Beispiel #1
bool EffectNoise::Process()
   if (noiseDuration <= 0.0)
      noiseDuration = sDefaultGenerateLen;

   //Iterate over each track
   TrackListIterator iter(mWaveTracks);
   WaveTrack *track = (WaveTrack *)iter.First();
   while (track) {
      WaveTrack *tmp = mFactory->NewWaveTrack(track->GetSampleFormat(), track->GetRate());
      numSamples = (longSampleCount)(noiseDuration * track->GetRate() + 0.5);
      longSampleCount i = 0;
      float *data = new float[tmp->GetMaxBlockSize()];
      sampleCount block;

      while(i < numSamples) {
         block = tmp->GetBestBlockSize(i);
         if (block > (numSamples - i))
             block = numSamples - i;

         MakeNoise(data, block, track->GetRate(), noiseAmplitude);

         tmp->Append((samplePtr)data, floatSample, block);
         i += block;
      delete[] data;

      track->Clear(mT0, mT1);
      track->Paste(mT0, tmp);
      delete tmp;

      //Iterate to the next track
      track = (WaveTrack *)iter.Next();

      save last used values
      save duration unless value was got from selection, so we save only
      when user explicitely setup a value
   if (mT1 == mT0)
      gPrefs->Write(wxT("/CsPresets/NoiseGen_Duration"), noiseDuration);

   gPrefs->Write(wxT("/CsPresets/NoiseGen_Type"), noiseType);
   gPrefs->Write(wxT("/CsPresets/NoiseGen_Amp"), noiseAmplitude);

   mT1 = mT0 + noiseDuration; // Update selection.

   return true;
Beispiel #2
bool EffectToneGen::Process()
   if (length <= 0.0)
      length = sDefaultGenerateLen;

   //Iterate over each track
   TrackListIterator iter(mWaveTracks);
   WaveTrack *track = (WaveTrack *)iter.First();
   while (track) {
      mSample = 0;
      WaveTrack *tmp = mFactory->NewWaveTrack(track->GetSampleFormat());
      mCurRate = track->GetRate();
      longSampleCount numSamples =
         (longSampleCount)(length * mCurRate + 0.5);
      longSampleCount i = 0;
      float *data = new float[tmp->GetMaxBlockSize()];
      sampleCount block;

      while(i < numSamples) {
         block = tmp->GetBestBlockSize(i);
         if (block > (numSamples - i))
             block = numSamples - i;
         MakeTone(data, block);
         tmp->Append((samplePtr)data, floatSample, block);
         i += block;
      delete[] data;

      track->Clear(mT0, mT1);
      track->Paste(mT0, tmp);
      delete tmp;
      //Iterate to the next track
      track = (WaveTrack *)iter.Next();

	mT1 = mT0 + length; // Update selection.

   return true;
Beispiel #3
bool EffectSilence::Process()
   if (length <= 0.0)
      length = sDefaultGenerateLen;

   TrackListIterator iter(mWaveTracks);
   WaveTrack *track = (WaveTrack *)iter.First();
   while (track) {
      WaveTrack *tmp = mFactory->NewWaveTrack(track->GetSampleFormat(), track->GetRate());
      tmp->InsertSilence(0.0, length);
      track->Clear(mT0, mT1);
      track->Paste(mT0, tmp);
      delete tmp;
      //Iterate to the next track
      track = (WaveTrack *)iter.Next();

	mT1 = mT0 + length; // Update selection.
   return true;
bool Generator::Process()
   if (GetDuration() < 0.0)
      return false;

   // Set up mOutputTracks.
   // This effect needs Track::All for sync-lock grouping.

   // Iterate over the tracks
   bool bGoodResult = true;
   int ntrack = 0;
   TrackListIterator iter(mOutputTracks);
   Track* t = iter.First();

   while (t != NULL)
      if (t->GetKind() == Track::Wave && t->GetSelected()) {
         WaveTrack* track = (WaveTrack*)t;

         bool editClipCanMove;
         gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/EditClipCanMove"), &editClipCanMove, true);

         //if we can't move clips, and we're generating into an empty space,
         //make sure there's room.
         if (!editClipCanMove &&
             track->IsEmpty(mT0, mT1+1.0/track->GetRate()) &&
             !track->IsEmpty(mT0, mT0+GetDuration()-(mT1-mT0)-1.0/track->GetRate()))
                  _("There is not enough room available to generate the audio"),
                  _("Error"), wxICON_STOP);
            return false;

         if (GetDuration() > 0.0)
            AudacityProject *p = GetActiveProject();
            // Create a temporary track
            std::unique_ptr<WaveTrack> tmp(

            // Fill it with data
            if (!GenerateTrack(&*tmp, *track, ntrack))
               bGoodResult = false;
            else {
               // Transfer the data from the temporary track to the actual one
               SetTimeWarper(new StepTimeWarper(mT0+GetDuration(), GetDuration()-(mT1-mT0)));
               bGoodResult = track->ClearAndPaste(p->GetSel0(), p->GetSel1(), &*tmp, true,
                     false, GetTimeWarper());

            if (!bGoodResult) {
               return false;
            // If the duration is zero, there's no need to actually
            // generate anything
            track->Clear(mT0, mT1);

      else if (t->IsSyncLockSelected()) {
         t->SyncLockAdjust(mT1, mT0 + GetDuration());
      // Move on to the next track
      t = iter.Next();



   mT1 = mT0 + GetDuration(); // Update selection.

   return true;
//------------------------- Processing methods -------------------------
bool EffectSineSweepGenerator::Process()
   // taken `as is` from Audacity`s Generator.cpp to resolve
   // a vc++ linking problem...
   if (mDuration < 0.0)
      return false;


   // Set up mOutputTracks. This effect needs Track::All for grouping

   // Iterate over the tracks
   bool bGoodResult = true;
   int ntrack = 0;
   TrackListIterator iter(mOutputTracks);
   Track* t = iter.First();

   while (t != NULL)
      if (t->GetKind() == Track::Wave && t->GetSelected()) 
         WaveTrack* track = (WaveTrack*)t;
         bool editClipCanMove = true;
         //gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/EditClipCanMove"), &editClipCanMove, true);

         //if we can't move clips, and we're generating into an empty space,
         //make sure there's room.
         if (!editClipCanMove &&
             track->IsEmpty(mT0, mT1+1.0/track->GetRate()) &&
             !track->IsEmpty(mT0, mT0+mDuration-(mT1-mT0)-1.0/track->GetRate()))
             wxMessageBox(_("There is not enough room available to generate the audio"),
                          _("Error"), wxICON_STOP);   
            return false;

         if (mDuration > 0.0)
            // Create a temporary track
            WaveTrack *tmp = mFactory->NewWaveTrack(track->GetSampleFormat(),

