Beispiel #1
void main()
    unsigned fg = BG0ROMDrawable::SOLID_FG ^ BG0ROMDrawable::BLUE;
    unsigned bg = BG0ROMDrawable::SOLID_FG ^ BG0ROMDrawable::BLACK;

    vid.bg0rom.fill(vec(0,0), vec(3,3), fg);


    float hz = 0;

    while (1) {
        // Scale to [-1, 1]
        auto accel = cube.accel() / 128.f;

        // Glide to the target note (half-steps above or below middle C)
        float note = 261.6f * pow(1.05946f, 8 + round(accel.y * 24.f));
        hz += (note - hz) * 0.4f;

        synthesize(hz, accel.x - 0.2f,
            clamp(accel.x + 0.5f, 0.f, 1.f));

        const Int2 center = LCD_center - vec(24,24)/2;
        vid.bg0rom.setPanning(-(center + accel.xy() * 60.f));
Beispiel #2
void main()
    static VideoBuffer vid; //create video buffer for each cube
    vid.initMode(BG0_SPR_BG1); //set video buffer to BG0_SPR_BG1 mode
    vid.attach(0); //attach video buffer to cube with ID 0

    vid.bg0.image(vec(0,0), MyBG0Image); //Set the image `Background` defined in assets.lua to the VideoBuffer's BG0 layer

    vid.sprites[0].setImage(MyRedSprite); //assign our first sprite
    vid.sprites[0].move(15,15); //move it to where we want it

    vid.sprites[1].move(93, 60); 

    vid.bg1.setMask(BG1Mask::filled(vec(4,4), vec(8,8))); //Mask an area in the location and size of our BG1 image
    vid.bg1.image(vec(4,4), MyBG1Image); //Place a BG1 image in the same space as the mask. 

    while (1) { //game looop
Beispiel #3
void main()
    CubeID cube(0);

    VideoBuffer vid;

    for (int x = -1; x < 17; x++) {
        drawColumn(vid, x);

     * Scroll horizontally through our background based on the accelerometer's X axis.
     * We can scroll with pixel accuracy within a column of tiles via bg0.setPanning().
     * When we get to either edge of the currently plotted tiles, draw a new column
     * of tiles from the source image.
     * Because BG0 is 1 tile wider and taller than the viewport itself, we can pre-load
     * the next column of tiles into the column at the edge before it comes into view.

    float x = 0;
    int prev_xt = 0;

    for (;;) {
        // Scroll based on accelerometer tilt
        Int2 accel = vid.physicalAccel().xy();

        // Floating point pixels
        x += accel.x * (40.0f / 128.0f);

        // Integer pixels
        int xi = x + 0.5f;

        // Integer tiles
        int xt = x / 8;

        while (prev_xt < xt) {
            // Fill in new tiles, just past the right edge of the screen
            drawColumn(vid, prev_xt + 17);

        while (prev_xt > xt) {
            // Fill in new tiles, just past the left edge
            drawColumn(vid, prev_xt - 2);

        // pixel-level scrolling within the current column
        vid.bg0.setPanning(vec(xi, 0));

Beispiel #4
void CaptureCallback::ContextData::readImage()
    int width = _graphicsContext->getTraits()->width;
    int height = _graphicsContext->getTraits()->height;

    if (width!=_width || _height!=height)
        _width = width; 
        _height = height;

    if (_delegate)
        VideoBuffer *buffer = _delegate->getVideoBuffer();

        GLint internalFormat = GL_BGRA;     // This is fine for iOS

#ifdef ANDROID                              // Depending in the platform / android version, the pixel format will change
        glGetIntegerv(GL_IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT, &internalFormat);
        if (internalFormat == GL_RGB)
            internalFormat = GL_RGBA;
        buffer->pixelFormat = internalFormat;

        size_t bpp = buffer->bpp();
        size_t bpr = buffer->bpr();

        GLubyte *pixelBufferData = (GLubyte *)buffer->data();

        glReadPixels(0, 0, width, height, internalFormat, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixelBufferData);

        if (bpr != width*bpp){

            // There is some padding expected in the buffer, let's move stuff around
            for (int y = height-1; y > 0; --y){

                memmove(pixelBufferData + y * bpr, pixelBufferData + y * width * bpp, width * bpp);

VideoBuffer * SignTool::GetIcon(int toolID, int width, int height)
	VideoBuffer * newTexture = new VideoBuffer(width, height);
	for (int y=0; y<height; y++)
		for (int x=0; x<width; x++)
			pixel pc =  x==0||x==width-1||y==0||y==height-1 ? PIXPACK(0xA0A0A0) : PIXPACK(0x000000);
			newTexture->SetPixel(x, y, PIXR(pc), PIXG(pc), PIXB(pc), 255);
	newTexture->AddCharacter((width/2)-5, (height/2)-5, 0xE021, 32, 64, 128, 255);
	newTexture->BlendCharacter((width/2)-5, (height/2)-5, 0xE020, 255, 255, 255, 255);
	return newTexture;
Beispiel #6
void VideoHeader::setup(VideoBuffer & buffer){
    this->buffer= &buffer;
    fps         = buffer.getFps();
    position    = buffer.size();
    oneFrame    = (pmTimeDiff)round(1000000.0/(float)fps);
    speed       = 1;
    prevBufferPos = 0;
    pct         = 1;
    pctHasChanged = true;
    in          = 0;
    out         = 1;
    loopMode    = 0;
    delay       = 0;

