ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData> ossimKakaduJ2kReader::getTile(
   const ossimIrect& rect, ossim_uint32 resLevel)
   // This tile source bypassed, or invalid res level, return a blank tile.
   if(!isSourceEnabled() || !isOpen() || !isValidRLevel(resLevel))
      return ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData>();

   if (theTile.valid())
      // Rectangle must be set prior to getOverviewTile call.

      if (resLevel)
         if ( getOverviewTile(resLevel, theTile.get() ) == false )
         // See if the whole tile is going to be filled, if not, start out with
         // a blank tile so data from a previous load gets wiped out.
         if ( !rect.completely_within(theImageRect) )
            // Start with a blank tile.
         // See if any point of the requested tile is in the image.
         if ( rect.intersects(theImageRect) )
            ossimIrect clipRect = rect.clipToRect(theImageRect);

            ossimIrect exandedRect  = clipRect;

            // Shift the upper left corner of the "clip_rect" to the an even
            // j2k tile boundry.  
            // Vertical tile loop.
            ossim_int32 y = exandedRect.ul().y;
            while (y < exandedRect.lr().y)
               // Horizontal tile loop.
               ossim_int32 x = exandedRect.ul().x;
               while (x < exandedRect.lr().x)
                  if ( loadTileFromCache(x, y, clipRect) == false )
                     if ( loadTile(x, y) )
                        // Note: Clip the cache tile to the image clipRect
                        // since there are j2k tiles that go beyond the image
                        // dimensions, i.e., edge tiles.
                        ossimIrect cr =
                  x += theTileSizeX; // Go to next tile.
               y += theTileSizeY; // Go to next row of tiles.

            // Set the tile status.
         } // matches: if ( rect.intersects(theImageRect) )
      } // r0 block
   } // matches: if (theTile.valid())

   return theTile;
ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData> ossimCFARFilter::getTile(const ossimIrect& tileRect,
                                                     ossim_uint32 resLevel)
      return theTile;

      return theInputConnection->getTile(tileRect, resLevel);

   // We have a 5x5 matrix so stretch the rect out to cover
   // the required pixels.  We only need 2 pixels to the left
   // and right of the center pixel.
   ossimIrect newRect(ossimIpt(tileRect.ul().x - 2,
                               tileRect.ul().y - 2),
                      ossimIpt(tileRect.lr().x + 2,
                               tileRect.lr().y + 2));
   ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData> data = theInputConnection->getTile(newRect,

   if(!data.valid() || !data->getBuf())
      return data;

    // First time through or after an initialize()...
   if (!theTile.valid())
      if (!theTile.valid()) // Should never happen!
         return data;

   // First time through, after an initialize() or a setKernel()...
   if (!theNullPixValue.size())
      if (!theNullPixValue.size()) // Should never happen!
         return data;

      case OSSIM_UCHAR:
         if(data->getDataObjectStatus() == OSSIM_FULL)
            convolveFull(static_cast<ossim_uint8>(0), data, theTile);
            convolvePartial(static_cast<ossim_uint8>(0), data, theTile);
      case OSSIM_FLOAT: 
         if(data->getDataObjectStatus() == OSSIM_FULL)
            convolveFull(static_cast<float>(0), data, theTile);
            convolvePartial(static_cast<float>(0), data, theTile);
      case OSSIM_USHORT16:
      case OSSIM_USHORT11:
         if(data->getDataObjectStatus() == OSSIM_FULL)
            convolveFull(static_cast<ossim_uint16>(0), data, theTile);
            convolvePartial(static_cast<ossim_uint16>(0), data, theTile);
      case OSSIM_SSHORT16:
         if(data->getDataObjectStatus() == OSSIM_FULL)
            convolveFull(static_cast<ossim_sint16>(0), data, theTile);
            convolvePartial(static_cast<ossim_sint16>(0), data, theTile);
      case OSSIM_DOUBLE:
         if(data->getDataObjectStatus() == OSSIM_FULL)
            convolveFull(static_cast<double>(0), data, theTile);
         convolvePartial(static_cast<double>(0), data, theTile);
            << "ossimCFARFilter::getTile WARNING:\n"
            << "Scalar type = " << theTile->getScalarType()
            << " Not supported by ossimCFARFilter" << endl;
   return theTile;
ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData> ossimMemoryImageSource::getTile(const ossimIrect& rect,
                                                            ossim_uint32 /* resLevel */)
   if(!isSourceEnabled()||!m_image.valid()||m_boundingRect.hasNans()) return 0;
      m_result = new ossimImageData(0, getOutputScalarType(), getNumberOfOutputBands(), rect.width(), rect.height());

   ossimIrect clampRect = m_image->getImageRectangle().clipToRect(rect);

   return m_result;
Beispiel #4
bool ossim_hdf5::getValidBoundingRect( H5::DataSet& dataset,
                                       const std::string& name,
                                       ossimIrect& rect )
   bool result = false;
   H5::DataSpace imageDataspace = dataset.getSpace();
   const ossim_int32 IN_DIM_COUNT = imageDataspace.getSimpleExtentNdims();
   if ( IN_DIM_COUNT == 2 )
      // Get the extents. Assuming dimensions are same for lat lon dataset. 
      std::vector<hsize_t> dimsOut(IN_DIM_COUNT);
      imageDataspace.getSimpleExtentDims( &dimsOut.front(), 0 );

      if ( dimsOut[0] && dimsOut[1] )
         // Capture the rectangle:
         // dimsOut[0] is height, dimsOut[1] is width:
         rect = ossimIrect( 0, 0,
                            static_cast<ossim_int32>( dimsOut[1]-1 ),
                            static_cast<ossim_int32>( dimsOut[0]-1 ) );
         const ossim_int32 WIDTH  = rect.width();
         std::vector<hsize_t> inputCount(IN_DIM_COUNT);
         std::vector<hsize_t> inputOffset(IN_DIM_COUNT);
         inputOffset[0] = 0;
         inputOffset[1] = 0;
         inputCount[0] = 1;
         inputCount[1] = WIDTH;
         // Output dataspace dimensions.
         const ossim_int32 OUT_DIM_COUNT = 3;
         std::vector<hsize_t> outputCount(OUT_DIM_COUNT);
         outputCount[0] = 1;     // single band
         outputCount[1] = 1;     // single line
         outputCount[2] = WIDTH; // whole line
         // Output dataspace offset.
         std::vector<hsize_t> outputOffset(OUT_DIM_COUNT);
         outputOffset[0] = 0;
         outputOffset[1] = 0;
         outputOffset[2] = 0;
         ossimScalarType scalar = ossim_hdf5::getScalarType( &dataset );
         if ( scalar == OSSIM_FLOAT32 )
            // See if we need to swap bytes:
            ossimEndian* endian = 0;
            if ( ( ossim::byteOrder() != ossim_hdf5::getByteOrder( &dataset ) ) )
               endian = new ossimEndian();

            // Native type:
            H5::DataType datatype = dataset.getDataType();
            // Output dataspace always the same one line.
            H5::DataSpace bufferDataSpace( OUT_DIM_COUNT, &outputCount.front());
            bufferDataSpace.selectHyperslab( H5S_SELECT_SET,
                                             &outputOffset.front() );

            // Dataset sample has NULL lines at the end so scan for valid rect.
            // Use "<= -999" for test as per NOAA as it seems the NULL value is
            // fuzzy.  e.g. -999.3.
            const ossim_float32 NULL_VALUE = -999.0;