            // Fill it with data
            if (!GenerateTrack(tmp, *track, ntrack))
               bGoodResult = false;
               // Transfer the data from the temporary track to the actual one
               SetTimeWarper(new AFStepTimeWarper(mT0+mDuration, mDuration-(mT1-mT0)));
               bGoodResult = track->ClearAndPaste(mT0, mT1, tmp, true,
                     false, GetTimeWarper());
               delete tmp;

            if (!bGoodResult) 
               return false;
            // If the duration is zero, there's no need to actually
            // generate anything
            track->Clear(mT0, mT1);

      else if (t->IsSyncLockSelected()) 
         t->SyncLockAdjust(mT1, mT0 + mDuration);
      // Move on to the next track
      t = iter.Next();



   mT1 = mT0 + mDuration; // Update selection.

   return true;
Beispiel #6
bool EffectTruncSilence::Process()
   SelectedTrackListOfKindIterator iter(Track::Wave, mTracks);
   WaveTrack *t;
   double t0 = mT0;
   double t1 = mT1;
   int tndx; 
   int tcount = 0;
   int fr;

   // Init using first track
   t = (WaveTrack *) iter.First();
   double rate = t->GetRate();
   sampleCount blockLen = t->GetMaxBlockSize();

   // Get the left and right bounds for all tracks
   while (t) {
      // Make sure all tracks have the same sample rate
      if (rate != t->GetRate()) {
         wxMessageBox(_("All tracks must have the same sample rate"), _("Truncate Silence"));
         return false;

      // Count the tracks

      // Set the current bounds to whichever left marker is
      // greater and whichever right marker is less
      t0 = wxMax(mT0, t->GetStartTime());
      t1 = wxMin(mT1, t->GetEndTime());

      // Use the smallest block size of all the tracks
      blockLen = wxMin(blockLen, t->GetMaxBlockSize());

      // Iterate to the next track
      t = (WaveTrack*) iter.Next();

   // Just a sanity check, really it should be much higher
   if(blockLen < 4*mBlendFrameCount)
      blockLen = 4*mBlendFrameCount;

   // Transform the marker timepoints to samples
   t = (WaveTrack *) iter.First();
   sampleCount start = t->TimeToLongSamples(t0);
   sampleCount end = t->TimeToLongSamples(t1);

   // Bigger buffers reduce 'reset'
   //blockLen *= 8;
   // Stress-test the logic for cutting samples through block endpoints
   //blockLen /= 8;

   // Set thresholds
   // We have a lower bound on the amount of silence we chop out at a time
   // to avoid chopping up low frequency sounds.  We're good down to 10Hz
   // if we use 100ms.
   const float minTruncMs = 1.0f;
   double truncDbSilenceThreshold = Enums::Db2Signal[mTruncDbChoiceIndex];
   int truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples = 
      int((wxMax( mTruncInitialAllowedSilentMs, minTruncMs) * rate) / 1000.0);
   int truncLongestAllowedSilentSamples = 
      int((wxMax( mTruncLongestAllowedSilentMs, minTruncMs) * rate) / 1000.0);

   // Require at least 4 samples for lengths
   if(truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples < 4)
      truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples = 4;
   if(truncLongestAllowedSilentSamples < 4)
      truncLongestAllowedSilentSamples = 4;

   // If the cross-fade is longer than the minimum length,
   // then limit the cross-fade length to the minimum length
   // This allows us to have reasonable cross-fade by default
   // and still allow for 1ms minimum lengths
   if(truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples < mBlendFrameCount)
      mBlendFrameCount = truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples;
   if(truncLongestAllowedSilentSamples < mBlendFrameCount)
      mBlendFrameCount = truncLongestAllowedSilentSamples;

   // For sake of efficiency, don't let blockLen be less than double the longest silent samples
   // up until a sane limit of 1Meg samples
   while((blockLen > 0) && (blockLen < truncLongestAllowedSilentSamples*2) && (blockLen < 1048576)) {
      blockLen *= 2;
    // Don't allow either value to be more than half of the block length
   if(truncLongestAllowedSilentSamples > blockLen/2)
      truncLongestAllowedSilentSamples = blockLen/2;
   if(truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples > truncLongestAllowedSilentSamples)
      truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples = truncLongestAllowedSilentSamples;

   // We use the 'longest' variable as additive to the 'initial' variable
   truncLongestAllowedSilentSamples -= truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples;

   // Perform the crossfade half-way through the minimum removed silence duration
   int rampInFrames = (truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples + mBlendFrameCount) / 2;
   if(rampInFrames > truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples)
      rampInFrames = truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples;

   // Allocate buffers
   float **buffer = new float*[tcount];
   for (tndx = 0; tndx < tcount; tndx++) {
      buffer[tndx] = new float[blockLen];

   // Start processing
   //Track::All is needed because this effect has clear functionality
   this->CopyInputTracks(Track::All); // Set up mOutputTracks.
   SelectedTrackListOfKindIterator iterOut(Track::Wave, mOutputTracks);

   sampleCount index = start;
   sampleCount outTrackOffset = start;
   bool cancelled = false;
   // Reset
   bool ignoringFrames = false;
   bool truncToMinimum = true;  // Ignore the initial samples until we get above the noise floor
   sampleCount consecutiveSilentFrames = 0;
   sampleCount truncIndex = 0;
   sampleCount i = 0;
   sampleCount keep;

   while (index < end) {

      // Limit size of current block if we've reached the end
      sampleCount count = blockLen-i;
      if ((index + count) > end) {
         count = end - index; 

      // Fill the buffers
      tndx = 0;
      t = (WaveTrack *) iter.First();
      while (t) {
         t->Get((samplePtr)(buffer[tndx++]+i), floatSample, index, count);
         t = (WaveTrack *) iter.Next();

      // Shift over to account for samples remaining from prior block
      sampleCount limit = count+i;

      // Look for silences in current block
      for ( ; i < limit; i++) {

         // Is current frame in all tracks below threshold
         bool below = true;
         for (tndx = 0; tndx < tcount; tndx++) {
            if (fabs(buffer[tndx][i]) >= truncDbSilenceThreshold) {
               below = false;
         // Make sure we cross-fade and output the last silence
         // so we get a smooth transition into whatever follows the selected region
         // Also set the 'truncToMinimum' flag so that the last silence is truncated to the minimum amount
         if(below && ((index+i+1) == end)) {
            below = false;
            truncToMinimum = true;

         // Count frame if it's below threshold
         if (below) {

            // Ignore this frame (equivalent to cutting it)
            // otherwise, keep sample to be part of allowed silence
            if (consecutiveSilentFrames > truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples) {
               ignoringFrames = true;
         else {
            if (ignoringFrames == true) {
               // Scale the consectiveSilentFrames so we keep a silence duration
               // which is proportional to the original silence up to the limit
               keep = consecutiveSilentFrames - truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples;
               keep /= mSilenceCompressRatio;