Beispiel #7
void main()

	void* buff;
	if (totalTouchCount.readObject(buff,0) <= 0)
	   //no data has been saved previously
       LOG("\ntotalTouchCount has been written to\n");

	} else {
        LOG("\ntotalTouchCount hasn't been written to\n");

    Colormap colourList;


        int temp = 0;
        LOG("%d \n",temp);

Beispiel #8
void main()
	String <128> text;
	text << "Hello World" << "\n";
	playSfx (CountSound);

//	AudioTracker::play(Count);

	while (1)
VideoBuffer * SaveRenderer::Render(unsigned char * saveData, int dataSize, bool decorations, bool fire)
	GameSave * tempSave;
	try {
		tempSave = new GameSave((char*)saveData, dataSize);
	} catch (std::exception & e) {
		//Todo: make this look a little less shit
		VideoBuffer * buffer = new VideoBuffer(64, 64);
		buffer->BlendCharacter(32, 32, 'x', 255, 255, 255, 255);
		return buffer;
	VideoBuffer * thumb = Render(tempSave, decorations, fire);
	delete tempSave;
	return thumb;
Beispiel #10
VideoBuffer *DecorationTool::GetIcon(int toolID, int width, int height)
	VideoBuffer * newTexture = new VideoBuffer(width, height);
	for (int y=0; y<height; y++)
		for (int x=0; x<width; x++)
			//if (toolID == DECO_LIGH)
			//	vid_buf[WINDOWW*(y+j)+(x+i)] = PIXRGB(PIXR(pc)-10*j, PIXG(pc)-10*j, PIXB(pc)-10*j);
			//else if (toolID == DECO_DARK)
			//	vid_buf[WINDOWW*(y+j)+(x+i)] = PIXRGB(PIXR(pc)+10*j, PIXG(pc)+10*j, PIXB(pc)+10*j);
			if (toolID == DECO_SMUDGE)
				newTexture->SetPixel(x, y, 0, 255-5*x, 5*x, 255);
			else if (toolID == DECO_DRAW || toolID == DECO_CLEAR)
				newTexture->SetPixel(x, y, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha);
				newTexture->SetPixel(x, y, 50, 50, 50, 255);
	if (toolID == DECO_CLEAR)
		int reverseRed = (Red+127)%256;
		int reverseGreen = (Green+127)%256;
		int reverseBlue = (Blue+127)%256;
		for (int y=4; y<12; y++)
			newTexture->SetPixel(y+5, y-1, reverseRed, reverseGreen, reverseBlue, 255);
			newTexture->SetPixel(y+6, y-1, reverseRed, reverseGreen, reverseBlue, 255);
			newTexture->SetPixel(20-y, y-1, reverseRed, reverseGreen, reverseBlue, 255);
			newTexture->SetPixel(21-y, y-1, reverseRed, reverseGreen, reverseBlue, 255);
	else if (toolID == DECO_ADD)
		newTexture->AddCharacter(11, 4, '+', Red, Green, Blue, 255);
	else if (toolID == DECO_SUBTRACT)
		newTexture->AddCharacter(11, 4, '-', Red, Green, Blue, 255);
	else if (toolID == DECO_MULTIPLY)
		newTexture->AddCharacter(11, 3, 'x', Red, Green, Blue, 255);
	else if (toolID == DECO_DIVIDE)
		newTexture->AddCharacter(11, 4, '/', Red, Green, Blue, 255);
	return newTexture;
RequestBroker::ProcessResponse ThumbRenderRequest::Process(RequestBroker & rb)
	VideoBuffer * thumbnail = SaveRenderer::Ref().Render(Save, Decorations, Fire);

	delete Save;
	Save = NULL;

		thumbnail->Resize(Width, Height, true);
		ResultObject = (void*)thumbnail;
		return RequestBroker::Finished;
		return RequestBroker::Failed;
	return RequestBroker::Failed;
Beispiel #12
void writePacket()
    * This is one way to write packets to the UsbPipe; using reserve()
    * and commit(). If you already have a buffer that you want to copy to the
    * UsbPipe, you can use write().

    if (Usb::isConnected() && usbPipe.writeAvailable()) {

         * Access some buffer space for writing the next packet. This
         * is the zero-copy API for writing packets. Both reading and writing
         * have a traditional (one copy) API and a zero-copy API.

        UsbPacket &packet = usbPipe.sendQueue.reserve();

         * Fill most of the packet with dummy data

        // 28-bit type code, for our own application's use


        for (unsigned i = 0; i < packet.capacity(); ++i) {
            packet.bytes()[i] = 'a' + i;

         * Fill the first 3 bytes with accelerometer data from Cube 0

        Byte3 accel = vid.physicalAccel();

        packet.bytes()[0] = accel.x;
        packet.bytes()[1] = accel.y;
        packet.bytes()[2] = accel.z;

         * Log the packet for debugging, and commit it to the FIFO.
         * The system will asynchronously send it to our peer.

