double HMM::forwardProcedureCached() { //initialisation alpha_.col(0) = arma::trans(pi_ % B_.row(0)); c_(0) = arma::accu(alpha_.col(0)); alpha_.col(0) /= arma::as_scalar(c_(0)); //alpha_.print("alpha"); //c_.print("scale"); //iteration for(unsigned int t = 1; t < T_; ++t) { alpha_.col(t) = (A_.t() * alpha_.col(t-1)) % arma::trans(B_.row(t)); c_(t) = arma::accu(alpha_.col(t)); alpha_.col(t) /= arma::as_scalar(c_(t)); } pprob_ = arma::accu(arma::log(c_)); return pprob_; }
arma::vec dmvn_arma(arma::mat x, arma::mat mean, arma::mat sigma, bool logd = false) { int n = x.n_rows; int xdim = x.n_cols; arma::vec out(n); arma::mat rooti = arma::trans(arma::inv(trimatu(arma::chol(sigma)))); double rootisum = arma::sum(log(rooti.diag())); double constants = -(static_cast<double>(xdim)/2.0) * log2pi; for (int i=0; i < n; i++) { arma::vec z = rooti * arma::trans( x.row(i) - mean.row(i)) ; out(i) = constants - 0.5 * arma::sum(z%z) + rootisum; } if (logd == false) { out = exp(out); } return(out); }
// [[Rcpp::export]] arma::vec MCMCloglikelihoodNegBinomCpp_t(const arma::vec& beta, const arma::mat& sigma, double alpha, const arma::vec& sigmaType, const arma::mat& u, const arma::vec& df, const arma::vec& kKi, const arma::vec& kLh, const arma::vec& kLhi, const arma::vec& kY, const arma::mat& kX, const arma::mat& kZ) { int kM = u.n_rows; /** Number of MCMC samples */ arma::vec loglike(kM); loglike.fill(0); for (int i = 0; i < kM; i++) { loglike(i) = loglikelihoodNegBinomCpp_t(beta, sigma, alpha, sigmaType, u.row(i).t(), df, kKi, kLh, kLhi, kY, kX, kZ); } return loglike; }
// [[Rcpp::export]] arma::vec MCMCloglikelihoodGammaCpp_n(const arma::vec& beta, const arma::mat& sigma, double alpha, const arma::mat& u, const arma::vec& kY, const arma::mat& kX, const arma::mat& kZ) { int kM = u.n_rows; arma::vec loglike(kM); loglike.fill(0); for (int i = 0; i < kM; i++) { loglike(i) = loglikelihoodGammaCpp_n(beta, sigma, alpha, u.row(i).t(), kY, kX, kZ); } return loglike; }
// [[Rcpp::export]] Rcpp::List CTCRWNLL(const arma::mat& y, const arma::mat& Hmat, const arma::vec& beta, const arma::vec& sig2, const arma::vec& delta, const arma::vec& noObs,const arma::vec& active, const arma::colvec& a, const arma::mat& P) { // Define fixed matrices int N = y.n_rows; double detF; arma::mat Z(2,4, fill::zeros); Z(0,0) = 1; Z(1,2) = 1; arma::mat T(4,4); arma::mat Q(4,4); arma::mat F(2,2, fill::zeros); arma::mat H(2,2, fill::zeros); arma::mat K(4,2, fill::zeros); arma::mat L(4,4, fill::zeros); arma::colvec v(2, fill::zeros); arma::colvec aest(4); aest=a; arma::mat Pest(4,4); Pest=P; double ll=0; //Begin Kalman filter for(int i=0; i<N; i++){ T = makeT(beta(i), delta(i), active(i)); Q = makeQ(beta(i), sig2(i), delta(i), active(i)); // prediction if(noObs(i)==1){ aest = T*aest; Pest = T*Pest*T.t() + Q; } else { H(0,0) = Hmat(i,0); H(1,1) = Hmat(i,1); H(0,1) = Hmat(i,2); H(1,0) = Hmat(i,2); v = y.row(i).t()-Z*aest; F = Z*Pest*Z.t() + H; detF = F(0,0)*F(1,1) - F(1,0)*F(0,1); if(detF<=0){ aest = T*aest; Pest = T*Pest*T.t() + Q; } else{ ll += - (log(detF) + dot(v,solve(F,v)))/2; // K = T*Pest*Z.t()*inv_sympd(F); K = T*Pest*Z.t()*F.i(); L = T - K*Z; aest = T*aest + K*v; Pest = T*Pest*L.t() + Q; } } } return Rcpp::List::create(Rcpp::Named("ll") = ll); }
void GMM::sample(arma::mat& X){ std::size_t k; arma::vec tmp; dist = boost::random::discrete_distribution<>(pi); for(std::size_t i = 0; i < X.n_rows;i++){ k = dist(generator); A[k]*arma::randn<arma::vec>(D); tmp = Means[k] + A[k]*arma::randn<arma::vec>(D); X.row(i) =; } }
List FFBS(const arma::mat& allprobs, const arma::vec& delta, const arma::mat& mGamma, const int& K, const int& T) { arma::mat lalpha = zeros(K, T); arma::mat lbeta = zeros(K, T); arma::vec foo(K); double sumfoo, lscale; int i; foo = delta % allprobs.row(0).t(); sumfoo = sum(foo); lscale = log(sumfoo); foo = foo / sumfoo; lalpha.col(0) = log(foo) + lscale; for (i = 1; i < T; i++) { foo = (foo.t() * mGamma).t() % allprobs.row(i).t(); sumfoo = sum(foo); lscale = lscale + log(sumfoo); foo = foo / sumfoo; lalpha.col(i) = log(foo) + lscale; } for (i = 0; i < K; i++) { foo(i) = 1.0 / K; } lscale = log((double)K); for (i = T - 2; i >= 0; i--) { foo = mGamma * (allprobs.row(i + 1).t() % foo); lbeta.col(i) = log(foo) + lscale; sumfoo = sum(foo); foo = foo / sumfoo; lscale = lscale + log(sumfoo); } List FS; FS["lalpha"] = lalpha; FS["lbeta"] = lbeta; return FS; }