               // The first and last samples always get truncated to the minimum amount
               if(truncToMinimum == true)
                  keep = 0;
               if(keep > truncLongestAllowedSilentSamples)
                  keep = truncLongestAllowedSilentSamples;
               if(keep < 0)
                  keep = 0;

               // Compute the location of the cross-fade to be halfway through the silence
               // with restriction to the samples we still have available to use
               rampInFrames = (truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples - keep + mBlendFrameCount) / 2;
               if(rampInFrames > truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples)
                  rampInFrames = truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples;
               if(rampInFrames < mBlendFrameCount)
                  rampInFrames = mBlendFrameCount;

               // Include the cross-fade samples in the count to make the loop logic easier
               keep += rampInFrames;
               truncIndex -= rampInFrames;

               // back up for cross-fade
               sampleCount curOffset = i - keep;

               if(curOffset < 0) {
                  // This should never happen, but just in case...
                  keep += curOffset - rampInFrames;
                  if(keep < mBlendFrameCount)
                     keep = mBlendFrameCount;
                  curOffset = 0;
               if(truncIndex < 0) {
                  // This should never happen, but just in case...
                  truncIndex = 0;

               for (tndx = 0; tndx < tcount; tndx++) {
                  // Cross fade the cut point
                  for (fr = 0; fr < mBlendFrameCount; fr++) {
                     buffer[tndx][truncIndex+fr] = ((mBlendFrameCount-fr)*buffer[tndx][truncIndex+fr] + fr*buffer[tndx][curOffset + fr]) / mBlendFrameCount;
                  // Append the 'keep' samples, if any
                  for ( ; fr < keep; fr++) {
                     buffer[tndx][truncIndex+fr] = buffer[tndx][curOffset + fr];
               truncIndex += keep;
            consecutiveSilentFrames = 0;
            ignoringFrames = false;
            truncToMinimum = false;

         // Can get here either because > dbThreshold
         // or silence duration isn't longer than allowed
         for (tndx = 0; tndx < tcount; tndx++) {
            buffer[tndx][truncIndex] = buffer[tndx][i];

      // Update tracks if any samples were removed, now or before
      if (outTrackOffset + truncIndex != index + limit) {
         // Put updated sample back into output tracks.
         tndx = 0;
         t = (WaveTrack *) iterOut.First();
         while (t) {
            t->Set((samplePtr)buffer[tndx++], floatSample, outTrackOffset, truncIndex);
            t = (WaveTrack *) iterOut.Next();

      // If currently in a silent section, retain samples for the next pass
      if(ignoringFrames) {
         keep = consecutiveSilentFrames - truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples;
         if(keep > (truncLongestAllowedSilentSamples+mBlendFrameCount))
            keep = truncLongestAllowedSilentSamples+mBlendFrameCount;
         for (tndx = 0; tndx < tcount; tndx++) {
            for(fr = 0; fr < truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples; fr++) {
               buffer[tndx][fr] = buffer[tndx][truncIndex-truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples+fr];
            for(fr = 0; fr < keep; fr++) {
               buffer[tndx][truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples+fr] = buffer[tndx][i-keep+fr];
         // Update the output index, less what we are retaining for next time
         outTrackOffset += truncIndex - truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples;
         // Append the following buffer to the existing data
         i = consecutiveSilentFrames = truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples + keep;
         truncIndex = truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples;
      } else {
         // Maintain output index
         outTrackOffset += truncIndex;
         // Reset the buffer pointers to the beginning
         i = 0;
         truncIndex = 0;
         consecutiveSilentFrames = 0;

      // Update progress and bail if user cancelled
      cancelled = TrackProgress(0, ((double)index / (double)end));
      if (cancelled) {

      // Bump to next block
      index += count;

   AudacityProject *p = GetActiveProject();
   if (!p)
      return false;

   // Remove stale data at end of output tracks.
   if (!cancelled && (outTrackOffset < end)) {
      t = (WaveTrack *) iterOut.First();
      if( p->IsSticky() )
         t->Clear(outTrackOffset / rate, t1, mOutputTracks);
         while(t) {
            t->Clear(outTrackOffset / rate, t1, mOutputTracks);
            t = (WaveTrack *) iterOut.Next();

      t1 = outTrackOffset / rate;

   // Free buffers
   for (tndx = 0; tndx < tcount; tndx++) {
      delete [] buffer[tndx];
   delete [] buffer;

   mT0 = t0;
   mT1 = t1;

   return !cancelled;
Beispiel #7
bool EffectNoise::Process()
   if (noiseDuration <= 0.0)
      noiseDuration = sDefaultGenerateLen;

   //Iterate over each track
   int ntrack = 0;
   this->CopyInputWaveTracks(); // Set up mOutputWaveTracks.
   bool bGoodResult = true;

   TrackListIterator iter(mOutputWaveTracks);
   WaveTrack *track = (WaveTrack *)iter.First();
   while (track) {
      WaveTrack *tmp = mFactory->NewWaveTrack(track->GetSampleFormat(), track->GetRate());
      numSamples = (longSampleCount)(noiseDuration * track->GetRate() + 0.5);
      longSampleCount i = 0;
      float *data = new float[tmp->GetMaxBlockSize()];
      sampleCount block;

      while ((i < numSamples) && bGoodResult) {
         block = tmp->GetBestBlockSize(i);
         if (block > (numSamples - i))
             block = numSamples - i;

         MakeNoise(data, block, track->GetRate(), noiseAmplitude);

         tmp->Append((samplePtr)data, floatSample, block);
         i += block;

         //Update the Progress meter
         if (TrackProgress(ntrack, (double)i / numSamples))
            bGoodResult = false;
      delete[] data;

      track->Clear(mT0, mT1);
      track->Paste(mT0, tmp);
      delete tmp;

      if (!bGoodResult)

      //Iterate to the next track
      track = (WaveTrack *)iter.Next();

   if (bGoodResult)
         save last used values
         save duration unless value was got from selection, so we save only
         when user explicitely setup a value
      if (mT1 == mT0)
         gPrefs->Write(wxT("/CsPresets/NoiseGen_Duration"), noiseDuration);

      gPrefs->Write(wxT("/CsPresets/NoiseGen_Type"), noiseType);
      gPrefs->Write(wxT("/CsPresets/NoiseGen_Amp"), noiseAmplitude);

      mT1 = mT0 + noiseDuration; // Update selection.