            // VIIRS Radiance data has a -1.5e-9 in the first column.
            // Treat this as a null.
            const ossim_float32 NULL_VALUE2 = ( name == "/All_Data/VIIRS-DNB-SDR_All/Radiance" )
               ? -1.5e-9 : NULL_VALUE;
            const ossim_float32 TOLERANCE = 0.1e-9; // For ossim::almostEqual()

            // Hold one line:
            std::vector<ossim_float32> values( WIDTH );

            // Find the ul pixel:
            ossimIpt ulIpt = rect.ul();
            bool found = false;
            // Line loop to find upper left pixel:
            while ( ulIpt.y <= rect.lr().y )
               inputOffset[0] = static_cast<hsize_t>(ulIpt.y);
               imageDataspace.selectHyperslab( H5S_SELECT_SET,
                                               &inputOffset.front() );
               // Read data from file into the buffer.
               dataset.read( (void*)&values.front(), datatype, bufferDataSpace, imageDataspace );
               if ( endian )
                  // If the endian pointer is initialized(not zero) swap the bytes.
                  endian->swap( scalar, (void*)&values.front(), WIDTH );
               // Sample loop:
               ulIpt.x = rect.ul().x;
               ossim_int32 index = 0;
               while ( ulIpt.x <= rect.lr().x )
                  if ( !ossim::almostEqual(values[index], NULL_VALUE2, TOLERANCE) &&
                       ( values[index] > NULL_VALUE ) )
                     found = true; // Found valid pixel.
               } // End: sample loop
               if ( found )

            } // End line loop to find ul pixel:

            // Find the lower right pixel:
            ossimIpt lrIpt = rect.lr();
            found = false;
            // Line loop to find last pixel:
            while ( lrIpt.y >= rect.ul().y )
               inputOffset[0] = static_cast<hsize_t>(lrIpt.y);
               imageDataspace.selectHyperslab( H5S_SELECT_SET,
                                               &inputOffset.front() );
               // Read data from file into the buffer.
               dataset.read( (void*)&values.front(), datatype, bufferDataSpace, imageDataspace );

               if ( endian )
                  // If the endian pointer is initialized(not zero) swap the bytes.
                  endian->swap( scalar, (void*)&values.front(), WIDTH );
               // Sample loop:
               lrIpt.x = rect.lr().x;
               ossim_int32 index = WIDTH-1;
               while ( lrIpt.x >= rect.ul().x )
                  if ( !ossim::almostEqual(values[index], NULL_VALUE2, TOLERANCE) &&
                       ( values[index] > NULL_VALUE ) )
                     found = true; // Found valid pixel.
               } // End: sample loop
               if ( found )

            } // End line loop to find lower right pixel.

            rect = ossimIrect( ulIpt, lrIpt );

            // Cleanup:
            if ( endian )
               delete endian;
               endian = 0;

            result = true;
         else // Matches: if ( scalar == OSSIM_FLOAT32 ){...}
               << "ossim_hdf5::getBoundingRect WARNING!"
               << "\nUnhandled scalar type: "
               << ossimScalarTypeLut::instance()->getEntryString( scalar )
               << std::endl;
      } // Matches: if ( dimsOut...
   } // Matches: if ( IN_DIM_COUNT == 2 )

   return result;
} // End: ossim_hdf5::getBoundingRect(...)
ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData> ossimAtCorrRemapper::getTile(
   const ossimIrect& tile_rect,
   ossim_uint32 resLevel)
#if 0
   if (traceDebug())
      cout << "ossimAtCorrRemapper::getTile DEBUG:"
           << "\ntile_rect:  " << tile_rect << endl;
   if (!isInitialized()||!theInputConnection)
       cerr << "ossimAtCorrRemapper::getTile ERROR:"
            << "\nNot initialized!"
            << endl;
       return ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData>();

         return ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData>();
   // Fetch tile from pointer from the input source.
   ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData> inputTile = theInputConnection->getTile(tile_rect,

   if (!inputTile.valid())  // Just in case...
      return ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData>();

   // Check for remap bypass or empty / null input tile.
   ossimDataObjectStatus tile_status = inputTile->getDataObjectStatus();
   if (!theEnableFlag || tile_status == OSSIM_NULL ||
       tile_status == OSSIM_EMPTY)
      return inputTile;

   ossim_uint32 w     = tile_rect.width();
   ossim_uint32 h     = tile_rect.height();
   ossim_uint32 tw    = theTile->getWidth();
   ossim_uint32 th    = theTile->getHeight();
   ossim_uint32 bands = theTile->getNumberOfBands();

   // Set the origin of the output tile.

   if(w*h != tw*th)
      theTile->setWidthHeight(w, h);
         delete [] theSurfaceReflectance;
         theSurfaceReflectance = NULL;
      ossim_uint32 size  = tw*th*bands;
#if 0
      if (traceDebug())
         cout << "ossimAtCorrRemapper::getTile DEBUG:"
              << "\ntile_rect:    " << tile_rect
              << "\ntile width:   " << tw
              << "\ntile height:  " << th
              << "\nbands:        " << bands
              << "\nBuffer size:  " << size << endl;
      theSurfaceReflectance = new double[size];

   ossim_uint32 buffer_index = 0;
   ossimIpt ul = tile_rect.ul();
   ossimIpt lr = tile_rect.lr();
   const double MP = theTile->getMinNormalizedPix(); // Minimum normalized pix.
   double a, b, c;
   buffer_index = 0;

   cout << setprecision(6);
   for (ossim_uint32 band=0; band < bands; ++band)
      for(ossim_sint32 idxy = ul.y; idxy <= lr.y; ++idxy)
         for(ossim_sint32 idxx = ul.x; idxx <= lr.x; ++idxx)
            double p = inputTile->getPix(buffer_index);
            if (p>0.0)
                  a = theXaArray[band];
                  b = theXbArray[band];
                  c = theXcArray[band];
                  interpolate(ossimDpt(idxx, idxy),
               if(theSensorType == "ls7ms")
                  double radiance_at_satellite
                     = (theGainArray[band] * p) + theBiasArray[band];
                  double y =  (radiance_at_satellite * a) -  b;
                  p = (y / (1.0 + (c * y)) );
               else if(theSensorType == "qbms")
                  double radiance_at_satellite
                     = theCalCoefArray[band] * p / theBandWidthArray[band];
                  double y =  (radiance_at_satellite * a) - b;
                  p = (y / (1.0 + (c * y)) );
               else if(theSensorType == "ikms")
                  double radiance_at_satellite
                     =   p  /((theCalCoefArray[band]/1.0)/ theBandWidthArray[band]);
                  double y =  (radiance_at_satellite * a) -  b;
                  p = (y / (1.0 + (c * y)) );
               // Note that "p" should now be normalized between 0.0 and 1.0;
               // ***
               // Since it wasn't null to start with clip / clamp between minimum
               // normalized pixel and one(max).
               // ***
               p =  ( p > MP ? ( p < 1.0 ? p : 1.0) : MP );
               // Scan the new tile and set the min / max.
               if (p < theMinPixelValue[band])
                  theMinPixelValue[band] = p;
               else if (p > theMaxPixelValue[band])
                  theMaxPixelValue[band] = p;
               theSurfaceReflectance[buffer_index] = p;
               theSurfaceReflectance[buffer_index] = 0.0;  // pixel was null...
         }  // End of sample loop...
      } // End of line loop...
   } // End of band loop...

