void BM2CMP_FRAME::OnPaint( wxPaintEvent& event )
#ifdef __WXMAC__
    // Otherwise fails due: using wxPaintDC without being in a native paint event
    wxClientDC pict_dc( m_InitialPicturePanel );
    wxClientDC greyscale_dc( m_GreyscalePicturePanel );
    wxClientDC nb_dc( m_BNPicturePanel );
    wxPaintDC pict_dc( m_InitialPicturePanel );
    wxPaintDC greyscale_dc( m_GreyscalePicturePanel );
    wxPaintDC nb_dc( m_BNPicturePanel );

    m_InitialPicturePanel->PrepareDC( pict_dc );
    m_GreyscalePicturePanel->PrepareDC( greyscale_dc );
    m_BNPicturePanel->PrepareDC( nb_dc );

    // OSX crashes with empty bitmaps (on initial refreshes)
    if(m_Pict_Bitmap.IsOk() && m_Greyscale_Bitmap.IsOk() && m_BN_Bitmap.IsOk())
        pict_dc.DrawBitmap( m_Pict_Bitmap, 0, 0, false );
        greyscale_dc.DrawBitmap( m_Greyscale_Bitmap, 0, 0, false );
        nb_dc.DrawBitmap( m_BN_Bitmap, 0, 0, false );
Beispiel #2
void wxControlRenderer::DrawButtonLabel(const wxBitmap& bitmap,
                                        wxCoord marginX, wxCoord marginY)

    wxString label = m_window->GetLabel();
    if ( !label.empty() || bitmap.IsOk() )
        wxRect rectLabel = m_rect;
        if ( bitmap.IsOk() )
            rectLabel.Inflate(-marginX, -marginY);

        wxControl *ctrl = wxStaticCast(m_window, wxControl);

Beispiel #3
bool wxStaticBitmap::Create( wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxBitmap &bitmap,
                             const wxPoint &pos, const wxSize &size,
                             long style, const wxString &name )
    m_needParent = TRUE;

    if (!PreCreation( parent, pos, size ) ||
        !CreateBase( parent, id, pos, size, style, wxDefaultValidator, name ))
        wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("wxStaticBitmap creation failed") );
        return false;

    m_bitmap = bitmap;

    wxBitmap bmp(bitmap.IsOk() ? bitmap : wxBitmap(bogus_xpm));
    m_widget = gtk_pixmap_new(bmp.GetPixmap(), NULL);

    if (bitmap.IsOk())

    m_parent->DoAddChild( this );

    return true;
Beispiel #4
void wxPanel::DoSetBackgroundBitmap(const wxBitmap& bmp)
    delete m_backgroundBrush;
    m_backgroundBrush = bmp.IsOk() ? new wxBrush(bmp) : NULL;

    // Our transparent children should use our background if we have it,
    // otherwise try to restore m_inheritBgCol to some reasonable value: true
    // if we also have non-default background colour or false otherwise.
    m_inheritBgCol = bmp.IsOk() || UseBgCol();
Beispiel #5
wxBitmap RescaleBitmap(const wxBitmap& bitmap, const wxSize& size, bool hq)

    if (!bitmap.IsOk())
        return wxNullBitmap;

    wxImage image = bitmap.ConvertToImage();
    image.Rescale(size.x, size.y, hq ? wxIMAGE_QUALITY_HIGH : wxIMAGE_QUALITY_NORMAL);

    return image;
Beispiel #6
wxBitmap AdjustBitmapSize(const wxBitmap& bitmap, const wxSize& size, const wxPoint& origin)

    if (!bitmap.IsOk())
        return wxNullBitmap;

    wxImage image=bitmap.ConvertToImage();
    image.Resize(size, origin);

    return image;
void wxSpeedButton::MakeTransparent(wxBitmap &inBitmap) {
int         h;
int         r,g,b;
wxImage     img;
wxBitmap    *bmp;

// not a good image?