   return bGoodResult;
Beispiel #8
void ControlToolBar::OnRecord(wxCommandEvent &evt)
   if (gAudioIO->IsBusy()) {
   AudacityProject *p = GetActiveProject();

   if( evt.GetInt() == 1 ) // used when called by keyboard shortcut. Default (0) ignored.
   if( evt.GetInt() == 2 )

   SetRecord(true, mRecord->WasShiftDown());

   if (p) {
      TrackList *t = p->GetTracks();
      TrackListIterator it(t);
      if(it.First() == NULL)
      double t0 = p->GetSel0();
      double t1 = p->GetSel1();
      if (t1 == t0)
         t1 = 1000000000.0;     // record for a long, long time (tens of years)

      /* TODO: set up stereo tracks if that is how the user has set up
       * their preferences, and choose sample format based on prefs */
      WaveTrackArray newRecordingTracks, playbackTracks;
      NoteTrackArray midiTracks;
      bool duplex;
      gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/Duplex"), &duplex, true);

         playbackTracks = t->GetWaveTrackArray(false);
         midiTracks = t->GetNoteTrackArray(false);
      else {
         playbackTracks = WaveTrackArray();
         midiTracks = NoteTrackArray();

      // If SHIFT key was down, the user wants append to tracks
      int recordingChannels = 0;
      bool shifted = mRecord->WasShiftDown();
      if (shifted) {
         bool sel = false;
         double allt0 = t0;

         // Find the maximum end time of selected and all wave tracks
         // Find whether any tracks were selected.  (If any are selected,
         // record only into them; else if tracks exist, record into all.)
         for (Track *tt = it.First(); tt; tt = it.Next()) {
            if (tt->GetKind() == Track::Wave) {
               WaveTrack *wt = static_cast<WaveTrack *>(tt);
               if (wt->GetEndTime() > allt0) {
                  allt0 = wt->GetEndTime();

               if (tt->GetSelected()) {
                  sel = true;
                  if (wt->GetEndTime() > t0) {
                     t0 = wt->GetEndTime();

         // Use end time of all wave tracks if none selected
         if (!sel) {
            t0 = allt0;

         // Pad selected/all wave tracks to make them all the same length
         // Remove recording tracks from the list of tracks for duplex ("overdub")
         // playback.
         for (Track *tt = it.First(); tt; tt = it.Next()) {
            if (tt->GetKind() == Track::Wave && (tt->GetSelected() || !sel)) {
               WaveTrack *wt = static_cast<WaveTrack *>(tt);
               if (duplex)
               t1 = wt->GetEndTime();
               if (t1 < t0) {
                  WaveTrack *newTrack = p->GetTrackFactory()->NewWaveTrack();
                  newTrack->InsertSilence(0.0, t0 - t1);
                  wt->Clear(t1, t0);
                  bool bResult = wt->Paste(t1, newTrack);
                  wxASSERT(bResult); // TO DO: Actually handle this.
                  delete newTrack;

         t1 = 1000000000.0;     // record for a long, long time (tens of years)
      else {
         recordingChannels = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/RecordChannels"), 2);
         for (int c = 0; c < recordingChannels; c++) {
            WaveTrack *newTrack = p->GetTrackFactory()->NewWaveTrack();


            if (recordingChannels > 2)

            if (recordingChannels == 2) {
               if (c == 0) {
               else {
            else {
               newTrack->SetChannel( Track::MonoChannel );


         // msmeyer: StartStream calls a callback which triggers auto-save, so
         // we add the tracks where recording is done into now. We remove them
         // later if starting the stream fails
         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < newRecordingTracks.GetCount(); i++)

      //Automated Input Level Adjustment Initialization

      int token = gAudioIO->StartStream(playbackTracks,
                                        p->GetRate(), t0, t1, p);

      bool success = (token != 0);

      if (success) {
         mBusyProject = p;
      else {
         // msmeyer: Delete recently added tracks if opening stream fails
         if (!shifted) {
            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < newRecordingTracks.GetCount(); i++) {
               delete newRecordingTracks[i];

         // msmeyer: Show error message if stream could not be opened
         wxMessageBox(_("Error while opening sound device. Please check the recording device settings and the project sample rate."),
                      _("Error"), wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION, this);

Beispiel #9
void ControlToolBar::OnRecord(wxCommandEvent &evt)
   auto doubleClicked = mRecord->IsDoubleClicked();

   if (doubleClicked) {
      // Display a fixed recording head while scrolling the waves continuously.
      // If you overdub, you may want to anticipate some context in existing tracks,
      // so center the head.  If not, put it rightmost to display as much wave as we can.
      const auto project = GetActiveProject();
      bool duplex;
      gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/Duplex"), &duplex, true);

      if (duplex) {
         // See if there is really anything being overdubbed
         if (gAudioIO->GetNumPlaybackChannels() == 0)
            // No.
            duplex = false;

      using Mode = AudacityProject::PlaybackScroller::Mode;
      project->GetPlaybackScroller().Activate(duplex ? Mode::Centered : Mode::Right);

   if (gAudioIO->IsBusy()) {
      if (!CanStopAudioStream() || 0 == gAudioIO->GetNumCaptureChannels())
   AudacityProject *p = GetActiveProject();

   if( evt.GetInt() == 1 ) // used when called by keyboard shortcut. Default (0) ignored.
   if( evt.GetInt() == 2 )

   SetRecord(true, mRecord->WasShiftDown());

   if (p) {
      TrackList *trackList = p->GetTracks();
      TrackListIterator it(trackList);
      if(it.First() == NULL)
      double t0 = p->GetSel0();
      double t1 = p->GetSel1();
      if (t1 == t0)
         t1 = 1000000000.0;     // record for a long, long time (tens of years)

      /* TODO: set up stereo tracks if that is how the user has set up
       * their preferences, and choose sample format based on prefs */
      WaveTrackArray newRecordingTracks, playbackTracks;
      NoteTrackArray midiTracks;
      bool duplex;
      gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/Duplex"), &duplex, true);

         playbackTracks = trackList->GetWaveTrackArray(false);
         midiTracks = trackList->GetNoteTrackArray(false);
      else {
         playbackTracks = WaveTrackArray();
         midiTracks = NoteTrackArray();

      // If SHIFT key was down, the user wants append to tracks
      int recordingChannels = 0;
      TrackList tracksCopy{};
      bool tracksCopied = false;
      bool shifted = mRecord->WasShiftDown();
      if (shifted) {
         bool sel = false;
         double allt0 = t0;

         // Find the maximum end time of selected and all wave tracks
         // Find whether any tracks were selected.  (If any are selected,
         // record only into them; else if tracks exist, record into all.)
         for (Track *tt = it.First(); tt; tt = it.Next()) {
            if (tt->GetKind() == Track::Wave) {
               WaveTrack *wt = static_cast<WaveTrack *>(tt);
               if (wt->GetEndTime() > allt0) {
                  allt0 = wt->GetEndTime();

               if (tt->GetSelected()) {
                  sel = true;
                  if (wt->GetEndTime() > t0) {
                     t0 = wt->GetEndTime();