   // Copy the buffer to the output tile at the same time unnormalizing it.
   // Validate the output to set the tile status.
   return theTile;
Beispiel #6
bool ossim_hdf5::crossesDateline( H5::DataSet& dataset, const ossimIrect& validRect )
   bool result = false;

   H5::DataSpace dataspace = dataset.getSpace();
   // Number of dimensions of the input dataspace:
   const ossim_int32 DIM_COUNT = dataspace.getSimpleExtentNdims();
   if ( DIM_COUNT == 2 )
      const ossim_uint32 ROWS = validRect.height();
      const ossim_uint32 COLS = validRect.width();
      // Get the extents. Assuming dimensions are same for lat lon dataset. 
      std::vector<hsize_t> dimsOut(DIM_COUNT);
      dataspace.getSimpleExtentDims( &dimsOut.front(), 0 );

      if ( (ROWS <= dimsOut[0]) && (COLS <= dimsOut[1]) )
         std::vector<hsize_t> inputCount(DIM_COUNT);
         std::vector<hsize_t> inputOffset(DIM_COUNT);
         inputCount[0] = 1;    // row
         inputCount[1] = COLS; // col
         // Output dataspace dimensions.
         const ossim_int32 OUT_DIM_COUNT = 3;
         std::vector<hsize_t> outputCount(OUT_DIM_COUNT);
         outputCount[0] = 1; // single band
         outputCount[1] = 1; // single line
         outputCount[2] = COLS; // single sample
         // Output dataspace offset.
         std::vector<hsize_t> outputOffset(OUT_DIM_COUNT);
         outputOffset[0] = 0;
         outputOffset[1] = 0;
         outputOffset[2] = 0;
         ossimScalarType scalar = ossim_hdf5::getScalarType( &dataset );
         if ( scalar == OSSIM_FLOAT32 )
            // See if we need to swap bytes:
            ossimEndian* endian = 0;
            if ( ( ossim::byteOrder() != ossim_hdf5::getByteOrder( &dataset ) ) )
               endian = new ossimEndian();

            // Native type:
            H5::DataType datatype = dataset.getDataType();
            // Output dataspace always the same one line.
            H5::DataSpace bufferDataSpace( OUT_DIM_COUNT, &outputCount.front());
            bufferDataSpace.selectHyperslab( H5S_SELECT_SET,
                                             &outputOffset.front() );

            // Dataset sample has NULL lines at the end so scan for valid rect.
            // Use "<= -999" for test as per NOAA as it seems the NULL value is
            // fuzzy.  e.g. -999.3.

            // Buffer to hold a line:
            std::vector<ossim_float32> lineBuffer(validRect.width());

            // Read the first line:
            inputOffset[0] = static_cast<hsize_t>(validRect.ul().y);
            inputOffset[1] = static_cast<hsize_t>(validRect.ul().x);
            dataspace.selectHyperslab( H5S_SELECT_SET,
                                       &inputOffset.front() );
            dataset.read( &(lineBuffer.front()), datatype, bufferDataSpace, dataspace );

            if ( endian )
               // If the endian pointer is initialized(not zero) swap the bytes.
               endian->swap( &(lineBuffer.front()), COLS );

            // Test the first line:
            result = ossim_hdf5::crossesDateline( lineBuffer );

            if ( !result )
               // Test the last line:
               inputOffset[0] = static_cast<hsize_t>(validRect.ll().y);
               inputOffset[1] = static_cast<hsize_t>(validRect.ll().x);
               dataspace.selectHyperslab( H5S_SELECT_SET,
                                          &inputOffset.front() );
               dataset.read( &(lineBuffer.front()), datatype, bufferDataSpace, dataspace );

               result = ossim_hdf5::crossesDateline( lineBuffer );

            if ( endian )
               delete endian;
               endian = 0;
         else // Matches: if ( scalar == OSSIM_FLOAT32 ){...}
               << "ossim_hdf5::crossesDateline WARNING!"
               << "\nUnhandled scalar type: "
               << ossimScalarTypeLut::instance()->getEntryString( scalar )
               << std::endl;
      } // Matches: if ( dimsOut...
   } // Matches: if ( IN_DIM_COUNT == 2 )
   return result;
} // End: ossim_hdf5::crossesDateline(...)
Beispiel #7
ossimRefPtr<ossimProjection> ossim_hdf5::getBilinearProjection(
   H5::DataSet& latDataSet, H5::DataSet& lonDataSet, const ossimIrect& validRect )
   ossimRefPtr<ossimProjection> proj = 0;

   // Get dataspace of the dataset.
   H5::DataSpace latDataSpace = latDataSet.getSpace();
   H5::DataSpace lonDataSpace = lonDataSet.getSpace();
   // Number of dimensions of the input dataspace:
   const ossim_int32 DIM_COUNT = latDataSpace.getSimpleExtentNdims();
   if ( DIM_COUNT == 2 )
      // Get the extents. Assuming dimensions are same for lat lon dataset. 
      std::vector<hsize_t> dimsOut(DIM_COUNT);
      latDataSpace.getSimpleExtentDims( &dimsOut.front(), 0 );

      if ( dimsOut[0] && dimsOut[1] )
         std::vector<hsize_t> inputCount(DIM_COUNT);
         std::vector<hsize_t> inputOffset(DIM_COUNT);
         inputOffset[0] = 0;
         inputOffset[1] = 0;
         inputCount[0] = 1;
         inputCount[1] = 1;
         // Output dataspace dimensions.
         const ossim_int32 OUT_DIM_COUNT = 3;
         std::vector<hsize_t> outputCount(OUT_DIM_COUNT);
         outputCount[0] = 1; // single band
         outputCount[1] = 1; // single line
         outputCount[2] = 1; // single sample
         // Output dataspace offset.
         std::vector<hsize_t> outputOffset(OUT_DIM_COUNT);
         outputOffset[0] = 0;
         outputOffset[1] = 0;
         outputOffset[2] = 0;
         ossimScalarType scalar = ossim_hdf5::getScalarType( &latDataSet );
         if ( scalar == OSSIM_FLOAT32 )
            // See if we need to swap bytes:
            ossimEndian* endian = 0;
            if ( ( ossim::byteOrder() != ossim_hdf5::getByteOrder( &latDataSet ) ) )
               endian = new ossimEndian();

            // Native type:
            H5::DataType latDataType = latDataSet.getDataType();
            H5::DataType lonDataType = lonDataSet.getDataType();
            std::vector<ossimDpt> ipts;
            std::vector<ossimGpt> gpts;
            ossimGpt gpt(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Assuming WGS84...
            ossim_float32 latValue = 0.0;
            ossim_float32 lonValue = 0.0;
            // Only grab every 256th value.:
            const ossim_int32 GRID_SIZE = 256;
            // Output dataspace always the same one pixel.
            H5::DataSpace bufferDataSpace( OUT_DIM_COUNT, &outputCount.front());
            bufferDataSpace.selectHyperslab( H5S_SELECT_SET,
                                             &outputOffset.front() );

            // Dataset sample has NULL lines at the end so scan for valid rect.
            // Use "<= -999" for test as per NOAA as it seems the NULL value is
            // fuzzy.  e.g. -999.3.
            const ossim_float32 NULL_VALUE = -999.0;