        LOG("Sending: %d bytes, type=%02x, data=%19h\n",
            packet.size(), packet.type(), packet.bytes());

        updatePacketCounts(1, 0);
Beispiel #13
void main()
     * Display text in BG0_ROM mode on Cube 0

    CubeID cube = 0;
    vid.bg0rom.text(vec(0,0), " USB Demo ", vid.bg0rom.WHITE_ON_TEAL);

    // Zero out our counters

     * When we transmit packets in this example, we'll fill them with our
     * cube's accelerometer state. When we receive packets, they'll
     * be hex-dumped to the screen. We also keep counters that show how many
     * packets have been processed.
     * If possible, applications are encouraged to use event handlers so that
     * they only try to read packets when packets are available, and they only
     * write packets when buffer space is available. In this example, we always
     * want to read packets when they arrive, so we keep an onRead() handler
     * registered at all times. We also want to write as long as there's buffer
     * space, but only when a peer is connected. So we'll register and unregister
     * our onWrite() handler in onConnect() and onDisconnect(), respectively.
     * Note that attach() will empty our transmit and receive queues. If we want
     * to enqueue write packets in onConnct(), we need to be sure the pipe is
     * attached before we set up onConnect/onDisconnect.

    updatePacketCounts(0, 0);

     * Watch for incoming connections, and display some text on the screen to
     * indicate connection state.


    if (Usb::isConnected()) {
    } else {

     * Everything else happens in event handlers, nothing to do in our main loop.

    while (1) {

        for (unsigned n = 0; n < 60; n++) {

         * For debugging, periodically log the USB packet counters.

        LOG("USB-Counters: rxPackets=%d txPackets=%d rxBytes=%d txBytes=%d rxUserDropped=%d\n",
            usbCounters.receivedPackets(), usbCounters.sentPackets(),
            usbCounters.receivedBytes(), usbCounters.sentBytes(),
Beispiel #14
int main( int argc, const char** argv )
  std::vector<std::string> filenames;
  std::string configFile = "";
  bool outputJson = false;
  int seektoms = 0;
  bool detectRegion = false;
  std::string country;
  int topn;
  bool debug_mode = false;

  TCLAP::CmdLine cmd("OpenAlpr Command Line Utility", ' ', Alpr::getVersion());

  TCLAP::UnlabeledMultiArg<std::string>  fileArg( "image_file", "Image containing license plates", true, "", "image_file_path"  );

  TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> countryCodeArg("c","country","Country code to identify (either us for USA or eu for Europe).  Default=us",false, "us" ,"country_code");
  TCLAP::ValueArg<int> seekToMsArg("","seek","Seek to the specified millisecond in a video file. Default=0",false, 0 ,"integer_ms");
  TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> configFileArg("","config","Path to the openalpr.conf file",false, "" ,"config_file");
  TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> templatePatternArg("p","pattern","Attempt to match the plate number against a plate pattern (e.g., md for Maryland, ca for California)",false, "" ,"pattern code");
  TCLAP::ValueArg<int> topNArg("n","topn","Max number of possible plate numbers to return.  Default=10",false, 10 ,"topN");

  TCLAP::SwitchArg jsonSwitch("j","json","Output recognition results in JSON format.  Default=off", cmd, false);
  TCLAP::SwitchArg debugSwitch("","debug","Enable debug output.  Default=off", cmd, false);
  TCLAP::SwitchArg detectRegionSwitch("d","detect_region","Attempt to detect the region of the plate image.  [Experimental]  Default=off", cmd, false);
  TCLAP::SwitchArg clockSwitch("","clock","Measure/print the total time to process image and all plates.  Default=off", cmd, false);
  TCLAP::SwitchArg motiondetect("", "motion", "Use motion detection on video file or stream.  Default=off", cmd, false);

    cmd.add( templatePatternArg );
    cmd.add( seekToMsArg );
    cmd.add( topNArg );
    cmd.add( configFileArg );
    cmd.add( fileArg );
    cmd.add( countryCodeArg );

    if (cmd.parse( argc, argv ) == false)
      // Error occurred while parsing.  Exit now.
      return 1;

    filenames = fileArg.getValue();

    country = countryCodeArg.getValue();
    seektoms = seekToMsArg.getValue();
    outputJson = jsonSwitch.getValue();
    debug_mode = debugSwitch.getValue();
    configFile = configFileArg.getValue();
    detectRegion = detectRegionSwitch.getValue();
    templatePattern = templatePatternArg.getValue();
    topn = topNArg.getValue();
    measureProcessingTime = clockSwitch.getValue();
	do_motiondetection = motiondetect.getValue();
  catch (TCLAP::ArgException &e)    // catch any exceptions
    std::cerr << "error: " << e.error() << " for arg " << e.argId() << std::endl;
    return 1;

  cv::Mat frame;

  Alpr alpr(country, configFile);
  if (debug_mode)

  if (detectRegion)

  if (templatePattern.empty() == false)

  if (alpr.isLoaded() == false)
    std::cerr << "Error loading OpenALPR" << std::endl;
    return 1;

