Beispiel #1
  * @brief
  *  Construct a plane with a point and a normal.
  * @param p
  *  the point
  * @param n
  *  the normal
  * @throw std::domain_error
  *  if the normal vector is the zero vector
  * @remark
  *  The plane normal is normalized if necessary.
  * @remark
  *  Let \f$X\f$ be the point and \f$\vec{n}\f$ the unnormalized plane normal, then the plane equation is given by
  *  \f{align*}{
  *  \hat{n} \cdot P + d = 0, \hat{n}=\frac{\vec{n}}{|\vec{n}|}, d = -\left(\hat{n} \cdot X\right)
  *  \f}
  *  \f$X\f$ is on the plane as
  *  \f{align*}{
  *   &\hat{n} \cdot X + d\\
  *  =&\hat{n} \cdot X + -(\hat{n} \cdot X)\\
  *  =&\hat{n} \cdot X - \hat{n} \cdot X\\
  *  =&0
  *  \f}
 Plane3(const VectorType& p, const VectorType& n)
     : _n(n), _d(0.0f) {
     if (_n.normalize() == 0.0f) {
         throw std::domain_error("normal vector is zero vector");
     _d =;
Beispiel #2
Plane::Plane(VectorType& normal, DREAM3D::SurfaceMesh::Vert_t& x) :
Beispiel #3
  * @brief
  *  Construct a plane with three non-collinear points.
  * @param a, b, c
  *  the point
  * @throw std::domain_error
  *  if the points are collinear
  * @remark
  *  Assume \f$a\f$, \f$b\f$ and \f$c\f$ are not collinear. Let \f$u = b - a\f$,
  *  \f$v = c - a\f$, \f$n = u \times v\f$, \f$\hat{n} = \frac{n}{|n|}\f$ and
  *  \f$d = -\left(\hat{n} \cdot a\right)\f$.
  * @remark
  *  We show that \f$a\f$, \f$b\f$ and \f$c\f$ are on the plane given by the
  *  equation \f$\hat{n} \cdot p + d = 0\f$. To show this for \f$a\f$, rewrite
  *   the plane equation to
  *  \f{eqnarray*}{
  *  \hat{n} \cdot p  + -(\hat{n} \cdot a) = 0\\
  *  \f}
  *  shows for \f$p=a\f$ immediatly that \f$a\f$ is on the plane.
  * @remark
  *  To show that \f$b\f$ and \f$c\f$ are on the plane, the plane equation is
  *  rewritten yet another time using the bilinearity property of the dot product
  *  and the definitions of \f$d\f$ and \f$\hat{n}\f$ its
  *  \f{align*}{
  *     &\hat{n} \cdot p + -(\hat{n} \cdot a)  \;\;\text{Def. of } d\\
  *  =&\hat{n} \cdot p + \hat{n} \cdot (-a)  \;\;\text{Bilinearity of the dot product}\\
  *  =&\hat{n} \cdot (p - a)                 \;\;\text{Bilinearity of the dot product}\\
  *  =&\frac{n}{|n|} \cdot (p - a)           \;\;\text{Def. of } \hat{n}\\
  *  =&(\frac{1}{|n|}n) \cdot (p - a)        \;\;\\
  *  =&\frac{1}{|n|}(n \cdot (p - a))       \;\;\text{Compatibility of the dot product w. scalar multiplication}\\
  *  =&n \cdot (p - a)                       \;\;\\
  *  =&(u \times v) \cdot (p - a)            \;\;\text{Def. of } n
  *  \f}
  *  Let \f$p = b\f$ then
  *  \f{align*}{
  *   &(u \times v) \cdot (b - a)            \;\text{Def. of } u\\
  *  =&(u \times v) \cdot u\\
  *  =&0
  *  \f}
  *  or let \f$p = c\f$ then
  *  \f{align*}{
  *   &(u \times v) \cdot (c - a)              \;\text{Def. of } u\\
  *  =&(u \times v) \cdot v\\
  *  =&0
  *  \f}
  *  as \f$u \times v\f$ is orthogonal to both \f$u\f$ and \f$v\f$.
  *  This shows that \f$b\f$ and \f$c\f$ are on the plane.
 Plane3(const VectorType& a, const VectorType& b, const VectorType& c) {
     auto u = b - a;
     if (u == VectorType::zero()) {
         throw std::domain_error("b = a");
     auto v = c - a;
     if (u == VectorType::zero()) {
         throw std::domain_error("c = a");
     _n = u.cross(v);
     if (0.0f == _n.normalize()) {
         /* u x v = 0 is only possible for u,v != 0 if u = v and thus b = c. */
         throw std::domain_error("b = c");
     _d =;
Beispiel #4
double gaussian_kl_divergence( const VectorType& mean0, const MatrixType& info0,
                               const VectorType& mean1, const MatrixType& info1 )
	Eigen::LDLT<MatrixType> ldl0( info0 );
	Eigen::LDLT<MatrixType> ldl1( info1 );

	double det0 = ldl0.vectorD().prod();
	double det1 = ldl1.vectorD().prod();
	double detDiff = std::log( det0 ) - std::log( det1 );