            // Get the tie points within the valid rect:
            ossimDpt ipt = validRect.ul();
            while ( ipt.y <= validRect.lr().y )
               inputOffset[0] = static_cast<hsize_t>(ipt.y);
               // Sample loop:
               ipt.x = validRect.ul().x;
               while ( ipt.x <= validRect.lr().x )
                  inputOffset[1] = static_cast<hsize_t>(ipt.x);
                  latDataSpace.selectHyperslab( H5S_SELECT_SET,
                                                &inputOffset.front() );
                  lonDataSpace.selectHyperslab( H5S_SELECT_SET,
                                                &inputOffset.front() );
                  // Read data from file into the buffer.
                  latDataSet.read( &latValue, latDataType, bufferDataSpace, latDataSpace );
                  lonDataSet.read( &lonValue, lonDataType, bufferDataSpace, lonDataSpace );
                  if ( endian )
                     // If the endian pointer is initialized(not zero) swap the bytes.
                     endian->swap( latValue );
                     endian->swap( lonValue );  
                  if ( ( latValue > NULL_VALUE ) && ( lonValue > NULL_VALUE ) )
                     gpt.lat = latValue;
                     gpt.lon = lonValue;
                     gpts.push_back( gpt );
                     // Add the image point subtracting the image offset.
                     ossimIpt shiftedIpt = ipt - validRect.ul();
                     ipts.push_back( shiftedIpt );

                  // Go to next point:
                  if ( ipt.x < validRect.lr().x )
                     ipt.x += GRID_SIZE;
                     if ( ipt.x > validRect.lr().x )
                        ipt.x = validRect.lr().x; // Clamp to last sample.
                     break; // At the end:
               } // End sample loop.

               if ( ipt.y < validRect.lr().y )
                  ipt.y += GRID_SIZE;
                  if ( ipt.y > validRect.lr().y )
                     ipt.y = validRect.lr().y; // Clamp to last line.
                  break; // At the end:
            } // End line loop.
            if ( ipts.size() )
               // Create the projection:
               ossimRefPtr<ossimBilinearProjection> bp = new ossimBilinearProjection();
               // Add the tie points:
               bp->setTiePoints( ipts, gpts );
               // Assign to output projection:
               proj = bp.get();

            // Cleanup:
            if ( endian )
               delete endian;
               endian = 0;
         else // Matches: if ( scalar == OSSIM_FLOAT32 ){...}
               << "ossim_hdf5::getBilinearProjection WARNING!"
               << "\nUnhandled scalar type: "
               << ossimScalarTypeLut::instance()->getEntryString( scalar )
               << std::endl;
      } // Matches: if ( dimsOut...
   } // Matches: if ( IN_DIM_COUNT == 2 )
   return proj;
} // End: ossim_hdf5::getBilinearProjection()
void ossimOpjCompressor::initOpjCodingParams( bool jp2,
                                              const ossimIpt& tileSize,
                                              const ossimIrect& imageRect )
   static const char MODULE[] = "ossimOpjCompressor::initOpjCodingParams";
   if ( traceDebug() )
      ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << MODULE << " entered...\n";

   if ( m_params )
      delete m_params;

   m_params = new opj_cparameters_t();

   // Set encoding parameters to default values.
   opj_set_default_encoder_parameters( m_params );
   // Output format: 0: J2K, 1: JP2, 2: JPT   
   m_params->cod_format = jp2 ? 1 : 0;
   // std::string outfile = "test.jp2";
   // strncpy(m_params->outfile, outfile.data(), outfile.size());

   // Shall we do an Multi-component Transformation(MCT) ?
   // 0:no_mct;1:rgb->ycc;2:custom mct

   // Set the tiles size:
   m_params->cp_tx0 = 0;
   m_params->cp_ty0 = 0;
   m_params->cp_tdx = tileSize.x;
   m_params->cp_tdy = tileSize.y;
   m_params->tile_size_on = OPJ_TRUE;
   // No mct.
   m_params->tcp_mct = 0;

   // Number of resolutions:
   // This sets m_levels if not set and
   // m_params->numresolution.
   initLevels( imageRect );
   // Set the block size.  Note 64x64 is the current kakadu default.
   setCodeBlockSize( 64, 64 );
   // Set progression order to use. Note LRCP is the current opj default.
   // L=layer; R=resolution C=component; P=position
   setProgressionOrder( OPJ_LRCP );
   // total pixels
   const ossim_float64 TP = imageRect.area();
   if ( traceDebug() )
         << "quality type: " << getQualityTypeString() << endl;
   // Rate is a ratio of desired bytes / total bytes.  So if you
   // want 4 bits per pixels it's total_pixels * 4 / 8 or
   // total_pixels * 4 * 0.125.
   // Allocation by rate/distortion.
   m_params->cp_disto_alloc = 1;
   switch (m_qualityType)
      case ossimOpjCompressor::OPJ_NUMERICALLY_LOSSLESS:
         // cout << "ossimOpjCompressor::OPJ_NUMERICALLY_LOSSLESS..." << endl;
         // W5X3 Kernel

         // Tmp drb...
         m_params->tcp_numlayers = 1;
         m_params->tcp_rates[0] = 1;

#if 0
         m_params->tcp_numlayers = 20;
         m_params->tcp_rates[0] = std::ceil( TP * 0.03125 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[1] = std::ceil( TP * 0.0625 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[2] = std::ceil( TP * 0.125 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[3] = std::ceil( TP * 0.25 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[4] = std::ceil( TP * 0.5 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[5] = std::ceil( TP * 0.6 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[6] = std::ceil( TP * 0.7 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[7] = std::ceil( TP * 0.8 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[8] = std::ceil( TP * 0.9 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[9] = std::ceil( TP * 1.0 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[10] = std::ceil( TP * 1.1 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[11] = std::ceil( TP * 1.2 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[12] = std::ceil( TP * 1.3 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[13] = std::ceil( TP * 1.5 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[14] = std::ceil( TP * 1.7 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[15] = std::ceil( TP * 2.0 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[16] = std::ceil( TP * 2.3 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[17] = std::ceil( TP * 2.8 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[18] = std::ceil( TP * 3.5 * 0.125 );
         // Indicate that the final quality layer should include all
         // compressed bits.
         // m_params->tcp_rates[19] = OSSIM_DEFAULT_MAX_PIX_SINT32; // KDU_LONG_MAX;
         m_params->tcp_rates[19] = std::ceil( TP * 4.0 * 0.125 );

