Beispiel #1
 void setup() {
     vid.initGrabber(w, h);
Beispiel #2
void MeshHelper::fuseNeighbours( ofMesh& outputMesh, const ofMesh& sourceMesh, float fuseDistance )
	//@todo tex coords, normals
	assert( sourceMesh.getMode() == OF_PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES );
	if ( fuseDistance < 0 )
		// fuse close-enough vertices
		// first define 'close enough' as 1/10000 of smallest dimension of the bounding box width/height/depth
		ofVec3f tlb, brf; // top left back, bottom right front
		calculateAABoundingBox( sourceMesh, tlb, brf );
		float minDimension = min(brf.x-tlb.x,min(brf.y-tlb.y, brf.z-tlb.z));
		fuseDistance = minDimension * 0.00001f;

	// now fuse
	map<int,int> fused;
	vector<ofVec3f> vertices;
	for ( int i=0; i<sourceMesh.getNumVertices(); i++ )
		const ofVec3f& vertex = sourceMesh.getVertex(i);
		//vertex.rotate(10, 10, 10);
		bool didFuse = false;
		for ( int j=0; j<vertices.size(); j++ ) {
			if ( (vertex-vertices[j]).length()<fuseDistance ) {
				// fuse i to j
				fused[i] = j;
				didFuse = true;
		if ( !didFuse ) {
			vertices.push_back( vertex );
			fused[i] = vertices.size()-1;
	// build the output mesh
	if ( sourceMesh.getNumIndices() > 0 ) {
		// walk through indices to build up the new mesh
		const vector<ofIndexType>& indices = sourceMesh.getIndices();
		for ( int i=0; i<indices.size(); i+=3 ) {
			assert( fused.find( indices[i] ) != fused.end() );
			assert( fused.find( indices[i+1] ) != fused.end() );
			assert( fused.find( indices[i+2] ) != fused.end() );
			outputMesh.addTriangle( fused[indices[i]], fused[indices[i+1]], fused[indices[i+2]] );
	} else {
		// triangles are just triples of vertices
		for ( int i=0; i<sourceMesh.getNumVertices(); i+=3 ) {
			outputMesh.addTriangle( fused[i], fused[i+1], fused[i+2] );
	ofLogNotice("MeshHelper") << "fuseNeighbours: input " << sourceMesh.getNumVertices() << " vertices/" << sourceMesh.getNumIndices() << " indices, output " << outputMesh.getNumVertices() << " vertices/" << outputMesh.getNumIndices() << " indices";
Beispiel #3
void MeshHelper::appendMesh( ofMesh& targetMesh, const ofMesh& toAppend, bool fuse )
	ofIndexType indexOffset = targetMesh.getNumVertices();
	targetMesh.addVertices( toAppend.getVertices() );
	// append indices
	const vector<ofIndexType>& indices = toAppend.getIndices();
	for ( int i=0; i<indices.size(); i++ ) {
		targetMesh.addIndex( indices[i]+indexOffset );
	if ( fuse )
Beispiel #4
void ofTessellator::performTessellation(ofPolyWindingMode polyWindingMode, ofMesh& dstmesh, bool bIs2D ) {

	if (!tessTesselate(cacheTess, polyWindingMode, TESS_POLYGONS, 3, 3, 0)){
		ofLogError("ofTessellator") << "performTessellation(): mesh polygon tessellation failed, winding mode " << polyWindingMode;

	int numVertices = tessGetVertexCount( cacheTess );
	int numIndices = tessGetElementCount( cacheTess )*3;

	/*ofIndexType * tessElements = (ofIndexType *)tessGetElements(cacheTess);
	for(int i=0;i<numIndices;i++){