    if (! inBitmap.IsOk()) return;

// already have a mask?

    img = inBitmap.ConvertToImage();
    if (img.HasMask()) return;

// get the colors of the lower-left corner of the image

    h = img.GetHeight();
    r = img.GetRed(0, h-1);
    b = img.GetBlue(0, h-1);
    g = img.GetGreen(0, h-1);

// make a mask from those colors

    img.SetMaskColour(r, g, b);

// store it back in the bitmap

    bmp = new wxBitmap(img);
    inBitmap = *bmp;
Beispiel #8
bool wxBitmapComboBoxBase::OnAddBitmap(const wxBitmap& bitmap)
    if ( bitmap.IsOk() )
        int width = bitmap.GetWidth();
        int height = bitmap.GetHeight();

        if ( m_usedImgSize.x < 0 )
            // If size not yet determined, get it from this image.
            m_usedImgSize.x = width;
            m_usedImgSize.y = height;

            // Adjust control size to vertically fit the bitmap
            wxWindow* ctrl = GetControl();
            wxSize newSz = ctrl->GetBestSize();
            wxSize sz = ctrl->GetSize();
            if ( newSz.y > sz.y )
                ctrl->SetSize(sz.x, newSz.y);

        wxCHECK_MSG( width == m_usedImgSize.x && height == m_usedImgSize.y,
                     "you can only add images of same size" );

        return true;

    return false;
int OutputViewControlBarButton::DoCalcButtonHeight(wxWindow *win, const wxString &text, const wxBitmap &bmp, int spacer)
	int text_height(0);
	int bmp_height (0);
	int height     (0);


	// Calculate the text height
	int xx;
	wxString stam(wxT("Tp"));
	wxFont font = wxSystemSettings::GetFont(wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT);
	win->GetTextExtent(stam, &xx, &text_height, NULL, NULL, &font);

	// bitmap
	if ( bmp.IsOk() ) {
		bmp_height += bmp.GetHeight();

	height += spacer;
	text_height > bmp_height ? height += text_height : height += bmp_height;
	height += spacer;

	return height;
int OutputViewControlBarButton::DoCalcButtonWidth(wxWindow *win, const wxString &text, const wxBitmap &bmp, int spacer)
	int text_width(0);
	int width     (0);

	// Calculate the text width
	if (text.IsEmpty() == false) {
		int yy;
		wxFont font = wxSystemSettings::GetFont(wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT);
		win->GetTextExtent(text, &text_width, &yy, NULL, NULL, &font);

	// spacer
	width += spacer;

	// bitmap
	if ( bmp.IsOk() ) {
		width += bmp.GetWidth();
		width += spacer;

	// text
	if ( text_width ) {
		width += text_width;
		width += spacer;

	return width;
Beispiel #11
void wxGCDCImpl::DoDrawBitmap( const wxBitmap &bmp, wxCoord x, wxCoord y,
                               bool useMask )
    wxCHECK_RET( IsOk(), wxT("wxGCDC(cg)::DoDrawBitmap - invalid DC") );
    wxCHECK_RET( bmp.IsOk(), wxT("wxGCDC(cg)::DoDrawBitmap - invalid bitmap") );

    int w = bmp.GetScaledWidth();
    int h = bmp.GetScaledHeight();
    if ( bmp.GetDepth() == 1 )
        m_graphicContext->DrawRectangle( x, y, w, h );
        m_graphicContext->DrawBitmap( bmp, x, y, w, h );
        m_graphicContext->SetBrush( m_graphicContext->CreateBrush(m_brush));
        m_graphicContext->SetPen( m_graphicContext->CreatePen(m_pen));
    else // not a monochrome bitmap, handle it normally
        // make a copy in case we need to remove its mask, if we don't modify
        // it the copy is cheap as bitmaps are reference-counted
        wxBitmap bmpCopy(bmp);
        if ( !useMask && bmp.GetMask() )

        m_graphicContext->DrawBitmap( bmpCopy, x, y, w, h );

