<c.collisionNormal; // Default plane? reflect velocity upward? /// This will be used to reflect it. Vector3f velInNormalDir = c.collisionNormal * pp->velocity.DotProduct(c.collisionNormal); Vector3f velInNormalDir2 = c.collisionNormal * pp2->velocity.DotProduct(c.collisionNormal); Vector3f velInTangent = pp->velocity - velInNormalDir, velInTangent2 = pp2->velocity - velInNormalDir2; Vector3f velInTangentTot = velInTangent + velInTangent2, velInNormalDirTot = velInNormalDir + velInNormalDir2; /// Use lower value restitution of the two? float restitution = 0.5f; // MinimumFloat(pp->restitution, pp2->restitution); Vector3f normalDirPart = velInNormalDirTot * restitution * 0.5f; Vector3f to2 = (dynamic2->worldPosition - dynamic->worldPosition).NormalizedCopy(); float partTo2 = normalDirPart.DotProduct(to2); // std::cout<<" normalDirPart: "<<normalDirPart; float normalDirPartVal = normalDirPart.Length(); Vector3f fromCollisionToDyn1 = (dynamic->worldPosition - c.collissionPoint).NormalizedCopy(); Vector3f fromCollisionToDyn2 = (dynamic2->worldPosition - c.collissionPoint).NormalizedCopy(); pp->velocity = velInTangent * (1 - pp->friction) + fromCollisionToDyn1 * normalDirPartVal; pp2->velocity = velInTangent2 * (1 - pp->friction) + fromCollisionToDyn2 * normalDirPartVal; /// Apply resitution and stuffs. assert(dynamic->parent == 0); /// Adjusting local position may not help if child entity. // Old code float distanceIntoAbsH = AbsoluteValue(c.distanceIntoEachOther * 0.5f); dynamic->localPosition += distanceIntoAbsH * fromCollisionToDyn1; dynamic2->localPosition += distanceIntoAbsH * fromCollisionToDyn2; /// For double-surface collision resolution (not bouncing through walls..) /// If below threshold, sleep it. if (dynamic->physics->velocity.Length() < inRestThreshold && c.collisionNormal.y > 0.8f) { pp->Sleep(); } else pp->Activate(); if (pp2->velocity.Length() < inRestThreshold && c.collisionNormal.y > 0.8f) { pp2->Sleep(); } else pp2->Activate(); if (debug == 7) { std::cout<<"\nCollision resolution: "<<(>name+" "+c.two->name+" ")<<c.collisionNormal<<" onePos"<<>worldPosition<<" twoPos"<<c.two->worldPosition; } } // Check collision normal. return true; }
/// For NormalMapping~ void Mesh::CalculateUVTangents() { bool defaultCalcUVTangents = false; if (!defaultCalcUVTangents) return; // Not working anyway.. fit it. if (this->uvs.Size() == 0) { std::cout<<"\nNo UVs found. Skipping."; return; } for (int i = 0; i < faces.Size(); ++i) { MeshFace * f = &faces[i]; if (f->numVertices < 3) continue; // Reference: // /// 3 Points on the faces Vector3f v1, v2, v3; v1 = vertices[f->vertices[0]]; v2 = vertices[f->vertices[1]]; v3 = vertices[f->vertices[2]]; Vector2f uv1, uv2, uv3; uv1 = uvs[f->uvs[0]]; uv2 = uvs[f->uvs[1]]; uv3 = uvs[f->uvs[2]]; /// Diff-vectors. Vector3f v1ToV2 = v2 - v1, v1ToV3 = v3 - v1; Vector2f uv1ToUV2 = uv2 - uv1, uv1ToUV3 = uv3 - uv1; Vector2f deltaUV1 = uv1ToUV2, deltaUV2 = uv1ToUV3; Vector3f deltaPos1 = v1ToV2; Vector3f deltaPos2 = v1ToV3; // Edges of the triangle : postion delta float r = 1.0f / (deltaUV1.x * deltaUV2.y - deltaUV1.y * deltaUV2.x); Vector3f tangent = (deltaPos1 * deltaUV2.y - deltaPos2 * deltaUV1.y)*r; Vector3f biTangent = (deltaPos2 * deltaUV1.x - deltaPos1 * deltaUV2.x)*r; /// Check handed-ness. Vector3f crossProduct = normals[f->normals[0]].CrossProduct(tangent); float dotProduct = crossProduct.DotProduct(biTangent); // std::cout<<"\nHandednesS: "<<dotProduct > 0; if (dotProduct < 0) tangent *= -1; /// Add the tanget and bitangnet f->uvTangent = tangent; f->uvBiTangent = biTangent; /// Help } }
