void CustomJoint::CalculateLocalMatrix (const dMatrix& pinsAndPivotFrame, dMatrix& localMatrix0, dMatrix& localMatrix1) const
	dMatrix matrix0;

	// Get the global matrices of each rigid body.
	NewtonBodyGetMatrix(m_body0, &matrix0[0][0]);
	dMatrix matrix1 (dGetIdentityMatrix());
	if (m_body1) {
		NewtonBodyGetMatrix(m_body1, &matrix1[0][0]);

	// create a global matrix at the pivot point with front vector aligned to the pin vector
	dAssert (pinsAndPivotFrame.SanityCheck());
	// calculate the relative matrix of the pin and pivot on each body
 	localMatrix0 = pinsAndPivotFrame * matrix0.Inverse();
	localMatrix1 = pinsAndPivotFrame * matrix1.Inverse();