         // Use end time of all wave tracks if none selected
         if (!sel) {
            t0 = allt0;

         // Pad selected/all wave tracks to make them all the same length
         // Remove recording tracks from the list of tracks for duplex ("overdub")
         // playback.
         for (Track *tt = it.First(); tt; tt = it.Next()) {
            if (tt->GetKind() == Track::Wave && (tt->GetSelected() || !sel)) {
               WaveTrack *wt = static_cast<WaveTrack *>(tt);
               if (duplex) {
                  auto end = playbackTracks.end();
                  auto it = std::find(playbackTracks.begin(), end, wt);
                  if (it != end)
               t1 = wt->GetEndTime();
               if (t1 < t0) {
                  if (!tracksCopied) {
                     tracksCopied = true;
                     tracksCopy = *trackList;

                  auto newTrack = p->GetTrackFactory()->NewWaveTrack();
                  newTrack->InsertSilence(0.0, t0 - t1);
                  wt->Clear(t1, t0);
                  bool bResult = wt->Paste(t1, newTrack.get());
                  wxASSERT(bResult); // TO DO: Actually handle this.

         t1 = 1000000000.0;     // record for a long, long time (tens of years)
      else {
         bool recordingNameCustom, useTrackNumber, useDateStamp, useTimeStamp;
         wxString defaultTrackName, defaultRecordingTrackName;
         int numTracks = 0;

         for (Track *tt = it.First(); tt; tt = it.Next()) {
            if (tt->GetKind() == Track::Wave && !tt->GetLinked())
         recordingChannels = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/RecordChannels"), 2);

         gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/TrackNames/RecordingNameCustom"), &recordingNameCustom, false);
         gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/TrackNames/TrackNumber"), &useTrackNumber, false);
         gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/TrackNames/DateStamp"), &useDateStamp, false);
         gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/TrackNames/TimeStamp"), &useTimeStamp, false);
         /* i18n-hint: The default name for an audio track. */
         gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/TrackNames/DefaultTrackName"),&defaultTrackName, _("Audio Track"));
         gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/TrackNames/RecodingTrackName"), &defaultRecordingTrackName, defaultTrackName);

         wxString baseTrackName = recordingNameCustom? defaultRecordingTrackName : defaultTrackName;

         for (int c = 0; c < recordingChannels; c++) {
            auto newTrack = p->GetTrackFactory()->NewWaveTrack();

            wxString nameSuffix = wxString(wxT(""));

            if (useTrackNumber) {
               nameSuffix += wxString::Format(wxT("%d"), numTracks + c);

            if (useDateStamp) {
               if (!nameSuffix.IsEmpty()) {
                  nameSuffix += wxT("_");
               nameSuffix += wxDateTime::Now().FormatISODate();

            if (useTimeStamp) {
               if (!nameSuffix.IsEmpty()) {
                  nameSuffix += wxT("_");
               nameSuffix += wxDateTime::Now().FormatISOTime();

            // ISO standard would be nice, but ":" is unsafe for file name.
            nameSuffix.Replace(wxT(":"), wxT("-"));

            if (baseTrackName.IsEmpty()) {
            else if (nameSuffix.IsEmpty()) {
            else {
               newTrack->SetName(baseTrackName + wxT("_") + nameSuffix);

            if (recordingChannels > 2)

            if (recordingChannels == 2) {
               if (c == 0) {
               else {
            else {
               newTrack->SetChannel( Track::MonoChannel );

            // Let the list hold the track, and keep a pointer to it

      //Automated Input Level Adjustment Initialization

      AudioIOStartStreamOptions options(p->GetDefaultPlayOptions());
      int token = gAudioIO->StartStream(playbackTracks,
                                        t0, t1, options);

      bool success = (token != 0);

      if (success) {
         mBusyProject = p;
      else {
         if (shifted) {
            // Restore the tracks to remove any inserted silence
            if (tracksCopied)
               *trackList = std::move(tracksCopy);
         else {
            // msmeyer: Delete recently added tracks if opening stream fails
            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < newRecordingTracks.size(); i++) {

         // msmeyer: Show error message if stream could not be opened
         wxMessageBox(_("Error while opening sound device. Please check the recording device settings and the project sample rate."),
                      _("Error"), wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION, this);

Beispiel #10
bool EffectTruncSilence::Process()
   TrackListIterator iter(mWaveTracks);
   WaveTrack *t;
   double t0 = mT0;
   double t1 = mT1;
   int tndx; 
   int tcount = 0;

   // Init using first track
   t = (WaveTrack *) iter.First();
   double rate = t->GetRate();
   sampleCount blockLen = t->GetMaxBlockSize();

   // Get the left and right bounds for all tracks
   while (t) {
      // Make sure all tracks have the same sample rate
      if (rate != t->GetRate()) {
         wxMessageBox(_("All tracks must have the same sample rate"), _("Truncate Silence"));
         return false;

      // Count the tracks

      // Set the current bounds to whichever left marker is
      // greater and whichever right marker is less
      t0 = wxMax(mT0, t->GetStartTime());
      t1 = wxMin(mT1, t->GetEndTime());

      // Use the smallest block size of all the tracks
      blockLen = wxMin(blockLen, t->GetMaxBlockSize());

      // Iterate to the next track
      t = (WaveTrack*) iter.Next();

   // Transform the marker timepoints to samples
   t = (WaveTrack *) iter.First();
   longSampleCount start = t->TimeToLongSamples(t0);
   longSampleCount end = t->TimeToLongSamples(t1);

   // Bigger buffers reduce 'reset'
   blockLen *= 8;

   // Allocate buffers
   float **buffer = new float*[tcount];
   for (tndx = 0; tndx < tcount; tndx++) {
      buffer[tndx] = new float[blockLen];

   // Set thresholds
   // We have a lower bound on the amount of silence we chop out at a time
   // to avoid chopping up low frequency sounds.  We're good down to 10Hz
   // if we use 100ms.
   const float minTruncMs = 1.0f;
   double truncDbSilenceThreshold = Enums::Db2Signal[mTruncDbChoiceIndex];
   int truncLongestAllowedSilentSamples = 
      int((wxMax( mTruncLongestAllowedSilentMs, minTruncMs) * rate) / 1000.0);


   // Figure out number of frames for ramping
   int quarterSecondFrames = int((rate * QUARTER_SECOND_MS) / 1000.0);
   int rampInFrames = (truncLongestAllowedSilentSamples / 4);
   if (rampInFrames > quarterSecondFrames) {
      rampInFrames = quarterSecondFrames;