      case ossimOpjCompressor::OPJ_VISUALLY_LOSSLESS:
         // W9X7 kernel:
         m_params->tcp_numlayers = 19;
         m_params->tcp_rates[0] = std::ceil( TP * 0.03125 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[1] = std::ceil( TP * 0.0625 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[2] = std::ceil( TP * 0.125 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[3] = std::ceil( TP * 0.25 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[4] = std::ceil( TP * 0.5 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[5] = std::ceil( TP * 0.6 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[6] = std::ceil( TP * 0.7 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[7] = std::ceil( TP * 0.8 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[8] = std::ceil( TP * 0.9 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[9] = std::ceil( TP * 1.0 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[10] = std::ceil( TP * 1.1 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[11] = std::ceil( TP * 1.2 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[12] = std::ceil( TP * 1.3 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[13] = std::ceil( TP * 1.5 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[14] = std::ceil( TP * 1.7 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[15] = std::ceil( TP * 2.0 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[16] = std::ceil( TP * 2.3 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[17] = std::ceil( TP * 2.8 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[18] = std::ceil( TP * 3.5 * 0.125 );
      case ossimOpjCompressor::OPJ_LOSSY:
         // W9X7 kernel:
         m_params->tcp_numlayers = 10;
         m_params->tcp_rates[0] = std::ceil( TP * 0.03125 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[1] = std::ceil( TP * 0.0625 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[2] = std::ceil( TP * 0.125 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[3] = std::ceil( TP * 0.25 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[4] = std::ceil( TP * 0.5 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[5] = std::ceil( TP * 0.6 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[6] = std::ceil( TP * 0.7 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[7] = std::ceil( TP * 0.8 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[8] = std::ceil( TP * 0.9 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_rates[9] = std::ceil( TP * 1.0 * 0.125 );
         m_params->tcp_numlayers = 1;
         m_params->tcp_rates[0] = 1.0;
         if (traceDebug())
               << "unspecified quality type\n";
   } // matches: switch (m_qualityType)

   // Set reversible flag, note, this controls the kernel.
   // W5X3(default) if reversible = true, W9X7 if reversible is false.
   m_params->irreversible = !m_reversible;
   if ( traceDebug() )
         << "m_reversible: " << m_reversible
         << "\nm_levels: " << m_levels << "\n";

      ossim::print( ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG), *m_params );
   if ( traceDebug() )
      ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << MODULE << " exited...\n";
Beispiel #9
ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData> ossimMaskFilter::getTile(const ossimIrect& rect,
                                                     ossim_uint32 resLevel)
   ossimImageSource* imageSource = PTR_CAST(ossimImageSource,
   // we will check to see if it's a fileMaskSource
   ossimImageSource* maskSource = PTR_CAST(ossimImageSource,
   ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData> imageSourceData;
   ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData> maskSourceData;
      imageSourceData = imageSource->getTile(rect, resLevel);

      return imageSourceData;
      maskSourceData = maskSource->getTile(rect, resLevel);

   if (!theTile.valid())

   if(!imageSourceData.valid() || !theTile.valid())
      return ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData>();
   if(theTile->getImageRectangle() != rect)
      return theTile;
      return imageSourceData;
   if(imageSourceData->getDataObjectStatus() != OSSIM_NULL)
      return executeMaskFilter(imageSourceData, maskSourceData);  
   return theTile;
ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData> ossimWatermarkFilter::getTile(
   const ossimIrect& tile_rect, ossim_uint32 resLevel)
   // Lock for the length of this method.
   // Check for input.
   if (!theInputConnection)
      if (theTile.valid())
      return theTile;

   // Fetch a tile from from the input source.
   ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData> inputTile =
      theInputConnection->getTile(tile_rect, resLevel);

   // Check for bypass.
   if (theEnableFlag == false) return inputTile;

   // Check for weight being 0.0.
   if (theWatermarkWeight == 0.0) return inputTile;

   // Check for dirty state.
   // Note: This is set in initialize if something changes.
   if (theDirtyFlag == true)
      if (allocate() == false) // Something not right if false.
         return inputTile;
   // We will only watermark (process) within the input bounding rectangle.
   if (tile_rect.intersects(theInputBoundingRect) == false)
      return inputTile;

   // Capture the rectangle and blank out theTile.

   if (inputTile.valid() &&
       (inputTile->getDataObjectStatus() != OSSIM_NULL))
      // Copy the inputTile to theTile.

   // Write the watermarks...
      case OSSIM_UINT8:
      case OSSIM_SINT8:
      case OSSIM_USHORT11:
      case OSSIM_UINT16:
      case OSSIM_SINT16:
      case OSSIM_UINT32:
      case OSSIM_SINT32:
      case OSSIM_FLOAT32: 
      case OSSIM_FLOAT64: 
            << "Scalar type = " << theTile->getScalarType()
            << " Not supported by ossimWatermarkFilter" << std::endl;
         return inputTile;

   return theTile;
template <class T> void ossimWatermarkFilter::fill(T /* dummy */)
   const ossimIrect TILE_RECT = theTile->getImageRectangle();

   // We will only fill data within the input bounding rect.
   const ossimIrect CLIPPED_TILE_RECT =

   // Get the bounding rectangles.
   vector<ossimIrect> rects(0);

   if (rects.size() == 0)

   // Have watermark rectangles that intersect this tile so we need to process.
   ossim_uint32 band = 0;
   ossim_float64 inputPixWeight = 1.0 - theWatermarkWeight;

   // Get a pointers to the watermark buffers (wmBuf) and nulls wn.
   T** wmBuf = new T*[theWatermarkNumberOfBands];
   for (band = 0; band < theWatermarkNumberOfBands; ++band)
      wmBuf[band] = static_cast<T*>(theWatermark->getBuf(band));
   // Get a pointers to the output tile buffers and nulls in.
   T** otBuf = new T*[theInputNumberOfBands];
   for (band = 0; band < theInputNumberOfBands; ++band)
      otBuf[band] = static_cast<T*>(theTile->getBuf(band));

   // Get the width of the buffers for indexing.
   ossim_int32 wmWidth = static_cast<ossim_int32>(theWatermark->getWidth());
   ossim_int32 otWidth = static_cast<ossim_int32>(theTile->getWidth());

   const ossim_float64* wmNull = theWatermark->getNullPix();
   const ossim_float64* otMin  = theTile->getMinPix();
   const ossim_float64* otMax  = theTile->getMaxPix();
   const ossim_float64* otNull = theTile->getNullPix();
   // Control loop through intersecting rectangles.
   vector<ossimIrect>::const_iterator i = rects.begin();
   while (i != rects.end())
      if ( (*i).intersects(CLIPPED_TILE_RECT) )
         // This is the rectangle we want to fill relative to requesting
         // image space.
         const ossimIrect CLIPPED_WATERMARRK_RECT =

         ossim_int32 clipHeight = CLIPPED_WATERMARRK_RECT.height();
         ossim_int32 clipWidth  = CLIPPED_WATERMARRK_RECT.width();

         // Compute the starting offset into the wmBuf and otBuf.
         ossim_int32 wmOffset =
            (CLIPPED_WATERMARRK_RECT.ul().y - (*i).ul().y) * wmWidth +
            CLIPPED_WATERMARRK_RECT.ul().x  - (*i).ul().x;
         ossim_int32 otOffset =
            (CLIPPED_WATERMARRK_RECT.ul().y - TILE_RECT.ul().y)* otWidth +
             CLIPPED_WATERMARRK_RECT.ul().x - TILE_RECT.ul().x;
         // Line loop...
         for (ossim_int32 line = 0; line < clipHeight; ++line)
            // Sample loop...
            for (ossim_int32 sample = 0; sample < clipWidth; ++sample)
               // Output band control loop until all output bands are filled.
               ossim_uint32 otBand = 0;
               while (otBand < theInputNumberOfBands)
                  // Band loop through the watermark.
                  for (ossim_uint32 wmBand = 0;
                       wmBand < theWatermarkNumberOfBands;
                     if (wmBuf[wmBand][wmOffset+sample] != wmNull[wmBand])
                        // Apply the weight to the input pixel.
                        ossim_float64 p1 =
                           (otBuf[otBand][otOffset+sample] != otNull[otBand]) ?
                           otBuf[otBand][otOffset+sample] * inputPixWeight :

                        // Apply the Weight to the watermark pixel.
                        ossim_float64 p2 =

                        // Add them up.
                        ossim_float64 p3 = p1 + p2;

                        // Cast to output type with range checking.
                        otBuf[otBand][otOffset+sample] = static_cast<T>(
                           ( (p3 >= otMin[otBand]) ?
                             (p3 < otMax[otBand] ? p3 : otMax[otBand]) :
                             otNull[otBand]) );
                     // We stop when we reach here.  All output bands filled.
                     if (otBand == theInputNumberOfBands)
                  } // End of band through watermark.
               } // End of outer band loop.
            } // End of sample loop.

            wmOffset += wmWidth;
            otOffset += otWidth;
         } // End of line loop.