void CloudsVisualSystem3DModelLoader::facetMesh( ofMesh& smoothedMesh, ofMesh& targetMesh )
	//get our vertex, uv and face info
	vector<ofVec3f>& v = smoothedMesh.getVertices();
	vector<ofVec2f>& uv = smoothedMesh.getTexCoords();
	vector<ofIndexType>& indices = smoothedMesh.getIndices();
	bool hasTC = smoothedMesh.getNumTexCoords();
	//use these to store our new mesh info
	vector<ofVec3f> facetedVertices( indices.size() );
	vector<ofVec3f> facetedNormals( indices.size() );
	vector<ofVec2f> facetedTexCoords;
		facetedTexCoords.resize( indices.size() );
	vector<ofIndexType> facetedIndices( indices.size() );
	//store vertex and uv data
	for (int i=0; i < indices.size(); i++) {
		facetedIndices[i] = i;
		facetedVertices[i] = v[indices[i]];
		if(hasTC)	facetedTexCoords[i] = uv[indices[i]];
	//calculate our face normals
	ofVec3f n;
	for (int i=0; i < facetedIndices.size(); i+=3) {
		n = normalFrom3Points( facetedVertices[i], facetedVertices[i+1], facetedVertices[i+2]);
		facetedNormals[i] = n;
		facetedNormals[i+1] = n;
		facetedNormals[i+2] = n;
	//setup our faceted mesh. this should still work if our targetMesh is our smoothMesh
	targetMesh.addVertices( facetedVertices );
	targetMesh.addNormals( facetedNormals );
	if(hasTC)	targetMesh.addTexCoords( facetedTexCoords );
	targetMesh.addIndices( facetedIndices );
void getCellMesh(voro::voronoicell &_c, ofPoint _pos, ofMesh& mesh ){
    if( _c.p ) {
        ofPoint centroid = getCellCentroid(_c,_pos);
        int i,j,k,l,m,n;
        //  Vertex
        double *ptsp=_c.pts;
        vector<ofPoint> vertices;
        vector<ofPoint> normals;
        for(i = 0; i < _c.p; i++, ptsp+=3){
            ofPoint newPoint;
            newPoint.x = _pos.x + ptsp[0]*0.5;
            newPoint.y = _pos.y + ptsp[1]*0.5;
            newPoint.z = _pos.z + ptsp[2]*0.5;
            ofPoint newNormal;
            newNormal = _pos - newPoint;//centroid ;
            newNormal = newNormal.normalize();
//        ofMesh mesh;
        mesh.setMode(OF_PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES );
        //  Index
        for(i = 1; i < _c.p; i++){
            for(j = 0; j <[i]; j++) {
                k = _c.ed[i][j];
                if( k >= 0 ) {
                    l = _c.cycle_up( _c.ed[i][[i]+j], k);
                    m = _c.ed[k][l];
                    while(m!=i) {
                        n = _c.cycle_up( _c.ed[k][[k]+l],m);
                        mesh.addTriangle(i, k, m);
//        return mesh;
//    return ofMesh();
void CloudsVisualSystem3DModelLoader::smoothMesh( ofMesh& facetedMesh, ofMesh& targetMesh, int precision)
	cout << "smoothing mesh" << endl;
	//get our vertex, uv and face info
	vector<ofVec3f>& v = facetedMesh.getVertices();
	vector<ofVec2f>& uv = facetedMesh.getTexCoords();
	vector<ofIndexType>& indices = facetedMesh.getIndices();
	bool hasTC = facetedMesh.getNumTexCoords();
	//use these to store our new mesh info
	map<string, unsigned int> mergeMap;
	vector<ofVec3f> smoothVertices;
	vector<ofVec3f> smoothNormals;
	vector<ofVec2f> smoothTexCoords;
	vector<ofIndexType> smoothIndices;
	//merge our vertices by pointing near by vertices to the same index
	for (int i=0; i<v.size(); i++)
		mergeMap[ vec3ToString( v[i], precision ) ] = i;
	//fill our smoothed vertex array with merged vertices & tex coords
	smoothVertices.resize( mergeMap.size() );
	if(hasTC)	smoothTexCoords.resize( mergeMap.size() );
	int smoothVertexCount = 0;
	for (map<string, unsigned int>::iterator it = mergeMap.begin(); it != mergeMap.end(); it++)
		smoothVertices[smoothVertexCount] = v[it->second];
		if(hasTC)	smoothTexCoords[smoothVertexCount] = uv[it->second];
		it->second = smoothVertexCount;//store our new vertex index
	//reconstruct our faces by reassigning their indices to the merged vertices
	smoothIndices.resize( indices.size() );
	for (int i=0; i<indices.size(); i++)
		//use our old vertex poisition to retrieve our new index
		smoothIndices[i] = mergeMap[ vec3ToString( v[ indices[i] ], precision ) ];
	//calculate our normals
	smoothNormals.resize( smoothVertices.size() );
	ofVec3f n;
	for (int i=0; i<smoothIndices.size(); i+=3)
		n = normalFrom3Points( smoothVertices[smoothIndices[i]], smoothVertices[smoothIndices[i+1]], smoothVertices[smoothIndices[i+2]] );
		smoothNormals[smoothIndices[i]] += n;
		smoothNormals[smoothIndices[i+1]] += n;
		smoothNormals[smoothIndices[i+2]] += n;
	for (int i=0; i<smoothNormals.size(); i++)
	//setup our smoothed mesh. this should still work if our targetMesh is our facetedMesh
	targetMesh.addVertices( smoothVertices );
	targetMesh.addNormals( smoothNormals );
	if(hasTC)	targetMesh.addTexCoords( smoothTexCoords );
	targetMesh.addIndices( smoothIndices );