   // Start processing
   this->CopyInputWaveTracks(); // Set up mOutputWaveTracks.
   TrackListIterator iterOut(mOutputWaveTracks);

   longSampleCount index = start;
   longSampleCount outTrackOffset = start;
   bool cancelled = false;
   while (index < end) {

      // Limit size of current block if we've reached the end
      sampleCount limit = blockLen;
      if ((index + blockLen) > end) {
         limit = end - index; 

      // Fill the buffers
      tndx = 0;
      t = (WaveTrack *) iter.First();
      while (t) {
         t->Get((samplePtr)buffer[tndx++], floatSample, index, blockLen);
         t = (WaveTrack *) iter.Next();

      // Reset
      bool ignoringFrames = false;
      sampleCount consecutiveSilentFrames = 0;
      sampleCount truncIndex = 0;

      // Look for silences in current block
      for (sampleCount i = 0; i < limit; i++) {

         // Is current frame in all tracks below threshold
         bool below = true;
         for (tndx = 0; tndx < tcount; tndx++) {
            if (fabs(buffer[tndx][i]) >= truncDbSilenceThreshold) {
               below = false;

         // Count frame if it's below threshold
         if (below) {

            // Ignore this frame (equivalent to cutting it)
            // otherwise, keep sample to be part of allowed silence
            if (consecutiveSilentFrames > truncLongestAllowedSilentSamples) {
               ignoringFrames = true;
         else {
            if (ignoringFrames == true) {
               sampleCount curOffset = i - rampInFrames;
               truncIndex -= rampInFrames; // backup into ignored frames

               for (tndx = 0; tndx < tcount; tndx++) {
                  sampleCount trunci = truncIndex;
                  for (int fr = 0; fr < rampInFrames; fr++) {
                     buffer[tndx][trunci++] = buffer[tndx][curOffset + fr];
                  if(((trunci - rampInFrames) - mBlendFrameCount) >= 0) {
                     BlendFrames(buffer[tndx], mBlendFrameCount,
                             ((trunci - rampInFrames) - mBlendFrameCount), 
                             ((i - rampInFrames) - mBlendFrameCount));
               truncIndex += rampInFrames;
            consecutiveSilentFrames = 0;
            ignoringFrames = false;

         // Can get here either because > dbThreshold
         // or silence duration isn't longer than allowed
         for (tndx = 0; tndx < tcount; tndx++) {
            buffer[tndx][truncIndex] = buffer[tndx][i];

      // Update tracks if any samples were removed
      if (truncIndex < limit) {

         // Put updated sample back into output tracks.
         tndx = 0;
         t = (WaveTrack *) iterOut.First();
         while (t) {
            t->Set((samplePtr)buffer[tndx++], floatSample, outTrackOffset, truncIndex);
            t = (WaveTrack *) iterOut.Next();

      // Maintain output index
      outTrackOffset += truncIndex;

      // Update progress and bail if user cancelled
      cancelled = TrackProgress(0, ((double)index / (double)end));
      if (cancelled) {

      // Bump to next block
      index += limit;

   // Remove stale data at end of output tracks.
   if (!cancelled && (outTrackOffset < end)) {
      t = (WaveTrack *) iterOut.First();
      while (t) {
         t->Clear(outTrackOffset / rate, t1);
         t = (WaveTrack *) iterOut.Next();
      t1 = outTrackOffset / rate;

   // Free buffers
   for (tndx = 0; tndx < tcount; tndx++) {
      delete [] buffer[tndx];
   delete [] buffer;

   mT0 = t0;
   mT1 = t1;

   return !cancelled;
Beispiel #11
bool EffectTruncSilence::Process()
   // Typical fraction of total time taken by detection (better to guess low)
   const double detectFrac = .4;

   // Copy tracks

   // Lower bound on the amount of silence to find at a time -- this avoids
   // detecting silence repeatedly in low-frequency sounds.
   const double minTruncMs = 0.001;
   double truncDbSilenceThreshold = Enums::Db2Signal[mTruncDbChoiceIndex];

   // Master list of silent regions; it is responsible for deleting them.
   // This list should always be kept in order.
   RegionList silences;

   // Start with the whole selection silent
   Region *sel = new Region;
   sel->start = mT0;
   sel->end = mT1;

   // Remove non-silent regions in each track
   SelectedTrackListOfKindIterator iter(Track::Wave, mTracks);
   int whichTrack = 0;
   for (Track *t = iter.First(); t; t = iter.Next())
      WaveTrack *wt = (WaveTrack *)t;

      // Smallest silent region to detect in frames
      sampleCount minSilenceFrames =
            sampleCount(wxMax( mInitialAllowedSilence, minTruncMs) *

      // Scan the track for silences
      RegionList trackSilences;
      sampleCount blockLen = wt->GetMaxBlockSize();
      sampleCount start = wt->TimeToLongSamples(mT0);
      sampleCount end = wt->TimeToLongSamples(mT1);

      // Allocate buffer
      float *buffer = new float[blockLen];

      sampleCount index = start;
      sampleCount silentFrames = 0;
      bool cancelled = false;

      // Keep position in overall silences list for optimization
      RegionList::iterator rit(silences.begin());

      while (index < end) {
         // Show progress dialog, test for cancellation
         cancelled = TotalProgress(
               detectFrac * (whichTrack + index / (double)end) /
         if (cancelled)

         // Optimization: if not in a silent region skip ahead to the next one
         double curTime = wt->LongSamplesToTime(index);
         for ( ; rit != silences.end(); ++rit)
            // Find the first silent region ending after current time
            if ((*rit)->end >= curTime)

         if (rit == silences.end()) {
            // No more regions -- no need to process the rest of the track
         else if ((*rit)->start > curTime) {
            // End current silent region, skip ahead
            if (silentFrames >= minSilenceFrames) {
               Region *r = new Region;
               r->start = wt->LongSamplesToTime(index - silentFrames);
               r->end = wt->LongSamplesToTime(index);
            silentFrames = 0;

            index = wt->TimeToLongSamples((*rit)->start);
         // End of optimization

         // Limit size of current block if we've reached the end
         sampleCount count = blockLen;
         if ((index + count) > end) {
            count = end - index;

         // Fill buffer
         wt->Get((samplePtr)(buffer), floatSample, index, count);

         // Look for silences in current block
         for (sampleCount i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
            if (fabs(buffer[i]) < truncDbSilenceThreshold) {
            else {
               if (silentFrames >= minSilenceFrames)
                  // Record the silent region
                  Region *r = new Region;
                  r->start = wt->LongSamplesToTime(index + i - silentFrames);
                  r->end = wt->LongSamplesToTime(index + i);
               silentFrames = 0;

         // Next block
         index += count;

      delete [] buffer;

      // Buffer has been freed, so we're OK to return if cancelled
      if (cancelled)
         return false;

      if (silentFrames >= minSilenceFrames)
         // Track ended in silence -- record region
         Region *r = new Region;
         r->start = wt->LongSamplesToTime(index - silentFrames);
         r->end = wt->LongSamplesToTime(index);

      // Intersect with the overall silent region list
      Intersect(silences, trackSilences);

   // Now remove the silent regions from all selected / sync-lock selected tracks.