      } // End "if ( (*i).intersects(TILE_RECT) )"
      ++i; // Go to next rectangle to fill if any.
   } // End of "while (i != rects.end())"

   // Clean up.
   delete [] wmBuf;
   delete [] otBuf;
ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData> ossimClosestToCenterCombiner::getTile(const ossimIrect& rect,
                                                                  ossim_uint32 resLevel)
   ossim_uint32 layerIdx = 0;
      return ossimImageMosaic::getTile(rect, resLevel);
         return 0;
   std::vector<ossimClosestToCenterCombinerInfo > normTileList;
   ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData> currentTile = getNextNormTile(layerIdx, 0, rect);
      currentTile = getNextNormTile(layerIdx, rect, resLevel);

   if(normTileList.size() == 1)
   else if(normTileList.size() > 1)
      ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData> copyTile    = ossimImageDataFactory::instance()->create(0,
      ossim_int32 idx   = 0;
      ossim_uint32 w     = rect.width();
      ossim_uint32 h     = rect.height();
      ossim_uint32 idxW  = 0;
      ossim_uint32 idxH  = 0;
      ossimIpt origin    = rect.ul();
      ossimIpt ulPt      = rect.ul();
      ossim_uint32 band  = 0;
      ossim_uint32 bands = copyTile->getNumberOfBands();
      ossim_uint32 srcBandIdx = 0;
      std::vector<ossim_float32*> bandList(bands);

      for(band = 0; band < bands; ++band)
         bandList[band] = (ossim_float32*)copyTile->getBuf(band);
      ossim_uint32 offset   = 0;
      origin.y = ulPt.y;
      for(idxH = 0; idxH < h; ++idxH)
         origin.x = ulPt.x;
         for(idxW = 0; idxW < w;++idxW)
            idx = findIdx(normTileList, origin, offset);

            if(idx >=0)
               ossim_uint32 tileBands = normTileList[idx].theTile->getNumberOfBands();
               if (tileBands > 0)
                  tileBands -= 1;
                  for(band = 0; band < bands; ++band)
                     srcBandIdx = ossim::min( tileBands, band );
                     bandList[band][offset] = *(((ossim_float32*)normTileList[idx].theTile->getBuf(srcBandIdx))+offset);

   return theTile;

Beispiel #13
ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData> ossimMrSidReader::getTile(
   const ossimIrect& rect, ossim_uint32 resLevel)
   LT_STATUS sts = LT_STS_Uninit;

   // This tile source bypassed, or invalid res level, return null tile.
   if(!isSourceEnabled() || !isOpen() || !isValidRLevel(resLevel))
      return ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData>();

   ossimIrect imageBound = getBoundingRect(resLevel);
      return ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData>();

   // Check for overview.
   if( resLevel > theMinDwtLevels )
         ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData> tileData = theOverview->getTile(rect, resLevel);
         return tileData;


   // Compute clip rectangle with respect to the image bounds.
   ossimIrect clipRect   = rect.clipToRect(imageBound);

   if (rect.completely_within(clipRect) == false)
      // Not filling whole tile so blank it out first.

   lt_uint16 anOssimBandIndex = 0;

   LTIPixel pixel(theReader->getColorSpace(), theNumberOfBands, theReader->getDataType());
   LTISceneBuffer sceneBuffer(pixel, clipRect.width(), clipRect.height(), NULL);

   if (!theGeometry.valid())
      theGeometry = getImageGeometry();
   double mag = theGeometry->decimationFactor(resLevel).lat;
   sts = theImageNavigator->setSceneAsULWH(clipRect.ul().x,
                                           clipRect.lr().x - clipRect.ul().x + 1,
                                           clipRect.lr().y - clipRect.ul().y + 1, mag);

   LTIScene scene = theImageNavigator->getScene();
   sts = theReader->read(scene, sceneBuffer);

   if (LT_SUCCESS(sts) == true)
      for(anOssimBandIndex = 0; anOssimBandIndex < theNumberOfBands; anOssimBandIndex++)
                           clipRect, anOssimBandIndex);

   return theTile;
void ossimH5GridModel::initializeModelParams(ossimIrect imageBounds)
   theHeightEnabledFlag = false;

   // NOTE: it is assumed that the grid size and spacing is the same for ALL grids:
   ossimIpt gridSize (theLatGrid.size());
   ossimDpt spacing  (theLatGrid.spacing());
   ossimDpt v[4];
   v[0].lat = theLatGrid.getNode(0,0);
   v[0].lon = theLonGrid.getNode(0,0);
   v[1].lat = theLatGrid.getNode(gridSize.x-1, 0);
   v[1].lon = theLonGrid.getNode(gridSize.x-1, 0);
   v[2].lat = theLatGrid.getNode(gridSize.x-1, gridSize.y-1);
   v[2].lon = theLonGrid.getNode(gridSize.x-1, gridSize.y-1);
   v[3].lat = theLatGrid.getNode(0, gridSize.y-1);
   v[3].lon = theLonGrid.getNode(0, gridSize.y-1);

   if ( m_crossesDateline )
      // Longitude values between 0 and 360.
      m_boundGndPolygon = ossimPolygon(4, v);
   // Guaranty longitude values are -180 to 180
   for (int i=0; i<4; ++i)
      if (v[i].lon > 180.0) v[i].lon -= 360.0;

   theBoundGndPolygon = ossimPolygon(4, v);

   if ( !m_crossesDateline )
      // Longitude values between -180 and 180.
      m_boundGndPolygon = theBoundGndPolygon;
   theImageSize  = ossimDpt(imageBounds.width(), imageBounds.height());
   theRefImgPt   = imageBounds.midPoint();
   theRefGndPt.lat = theLatGrid(theRefImgPt);
   theRefGndPt.lon = theLonGrid(theRefImgPt);
   ossimDpt ref_ip_dx (theRefImgPt.x+1.0, theRefImgPt.y    );
   ossimDpt ref_ip_dy (theRefImgPt.x    , theRefImgPt.y+1.0);
   ossimGpt ref_gp_dx (theLatGrid(ref_ip_dx), theLonGrid(ref_ip_dx));
   ossimGpt ref_gp_dy (theLatGrid(ref_ip_dy), theLonGrid(ref_ip_dy));

   theGSD.x   = theRefGndPt.distanceTo(ref_gp_dx);
   theGSD.y   = theRefGndPt.distanceTo(ref_gp_dy);

   theMeanGSD = (theGSD.line + theGSD.samp)/2.0;
   theImageClipRect  = imageBounds;