// [[Rcpp::export]] arma::mat gillespie_next(arma::vec theta, arma::vec init_state, arma::mat trans, LogicalMatrix depend, int t_end, bool info = false){ int n_event = trans.n_rows; int j_event; Progress p(0, false); //progress to check for user interrupt //initialize trace of Monte Carlo simulation arma::mat trace = arma::zeros(1,init_state.n_elem); trace.row(0) = init_state.t(); arma::vec current_state; arma::vec current_rates; //main simulation loop double time = 0.0; int i = 1; while(time <= t_end){ //check for user abort if(Progress::check_abort()){ Rcout << "User abort detected at time: " << time << ", i: " << i << std::endl; return(arma::zeros(2,2)); } if(info){ //print simulation details Rcout << "time: " << time << ", i: " << i << std::endl; } current_state = trace.row(i-1).t(); //extract state at beginning of time jump if(i == 1){ current_rates = rate_wrapper(theta,current_state,seirs_demography_rate); //calculate initial rates } else { current_rates = update_rates_seirs_demography(theta,current_rates,current_state,depend,j_event); //update rates based on dependency graph } arma::vec tau(n_event); //calculate vector of times to next event for(int j=0; j<n_event; j++){ tau(j) = (-1 / current_rates(j)) * log(R::runif(0,1)); } j_event = tau.index_min(); //fire j_event current_state = current_state + trans.row(j_event).t(); //update the current state trace.insert_rows(i,current_state.t()); time = time + tau(j_event); //update time i++; //update iterator } return(trace); }
inline void SVDIncompleteIncrementalLearning:: HUpdate<arma::sp_mat>(const arma::sp_mat& V, const arma::mat& W, arma::mat& H) { arma::mat deltaH(H.n_rows, 1); deltaH.zeros(); for(arma::sp_mat::const_iterator it = V.begin_col(currentUserIndex); it != V.end_col(currentUserIndex);it++) { double val = *it; size_t i = it.row(); if((val = V(i, currentUserIndex)) != 0) deltaH += (val - arma::dot(W.row(i), H.col(currentUserIndex))) * arma::trans(W.row(i)); } if(kh != 0) deltaH -= kh * H.col(currentUserIndex); H.col(currentUserIndex++) += u * deltaH; currentUserIndex = currentUserIndex % m; }
arma::mat hCoef(const arma::mat& weights, const arma::mat& X) { int p = X.n_cols; arma::mat hess(p * (weights.n_rows - 1), p * (weights.n_rows - 1), arma::fill::zeros); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < X.n_rows; i++) { arma::mat XX = X.row(i).t() * X.row(i); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < (weights.n_rows - 1); j++) { for (unsigned int k = 0; k < (weights.n_rows - 1); k++) { if (j != k) { hess.submat(j * p, k * p, (j + 1) * p - 1, (k + 1) * p - 1) += XX * weights(j + 1, i) * weights(k + 1, i); } else { hess.submat(j * p, j * p, (j + 1) * p - 1, (j + 1) * p - 1) -= XX * weights(j + 1, i) * (1.0 - weights(j + 1, i)); } } } } return hess; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List variogram( const arma::mat& Z, const arma::mat& X, Function d ) { int i, j, k; int n = X.n_rows; int N = n * ( n + 1 ) / 2; std::vector< int > I( N ); arma::rowvec x, y; arma::colvec V( N ); arma::colvec D( N ); arma::colvec S( N ); List Varg; for ( i = 0; i < N; i++ ) { I[i] = i; } k = 0; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { for ( j = i; j < n; j++ ) { x = X.row( i ); y = X.row( j ); D(k) = as<double>( d( x, y ) ); S(k) = ( Z(i,0) - Z(j,0) ) * ( Z(i,0) - Z(j,0) ); k++; } } sort( I.begin(), I.end(), [&]( const int& k, const int& l ) { return ( D(k) < D(l) ); } ); V( 0 ) = S( I[0] ); for ( k = 1; k < N; k++ ) { V( k ) = ( V( k - 1 ) * k + S( I[ k ] ) ) / ( k + 1.0 ); } V = 0.5 * V; Varg[ "variogram" ] = V; Varg[ "distance" ] = D; Varg[ "sort" ] = I; return Varg; }
RegularizedSVDFunction::RegularizedSVDFunction(const arma::mat& data, const size_t rank, const double lambda) : data(data), rank(rank), lambda(lambda) { // Number of users and items in the data. numUsers = max(data.row(0)) + 1; numItems = max(data.row(1)) + 1; // Initialize the parameters. initialPoint.randu(rank, numUsers + numItems); }
// [[Rcpp::export]] arma::mat gillespie_direct(arma::vec theta, arma::vec init_state, arma::mat trans, int t_end, bool info = false){ Progress p(0, false); //progress to check for user interrupt //initialize trace of Monte Carlo simulation arma::mat trace = arma::zeros(1,init_state.n_elem); trace.row(0) = init_state.t(); arma::vec current_state; //main simulation loop double time = 0.0; int i = 1; while(time <= t_end){ //check for user abort if(Progress::check_abort()){ Rcout << "User abort detected at time: " << time << ", i: " << i << std::endl; return(arma::zeros(2,2)); } if(info){ //print simulation details Rcout << "time: " << time << ", i: " << i << std::endl; } current_state = trace.row(i-1).t(); //extract state at beginning of time jump arma::vec current_rates = rate_wrapper(theta,current_state,sir_rate); //calculate current rates double w0 = sum(current_rates); //sum of rate (propensity) functions double tau = 1/w0 * log(1/R::runif(0,1)); //calculate time to next reaction double r_num = R::runif(0,1); double w0_rxn = r_num * w0; //instantaneous event probabilities //decide which event j occured int j = 0; while(sum(current_rates.subvec(0,j)) < w0_rxn){ j++; } current_state = current_state + trans.row(j).t(); //update the current state trace.insert_rows(i,current_state.t()); time = time + tau; //update time i++; //update iterator } return(trace); }
