Beispiel #1
bool XMLElement::SetBuffer(const ea::string& name, const ea::vector<unsigned char>& value)
    if (!value.size())
        return SetAttribute(name, EMPTY_STRING);
        return SetBuffer(name, &value[0], value.size());
Beispiel #2
void Text::ConstructBatch(UIBatch& pageBatch, const ea::vector<GlyphLocation>& pageGlyphLocation, float dx, float dy, Color* color,
    float depthBias)
    unsigned startDataSize = pageBatch.vertexData_->size();

    if (!color)

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < pageGlyphLocation.size(); ++i)
        const GlyphLocation& glyphLocation = pageGlyphLocation[i];
        const FontGlyph& glyph = *glyphLocation.glyph_;
        pageBatch.AddQuad(dx + glyphLocation.x_ + glyph.offsetX_, dy + glyphLocation.y_ + glyph.offsetY_, glyph.width_,
            glyph.height_, glyph.x_, glyph.y_, glyph.texWidth_, glyph.texHeight_);

    if (depthBias != 0.0f)
        unsigned dataSize = pageBatch.vertexData_->size();
        for (unsigned i = startDataSize; i < dataSize; i += UI_VERTEX_SIZE)
            pageBatch.vertexData_->at(i + 2) += depthBias;
Beispiel #3
bool Gizmo::Manipulate(const Camera* camera, const ea::vector<WeakPtr<Node>>& nodes)
    if (nodes.empty())
        return false;


    if (!IsActive())
        if (nodes.size() > 1)
            // Find center point of all nodes
            // It is not clear what should be rotation and scale of center point for multiselection, therefore we limit
            // multiselection operations to world space (see above).
            center = Vector3::ZERO;
            auto count = 0;
            for (const auto& node: nodes)
                if (node.Expired() || node->GetType() == Scene::GetTypeStatic())
                center += node->GetWorldPosition();

            if (count == 0)
                return false;

            center /= count;
        else if (!nodes.front().Expired())
            currentOrigin_ = nodes.front()->GetTransform().ToMatrix4();

    // Enums are compatible.
    auto operation = static_cast<ImGuizmo::OPERATION>(operation_);
    ImGuizmo::MODE mode = ImGuizmo::WORLD;
    // Scaling only works in local space. Multiselections only work in world space.
    if (transformSpace_ == TS_LOCAL)
        mode = ImGuizmo::LOCAL;
    else if (transformSpace_ == TS_WORLD)
        mode = ImGuizmo::WORLD;

    // Scaling is always done in local space even for multiselections.
    if (operation_ == GIZMOOP_SCALE)
        mode = ImGuizmo::LOCAL;
        // Any other operations on multiselections are done in world space.
    else if (nodes.size() > 1)
        mode = ImGuizmo::WORLD;

    Matrix4 view = camera->GetView().ToMatrix4().Transpose();
    Matrix4 proj = camera->GetProjection().Transpose();
    Matrix4 tran = currentOrigin_.Transpose();
    Matrix4 delta;

    ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO();

    auto pos = displayPos_;
    auto size = displaySize_;
    if (size.x == 0 && size.y == 0)
        size = io.DisplaySize;
    ImGuizmo::SetRect(pos.x, pos.y, size.x, size.y);
    ImGuizmo::Manipulate(&view.m00_, &proj.m00_, operation, mode, &tran.m00_, &delta.m00_, nullptr);

    if (IsActive())
        if (!wasActive_)
            // Just started modifying nodes.
            for (const auto& node: nodes)
                initialTransforms_[node] = node->GetTransform();

        wasActive_ = true;
        tran = tran.Transpose();
        delta = delta.Transpose();

        currentOrigin_ = Matrix4(tran);

        for (const auto& node: nodes)
            if (node == nullptr)
                URHO3D_LOGERROR("Gizmo received null pointer of node.");

            if (operation_ == GIZMOOP_SCALE)
                // A workaround for ImGuizmo bug where delta matrix returns absolute scale value.
                if (!nodeScaleStart_.contains(node))
                    nodeScaleStart_[node] = node->GetScale();
                node->SetScale(nodeScaleStart_[node] * delta.Scale());
                // Delta matrix is always in world-space.
                if (operation_ == GIZMOOP_ROTATE)
                    node->RotateAround(currentOrigin_.Translation(), -delta.Rotation(), TS_WORLD);
                    node->Translate(delta.Translation(), TS_WORLD);

        return true;
        if (wasActive_)
            // Just finished modifying nodes.
            using namespace GizmoNodeModified;
            for (const auto& node: nodes)
                if (node.Expired())
                    URHO3D_LOGWARNINGF("Node expired while manipulating it with gizmo.");

                auto it = initialTransforms_.find(node.Get());
                if (it == initialTransforms_.end())
                    URHO3D_LOGWARNINGF("Gizmo has no record of initial node transform. List of transformed nodes "
                        "changed mid-manipulation?");

