//' @title Safe softmax function for computing weights
//' @description Computes the weights \eqn{w_i = \frac{e^{p_i}}{\sum_{j=1}^k e^{p_j}}} from \eqn{p_i}, \eqn{i=1,\ldots,k}
//' in a safe way to avoid overflows and to truncate automatically to zero low values of \eqn{w_i}.
//' @param logs matrix of logarithms where each row contains a set of \eqn{p_1,\ldots,p_k} to compute the weights from.
//' @param etrunc truncation for exponential: \code{exp(x)} with \code{x <= -etrunc} is set to zero. Defaults to \code{30}.
//' @return A matrix of the size as \code{logs} containing the weights for each row.
//' @author Eduardo Garcia-Portugues (\email{egarcia@@math.ku.dk})
//' @details The \code{logs} argument must be always a matrix.
//' @examples
//' # A matrix
//' safeSoftMax(rbind(1:10, 20:11))
//' rbind(exp(1:10) / sum(exp(1:10)), exp(20:11) / sum(exp(20:11)))
//' # A row-matrix
//' safeSoftMax(rbind(-100:100), etrunc = 30)
//' exp(-100:100) / sum(exp(-100:100))
//' @export
// [[Rcpp::export]]
arma::mat safeSoftMax(arma::mat logs, double etrunc = 30) {
  // Maximum of logs by rows to avoid overflows
  arma::vec m = max(logs, 1);
  // Recenter by columns
  logs.each_col() -= m;
  // Ratios by columns
  logs.each_col() -= log(sum(exp(logs), 1));
  // Truncate exponential by using a lambda function - requires C++ 11
  logs.transform([etrunc](double val) { return (val < -etrunc) ? double(0) : double(exp(val)); });
  return logs;