    CalcBoundingBox(x, y);
    CalcBoundingBox(x + w, y + h);
Beispiel #12
bool wxMenuItem::MSWMustUseOwnerDrawn()
    // MIIM_BITMAP only works under WinME/2000+ so we always use owner
    // drawn item under the previous versions and we also have to use
    // them in any case if the item has custom colours or font
    static const wxWinVersion winver = wxGetWinVersion();
    bool mustUseOwnerDrawn = winver < wxWinVersion_98 ||
                                GetTextColour().IsOk() ||
                                GetBackgroundColour().IsOk() ||

    // Windows XP or earlier don't display menu bitmaps bigger than
    // standard size correctly (they're truncated), so we must use
    // owner-drawn items to show them correctly there. OTOH Win7
    // doesn't seem to have any problems with even very large bitmaps
    // so don't use owner-drawn items unnecessarily there (Vista wasn't
    // actually tested but I assume it works as 7 rather than as XP).
    if ( !mustUseOwnerDrawn && winver < wxWinVersion_Vista )
        const wxBitmap& bmpUnchecked = GetBitmap(false),
                        bmpChecked   = GetBitmap(true);

        if ( (bmpUnchecked.IsOk() && IsGreaterThanStdSize(bmpUnchecked)) ||
                (bmpChecked.IsOk()   && IsGreaterThanStdSize(bmpChecked)) )
            mustUseOwnerDrawn = true;

    return mustUseOwnerDrawn;
Beispiel #13
bool wxImageList::Replace( int index, const wxBitmap &bitmap, const wxBitmap &mask )
    wxList::compatibility_iterator node = m_images.Item( index );

    wxCHECK_MSG( node, false, wxT("wrong index in image list") );

    wxBitmap* newBitmap = new wxBitmap(bitmap);

    if (index == (int) m_images.GetCount() - 1)
        delete node->GetData();
        m_images.Erase( node );
        m_images.Append( newBitmap );
        wxList::compatibility_iterator next = node->GetNext();
        delete node->GetData();
        m_images.Erase( node );
        m_images.Insert( next, newBitmap );

    if (mask.IsOk())
        newBitmap->SetMask(new wxMask(mask));

    return true;
Beispiel #14
void CDragBar::AddTool(int id, const wxBitmap& bmp, const wxString& tooltip /*= wxEmptyString*/,
                                    const wxBitmap& bmpDisabled /*= wxNullBitmap*/)
  //all bitmaps must be same size
  if (m_bmpWidth == 0)
    m_bmpWidth = bmp.GetWidth();
  else {
    wxASSERT(m_bmpWidth == bmp.GetWidth());

  if (m_bmpHeight == 0)
    m_bmpHeight = bmp.GetHeight();
  else {
    wxASSERT(m_bmpHeight == bmp.GetHeight());

  if (bmpDisabled.IsOk()) {
    wxASSERT(m_bmpWidth == bmpDisabled.GetWidth());
    wxASSERT(m_bmpHeight == bmpDisabled.GetHeight());

  DragBarItem item;
  item.id = id;
  item.bmp = bmp;
  item.bmpDisabled = bmpDisabled;
  item.tooltip = tooltip;
  item.enabled = true;

  m_items.push_back( item );
Beispiel #15
int wxGenericImageList::Add( const wxBitmap& bitmap, const wxBitmap& mask )
    wxBitmap bmp(bitmap);
    if (mask.IsOk())
        bmp.SetMask(new wxMask(mask));
    return Add(bmp);
Beispiel #16
bool wxGenericImageList::Replace( int index, const wxBitmap &bitmap, const wxBitmap &mask )
    wxObjectList::compatibility_iterator node = m_images.Item( index );

    wxCHECK_MSG( node, false, wxT("wrong index in image list") );