                SendEvent(E_GIZMONODEMODIFIED, P_NODE, node.Get(), P_OLDTRANSFORM, it->second,
                    P_NEWTRANSFORM, node->GetTransform());
        wasActive_ = false;
        if (operation_ == GIZMOOP_SCALE && !nodeScaleStart_.empty())
    return false;
Beispiel #4
void WriteOutput(const ea::string& outputFileName, bool exportAnimations, bool rotationsOnly, bool saveMaterialList)
    /// \todo Use save functions of Model & Animation classes

    // Begin serialization
        File dest(context_);
        if (!dest.Open(outputFileName, FILE_WRITE))
            ErrorExit("Could not open output file " + outputFileName);

        // ID

        // Vertexbuffers
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < vertexBuffers_.size(); ++i)

        // Indexbuffers
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < indexBuffers_.size(); ++i)

        // Subgeometries
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < subGeometries_.size(); ++i)
            // Write bone mapping info from the first LOD level. It does not change for further LODs
            for (unsigned k = 0; k < subGeometries_[i][0].boneMapping_.size(); ++k)

            // Lod levels for this subgeometry
            for (unsigned j = 0; j < subGeometries_[i].size(); ++j)

        // Morphs
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < morphs_.size(); ++i)

        // Skeleton
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < bones_.size(); ++i)

            Matrix3x4 offsetMatrix(bones_[i].derivedPosition_, bones_[i].derivedRotation_, bones_[i].derivedScale_);
            offsetMatrix = offsetMatrix.Inverse();
            dest.Write(offsetMatrix.Data(), sizeof(Matrix3x4));

            if (bones_[i].collisionMask_ & 1u)
            if (bones_[i].collisionMask_ & 2u)

        // Bounding box

        // Geometry centers
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < subGeometryCenters_.size(); ++i)

    if (saveMaterialList)
        ea::string materialListName = ReplaceExtension(outputFileName, ".txt");
        File listFile(context_);
        if (listFile.Open(materialListName, FILE_WRITE))
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < materialNames_.size(); ++i)
                // Assume the materials will be located inside the standard Materials subdirectory
                listFile.WriteLine("Materials/" + ReplaceExtension(SanitateAssetName(materialNames_[i]), ".xml"));
            PrintLine("Warning: could not write material list file " + materialListName);

    XMLElement skeletonRoot = skelFile_->GetRoot("skeleton");
    if (skeletonRoot && exportAnimations)
        // Go through animations
        XMLElement animationsRoot = skeletonRoot.GetChild("animations");
        if (animationsRoot)
            XMLElement animation = animationsRoot.GetChild("animation");
            while (animation)
                ModelAnimation newAnimation;
                newAnimation.name_ = animation.GetAttribute("name");
                newAnimation.length_ = animation.GetFloat("length");

                XMLElement tracksRoot = animation.GetChild("tracks");
                XMLElement track = tracksRoot.GetChild("track");
                while (track)
                    ea::string trackName = track.GetAttribute("bone");
                    ModelBone* bone = nullptr;
                    for (unsigned i = 0; i < bones_.size(); ++i)
                        if (bones_[i].name_ == trackName)
                            bone = &bones_[i];
                    if (!bone)
                        ErrorExit("Found animation track for unknown bone " + trackName);

                    AnimationTrack newAnimationTrack;
                    newAnimationTrack.name_ = trackName;
                    if (!rotationsOnly)
                        newAnimationTrack.channelMask_ = CHANNEL_POSITION | CHANNEL_ROTATION;
                        newAnimationTrack.channelMask_ = CHANNEL_ROTATION;

                    XMLElement keyFramesRoot = track.GetChild("keyframes");
                    XMLElement keyFrame = keyFramesRoot.GetChild("keyframe");
                    while (keyFrame)
                        AnimationKeyFrame newKeyFrame;

                        // Convert from right- to left-handed
                        XMLElement position = keyFrame.GetChild("translate");
                        float x = position.GetFloat("x");
                        float y = position.GetFloat("y");
                        float z = position.GetFloat("z");
                        Vector3 pos(x, y, -z);