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < filenames.size(); i++)
    std::string filename = filenames[i];

    if (filename == "-")
      std::vector<uchar> data;
      int c;

      while ((c = fgetc(stdin)) != EOF)
        data.push_back((uchar) c);

      frame = cv::imdecode(cv::Mat(data), 1);
      if (!frame.empty())
        detectandshow(&alpr, frame, "", outputJson);
        std::cerr << "Image invalid: " << filename << std::endl;
    else if (filename == "stdin")
      std::string filename;
      while (std::getline(std::cin, filename))
        if (fileExists(filename.c_str()))
          frame = cv::imread(filename);
          detectandshow(&alpr, frame, "", outputJson);
          std::cerr << "Image file not found: " << filename << std::endl;

    else if (filename == "webcam" || startsWith(filename, WEBCAM_PREFIX))
      int webcamnumber = 0;
      // If they supplied "/dev/video[number]" parse the "number" here
      if(startsWith(filename, WEBCAM_PREFIX) && filename.length() > WEBCAM_PREFIX.length())
        webcamnumber = atoi(filename.substr(WEBCAM_PREFIX.length()).c_str());
      int framenum = 0;
      cv::VideoCapture cap(webcamnumber);
      if (!cap.isOpened())
        std::cerr << "Error opening webcam" << std::endl;
        return 1;

      while (
        if (framenum == 0)
        detectandshow(&alpr, frame, "", outputJson);
    else if (startsWith(filename, "http://") || startsWith(filename, "https://"))
      int framenum = 0;

      VideoBuffer videoBuffer;

      videoBuffer.connect(filename, 5);

      cv::Mat latestFrame;

      while (program_active)
        std::vector<cv::Rect> regionsOfInterest;
        int response = videoBuffer.getLatestFrame(&latestFrame, regionsOfInterest);

        if (response != -1)
          if (framenum == 0)
          detectandshow(&alpr, latestFrame, "", outputJson);

        // Sleep 10ms


      std::cout << "Video processing ended" << std::endl;
    else if (hasEndingInsensitive(filename, ".avi") || hasEndingInsensitive(filename, ".mp4") ||
                                                       hasEndingInsensitive(filename, ".webm") ||
                                                       hasEndingInsensitive(filename, ".flv") || hasEndingInsensitive(filename, ".mjpg") ||
                                                       hasEndingInsensitive(filename, ".mjpeg") ||
             hasEndingInsensitive(filename, ".mkv")
      if (fileExists(filename.c_str()))
        int framenum = 0;

        cv::VideoCapture cap = cv::VideoCapture();;
        cap.set(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC, seektoms);

        while (
          if (SAVE_LAST_VIDEO_STILL)
            cv::imwrite(LAST_VIDEO_STILL_LOCATION, frame);
          if (!outputJson)
            std::cout << "Frame: " << framenum << std::endl;
          if (framenum == 0)
          detectandshow(&alpr, frame, "", outputJson);
          //create a 1ms delay
        std::cerr << "Video file not found: " << filename << std::endl;
    else if (is_supported_image(filename))
      if (fileExists(filename.c_str()))
        frame = cv::imread(filename);

        bool plate_found = detectandshow(&alpr, frame, "", outputJson);

        if (!plate_found && !outputJson)
          std::cout << "No license plates found." << std::endl;
        std::cerr << "Image file not found: " << filename << std::endl;
    else if (DirectoryExists(filename.c_str()))
      std::vector<std::string> files = getFilesInDir(filename.c_str());

      std::sort(files.begin(), files.end(), stringCompare);

      for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++)
        if (is_supported_image(files[i]))
          std::string fullpath = filename + "/" + files[i];
          std::cout << fullpath << std::endl;
          frame = cv::imread(fullpath.c_str());
          if (detectandshow(&alpr, frame, "", outputJson))
            //while ((char) cv::waitKey(50) != 'c') { }
      std::cerr << "Unknown file type" << std::endl;
      return 1;

  return 0;
Beispiel #15
RequestBroker::ProcessResponse ImageRequest::Process(RequestBroker & rb)
	VideoBuffer * image = NULL;

	//Have a look at the thumbnail cache
	for(std::deque<std::pair<std::string, VideoBuffer*> >::iterator iter = rb.imageCache.begin(), end = rb.imageCache.end(); iter != end; ++iter)
		if((*iter).first == URL)
			image = (*iter).second;
#ifdef DEBUG
			std::cout << typeid(*this).name() << " " << URL << " found in cache" << std::endl;

				pixel * imageData;
				char * data;
				int status, data_size, imgw, imgh;
				data = http_async_req_stop(HTTPContext, &status, &data_size);

				if (status == 200 && data)
					imageData = Graphics::ptif_unpack(data, data_size, &imgw, &imgh);

						image = new VideoBuffer(imageData, imgw, imgh);
						//Error thumbnail
						image = new VideoBuffer(32, 32);
						image->SetCharacter(14, 14, 'x', 255, 255, 255, 255);

					if(rb.imageCache.size() >= THUMB_CACHE_SIZE)
						//Remove unnecessary from thumbnail cache
						delete rb.imageCache.front().second;
					rb.imageCache.push_back(std::pair<std::string, VideoBuffer*>(URL, image));
	#ifdef DEBUG
					std::cout << typeid(*this).name() << " Request for " << URL << " failed with status " << status << std::endl;

					return RequestBroker::Failed;
			//Check for ongoing requests
			for(std::vector<Request*>::iterator iter = rb.activeRequests.begin(), end = rb.activeRequests.end(); iter != end; ++iter)
				if((*iter)->Type != Request::Image)
				ImageRequest * otherReq = (ImageRequest*)(*iter);
				if(otherReq->URL == URL && otherReq != this)
	#ifdef DEBUG
					std::cout << typeid(*this).name() << " Request for " << URL << " found, appending." << std::endl;
					//Add the current listener to the item already being requested
					return RequestBroker::Duplicate;