arma::uvec generate_categoricals(arma::uvec zlabels, arma::mat probs) { int ndata = zlabels.n_elem; int nclusters = probs.n_rows; std::vector<boost::random::discrete_distribution<> > cat_dists; for (int k=0; k<nclusters; k++) { std::vector<double> probs_k = arma::conv_to<std::vector<double> >::from(probs.row(k)); cat_dists.push_back(boost::random::discrete_distribution<> (probs_k.begin(), probs_k.end())); } arma::uvec categories(ndata); for (int i=0; i<ndata; i++) { categories(i) = cat_dists[zlabels(i)](rng); } return categories; }
// [[Rcpp::export]] arma::mat gillespie_first(arma::vec theta, arma::vec init_state, arma::mat trans, int t_end, bool info = false){ int n_event = trans.n_rows; Progress p(0, false); //progress to check for user interrupt //initialize trace of Monte Carlo simulation arma::mat trace = arma::zeros(1,init_state.n_elem); trace.row(0) = init_state.t(); arma::vec current_state; //main simulation loop double time = 0.0; int i = 1; while(time <= t_end){ //check for user abort if(Progress::check_abort()){ Rcout << "User abort detected at time: " << time << ", i: " << i << std::endl; return(arma::zeros(2,2)); } if(info){ //print simulation details Rcout << "time: " << time << ", i: " << i << std::endl; } current_state = trace.row(i-1).t(); //extract state at beginning of time jump arma::vec current_rates = rate_wrapper(theta,current_state,sir_rate); //calculate current rates arma::vec rand; //create vector of U[0,1] rand = as<arma::vec>(runif(n_event)); arma::vec tau(n_event); //calculate vector of times to next event for(int j=0; j<n_event; j++){ tau(j) = (-1 / current_rates(j)) * log(rand(j)); } int first_rxn = tau.index_min(); //which even occurs first current_state = current_state + trans.row(first_rxn).t(); //update the current state trace.insert_rows(i,current_state.t()); time = time + tau(first_rxn); //update time i++; //update iterator } return(trace); }
void HMM::backwardProcedureCached() { beta_.col(T_-1).fill(1./c_(T_-1)); //temporary probabilities arma::vec b(N_); //iteration for(unsigned int t = T_-1; t > 0; --t) { beta_.col(t-1) = A_ * (arma::trans(B_.row(t)) % beta_.col(t)); beta_.col(t-1) /= arma::as_scalar(c_(t-1)); } }
void sampleSparseLoadingsJ(arma::mat& Z, arma::mat& A, arma::mat& F, Rcpp::NumericVector& tauinv, Rcpp::NumericVector& sigma2inv, Rcpp::NumericVector& error_var_i, Rcpp::NumericVector& rho, arma::mat& A_restrict, Rcpp::NumericMatrix& pnz, int n, int p, int k, int px, double A_prior_var ){ arma::mat t, uvector, Ap_var, Ap_means, FFt; arma::vec sumf2 = arma::sum(arma::pow(F, 2), 1); double r = 1.0, samp = 0.0; if (px>0) { FFt = F*arma::trans(F); /*Ap_var = arma::inv(FFt + (1/A_prior_var)*arma::eye(k,k)); Ap_means = Ap_var*F*trans(Z);*/ } double u=0.0, uu=0.0, v=0.0, loglog=0.0, logc=0.0; for (int i=0; i<p; i++) { //PX step if (px>0 && error_var_i(i)<1.0) { Ap_var = inv(FFt*sigma2inv(i) + (1/A_prior_var)*eye(k,k)); Ap_means = Ap_var*F*trans(Z.row(i))*sigma2inv(i); double ssq = accu(square(trans(Z.row(i)) - trans(F)*Ap_means)); double prior_ssq = as_scalar(trans(Ap_means) * Ap_means)/A_prior_var; double scale = 2.0/(ssq + prior_ssq); r = Rf_rgamma(0.5*n, scale); } else { r = 1.0; } for (int j=0; j<k; j++){ if (A_restrict(i,j) > 0) { //nonzero t = Z.row(i) - A.row(i)*F + A(i,j)*F.row(j); u = arma::accu(F.row(j)%t)*sqrt(r)*sigma2inv(j); v = sumf2(j)*sigma2inv(j) + tauinv[i]; if (A_restrict(i,j) > 1) { //strictly positive double lo = Rcpp::stats::pnorm_1( -u/sqrt(v), 0.0, true, false); double un = std::min(Rf_runif(lo, 1.0), 1.0-6.7e-16); double samp = u/v + Rcpp::stats::qnorm_1(un, 0.0, true, false)/sqrt(v); A(i,j) = samp; } else { loglog = log(u*u) - log(2.0*v); logc = log(rho[j]) - log(1-rho[j]) - 0.5*log(v) + 0.5*log(tauinv[i]) + exp(loglog); pnz(i,j) = 1/(1+exp(logc)); uu = Rf_runif(0.0, 1.0); log(1/uu-1) > logc ? A(i,j) = 0.0 : A(i,j) = Rf_rnorm(u/v, 1/sqrt(v)); } } else { A(i,j) = 0.0; pnz(i,j) = 1.0; } } } }