    wxBitmap* newBitmap = (bitmap.IsKindOf(wxCLASSINFO(wxIcon))) ?
                             #if defined(__VISAGECPP__)
                               //just can't do this in VisualAge now, with all this new Bitmap-Icon stuff
                               //so construct it from a bitmap object until I can figure this nonsense out. (DW)
                               new wxBitmap(bitmap)
                               new wxBitmap( (const wxIcon&) bitmap )
                               : new wxBitmap(bitmap) ;

    if (index == (int) m_images.GetCount() - 1)
        delete node->GetData();
        m_images.Erase( node );
        m_images.Append( newBitmap );
        wxObjectList::compatibility_iterator next = node->GetNext();
        delete node->GetData();
        m_images.Erase( node );
        m_images.Insert( next, newBitmap );

    if (mask.IsOk())
        newBitmap->SetMask(new wxMask(mask));

    return true;
Beispiel #17
    void setImage(wxString path)
        m_image_path = path;

        if(path.EndsWith(wxT(".icns"))) {
            wxExecute(wxT("sips -s format png '") + path + wxT("' --out /tmp/tmpicon.png"), wxEXEC_SYNC);
            path = wxT("/tmp/tmpicon.png");

        m_image.LoadFile(path, wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY);

        if(m_image.IsOk()) {
            if(m_image.GetWidth() > 50 or m_image.GetHeight() > 50) {
                wxImage tmp = m_image.ConvertToImage();
                tmp.Rescale(50, 50, wxIMAGE_QUALITY_HIGH);
                m_image = wxBitmap(tmp);

            const int w = m_image.GetWidth();
            const int h = m_image.GetHeight();
            SetMinSize(wxSize(w + 20, h + 20));
            SetMaxSize(wxSize(w + 20, h + 20));
            Refresh(); // repaint needed to see change
        } else {
            wxMessageBox(_("Failed to load image"));
Beispiel #18
void wxBitmapComboBox::SetItemBitmap(unsigned int n, const wxBitmap& bitmap)
    if ( bitmap.IsOk() )
        if ( m_bitmapSize.x < 0 )
            m_bitmapSize.x = bitmap.GetWidth();
            m_bitmapSize.y = bitmap.GetHeight();

        GtkComboBox* combobox = GTK_COMBO_BOX( m_widget );
        GtkTreeModel *model = gtk_combo_box_get_model( combobox );
        GtkTreeIter iter;

        if ( gtk_tree_model_iter_nth_child( model, &iter, NULL, n ) )
            GValue value0 = { 0, };
            g_value_init( &value0, G_TYPE_OBJECT );
            g_value_set_object( &value0, bitmap.GetPixbuf() );
            gtk_list_store_set_value( GTK_LIST_STORE(model), &iter,
                                      m_bitmapCellIndex, &value0 );
            g_value_unset( &value0 );
Beispiel #19
void wxAnyButton::GTKDoShowBitmap(const wxBitmap& bitmap)
    wxASSERT_MSG( bitmap.IsOk(), "invalid bitmap" );

    GtkWidget *image;
    if ( DontShowLabel() )
        image = gtk_bin_get_child(GTK_BIN(m_widget));
    else // have both label and bitmap
#ifdef __WXGTK26__
        if ( !gtk_check_version(2,6,0) )
            image = gtk_button_get_image(GTK_BUTTON(m_widget));
#endif // __WXGTK26__
            // buttons with both label and bitmap are only supported with GTK+
            // 2.6 so far
            // it shouldn't be difficult to implement them ourselves for the
            // previous GTK+ versions by stuffing a container with a label and
            // an image inside GtkButton but there doesn't seem to be much
            // point in doing this for ancient GTK+ versions

    wxCHECK_RET( image && GTK_IS_IMAGE(image), "must have image widget" );