			//If it's not already being requested, request it
	#ifdef DEBUG
			std::cout << typeid(*this).name() << " Creating new request for " << URL << std::endl;
			HTTPContext = http_async_req_start(NULL, (char *)URL.c_str(), NULL, 0, 0);
			RequestTime = time(NULL);

		//Create a copy, to seperate from the cache
		std::vector<Request *> children(Children.begin(), Children.end());

		VideoBuffer * myVB = new VideoBuffer(*image);
		myVB->Resize(Width, Height, true);
		ResultObject = (void*)myVB;
		for(std::vector<Request*>::iterator childIter = children.begin(), childEnd = children.end(); childIter != childEnd; ++childIter)
			if((*childIter)->Type == Request::Image)
				ImageRequest * childReq = (ImageRequest*)*childIter;
				VideoBuffer * tempImage = new VideoBuffer(*image);
				tempImage->Resize(childReq->Width, childReq->Height, true);
				childReq->ResultObject = (void*)tempImage;
		return RequestBroker::Finished;

	return RequestBroker::OK;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	ui::Engine * engine;
	std::string outputPrefix, inputFilename;
	std::vector<char> inputFile;
	std::string ppmFilename, ptiFilename, ptiSmallFilename, pngFilename, pngSmallFilename;
	std::vector<char> ppmFile, ptiFile, ptiSmallFile, pngFile, pngSmallFile;

	inputFilename = std::string(argv[1]);
	outputPrefix = std::string(argv[2]);

	ppmFilename = outputPrefix+".ppm";
	ptiFilename = outputPrefix+".pti";
	ptiSmallFilename = outputPrefix+"-small.pti";
	pngFilename = outputPrefix+".png";
	pngSmallFilename = outputPrefix+"-small.png";

	readFile(inputFilename, inputFile);

	ui::Engine::Ref().g = new Graphics();
	engine = &ui::Engine::Ref();
	engine->Begin(WINDOWW, WINDOWH);

	GameSave * gameSave = NULL;
		gameSave = new GameSave(inputFile);
	catch (ParseException e)
		//Render the save again later or something? I don't know
		if (e.what() == "Save from newer version")
			throw e;

	Simulation * sim = new Simulation();
	Renderer * ren = new Renderer(ui::Engine::Ref().g, sim);

	if (gameSave)

		//Render save
		ren->decorations_enable = true;
		ren->blackDecorations = true;

		int frame = 15;
		int w = Graphics::textwidth("Save file invalid")+16, x = (XRES-w)/2, y = (YRES-24)/2;
		ren->drawrect(x, y, w, 24, 192, 192, 192, 255);
		ren->drawtext(x+8, y+8, "Save file invalid", 192, 192, 240, 255);


	VideoBuffer screenBuffer = ren->DumpFrame();
	//ppmFile = format::VideoBufferToPPM(screenBuffer);
	ptiFile = format::VideoBufferToPTI(screenBuffer);
	pngFile = format::VideoBufferToPNG(screenBuffer);

	screenBuffer.Resize(1.0f/3.0f, true);
	ptiSmallFile = format::VideoBufferToPTI(screenBuffer);
	pngSmallFile = format::VideoBufferToPNG(screenBuffer);

	//writeFile(ppmFilename, ppmFile);
	writeFile(ptiFilename, ptiFile);
	writeFile(ptiSmallFilename, ptiSmallFile);
	writeFile(pngFilename, pngFile);
	writeFile(pngSmallFilename, pngSmallFile);
Beispiel #17
void main()
    const CubeID cube(0);
    static VideoBuffer vid;

     * Blank the screen. This also blanks the one-pixel region between
     * the bottom of the fractal and the top of the elapsed time indicator
     * below.

    vid.colormap[0] = RGB565::fromRGB(0xFFFFFF);

     * We use STAMP mode in a special way here, to do (slow) true-color
     * rendering: The framebuffer is simply set up as an identity mapping
     * that shows each of the 16 colors in our colormap. Now we can put
     * a row of 16 pixels directly into the colormap, and render the screen
     * using 1024 of these little 16x1 pixel "frames".
     * Clearly this is really slow, and this technique is unlikely to be
     * frequently useful, but it's a fun parlour trick :)

    SystemTime startTime = SystemTime::now();


    auto &fb = vid.stamp.initFB<16,1>();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < 16; i++)
        fb.plot(vec(i, 0U), i);

    for (unsigned y = 0; y < LCD_height - 9; y++)
        for (unsigned x = 0; x < LCD_width; x += 16) {

             * Render 16 pixels at a time, into a buffer in RAM.

            static RGB565 pixels[16];

            for (unsigned i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                pixels[i] = calculateMandelbrot(vec(x+i, y));

             * Now copy to VRAM and start painting. By waiting until
             * now to call finish(), we're allowing the calculation above
             * to run concurrently with the cube's paint operation.
             * Note that our "frames" are actually just tiny pieces of the
             * screen, so we need to avoid the default frame rate limits
             * in order to render at an at all reasonable rate. This is
             * where paintUnlimited() comes into play.

            vid.stamp.setBox(vec(x,y), vec(16,1));

     * Use BG0_ROM mode to draw the elapsed time at the bottom of the screen.