                        XMLElement rotation = keyFrame.GetChild("rotate");
                        XMLElement axis = rotation.GetChild("axis");
                        float angle = -rotation.GetFloat("angle") * M_RADTODEG;
                        x = axis.GetFloat("x");
                        y = axis.GetFloat("y");
                        z = axis.GetFloat("z");
                        Vector3 axisVec(x, y, -z);
                        Quaternion rot(angle, axisVec);

                        // Transform from bind-pose relative into absolute
                        pos = bone->bindPosition_ + pos;
                        rot = bone->bindRotation_ * rot;

                        newKeyFrame.time_ = keyFrame.GetFloat("time");
                        newKeyFrame.position_ = pos;
                        newKeyFrame.rotation_ = rot;

                        keyFrame = keyFrame.GetNext("keyframe");

                    // Make sure keyframes are sorted from beginning to end
                    ea::quick_sort(newAnimationTrack.keyFrames_.begin(), newAnimationTrack.keyFrames_.end(), CompareKeyFrames);

                    // Do not add tracks with no keyframes
                    if (newAnimationTrack.keyFrames_.size())

                    track = track.GetNext("track");

                // Write each animation into a separate file
                ea::string animationFileName = outputFileName.replaced(".mdl", "");
                animationFileName += "_" + newAnimation.name_ + ".ani";

                File dest(context_);
                if (!dest.Open(animationFileName, FILE_WRITE))
                    ErrorExit("Could not open output file " + animationFileName);

                for (unsigned i = 0; i < newAnimation.tracks_.size(); ++i)
                    AnimationTrack& track = newAnimation.tracks_[i];
                    for (unsigned j = 0; j < track.keyFrames_.size(); ++j)
                        AnimationKeyFrame& keyFrame = track.keyFrames_[j];
                        if (track.channelMask_ & CHANNEL_POSITION)
                        if (track.channelMask_ & CHANNEL_ROTATION)
                        if (track.channelMask_ & CHANNEL_SCALE)

                animation = animation.GetNext("animation");
                PrintLine("Processed animation " + newAnimation.name_);
Beispiel #5
void Run(const ea::vector<ea::string>& arguments)
    if (arguments.size() < 2)
            "Usage: OgreImporter <input file> <output file> [options]\n\n"
            "-l      Output a material list file\n"
            "-na     Do not output animations\n"
            "-nm     Do not output morphs\n"
            "-r      Output only rotations from animations\n"
            "-s      Split each submesh into own vertex buffer\n"
            "-t      Generate tangents\n"
            "-mb <x> Maximum number of bones per submesh, default 64\n"

    bool generateTangents = false;
    bool splitSubMeshes = false;
    bool exportAnimations = true;
    bool exportMorphs = true;
    bool rotationsOnly = false;
    bool saveMaterialList = false;

    if (arguments.size() > 2)
        for (unsigned i = 2; i < arguments.size(); ++i)
            if (arguments[i].length() > 1 && arguments[i][0] == '-')
                ea::string argument = arguments[i].substr(1).to_lower();
                if (argument == "l")
                    saveMaterialList = true;
                else if (argument == "r")
                    rotationsOnly = true;
                else if (argument == "s")
                    splitSubMeshes = true;
                else if (argument == "t")
                    generateTangents = true;
                else if (argument.length() == 2 && argument[0] == 'n')
                    switch (tolower(argument[1]))
                    case 'a':
                        exportAnimations = false;

                    case 'm':
                        exportMorphs = false;
                else if (argument == "mb" && i < arguments.size() - 1)
                    maxBones_ = ToUInt(arguments[i + 1]);
                    if (maxBones_ < 1)
                        maxBones_ = 1;

    LoadMesh(arguments[0], generateTangents, splitSubMeshes, exportMorphs);
    WriteOutput(arguments[1], exportAnimations, rotationsOnly, saveMaterialList);

Beispiel #6
void LoadMesh(const ea::string& inputFileName, bool generateTangents, bool splitSubMeshes, bool exportMorphs)
    File meshFileSource(context_);
    if (!meshFile_->Load(meshFileSource))
        ErrorExit("Could not load input file " + inputFileName);

    XMLElement root = meshFile_->GetRoot("mesh");
    XMLElement subMeshes = root.GetChild("submeshes");
    XMLElement skeletonLink = root.GetChild("skeletonlink");
    if (root.IsNull())
        ErrorExit("Could not load input file " + inputFileName);

    ea::string skeletonName = skeletonLink.GetAttribute("name");
    if (!skeletonName.empty())
        LoadSkeleton(GetPath(inputFileName) + GetFileName(skeletonName) + ".skeleton.xml");