void Clustering::multiple_components(GMM& gmm, const arma::mat& data){ /* data.print("data"); std::cout<< "K: " << K << std::endl; std::cout<< "centroids: " << centroids.n_rows << " x " << centroids.n_cols << std::endl; */ covariances.resize(K); means.resize(K); pi.resize(K); arma::vec x; std::size_t k; // set to zero for(k = 0; k < K;k++){ means[k] = centroids.col(k); covariances[k].zeros(3,3); pi(k) = 0;//std::numeric_limits<double>::min(); } for(std::size_t r = 0; r < data.n_rows;r++){ k = assignments(r); x = data.row(r).st(); covariances[k] = covariances[k] + (x - means[k]) * (x - means[k]).st() ; pi(k) = pi(k) + 1; } for(k = 0; k < K;k++){ covariances[k] = (covariances[k])/pi(k); covariances[k] = covariances[k] + I; covariances[k] = 0.5*(covariances[k] + covariances[k].st()); pi(k) = pi(k) + std::numeric_limits<double>::min(); } pi = pi / arma::sum(pi); /* pi.print("pi"); for(std::size_t i = 0; i < covariances.size();i++){ covariances[i].print("cov(" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(i) + ")"); } */ //gmm.setParam(pi,means,covariances); }
void Box_sensor_likelihood::update(double* L, const arma::colvec& Y,const arma::colvec3& F, const arma::mat& points,const arma::mat33& Rot) { tf::Matrix3x3 R_tmp; tf::Vector3 T_tmp; opti_rviz::type_conv::mat2tf(Rot,R_tmp); for(std::size_t p = 0; p < points.n_rows;p++){ opti_rviz::type_conv::vec2tf(points.row(p).st(),T_tmp); peg_sensor_model.update_model(T_tmp,R_tmp); const std::vector<tf::Vector3>& model = peg_sensor_model.get_model(); std::size_t i = 0; // iterate over the three pegs (in frame of reference of peg_link) for(; i < model.size();i++) { tmp_vec3f(0) = model[i][0]; tmp_vec3f(1) = model[i][1]; tmp_vec3f(2) = model[i][2]; // check if is in a box } } }
void Clustering::compute_mixture_model(GMM& gmm, const arma::mat& data, const arma::vec& w){ covariances.resize(K); means.resize(K); pi.resize(K); std::size_t k; // set to zero for(k = 0; k < K;k++){ means[k].zeros(3); covariances[k].zeros(3,3); } for(std::size_t r = 0; r < data.n_rows;r++){ k = assignments(r); means[k] = means[k] + data.row(r).st(); N(k) = N(k) + 1; pi[k] = pi[k] + w(r); } }
void RegularizedSVD<OptimizerType>::Apply(const arma::mat& data, const size_t rank, arma::mat& u, arma::mat& v) { // Make the optimizer object using a RegularizedSVDFunction object. RegularizedSVDFunction<arma::mat> rSVDFunc(data, rank, lambda); mlpack::optimization::StandardSGD optimizer(alpha, iterations * data.n_cols); // Get optimized parameters. arma::mat parameters = rSVDFunc.GetInitialPoint(); optimizer.Optimize(rSVDFunc, parameters); // Constants for extracting user and item matrices. const size_t numUsers = max(data.row(0)) + 1; const size_t numItems = max(data.row(1)) + 1; // Extract user and item matrices from the optimized parameters. u = parameters.submat(0, numUsers, rank - 1, numUsers + numItems - 1).t(); v = parameters.submat(0, 0, rank - 1, numUsers - 1); }
void HMM::backwardProcedure(const arma::mat & data) { beta_.col(T_-1).fill(1./c_(T_-1)); //temporary probabilities arma::vec b(N_); //iteration for(unsigned int t = T_-1; t > 0; --t) { for (unsigned int j = 0; j < N_; ++j) { b(j) = BModels_[j].getProb(data.col(t)); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N_; ++i) { beta_(i,t-1) = arma::as_scalar(A_.row(i) * (b % beta_.col(t))); } beta_.col(t-1) /= arma::as_scalar(c_(t-1)); } }
// // [[Rcpp::export()]] arma::mat getEystar(const arma::mat &alpha, const arma::mat &beta, const arma::mat &x, const arma::mat &y, const int D, const int N, const int J ) { arma::mat ystars(N, J, arma::fill::zeros) ; // Main Calculation #pragma omp parallel for for (int n = 0; n < N; n++) { arma::mat thisx = x.row(n) ; arma::mat theseystars = arma::mat(1, J, arma::fill::zeros) ; for (int j = 0; j < J; j++) { double q1 = 0.0 ; q1 += alpha(j, 0) ; for (int d = 0; d < D; d++) { q1 += thisx(0, d) * beta(j, d) ; } // defaults to untruncated double low = y(n,j) == 1 ? 0.0 : R_NegInf ; double high = y(n,j) == -1 ? 0.0 : R_PosInf ; // Rcout << n << ':' << j << std::endl ; // Rcout << q1 << " " << low << " " << high << std::endl ; // theseystars(0, j) = RcppTN::etn1(q1, 1.0, low, high) ; theseystars(0, j) = etn1(q1, 1.0, low, high) ; } ystars.row(n) = theseystars ; } return(ystars) ; }
// [[Rcpp::export]] arma::rowvec HnCpp(arma::mat Qs){ //Compute the Hn tests statistics int n = Qs.n_rows, i=0; arma::mat T = Qs.t()*Qs; arma::mat eigvec, eigvecJ; arma::vec eigval, eigvalJ; arma::eig_sym(eigval,eigvec,T); arma::rowvec Hn(n); arma::rowvec Qj; arma::mat Tj; for(i = 0;i<n; i++){ Qj = Qs.row(i); Tj = T-Qj.t()*Qj; arma::eig_sym(eigvalJ,eigvecJ,Tj); Hn(i)=(n-2)*(1+eigvalJ(3)-eigval(3))/(n-1-eigvalJ(3)); } return Hn; }
arma::mat MinimizerBase::runTracks(const arma::mat& params, const arma::mat& expPos, const arma::vec& expHits) const { arma::mat chis (params.n_rows, 3); #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) shared(chis) for (unsigned j = 0; j < params.n_rows; j++) { arma::vec p = arma::conv_to<arma::colvec>::from(params.row(j)); try { auto chiset = runTrack(p, expPos, expHits); chis(j, 0) = chiset.posChi2; chis(j, 1) = chiset.enChi2; chis(j, 2) = chiset.vertChi2; } catch (...) { chis(j, 0) = arma::datum::nan; chis(j, 1) = arma::datum::nan; chis(j, 2) = arma::datum::nan; } } return chis; }