    TimeDelta elapsed = SystemTime::now() - startTime;

    String<16> message;
    message << (elapsed.milliseconds() / 1000) << "."
        << Fixed(elapsed.milliseconds() % 1000, 3) << " sec";
    LOG("Elapsed time: %s\n", message.c_str());

    vid.bg0rom.text(vec(1,0), message);
    vid.setWindow(LCD_height - 8, 8);

    // Kill time (efficiently)
    while (1)
Beispiel #18
int main( int argc, const char** argv )
    std::string filename;
    std::string configFile = "";
    bool outputJson = false;
    int seektoms = 0;
    bool detectRegion = false;
    std::string templateRegion;
    std::string country;
    int topn;

    TCLAP::CmdLine cmd("OpenAlpr Command Line Utility", ' ', Alpr::getVersion());

    TCLAP::UnlabeledValueArg<std::string>  fileArg( "image_file", "Image containing license plates", false, "", "image_file_path"  );

    TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> countryCodeArg("c","country","Country code to identify (either us for USA or eu for Europe).  Default=us",false, "us" ,"country_code");
    TCLAP::ValueArg<int> seekToMsArg("","seek","Seek to the specied millisecond in a video file. Default=0",false, 0 ,"integer_ms");
    TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> configFileArg("","config","Path to the openalpr.conf file",false, "" ,"config_file");
    TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> templateRegionArg("t","template_region","Attempt to match the plate number against a region template (e.g., md for Maryland, ca for California)",false, "" ,"region code");
    TCLAP::ValueArg<int> topNArg("n","topn","Max number of possible plate numbers to return.  Default=10",false, 10 ,"topN");

    TCLAP::SwitchArg jsonSwitch("j","json","Output recognition results in JSON format.  Default=off", cmd, false);
    TCLAP::SwitchArg detectRegionSwitch("d","detect_region","Attempt to detect the region of the plate image.  Default=off", cmd, false);
    TCLAP::SwitchArg clockSwitch("","clock","Measure/print the total time to process image and all plates.  Default=off", cmd, false);

        cmd.add( templateRegionArg );
        cmd.add( seekToMsArg );
        cmd.add( topNArg );
        cmd.add( configFileArg );
        cmd.add( fileArg );
        cmd.add( countryCodeArg );

        if (cmd.parse( argc, argv ) == false)
            // Error occured while parsing.  Exit now.
            return 1;

        filename = fileArg.getValue();

        country = countryCodeArg.getValue();
        seektoms = seekToMsArg.getValue();
        outputJson = jsonSwitch.getValue();
        configFile = configFileArg.getValue();
        detectRegion = detectRegionSwitch.getValue();
        templateRegion = templateRegionArg.getValue();
        topn = topNArg.getValue();
        measureProcessingTime = clockSwitch.getValue();
    catch (TCLAP::ArgException &e)    // catch any exceptions
        std::cerr << "error: " << e.error() << " for arg " << e.argId() << std::endl;
        return 1;

    cv::Mat frame;

    Alpr alpr(country, configFile);

    if (detectRegion)

    if (templateRegion.empty() == false)

    if (alpr.isLoaded() == false)
        std::cerr << "Error loading OpenALPR" << std::endl;
        return 1;

    if (filename.empty())
        std::string filename;
        while (std::getline(std::cin, filename))
            if (fileExists(filename.c_str()))
                frame = cv::imread( filename );
                detectandshow( &alpr, frame, "", outputJson);
                std::cerr << "Image file not found: " << filename << std::endl;

    else if (filename == "webcam")
        int framenum = 0;
        cv::VideoCapture cap(0);
        if (!cap.isOpened())
            std::cout << "Error opening webcam" << std::endl;
            return 1;

        while (
            detectandshow(&alpr, frame, "", outputJson);
    else if (startsWith(filename, "http://") || startsWith(filename, "https://"))
        int framenum = 0;

        VideoBuffer videoBuffer;

        videoBuffer.connect(filename, 5);

        cv::Mat latestFrame;

        while (program_active)
            int response = videoBuffer.getLatestFrame(&latestFrame);

            if (response != -1)
                detectandshow( &alpr, latestFrame, "", outputJson);