    gtk_image_set_from_pixbuf(GTK_IMAGE(image), bitmap.GetPixbuf());
Beispiel #20
void wxRibbonAUIArtProvider::GetBarTabWidth(
                        wxDC& dc,
                        wxWindow* WXUNUSED(wnd),
                        const wxString& label,
                        const wxBitmap& bitmap,
                        int* ideal,
                        int* small_begin_need_separator,
                        int* small_must_have_separator,
                        int* minimum)
    int width = 0;
    int min = 0;
    if((m_flags & wxRIBBON_BAR_SHOW_PAGE_LABELS) && !label.IsEmpty())
        width += dc.GetTextExtent(label).GetWidth();
        min += wxMin(30, width); // enough for a few chars
            // gap between label and bitmap
            width += 4;
            min += 2;
    if((m_flags & wxRIBBON_BAR_SHOW_PAGE_ICONS) && bitmap.IsOk())
        width += bitmap.GetWidth();
        min += bitmap.GetWidth();

    if(ideal != NULL)
        *ideal = width + 16;
    if(small_begin_need_separator != NULL)
        *small_begin_need_separator = min;
    if(small_must_have_separator != NULL)
        *small_must_have_separator = min;
    if(minimum != NULL)
        *minimum = min;
Beispiel #21
wxSize wxAuiMSWTabArt::GetTabSize(wxDC& dc,
    wxWindow* wnd,
    const wxString& caption,
    const wxBitmap& bitmap,
    bool active,
    int close_button_state,
    int* x_extent)
    if ( !IsThemed() )
        return wxAuiGenericTabArt::GetTabSize(dc, wnd, caption, bitmap, active, close_button_state, x_extent);

    if ( !m_closeBtnSize.IsFullySpecified() )
        InitSizes(wnd, dc);

    wxCoord textWidth, textHeight, tmp;

    dc.GetTextExtent(caption, &textWidth, &tmp);
    dc.GetTextExtent("ABCDEFXj", &tmp, &textHeight);

    wxCoord tabWidth = wxMax(m_tabSize.x, textWidth);
    wxCoord tabHeight = wxMax(m_tabSize.y, textHeight);

    // if the close button is showing, add space for it
    if ( close_button_state != wxAUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN )
        tabWidth += m_closeBtnSize.x;
        tabHeight = wxMax(tabHeight, m_closeBtnSize.y);

    // if there's a bitmap, add space for it
    if ( bitmap.IsOk() )
        tabWidth += bitmap.GetWidth() + wnd->FromDIP(3); // bitmap padding
        tabHeight = wxMax(tabHeight, bitmap.GetHeight() + wnd->FromDIP(2));

    // add padding
    tabWidth += wnd->FromDIP(12);
    tabHeight += wnd->FromDIP(3);

    if ( m_flags & wxAUI_NB_TAB_FIXED_WIDTH )
        tabWidth = m_fixedTabWidth;
        int minTabWidth = wnd->FromDIP(46);
        if (tabWidth < minTabWidth)
            tabWidth = minTabWidth;

    *x_extent = tabWidth;

    if (tabHeight > m_maxTabHeight)
        m_maxTabHeight = tabHeight;

    return wxSize(tabWidth, tabHeight);
Beispiel #22
void wxMemoryDC::DoSelect(const wxBitmap& bitmap)
    if ( bitmap.IsOk() )
        m_selected = bitmap;
        SetMGLDC(m_selected.CreateTmpDC(), TRUE);
Beispiel #23
    void paintEvent(wxPaintEvent& evt)
        wxPaintDC dc(this);

        if(m_image.IsOk()) {
            dc.DrawBitmap(m_image, 10, 10, false);
wxSize clAuiMainNotebookTabArt::GetTabSize(wxDC& dc,
                                           wxWindow* WXUNUSED(wnd),
                                           const wxString& caption,
                                           const wxBitmap& bitmap,
                                           bool active,
                                           int close_button_state,
                                           int* x_extent)
    static wxCoord measured_texty(wxNOT_FOUND);

    wxCoord measured_textx;
    wxCoord tmp;

    wxFont f = wxSystemSettings::GetFont(wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT);
    if(active) {

    dc.GetTextExtent(caption, &measured_textx, &tmp);