void PhysicsManager::ApproximateIntegrate(Entity * entity, float timeSinceLastUpdate) { PhysicsProperty * physics = entity->physics; // Calculate velocity using the moment? physics->CalculateVelocity(); float currentVelocity = physics->velocity.Length(); float velocitySquared = currentVelocity * currentVelocity; if (currentVelocity > 0.0001f) { entity->localPosition += physics->velocity * timeSinceLastUpdate; physics->state |= CollisionState::COLLIDING; physics->state &= ~CollisionState::IN_REST; /// Only apply this if we're exceeding stuffs /** Drag depends on the properties of the fluid and on the size, shape, and speed of the object. One way to express this is by means of the drag equation: Fd = 0.5 * p * v^2 * Cd * A where FD is the drag force, p is the density of the fluid,[12] v is the speed of the object relative to the fluid, A is the cross-sectional area, and Cd is the drag coefficient – a dimensionless number. The drag coefficient depends on the shape of the object and on the Reynolds number: Re */ #define AIR_DENSITY 1.225 // kg/m^3 #define PT_VELOCITY dynamicEntity->physics->velocity #define MASS 500 if (currentVelocity > 10.f) { float dragCoefficient = 0.001f; float crossSectionalArea = physics->physicalRadius; float dragForce = 0.5f * airDensity * velocitySquared * dragCoefficient * crossSectionalArea; float dragEnergy = dragForce * timeSinceLastUpdate; float velocityDecrease = sqrt(dragEnergy / MASS * 2); // And decrement the velocity. float preVel = physics->velocity.Length(); Vector3f decrease = - physics->velocity.NormalizedCopy() * velocityDecrease; physics->velocity += decrease; float postVel = physics->velocity.Length(); // This looks like it should always be true, // but it's false if x is a NaN. if (!(physics->velocity[0] == physics->velocity[0])){ // std::cout<<"\nwosh-"; } } } #ifdef _DEBUG // Make object bounce up again if at -100.0f made for testing physics only /* if (dynamicEntity[i]->position[1] < -100.0f && dynamicEntity[i]->physics->velocity[1] < 0){ dynamicEntity[i]->position[1] = -100.0f; dynamicEntity[i]->physics->velocity[1] = dynamicEntity[i]->physics->velocity[1] * -0.4; } */ #endif // Add gravitation and acceleration to velocities if (!(physics->state & CollisionState::IN_REST)) { // dynamicEntity->physics->velocity += this->gravitation * timeSinceLastUpdate; physics->linearMomentum += this->gravitation * physics->mass * timeSinceLastUpdate * physics->gravityMultiplier; // std::cout<<"Applying gravitation to velocity."; } // Always apply acceleration unless otherwise noted. if (physics->acceleration.MaxPart() > ZERO) { Vector3f velIncrease = entity->rotationMatrix.Product(physics->acceleration); velIncrease *= timeSinceLastUpdate; Vector3f momentumIncrease = velIncrease * physics->mass; physics->linearMomentum += momentumIncrease; // std::cout<<"Accelerating velocityIncrease: "<<velocityIncrease<<" newVel: "<<dynamicEntity->physics->velocity; physics->state |= CollisionState::COLLIDING; physics->state &= ~CollisionState::IN_REST; } /// Apply angular velocities float angularVelocitySquared = physics->angularVelocity.LengthSquared(); float angularVelocity = sqrt(angularVelocitySquared); if (angularVelocitySquared > 0.000001f) { Vector3f lookAtPreRotate = entity->rotationMatrix * Vector4d(0,0,-1,1); if (physics->useQuaternions) { ///Calculate with quaternions. PhysicsProperty * physics = entity->physics; Quaternion & orientation = physics->orientation; if (physics->angularVelocity.MaxPart() > 0){ // std::cout<<"\nQuaternion, pre: "<<physics->orientation; // std::cout<<"\nTime