            // Sleep 10ms


        std::cout << "Video processing ended" << std::endl;
    else if (hasEndingInsensitive(filename, ".avi") || hasEndingInsensitive(filename, ".mp4") || hasEndingInsensitive(filename, ".webm") ||
             hasEndingInsensitive(filename, ".flv") || hasEndingInsensitive(filename, ".mjpg") || hasEndingInsensitive(filename, ".mjpeg"))
        if (fileExists(filename.c_str()))
            int framenum = 0;

            cv::VideoCapture cap=cv::VideoCapture();
            cap.set(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC, seektoms);

            while (
                if (SAVE_LAST_VIDEO_STILL)
                    cv::imwrite(LAST_VIDEO_STILL_LOCATION, frame);
                std::cout << "Frame: " << framenum << std::endl;

                detectandshow( &alpr, frame, "", outputJson);
                //create a 1ms delay
            std::cerr << "Video file not found: " << filename << std::endl;
    else if (hasEndingInsensitive(filename, ".png") || hasEndingInsensitive(filename, ".jpg") ||
             hasEndingInsensitive(filename, ".jpeg") || hasEndingInsensitive(filename, ".gif"))
        if (fileExists(filename.c_str()))
            frame = cv::imread( filename );

            detectandshow( &alpr, frame, "", outputJson);
            std::cerr << "Image file not found: " << filename << std::endl;
    else if (DirectoryExists(filename.c_str()))
        std::vector<std::string> files = getFilesInDir(filename.c_str());

        std::sort( files.begin(), files.end(), stringCompare );

        for (int i = 0; i< files.size(); i++)
            if (hasEndingInsensitive(files[i], ".jpg") || hasEndingInsensitive(files[i], ".png"))
                std::string fullpath = filename + "/" + files[i];
                std::cout << fullpath << std::endl;
                frame = cv::imread( fullpath.c_str() );
                if (detectandshow( &alpr, frame, "", outputJson))
                    //while ((char) cv::waitKey(50) != 'c') { }
        std::cerr << "Unknown file type" << std::endl;
        return 1;

    return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

  // setup Network tables for this client to talk to the robot
  NetworkTable::SetIPAddress(""); // where is the robot?
  NetworkTable *table = NetworkTable::GetTable("SmartDashboard"); // what table will we interface with?
	cout << "Got through the network tables\n";
	int width = 320;
	int height = 240;
	const float SeekWidth[] = {23.50, 4.0}; // inches
	const float SeekHeight[] = {4.0, 32.0}; // inches
	const float SeekRatio[2] = {SeekWidth[0] / SeekHeight[0], SeekWidth[1] / SeekHeight[1]}; // 24:18 = 1.333:1
	float alpha = 1.0; // constrast -- don't change it

  int c;
  opterr = 0; // "I'll create all the error messages, not getopt()"
  bool ShowMask = true; // flag to make the masked image where 'target' is seen, otherwise displays raw source image
  bool ShowVideo = false;   
  while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "b:mvs")) != -1)
    switch (c) {
      case 'b': {
        char* endptr;
        errno = 0;    /* To distinguish success/failure after call */
        long val = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 0);

        /* Check for various possible errors */
        if ((errno == ERANGE && (val == LONG_MAX || val == LONG_MIN))
            || (errno != 0 && val == 0)
            || (val > 100) || (val < 0)) {
          fprintf(stderr, "Invalid integer for 'b'eta: '%s'\n",optarg);
        type = val;
      case 'm':
        ShowMask = true;
      case 'v': // VGA resolution (640x480, but is slow)
        width = 640;
        height = 480;
      case 's': // Show the video
        ShowVideo = true;
      case '?':
        if (optopt == 'b')
          fprintf (stderr, "Option -%c requires an argument.\n", optopt);
        else if (isprint (optopt))
          fprintf (stderr, "Unknown option `-%c'.\n", optopt);
          fprintf (stderr, "Unknown option character `\\x%x'.\n", optopt);
        return 1;
        abort ();

  cout << "Attempting to initialize capturing\n";

	RaspiVid v("/dev/video0", width, height);
	cout << "Calling constructor(s)\n";
	if (!v.initialize(RaspiVid::METHOD_MMAP)) {
		cout << "Unable to initialize!\n";
		return -1;
	cout << "Successfully initialized!\n";
	v.setBrightness(50); // 10 for processing; 50 for visible image
	long start[10];

  if(ShowVideo) {
    //createTrackbar("Thresh Type", "Vision", &type, 4, NULL); // callback not needed
	  //createTrackbar("Min Value", "Vision", &defMin, 255, NULL); // callback not needed
	  //createTrackbar("Max Value", "Vision", &defMax, 255, NULL); // callback not needed
	  createTrackbar("Percent Tall", "Vision", &defTall, 20, NULL); // callback not needed
	  createTrackbar("Percent Narr", "Vision", &defNarr, 20, NULL); // callback not needed
	} else {
	  table->PutNumber("Horizontal Percent Error", defTall);
	  table->PutNumber("Vertical Percent Error", defNarr);
	for (int i = 0; i<10; i++)
		start[i] = getmsofday(); // pre-load with 'now'
	for (int i = 0; 1; i++) {
		// Receive key-press updates, it is required if you want to output images,
		// so the task takes a moment to update the display.
		if (waitKey(1) > 0)
    string fileStream = "Mask"; // Default if no table present
		if (table->IsConnected()) {
	    NetworkTable *StreamsTable = table->GetSubTable("File Streams");
	    if (StreamsTable && StreamsTable->ContainsKey("selected")) {
        fileStream = StreamsTable->GetString("selected");
		ShowMask = (fileStream == "Mask");
		// Grab a frame from the vision API
		VideoBuffer buffer = v.grabFrame();
		// Put the frame into an OpenCV image matrix with a single color (gray scale)
		Mat image(height, width, CV_8UC1,, false); // AKA 'Y'