// [[Rcpp::export]] arma::mat GENEapply(const arma::mat& geno, List Y, const arma::vec Eps, const arma::vec Tau, const arma::vec k, const arma::mat& R, bool display_progress=true){ int ngenes = Y.size(); int nsnps = geno.n_rows; arma::mat GENEout_pval(ngenes,nsnps); arma::vec SNPout_pval(nsnps); arma::rowvec snp(R.n_rows); Progress p(ngenes, display_progress); for(int i =0; i<ngenes; i++){ Rcpp::checkUserInterrupt(); p.increment(); arma::mat Ymat = Y(i); double est_eps = Eps(i); double est_tau = Tau(i); for(int j=0; j<nsnps; j++){ Rcpp::checkUserInterrupt(); SNPout_pval(j) = jag_fun(est_eps,est_tau,k,Ymat,vectorise(geno.row(j)),R); } GENEout_pval.row(i) = vectorise(SNPout_pval,1); } return GENEout_pval; }
// [[Rcpp::export]] List real_cont( arma::mat coeffs_cont, arma::mat X, int n_exog, int n_endog, int n_cont, arma::rowvec rho, arma::rowvec sig_eps, int N, arma::rowvec upper, arma::rowvec lower, bool cheby, int seed=222 ){ // Computes a matrix of realized next-period controls from a simulation int n_pts = X.n_rows ; // The number of points at which the error is assessed mat exog = zeros<rowvec>( n_exog ) ; mat endog = zeros<rowvec>( n_endog ) ; mat cont_sim = zeros( n_pts, n_cont ) ; // Temporary containers used in the loop. Make cont bigger than size 0 // here - just passing a useless empty container arma_rng::set_seed(seed) ; // Set the seed mat exog_sim = ( ones( n_pts ) * rho ) % X.cols( 0, n_exog - 1 ) + ( ones( n_pts ) * sig_eps ) % randn<mat>( n_pts, n_exog ) ; // The random draws /** Now compute the model errors **/ for( int i = 0 ; i < n_pts ; i++ ){ // Loop over the evaluation points exog = exog_sim.row(i) ; // The updated exogenous variable in the next period endog = X.row(i).subvec( n_exog, n_exog + n_endog - 1 ) ; // Select the current-period endogenous states cont_sim.row(i) = endog_update( exog, endog, coeffs_cont, n_exog, n_endog, N, upper, lower, cheby ) ; // The integral over realizations of the shock } List out ; out["r.exog"] = exog_sim ; out["r.cont"] = cont_sim ; // Create the output list return out ; }
arma::mat rcd(arma::mat design, int v, int model) { if (model==8) { // "Second-order carry-over effects" mat rcDesign = design; for (unsigned i=1; i<rcDesign.n_rows; i++) { if (i!=1) { rcDesign.row(i) = design.row(i)+design.row(i-1)*v+design.row(i-2)*v*v; } else { rcDesign.row(i) = design.row(i)+design.row(i-1)*v; } } return rcDesign; } else if (model>0 && model<8) { mat rcDesign = design; for (unsigned i=1; i<rcDesign.n_rows; i++) { rcDesign.row(i) = design.row(i)+design.row(i-1)*v; } return rcDesign; } else if (model==9) { return design; } throw std::range_error("Model not found. Has to be between 1 and 9."); return NULL; }
// Dictionary step for optimization. double SparseCoding::OptimizeDictionary(const arma::mat& data, const arma::mat& codes, const arma::uvec& adjacencies) { // Count the number of atomic neighbors for each point x^i. arma::uvec neighborCounts = arma::zeros<arma::uvec>(data.n_cols, 1); if (adjacencies.n_elem > 0) { // This gets the column index. Intentional integer division. size_t curPointInd = (size_t) (adjacencies(0) / atoms); size_t nextColIndex = (curPointInd + 1) * atoms; for (size_t l = 1; l < adjacencies.n_elem; ++l) { // If l no longer refers to an element in this column, advance the column // number accordingly. if (adjacencies(l) >= nextColIndex) { curPointInd = (size_t) (adjacencies(l) / atoms); nextColIndex = (curPointInd + 1) * atoms; } ++neighborCounts(curPointInd); } } // Handle the case of inactive atoms (atoms not used in the given coding). std::vector<size_t> inactiveAtoms; for (size_t j = 0; j < atoms; ++j) { if (arma::accu(codes.row(j) != 0) == 0) inactiveAtoms.push_back(j); } const size_t nInactiveAtoms = inactiveAtoms.size(); const size_t nActiveAtoms = atoms - nInactiveAtoms; // Efficient construction of Z restricted to active atoms. arma::mat matActiveZ; if (nInactiveAtoms > 0) { math::RemoveRows(codes, inactiveAtoms, matActiveZ); } if (nInactiveAtoms > 0) { Log::Warn << "There are " << nInactiveAtoms << " inactive atoms. They will be re-initialized randomly.\n"; } Log::Debug << "Solving Dual via Newton's Method.