   // Loop over detected regions in reverse (so cuts don't change time values
   // down the line)
   int whichReg = 0;
   RegionList::reverse_iterator rit;
   double totalCutLen = 0.0;  // For cutting selection at the end
   for (rit = silences.rbegin(); rit != silences.rend(); ++rit) {
      Region *r = *rit;

      // Progress dialog and cancellation. Do additional cleanup before return.
      if (TotalProgress(detectFrac + (1 - detectFrac) * whichReg / (double)silences.size()))
         return false;

      // Intersection may create regions smaller than allowed; ignore them.
      // Allow one nanosecond extra for consistent results with exact milliseconds of allowed silence.
      if ((r->end - r->start) < (mInitialAllowedSilence - 0.000000001))

      // Find new silence length as requested
      double inLength = r->end - r->start;
      double outLength;

      switch (mProcessIndex) {
      case 0:
         outLength = wxMin(mTruncLongestAllowedSilence, inLength);
      case 1:
         outLength = mInitialAllowedSilence +
                        (inLength - mInitialAllowedSilence) * mSilenceCompressPercent / 100.0;
      default: // Not currently used.
         outLength = wxMin(mInitialAllowedSilence +
                              (inLength - mInitialAllowedSilence) * mSilenceCompressPercent / 100.0,

      double cutLen = inLength - outLength;
      totalCutLen += cutLen;

      TrackListIterator iterOut(mOutputTracks);
      for (Track *t = iterOut.First(); t; t = iterOut.Next())
         // Don't waste time past the end of a track
         if (t->GetEndTime() < r->start)

         if (t->GetKind() == Track::Wave && (
                  t->GetSelected() || t->IsSyncLockSelected()))
            // In WaveTracks, clear with a cross-fade
            WaveTrack *wt = (WaveTrack *)t;
            sampleCount blendFrames = mBlendFrameCount;
            double cutStart = (r->start + r->end - cutLen) / 2;
            double cutEnd = cutStart + cutLen;
            // Round start/end times to frame boundaries
            cutStart = wt->LongSamplesToTime(wt->TimeToLongSamples(cutStart));
            cutEnd = wt->LongSamplesToTime(wt->TimeToLongSamples(cutEnd));

            // Make sure the cross-fade does not affect non-silent frames
            if (wt->LongSamplesToTime(blendFrames) > inLength) {
               blendFrames = wt->TimeToLongSamples(inLength);

            // Perform cross-fade in memory
            float *buf1 = new float[blendFrames];
            float *buf2 = new float[blendFrames];
            sampleCount t1 = wt->TimeToLongSamples(cutStart) - blendFrames / 2;
            sampleCount t2 = wt->TimeToLongSamples(cutEnd) - blendFrames / 2;

            wt->Get((samplePtr)buf1, floatSample, t1, blendFrames);
            wt->Get((samplePtr)buf2, floatSample, t2, blendFrames);

            for (sampleCount i = 0; i < blendFrames; ++i) {
               buf1[i] = ((blendFrames-i) * buf1[i] + i * buf2[i]) /

            // Perform the cut
            wt->Clear(cutStart, cutEnd);

            // Write cross-faded data
            wt->Set((samplePtr)buf1, floatSample, t1, blendFrames);

            delete [] buf1;
            delete [] buf2;
         else if (t->GetSelected() || t->IsSyncLockSelected())
            // Non-wave tracks: just do a sync-lock adjust
            double cutStart = (r->start + r->end - cutLen) / 2;
            double cutEnd = cutStart + cutLen;
            t->SyncLockAdjust(cutEnd, cutStart);

   mT1 -= totalCutLen;


   return true;
Beispiel #12
bool EffectDtmf::Process()
   if (dtmfDuration <= 0.0)
      return false;

   //Iterate over each track
   TrackListIterator iter(mWaveTracks);
   WaveTrack *track = (WaveTrack *)iter.First();
   while (track) {
      // new tmp track, to fill with dtmf sequence
      // we will build the track by adding a tone, then a silence, next tone, and so on...
      WaveTrack *tmp = mFactory->NewWaveTrack(track->GetSampleFormat(), track->GetRate());

      // all dtmf sequence durations in samples from seconds
      numSamplesSequence = (longSampleCount)(dtmfDuration * track->GetRate() + 0.5);
      numSamplesTone = (longSampleCount)(dtmfTone * track->GetRate() + 0.5);
      numSamplesSilence = (longSampleCount)(dtmfSilence * track->GetRate() + 0.5);

      // recalculate the sum, and spread the difference - due to approximations.
      // Since diff should be in the order of "some" samples, a division (resulting in zero)
      // is not sufficient, so we add the additional remaining samples in each tone/silence block,
      // at least until available.
      int diff = numSamplesSequence - (dtmfNTones*numSamplesTone) - (dtmfNTones-1)*numSamplesSilence;
      if (diff>dtmfNTones) {
         // in this case, both these values would change, so it makes sense to recalculate diff
         // otherwise just keep the value we already have

         // should always be the case that dtmfNTones>1, as if 0, we don't even start processing,
         // and with 1 there is no difference to spread (no silence slot)...
         wxASSERT(dtmfNTones > 1);
         numSamplesTone += (diff/(dtmfNTones));
         numSamplesSilence += (diff/(dtmfNTones-1));
         diff = numSamplesSequence - (dtmfNTones*numSamplesTone) - (dtmfNTones-1)*numSamplesSilence;
      // this var will be used as extra samples distributor
      int extra=0;

      longSampleCount i = 0;
      longSampleCount j = 0;
      int n=0; // pointer to string in dtmfString
      sampleCount block;
      bool isTone = true;
      float *data = new float[tmp->GetMaxBlockSize()];