    // Check whether there's benefit of avoiding 32bit indices by splitting each submesh into own buffer
    XMLElement subMesh = subMeshes.GetChild("submesh");
    unsigned totalVertices = 0;
    unsigned maxSubMeshVertices = 0;
    while (subMesh)
        XMLElement geometry = subMesh.GetChild("geometry");
        if (geometry)
            unsigned vertices = geometry.GetInt("vertexcount");
            totalVertices += vertices;
            if (maxSubMeshVertices < vertices)
                maxSubMeshVertices = vertices;

        subMesh = subMesh.GetNext("submesh");

    XMLElement sharedGeometry = root.GetChild("sharedgeometry");
    if (sharedGeometry)
        unsigned vertices = sharedGeometry.GetInt("vertexcount");
        totalVertices += vertices;
        if (maxSubMeshVertices < vertices)
            maxSubMeshVertices = vertices;

    if (!sharedGeometry && (splitSubMeshes || (totalVertices > 65535 && maxSubMeshVertices <= 65535)))
        useOneBuffer_ = false;

    subMesh = subMeshes.GetChild("submesh");
    unsigned indexStart = 0;
    unsigned vertexStart = 0;
    unsigned subMeshIndex = 0;

    ea::vector<unsigned> vertexStarts;

    while (subMesh)
        XMLElement geometry = subMesh.GetChild("geometry");
        XMLElement faces = subMesh.GetChild("faces");

        // If no submesh vertexbuffer, process the shared geometry, but do it only once
        unsigned vertices = 0;
        if (!geometry)
            vertexStart = 0;
            if (!subMeshIndex)
                geometry = root.GetChild("sharedgeometry");

        if (geometry)
            vertices = geometry.GetInt("vertexcount");

        ModelSubGeometryLodLevel subGeometryLodLevel;
        ModelVertexBuffer* vBuf;
        ModelIndexBuffer* iBuf;

        if (useOneBuffer_)
            vBuf = &vertexBuffers_[0];
            if (vertices)
                vBuf->vertices_.resize(vertexStart + vertices);
            iBuf = &indexBuffers_[0];

            subGeometryLodLevel.vertexBuffer_ = 0;
            subGeometryLodLevel.indexBuffer_ = 0;
            vertexStart = 0;
            indexStart = 0;

            vBuf = &vertexBuffers_[subMeshIndex];
            iBuf = &indexBuffers_[subMeshIndex];

            subGeometryLodLevel.vertexBuffer_ = subMeshIndex;
            subGeometryLodLevel.indexBuffer_ = subMeshIndex;

        // Store the start vertex for later use
        vertexStarts[subMeshIndex] = vertexStart;

        // Ogre may have multiple buffers in one submesh. These will be merged into one
        XMLElement bufferDef;
        if (geometry)
            bufferDef = geometry.GetChild("vertexbuffer");

        while (bufferDef)
            if (bufferDef.HasAttribute("positions"))
                vBuf->elementMask_ |= MASK_POSITION;
            if (bufferDef.HasAttribute("normals"))
                vBuf->elementMask_ |= MASK_NORMAL;
            if (bufferDef.HasAttribute("texture_coords"))
                vBuf->elementMask_ |= MASK_TEXCOORD1;
                if (bufferDef.GetInt("texture_coords") > 1)
                    vBuf->elementMask_ |= MASK_TEXCOORD2;

            unsigned vertexNum = vertexStart;
            if (vertices)
                XMLElement vertex = bufferDef.GetChild("vertex");
                while (vertex)
                    XMLElement position = vertex.GetChild("position");
                    if (position)
                        // Convert from right- to left-handed
                        float x = position.GetFloat("x");
                        float y = position.GetFloat("y");
                        float z = position.GetFloat("z");
                        Vector3 vec(x, y, -z);

                        vBuf->vertices_[vertexNum].position_ = vec;
                    XMLElement normal = vertex.GetChild("normal");
                    if (normal)
                        // Convert from right- to left-handed
                        float x = normal.GetFloat("x");
                        float y = normal.GetFloat("y");
                        float z = normal.GetFloat("z");
                        Vector3 vec(x, y, -z);

                        vBuf->vertices_[vertexNum].normal_ = vec;
                    XMLElement uv = vertex.GetChild("texcoord");
                    if (uv)
                        float x = uv.GetFloat("u");
                        float y = uv.GetFloat("v");
                        Vector2 vec(x, y);

                        vBuf->vertices_[vertexNum].texCoord1_ = vec;

                        if (vBuf->elementMask_ & MASK_TEXCOORD2)
                            uv = uv.GetNext("texcoord");
                            if (uv)
                                float x = uv.GetFloat("u");
                                float y = uv.GetFloat("v");
                                Vector2 vec(x, y);