    // do it once
    if(measured_texty == wxNOT_FOUND) dc.GetTextExtent(wxT("ABCDEFXj"), &tmp, &measured_texty);

    // add padding around the text
    wxCoord tab_width = measured_textx;
    wxCoord tab_height = measured_texty;

    if(tab_height < 16) tab_height = 16;

    // if the close button is showing, add space for it
    if(close_button_state != wxAUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN) tab_width += X_DIAMETER + 3;

    // if there's a bitmap, add space for it

    // NOTE: we only support 16 pixels bitmap (or smaller)
    // so there is no need to adjust the tab height!
    tab_height += TAB_HEIGHT_SPACER;
    if(bitmap.IsOk()) {
        tab_width += bitmap.GetWidth();
        tab_width += 3; // right side bitmap padding

// add padding
#ifdef __WXMAC__
    tab_width += 16;
    tab_width += 16;

    if(m_flags & wxAUI_NB_TAB_FIXED_WIDTH) {
        tab_width = 80;

    *x_extent = tab_width;

    return wxSize(tab_width, tab_height);
Beispiel #25
bool wxMask::InitFromMonoBitmap(const wxBitmap& bitmap)
    wxCHECK_MSG( bitmap.IsOk(), false, wxT("Invalid bitmap") );
    wxCHECK_MSG( bitmap.GetDepth() == 1, false, wxT("Cannot create mask from colour bitmap") );

    m_bitmap = bitmap;

    return true;
Beispiel #26
// See also: wxButton::DoSetBitmap and wxBitmapButton::DoSetBitmap
void DynamicBitmap::SetBitmap( const wxBitmap& bitmap, wxButtonBase::State state )
    if ( bitmap.IsOk() )
        DoSetBitmap( bitmap, state );

        switch ( state )
                // nothing special to do but include the default clause to
                // suppress gcc warnings

            case wxButtonBase::State_Normal:
                m_WasStateSetByUser[wxButtonBase::State_Normal] = true;
                if ( !m_WasStateSetByUser[wxButtonBase::State_Disabled] )
                    wxImage disabledImage( bitmap.ConvertToImage().ConvertToGreyscale() );
                    DoSetBitmap( disabledImage, wxButtonBase::State_Disabled );
#endif // wxUSE_IMAGE

            case wxButtonBase::State_Current:
                m_WasStateSetByUser[wxButtonBase::State_Current] = true;

            case wxButtonBase::State_Pressed:
                m_WasStateSetByUser[wxButtonBase::State_Pressed] = true;

            case wxButtonBase::State_Disabled:
                m_WasStateSetByUser[wxButtonBase::State_Disabled] = true;

            case wxButtonBase::State_Focused:
                m_WasStateSetByUser[wxButtonBase::State_Focused] = true;

