void update(point changeCell)
			double dCell[] = {changeCell.getX(),changeCell.getY(),changeCell.getZ()};
			if(dCell[0] <= length && dCell[1] <= width && dCell[2] <= height)
				//find the node in the k-tree with the same location
				Node *getN = mesh.search(mesh.getRoot(),dCell);
				//update everything else
Beispiel #2
/*cubeCol* joueur::getCube()
return &collision;
void joueur::miseAjour(point newPosition, uint16_t newAngleX, uint16_t newAngleY, uint8_t newGaz, uint8_t newAxeX, uint8_t newAxeY, float newVitesse)
if(newPosition.getX() > -251 && newPosition.getX() < 251 && newPosition.getY() > -251 && newPosition.getY() < 251 && newPosition.getZ() > -251 && newPosition.getZ() < 251)
position = newPosition;
if(newAngleX < 361)
angleX = newAngleX;
if(newAngleY < 361)
angleY = newAngleY;
if(newGaz == 0 || newGaz == 1)
gaz = newGaz;
if(newAxeX == 0 || newAxeX == 1 || newAxeX == 2 )
axeX = newAxeX;
if(newAxeY == 0 || newAxeY == 1 || newAxeY == 2 )
axeY = newAxeY;
if(newVitesse >= 0 && newVitesse <= vitesseMax)
vitesse = newVitesse;
Beispiel #3
double joueur::distance(point a)
double distanceXZ = sqrt(double(a.getX()*a.getX()) + double(a.getZ()*a.getZ()));
return sqrt(distanceXZ + double(a.getY() * a.getY()));