                                vBuf->vertices_[vertexNum].texCoord2_ = vec;

                    vertex = vertex.GetNext("vertex");

            bufferDef = bufferDef.GetNext("vertexbuffer");

        unsigned triangles = faces.GetInt("count");
        unsigned indices = triangles * 3;

        XMLElement triangle = faces.GetChild("face");
        while (triangle)
            unsigned v1 = triangle.GetInt("v1");
            unsigned v2 = triangle.GetInt("v2");
            unsigned v3 = triangle.GetInt("v3");
            iBuf->indices_.push_back(v3 + vertexStart);
            iBuf->indices_.push_back(v2 + vertexStart);
            iBuf->indices_.push_back(v1 + vertexStart);
            triangle = triangle.GetNext("face");

        subGeometryLodLevel.indexStart_ = indexStart;
        subGeometryLodLevel.indexCount_ = indices;
        if (vertexStart + vertices > 65535)
            iBuf->indexSize_ = sizeof(unsigned);

        XMLElement boneAssignments = subMesh.GetChild("boneassignments");
        if (bones_.size())
            if (boneAssignments)
                XMLElement boneAssignment = boneAssignments.GetChild("vertexboneassignment");
                while (boneAssignment)
                    unsigned vertex = boneAssignment.GetInt("vertexindex") + vertexStart;
                    unsigned bone = boneAssignment.GetInt("boneindex");
                    float weight = boneAssignment.GetFloat("weight");

                    BoneWeightAssignment assign{static_cast<unsigned char>(bone), weight};
                    // Source data might have 0 weights. Disregard these
                    if (assign.weight_ > 0.0f)

                        // Require skinning weight to be sufficiently large before vertex contributes to bone hitbox
                        if (assign.weight_ > 0.33f)
                            // Check distance of vertex from bone to get bone max. radius information
                            Vector3 bonePos = bones_[bone].derivedPosition_;
                            Vector3 vertexPos = vBuf->vertices_[vertex].position_;
                            float distance = (bonePos - vertexPos).Length();
                            if (distance > bones_[bone].radius_)
                                bones_[bone].collisionMask_ |= 1;
                                bones_[bone].radius_ = distance;
                            // Build the hitbox for the bone
                            bones_[bone].boundingBox_.Merge(bones_[bone].inverseWorldTransform_ * (vertexPos));
                            bones_[bone].collisionMask_ |= 2;
                    boneAssignment = boneAssignment.GetNext("vertexboneassignment");

            if ((subGeometryLodLevel.boneWeights_.size()) && bones_.size())
                vBuf->elementMask_ |= MASK_BLENDWEIGHTS | MASK_BLENDINDICES;
                bool sorted = false;

                // If amount of bones is larger than supported by HW skinning, must remap per submesh
                if (bones_.size() > maxBones_)
                    ea::unordered_map<unsigned, unsigned> usedBoneMap;
                    unsigned remapIndex = 0;
                    for (auto i = subGeometryLodLevel.boneWeights_.begin(); i !=
                        subGeometryLodLevel.boneWeights_.end(); ++i)
                        // Sort the bone assigns by weight
                        ea::quick_sort(i->second.begin(), i->second.end(), CompareWeights);

                        // Use only the first 4 weights
                        for (unsigned j = 0; j < i->second.size() && j < 4; ++j)
                            unsigned originalIndex = i->second[j].boneIndex_;
                            if (!usedBoneMap.contains(originalIndex))
                                usedBoneMap[originalIndex] = remapIndex;
                            i->second[j].boneIndex_ = usedBoneMap[originalIndex];

                    // If still too many bones in one subgeometry, error
                    if (usedBoneMap.size() > maxBones_)
                        ErrorExit("Too many bones (limit " + ea::to_string(maxBones_) + ") in submesh " + ea::to_string(subMeshIndex + 1));

                    // Write mapping of vertex buffer bone indices to original bone indices
                    for (auto j = usedBoneMap.begin(); j != usedBoneMap.end(); ++j)
                        subGeometryLodLevel.boneMapping_[j->second] = j->first;

                    sorted = true;

                for (auto i = subGeometryLodLevel.boneWeights_.begin(); i != subGeometryLodLevel.boneWeights_.end(); ++i)
                    // Sort the bone assigns by weight, if not sorted yet in bone remapping pass
                    if (!sorted)
                        ea::quick_sort(i->second.begin(), i->second.end(), CompareWeights);

                    float totalWeight = 0.0f;
                    float normalizationFactor = 0.0f;