      // for the whole dtmf sequence, we will be generating either tone or silence
      // according to a bool value, and this might be done in small chunks of size
      // 'block', as a single tone might sometimes be larger than the block
      // tone and silence generally have different duration, thus two generation blocks
      // Note: to overcome a 'clicking' noise introduced by the abrupt transition from/to
      // silence, I added a fade in/out of 1/250th of a second (4ms). This can still be
      // tweaked but gives excellent results at 44.1kHz: I haven't tried other freqs.
      // A problem might be if the tone duration is very short (<10ms)... (?)
      // One more problem is to deal with the approximations done when calculating the duration 
      // of both tone and silence: in some cases the final sum might not be same as the initial
      // duration. So, to overcome this, we had a redistribution block up, and now we will spread
      // the remaining samples in every bin in order to achieve the full duration: test case was
      // to generate an 11 tone DTMF sequence, in 4 seconds, and with DutyCycle=75%: after generation
      // you ended up with 3.999s or in other units: 3 seconds and 44097 samples.
      while(i < numSamplesSequence) {
         if (isTone)
         // generate tone
            // the statement takes care of extracting one sample from the diff bin and
            // adding it into the tone block until depletion
            extra=(diff-- > 0?1:0);
            for(j=0; j < numSamplesTone+extra; j+=block) {
               block = tmp->GetBestBlockSize(j);
               if (block > (numSamplesTone+extra - j))
                   block = numSamplesTone+extra - j;

               // generate the tone and append
               MakeDtmfTone(data, block, track->GetRate(), dtmfString[n], j, numSamplesTone);
               tmp->Append((samplePtr)data, floatSample, block);
            i += numSamplesTone;
         // generate silence
            // the statement takes care of extracting one sample from the diff bin and
            // adding it into the silence block until depletion
            extra=(diff-- > 0?1:0);
            for(j=0; j < numSamplesSilence+extra; j+=block) {
               block = tmp->GetBestBlockSize(j);
               if (block > (numSamplesSilence+extra - j))
                   block = numSamplesSilence+extra - j;

               // generate silence and append
               memset(data, 0, sizeof(float)*block);
               tmp->Append((samplePtr)data, floatSample, block);
            i += numSamplesSilence;
         // flip flag
      } // finished the whole dtmf sequence

      delete[] data;

      track->Clear(mT0, mT1);
      track->Paste(mT0, tmp);
      delete tmp;

      //Iterate to the next track
      track = (WaveTrack *)iter.Next();

      save last used values
      save duration unless value was got from selection, so we save only
      when user explicitely setup a value
   if (mT1 == mT0)
      gPrefs->Write(wxT("/CsPresets/DtmfGen_SequenceDuration"), dtmfDuration);

   gPrefs->Write(wxT("/CsPresets/DtmfGen_String"), dtmfString);
   gPrefs->Write(wxT("/CsPresets/DtmfGen_DutyCycle"), dtmfDutyCycle);

   // Update selection: this is not accurate if my calculations are wrong.
   // To validate, once the effect is done, unselect, and select all, then
   // see what the selection length is being reported (in sec,ms,samples)
   mT1 = mT0 + dtmfDuration;

   return true;
Beispiel #13
void ControlToolBar::OnRecord(wxCommandEvent &evt)
   if (gAudioIO->IsBusy()) {
   AudacityProject *p = GetActiveProject();
   if (p && p->GetCleanSpeechMode()) {
      size_t numProjects = gAudacityProjects.Count();
      bool tracks = (p && !p->GetTracks()->IsEmpty());
      if (tracks || (numProjects > 1)) {
         wxMessageBox(_("Recording in CleanSpeech mode is not possible when a track, or more than one project, is already open."),
            _("Recording not permitted"),
            wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION,

   if( evt.GetInt() == 1 ) // used when called by keyboard shortcut. Default (0) ignored.
   if( evt.GetInt() == 2 )


   if (p) {
      TrackList *t = p->GetTracks();
      TrackListIterator it(t);
      if(it.First() == NULL)
      double t0 = p->GetSel0();
      double t1 = p->GetSel1();
      if (t1 == t0)
         t1 = 1000000000.0;     // record for a long, long time (tens of years)

      /* TODO: set up stereo tracks if that is how the user has set up
       * their preferences, and choose sample format based on prefs */
      WaveTrackArray newRecordingTracks, playbackTracks;
//      NoteTrackArray midiTracks;

      bool duplex;
      gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/Duplex"), &duplex, true);
         playbackTracks = t->GetWaveTrackArray(false);
//		 midiTracks = t->GetNoteTrackArray(false);
      else {
         playbackTracks = WaveTrackArray();
//		 midiTracks = NoteTrackArray();
      // If SHIFT key was down, the user wants append to tracks
      int recordingChannels = 0;
      bool shifted = mRecord->WasShiftDown();
      if (shifted) {
         TrackListIterator it(t);
         WaveTrack *wt;
         bool sel = false;
         double allt0 = t0;

         // Find the maximum end time of selected and all wave tracks
         for (Track *tt = it.First(); tt; tt = it.Next()) {
            if (tt->GetKind() == Track::Wave) {
               wt = (WaveTrack *)tt;
               if (wt->GetEndTime() > allt0) {
                  allt0 = wt->GetEndTime();
               if (tt->GetSelected()) {
                  sel = true;
                  if (duplex)
                  if (wt->GetEndTime() > t0) {
                     t0 = wt->GetEndTime();

         // Use end time of all wave tracks if none selected
         if (!sel) {
            t0 = allt0;

         // Pad selected/all wave tracks to make them all the same length
         for (Track *tt = it.First(); tt; tt = it.Next()) {
            if (tt->GetKind() == Track::Wave && (tt->GetSelected() || !sel)) {
               wt = (WaveTrack *)tt;
               t1 = wt->GetEndTime();
               if (t1 < t0) {
                  WaveTrack *newTrack = p->GetTrackFactory()->NewWaveTrack();
                  newTrack->InsertSilence(0.0, t0 - t1);
                  wt->Clear(t1, t0);
                  wt->Paste(t1, newTrack);
                  delete newTrack;

         t1 = 1000000000.0;     // record for a long, long time (tens of years)
      else {
         recordingChannels = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/RecordChannels"), 2);
         for (int c = 0; c < recordingChannels; c++) {
            WaveTrack *newTrack = p->GetTrackFactory()->NewWaveTrack();

            int initialheight = newTrack->GetHeight();


            if (recordingChannels <= 2) {
            else {

            if (recordingChannels == 2) {
               if (c == 0) {
               else {
            else {
               newTrack->SetChannel( Track::MonoChannel );

         // msmeyer: StartStream calls a callback which triggers auto-save, so
         // we add the tracks where recording is done into now. We remove them
         // later if starting the stream fails
         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < newRecordingTracks.GetCount(); i++)

      int token = gAudioIO->StartStream(playbackTracks,
//                                        midiTracks,
                                        p->GetRate(), t0, t1, p);

      bool success = (token != 0);
      if (success) {
         mBusyProject = p;
      else {
         // msmeyer: Delete recently added tracks if opening stream fails
         if (!shifted) {
            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < newRecordingTracks.GetCount(); i++) {
               delete newRecordingTracks[i];

         // msmeyer: Show error message if stream could not be opened
         wxMessageBox(_("Error while opening sound device. "
            wxT("Please check the input device settings and the project sample rate.")),
                      _("Error"), wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION, this);