	MatrixType invProd = ldl0.solve( info1 );

	VectorType meanDiff = mean1 - mean0;
	double quadTerm = info1 * meanDiff );

	return 0.5 * ( invProd.trace() + quadTerm - mean0.size() + detDiff );
Beispiel #5
 static ScalarType dot(std::size_t /*N*/, VectorType const & x, VectorType const & y)
 { return; }
Beispiel #6
	 * @remark
	 *	The first (slow) method to compute the translation of a plane \f$\hat{n} \cdot P + d = 0\f$
	 *	is to compute a point on the plane, translate the point, and compute from the new point and
	 *	and the old plane normal the new plane:
	 *	To translate a plane \f$\hat{n} \cdot P + d = 0\f$, compute a point on the plane
	 *	\f$X\f$ (i.e. a point \f$\hat{n} \cdot X + d = 0\f$) by
	 *	\f{align*}{
	 *	X = (-d) \cdot \hat{n}
	 *	\f}
	 *	Translate the point \f$X\f$ by \f$\vec{t}\f$ into a new point \f$X'\f$:
	 *	\f{align*}{
	 *	X' = X + \vec{t}
	 *	\f}
	 *	and compute the new plane
	 *	\f{align*}{
	 *	\hat{n} \cdot P + d' = 0, d' = -\left(\hat{n} \cdot X'\right)
	 *	\f}
	 * @remark
	 *	The above method is not the fastest method. Observing that the old and the new plane equation only
	 *	differ by \f$d\f$ and \f$d'\f$, a faster method of translating a plane can be devised by computing
	 *	\f$d'\f$ directly. Expanding \f$d'\f$ gives
	 *	\f{align*}{
	 *	d' =& -\left(\hat{n} \cdot X'\right)\\
	 *     =& -\left[\hat{n} \cdot \left((-d) \cdot \hat{n} + \vec{t}\right)\right]\\
	 *     =& -\left[(-d) \cdot \hat{n} \cdot \hat{n} + \hat{n} \cdot \vec{t}\right]\\
	 *     =& -\left[-d + \hat{n} \cdot \vec{t}\right]\\
	 *     =& d - \hat{n} \cdot \vec{t}
	 *	\f}
	 *	The new plane can then be computed by
	 *	\f{align*}{
	 *	\hat{n} \cdot P + d' = 0, d' = -d - \hat{n} \cdot \vec{t}
	 *	\f}
	 * @param t
	 *	the translation vector
	 * @copydoc Ego::Math::translatable
	void translate(const VectorType& t) override {
		_d -=;
Beispiel #7
  * @brief
  *  Get the distance of a point from this plane.
  * @param point
  *  the point
  * @return
  *  the distance of the point from the plane.
  *  The point is in the positive (negative) half-space of the plane if the distance is positive (negative).
  *  Otherwise the point is on the plane.
  * @remark
  *  Let \f$\hat{n} \cdot P + d = 0\f$ be a plane and \f$v\f$ be some point.
  *  We claim that \f$d'=\hat{n} \cdot v + d\f$ is the signed distance of the
  *  point \f$v\f$ from the plane.
  *  To show this, assume \f$v\f$ is not in the plane. Then there
  *  exists a single point \f$u\f$ on the plane which is closest to
  *  \f$v\f$ such that \f$v\f$ can be expressed by translating \f$u\f$
  *  along the plane normal by the signed distance \f$d'\f$ from
  *  \f$u\f$ to \f$v\f$ i.e. \f$v = u + d' \hat{n}\f$. Obviously,
  *  if \f$v\f$ is in the positive (negative) half-space of the plane, then
  *  \f$d'>0\f$ (\f$d' < 0\f$). We obtain now
  *  \f{align*}{
  *    &\hat{n} \cdot v + d\\
  *  = &\hat{n} \cdot (u + d' \hat{n}) + d\\
  *  = &\hat{n} \cdot u + d' (\hat{n} \cdot \hat{n}) + d\\
  *  = &\hat{n} \cdot u + d' + d\\
  *  = &\hat{n} \cdot u + d + d'\\
  *  \f}
  *  However, as \f$u\f$ is on the plane
  *  \f{align*}{
  *  = &\hat{n} \cdot u + d + d'\\
  *  = &d'
  *  \f}
 ScalarType distance(const VectorType& point) const {
     return + _d;
Beispiel #8
		double log_like(VectorType arg_vec){

			return -;
Beispiel #9
Plane::Plane(VectorType& normal, VectorType& x)
:	m_normal(normal), m_center(x), m_d(
Beispiel #10
inline void Plane<N, T>::setNormalAndPoint(const VectorType& normal, const VectorType& point)
	this->normal = normal;
	dist = -(;
NumericType linear_kernel::eval(const VectorType & x, const VectorType & y) const