   // Image is clipped to valid rect so no sub image offset.
   theSubImageOffset = ossimDpt(0.0, 0.0); //imageBounds.ul();


   // debugDump();
} // End: initializeModelParams
bool ossimH5GridModel::setGridNodes( H5::DataSet* latDataSet,
                                     H5::DataSet* lonDataSet,
                                     const ossimIrect& validRect )
   bool status = false;

   if ( latDataSet && lonDataSet )
      m_crossesDateline = ossim_hdf5::crossesDateline( *lonDataSet, validRect );
      if ( m_crossesDateline )

      // Get dataspace of the dataset.
      H5::DataSpace latDataSpace = latDataSet->getSpace();
      H5::DataSpace lonDataSpace = lonDataSet->getSpace();
      const ossim_int32 LAT_DIM_COUNT = latDataSpace.getSimpleExtentNdims();
      const ossim_int32 LON_DIM_COUNT = lonDataSpace.getSimpleExtentNdims();
      // Number of dimensions of the input dataspace:
      if ( ( LAT_DIM_COUNT == 2 ) && ( LON_DIM_COUNT == 2 ) )
         const ossim_uint32 ROWS = validRect.height();
         const ossim_uint32 COLS = validRect.width();
         const ossim_uint32 GRID_SIZE = 4; // Only grab every 4th value.

         // Get the extents:
         // dimsOut[0] is height, dimsOut[1] is width:
         std::vector<hsize_t> latDimsOut(LAT_DIM_COUNT);
         latDataSpace.getSimpleExtentDims( &latDimsOut.front(), 0 );
         std::vector<hsize_t> lonDimsOut(LON_DIM_COUNT);
         lonDataSpace.getSimpleExtentDims( &lonDimsOut.front(), 0 );
         // Verify valid rect within our bounds:
         if ( (ROWS <= latDimsOut[0] ) && (ROWS <= lonDimsOut[0] ) &&
              (COLS <= latDimsOut[1] ) && (COLS <= lonDimsOut[1] ) )
            // Initialize the ossimDblGrids:
            ossimDpt dspacing (GRID_SIZE, GRID_SIZE);
            ossim_uint32 gridRows = ROWS / GRID_SIZE + 1;
            ossim_uint32 gridCols = COLS / GRID_SIZE + 1;
            // Round up if size doesn't fall on end pixel.
            if ( ROWS % GRID_SIZE) ++gridRows;
            if ( COLS % GRID_SIZE) ++gridCols;

            ossimIpt gridSize (gridCols, gridRows);
            // The grid as used in base class, has UV-space always at 0,0 origin            
            ossimDpt gridOrigin(0.0,0.0);

            const ossim_float64 NULL_VALUE = -999.0;
            theLatGrid.initialize(gridSize, gridOrigin, dspacing);
            theLonGrid.initialize(gridSize, gridOrigin, dspacing);            
            std::vector<hsize_t> inputCount(LAT_DIM_COUNT);
            std::vector<hsize_t> inputOffset(LAT_DIM_COUNT);
            inputOffset[0] = 0; // row is set below.
            inputOffset[1] = validRect.ul().x; // col
            inputCount[0] = 1; // row
            inputCount[1] = (hsize_t)COLS; // col
            // Output dataspace dimensions. Reading a line at a time.
            const ossim_int32 OUT_DIM_COUNT = 3;
            std::vector<hsize_t> outputCount(OUT_DIM_COUNT);
            outputCount[0] = 1;    // band
            outputCount[1] = 1;    // row
            outputCount[2] = COLS; // col
            // Output dataspace offset.
            std::vector<hsize_t> outputOffset(OUT_DIM_COUNT);
            outputOffset[0] = 0;
            outputOffset[1] = 0;
            outputOffset[2] = 0;
            ossimScalarType scalar = ossim_hdf5::getScalarType( latDataSet );
            if ( scalar == OSSIM_FLOAT32 )
               // Set the return status to true if we get here...
               status = true;
               // See if we need to swap bytes:
               ossimEndian* endian = 0;
               if ( ( ossim::byteOrder() != ossim_hdf5::getByteOrder( latDataSet ) ) )
                  endian = new ossimEndian();
               // Native type:
               H5::DataType latDataType = latDataSet->getDataType();
               H5::DataType lonDataType = lonDataSet->getDataType();

               // Output dataspace always the same, width of one line.
               H5::DataSpace bufferDataSpace( OUT_DIM_COUNT, &outputCount.front());
               bufferDataSpace.selectHyperslab( H5S_SELECT_SET,
                                                &outputOffset.front() );

               //  Arrays to hold a single line of latitude longitude values.
               vector<ossim_float32> latValue(COLS);
               vector<ossim_float32> lonValue(COLS);
               hsize_t row = 0;

               // Line loop:
               for ( ossim_uint32 y = 0; y < gridRows; ++y )
                  // row = line in image space
                  row = y*GRID_SIZE;

                  if ( row < ROWS )
                     inputOffset[0] = row + validRect.ul().y;

                     latDataSpace.selectHyperslab( H5S_SELECT_SET,
                                                   &inputOffset.front() );
                     lonDataSpace.selectHyperslab( H5S_SELECT_SET,
                                                   &inputOffset.front() );
                     // Read data from file into the buffer.
                     latDataSet->read( &(latValue.front()), latDataType,
                                       bufferDataSpace, latDataSpace );
                     lonDataSet->read( &(lonValue.front()), lonDataType,
                                       bufferDataSpace, lonDataSpace );
                     if ( endian )
                        // If the endian pointer is initialized(not zero) swap the bytes.
                        endian->swap( &(latValue.front()), COLS );
                        endian->swap( &(lonValue.front()), COLS );  
                     // Sample loop:
                     hsize_t col = 0;
                     for ( ossim_uint32 x = 0; x < gridCols; ++x )
                        ossim_float32 lat = ossim::nan();
                        ossim_float32 lon = ossim::nan();
                        // col = sample in image space
                        col = x*GRID_SIZE;

                        if ( col < COLS )
                           if ( (latValue[col] > NULL_VALUE)&&(lonValue[col] > NULL_VALUE) )
                              lat = latValue[col];
                              lon = lonValue[col];
                              if ( m_crossesDateline )
                                 if ( lon < 0.0 ) lon += 360;
                           else // Nulls in grid!
                              std::string errMsg =
                                 "ossimH5GridModel::setGridNodes encountered nans!";
                              throw ossimException(errMsg); 
                        else // Last column is outside of image bounds.
                           // Get the last two latitude values:
                           ossim_float32 lat1 = theLatGrid.getNode( x-2, y );
                           ossim_float32 lat2 = theLatGrid.getNode( x-1, y );

                           // Get the last two longitude values
                           ossim_float32 lon1 = theLonGrid.getNode( x-2, y );
                           ossim_float32 lon2 = theLonGrid.getNode( x-1, y );
                           if ( ( lat1 > NULL_VALUE ) && ( lat2 > NULL_VALUE ) )
                              // Delta between last two latitude grid values.
                              ossim_float32 latSpacing = lat2 - lat1;
                              // Compute:
                              lat = lat2 + latSpacing;
                           else // Nulls in grid!
                              std::string errMsg =
                                 "ossimH5GridModel::setGridNodes encountered nans!";
                              throw ossimException(errMsg);