                    // Calculate normalization factor in case there are more than 4 blend weights, or they do not add up to 1
                    for (unsigned j = 0; j < i->second.size() && j < 4; ++j)
                        totalWeight += i->second[j].weight_;
                    if (totalWeight > 0.0f)
                        normalizationFactor = 1.0f / totalWeight;

                    for (unsigned j = 0; j < i->second.size() && j < 4; ++j)
                        vBuf->vertices_[i->first].blendIndices_[j] = i->second[j].boneIndex_;
                        vBuf->vertices_[i->first].blendWeights_[j] = i->second[j].weight_ * normalizationFactor;

                    // If there are less than 4 blend weights, fill rest with zero
                    for (unsigned j = i->second.size(); j < 4; ++j)
                        vBuf->vertices_[i->first].blendIndices_[j] = 0;
                        vBuf->vertices_[i->first].blendWeights_[j] = 0.0f;

                    vBuf->vertices_[i->first].hasBlendWeights_ = true;
        else if (boneAssignments)
            PrintLine("No skeleton loaded, skipping skinning information");

        // Calculate center for the subgeometry
        Vector3 center = Vector3::ZERO;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < iBuf->indices_.size(); i += 3)
            center += vBuf->vertices_[iBuf->indices_[i]].position_;
            center += vBuf->vertices_[iBuf->indices_[i + 1]].position_;
            center += vBuf->vertices_[iBuf->indices_[i + 2]].position_;
        if (iBuf->indices_.size())
            center /= (float) iBuf->indices_.size();

        indexStart += indices;
        vertexStart += vertices;

        OptimizeIndices(&subGeometryLodLevel, vBuf, iBuf);

        PrintLine("Processed submesh " + ea::to_string(subMeshIndex + 1) + ": " + ea::to_string(vertices) + " vertices " +
            ea::to_string(triangles) + " triangles");
        ea::vector<ModelSubGeometryLodLevel> thisSubGeometry;

        subMesh = subMesh.GetNext("submesh");

    // Process LOD levels, if any
    XMLElement lods = root.GetChild("levelofdetail");
    if (lods)
            // For now, support only generated LODs, where the vertices are the same
            XMLElement lod = lods.GetChild("lodgenerated");
            while (lod)
                float distance = M_EPSILON;
                if (lod.HasAttribute("fromdepthsquared"))
                    distance = sqrtf(lod.GetFloat("fromdepthsquared"));
                if (lod.HasAttribute("value"))
                    distance = lod.GetFloat("value");
                XMLElement lodSubMesh = lod.GetChild("lodfacelist");
                while (lodSubMesh)
                    unsigned subMeshIndex = lodSubMesh.GetInt("submeshindex");
                    unsigned triangles = lodSubMesh.GetInt("numfaces");

                    ModelSubGeometryLodLevel newLodLevel;
                    ModelSubGeometryLodLevel& originalLodLevel = subGeometries_[subMeshIndex][0];

                    // Copy all initial values
                    newLodLevel = originalLodLevel;

                    ModelVertexBuffer* vBuf;
                    ModelIndexBuffer* iBuf;

                    if (useOneBuffer_)
                        vBuf = &vertexBuffers_[0];
                        iBuf = &indexBuffers_[0];
                        vBuf = &vertexBuffers_[subMeshIndex];
                        iBuf = &indexBuffers_[subMeshIndex];

                    unsigned indexStart = iBuf->indices_.size();
                    unsigned indexCount = triangles * 3;
                    unsigned vertexStart = vertexStarts[subMeshIndex];

                    newLodLevel.distance_ = distance;
                    newLodLevel.indexStart_ = indexStart;
                    newLodLevel.indexCount_ = indexCount;

                    // Append indices to the original index buffer
                    XMLElement triangle = lodSubMesh.GetChild("face");
                    while (triangle)
                        unsigned v1 = triangle.GetInt("v1");
                        unsigned v2 = triangle.GetInt("v2");
                        unsigned v3 = triangle.GetInt("v3");
                        iBuf->indices_.push_back(v3 + vertexStart);
                        iBuf->indices_.push_back(v2 + vertexStart);
                        iBuf->indices_.push_back(v1 + vertexStart);
                        triangle = triangle.GetNext("face");

                    OptimizeIndices(&newLodLevel, vBuf, iBuf);

                    PrintLine("Processed LOD level for submesh " + ea::to_string(subMeshIndex + 1) + ": distance " + ea::to_string(distance));

                    lodSubMesh = lodSubMesh.GetNext("lodfacelist");
                lod = lod.GetNext("lodgenerated");
        catch (...) {}