\n"; // Solve using Newton's method in the dual - note that the final dot // multiplication with inv(A) seems to be unavoidable. Although more // expensive, the code written this way (we use solve()) should be more // numerically stable than just using inv(A) for everything. arma::vec dualVars = arma::zeros<arma::vec>(nActiveAtoms); //vec dualVars = 1e-14 * ones<vec>(nActiveAtoms); // Method used by feature sign code - fails miserably here. Perhaps the // MATLAB optimizer fmincon does something clever? //vec dualVars = 10.0 * randu(nActiveAtoms, 1); //vec dualVars = diagvec(solve(dictionary, data * trans(codes)) // - codes * trans(codes)); //for (size_t i = 0; i < dualVars.n_elem; i++) // if (dualVars(i) < 0) // dualVars(i) = 0; bool converged = false; // If we have any inactive atoms, we must construct these differently. arma::mat codesXT; arma::mat codesZT; if (inactiveAtoms.empty()) { codesXT = codes * trans(data); codesZT = codes * trans(codes); } else { codesXT = matActiveZ * trans(data); codesZT = matActiveZ * trans(matActiveZ); } double normGradient = 0; double improvement = 0; for (size_t t = 1; (t != maxIterations) && !converged; ++t) { arma::mat A = codesZT + diagmat(dualVars); arma::mat matAInvZXT = solve(A, codesXT); arma::vec gradient = -arma::sum(arma::square(matAInvZXT), 1); gradient += 1; arma::mat hessian = -(-2 * (matAInvZXT * trans(matAInvZXT)) % inv(A)); arma::vec searchDirection = -solve(hessian, gradient); //printf("%e\n", norm(searchDirection, 2)); // Armijo line search. const double c = 1e-4; double alpha = 1.0; const double rho = 0.9; double sufficientDecrease = c * dot(gradient, searchDirection); // A maxIterations parameter for the Armijo line search may be a good idea, // but it doesn't seem to be causing any problems for now. while (true) { // Calculate objective. double sumDualVars = arma::sum(dualVars); double fOld = -(-trace(trans(codesXT) * matAInvZXT) - sumDualVars); double fNew = -(-trace(trans(codesXT) * solve(codesZT + diagmat(dualVars + alpha * searchDirection), codesXT)) - (sumDualVars + alpha * arma::sum(searchDirection))); if (fNew <= fOld + alpha * sufficientDecrease) { searchDirection = alpha * searchDirection; improvement = fOld - fNew; break; } alpha *= rho; } // Take step and print useful information. dualVars += searchDirection; normGradient = arma::norm(gradient, 2); Log::Debug << "Newton Method iteration " << t << ":" << std::endl; Log::Debug << " Gradient norm: " << std::scientific << normGradient << "." << std::endl; Log::Debug << " Improvement: " << std::scientific << improvement << ".\n"; if (normGradient < newtonTolerance) converged = true; } if (inactiveAtoms.empty()) { // Directly update dictionary. dictionary = trans(solve(codesZT + diagmat(dualVars), codesXT)); } else { arma::mat activeDictionary = trans(solve(codesZT + diagmat(dualVars), codesXT)); // Update all atoms. size_t currentInactiveIndex = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < atoms; ++i) { if (inactiveAtoms[currentInactiveIndex] == i) { // This atom is inactive. Reinitialize it randomly. dictionary.col(i) = (data.col(math::RandInt(data.n_cols)) + data.col(math::RandInt(data.n_cols)) + data.col(math::RandInt(data.n_cols))); dictionary.col(i) /= arma::norm(dictionary.col(i), 2); // Increment inactive index counter. ++currentInactiveIndex; } else { // Update estimate. dictionary.col(i) = activeDictionary.col(i - currentInactiveIndex); } } } return normGradient; }
//' @title Approximation of the tpd of the MWN-OU process in 2D //' //' @description Computation of the transition probability density (tpd) for a MWN-OU diffusion (with diagonal diffusion matrix) //' //' @param x a matrix of dimension \code{c(n, 2)} containing angles. They all must be in \eqn{[\pi,\pi)} so that the truncated wrapping by \code{maxK} windings is able to capture periodicity. //' @param x0 a matrix of of dimension \code{c(n, 2)} containing the starting angles. They all must be in \eqn{[\pi,\pi)}. //' @param t either a scalar or a vector of length \code{n} containing the times separating \code{x} and \code{x0}. If \code{t} is a scalar, a common time is assumed. //' @param alpha vector of length \code{3} parametrizing the \code{A} matrix of the drift of the MWN-OU process in the following codification: //' //' \code{A = rbind(c(alpha[1], alpha[3] * sqrt(sigma[1] / sigma[2])), //' c(alpha[3] * sqrt(sigma[2] / sigma[1]), alpha[2]))}. //' //' This enforces that \code{solve(A) \%*\% diag(sigma)} is symmetric. Positive definiteness is guaranteed if \code{alpha[1] * alpha[2] > alpha[3]^2}. //' The function checks for it and, if violated, resets \code{A} such that \code{solve(A) \%*\% diag(sigma)} is positive definite. //' @param mu a vector of length \code{2} with the mean parameter of the MWN-OU process. //' @param sigma vector of length \code{2} containing the \strong{square root} of the diagonal of \eqn{\Sigma}, the diffusion matrix. //' @param maxK maximum number of winding number considered