since last update: "<<timeSinceLastUpdate; physics->orientation.ApplyAngularVelocity(physics->angularVelocity, timeSinceLastUpdate); physics->orientation.Normalize(); // std::cout<<" post: "<<physics->orientation; // std::cout<<"\nAngular Velocity: "<<physics->angularVelocity; } } // Euclidean. else { /// Default gimbal-locking rotations entity->Rotate(physics->angularVelocity * timeSinceLastUpdate); } // Recalculate the matrix? entity->RecalculateMatrix(); /// Adjust velocity in the movement direction depending on our new rotation! Vector3f lookAtPostRotate = entity->rotationMatrix * Vector4d(0,0,-1,1); float velDotLookatPreRotate = lookAtPreRotate.DotProduct(physics->velocity); float velPreRotate = physics->velocity.Length(); Vector3f oldVelocity = physics->velocity; Vector3f velocityMinusLocalZVelocity = oldVelocity - lookAtPreRotate * velDotLookatPreRotate; /// Change it. physics->velocity = velocityMinusLocalZVelocity + velDotLookatPreRotate * lookAtPostRotate * physics->velocityRetainedWhileRotating + velDotLookatPreRotate * lookAtPreRotate * (1.0f - physics->velocityRetainedWhileRotating); /// And apply some damping or it will increase. float dampingDueToRotation = pow(0.99754f, angularVelocity); // Close, 0.99854f physics->velocity *= dampingDueToRotation; physics->velocity *= pow(linearDamping, timeSinceLastUpdate); // if (dampingDueToRotation < 0.9985f) // std::cout<<"\nDamping due to rotation: "<<dampingDueToRotation; float velPostRotate = physics->velocity.Length(); // assert(velPostRotate <= velPreRotate); // std::cout<<"\nUpdating velocity using rotations..? "<<oldVelocity<<" newVel: "<<dynamicEntity->physics->velocity; // Decrease the velocity as if we've got some air in the way too? physics->angularVelocity *= pow(angularDamping, timeSinceLastUpdate); physics->state |= CollisionState::COLLIDING; physics->state &= ~CollisionState::IN_REST; } // Apply angular acceleration if (physics->angularAcceleration.MaxPart() > ZERO){ // Screw the quaternions and stuff for now... do it all in local space Vector3f angularVelocityIncrease = physics->angularAcceleration * timeSinceLastUpdate; physics->angularVelocity += angularVelocityIncrease; physics->state |= CollisionState::COLLIDING; physics->state &= ~CollisionState::IN_REST; } // Apply linear damping physics->linearMomentum *= pow(physics->linearDamping, timeSinceLastUpdate); // Update velocity. if (physics->inverseMass == 0) physics->inverseMass = 1 / physics->mass; physics->velocity = physics->linearMomentum * physics->inverseMass; entity->localPosition += physics->velocity * timeSinceLastUpdate; // Move position // Reposition them in the entityCollisionOctree as needed...! // This could maybe be done less times per loop, but that would apply to the whole loop below if so...! }
/** All entities sent here should be fully dynamic! Kinematic ones may or may not work (consider adding own integration function). */ void SRIntegrator::IntegrateDynamicEntities(List<Entity*> & dynamicEntities, float timeInSeconds) { FirstPersonIntegrator::IntegrateDynamicEntities(dynamicEntities, timeInSeconds); for (int i = 0; i < dynamicEntities.Size(); ++i) { // check for magnetics. Entity * entity = dynamicEntities[i]; if (entity->physics->state & CollisionState::IN_REST) continue; MagneticProperty * magProp = entity->GetProperty<MagneticProperty>(); if (magProp) { // Rotate a bit. // Raycast to floor on location, at forward + 1 and side + 1, then rotate so that the ship is flat to the level. Vector3f upVec = entity->rotationMatrix.GetColumn(1), forwardVec = -entity->rotationMatrix.GetColumn(2), rightVec = entity->rotationMatrix.GetColumn(0); /// New rolling, check nearest points of track. TrackPoint * tp = track->NearestPoint(entity->worldPosition); if (!tp || tp->next == 0) continue; TrackPoint * next = tp->next->next; if (!next) continue; /// Desired forward, and up-right vectors of the track. Vector3f desForward = (next->pos - tp->pos).NormalizedCopy(), desUp = tp->up, desRight = tp->right; float desForwardDotCurrForward = desForward.NormalizedCopy().DotProduct(forwardVec); Vector3f desForwardInCurrDir = desForwardDotCurrForward * desForward; // Less than 1 float forwardDotDesUp = forwardVec.DotProduct(desUp); // Pitch down or up? Vector3f forwardProjected = desForwardDotCurrForward * desForward; Vector3f diffForwardCurrForward = forwardVec - desForward; /// Pitch needed? float pitchNeeded = diffForwardCurrForward.DotProduct(upVec); // if (AbsoluteValue(pitchNeeded) > 0.1f) // std::cout<<"\nPitch needed: "<<pitchNeeded; if (desForwardDotCurrForward > 0) pitchNeeded *= -1; // Rotate slightly around side-vector. entity->physics->angularVelocity -= rightVec * pitchNeeded * timeInSeconds * 0.2f; /// Barrel-roll. Vector3f diffUpCurrUp = upVec - desUp; float barrelNeeded = diffUpCurrUp.DotProduct(rightVec); // if (AbsoluteValue(barrelNeeded) > 0.1f) // std::cout<<"\nBarrel needed: "<<barrelNeeded; entity->physics->angularVelocity += forwardVec * barrelNeeded * timeInSeconds * 0.1f; /// Add some velocity towards the next and previous node, acting as magnetism down towards the field? entity->physics->velocity -= desUp * timeInSeconds * 5.f + (entity->worldPosition - tp->pos).NormalizedCopy() * 5.f * timeInSeconds; /// Old rolling /* Ray ray(entity->worldPosition, -upVec); // 0 - side, 1 - up, 2 - forward ray.collisionFilter = CC_TRACK; List<Intersection> iSecs = Physics.Raycast(ray); float distBelow = iSecs.Size()? iSecs[0].distance : 0.f; // Ray again. ray.start += forwardVec; iSecs = PhysicsMan.Raycast(ray); float distInFront = iSecs.Size()? iSecs[0].distance : 0.f; ray.start = entity->worldPosition + rightVec; iSecs = PhysicsMan.Raycast(ray); float distSide = iSecs.Size()? iSecs[0].distance : 0.f; float distPitch = distInFront - distBelow; float distRoll = distSide - distBelow; // Rotate accordingly for pitch. if (distInFront && distBelow && AbsoluteValue(distPitch) < 2.f && distBelow < 5.f) { // Rotate slightly around side-vector. entity->physics->angularVelocity += rightVec * distPitch * timeInSeconds * 0.2f; } // Rotate accordingly for roll. if (distSide && distBelow && AbsoluteValue(distRoll) < 2.f && distBelow < 5.f) { // Rotate slightly around side-vector. entity->physics->angularVelocity -= forwardVec * distRoll * timeInSeconds * 0.1f; } /// If not above anything, rotate to level-plane. if (distBelow == 0) { magProp->timeOutsideTrack += timeInSeconds; if (magProp->timeOutsideTrack > 2.f) { /// If nothing detected, rotate so that the ship will be level again, by rolling? if (forwardVec.y > 0.2f) { entity->physics->angularVelocity += forwardVec.y * rightVec * timeInSeconds * 0.1f; } /// Right-vec not aligned with XZ plane? Roll until it is. if (AbsoluteValue(rightVec.y) > 0.2f) { entity->physics->angularVelocity += rightVec.y * forwardVec * timeInSeconds * 0.1f; } if (upVec.y < 0.8f) { // Barrel-roll up. entity->physics->angularVelocity += (-1.f + upVec.y) * forwardVec * timeInSeconds * 0.1f; } } } else { magProp->timeOutsideTrack = 0; } */ // Same for roll. // If not close to a surface... rotate to.. stuff? // entity->physics->angularVelocity.x = 0.00f; } } }