    // Process poses/morphs
    // First find out all pose definitions
    if (exportMorphs)
            ea::vector<XMLElement> poses;
            XMLElement posesRoot = root.GetChild("poses");
            if (posesRoot)
                XMLElement pose = posesRoot.GetChild("pose");
                while (pose)
                    pose = pose.GetNext("pose");

            // Then process animations using the poses
            XMLElement animsRoot = root.GetChild("animations");
            if (animsRoot)
                XMLElement anim = animsRoot.GetChild("animation");
                while (anim)
                    ea::string name = anim.GetAttribute("name");
                    float length = anim.GetFloat("length");
                    ea::hash_set<unsigned> usedPoses;
                    XMLElement tracks = anim.GetChild("tracks");
                    if (tracks)
                        XMLElement track = tracks.GetChild("track");
                        while (track)
                            XMLElement keyframes = track.GetChild("keyframes");
                            if (keyframes)
                                XMLElement keyframe = keyframes.GetChild("keyframe");
                                while (keyframe)
                                    float time = keyframe.GetFloat("time");
                                    XMLElement poseref = keyframe.GetChild("poseref");
                                    // Get only the end pose
                                    if (poseref && time == length)

                                    keyframe = keyframe.GetNext("keyframe");
                            track = track.GetNext("track");

                    if (usedPoses.size())
                        ModelMorph newMorph;
                        newMorph.name_ = name;

                        if (useOneBuffer_)

                        unsigned bufIndex = 0;

                        for (auto i = usedPoses.begin(); i != usedPoses.end(); ++i)
                            XMLElement pose = poses[*i];
                            unsigned targetSubMesh = pose.GetInt("index");
                            XMLElement poseOffset = pose.GetChild("poseoffset");

                            if (useOneBuffer_)
                                newMorph.buffers_[bufIndex].vertexBuffer_ = 0;
                                newMorph.buffers_[bufIndex].vertexBuffer_ = targetSubMesh;

                            newMorph.buffers_[bufIndex].elementMask_ = MASK_POSITION;

                            ModelVertexBuffer* vBuf = &vertexBuffers_[newMorph.buffers_[bufIndex].vertexBuffer_];

                            while (poseOffset)
                                // Convert from right- to left-handed
                                unsigned vertexIndex = poseOffset.GetInt("index") + vertexStarts[targetSubMesh];
                                float x = poseOffset.GetFloat("x");
                                float y = poseOffset.GetFloat("y");
                                float z = poseOffset.GetFloat("z");
                                Vector3 vec(x, y, -z);

                                if (vBuf->morphCount_ == 0)
                                    vBuf->morphStart_ = vertexIndex;
                                    vBuf->morphCount_ = 1;
                                    unsigned first = vBuf->morphStart_;
                                    unsigned last = first + vBuf->morphCount_ - 1;
                                    if (vertexIndex < first)
                                        first = vertexIndex;
                                    if (vertexIndex > last)
                                        last = vertexIndex;
                                    vBuf->morphStart_ = first;
                                    vBuf->morphCount_ = last - first + 1;

                                ModelVertex newVertex;
                                newVertex.position_ = vec;
                                newMorph.buffers_[bufIndex].vertices_.push_back(ea::make_pair(vertexIndex, newVertex));
                                poseOffset = poseOffset.GetNext("poseoffset");

                            if (!useOneBuffer_)
                        PrintLine("Processed morph " + name + " with " + ea::to_string(usedPoses.size()) + " sub-poses");

                    anim = anim.GetNext("animation");
        catch (...) {}

    // Check any of the buffers for vertices with missing blend weight assignments
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < vertexBuffers_.size(); ++i)
        if (vertexBuffers_[i].elementMask_ & MASK_BLENDWEIGHTS)
            for (unsigned j = 0; j < vertexBuffers_[i].vertices_.size(); ++j)
                if (!vertexBuffers_[i].vertices_[j].hasBlendWeights_)
                    ErrorExit("Found a vertex with missing skinning information");

    // Tangent generation
    if (generateTangents)
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < subGeometries_.size(); ++i)
            for (unsigned j = 0; j < subGeometries_[i].size(); ++j)
                ModelVertexBuffer& vBuf = vertexBuffers_[subGeometries_[i][j].vertexBuffer_];
                ModelIndexBuffer& iBuf = indexBuffers_[subGeometries_[i][j].indexBuffer_];
                unsigned indexStart = subGeometries_[i][j].indexStart_;
                unsigned indexCount = subGeometries_[i][j].indexCount_;