in the computation of the approximated transition probability density. //' @inheritParams safeSoftMax //' @return A vector of size \code{n} containing the tpd evaluated at \code{x}. //' @author Eduardo Garcia-Portugues (\email{}) //' @examples //' set.seed(345567) //' alpha <- c(2, 1, -1) //' sigma <- c(1.5, 2) //' Sigma <- diag(sigma^2) //' A <- alphaToA(alpha = alpha, sigma = sigma) //' mu <- c(pi, pi) //' x <- t(eulerWn2D(x0 = matrix(c(0, 0), nrow = 1), A = A, mu = mu, //' sigma = sigma, N = 500, delta = 0.1)[1, , ]) //' sum(sapply(1:49, function(i) log(dTpdMwou(x = matrix(x[i + 1, ], ncol = 2), //' x0 = x[i, ], t = 1.5, A = A, //' Sigma = Sigma, mu = mu, K = 2, //' = 2000)))) //' sum(log(dTpdWnOu2D(x = matrix(x[2:50, ], ncol = 2), //' x0 = matrix(x[1:49, ], ncol = 2), t = 1.5, alpha = alpha, //' mu = mu, sigma = sigma))) //' \dontrun{ //' lgrid <- 56 //' grid <- seq(-pi, pi, l = lgrid + 1)[-(lgrid + 1)] //' image(grid, grid, matrix(dTpdMwou(x = as.matrix(expand.grid(grid, grid)), //' x0 = c(0, 0), t = 0.5, A = A, Sigma = Sigma, //' mu = mu, K = 2, = 2000), //' nrow = 56, ncol = 56), zlim = c(0, 0.25), //' main = "dTpdMwou") //' image(grid, grid, matrix(dTpdWnOu2D(x = as.matrix(expand.grid(grid, grid)), //' x0 = matrix(0, nrow = 56^2, ncol = 2), //' t = 0.5, alpha = alpha, sigma = sigma, //' mu = mu), //' nrow = 56, ncol = 56), zlim = c(0, 0.25), //' main = "dTpdWnOu2D") //' //' dr <- driftWn2D(x = as.matrix(expand.grid(grid, grid)), A = A, mu = mu, //' sigma = sigma, maxK = 2, etrunc = 30) //' b1 <- matrix(dr[, 1], nrow = lgrid, ncol = lgrid) //' b2 <- matrix(dr[, 2], nrow = lgrid, ncol = lgrid) //' parms <- list(b1 = b1, b2 = b2, sigma2.1 = Sigma[1, 1], sigma2.2 = Sigma[2, 2], //' len.grid = lgrid, delx = grid[2] - grid[1]) //' image(grid, grid, matrix(tpd.2D(x0i = which.min(2 - 2 * cos(grid - 0)), //' y0i = which.min(2 - 2 * cos(grid - 0)), //' times = seq(0, .5, l = 100), parms = parms, //' method = "lsodes", atol = 1e-10, //' lrw = 7e+07)[100, ], nrow = lgrid, //' ncol = lgrid), //' zlim = c(0, 0.25), main = "tpd.2D") //' //' x <- seq(-pi, pi, l = 100) //' t <- 1 //' image(x, x, matrix(dTpdWnOu2D(x = as.matrix(expand.grid(x, x)), //' x0 = matrix(rep(0, 100 * 2), nrow = 100 * 100, //' ncol = 2), //' t = t, alpha = alpha, mu = mu, sigma = sigma, //' maxK = 2, etrunc = 30), 100, 100), //' zlim = c(0, 0.25)) //' points(stepAheadWn2D(x0 = c(0, 0), delta = t / 500, //' A = alphaToA(alpha = alpha, sigma = sigma), mu = mu, //' sigma = sigma, N = 500, M = 1000, maxK = 2, //' etrunc = 30)) //' } //' @export // [[Rcpp::export]] arma::vec dTpdWnOu2D(arma::mat x, arma::mat x0, arma::vec t, arma::vec alpha, arma::vec mu, arma::vec sigma, int maxK = 2, double etrunc = 30) { /* * Create basic objects */ // Number of pairs int N = x.n_rows; // Create and initialize A double quo = sigma(0) / sigma(1); arma::mat A(2, 2); A(0, 0) = alpha(0); A(1, 1) = alpha(1); A(0, 1) = alpha(2) * quo; A(1, 0) = alpha(2) / quo; // Create and initialize Sigma arma::mat Sigma = diagmat(square(sigma)); // Sequence of winding numbers const int lk = 2 * maxK + 1; arma::vec twokpi = arma::linspace<arma::vec>(-maxK * 2 * M_PI, maxK * 2 * M_PI, lk); // Bivariate vector (2 * K1 * M_PI, 2 * K2 * M_PI) for weighting arma::vec twokepivec(2); // Bivariate vector (2 * K1 * M_PI, 2 * K2 * M_PI) for wrapping arma::vec twokapivec(2); /* * Check if the t is common */ int commonTime; if(t.n_elem == 1){ commonTime = 0; }else if(t.n_elem == N) { commonTime = 1; } else { //stop("Length of t is neither 1 nor N"); std::exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* * Check for symmetry and positive definiteness of A^(-1) * Sigma */ // Only positive definiteness can be violated with the parametrization of A double testalpha = alpha(0) * alpha(1) - alpha(2) * alpha(2); // Check positive definiteness if(testalpha <= 0) { // Update alpha(2) such that testalpha > 0 alpha(2) = std::signbit(alpha(2)) * sqrt(alpha(0) * alpha(1)) * 0.9999; // Reset A to a matrix with positive determinant and continue A(0, 1) = alpha(2) * quo; A(1, 0) = alpha(2) / quo; } // A^(-1) * Sigma arma::mat AInvSigma(2, 2); AInvSigma(0, 0) = alpha(1) * Sigma(0, 0); AInvSigma(0, 1) = -alpha(2) * sigma(0) * sigma(1); AInvSigma(1, 0) = AInvSigma(0, 1); AInvSigma(1, 1) = alpha(0) * Sigma(1, 1); AInvSigma = AInvSigma / (alpha(0) * alpha(1) - alpha(2) * alpha(2)); // Inverse of (1/2 * A^(-1) * Sigma): 2 * Sigma^(-1) * A arma::mat invSigmaA(2, 2); invSigmaA(0, 0) = 2 * alpha(0) / Sigma(0, 0); invSigmaA(0, 1) = 2 * alpha(2) / (sigma(0) * sigma(1)); invSigmaA(1, 0) = invSigmaA(0, 1); invSigmaA(1, 1) = 2 * alpha(1) / Sigma(1, 1); // For normalizing constants double l2pi = log(2 * M_PI); // Log-determinant of invSigmaA (assumed to be positive) double logDetInvSigmaA, sign; arma::log_det(logDetInvSigmaA, sign, invSigmaA); // Log-normalizing constant for the Gaussian with covariance SigmaA double lognormconstSigmaA = -l2pi + logDetInvSigmaA / 2; /* * Computation of Gammat and exp(-t * A) analytically */ // Quantities for computing exp(-t * A) double s = sum(alpha.head(2)) / 2; double q = sqrt(fabs((alpha(0) - s) * (alpha(1) - s) - alpha(2) * alpha(2))); // Avoid indetermination in sinh(q * t) / q when q == 0 if(q == 0){ q = 1e-6; } // s1(-t) and s2(-t) arma::vec est = exp(-s * t); arma::vec eqt = exp(q * t); arma::vec eqtinv = 1 / eqt; arma::vec cqt = (eqt + eqtinv) / 2; arma::vec sqt = (eqt - eqtinv) / (2 * q); arma::vec s1t = est % (cqt + s * sqt); arma::vec s2t = -est % sqt; // s1(-2t) and s2(-2t) est = est % est; eqt = eqt % eqt; eqtinv = eqtinv % eqtinv; cqt = (eqt + eqtinv) / 2; sqt = (eqt - eqtinv) / (2 * q); arma::vec s12t = est % (cqt + s * sqt); arma::vec s22t = -est % sqt; /* * Weights of the winding numbers for each data point */ // We store the weights in a matrix to skip the null later in the computation of the tpd arma::mat weightswindsinitial(N, lk * lk); weightswindsinitial.fill(lognormconstSigmaA); // Loop in the data for(int i = 0; i < N; i++){ // Compute the factors in the exponent that do not depend on the windings arma::vec xmu = x0.row(i).t() - mu; arma::vec xmuinvSigmaA = invSigmaA * xmu; double xmuinvSigmaAxmudivtwo = -dot(xmuinvSigmaA, xmu) / 2; // Loop in the winding weight K1 for(int wek1 = 0; wek1 < lk; wek1++){ // 2 * K1 * M_PI twokepivec(0) = twokpi(wek1); // Compute once the index int wekl1 = wek1 * lk; // Loop in the winding weight K2 for(int wek2 = 0; wek2 < lk; wek2++){ // 2 * K2 * M_PI twokepivec(1) = twokpi(wek2); // Negative exponent weightswindsinitial(i, wekl1 + wek2) += xmuinvSigmaAxmudivtwo - dot(xmuinvSigmaA, twokepivec) - dot(invSigmaA * twokepivec, twokepivec) / 2; } } } // Standardize weights for the tpd weightswindsinitial = safeSoftMax(weightswindsinitial, etrunc); /* * Computation of the tpd: wrapping + weighting */ // The evaluations of the tpd are stored in a vector, no need to keep track of wrappings arma::vec tpdfinal(N); tpdfinal.zeros(); // Variables inside the commonTime if-block arma::mat ExptiA(2, 2), invGammati(2, 2); double logDetInvGammati, lognormconstGammati; // If t is common, compute once if(commonTime == 0){ // Exp(-ti * A) ExptiA = s2t(0) * A; ExptiA.diag() += s1t(0); // Inverse and log-normalizing constant for the Gammat invGammati = 2 * inv_sympd((1 - s12t(0)) * AInvSigma - s22t(0) * Sigma); // Log-determinant of invGammati (assumed to be positive) arma::log_det(logDetInvGammati, sign, invGammati); // Log-normalizing constant for the Gaussian with covariance Gammati lognormconstGammati = -l2pi + logDetInvGammati / 2; } // Loop in the data for(int i = 0; i < N; i++){ // Initial point x0 varying with i arma::vec x00 = x0.row(i).t(); // Evaluation point x varying with i arma::vec xx = x.row(i).t(); // If t is not common if(commonTime != 0){ // Exp(-ti * A) ExptiA = s2t(i) * A; ExptiA.diag() += s1t(i); // Inverse and log-normalizing constant for the Gammati invGammati = 2 * inv_sympd((1 - s12t(i)) * AInvSigma - s22t(i) * Sigma); // Log-determinant of invGammati (assumed to be positive) arma::log_det(logDetInvGammati, sign, invGammati); // Log-normalizing constant for the Gaussian with covariance Gammati lognormconstGammati = -l2pi + logDetInvGammati / 2; } // Common muti arma::vec muti = mu + ExptiA * (x00 - mu); // Loop on the winding weight K1 for(int wek1 = 0; wek1 < lk; wek1++){ // 2 * K1 * M_PI twokepivec(0) = twokpi(wek1); // Compute once the index int wekl1 = wek1 * lk; // Loop on the winding weight K2 for(int wek2 = 0; wek2 < lk; wek2++){ // Skip zero weights if(weightswindsinitial(i, wekl1 + wek2) > 0){ // 2 * K1 * M_PI twokepivec(1) = twokpi(wek2); // Compute the factors in the exponent that do not depend on the windings arma::vec xmuti = xx - muti - ExptiA * twokepivec; arma::vec xmutiInvGammati = invGammati * xmuti; double xmutiInvGammatixmutidiv2 = -dot(xmutiInvGammati, xmuti) / 2; // Loop in the winding wrapping K1 for(int wak1 = 0; wak1 < lk; wak1++){ // 2 * K1 * M_PI twokapivec(0) = twokpi(wak1); // Loop in the winding wrapping K2 for(int wak2 = 0; wak2 < lk; wak2++){ // 2 * K2 * M_PI twokapivec(1) = twokpi(wak2); // Decomposition of the negative exponent double exponent = xmutiInvGammatixmutidiv2 - dot(xmutiInvGammati, twokapivec) - dot(invGammati * twokapivec, twokapivec) / 2 + lognormconstGammati; // Tpd tpdfinal(i) += exp(exponent) * weightswindsinitial(i, wekl1 + wek2); } } } } } } return tpdfinal; }