                           if ( ( lon1 > NULL_VALUE ) && ( lon2 > NULL_VALUE ) )
                              // Delta between last two longitude values.
                              ossim_float32 lonSpacing = lon2 - lon1;
                              // Compute:
                              lon = lon2 + lonSpacing;

                              // Check for wrap:
                              if ( !m_crossesDateline && ( lon > 180 ) )
                                 lon -= 360.0;
                           else // Nulls in grid!
                              std::string errMsg =
                                 "ossimH5GridModel::setGridNodes encountered nans!";
                              throw ossimException(errMsg);

#if 0 /* Please leave for debug. (drb) */                        
                           cout << "lat1: " << lat1 << " lat2 " << lat2
                                << " lon1 " << lon1  << " lon2 " << lon2
                                << "\n";
                        // Assign the latitude and longitude.
                        theLatGrid.setNode( x, y, lat );
                        theLonGrid.setNode( x, y, lon );
#if 0 /* Please leave for debug. (drb) */ 
                        cout << "x,y,col,row,lat,lon:" << x << "," << y << ","
                             << col << "," << row << ","
                             << theLatGrid.getNode(x, y)
                             << "," << theLonGrid.getNode( x, y) << "\n";
                     } // End sample loop.
                  else // Row is outside of image bounds:
                     // Sample loop:
                     for ( ossim_uint32 x = 0; x < gridCols; ++x )
                        ossim_float32 lat        = ossim::nan();
                        ossim_float32 lon        = ossim::nan();
                        ossim_float32 lat1 = theLatGrid.getNode( x, y-2 );
                        ossim_float32 lat2 = theLatGrid.getNode( x, y-1 );
                        ossim_float32 lon1 = theLonGrid.getNode( x, y-2 );
                        ossim_float32 lon2 = theLonGrid.getNode( x, y-1 );
                        if ( ( lon1 > NULL_VALUE ) && ( lon2 > NULL_VALUE ) )
                           // Delta between last two longitude values.
                           ossim_float32 lonSpacing = lon2 - lon1;
                           // Compute:
                           lon = lon2 + lonSpacing;
                           // Check for wrap:
                           if ( !m_crossesDateline && ( lon > 180 ) )
                              lon -= 360.0;
                        else // Nulls in grid!
                           std::string errMsg =
                              "ossimH5GridModel::setGridNodes encountered nans!";
                           throw ossimException(errMsg);
                        if ( ( lat1 > NULL_VALUE ) && ( lat2 > NULL_VALUE ) )
                           // Delta between last two latitude values.
                           ossim_float32 latSpacing = lat2 - lat1;

                           lat = lat2 + latSpacing;
                        else // Nulls in grid!
                           std::string errMsg =
                              "ossimH5GridModel::setGridNodes encountered nans!";
                           throw ossimException(errMsg);
#if 0 /* Please leave for debug. (drb) */
                        hsize_t col = x*GRID_SIZE; // Sample in image space
                        cout << "lat1: " << lat1 << " lat2 " << lat2
                             << " lon1 " << lon1  << " lon2 " << lon2
                             << "\nx,y,col,row,lat,lon:" << x << "," << y << ","
                             << col << "," << row << "," << lat << "," << lon << "\n";
                        // Assign the latitude::
                        theLatGrid.setNode( x, y, lat );

                        // Assign the longitude.
                        theLonGrid.setNode( x, y, lon );
                     } // End sample loop.
                  } // Matches if ( row < imageRows ){...}else{
               } // End line loop.


               if ( status )
                  theSeedFunction = ossim_hdf5::getBilinearProjection(
                     *latDataSet,*lonDataSet, validRect );
                  // Bileaner projection to handle
                  ossimDrect imageRect(validRect);

                  // debugDump();

               if ( endian )
                  delete endian;
                  endian = 0;
            } // Matches: if ( scalar == OSSIM_FLOAT32 )
         } // Matches: if ( (latDimsOut[0] == imageRows) ...
      } // Matches: if ( ( LAT_DIM_COUNT == 2 ) ...

   } // Matches: if ( latDataSet && lonDataSet

   return status;
} // End: bool ossimH5GridModel::setGridNodes( H5::DataSet* latDataSet, ... )
ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData> ossimTileToIplFilter::getTile(const ossimIrect& tileRect,
        ossim_uint32 resLevel)

    cout << "Getting Tile !" << endl;

    // Check input data sources for valid and null tiles
    ossimImageSource *imageSource = PTR_CAST(ossimImageSource, getInput(0));
    ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData> imageSourceData;

    if (imageSource)
        imageSourceData = imageSource->getTile(tileRect, resLevel);

    if (!isSourceEnabled())
        return imageSourceData;

    if (!theTile.valid())
            theTile = ossimImageDataFactory::instance()->create(this, this);

    if (!imageSourceData.valid() || !theTile.valid())
        return ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData>();

    if (theTile->getImageRectangle() != tileRect)

    IplImage *input = cvCreateImage(cvSize(tileRect.width(), tileRect.height()),IPL_DEPTH_8U,3);
    IplImage *output = cvCreateImage(cvSize(tileRect.width(),tileRect.height()),IPL_DEPTH_8U,3);


    // If 16 or 32 bits, downsample to 8 bits
    ossimScalarType inputType = imageSourceData->getScalarType();
    if(inputType == OSSIM_UINT16 || inputType == OSSIM_USHORT11)
        CopyTileToIplImage(static_cast<ossim_uint16>(0), imageSourceData, input, tileRect);
        CopyTileToIplImage(static_cast<ossim_uint8>(0), imageSourceData, input, tileRect);

    cvCopy(input, output);

    int bins = 256;
    int hsize[] = {bins};

    float binVal;
    float sum=0;
    int firstIndexFlag = 1;

    /*// Create histogram of image
    CvHistogram *hist;
    hist = cvCreateHist(1, hsize, CV_HIST_ARRAY, 0, 1);
    cvCalcHist(&input, hist, 0, 0);
    cvNormalizeHist(hist, 100);

    binVal = cvQueryHistValue_1D(hist,1);

    // Determine the actual height and width of each tile
    ossimIrect fullImageRect;
    fullImageRect = imageSource->getBoundingRect(0);

    ossim_int32 tileHeight, tileWidth, imageWidth, imageHeight;
    tileHeight = tileRect.height();
    tileWidth = tileRect.width();

    imageWidth = fullImageRect.width();
    imageHeight = fullImageRect.height();

    ossim_int32 totRows, totCols;
    totRows = (ossim_uint32)round(imageHeight / tileHeight);
    totCols = (ossim_uint32)round(imageWidth / tileWidth);

    ossimIpt upperLeftTile = tileRect.ul();

    if ((upperLeftTile.x + 1) > fullImageRect.ul().x + totCols * tileWidth)
        tileWidth = imageWidth - totCols * tileWidth;

    if ((upperLeftTile.y + 1) > fullImageRect.ul().y + totRows * tileHeight)
        tileHeight = imageHeight - totRows * tileHeight;

    //Begin Ship Detect Algorithim

    // Create sub-image to ignore zeros created by OSSIM

    // ie, the tile is 512x512 but on the edges, the information is only in 512x10
    CvRect subRect = cvRect(0, 0, tileWidth, tileHeight);
    IplImage *subImg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(tileWidth, tileHeight),IPL_DEPTH_8U,3);
    cvSetImageROI(input, subRect);
    cvCopy(input, subImg);




    return theTile;