    Mat dst; // this will be a RGB version of the source image
		// There is more data after the gray scale (Y) that contains U&V
		Mat cb(height/2, width/2, CV_8UC1,*width), false); // 'U'
		Mat cr(height/2, width/2, CV_8UC1,*width)*5/4, false); // 'V'

    // size up cb and cr to be same as y
    Mat CB;
    Mat CR;
    // empty image same as full (gray scale) image, but 3 channels:
    Mat ycbcr(height,width, CV_8UC3);

    Mat in[] = {image, CB, CR};
    int fromto[] = {0,0, 1,1, 2,2}; // YUV
    // mash 3 channels from 2 matrix into a single 3 channel matrix:
    mixChannels(in,3, &ycbcr,1, fromto,3);
    // convert that 3 channel YUV matrix into 3 channel RGB (displayable)
		if (ShowMask) {
      dst = image.clone(); // make a copy, as we want dst to have the same RGB version
    // After calculates, we want to draw 'on' the image, showing our results
    // graphically in some fashion -- that has to happen on a RGB
		if (ShowMask) {
  		cvtColor(image,dst,CV_GRAY2RGB); // create CV_8UC3 version of same image
  		                                 // which will allow us to draw some color on top of the gray

		int Found = 0;
  	if (!ShowMask) {
  		// Show the original image with OpenCV on the screen (could be Grey or RGB)
  		if(ShowVideo) {
  		  imshow("Vision", image);
  	  if(fileStream == "Raw") {
  	    imwrite("/tmp/stream/pic.jpg", image);

    // alter the brightness to work better with contour finding
    //Mat new_image = image.clone();
		//Threshold the image into a new matrix with a minimum value of 1 and maximum of 255
		Mat thresh;
		//inRange(image, Scalar(1), Scalar(255), thresh);
		//Takes the source image and takes a thresh image 
		//applying a min search value and a max search value with a threshold type
		threshold(image, thresh, defMin, defMax, type);
		// Show the thresholded image with OpenCV on the screen
		if(ShowVideo) {
		  imshow("Threshold", thresh);
		if(fileStream == "Threshold") {
		  imwrite("/tmp/stream/pic.jpg", thresh);
		// Find all the contours in the thresholded image
		// The original thresholded image will be destroyed while finding contours
		vector <vector<Point> > contours;
		// CV_RETR_EXTERNAL retrieves only the extreme outer contours. 
		//                  It sets hierarchy[i][2]=hierarchy[i][3]=-1 for all the contours.
		// CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE compresses horizontal, vertical, and diagonal segments and leaves only their end points. 
		//                        For example, an up-right rectangular contour is encoded with 4 points.
		findContours(thresh, contours, CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);

		// Output information
		for (int c=0; c<contours.size(); c++) {

      vector<Point> hull;
		  // examine each contours[c] for width / height, and if within 10% of SeekRatio keep it
		  int MinX, MinY, MaxX, MaxY;
		  MinX = MaxX = contours[c][0].x;
		  MinY = MaxY = contours[c][0].y;
#ifdef DEBUG		  
		  cout << "[" << c << "].size()=" << contours[c].size() << ":";
		  for (int q=1; q<contours[c].size(); q++) {
#ifdef DEBUG		  
		    cout << contours[c][q] << ",";
		    MaxX = max(MaxX,contours[c][q].x);
		    MaxY = max(MaxY,contours[c][q].y);
		    MinX = min(MinX,contours[c][q].x);
		    MinY = min(MinY,contours[c][q].y);
		  } // now the extents of the contour (rectangle?) are [MinX,MinY]==>[MaxX,MaxY]
		  int Width = MaxX - MinX;
		  int Height = MaxY - MinY;	  
		  if (Height > 10) { // at least 10 pixels, otherwise it's probably noise
  		  float ThisRatio = float(Width) / float(Height);
  		  cout << "W/H=(" << Width << " " << Height << " " << ThisRatio << ") ";
  		  // defNarr is the wide one
  		  // defTall is the tall one
  		  int narrErr = table->GetNumber("Horizontal Percent Error");
  		  int tallErr = table->GetNumber("Vertical Percent Error");
  		  if ((ThisRatio >= SeekRatio[0] * (1.0 - (narrErr / 100.0)) &&
  		      ThisRatio <= SeekRatio[0] * (1.0 + (narrErr  / 100.0))) || 
  		      (ThisRatio >= SeekRatio[1] * (1.0 - (tallErr  / 100.0)) &&
  		      ThisRatio <= SeekRatio[1] * (1.0 + (tallErr / 100.0)))) {
  		    // close enough to say "this one could count"
  		    cout << "F";
  		    if (ShowMask) {
    		    // draw this contour on a copy of the image
            Scalar color( 0, 0, 255 );
            drawContours( dst, contours, c, color, CV_FILLED );
		// Output values that the Driver Station can analyze
		bool hotness = false;
    if(Found == 2) {
      hotness = true;
    } else {
      hotness = false;
    table->PutBoolean("Hotness", hotness);
		if (ShowVideo && ShowMask) {
  		imshow("Vision", dst);
    if(ShowMask) {
		  imwrite("/tmp/stream/pic.jpg", dst);
		long now = getmsofday();
		cout << "NumRects:" << Found << " "<< (10000 / (now-start[i%10])) << " FPS      \n";
		start[i%10] = now;
	cout << "\n"; // save the last line of text