                // if the focus bitmap is specified but current one isn't, use
                // the focus bitmap for hovering as well if this is consistent
                // with the current Windows version look and feel
                // rationale: this is compatible with the old wxGTK behaviour
                // and also makes it much easier to do "the right thing" for
                // all platforms (some of them, such as Windows XP, have "hot"
                // buttons while others don't)
                if ( !m_WasStateSetByUser[wxButtonBase::State_Current] )
                    DoSetBitmap( bitmap, wxButtonBase::State_Current );
Beispiel #27
void FrameNotification::create(	wxString const& title,
								wxString const& message,
								wxBitmap const& bitmap,
								int	maxWidth)
	//SetMaxSize(wxSize(maxWidth, -1));
	//Création du titre et du message.
	_staticTextTitle = new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize);
	_staticTextMessage = new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize);
	//Création de la statice line.
	_staticLine = new wxStaticLine(this);
	//Créations du wxStaticBitmap
	_staticBitmap = nullptr;
		_staticBitmap = new wxStaticBitmap(this, wxID_ANY, bitmap);
		maxWidth -= _staticBitmap->GetSize().GetWidth()+SIZE_BORDER;
	//Wrap le TextMessage
	//Mise en forme titre et du message avec un sizer.
	wxSizer* sizerNotification = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
	sizerNotification->Add(_staticTextTitle, 	0, wxEXPAND|wxLEFT, 		2*SIZE_BORDER);	
	sizerNotification->Add(_staticLine, 		0, wxEXPAND|wxTOP|wxBOTTOM,	SIZE_BORDER);	
	sizerNotification->Add(_staticTextMessage, 	0, wxEXPAND|wxLEFT, 		4*SIZE_BORDER);
	//Mise en forme du GUI avec un sizer.
	wxSizer* sizerMain = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
	if(_staticBitmap != nullptr)
		sizerMain->Add(_staticBitmap, 	0, wxALIGN_CENTER|	wxLEFT|wxBOTTOM|wxTOP, 	SIZE_BORDER);	
	sizerMain->Add(sizerNotification, 	0, 					wxRIGHT|wxBOTTOM|wxTOP,	SIZE_BORDER);
	//Modification de des couleurs
	Bind(wxEVT_TIMER, &FrameNotification::onTimeout, this);
	_staticTextTitle->Bind(wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, &FrameNotification::onLeftDown, this);
	_staticLine->Bind(wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, &FrameNotification::onLeftDown, this);
	_staticTextMessage->Bind(wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, &FrameNotification::onLeftDown, this);
		_staticBitmap->Bind(wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, &FrameNotification::onLeftDown, this);
	Bind(wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, &FrameNotification::onLeftDown, this);
Beispiel #28
int Notebook::DoGetBmpIdx(const wxBitmap& bmp)
    int idx = wxNOT_FOUND;
    if(bmp.IsOk()) {
        if(m_imgList == NULL) {
            SetImageList(new wxImageList(bmp.GetWidth(), bmp.GetHeight(), true));
        idx = m_imgList->Add(bmp);
    return idx;
Beispiel #29
bool wxMask::Create(const wxBitmap& bitmap, const wxColour& colour)
    if (!bitmap.IsOk())
        return false;

    if (m_qtBitmap)
        delete m_qtBitmap;

    m_qtBitmap = new QBitmap(bitmap.GetHandle()->createMaskFromColor(colour.GetHandle()));
    return true;
wxSize clAuiTabArt::GetTabSize(wxDC& dc,
                               wxWindow* WXUNUSED(wnd),
                               const wxString& caption,
                               const wxBitmap& bitmap,
                               bool WXUNUSED(active),
                               int close_button_state,
                               int* x_extent)
	static wxCoord measured_texty(wxNOT_FOUND);

	wxCoord measured_textx;
	wxCoord tmp;

	dc.GetTextExtent(caption, &measured_textx, &tmp);

	// do it once
	if(measured_texty == wxNOT_FOUND)
		dc.GetTextExtent(wxT("ABCDEFXj"), &tmp, &measured_texty);

	// add padding around the text
	wxCoord tab_width  = measured_textx;
	wxCoord tab_height = measured_texty;

	// if the close button is showing, add space for it
	if (close_button_state != wxAUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN)
		tab_width += m_active_close_bmp.GetWidth() + 3;

	// if there's a bitmap, add space for it
	if (bitmap.IsOk()) {
		tab_width += bitmap.GetWidth();
		tab_width += 3; // right side bitmap padding
		tab_height = wxMax(tab_height, bitmap.GetHeight());
		tab_height += 10;
	} else {
		tab_height += 10;

	// add padding
#ifdef __WXMAC__
	tab_width += 16;
	tab_width += 16;

	if (m_flags & wxAUI_NB_TAB_FIXED_WIDTH) {
		tab_width = m_fixed_tab_width;

	*x_extent = tab_width;

	return wxSize(tab_width, tab_height);