                // If already has tangents, do not regenerate
                if (vBuf.elementMask_ & MASK_TANGENT || vBuf.vertices_.empty() || iBuf.indices_.empty())

                vBuf.elementMask_ |= MASK_TANGENT;

                if ((vBuf.elementMask_ & (MASK_POSITION | MASK_NORMAL | MASK_TEXCOORD1)) != (MASK_POSITION | MASK_NORMAL |
                    ErrorExit("To generate tangents, positions normals and texcoords are required");

                GenerateTangents(&vBuf.vertices_[0], sizeof(ModelVertex), &iBuf.indices_[0], sizeof(unsigned), indexStart,
                    indexCount, offsetof(ModelVertex, normal_), offsetof(ModelVertex, texCoord1_), offsetof(ModelVertex,

                PrintLine("Generated tangents");
Beispiel #7
void LoadSkeleton(const ea::string& skeletonFileName)
    // Process skeleton first (if found)
    XMLElement skeletonRoot;
    File skeletonFileSource(context_);
    if (!skelFile_->Load(skeletonFileSource))
        PrintLine("Failed to load skeleton " + skeletonFileName);
    skeletonRoot = skelFile_->GetRoot();

    if (skeletonRoot)
        XMLElement bonesRoot = skeletonRoot.GetChild("bones");
        XMLElement bone = bonesRoot.GetChild("bone");
        while (bone)
            unsigned index = bone.GetInt("id");
            ea::string name = bone.GetAttribute("name");
            if (index >= bones_.size())
                bones_.resize(index + 1);

            // Convert from right- to left-handed
            XMLElement position = bone.GetChild("position");
            float x = position.GetFloat("x");
            float y = position.GetFloat("y");
            float z = position.GetFloat("z");
            Vector3 pos(x, y, -z);

            XMLElement rotation = bone.GetChild("rotation");
            XMLElement axis = rotation.GetChild("axis");
            float angle = -rotation.GetFloat("angle") * M_RADTODEG;
            x = axis.GetFloat("x");
            y = axis.GetFloat("y");
            z = axis.GetFloat("z");
            Vector3 axisVec(x, y, -z);
            Quaternion rot(angle, axisVec);

            bones_[index].name_ = name;
            bones_[index].parentIndex_ = index; // Fill in the correct parent later
            bones_[index].bindPosition_ = pos;
            bones_[index].bindRotation_ = rot;
            bones_[index].bindScale_ = Vector3::ONE;
            bones_[index].collisionMask_ = 0;
            bones_[index].radius_ = 0.0f;

            bone = bone.GetNext("bone");

        // Go through the bone hierarchy
        XMLElement boneHierarchy = skeletonRoot.GetChild("bonehierarchy");
        XMLElement boneParent = boneHierarchy.GetChild("boneparent");
        while (boneParent)
            ea::string bone = boneParent.GetAttribute("bone");
            ea::string parent = boneParent.GetAttribute("parent");
            unsigned i = 0, j = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < bones_.size() && bones_[i].name_ != bone; ++i);
            for (j = 0; j < bones_.size() && bones_[j].name_ != parent; ++j);

            if (i >= bones_.size() || j >= bones_.size())
                ErrorExit("Found indeterminate parent bone assignment");
            bones_[i].parentIndex_ = j;

            boneParent = boneParent.GetNext("boneparent");

        // Calculate bone derived positions
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < bones_.size(); ++i)
            Vector3 derivedPosition = bones_[i].bindPosition_;
            Quaternion derivedRotation = bones_[i].bindRotation_;
            Vector3 derivedScale = bones_[i].bindScale_;

            unsigned index = bones_[i].parentIndex_;
            if (index != i)
                for (;;)
                    derivedPosition = bones_[index].bindPosition_ + (bones_[index].bindRotation_ * (bones_[index].bindScale_ * derivedPosition));
                    derivedRotation = bones_[index].bindRotation_ * derivedRotation;
                    derivedScale = bones_[index].bindScale_ * derivedScale;
                    if (bones_[index].parentIndex_ != index)
                        index = bones_[index].parentIndex_;

            bones_[i].derivedPosition_ = derivedPosition;
            bones_[i].derivedRotation_ = derivedRotation;
            bones_[i].derivedScale_ = derivedScale;
            bones_[i].worldTransform_ = Matrix3x4(derivedPosition, derivedRotation, derivedScale);
            bones_[i].inverseWorldTransform_ = bones_[i].worldTransform_.Inverse();

        PrintLine("Processed skeleton");
Beispiel #8
void VectorBuffer::SetData(const ea::vector<unsigned char>& data)
    buffer_ = data;
    position_ = 0;
    size_ = data.size();